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《Current biology : CB》2014,24(23):2861-2867
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Cdc7p-Dbf4p is a conserved protein kinase required for the initiation of DNA replication. The Dbf4p regulatory subunit binds Cdc7p and is essential for Cdc7p kinase activation, however, the N-terminal third of Dbf4p is dispensable for its essential replication activities. Here, we define a short N-terminal Dbf4p region that targets Cdc7p-Dbf4p kinase to Cdc5p, the single Polo kinase in budding yeast that regulates mitotic progression and cytokinesis. Dbf4p mediates an interaction with the Polo substrate-binding domain to inhibit its essential role during mitosis. Although Dbf4p does not inhibit Polo kinase activity, it nonetheless inhibits Polo-mediated activation of the mitotic exit network (MEN), presumably by altering Polo substrate targeting. In addition, although dbf4 mutants defective for interaction with Polo transit S-phase normally, they aberrantly segregate chromosomes following nuclear misorientation. Therefore, Cdc7p-Dbf4p prevents inappropriate exit from mitosis by inhibiting Polo kinase and functions in the spindle position checkpoint.  相似文献   

The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) is a quality control device to ensure accurate chromosome attachment to spindle microtubule for equal segregation of sister chromatid. Aurora B is essential for SAC function by sensing chromosome bi-orientation via spatial regulation of kinetochore substrates. However, it has remained elusive as to how Aurora B couples kinetochore-microtubule attachment to SAC signaling. Here, we show that Hec1 interacts with Mps1 and specifies its kinetochore localization via its calponin homology (CH) domain and N-terminal 80 amino acids. Interestingly, phosphorylation of the Hec1 by Aurora B weakens its interaction with microtubules but promotes Hec1 binding to Mps1. Significantly, the temporal regulation of Hec1 phosphorylation orchestrates kinetochore-microtubule attachment and Mps1 loading to the kinetochore. Persistent expression of phosphomimetic Hec1 mutant induces a hyperactivation of SAC, suggesting that phosphorylation-elicited Hec1 conformational change is used as a switch to orchestrate SAC activation to concurrent destabilization of aberrant kinetochore attachment. Taken together, these results define a novel role for Aurora B-Hec1-Mps1 signaling axis in governing accurate chromosome segregation in mitosis.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2019,29(12):1999-2008.e4
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Aurora B kinase (AURKB) is the catalytic subunit of the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC), an essential regulator of chromosome segregation. In mitosis, the CPC is required to regulate kinetochore microtubule (K-MT) attachments, the spindle assembly checkpoint, and cytokinesis. Germ cells express an AURKB homolog, AURKC, which can also function in the CPC. Separation of AURKB and AURKC function during meiosis in oocytes by conventional approaches has not been successful. Therefore, the meiotic function of AURKC is still not fully understood. Here, we describe an ATP-binding-pocket-AURKC mutant, that when expressed in mouse oocytes specifically perturbs AURKC-CPC and not AURKB-CPC function. Using this mutant we show for the first time that AURKC has functions that do not overlap with AURKB. These functions include regulating localized CPC activity and regulating chromosome alignment and K-MT attachments at metaphase of meiosis I (Met I). We find that AURKC-CPC is not the sole CPC complex that regulates the spindle assembly checkpoint in meiosis, and as a result most AURKC-perturbed oocytes arrest at Met I. A small subset of oocytes do proceed through cytokinesis normally, suggesting that AURKC-CPC is not the sole CPC complex during telophase I. But, the resulting eggs are aneuploid, indicating that AURKC is a critical regulator of meiotic chromosome segregation in female gametes. Taken together, these data suggest that mammalian oocytes contain AURKC to efficiently execute meiosis I and ensure high-quality eggs necessary for sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster Polo and its human orthologue Polo-like kinase 1 fulfill essential roles during cell division. Members of the Polo-like kinase (Plk) family contain an N-terminal kinase domain (KD) and a C-terminal Polo-Box domain (PBD), which mediates protein interactions. How Plks are regulated in cytokinesis is poorly understood. Here we show that phosphorylation of Polo by Aurora B is required for cytokinesis. This phosphorylation in the activation loop of the KD promotes the dissociation of Polo from the PBD-bound microtubule-associated protein Map205, which acts as an allosteric inhibitor of Polo kinase activity. This mechanism allows the release of active Polo from microtubules of the central spindle and its recruitment to the site of cytokinesis. Failure in Polo phosphorylation results in both early and late cytokinesis defects. Importantly, the antagonistic regulation of Polo by Aurora B and Map205 in cytokinesis reveals that interdomain allosteric mechanisms can play important roles in controlling the cellular functions of Plks.  相似文献   

The hyper-gene conversion srs2-101 mutation of the SRS2 DNA helicase gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been reported to suppress the UV sensitivity of rad18 mutants. New alleles of SRS2 were recovered using this suppressor phenotype. The alleles have been characterized with respect to suppression of rad18 UV sensitivity, hyperrecombination, reduction of meiotic viability, and definition of the mutational change within the SRS2 gene. Variability in the degree of rad18 suppression and hyperrecombination were found. The alleles that showed the severest effects were found to be missense mutations within the consensus domains of the DNA helicase family of proteins. The effect of mutations in domains I (ATP-binding) and V (proposed DNA binding) are reported. Some alleles of SRS2 reduce spore viability to 50% of wild-type levels. This phenotype is not bypassed by spo13 mutation. Although the srs2 homozygous diploids strains undergo normal commitment to meiotic recombination, this event is delayed by several hours in the mutant strains and the strains appear to stall in the progression from meiosis I to meiosis II.  相似文献   

Microtubule plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs) control microtubule dynamics in fundamental processes such as cell cycle, intracellular transport, and cell motility, but how +TIPs are regulated during mitosis remains largely unclear. Here we show that the endogenous end-binding protein family EB3 is stable during mitosis, facilitates cell cycle progression at prometaphase, and then is down-regulated during the transition to G1 phase. The ubiquitin-protein isopeptide ligase SIAH-1 facilitates EB3 polyubiquitination and subsequent proteasome-mediated degradation, whereas SIAH-1 knockdown increases EB3 stability and steady-state levels. Two mitotic kinases, Aurora-A and Aurora-B, phosphorylate endogenous EB3 at Ser-176, and the phosphorylation triggers disruption of the EB3-SIAH-1 complex, resulting in EB3 stabilization during mitosis. Our results provide new insight into a regulatory mechanism of +TIPs in cell cycle transition.Microtubule dynamics are essential in many cellular processes, including cell motility, intracellular transport, accurate mitosis, and cytokinesis in all eukaryotes. The regulatory factors for microtubule dynamics can be classified into two main types as follows: microtubule-destabilizing proteins, such as stathmin/Op18 (1) and the Kinesin-13 family (also known as MCAK/KIF2 family) (2), and microtubule-stabilizing proteins, the classic superfamily of microtubule-associated proteins (3). Additionally, the plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs)3 have recently been identified; this family specifically accumulates at the ends of growing microtubules and regulates the microtubule plus-end targeting to the cell cortex or mitotic kinetochores (4, 5).The EB1 family is a member of the +TIPs family and consists of three homologs in mammals: EB1, EB2/RP1 (henceforth, EB2), and EB3 (6). As EB1 was originally identified as a protein that interacts with the well characterized tumor suppressor adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) protein (7), the function of EB1 has been investigated extensively. EB1 interacts with other +TIPs, including APC, p150glued, CLIPs, and CLASP1/2, and the interaction network controls microtubule orientation and microtubule-cortex interaction during cell migration (5, 8, 9). EB1 functions not only in the regulation of interphase microtubule dynamics but also in mitotic spindle regulation. For accurate chromosomal segregation, sister chromatids become aligned to the metaphase plate during metaphase, and the alignment requires spindle-kinetochore attachment. Two models have been proposed; in the first, termed the “search-and-capture” model, EB1 localized at the growing microtubule plus-ends searches for binding partners located on kinetochores (10, 11). In the second model proposed recently, EB1 makes kinetochore fibers and centrosomal microtubules connect, and it is essential for the formation of a functional bipolar spindle (12). Thus, EB1 is thought to be a master controller of microtubule plus-ends; however, little is known about other EB1 family members. Given that EB3 is localized on the microtubule network and binds to APC and CLIPs identically to EB1, it is possible that EB3 acts as an EB1 analog in cells (1315).Cell division is precisely regulated by several post-translational modifications of proteins, mainly reversible phosphorylation and ubiquitination, which is followed by degradation. Accurate mitotic phase progression requires the appropriate phosphorylation of various proteins by mitotic kinases (16, 17). One of the key mitotic kinases is the Aurora family that has been highly conserved from yeast to humans. There are three homologs (Aurora-A, -B, and -C) in human and mouse (18). Although their homology at the protein level is more than 84%, their functions and subcellular localizations are distinct. Aurora-A is located in the centrosomes and spindle and is required for mitotic entry, centrosome maturation/separation, and spindle assembly (19). Aurora-B is a chromosomal passenger protein that localizes on the inner centromere of the chromosomes until metaphase to regulate the spindle-kinetochore attachment, and from anaphase, it translocates to the central spindle and then accumulates in the midbody for cytokinesis (20, 21). The numerous substrates of the Aurora family include regulatory factors for microtubule dynamics, such as the microtubule-destabilizing proteins MCAK and stathmin, which help to establish the bipolar attachment and spindle assembly, respectively (2224). It is possible that the Aurora family regulates the EB1 family by phosphorylation.In this study, we performed yeast two-hybrid screening and obtained the EB1 yeast homolog Bim1 as a protein that interacts with Ipl1, a yeast counterpart of Aurora. Here we demonstrate the novel regulatory mechanisms of EB3 by two cell cycle-dependent post-translational modifications, phosphorylation and ubiquitin-proteasome-mediated degradation.  相似文献   

Semi-dominant mutants displaying greatly elevated (up to 200-fold above control) levels of spontaneous mitotic recombination have been isolated in a disomic haploid strain of yeast heteroallelic at the arg4 locus. They are designated by the symbol MIC. The mutants variously exhibit associated sensitivity to UV and ionizing radiation and to methyl methanesulfonate, enhanced UV-induced mitotic recombination, and enhanced spontaneous forward mutation rates. Possible enzyme defects and involvement in repair and editing of DNA are discussed. The mutants are expected to simplify the analysis of recombination pathways in yeast.  相似文献   

A. Gysler-Junker  Z. Bodi    J. Kohli 《Genetics》1991,128(3):495-504
A haploid Schizosaccharomyces pombe strain carrying a heteroallelic duplication of the ade6 gene was used to isolate mitotic recombination-deficient mutants. Recombination between the different copies of the ade6 gene can lead to Ade+ segregants. These are observed as growing papillae when colonies of a suitable size are replicated onto selective medium. We isolated mutants which show an altered papillation phenotype. With two exceptions, they exhibit a decrease in the frequency of mitotic recombination between the heteroalleles of the duplication. The two other mutants display a hyper-recombination phenotype. The 12 mutations were allocated to at least nine distinct loci by recombination tests. Of the eight rec mutants analyzed further, six were also affected in mitotic intergenic recombination in the intervals cen2-mat or cen3-arg 1. No effect on mitotic intragenic recombination was observed. These data suggest that mitotic gene conversion and crossing over can be separated mutationally. Meiotic recombination occurs at the wild-type frequency in all mutants investigated.  相似文献   

Endosomal trafficking of receptors and associated proteins plays a critical role in signal processing. Until recently, it was thought that trafficking was shut down during cell division. Thus, remarkably, the regulation of trafficking during division remains poorly characterized. Here we delineate the role of mitotic kinases in receptor trafficking during asymmetric division. Targeted perturbations reveal that Cyclin-dependent Kinase 1 (CDK1) and Aurora Kinase promote storage of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptors (FGFRs) by suppressing endosomal degradation and recycling pathways. As cells progress through metaphase, loss of CDK1 activity permits differential degradation and targeted recycling of stored receptors, leading to asymmetric induction. Mitotic receptor storage, as delineated in this study, may facilitate rapid reestablishment of signaling competence in nascent daughter cells. However, mutations that limit or enhance the release of stored signaling components could alter daughter cell fate or behavior thereby promoting oncogenesis.

This study provides fundamental insights into the crosstalk between cell division and signaling, with implications for cancer. High-resolution in vivo analysis reveals that dividing cells sequester signal receptor proteins into internal compartments; stored receptors are then redistributed as cells complete division.  相似文献   

In an effort to discover Aurora kinase inhibitors, an HTS hit revealed an amide containing pyrrolopyrimidine compound. Replacement of the pyrrolopyrimidine residue with a thienopyrimidine moiety led to a series of potent and selective Aurora inhibitors.  相似文献   

Control of Mitotic Events by Nap1 and the Gin4 Kinase   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
Little is known about the pathways used by cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases to induce the events of the cell cycle. In budding yeast, a protein called Nap1 binds to the mitotic cyclin Clb2, and Nap1 is required for the ability of Clb2 to induce specific mitotic events, but the role played by Nap1 is unclear. We have used genetic and biochemical approaches to identify additional proteins that function with Nap1 in the control of mitotic events. These approaches have both identified a protein kinase called Gin4 that is required for the ability of Clb2 and Nap1 to promote the switch from polar to isotropic bud growth that normally occurs during mitosis. Gin4 is also required for the ability of Clb2 and Nap1 to promote normal progression through mitosis. The Gin4 protein becomes phosphorylated as cells enter mitosis, resulting in the activation of Gin4 kinase activity, and the phosphorylation of Gin4 is dependent upon Nap1 and Clb2 in vivo. Affinity chromatography experiments demonstrate that Gin4 binds tightly to Nap1, indicating that the functions of these two proteins are closely tied within the cell. These results demonstrate that the activation of Gin4 is under the control of Clb2 and Nap1, and they provide an important step towards elucidating the molecular pathways that link cyclin-dependent kinases to the events they control.  相似文献   

The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) is a surveillance mechanism monitoring cell cycle progression, thus ensuring accurate chromosome segregation. The conserved mitotic kinase Mps1 is a key component of the SAC. The human Mps1 exhibits comprehensive phosphorylation during mitosis. However, the related biological relevance is largely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that 8 autophosphorylation sites within the N-terminus of Mps1, outside of the catalytic domain, are involved in regulating Mps1 kinetochore localization. The phospho-mimicking mutant of the 8 autophosphorylation sites impairs Mps1 localization to kinetochore and also affects the kinetochore recruitment of BubR1 and Mad2, two key SAC effectors, subsequently leading to chromosome segregation errors. Interestingly, the non-phosphorylatable mutant of the 8 autophosphorylation sites enhances Mps1 kinetochore localization and delays anaphase onset. We further show that the Mps1 phospho-mimicking and non-phosphorylatable mutants do not affect metaphase chromosome congression. Thus, our results highlight the importance of dynamic autophosphorylation of Mps1 in regulating accurate chromosome segregation and ensuring proper mitotic progression.  相似文献   

The Hippo pathway controls organ size and tumorigenesis by inhibiting cell proliferation and promoting apoptosis. KIBRA was recently identified as a novel regulator of the Hippo pathway. Several of the components of the Hippo pathway are important regulators of mitosis-related cell cycle events. We recently reported that KIBRA is phosphorylated by the mitotic kinases Aurora-A and -B. However, the role KIBRA plays in mitosis has not been established. Here, we show that KIBRA activates the Aurora kinases and is required for full activation of Aurora kinases during mitosis. KIBRA also promotes the phosphorylation of large tumor suppressor 2 (Lats2) on Ser83 by activating Aurora-A, which controls Lats2 centrosome localization. However, Aurora-A is not required for KIBRA to associate with Lats2. We also found that Lats2 inhibits the Aurora-mediated phosphorylation of KIBRA on Ser539, probably via regulating protein phosphatase 1. Consistent with playing a role in mitosis, siRNA-mediated knockdown of KIBRA causes mitotic abnormalities, including defects of spindle and centrosome formation and chromosome misalignment. We propose that the KIBRA-Aurora-Lats2 protein complexes form a novel axis that regulates precise mitosis.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal control of histone modifications is crucial for precise regulation of chromatin structure and function. Here we report that phosphorylation of H2A at threonine 119 (T119) is enriched at centromere regions in Drosophila mitosis. We found that the Aurora B kinase complex is essential for this phosphorylation at centromeres, while Polo kinase is required to down-regulate H2A phosphorylation on chromosome arms in mitosis. Cyclin B degradation triggers loss of centromeric H2A phosphorylation at anaphase onset. Epistasis analysis indicated that Polo functions upstream of the H2A kinase NHK-1 but parallel to Aurora B. Therefore, multiple mitotic kinases work together to specify the spatial and temporal pattern of H2A T119 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

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