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We have identified a Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein, Cyk1p, that exhibits sequence similarity to the mammalian IQGAPs. Gene disruption of Cyk1p results in a failure in cytokinesis without affecting other events in the cell cycle. Cyk1p is diffused throughout most of the cell cycle but localizes to a ring structure at the mother–bud junction after the initiation of anaphase. This ring contains filamentous actin and Myo1p, a myosin II homologue. In vivo observation with green fluorescent protein–tagged Myo1p showed that the ring decreases drastically in size during cell division and therefore may be contractile. These results indicate that cytokinesis in budding yeast is likely to involve an actomyosin-based contractile ring. The assembly of this ring occurs in temporally distinct steps: Myo1p localizes to a ring that overlaps the septins at the G1-S transition slightly before bud emergence; Cyk1p and actin then accumulate in this ring after the activation of the Cdc15 pathway late in mitosis. The localization of myosin is abolished by a mutation in Cdc12p, implicating a role for the septin filaments in the assembly of the actomyosin ring. The accumulation of actin in the cytokinetic ring was not observed in cells depleted of Cyk1p, suggesting that Cyk1p plays a role in the recruitment of actin filaments, perhaps through a filament-binding activity similar to that demonstrated for mammalian IQGAPs.  相似文献   

Titin-like kinases are muscle-specific kinases that regulate mechanical sensing in the sarcomere. Twitchin kinase (TwcK) is the best-characterized member of this family, both structurally and enzymatically. TwcK activity is auto-inhibited by a dual intrasteric mechanism, in which N- and C-terminal tail extensions wrap around the kinase domain, blocking the hinge region, the ATP binding pocket and the peptide substrate binding groove. Physiologically, kinase activation is thought to occur by a stretch-induced displacement of the inhibitory tails from the kinase domain. Here, we now show that TwcK inhibits its catalysis even in the absence of regulatory tails, by undergoing auto-phosphorylation at mechanistically important elements of the kinase fold. Using mass spectrometry, site-directed mutagenesis and catalytic assays on recombinant samples, we identify residues T212, T301, T316 and T401 as primary auto-phosphorylation sites in TwcK in vitro. Taken together, our results suggest that residue T316, located in the peptide substrate binding P + 1 loop, is the dominantly regulatory site in TwcK. Based on these findings, we conclude that TwcK is regulated through a triple-inhibitory mechanism consisting of phosphorylation and intrasteric blockage, which is responsive not only to mechanical cues but also to biochemical modulation. This implies that mechanically stretched conformations of TwcK do not necessarily correspond to catalytically active states, as previously postulated. This further suggests a phosphorylation-dependent desensitization of the TwcK-mediated mechanoresponse of the sarcomere in vivo.  相似文献   

Actin and Myosin in pea tendrils   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
Ma YZ  Yen LF 《Plant physiology》1989,89(2):586-589
We demonstrate here the presence of actin and myosin in pea (Pisum sativum L.) tendrils. The molecular weight of tendril actin is 43,000, the same as rabbit skeletal muscle actin. The native molecular weight of tendril myosin is about 440,000. Tendril myosin is composed of two heavy chains of molecular weight approximately 165,000 and four (two pairs) light chains of 17,000 and 15,000. At high ionic strength, the ATPase activity of pea tendril myosin is activated by K+-EDTA and Ca2+ and is inhibited by Mg2+. At low ionic strength, the Mg2+-ATPase activity of pea tendril myosin is activated by rabbit skeletal muscle F-actin. Superprecipitation occurred after incubation at room temperature when ATP was added to the crude actomyosin extract. It is suggested that the interaction of actin and myosin may play a role in the coiling movement of pea tendril.  相似文献   

F-actin-stabilizing drugs induce actin aggresome formation. In this study, we found that an actin-depolymerizing drug, latrunculin A (LatA), induced actin aggresomes. Actin stress fibers were retracted and disappeared in minutes, but a large aggresome formed in consequence of LatA treatment. Because cytochalasin D and mycalolide also induced aggresome formation, these results suggest that actin aggresome formation is a common cellular response to actin toxins.  相似文献   

Although class IX myosins are single-headed, they demonstrate characteristics of processive movement along actin filaments. Double-headed myosins that move processively along actin filaments achieve this by successive binding of the two heads in a hand-over-hand mechanism. This mechanism, obviously, cannot operate in single-headed myosins. However, it has been proposed that a long class IX specific insertion in the myosin head domain at loop2 acts as an F-actin tether, allowing for single-headed processive movement. Here, we tested this proposal directly by analysing the movement of deletion constructs of the class IX myosin from Caenorhabditis elegans (Myo IX). Deletion of the large basic loop2 insertion led to a loss of processive behaviour, while deletion of the N-terminal head extension, a second unique domain of class IX myosins, did not influence the motility of Myo IX. The processive behaviour of Myo IX is also abolished with increasing salt concentrations. These observations directly demonstrate that the insertion located in loop2 acts as an electrostatic actin tether during movement of Myo IX along the actin track.  相似文献   

The participation of nonmuscle myosins in the transport of organelles and vesicular carriers along actin filaments has been documented. In contrast, there is no evidence for the involvement of myosins in the production of vesicles involved in membrane traffic. Here we show that the putative TGN coat protein p200 (Narula, N., I. McMorrow, G. Plopper, J. Doherty, K.S. Matlin, B. Burke, and J.L. Stow. 1992. J. Cell Biol. 114: 1113–1124) is myosin II. The recruitment of myosin II to Golgi membranes is dependent on actin and is regulated by G proteins. Using an assay that studies the release of transport vesicles from the TGN in vitro, we provide functional evidence that p200/myosin is involved in the assembly of basolateral transport vesicles carrying vesicular stomatitis virus G protein (VSVG) from the TGN of polarized MDCK cells. The 50% reduced efficiency in VSVG vesicle release from the TGN in vitro after depletion of p200/myosin II could be reestablished to control levels by the addition of purified nonmuscle myosin II. Several inhibitors of the actin-stimulated ATPase activity of myosin specifically inhibited the release of VSVG-containing vesicles from the TGN.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal regulation of actin polymerization is crucial for various cellular processes. Members of the Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) family activate the Arp2/3-complex leading to actin polymerization. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains only one WASP homolog, Las17, that requires additional factors for its regulation. Lsb1 and Lsb2/Pin3 are two yeast homologous proteins bearing an SH3 domain that were identified as Las17-binding proteins. Lsb2/Pin3 that promotes prion induction was suggested to link this prion formation to the actin cytoskeleton. However, the cellular role of Lsb1 and the molecular function of both Lsb1 and Lsb2 remain unknown. In this study, we show that Lsb1 and/or Lsb2 full-length proteins inhibit Las17-mediated actin polymerization in vitro, Lsb2 being a less potent inhibitor of Las17 activity compared to Lsb1. Addition of Lsb1 or Lsb2 to the corresponding full-length Lsb1/2 further inhibits Las17 activity. Lsb1 and Lsb2 form homo- and hetero-oligomeric complexes suggesting that these two proteins could regulate Las17 activity via dimerization or cooperative binding. In vivo, overexpressed Lsb1 and Lsb2 proteins cluster Las17-CFP in few cytoplasmic punctate structures that are also positive for other Arp2/3-dependent actin polymerization effectors like Sla1 or Abp1. But, only Lsb1 overexpression blocks the internalization step of receptor-mediated endocytosis. This shows a specific function of Lsb1 in endocytosis.  相似文献   

Biological sulfate reduction is a process with high environmental significance due to its major contribution to the carbon and sulfur cycles in anaerobic environments. However, the respiratory chain of sulfate-reducing bacteria is still poorly understood. Here we describe a new respiratory complex that was isolated as a major protein present in the membranes of Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough. The complex, which was named Qrc, is the first representative of a new family of redox complexes. It has three subunits related to the complex iron-sulfur molybdoenzyme family and a multiheme cytochrome c and binds six hemes c, one [3Fe-4S]+1/0 cluster, and several interacting [4Fe-4S]2+/1+ clusters but no molybdenum. Qrc is related to the alternative complex III, and we show that it has the reverse catalytic activity, acting as a Type I cytochrome c3:menaquinone oxidoreductase. The qrc genes are found in the genomes of deltaproteobacterial sulfate reducers, which have periplasmic hydrogenases and formate dehydrogenases that lack a membrane subunit for reduction of the quinone pool. In these organisms, Qrc acts as a menaquinone reductase with electrons from periplasmic hydrogen or formate oxidation. Binding of a menaquinone analogue affects the EPR spectrum of the [3Fe-4S]+1/0 cluster, indicating the presence of a quinone-binding site close to the periplasmic subunits. Qrc is the first respiratory complex from sulfate reducers to have its physiological function clearly elucidated.  相似文献   

Dental caries induced by Streptococcus mutans is one of the most prevalent chronic infectious diseases worldwide. The pathogenicity of S. mutans relies on the bacterium''s ability to colonize tooth surfaces and survive a strongly acidic environment. We performed an ISS1 transposon mutagenesis to screen for acid-sensitive mutants of S. mutans and identified an SMU.746-SMU.747 gene cluster that is needed for aciduricity. SMU.746 and SMU.747 appear to be organized in an operon and encode a putative membrane-associated permease. SMU.746- and SMU.747-deficient mutants showed a reduced ability to grow in acidified medium. However, the short-term or long-term acid survival capacity and F1F0 ATPase activity remained unaffected in the mutants. Furthermore, deletion of both genes did not change cell membrane permeability and the oxidative and heat stress responses. Growth was severely affected even with slight acidification of the defined medium (pH 6.5). The ability of the mutant strain to acidify the defined medium during growth in the presence of glucose and sucrose was significantly reduced, although the glycolysis rate was only slightly affected. Surprisingly, deletion of the SMU.746-SMU.747 genes triggered increased biofilm formation in low-pH medium. The observed effects were more striking in a chemically defined medium. We speculate that the SMU.746-SMU.747 complex is responsible for amino acid transport, and we discuss its possible role in colonization and survival in the oral environment.  相似文献   

The adhesion of bacterial pathogens to host cells is an event that determines infection, and ultimately invasion and intracellular multiplication. Several evidences have recently shown that this rule is also truth for the intracellular pathogen Brucella. Brucella suis displays the unipolar BmaC and BtaE adhesins, which belong to the monomeric and trimeric autotransporter (TA) families, respectively. It was previously shown that these adhesins are involved in bacterial adhesion to host cells and components of the extracellular matrix (ECM). In this work we describe the role of a new member of the TA family of B. suis (named BtaF) in the adhesive properties of the bacterial surface. BtaF conferred the bacteria that carried it a promiscuous adhesiveness to various ECM components and the ability to attach to an abiotic surface. Furthermore, BtaF was found to participate in bacterial adhesion to epithelial cells and was required for full virulence in mice. Similar to BmaC and BtaE, the BtaF adhesin was expressed in a small subpopulation of bacteria, and in all cases, it was detected at the new pole generated after cell division. Interestingly, BtaF was also implicated in the resistance of B. suis to porcine serum. Our findings emphasize the impact of TAs in the Brucella lifecycle.  相似文献   

Lipids and lipid-modifying enzymes play a key role in the biogenesis, maintenance and fission of transport carriers in the secretory and endocytic pathways. In the present study we demonstrate that phosphatidic acid generated by phospholipase D2 (PLD2) is involved in the formation of Golgi tubules. The main evidence to support this is: 1) inhibitors of phosphatidic acid formation and PLD2 depletion inhibit the formation of tubules containing resident enzymes and regulators of intra-Golgi transport in a low temperature (15°C) model of Golgi tubulation but do not affect brefeldin A-induced tubules, 2) inhibition of PLD2 enzymatic activity and PLD2 depletion in cells cultured under physiological conditions (37°C) induce the formation of tubules specifically containing Golgi matrix proteins, and, 3) over-expression of PLD2 induces the formation of a tubular network. In addition, it was found that the generation of this lipid by the isoenzyme is necessary for ArfGAP1 recruitment to Golgi membranes. These results suggest that both proteins are involved in the molecular mechanisms which drive the formation of different types of Golgi tubules.  相似文献   

An actin fringe structure in the subapex plays an important role in pollen tube tip growth. However, the precise mechanism by which the actin fringe is generated and maintained remains largely unknown. Here, we cloned a 2606-bp full-length cDNA encoding a deduced 77-kD fimbrin-like protein from lily (Lilium longiflorum), named FIMBRIN1 (FIM1). Ll-FIM1 was preferentially expressed in pollen and concentrated at actin fringe in the subapical region, as well as in longitudinal actin-filament bundles in the shank of pollen tubes. Microinjection of Ll-FIM1 antibody into lily pollen tubes inhibited tip growth and disrupted the actin fringe. Furthermore, we verified the function of Ll-FIM1 in the fim5 mutant of its closest relative, Arabidopsis thaliana. Pollen tubes of fim5 mutants grew with a larger diameter in early stages but could recover into normal forms in later stages, despite significantly slower growth rates. The actin fringe of the fim5 mutants, however, was impaired during both early and late stages. Impressively, stable expression of fim5pro:GFP:Ll-FIM1 rescued the actin fringe and the growth rate of Arabidopsis fim5 pollen tubes. In vitro biochemical analysis showed that Ll-FIM1 could bundle actin filaments. Thus, our study has identified a fimbrin that may stabilize the actin fringe by cross-linking actin filaments into bundles, which is important for proper tip growth of lily pollen tubes.  相似文献   

Mating yeast cells remove their cell walls and fuse their plasma membranes in a spatially restricted cell contact region. Cell wall removal is dependent on Fus2p, an amphiphysin-associated Rho-GEF homolog. As mating cells polarize, Fus2p-GFP localizes to the tip of the mating projection, where cell fusion will occur, and to cytoplasmic puncta, which show rapid movement toward the tip. Movement requires polymerized actin, whereas tip localization is dependent on both actin and a membrane protein, Fus1p. Here, we show that Fus2p-GFP movement is specifically dependent on Myo2p, a type V myosin, and not on Myo4p, another type V myosin, or Myo3p and Myo5p, type I myosins. Fus2p-GFP tip localization and actin polarization in shmoos are also dependent on Myo2p. A temperature-sensitive tropomyosin mutation and Myo2p alleles that specifically disrupt vesicle binding caused rapid loss of actin patch organization, indicating that transport is required to maintain actin polarity. Mutant shmoos lost actin polarity more rapidly than mitotic cells, suggesting that the maintenance of cell polarity in shmoos is more sensitive to perturbation. The different velocities, differential sensitivity to mutation and lack of colocalization suggest that Fus2p and Sec4p, another Myo2p cargo associated with exocytotic vesicles, reside predominantly on different cellular organelles.  相似文献   

目的:为了研究碳酸酐酶1(carbonic anhydrase I,CA1)在生物矿化和骨形成过程中的作用。方法:选择HeLa细胞为研究对象,用地塞米松(dexamethasone,DEX)、β-磷酸甘油(β-glycerophosphate,β-GP)和维他命C(ascorbic acid,AA)诱导其钙化,茜素红染色法观察矿化结节的形成,荧光定量PCR检测细胞骨化标志蛋白Runx2/cbfa1的表达。CA1表达水平的变化采用Western blot和荧光定量PCR的方法检测。同时用碳酸酐酶抑制剂乙酰唑胺处理HeLa细胞,观察CA1表达被抑制后对HeLa细胞钙化的影响。结果:HeLa细胞在诱导后形成大量矿化结节,Runx2/cbfa1转录水平明显升高,显示DEX、β-GP和AA可诱导HeLa细胞钙化和骨化,HeLa细胞钙化后CA1表达明显增高。HeLa细胞经乙酰唑胺处理后,CA1的表达量减少,矿化结节形成明显减少,说明抑制CA1表达可以抑制HeLa细胞矿化和骨化过程。结论:CA1在生物矿化和新骨形成过程中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

Stepwise Sliding of Single Actin and Myosin Filaments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Dynamics of sliding were explored in isolated actin and myosin filaments. Sliding occurs in steps. The steps are integer multiples of 2.7 nm, which is equal to the monomeric repeat along the actin filament. When filaments were forced to slide in the reverse direction, the size paradigm was the same. This size paradigm is parallel to that seen in the kinesin-microtubule system, where step size is an integer multiple of the tubulin repeat along the microtubule.  相似文献   

Stigmatella aurantiaca is a gram-negative bacterium which forms, under conditions of starvation in a multicellular process, characteristic three-dimensional structures: the fruiting bodies. For studying this complex process, mutants impaired in fruiting body formation have been induced by transposon insertion with a Tn5-derived transposon. The gene affected (fbfB) in one of the mutants (AP182) was studied further. Inactivation of fbfB results in mutants which form only clumps during starvation instead of wild-type fruiting bodies. This mutant phenotype can be partially rescued, if cells of mutants impaired in fbfB function are mixed with those of some independent mutants defective in fruiting before starvation. The fbfB gene is expressed about 14 h after induction of fruiting body formation as determined by measuring β-galactosidase activity in a merodiploid strain harboring the wild-type gene and an fbfB-Δtrp-lacZ fusion gene or by Northern (RNA) analysis with the Rhodobacter capsulatus pufBA fragment fused to fbfB as an indicator. The predicted polypeptide FbfB has a molecular mass of 57.8 kDa and shows a significant homology to the galactose oxidase (GaoA) of the fungus Dactylium dendroides. Galactose oxidase catalyzes the oxidation of galactose and primary alcohols to the corresponding aldehydes.  相似文献   

Myo2 truncations fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) defined a C-terminal domain essential for the localization of Myo2 to the cytokinetic actin ring (CAR). The localization domain contained two predicted phosphorylation sites. Mutation of serine 1518 to alanine (S(1518)A) abolished Myo2 localization, whereas Myo2 with a glutamic acid at this position (S(1518)E) localized to the CAR. GFP-Myo2 formed rings in the septation initiation kinase (SIN) mutant cdc7-24 at 25 degrees C but not at 36 degrees C. GFP-Myo2S(1518)E rings persisted at 36 degrees C in cdc7-24 but not in another SIN kinase mutant, sid2-250. To further examine the relationship between Myo2 and the SIN pathway, the chromosomal copy of myo2(+) was fused to GFP (strain myo2-gc). Myo2 ring formation was abolished in the double mutants myo2-gc cdc7.24 and myo2-gc sid2-250 at the restrictive temperature. In contrast, activation of the SIN pathway in the double mutant myo2-gc cdc16-116 resulted in the formation of Myo2 rings which subsequently collapsed at 36 degrees C. We conclude that the SIN pathway that controls septation in fission yeast also regulates Myo2 ring formation and contraction. Cdc7 and Sid2 are involved in ring formation, in the case of Cdc7 by phosphorylation of a single serine residue in the Myo2 tail. Other kinases and/or phosphatases may control ring contraction.  相似文献   

Class III myosins are unique members of the myosin superfamily in that they contain both a motor and kinase domain. We have found that motor activity is decreased by autophosphorylation, although little is known about the regulation of the kinase domain. We demonstrate by mass spectrometry that Thr-178 and Thr-184 in the kinase domain activation loop and two threonines in the loop 2 region of the motor domain are autophosphorylated (Thr-908 and Thr-919). The kinase activity of MYO3A 2IQ with the phosphomimic (T184E) or phosphoblock (T184A) mutations demonstrates that kinase activity is reduced 30-fold as a result of the T184A mutation, although the Thr-178 site only had a minor impact on kinase activity. Interestingly, the actin-activated ATPase activity of MYO3A 2IQ is slightly reduced as a result of the T178A and T184A mutations suggesting coupling between motor and kinase domains. Full-length GFP-tagged T184A and T184E MYO3A constructs transfected into COS7 cells do not disrupt the ability of MYO3A to localize to filopodia structures. In addition, we demonstrate that T184E MYO3A reduces filopodia elongation in the presence of espin-1, whereas T184A enhances filopodia elongation in a similar fashion to kinase-dead MYO3A. Our results suggest that as MYO3A accumulates at the tips of actin protrusions, autophosphorylation of Thr-184 enhances kinase activity resulting in phosphorylation of the MYO3A motor and reducing motor activity. The differential regulation of the kinase and motor activities allows for MYO3A to precisely self-regulate its concentration in the actin bundle-based structures of cells.  相似文献   

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