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Salinity induced changes in the reproductive physiology of wheat plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of salinity on reproductive physiology of wheat wasinvestigated. One set of wheat plants was subjected to increasingsalt levels up to a certain concentration, whereas another setwas given the same concentration in a single application. Theformer was called "gradual" and latter "shock" treatment. Theireffects on pollen viability, germination and activity of starchsynthetase were studied. Gradual treatment seemed to reducethe toxic effects of salts on the viability of pollen grainsand their germination. Seeds obtained from the two sets weregerminated in the same salinities in which their plants hadbeen growing, and the results were compared with those of seedsobtained from control plants growing in a non-saline medium.The seeds of plants from the gradual treatment were better suitedfor germination on a saline medium than those from the shocktreatment or the control group. Salt treatment also increasedthe activity of starch synthetase at the midmilky stage in developinggrains. This phenomenon was considered essential for synthesisof starch in a saline environment. The increase in Na+ and Cl and decrease in K+ contentsof wheat grains in both treatments suggest that the effect ofsalinity on the physiological phenomenon studied is due to changesin the ionic content of the plants. 1 In partial fulfilment of a Ph.D. degree from the Universityof Karachi, Pakistan. 2 Professor of Botany, Director of Research Projects, Head,Plant Physiology Section, University of Karachi, Pakistan. (Received July 11, 1977; )  相似文献   

Bax, a member of the Bcl-2 family, translocates to mitochondria during apoptosis, where it forms oligomers which are thought to release apoptogenic factors such as cytochrome c. Using anoikis as a model system, we have examined spatial and temporal changes in Bax distribution. Bax translocates to mitochondria within 15 min of detaching cells from extracellular matrix, but mitochondrial permeabilization does not occur for a number of hours. The formation of Bax oligomers and perimitochondrial clusters occurs concomitant with caspase activation and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, before nuclear condensation. Cells can be rescued from apoptosis if they are replated onto extracellular matrix within an hour, whereas cells detached for longer could not. The loss of ability to rescue cells from anoikis occurs after Bax translocation, but before the formation of clusters and cytochrome c release. Our data suggest that Bax regulation occurs at several levels, with formation of clusters a late event, and with critical changes determining cell fate occurring earlier.  相似文献   

The construction cost of a plant tissue, i.e. the amount of photoassimilates used in the synthesis of a unit weight, varies with its biochemical composition. Crop modellers use standard values published for a few groups of cultivated species. Yet, there are also intraspecific variations in the construction cost in relation with the development of the plant or organ. This research aimed at analysing the ontogenic changes in the construction cost of leaves, stems, roots, and fruits of tomato plants and the specific contribution of the mineral content to these changes. For that purpose, samples were harvested from the vegetative phase to the beginning of fruit production. The estimation of the construction cost was based on the contents of carbon, nitrogen and ash. In leaves, the construction cost decreased with the physiological age whereas, in stem internodes, it varied with the sympod number. These ontogenic changes could partly be explained by different accumulations of minerals. In contrast, the construction cost and the mineral content of fruits and roots remained fairly stable. On a whole plant basis, the construction cost of the bulk of each category of organs varied much less. Most of the increase in the mean construction cost of the whole plant during the experiment was due to changes in the allocation ratio between the vegetative parts and the fruits. Attention of crop modellers is drawn to the importance of a precise estimation of the construction cost and to the existence of ontogenic changes at the whole plant and organ levels.Key words: Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., construction cost, mineral content, ontogeny, carbon content   相似文献   

Tyrosine phosphorylation has emerged as a mechanism to control cellular events in the nucleus. The c-Fes protein-tyrosine kinase is an important regulator of cell growth and differentiation in several cell types, and is found in the nucleus of hematopoietic cells. In this study, we showed nuclear localization of c-Fes in both hematopoietic (K562, TF-1, HEL, U937, and HL-60) and nonhematopoietic cell lines (293T, CaOv3, TfxH, MG-63, HeLa, DU-145) by immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy. c-Fes showed striking changes in subcellular localization at specific stages of mitosis. In interphase cells, the intranuclear distribution of c-Fes was diffuse with occasional bright foci. Some c-Fes was present in the cytosol after breakdown of the nuclear membrane, in prometaphase. At prometaphase and metaphase c-Fes was also associated with the chromosomes, in a punctate pattern that partially overlapped with the centromere. Further comparison with proteins that are known components of the kinetochore suggested that some c-Fes protein was located at the centromeric alpha-satellite DNA, between the kinetochores. At anaphase and telophase, c-Fes was entirely cytoplasmic and no protein was found associated with the chromosomes. The timing of c-Fes' appearance at the centromere coincides with the period of kinetochore assembly. These data suggest that c-Fes is recruited to the kinetochore during mitosis.  相似文献   

Labeling of fructans in winter wheat stems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hogan ME  Hendrix JE 《Plant physiology》1986,80(4):1048-1050
Fructans synthesized from newly formed assimilates accumulate in wheat stems as nonstructural carbohydrates. Experiments performed tested the hypothesis that the fructose moiety from translocated sucrose is used preferentially in biosynthesis of these fructans. Results indicated: (a) a large percentage of labeled sucrose was translocated and unloaded in an unaltered state; and (b) sucrose contributed its fructose moiety to fructan synthesis in stems.  相似文献   

Cytokinins are often considered abscisic acid (ABA) antagonists and auxins antagonists/synergists in various processes in plants. Seed enhancement (seed priming) with cytokinins is reported to increase plant salt tolerance. It was hypothesized that cytokinins could increase salt tolerance in wheat plants by interacting with other plant hormones, especially auxins and ABA. The present studies were therefore conducted to assess the effects of pre-sowing seed treatment with varying concentrations (100, 150 and 200 mg l−1) of cytokinins (kinetin and benzylaminopurine (BAP)) on germination, growth, and concentrations of free endogenous auxins and ABA in two hexaploid spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. The primed and non-primed seeds of MH-97 (salt-intolerant) and Inqlab-91 (salt-tolerant) were sown in both Petri dishes in a growth room and in the field after treatment with 15 dS m−1 NaCl salinity. Both experiments were repeated during 2002 and 2003. Among priming agents, kinetin was effective in increasing germination rate in the salt-intolerant and early seedling growth in the salt-tolerant cultivar when compared with hydropriming under salt stress. Thus, during germination and early seedling growth, the cytokinin-priming induced effects were cultivar specific. In contrast, kinetin-priming showed a consistent promoting effect in the field and improved growth and grain yield in both cultivars under salt stress. The BAP-priming did not alleviate the inhibitory effects of salinity stress on the germination and early seedling growth in both cultivars. The increase in growth and grain yield in both cultivars was positively correlated with leaf indoleacetic acid concentration and negatively with ABA concentration under both saline and non-saline conditions. The decrease in ABA concentration in the plants raised from kinetin-primed seeds might reflect diminishing influence of salt stress. However, the possibility of involvement of other hormonal interactions is discussed.  相似文献   

Plant viral infections induce changes including gene expression and metabolic components. Identification of metabolites and microRNAs (miRNAs) differing in abundance along infection may provide a broad view of the pathways involved in signaling and defense that orchestrate and execute the response in plant-pathogen interactions. We used a systemic approach by applying both liquid and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry to determine the relative level of metabolites across the viral infection, together with a miRs profiling using a micro-array based procedure. Systemic changes in metabolites were characterized by a biphasic response after infection. The first phase, detected at one dpi, evidenced the action of a systemic signal since no virus was detected systemically. Several of the metabolites increased at this stage were hormone-related. miRs profiling after infection also revealed a biphasic alteration, showing miRs alteration at 5 dpi where no virus was detected systemically and a late phase correlating with virus accumulation. Correlation analyses revealed a massive increase in the density of correlation networks after infection indicating a complex reprogramming of the regulatory pathways, either in response to the plant defense mechanism or to the virus infection itself. Our data propose the involvement of a systemic signaling on early miRs alteration.  相似文献   

The subcellular localization of hexose phosphorylating activity in extracts of pea stems has been studied by differential centrifugation and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The hexokinase (EC was associated with the mitochondria, whereas fructokinase (EC was in the cytosolic fraction. Some properties of the mitochondrial hexokinase were studied. The enzyme had a high affinity for glucose (Km 76 micromolar) and mannose (Km 71 micromolar) and a relatively low affinity for fructose (Km 15.7 millimolar). The Km for MgATP was 180 micromolar. The addition of salts stimulated the activity of the hexokinase. Al3+ was a strong inhibitor at pH 7 but not at the optimum pH (8.2). The enzyme was not readily solubilized but, in experiments with intact mitochondria, was susceptible to proteolysis. A location on the outer mitochondrial membrane is suggested for the hexokinase of pea stems.  相似文献   

Triticum aestivum (wheat) plants grown at a daynight temperature of 1813 °C from anthesis were held as well watered controls, or subject to either a mild (large pot volume) or a more severe (small pot volume) water stress by withholding water from the time of anthesis. Extracts from the peduncle (enclosed by the flag leaf sheath) and the penultimate internode were prepared to determine the activities of fructan exohydrolase and acid invertase and to assess the level of hexose sugars, sucrose and fructans. Measurements were made of ear and individual grain weights and stem fresh weight and dry weight. Plant water relations at the time of each sampling were determined as the flag leaf water potential and the water content of individual organs. Water stress resulted in a shorter duration of kernel filling, smaller kernels at maturity and an earlier loss of stem weight. There was an increase in stem fructose and a fall in fructan level that preceded the loss of dry matter associated with water stress. Coincident with the early fall in fructan content under water stress there was a rise in both fructan exohydrolase and acid invertase in the internodes of stressed plants. This correlation suggests that the conversion of fructans to fructose might have resulted from enzyme induction associated with water stress, but as this conversion occurs before the major export of reserves from the stem it might be only indirectly related to changes in the demand for reserves.  相似文献   

The stem of the peanut plant contains two lectins, a methyl -mannoside specific lectin (SL-I) and a lactose/cellobiose specific lectin (SL-II). These lectins are found to be developmentally regulated and maximum activites are observed in 3–4-weeks-old plants. The two lectins SL-I and SL-II have been purified from 3-week-old stem by affinity chromatography on Sephadex G-50 and guar gum matrices respectively. Both are glycosylated lectins and have the identical subunit molecular weight of 31 kDa.  相似文献   

Internal axial light conduction in the stems and roots of herbaceous plants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In order to reveal any roles played by stems and roots of herbaceous plants in responding to the surrounding light environment, the optical properties of the stem and root tissues of 18 herbaceous species were investigated. It was found that light was able to penetrate through to the interior of the stem and was then conducted towards the roots. Light conduction was carried out within the internodes and across the nodes of the stem, and then in the roots from the tap root to lateral roots. Light conduction in both the stem and root occurred in the vascular tissue, usually with fibres and vessels serving as the most efficient axial light conductors. The pith and cortex in many cases were also involved in axial light conduction. Investigation of the spectral properties of the conducted light made it clear that only the spectral region between 710 nm and 940 nm (i.e. far-red and near infra-red light) was the most efficiently conducted in both the stem and the root. It was also found that there were light gradients in the axial direction of the stem or root, and the light intensity generally exhibited a linear attenuation in accord with the distance of conduction. These results revealed that tissues of the stem and root are bathed in an internal light environment enriched in far-red light, which may be involved in phytochrome-mediated metabolic activities. Thus, it appears that light signals from above-ground directly contribute to the regulation of the growth and development of underground roots via an internal light-conducting system from the stem to the roots.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical localization of wheat germ agglutinin in wheat   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Immunocytological techniques were developed to localize the plant lectin, wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), in the tissues and cells of wheat plants. In a previous study we demonstrated with a radioimmunoassay that the lectin is present in wheat embryos and adult plants both in the roots and at the base of the stem. We have now found, using rhodamine, peroxidase, and ferritin-labeled secondary antibodies, that WGA is located in cells and tissues that establish direct contact with the soil during germination and growth of the plant In the embryo, WGA is found in the surface layer of the radicle, the first adventitious roots, the coleoptile, and the scutellum. Although found throughout the coleorhiza and epiblast, it is at its highest levels within the cells at the surface of these organs. In adult plants, WGA is located only in the caps and tips of adventitious roots. Reaction product for WGA was not visualized in embryonic or adult leaves or in other tissues of adult plants. At the subcellular level, WGA is located at the periphery of protein bodies, within electron-translucent regions of the cytoplasm, and at the cell wall-protoplast interface. Since WGA is found at potential infection sites and is known to have fungicidal properties, it may function in the defense against fungal pathogens.  相似文献   

G. A. Foxon  L. Catt  P. L. Keeling 《Planta》1990,181(1):104-108
The effect of light on the in-vivo rate of starch synthesis in the endosperm of developing wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Mardler) grain was studied. Individual grains from spikelets grown on the same spike either in darkness or bright light showed no difference in their ability to accumulate radioactivity or to convert this to starch over a 14-h period. Similarly, there was no difference in final grain dry weight between spikes which had been kept in either darkness or normal light from 10 d post anthesis. In contrast, when half-grains (grain which had been bisected longitudinally along the crease region) were incubated by being submerged in culture solution (in vitro) the incorporation of [14C]sucrose into starch was stimulated by increased irradiance. Further experiments showed that the in-vitro dependence on light could be linked to the availability of oxygen. We suggest that in vitro the diffusion of oxygen into the endosperm cells combined with an increased rate of respiration of the tissue during the incubation causes this limitation. Thus the dependence of starch synthesis on light is an artefact of the in-vitro incubation system. The photosynthetic ability of the green pericarp tissue can be used to prevent the development of anoxia in the endosperm tissue of half-grains incubated in vitro. In conclusion, we propose that starch synthesis in vivo is not dependent on oxygen production by photosynthesis in the green layer of the pericarp.Abbreviations DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - dpa days post anthesis - PCA perchloric acid  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Aquaporins (AQPs) are channel proteins, and their function is mostly associated with transmembrane water transport. While aquaporin genes are known to be expressed in woody poplar stems, little is known about AQP expression at the cellular level. Localization of AQP expression to particular cell and tissue types is a necessary prerequisite in understanding the biological role of these genes. ? Methods: Subsets of plants were subjected to 6 wk of high nitrogen fertilization (high N plants) or to a controlled drought. Experimental treatments affected cambial activity and wood anatomy. RNA in situ hybridization was used to characterize spatial expression of three AQP genes in stem cross sections. ? Key results: The strongest labeling consistently occurred in the cambial region and in adjacent xylem and phloem cells. Expression was also detected in rays. Contact cells exhibited high expression, while expression in other ray cells was more variable. High N plants exhibited a broader band of expression in the cambial region than plants receiving only adequate N fertilization (control plants) and plants subjected to drought. ? Conclusions: Water channels in stems were expressed in a manner that allows hydraulic coupling between xylem and other tissues that may serve as water reservoirs, including phloem and pith parenchyma. Expression of AQPs in rays may increase radial flow of water from xylem and phloem to the cambial region where AQPs may help sustain rapid cell division and expansion of developing vessel elements.  相似文献   

The temporal and geographical variation in the history of botanical recording in the British Isles between 1836 and 1988 has been reconstructed from literature, herbarium, and field records, and related to the number and distribution of botanists. The number of botanists increased steadily to the 1930s and then five‐fold after the Second World War, and is a consistent proportion of the local population. The amount of variation in the literature, assessed from the number of pages published, number of publications, and number of floras, has changed from a low rate between 1836 and 1880, to twice that between 1890 and 1940, and increased steadily to 1988. The number of herbarium specimens collected was also low up to the 1870s and then increased three‐fold between 1870 and 1914, decreased between the World Wars, increased in the 1950s, and then decreased as conservation concerns came into play. The number of field records, now on computer, has risen dramatically since the 1930s, especially associated with major recording projects. The Botanical Society of the British Isles (BSBI) Monitoring Scheme data show a strong relationship between the number of hours spent recording at a site and the number of species recorded. The production of literature, collection of herbarium specimens, and field records also vary geographically, being concentrated in the areas in which botanists live. General patterns of recording activity are presented from a combination of the data that follow the general trends shown by the sources. There has been an increase in recording activity, with a low level between 1836 and 1870, followed by a large increase, peaking between 1890 and 1910, followed by decreases during the World Wars, with a recovery between, and a sustained increase since 1950. There is a clear trend from a high recording activity in south‐east England to low levels in Scotland and, especially, Ireland, high levels being associated with the main population areas. Temporal and geographical variations in recording activity need to be taken into account when assessing floristic change. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 152 , 303–330.  相似文献   

During the germination, wheat and sorghum plants tolerated salinity up to 10 mM NaCl. Seedling growth and dry matter production remained more or less unchanged up to 10 mM NaCl in case of wheat and up to 5 mM NaCl in case of sorghum. The water content of test plant species exhibited nearly constant values irrespective of the salinity level applied. The proline and carbohydrate content increased with elevating NaCl, while free amino acids content decreased. Irrigating of seedlings with tryptophan had non significant effect at all salinity levels used.  相似文献   

Abstract. Application of an acid aerosol generated from an aqueous HC1 or HNO3 solution (pH 1-2) to the hypocotyl segment of Vigna sesquipedalis, excised from the elongation zone and abraded with alumina gel, induced rapid elongation growth comparable with that induced by aerosol generated from neutral 1 mol m?3 1AA aqueous solution. The activity of the first electrogenic ion pump, whose activity is known to be stimulated by IAA aerosol in advance of the increase in growth rate, was little affected by acids. The latent period of the growth response to acids was only 1 min shorter than that to IAA (mean value: 12min), or than the period from the stimulation of the electrogenic ion pump activity by IAA to the beginning of growth acceleration (mean value: 4 min). The growth rate, together with the activities of the first and the second ion pump, was reduced by anoxia in the presence of acid. The acid N2-sol was ineffective to stimulate the elongation under anoxia. The acid aerosol was ineffective to stimulate the elongation of a non-abraded segment with intact cuticle layer on its surface.  相似文献   

Summary Soil pH, NH 4 + and NO 3 concentrations in soil, and take-all root rot of winter wheat grown in the field were measured concurrently from sowing to anthesis in order to relate disease development to liming and N fertilization practices. Experimental variables included soil pH (5.5 and 6.0) and three N sources (NH4NO3, (NH4)2SO4, NH4Cl) banded with the seed at sowing in factorial combination with the same three N sources topdressed in the spring. Take-all severity was increased by increasing soil pH and by fertilization with NO 3 . Disease severity on crown roots increased exponentially following spring N fertilization and was affected more by soil pH and N-form than was severity on seminal roots. Grain yield ranged from 4.70 Mgha−1 with spring NH4NO3 at soil pH 6.0 to 7.65 Mgha−1 with spring NH4Cl at soil pH 5.5. Sixty-six percent of the variability in grain yield was explained by the number of take-all infected crown roots per tiller at anthesis. Oregon Agric. Exp. Stn. technical paper no. 7707.  相似文献   

Summary Microsomal fractions from wheat coleoptiles and pea stems contain a microsomal ATPase activity that requires divalent cations (Ca2+ is more effective than Mg2+) and shows further stimulation by KCl. The effects of added indoleacetic acid were inconclusive. Cytochemical studies on both species showed most pronounced staining for ATPase in the plasmalemma at pH 7.0. However, at pH 5.5, the coleoptile cells showed heaviest staining for ATPase in the endoplasmic reticulum and dictyosomes. The results are discussed with regard to the postulated role of ATPase activity in relation to proton pumping and plant cell elongation.  相似文献   

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