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There are a large number of Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factors, most of which have no known functions. Here, we carried out a short hairpin RNA-based functional screen of Rho-GEFs for their roles in leukocyte chemotaxis and identified Arhgef5 as an important factor in chemotaxis of a macrophage phage-like RAW264.7 cell line. Arhgef5 can strongly activate RhoA and RhoB and weakly RhoC and RhoG, but not Rac1, RhoQ, RhoD, or RhoV, in transfected human embryonic kidney 293 cells. In addition, Gβγ interacts with Arhgef5 and can stimulate Arhgef5-mediated activation of RhoA in an in vitro assay. In vivo roles of Arhgef5 were investigated using an Arhgef-5-null mouse line. Arhgef5 deficiency did not affect chemotaxis of mouse macrophages, T and B lymphocytes, and bone marrow-derived mature dendritic cells (DC), but it abrogated MIP1α-induced chemotaxis of immature DCs and impaired migration of DCs from the skin to lymph node. In addition, Arhgef5 deficiency attenuated allergic airway inflammation. Therefore, this study provides new insights into signaling mechanisms for DC migration regulation.Leukocyte chemotaxis underlies leukocyte migration, infiltration, trafficking, and homing that are not only important for normal leukocyte functions, but also have a important role in inflammation-related diseases. Leukocyte chemotaxis is regulated by leukocyte chemoattractants that include bacterial by-products such as formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine, complement proteolytic fragments such as C5a, and the superfamily of chemotactic cytokines, chemokines. These chemoattractants bind to their specific cell G protein-coupled receptors and are primarily coupled to the Gi family of G proteins to regulate leukocyte chemotaxis. Previous studies have established that the Rho family of small GTPases regulates leukocyte migration (1, 2). Rac, Cdc42, and RhoA are the three best studied Rho small GTPases. In myeloid cells, Cdc42 regulates directionality by directing where F-actin and lamellipodia are formed, and Rac regulates F-actin formation in the lamellipodia, which provides a driving force for cell motility (36). On the other hand, RhoA regulates the formation and contractility of the actomyosin structure at the back that provides a pushing force (5, 7). Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEF)3 are key regulators for the activity of these small GTPases. GEFs activate small GTPases by promoting the loading of GTP to the small GTPases, a rate-limiting step in GTPase regulation (811). Previous biochemical and genetic studies have revealed how Cdc42 and Rac may be regulated by chemokine receptors in leukocytes. Chemokine receptors can regulate Cdc42 via a Rho-GEF PIXα, which is regulated by Gβγ from the Gi proteins via the interactions between Gβγ and Pak1 and between Pak1 and PIXα in myeloid cells 12. On the other hand, in neutrophils chemokine receptors regulate Rac2 via another Rho-GEF P-Rex1, which is directly regulated by Gβγ (1315). Two Rho-GEFs have been implicated in regulation of RhoA in neutrophils. GEF115 was found in the leading edges of polarized mouse neutrophils, whereas PDZ Rho-GEF was found in the uropods of differentiated HL-60 cells. Both Rho-GEFs were believed to mediate pertussis toxin-resistant activation of RhoA in these cells. However, a significant portion of RhoA activity in leukocytes are pertussis toxin-sensitive, which is presumably regulated by the α and/or βγ subunits from the Gi proteins. The signaling mechanism for this pertussis toxin-sensitive RhoA regulation by chemokine receptors remains largely elusive.Molecular cloning and genomic sequencing have identified more than 70 Rho-GEFs in mammals (1620). Many of these Rho-GEFs have been shown to activate RhoA in in vitro and overexpression assays (1620). However, it is not known if any of them regulate RhoA in vivo, we have found that PIXα is a specific GEF for Cdcd42 in neutrophils (12) despite its potent activity on Rac in in vitro and overexpression assays (21, 22). Therefore, we used a siRNA-based loss of function screen in an attempt to identify the GEFs that regulate myeloid cell migration and RhoA activity. One of the candidates, Arhgef5, was found to be directly activated by Gβγ to regulate RhoA and has an important role in immature DC migration. In addition, Arhgef5 deficiency attenuated allergic airway inflammation in a mouse model.  相似文献   

Syx is a Rho-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that localizes at cell-cell junctions and promotes junction stability by activating RhoA and the downstream effector Diaphanous homolog 1 (Dia1). Previously, we identified several molecules, including 14-3-3 proteins, as Syx-interacting partners. In the present study, we show that 14-3-3 isoforms interact with Syx at both its N- and C-terminal regions in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. We identify the protein kinase D-mediated phosphorylation of serine 92 on Syx, and additional phosphorylation at serine 938, as critical sites for 14-3-3 association. Our data indicate that the binding of 14-3-3 proteins inhibits the GEF activity of Syx. Furthermore, we show that phosphorylation-deficient, 14-3-3-uncoupled Syx exhibits increased junctional targeting and increased GEF activity, resulting in the strengthening of the circumferential junctional actin ring in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. These findings reveal a novel means of regulating junctional Syx localization and function by phosphorylation-induced 14-3-3 binding and further support the importance of Syx function in maintaining stable cell-cell contacts.  相似文献   

The role of RhoA in promoting directed cell migration has been complicated by studies showing that it is activated both in the front and the rear of migrating cells. We report here that the RhoA-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor Syx is required for the polarity of actively migrating brain and breast tumor cells. This function of Syx is mediated by the selective activation of the RhoA downstream effector Dia1, the subsequent reorganization of microtubules, and the downregulation of focal adhesions and actin stress fibers. The data argue that directed cell migration requires the precise spatiotemporal regulation of Dia1 and ROCK activities in the cell. The recruitment of Syx to the cell membrane and the subsequent selective activation of Dia1 signaling, coupled with the suppression of ROCK and activation of cofilin-mediated actin reorganization, plays a key role in establishing cell polarity during directed cell migration.  相似文献   

Cell migration involves the cooperative reorganization of the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons, as well as the turnover of cell–substrate adhesions, under the control of Rho family GTPases. RhoA is activated at the leading edge of motile cells by unknown mechanisms to control actin stress fiber assembly, contractility, and focal adhesion dynamics. The microtubule-associated guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF)-H1 activates RhoA when released from microtubules to initiate a RhoA/Rho kinase/myosin light chain signaling pathway that regulates cellular contractility. However, the contributions of activated GEF-H1 to coordination of cytoskeletal dynamics during cell migration are unknown. We show that small interfering RNA-induced GEF-H1 depletion leads to decreased HeLa cell directional migration due to the loss of the Rho exchange activity of GEF-H1. Analysis of RhoA activity by using a live cell biosensor revealed that GEF-H1 controls localized activation of RhoA at the leading edge. The loss of GEF-H1 is associated with altered leading edge actin dynamics, as well as increased focal adhesion lifetimes. Tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase and paxillin at residues critical for the regulation of focal adhesion dynamics was diminished in the absence of GEF-H1/RhoA signaling. This study establishes GEF-H1 as a critical organizer of key structural and signaling components of cell migration through the localized regulation of RhoA activity at the cell leading edge.  相似文献   

The malignant glioma is the most common primary human brain tumor. Its tendency to invade away from the primary tumor mass is considered a leading cause of tumor recurrence and treatment failure. Accordingly, the molecular pathogenesis of glioma invasion is currently under investigation. Previously, we examined a gene expression array database comparing human gliomas to nonneoplastic controls and identified several Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factors with differential expression. Here, we report that the guanine nucleotide exchange factor SWAP-70 has increased expression in malignant gliomas and strongly correlates with lowered patient survival. SWAP-70 is a multifunctional signaling protein involved in membrane ruffling that works cooperatively with activated Rac. Using a glioma tissue microarray, we validated that SWAP-70 demonstrates higher expression in malignant gliomas compared with low-grade gliomas or nonneoplastic brain tissue. Through immunofluorescence, SWAP-70 localizes to membrane ruffles in response to the growth factor, epidermal growth factor. To assess the role of SWAP-70 in glioma migration and invasion, we inhibited its expression withsmall interfering RNAs and observed decreased glioma cell migration and invasion. SWAP-70 overexpression led to increased levels of active Rac even in low-serum conditions. In addition, when SWAP-70 was overexpressed in glioma cells, we observed enhanced membrane ruffle formation followed by increased cellmigration and invasiveness. Taken together, our findings suggest that the guanine nucleotide exchange factor SWAP-70 plays an important role in the migration and invasion of human gliomas into the surrounding tissue.  相似文献   

Net1 is a RhoA guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that is overexpressed in a subset of human cancers and contributes to cancer cell motility and invasion in vitro. However, the molecular mechanism accounting for its role in cell motility and invasion has not been described. In the present work, we show that expression of both Net1 isoforms in breast cancer cells is required for efficient cell motility. Although loss of Net1 isoform expression only partially blocks RhoA activation, it inhibits lysophosphatidic acid (LPA)-stimulated migration as efficiently as knockdown of RhoA itself. However, we demonstrate that the Net1A isoform predominantly controls myosin light-chain phosphorylation and is required for trailing edge retraction during migration. Net1A interacts with focal adhesion kinase (FAK), localizes to focal adhesions, and is necessary for FAK activation and focal adhesion maturation during cell spreading. Net1A expression is also required for efficient invasion through a Matrigel matrix. Analysis of invading cells demonstrates that Net1A is required for amoeboid invasion, and loss of Net1A expression causes cells to shift to a mesenchymal phenotype characterized by high β1-integrin activity and membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) expression. These results demonstrate a previously unrecognized role for the Net1A isoform in controlling FAK activation during planar cell movement and amoeboid motility during extracellular matrix (ECM) invasion.  相似文献   

Intersectin-1L is a member of the Dbl homology (DH) domain guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEF) which control Rho-family GTPase signaling. Intersectin-1L is a GEF that is specific for Cdc42. It plays an important role in endocytosis, and is regulated by several partners including the actin regulator N-WASP. Intact intersectin-1L shows low Cdc42 exchange activity, although the isolated catalytic DH domain shows high activity. This finding suggests that the molecule is autoinhibited. To investigate the mechanism of autoinhibition we have constructed a series of domain deletions. We find that the five SH3 domains of intersectin are important for autoinhibition, with the fifth domain (SH3(E)) being sufficient for the bulk of the autoinhibitory effect. This SH3 domain appears to primarily interact with the DH domain. We have determined the crystal structure of the SH3(E)-DH domain construct, which shows a domain swapped arrangement in which the SH3 from one monomer interacts with the DH domain of the other monomer. Analytical ultracentrifugation and gel filtration, however, show that under biochemical concentrations, the construct is fully monomeric. Thus we propose that the actual autoinhibited structure contains the related intramolecular SH3(E)-DH interaction. We propose a model in which this intramolecular interaction may block or distort the GTPase binding region of the DH domain.  相似文献   



Cell polarization is essential for processes such as cell migration and asymmetric cell division. A common regulator of cell polarization in most eukaryotic cells is the conserved Rho GTPase, Cdc42. In budding yeast, Cdc42 is activated by a single guanine nucleotide exchange factor, Cdc24. The mechanistic details of Cdc24 activation at the onset of yeast cell polarization are unclear. Previous studies have suggested an important role for phosphorylation of Cdc24, which may regulate activity or function of the protein, representing a key step in the symmetry breaking process.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we directly ask whether multisite phosphorylation of Cdc24 plays a role in its regulation. We identify through mass spectrometry analysis over thirty putative in vivo phosphorylation sites. We first focus on sites matching consensus sequences for cyclin-dependent and p21-activated kinases, two kinase families that have been previously shown to phosphorylate Cdc24. Through site-directed mutagenesis, yeast genetics, and light and fluorescence microscopy, we show that nonphosphorylatable mutations of these consensus sites do not lead to any detectable consequences on growth rate, morphology, kinetics of polarization, or localization of the mutant protein. We do, however, observe a change in the mobility shift of mutant Cdc24 proteins on SDS-PAGE, suggesting that we have indeed perturbed its phosphorylation. Finally, we show that mutation of all identified phosphorylation sites does not cause observable defects in growth rate or morphology.


We conclude that lack of phosphorylation on Cdc24 has no overt functional consequences in budding yeast. Yeast cell polarization may be more tightly regulated by inactivation of Cdc42 by GTPase activating proteins or by alternative methods of Cdc24 regulation, such as conformational changes or oligomerization.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G protein signaling is essential for normal hyphal growth in the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa. We have previously demonstrated that the non-receptor guanine nucleotide exchange factor RIC8 acts upstream of the Gα proteins GNA-1 and GNA-3 to regulate hyphal extension. Here we demonstrate that regulation of hyphal extension results at least in part, from an important role in control of asexual spore (conidia) germination. Loss of GNA-3 leads to a drastic reduction in conidial germination, which is exacerbated in the absence of GNA-1. Mutation of RIC8 leads to a reduction in germination similar to that in the Δgna-1, Δgna-3 double mutant, suggesting that RIC8 regulates conidial germination through both GNA-1 and GNA-3. Support for a more significant role for GNA-3 is indicated by the observation that expression of a GTPase-deficient, constitutively active gna-3 allele in the Δric8 mutant leads to a significant increase in conidial germination. Localization of the three Gα proteins during conidial germination was probed through analysis of cells expressing fluorescently tagged proteins. Functional TagRFP fusions of each of the three Gα subunits were constructed through insertion of TagRFP in a conserved loop region of the Gα subunits. The results demonstrated that GNA-1 localizes to the plasma membrane and vacuoles, and also to septa throughout conidial germination. GNA-2 and GNA-3 localize to both the plasma membrane and vacuoles during early germination, but are then found in intracellular vacuoles later during hyphal outgrowth.  相似文献   

Precise regulation of neurite growth and differentiation determines accurate formation of synaptic connections, whose disruptions are frequently associated with neurological disorders. Dedicator of cytokinesis 4 (Dock4), an atypical guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rac1, is found to be associated with neuropsychiatric diseases, including autism and schizophrenia. Nonetheless, the neuronal function of Dock4 is only beginning to be understood. Using mouse neuroblastoma (Neuro-2a) cells as a model, this study identifies that Dock4 is critical for neurite differentiation and extension. This regulation is through activation of Rac1 and modulation of the dynamics of actin-enriched protrusions on the neurites. In cultured hippocampal neurons, Dock4 regulates the establishment of the axon-dendrite polarity and the arborization of dendrites, two critical processes during neural differentiation. Importantly, a microdeletion Dock4 mutant linked to autism and dyslexia that lacks the GEF domain leads to defective neurite outgrowth and neuronal polarization. Further analysis reveals that the SH3 domain-mediated interaction of Dock4 is required for its activity toward neurite differentiation, whereas its proline-rich C terminus is not essential for this regulation. Together, our findings reveal an important role of Dock4 for neurite differentiation during early neuronal development.  相似文献   

The chemotropic guidance cue netrin-1 mediates attraction of migrating axons during central nervous system development through the receptor Deleted in Colorectal Cancer (DCC). Downstream of netrin-1, activated Rho GTPases Rac1 and Cdc42 induce cytoskeletal rearrangements within the growth cone. The Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) Trio is essential for Rac1 activation downstream of netrin-1/DCC, but the molecular mechanisms governing Trio activity remain elusive. Here, we demonstrate that Trio is phosphorylated by Src family kinases in the embryonic rat cortex in response to netrin-1. In vitro, Trio was predominantly phosphorylated at Tyr2622 by the Src kinase Fyn. Though the phospho-null mutant TrioY2622F retained GEF activity toward Rac1, its expression impaired netrin-1-induced Rac1 activation and DCC-mediated neurite outgrowth in N1E-115 neuroblastoma cells. TrioY2622F impaired netrin-1-induced axonal extension in cultured cortical neurons and was unable to colocalize with DCC in growth cones, in contrast to wild-type Trio. Furthermore, depletion of Trio in cortical neurons reduced the level of cell surface DCC in growth cones, which could be restored by expression of wild-type Trio but not TrioY2622F. Together, these findings demonstrate that TrioY2622 phosphorylation is essential for the regulation of the DCC/Trio signaling complex in cortical neurons during netrin-1-mediated axon outgrowth.  相似文献   

Mutation of the tumor suppressor adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) is a key early event in the development of most colorectal tumors. APC promotes degradation of β-catenin and thereby negatively regulates Wnt signaling, whereas mutated APCs present in colorectal tumor cells are defective in this activity. APC also stimulates the activity of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Asef and regulates cell morphology and migration. Truncated mutant APCs constitutively activate Asef and induce aberrant migration of colorectal tumor cells. Furthermore, we have recently found that Asef and APC function downstream of hepatocyte growth factor and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. We show here that Asef is required for basic fibroblast growth factor- and vascular endothelial growth factor-induced endothelial cell migration. We further demonstrate that Asef is required for basic fibroblast growth factor- and vascular endothelial growth factor-induced microvessel formation. Furthermore, we show that the growth as well as vascularity of subcutaneously implanted tumors are markedly impaired in Asef−/− mice compared with wild-type mice. Thus, Asef plays a critical role in tumor angiogenesis and may be a promising target for cancer chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Aspergillus fumigatus is a mold and the causal agent of invasive aspergillosis, a systemic disease with high lethality. Recently, we identified and functionally characterized three stress sensors implicated in the cell wall integrity (CWI) signaling of this pathogen, namely, Wsc1, Wsc3, and MidA. Here, we functionally characterize Rom2, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor with essential function for the cell wall integrity of A. fumigatus. A conditional rom2 mutant has severe growth defects under repressive conditions and incorporates all phenotypes of the three cell wall integrity sensor mutants, e.g., the echinocandin sensitivity of the Δwsc1 mutant and the Congo red, calcofluor white, and heat sensitivity of the ΔmidA mutant. Rom2 interacts with Rho1 and shows a similar intracellular distribution focused at the hyphal tips. Our results place Rom2 between the cell surface stress sensors Wsc1, Wsc3, MidA, and Rho1 and their downstream effector mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase module Bck1-Mkk2-MpkA.  相似文献   



Non-muscle myosin II (NM II) regulates a wide range of cellular functions, including neuronal differentiation, which requires precise spatio-temporal activation of Rho GTPases. The molecular mechanism underlying the NM II-mediated activation of Rho GTPases is poorly understood. The present study explored the possibility that NM II regulates neuronal differentiation, particularly morphological changes in growth cones and the distal axon, through guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) of the Dbl family.

Principal Findings

NM II colocalized with GEFs, such as βPIX, kalirin and intersectin, in growth cones. Inactivation of NM II by blebbistatin (BBS) led to the increased formation of short and thick filopodial actin structures at the periphery of growth cones. In line with these observations, FRET analysis revealed enhanced Cdc42 activity in BBS-treated growth cones. BBS treatment also induced aberrant targeting of various GEFs to the distal axon where GEFs were seldom observed under physiological conditions. As a result, numerous protrusions and branches were generated on the shaft of the distal axon. The disruption of the NM II–GEF interactions by overexpression of the DH domains of βPIX or Tiam1, or by βPIX depletion with specific siRNAs inhibited growth cone formation and induced slender axons concomitant with multiple branches in cultured hippocampal neurons. Finally, stimulation with nerve growth factor induced transient dissociation of the NM II–GEF complex, which was closely correlated with the kinetics of Cdc42 and Rac1 activation.


Our results suggest that NM II maintains proper morphology of neuronal growth cones and the distal axon by regulating actin dynamics through the GEF–Rho GTPase signaling pathway.  相似文献   

In certain Ras mutant cell lines, the inhibition of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling increases RhoA activity and inhibits cell motility, which was attributed to a decrease in Fra-1 levels. Here we report a Fra-1-independent augmentation of RhoA signaling during short-term inhibition of ERK signaling. Using mass spectrometry-based proteomics, we identified guanine exchange factor H1 (GEF-H1) as mediating this effect. ERK binds to the Rho exchange factor GEF-H1 and phosphorylates it on S959, causing inhibition of GEF-H1 activity and a consequent decrease in RhoA activity. Knockdown experiments and expression of a nonphosphorylatable S959A GEF-H1 mutant showed that this site is crucial in regulating cell motility and invasiveness. Thus, we identified GEF-H1 as a critical ERK effector that regulates motility, cell morphology, and invasiveness.  相似文献   

The initial step of bone digestion is the adhesion of osteoclasts onto bone surfaces and the assembly of podosomal belts that segregate the bone-facing ruffled membrane from other membrane domains. During bone digestion, membrane components of the ruffled border also need to be recycled after macropinocytosis of digested bone materials. How osteoclast polarity and membrane recycling are coordinated remains unknown. Here, we show that the Cdc42-guanine nucleotide exchange factor FGD6 coordinates these events through its Src-dependent interaction with different actin-based protein networks. At the plasma membrane, FGD6 couples cell adhesion and actin dynamics by regulating podosome formation through the assembly of complexes comprising the Cdc42-interactor IQGAP1, the Rho GTPase-activating protein ARHGAP10, and the integrin interactors Talin-1/2 or Filamin A. On endosomes and transcytotic vesicles, FGD6 regulates retromer-dependent membrane recycling through its interaction with the actin nucleation-promoting factor WASH. These results provide a mechanism by which a single Cdc42-exchange factor controlling different actin-based processes coordinates cell adhesion, cell polarity, and membrane recycling during bone degradation.  相似文献   

The cleavage furrow is created by an actomyosin contractile ring that isregulated by small GTPase proteins such as Rac1 and RhoA. Guanine nucleotideexchange factors (GEFs) are positive regulators of the small GTPase proteins andhave been implicated as important factors in regulating cytokinesis. However, it isstill unclear how GEFs regulate the contractile ring during cytokinesis inmammalian cells. Here we report that a novel GEF, which is termed MyoGEF(myosin-interacting GEF), interacts with nonmuscle myosin II and exhibits activitytoward RhoA. MyoGEF and nonmuscle myosin II colocalize to the cleavage furrowin early anaphase cells. Disruption of MyoGEF expression in U2OS cells by RNAinterference (RNAi) results in the formation of multinucleated cells. These resultssuggest that MyoGEF, RhoA, and nonmuscle myosin II act as a functional unit atthe cleavage furrow to advance furrow ingression during cytokinesis.  相似文献   



Phospholipase D (PLD) is involved in many signaling pathways. In most systems, the activity of PLD is primarily regulated by the members of the ADP-Ribosylation Factor (ARF) family of GTPases, but the mechanism of activation of PLD and ARF by extracellular signals has not been fully established. Here we tested the hypothesis that ARF-guanine nucleotide exchange factors (ARF-GEFs) of the cytohesin/ARNO family mediate the activation of ARF and PLD by insulin.  相似文献   

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