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We present a new model of ballooning behaviour in arthropods in which draglines are regarded as being extendible and completely flexible. Our numerical simulations reveal that silk draglines within turbulent flows can become twisted and stretched into highly contorted shapes. Ballooners are therefore predicted to have little control over their aerodynamic drag and their dispersal within the atmospheric boundary layer. Dragline length is crucial only at lift-off. This prediction runs counter to that of Humphrey who suggested that the length of rigid draglines can be used to control dispersal. In contrast with Humphrey's model, the new model accounts naturally for the large distances travelled by some ballooners.  相似文献   

We have solved a long-standing and seemingly paradoxical set of questions that relate to the conditions which govern spider ballooning. We show that observations of spider ballooning excursions are best explained by meteorological conditions which maximize dispersal. Dispersal is predicted to be most effective in terms of distance when the stability of the atmosphere is non-ideally convective and is less effective during purely convective or neutrally stable conditions. Ballooners are most likely to travel a few hundred metres, but dispersal distances of several hundred kilometres are possible.  相似文献   

Testing macro-evolutionary models using incomplete molecular phylogenies.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Phylogenies reconstructed from gene sequences can be used to investigate the tempo and mode of species diversification. Here we develop and use new statistical methods to infer past patterns of speciation and extinction from molecular phylogenies. Specifically, we test the null hypothesis that per-lineage speciation and extinction rates have remained constant through time. Rejection of this hypothesis may provide evidence for evolutionary events such as adaptive radiations or key adaptations. In contrast to previous approaches, our methods are robust to incomplete taxon sampling and are conservative with respect to extinction. Using simulation we investigate, first, the adverse effects of failing to take incomplete sampling into account and, second, the power and reliability of our tests. When applied to published phylogenies our tests suggest that, in some cases, speciation rates have decreased through time.  相似文献   

The kelp Laminaria hyperborea is host for a rich fauna of mobile invertebrates. Dispersal patterns of these animals may be crucial for their availability to visual predators like fish, which are known to search for food in these productive habitats. Diurnal, horizontal and vertical dispersal within and out of the kelp forest were studied by analysing colonization of artificial substrata placed among kelps. The species composition of the fauna was different on three parts of the kelp: lamina, stipes (with epiphytes) and holdfast. The artificial substrata were colonized mainly by species associated with kelp. More species and individuals colonized the artificial substrata at night than during the day. The most abundant faunal groups on the kelps and the artificial substrata were amphipods and gastropods. Both groups dispersed at a significantly higher rate at night than during the day. Rapid horizontal dispersal out of the kelp forest was found. The artificial substrata were also colonized quickly by kelp fauna at all vertical levels inside and above the kelp forest. However, species associated with the kelp holdfast tended to disperse close to the bottom, while stipe-associated fauna moved through all parts of the kelp forest and even above the canopy layer. A high dispersal rate appears common amongst the mobile species living on kelp and seems to be advantageous, despite the risks involved in emigrating from the habitat and being exposed to predators. Higher activity at night may reduce availability to predators.  相似文献   

Chromosome phylogenies of man,great apes,and old world monkeys   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Jean De Grouchy 《Genetica》1987,73(1-2):37-52
The karyotypes of man and of the closely related Pongidae — chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan — differ by a small number of well known rearrangements, mainly pericentric inversions and one fusion which reduced the chromosome number from 48 in the Pongidae to 46 in man. Dutrillaux et al. (1973, 1975, 1979) reconstructed the chromosomal phylogeny of the entire primate order. More and more distantly related species were compared thus moving backward in evolution to the common ancestors of the Pongidae, of the Cercopithecoidae, the Catarrhini, the Platyrrhini, the Prosimians, and finally the common ancestor of all primates. Descending the pyramid it becomes possible to assign the rearrangements that occurred in each phylum, and the one that led to man in particular.The main conclusions are that this phylogeny is compatible with the occurrence during evolution of simple chromosome rearrangements — inversions, fusions, reciprocal translocation, acquisition or loss of heterochromatin — and that it is entirely consistent with the known primate phylogeny based on physical morphology and molecular evolution. If heterochromatin is not taken into account, man has in common with the other primates practically all of his chromosomal material as determined by chromosome banding. However, it is arranged differently, according to species, on account of chromosome rearrangements. This interpretation has been confirmed by comparative gene mapping, which established that the same chromosome segments, identified by banding, carry the same genes (Finaz et al., 1973; Human Gene Mapping 8, 1985).A remarkable observation made by Dutrillaux is that different primate phyla seem to have adopted different chromosome rearrangements in the course of evolution: inversions for the Pongidae, Robertsonian fusions for the lemurs, etc. This observation may raise many questions, among which is that of an organized evolution. Also, the breakpoints of chromosomal rearrangements observed during evolution, in human chromosomal diseases, and after ionizing irradiation do not seem to be distributed at random.Chromosomal rearrangements observed in evolution are known to be harmful in humans, leading to complete or partial sterility through abnormal offspring in the heterozygous state but not in the homozygous state. They then become a robust reproductive barrier capable of creating new species, far more powerful than gene mutations advocated by neo-Darwinism. The homozygous state may be achieved especially through inbreeding, which must have played a major role during primate evolution. Whether new species derive from unique individuals or couples (Adam and Eve), or through a populational process, remains a matter for discussion.  相似文献   

HyPhy: hypothesis testing using phylogenies   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
SUMMARY: The HyPhypackage is designed to provide a flexible and unified platform for carrying out likelihood-based analyses on multiple alignments of molecular sequence data, with the emphasis on studies of rates and patterns of sequence evolution. AVAILABILITY: http://www.hyphy.org CONTACT: muse@stat.ncsu.edu SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: HyPhydocumentation and tutorials are available at http://www.hyphy.org.  相似文献   

Myrmecochorous dispersal distances: a world survey   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Abstract. Myrmecochorous dispersal distances are reviewed; the seed dispersal curve generated by ants shows a characteristic peak at short distances and a long tail, a shape suited to small densities of safe sites. Mean global distance is of 0.96 m (n= 2524) with a range of 0.01–77 m. Data have been broken down by geography (Northern hemisphere v. Southern hemisphere), taxonomy (ant subfamilies) and ecology (vegetation: sclerophyllous v. mesophyllous). Although a statistical difference exists between dispersal curves from the Northern hemisphere and the Southern hemisphere, this may be an artefact of lack of data from mesophyllous myrmecochores from this hemisphere. The four ant subfamilies do show also numerical differences but could not be subjected to statistical analysis. A difference between the shape of dispersal curve for sclerophyllous myrmecochores and mesophyllous myrmecochores has also been detected. We hypothesize that this difference is related to the myrmecological communities from both types of vegetation: dispersing ants from sclerophyllous vegetation would have smaller nest densities and/or bigger foraging areas than dispersing ants from mesic environments.  相似文献   

Stony corals in the genus Pocillopora are among the most common and widely distributed of Indo-Pacific corals and, as such, are often the subject of physiological and ecological research. In the far Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP), they are major constituents of shallow coral communities, exhibiting considerable variability in colony shape and branch morphology and marked differences in response to thermal stress. Numerous intermediates occur between morphospecies that may relate to extensive hybridization. The diversity of the Pocillopora genus in the TEP was analysed genetically using nuclear ribosomal (ITS2) and mitochondrial (ORF) sequences, and population genetic markers (seven microsatellite loci). The resident dinoflagellate endosymbiont (Symbiodinium sp.) in each sample was also characterized using sequences of the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) rDNA and the noncoding region of the chloroplast psbA minicircle. From these analyses, three symbiotically distinct, reproductively isolated, nonhybridizing, evolutionarily divergent animal lineages were identified. Designated types 1, 2 and 3, these groupings were incongruent with traditional morphospecies classification. Type 1 was abundant and widespread throughout the TEP; type 2 was restricted to the Clipperton Atoll; and type 3 was found only in Panama and the Galapagos Islands. Each type harboured a different Symbiodinium'species lineage' in Clade C, and only type 1 associated with the 'stress-tolerant'Symbiodinium glynni (D1). The accurate delineation of species and implementation of a proper taxonomy may profoundly improve our assessment of Pocillopora's reproductive biology, biogeographic distributions, and resilience to climate warming, information that must be considered when planning for the conservation of reef corals.  相似文献   

1. The causes of distribution patterns of stygobionts (obligate subterranean-dwelling aquatic species) were examined with special emphasis on vicariance and dispersal.
2. Dispersal was investigated on the premise that if migration is important, then migration at small scales should predict patterns at larger scales. Data on the copepod fauna of epikarst in Slovenia were especially useful for the study of migration, because data on habitat occupancy could be collected at scales of individual drips located metres apart to the scale of individual caves to entire karst regions. Occupancy of drips in one cave was a remarkably good predictor of occupancy of caves in a region, although not of the overall range of a given species. These results were also supported by occupancy patterns of the general stygobiotic fauna of West Virginia caves, compared at different scales.
3. Vicariance was investigated by noting that proximity to marine embayments increases the likelihood of vicariant speciation. In the U.S.A., only the fauna of the Edwards Aquifer of Texas has a significant component of marine-derived species. Differences in shape of the relationship between species number and number of caves in a county indicated that the marine-derived component represented an addition to rather than a replacement of the other stygobiotic species.
4. Thus, we found evidence for the importance of both vicariance and dispersal. The techniques employed could be used to study these patterns more generally, as more data become available.  相似文献   

As part of the International Kuril Island Project, we collected data on the distribution patterns of native terrestrial, non-volant mammals inhabiting the Kuril archipelago in the northwest Pacific. The Kurils have a complex physical geography, featuring both landbridge and oceanic islands in which small mammal-occupied islands are near mainlands, whereas larger islands are more isolated. This geography, in combination with the Kurils' cold climate, causes the mammalian fauna to deviate from traditional island biogeographic patterns. We examined these patterns and the mechanisms influencing them using both nestedness analyses and measures of compositional disharmony. We found, as island isolation increases, carnivores constitute an increasing fraction of the mammalian fauna. We suggest that this intriguing pattern of carnivore dominance occurs because species' dispersal abilities increase with increasing body size in the Kurils' cold climate. Substantial energy reserves and cold tolerance of large-bodied carnivores may have been a major factor in determining mam- malian colonization patterns, patterns which are perhaps indicative of the complex manners in which challenging climates impact mammalian community assemblages.  相似文献   

Tsetse populations are distributed discontinuously, particularly the morsitans group. Dispersal among diverse populations cannot easily be measured directly because the geographical distances between them can be too great to have a reasonable expectation of recapturing experimentally released flies. Moreover, reproductive success of widely dispersed flies might be poor. The question of dispersal rates in tsetse is immediately important because area-wide eradication plans involving the sterile insect technique are under consideration. Dispersal and gene flow are important from evolutionary and historical viewpoints. An indirect method of estimating dispersal is to measure gene flow. Genetic data indicate surprisingly low rates of gene flow in the morsitans and palpalis groups studied to date. The underlying assumptions in making such estimates need to be examined carefully, however, before accepting firm conclusions, and further research is needed. Of particular interest is the question of tsetse adaptation to local environments.  相似文献   

Species diversity gradients seen today are, to a large degree, a product of history. Spatially nonrandom originations, extinctions, and changes in geographic distributions can create gradients in species and higher-taxon richness, but the relative roles of each of these processes remain poorly documented. Existing explanations of diversity gradients have tended to focus on either macroevolutionary or biogeographic processes; integrative models that include both are largely lacking. We used simple models that incorporate origination and extinction rates along with dispersal of taxa between regions to show that dispersal not only affects regional richness patterns but also has a strong influence on the average age of taxa present in a region. Failure to take into account the effects of dispersal can, in principle, lead to biased estimates of diversification rates and potentially wrong conclusions regarding processes driving latitudinal and other gradients in diversity. Thus, it is critical to include the effects of dispersal when formulating and testing hypotheses about the causes of large-scale gradients in diversity. Finally, the model results, in conjunction with the results of existing empirical studies, suggest that the nature of macroevolutionary and biogeographic processes may differ between terrestrial and marine diversity gradients.  相似文献   

Protea-associated fungi are dispersed between flower heads by mites, beetles and possibly birds. For the ophiostomatoid fungus, Knoxdaviesia proteae, these vectors offer regular dispersal between distant floral hosts. Unlike K. proteae, Knoxdaviesia capensis occupies multiple Protea host species. In this study, we aimed to determine whether the generalist K. capensis shares the long-distance dispersal pattern with specialist K. proteae and whether it moves freely between different host species. We evaluated the genetic structure of K. capensis from five populations of a wide-spread host and between sympatric hosts. Twelve K. capensis-specific microsatellite markers were developed and applied to 90 individuals. K. capensis showed high genetic diversity and almost maximal genotypic diversity. All populations were poorly differentiated, indicating the presence of long-distance dispersal. No differentiation could be detected between sympatric host populations, suggesting free dispersal between different hosts. This implies that the beetle and bird vectors that pollinate Protea species show the same non-specific movement.  相似文献   

Rat models of type 1 diabetes: genetics, environment, and autoimmunity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
For many years, the vast amount of data gathered from analysis of nonobese diabetic (NOD) and congenic NOD mice has eclipsed interest in the rat for the study of type 1 diabetes. The study of rat models has continued, however, and recently there has been a reanimation of interest for several reasons. First, genetic analysis of the rat has accelerated. Ian4L1, cblb, and Iddm4 are now known to play major roles in rat autoimmunity. Second, rats are amenable to study the interactions of genetics and environment that may be critical for disease expression in humans. Environmental perturbants that predictably enhance the expression of rat autoimmune diabetes include viral infection, toll-like receptor ligation, and depletion of regulatory T cell populations. Finally, data generated in the rat have correctly predicted the outcome of several human diabetes prevention trials, notably the failure of nicotinamide and low dose parenteral and oral insulin therapies.  相似文献   

Dialectical Anthropology -  相似文献   

Mutation rate variation across loci is well known to cause difficulties, notably identifiability issues, in the reconstruction of evolutionary trees from molecular sequences. Here we introduce a new approach for estimating general rates-across-sites models. Our results imply, in particular, that large phylogenies are typically identifiable under rate variation. We also derive sequence-length requirements for high-probability reconstruction. Our main contribution is a novel algorithm that clusters sites according to their mutation rate. Following this site clustering step, standard reconstruction techniques can be used to recover the phylogeny. Our results rely on a basic insight: that, for large trees, certain site statistics experience concentration-of-measure phenomena.  相似文献   

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