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Summary The submandibular glands of female mice and the sublingual and parotid glands of adult male and female mice have been examined by light microscopical immunocytochemistry for nerve growth factor (NGF). In female submandibular glands, staining for NGF was observed in granular convoluted tubule and striated duct cells. Sublingual glands of the mouse contained relatively few granular cells staining for NGF compared with submandibular glands. However, such granular cells appeared to be more numerous in male sublingual glands than in female glands. The remainder of the intralobular duct cells in both male and female sublingual glands exhibited apical subluminal staining for NGF as well as light basal plasmalemmal staining. Parotid glands in both male and female mice exhibited a similar pattern of staining for NGF in striated duct cells. However, the glands did not contain granular cells nor did they exhibit any pattern of staining which reflected a sexual dimorphism. Immunodot staining of salivary gland extracts confirmed the presence of immunoreactivity for NGF in all three of the major salivary glands.  相似文献   

Summary Antibodies against murine submandibular and sublingual mucins have been raised in rabbits. Both antisera appeared to be specific. Using these antibodies, the mucins were localized in the acinar cells of the submandibular and sublingual glands respectively.The dyed amylopectin method was used to estimate the activity of amylase in the salivary glands. The enzyme was localized either by a starch-substrate film method or with antibodies against purified parotid amylase. The activity of amylase in parotid homogenates is about 1000-fold higher than that in homogenates of either submandibular or sublingual glands, in which the activity was comparable. Amylase was localized in the acinar cells of the parotid gland with both localization techniques. In the sublingual gland, amylase was found predominantly in the stroma around the acini, and there was some evidence that amylase was present in the demilune cells as well. In the submandibular gland, contradictory results were obtained with both techniques. With the starch-substrate film method, amylase activity was found in the granular convoluted tubular cells, whereas immuno-reactive amylase could only be demonstrated in the acinar cells of this gland. It is concluded that in the submandibular gland amylase and mucin are present in the same cell type.  相似文献   

Summary Light-microscopic autoradiography was used to localize the cellular sites for neutral amino acid uptake in submandibular and sublingual salivary gland epithelia. The vasculature of isolated glands was perfused for 3–5 min with either L-(3-3H)serine or L-(4-3H)phenylalanine and then fixed by perfusion with buffered glutaraldehyde. In the submandibular gland the small neutral amino acid L-serine and the aromatic amino acid L-phenylalanine were localized to central acinar cells, demilunar cells and ductal cells. In the sublingual gland silver grains associated with each of these tritiated amino acids were localized to central acinar and ductal cells. Perfusion of both submandibular and sublingual glands with unlabelled L-serine (25 mM) or L-phenylalanine (30 mM) resulted in a significant decrease in the silver grain density associated with each labelled amino acid. The absence of silver grains in the lumina of acinar and ductal cells and the presence of tight junctions near the apical surface of the epithelium strongly suggest that the initial uptake of these amino acids was mediated by basolateral plasma membrane carriers.  相似文献   

Whether free choline levels are changeable in vivo in response to different types of autonomic agonists was examined in several mouse organs. Upon one subcutaneous injection of isoproterenol, phenylephrine and pilocarpine, choline levels in whole organ decreased, increased and decreased, respectively, in various organs within 30 min and returned to initial levels in a day. In the three major salivary glands, a delayed choline elevation also appeared on day 2 after one isoproterenol injection and subsided by day 6. Only in the three salivary glands more choline was accumulated after 10 once-a-day injections of isoproterenol than after one isoproterenol injection. Neither phenylephrine nor pilocarpine induced comparable choline accumulation in any organs examined. Isoproterenol injection repeated at a 2-day interval augmented the subsequent, delayed choline elevation. Examination with dobutamine and the adenylyl cyclase activator 6-(3-dimethylaminopropionyl)forskolin suggested that isoproterenol-induced immediate choline lowering was down-stream of cAMP synthesis and linked to cAMP more tightly than the choline accumulation, though both choline changes occurred via beta1-adrenergic receptors. Choline levels in the salivary glands also changed depending on the form of diet given and particularly in the parotid gland in parallel with gland weights. These results provide the first evidence for the autonomic control of intracellular choline levels; intracellular choline levels might be an integral part of the autonomic signalling pathway.  相似文献   

Summary Rabbit polyclonal antibodies against isoproterenol-induced mouse proline-rich proteins (PRPs) were used to localize PRPs in the parotid salivary glands of normal adult BALB/c mice. The antibodies recognized both acidic-type and basic-type PRPs. Immunoblotting experiments revealed that the glands contained an acidic-type and a basic-type PRP. Parotid gland tissue was fixed with Karnosky's fixative and embedded in Lowicryl resin at low temperature. PRPs were localized at the electron microscope level using an indirect post-embedding staining technique with protein A-gold. The secretion granules of the acinar cells were strongly labelled. Pre-absorption of the antibody with purified acidic-type and basic-type PRPs indicated that the basic-type PRP is mainly located at the periphery of the granules but that the acidic-type PRP is more evenly distributed within the granules. Pre-absorption of the antibody with -amylase did not affect the staining pattern, suggesting minimal cross-reactivity. PRPs were also detected within the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus of acinar cells, within the granules of the proacinar cells and in the lumena of the ducts, but not within the intercalated or striated duct cell granules.  相似文献   

Protein metabolism in salivary glands, gut, haemolymph, and fat body during the last larval instar of the blowfly, Calliphora erythrocephala, has been investigated. In salivary glands, protein release, protein synthesis, amylase, and pepsin-like protease activity were maximal in 6 day larvae, this being at a time when the larvae had finished feeding. All these functions declined in glands from the rounded-off white puparial stage (R.O.) while acid phosphatase activity rose throughout the third instar to a maximum at the R.O. stage, Glands from 6 and 7 day larvae released protein which on disk gel electrophoresis separated into four minor bands and two major bands one of the latter possessing protease activity.In the gut, pepsin-like protease activity was maximal in 4 day larvae after which it fell rapidly thus following the feeding pattern of the larva in contrast to that in the salivary glands which did not.In vitro experiments showed that protease was released from 6 day glands through the basal membrane of the cells and not via the duct. A pepsin-like protease was also found in the haemolymph and fat body, the activity in the fat body rising rapidly during the latter part of the third instar, a rise which is attributed to the fat body sequestering protease from the haemolymph. Acid phosphatase activity in the fat body was maximal in 5 day larvae indicating that this enzyme was synthesized early in the third instar. It was shown that fat body sequestered 14C-labelled protein synthesized by and released from the salivary glands, most of the 14C activity being associated with a 600 g precipitable, acid-phosphatase rich fraction.It is proposed that in late third instar larvae the salivary glands function as glands of internal secretion, releasing protease into the haemolymph, which is then sequestered by the fat body (and perhaps other tissues) and is subsequently used in the lysis of the tissues at the time of metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Summary The localization of radiolabeled estradiol and dihydrotestosterone was examined in the lymphatic organs of both male and female baboons. A total of 12 baboons were divided into two groups, each containing three males and three females. Each animal in one group, both males and females, was injected intravenously with 1 g/kg body weight of 3H-estradiol while those in the second group were each injected with 1 g/kg body weight of 3H-dihydrotestosterone. As controls, one male and one female from each group also received a dose of 100 g/kg body weight of the corresponding unlabeled steroid. One and a half hours after the injections, the animals were sacrificed and the spleen, thymus, and inguinal lymph nodes removed and processed for autoradiography. The localization of 3H-estradiol was similar in both males and females. In the thymus fibroblasts and epithelio-reticular cells, but not thymocytes, localized 3H-estradiol. In lymph node and spleen, nonlymphoid tissue concentrated the labeled estrogen. Additionally, in the paracortical region of the lymph node, an unknown cell type was labeled with estrogen. Only one male baboon demonstrated nuclear localization of 3H-dihydrotestosterone. This was observed in the reticular cells in the spleen and lymph nodes. The same cell type in the organs of the remaining animals was unlabeled.  相似文献   

The localization of kallikrein in human exocrine organs was studied with a direct immunofluorescence method. In the submandibular and parotid salivary glands, kallikrein was found apically in the striated duct cells whereas it was absent from the main excretory ducts or present only as a weak luminal rim. Kallikrein was not found in the acinar cells or in cells of the intercalated ducts. In the pancreas, kallikrein-specific fluorescence was seen in the granular portion of the acinar cells, whereas the islets of Langerhans and ductal cells were unstained.  相似文献   

Summary As a part of a microfluorometric investigation of the nucleoproteins of nuclei whose chromatin displays varying degrees of condensation, a comparison was made of mouse small thymocyte and hepatocyte nuclei stained with the acidic dye, brilliant sulfaflavine, at pH 2.8. These estimates of total protein content were compared with measurements obtained in similarly stained nuclei after extraction either with 0.4 N H2SO4 to remove all histones or with 0.35 M NaCl to remove nucleoplasmic proteins and some loosely bound non-histone chromosomal proteins. Treatment with 5% TCA at 60°C was used to remove nucleic acids and to reverse the effects of formaldehyde fixation. In all instances, the fluorescence of 2c hepatocyte nuclei greatly exceeded that of similarly treated thymocyte nuclei. While extraction with 0.4 N H2SO4 resulted in reductions of as much as 75% of the total fluorescence of small thymocyte nuclei, the losses of fluorescence in 2c hepatocyte nuclei amounted to only 20–30%. Nevertheless, the absolute values of fluorescence lost in both types of nuclei were very similar. After extraction in 0.35 M NaCl, thymocyte nuclei displayed slightly greater fluorescence than control thymocyte nuclei, while the total fluorescence of hepatocyte nuclei declined. In hepatocyte nuclei extracted with TCA, with and without treatment with 0.35 M NaCl, two populations of diploid nuclei were apparent: one corresponding to parenchymal cell nuclei and the other comprised of non-parenchymal cell nuclei. Only single diploid populations were visible in acid-extracted material. The ratios of 4c2c, 8c4c, and 8c2c hepatocyte nuclei in control, acid-extracted, and NaCl-extracted groups were generally lower than the expected 224 values. These results indicate that total nuclear histones may be estimated microfluorometrically by computing the difference between acid-extracted and unextracted preparations treated in otherwise equivalent ways. In addition, despite very similar absolute losses of fluorescence after removal of histones in thymocyte and 2c hepatocyte nuclei, the proportion of total protein ascribable to histones is much greater in thymocyte nuclei than in 2c hepatocyte nuclei — or, conversely, the percentage of total protein attributable to non-histone proteins is much greater in 2c hepatocyte nuclei than in thymocyte nuclei.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of specific nuclear binding sites for androgens and estrogens in the male accessory sex organs of the mouse was assessed by autoradiography with3H dihydrotestosterone (3H DHT) and3H estradiol (3H E2). With3H DHT nuclear labeling differed among the epithelia of the organs. It was high in seminal vesicle and ampullary gland, moderate in ventral prostate, urethral gland, prostatic excretory ducts and the ampulla ductus deferentis, low in dorsal prostate and low or absent in coagulation gland. With3H E2, in contrast, epithelial nuclear labeling was high only in coagulation gland, moderate or low in seminal vesicle, low or absent in ventral and dorsal prostate and absent in ampullary gland and ampulla ductus deferentis. In the lamina propria of all organs nuclear labeling with3H DHT was generally moderate and existed only in some cells, with the highest number in the ampulla ductus deferentis. With3H E2, nuclear labeling in the lamina propria showed a high intensity in all organs, except in ventral and dorsal prostate which remained unlabeled. Many labeled cells were found in the deferent duct and its ampulla, while in the other organs only a few cells showed nuclear labeling with3H E2. In the smooth muscle sheath of all organs, some muscle cells were moderately labeled with3H DHT, but not with3H E2. The results indicate the presence of nuclear receptors in male accessory sex organs for both dihydrotestosterone and estradiol. The differential patterns of3H DHT and3H E2 nuclear uptake suggest differential sensitivities of the individual organs and their tissue compartments for androgens and estrogens. Supported by PHS grant NSO9914 to W.E.S. and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Dr94/4 to U.D. The work of Dr. Schleicher and his stay in Chapel Hill were additionally sponsored by Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes and Boehringer-Ingelheim Fonds  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical localization of tonin in rat salivary glands and kidney   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tonin has been localized in salivary glands and kidney by the indirect immunofluorescence technique of Coons and by the unlabeled antibody technique of Sternberger. Both techniques gave identical results. Immunoreactive tonin was localized in the cytoplasm of granular convoluted tubular cells and on the apical surface of striated duct cells and collecting duct cells of the submandibular gland. In the parotid and sublingual glands, which lack granular cells, tonin was only found on the apical surface of striated duct and collecting duct cells. In the kidney, immunoreactive tonin was found only associated with cells of the distal convoluted tubules. After fixation with Bouin fluid or with ethanol, tonin was found not only on the apical surface of the cells but also in the apical and perinuclear cytoplasm. This cytoplasmic staining has been attributed to artefactual diffusion since, after fixation with formol-picric acid, the enzyme could only be localized on the apical surface of the tubular cells.  相似文献   

Parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) was isolated from tumours and is thought to represent the main factor responsible for humoral hypercalcaemia, which accompanies neoplastic diseases. At present, the protein is known to reside in multiple tissues and organs of both humans and animals. Our study was aimed at demonstrating the presence of PTHrP in normal salivary glands (parotid and submandibular) of rats and humans. Application of immunocytochemical techniques permitted to document the presence of PTHrP in the human and in the rat salivary glands. In all cases, an intense reaction was observed in intra- and interlobular ducts. In rat salivary glands, PTHrP was also present in cells of mucous acini. In our opinion, the presence of PTHrP in the ducts indicates participation of the protein in electrolyte transport across the epithelial cells. The positive reaction noted in mucous acini of rat salivary glands may indicate accessory role of PTHrP in the secretory processes in the glands.  相似文献   

Inorganic pyrophosphatase (EC from cells of the sublingual and submandibular salivary glands of rat was found only in the cytosol and was absent in nuclei, mitochondria, lysosomes and microsomes.  相似文献   

G Tobin  A Luts  F Sundler  J Ekstr?m 《Peptides》1990,11(4):863-867
In parotid, sublingual and submandibular glands of the ferret, morphological correlates were looked for, using immunocytochemistry, to previous physiological findings showing parasympathetic "atropine-resistant" salivary secretion and neuropeptide-evoked salivation in this species. Nerve fibers storing VIP were numerous in association with acini, ducts and blood vessels, while the number of fibers storing substance P was moderate and those containing CGRP and galanin few; also the number of NPY-containing fibers was low around acini and ducts but relatively high around vessels. Sympathectomy eliminated all NPY- and almost all dopamine beta-hydroxylase-containing fibers. Parasympathectomy of the parotid gland resulted in a total loss of the VIP-containing fibers, and a profound reduction in the number of substance P- and CGRP-containing fibers.  相似文献   

Summary Antibodies produced in the mouse by repeated intraperitoneal injections of partly purified atrial natriuretic factor (low molecular weight peptide (LMWP) and high molecular weight peptide (HMWP)) have been used to localize these factors by immunohistochemistry (immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase method) and by immunocytochemistry (protein A-gold technique) in the heart of rats and of a variety of animal species including man and in the rat salivary glands. Immunofluorescence and the immunoperoxidase method gave identical results: in the rat, atrial cardiocytes gave a positive reaction at both nuclear poles while ventricular cardiocytes were consistently negative. The cardiocytes of the right atrial appendage were more intensely reactive than those localized in the left appendage. A decreasing gradient of intensity was observed from the subpericardial to the subendocardial cardiocytes. The cardiocytes of the interatrial septum were only lightly granulated. Sodium deficiency and thirst (deprivation of drinking water for 5 days) produced, as already shown at the ultrastructural level, a marked increase in the reactivity of all cardiocytes from both atria with the same gradient of intensity as in control animals. Cross-reactivity of intragranular peptides with the rat antibodies allowed visualization of specific granules in a variety of animal species (mouse, guinea pig, rabbit, rat, dog) and in human atrial appendages. No reaction could be elicited in the frog atrium and ventricle although, in this species, specific granules have been shown to be present by electron microscopy in all cardiac chambers. With the protein A-gold technique, at the ultrastructural level, single labeling (use of one antibody on one face of a fine section) or double labeling (use of two antibodies on the two faces of a fine section) showed that the two peptides are localized simultaneously in all three types (A, B and D) of specific granules. In the rat salivary glands, immunofluorescence and the immunoperoxidase method showed reactivity exclusively in the acinar cells. The reaction was most intense in the acinar cells of the parotid gland. In the sublingual gland, only the serous cells, sometimes forming abortive demi-lunes, were reactive. In the submaxillary gland, the reaction was weaker and distributed seemingly haphazardly in the gland. The most constantly reactive cells were localized near the capsule while many cells did not contain visible reaction product.  相似文献   

Antibodies produced in the mouse by repeated intraperitoneal injections of partly purified atrial natriuretic factor (low molecular weight peptide (LMWP) and high molecular weight peptide (HMWP)) have been used to localize these factors by immunohistochemistry (immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase method) and by immunocytochemistry (protein A-gold technique) in the heart of rats and of a variety of animal species including man and in the rat salivary glands. Immunofluorescence and the immunoperoxidase method gave identical results; in the rat, atrial cardiocytes gave a positive reaction at both nuclear poles while ventricular cardiocytes were consistently negative. The cardiocytes of the right atrial appendage were more intensely reactive than those localized in the left appendage. A decreasing gradient of intensity was observed from the subpericardial to the subendocardial cardiocytes. The cardiocytes of the interatrial septum were only lightly granulated. Sodium deficiency and thirst (deprivation of drinking water for 5 days) produced, as already shown at the ultrastructural level, a marked increase in the reactivity of all cardiocytes from both atria with the same gradient of intensity as in control animals. Cross-reactivity of intragranular peptides with the rat antibodies allowed visualization of specific granules in a variety of animal species (mouse, guinea pig, rabbit, rat, dog) and in human atrial appendages. No reaction could be elicited in the frog atrium and ventricle although, in this species, specific granules have been shown to be present by electron microscopy in all cardiac chambers. With the protein A-gold technique, at the ultrastructural level, single labeling (use of one antibody on one face of a fine section) or double labeling (use of two antibodies on the two faces of a fine section) showed that the two peptides are localized simultaneously in all three types (A, B and D) of specific granules. In the rat salivary glands, immunofluorescence and the immunoperoxidase method showed reactivity exclusively in the acinar cells. The reaction was most intense in the acinar cells of the parotid gland. In the sublingual gland, only the serous cells, sometimes forming abortive "demi-lunes", were reactive. In the submaxillary gland, the reaction was weaker and distributed seemingly haphazardly in the gland. The most constantly reactive cells were localized near the capsule while many cells did not contain visible reaction product.  相似文献   

Calnexin (Cnx) has been characterized as a membrane-bound protein that transiently interacts in a unique chaperone system with newly synthesized glycoproteins in order to allow the establishment of their proper tertiary and, in most cases, quarternary structures. The aim of the study was to identify and to locate the expression of Cnx in the three major salivary glands of humans by different methods. Strong expression of Cnx protein and mRNA were generally found in serous salivary secretory units. With regard to mucous secretory units, expression of Cnx was only detectable at a low level in mucous acinar cells of sublingual glands, but not of submandibular glands. Expression of Cnx was always preserved in the surface epithelium of intralobar and interlobular duct segments. In addition, expression of Cnx was detected in sebaceous glands of parotid tissues, with a distribution pattern resembling that seen in sebaceous glands of the normal skin. In conclusion, production of saliva is associated with the expression of Cnx. Synthesis of molecules in mucous secretory units is not necessarily associated with a strong Cnx expression, whereas synthesis in serous secretory units apparently is. The tissue-specific Cnx expression is also paralleled by the observation that the secretions produced by the major salivary glands differ in their composition and amount.  相似文献   

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