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Summary The ultrastructure of the synaptic bodies in the outer and inner plexiform layers of the rat retina was studied with scanning and transmission electron microscopy.The synaptic bodies in the outer plexiform layer are pear-shaped and their vitreal pole invaginated by processes from nerve cells. Their surfaces are covered with extracellular material, which is partly dissolved or redistributed during the fixation and rinsing procedure. The internal structure of the synaptic bodies is described.The synaptic bodies in the inner retinal plexiform layer are more difficult to identify with the scanning electron microscope. They are polyhedronal and also covered with extracellular material.The observations are discussed. The value of the application of two different preparation and analyzing methods, i. e. the scanning and the transmission electron microscopy, is stressed.Supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (B70-12X-2543-02), Expressens prenatalforskningsfond and Riksföreningen mot Cancer (265-B69-01X).  相似文献   

Summary For a limited period during the oogenesis of Protopterus, blebs of the perinuclear cistern contain, in addition to other inclusions, a special kind of microtubular elements. Most of these blebs face parts of multiple nucleolar bodies that extend toward and make contact with the inner nuclear membrane. The microtubular lumen contains a finely dispersed material of moderate electron density which seems to be in contact with this nucleolar material.Aside from these intracisternal structures there are, within both the perinuclear cytoplasm and the nucleoplasm, similar microtubular arrays without apparent connection with the nuclear envelope. These are either enclosed by membranes derived from those of the envelope or unconfined, having escaped through breaks in their respective bounding membranes. Extracisternal tubules are presumed to have passed their period of putative functional activity and to be undergoing a process of regression and subsequent disintegration.Among possible roles attributable to the intracisternal microtubular apparatus are the following: (1) It may serve for the transport of special nucleolar components to the cytoplasm, possibly to be incorporated in the matrix of developing perinuclear mitochondria; (2) it may provide openings in the nuclear membranes for the direct passage of particulate elements between nucleus and cytoplasm; (3) it may be instrumental in the breakdown of parts of the nuclear envelope prior to its restitution during the subsequent phase of oogenesis.Supported by grants NB-00840 and NB-05219 from the U.S.P.H.S.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The epidermis of the flexor surface of the upper arm of human subjects was studied with the electron microscope. 2. The cytoplasm of the keratinocytes in the basal layer contained many tonofilaments, ribosomes and other cell organelles. The tonofilaments were arranged singly or in loose bundles and many were attached to the inner membrane of the desmosomes. Along the basal border of the cells pinocytotic vesicles could be seen at different stages of development. 3. The keratinocytes in the stratum spinosum differed from those in the basal layer in two main ways: (a) The tonofilaments were grouped together into large compact bundles known as tonofibrils and it was possible to determine a definite beading or cross banding along the length of some of the filaments. (b) The cells were assuming a flattened shape. 4. The keratinocytes in the stratum granulosum possessed large numbers of irregularly shaped keratohyaline granules. The granules were strongly osmiophilic and were always situated on a meshwork of tonofibrils. The keratohyaline granules had no internal structure. The nuclei and mitochondria showed evidence of degeneration. 5. The keratinocytes in the stratum corneum were long and flattened. The cell walls showed increased electron density and were considerably thickened. The cytoplasm was filled with closely packed fibres separated by a small amount of lucent matrix. The fibres were grouped together in bundles running in different directions within the flattened squames. The fibres had along their entire length alternating areas of high and low electron density. The keratohyalin granules had disappeared and nothing remained of the nuclei or the organelles. In the deepest cells of this region the fibres were sometimes loosely packed leaving large irregular open spaces. This area corresponded to the stratum lucidum. In the most superficial layers of the stratum corneum the fibres appeared to be breaking down so that little remained within the keratinocyte except large lucent spaces. The desmosomes showed distinct structural changes. 6. An attempt was made to correlate the structural changes in the different epidermal layers with the process of keratinization. The possible part that keratohyalin may play in the process of thickening of the cell walls was discussed. The relationship between the desmosome and its dynamic environment was considered.I wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr. David Hilding of the Department of Otolaryngology for the use of an R.C.A. electron microscope and other facilities in his laboratory. This research was supported by the United States Public Health Service and American Cancer Society grants. USPHS CA 04679-07, NB 03995.  相似文献   

An electron microscopic study of mouse foldback DNA.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
T R Cech  J E Hearst 《Cell》1975,5(4):429-446
Foldback DNA is defined by its rapid, concentration-independent renaturation, consistent with intramolecular base pairing of inverted repeat sequences. Foldback DNA, isolated from renatured mouse main band DNA by hydroxyapatite chromatography, is spread for electron microscopy by the formamide isodenaturing technique. A large fraction of the molecules can be recognized as intramolecular "hairpins"--structures in which complementary sequences on a single DNA strand form base-paired "stem" regions analogous to tRNA stems. The stem regions of the hairpins have a wide distribution of lengths, averaging about 1000 base pairs. About 60% of the stem regions terminate in single-stranded loops, ranging from 400 to many thousands of nucleotides in length, while 40% of the hairpins do not have discernible loops. There are about 40,000 hairpin-forming sequences in the main band portion of the mouse haploid genome. They appear to be either clustered in groups or confined to about one third of the DNA, rather than uniformly or randomly distributed. Another large fraction of the molecules seen in foldback DNA consists of linear structures, some of which are probably also hairpins. The electron microscopic results, along with simple theoretical considerations, make possible a better interpretation of our previous studies of the yield and S1 nuclease resistance of mouse foldback DNA.  相似文献   

The present investigation was focused on the ultrastructural changes in the neurons and glial cells in the retina of rats with experimentally-induced glaucoma. An experimental glaucoma model was created by limbal-derived vein cauterization. Animals were sacrificed at 1, 3 weeks and 3 months post-operation. Retinae were dissected and processed for electron microscopy. Neuronal degeneration was observed in all the different layers of the retina at both 1 and 3 weeks post-operation. Some degenerating neurons were found in the ganglion cell layer (GCL), inner nuclear layer (INL) and outer nuclear layer (ONL). And the dying neurons presented apoptotic-like more than necrotic neurons. Many degenerating axons and axon terminals were observed between neurons in the GCL, inner plexiform layer (IPL), INL, and outer plexiform layer (OPL). Activated astrocytes and microglial cells were present in close association with degenerating neurons and axons. The Müller cells in the INL also presented longer and darker processes with more microfilaments than in normal cells. Degenerating neuronal debris, degenerating axonal profiles and electron-dense bodies were often found in the cytoplasm of macrophages. The results suggest that both microglial cells and astrocytes are activated in the process of neuronal degeneration in the retina of experimentally-induced glaucomatous rats. It is hypothesized that they may play a protective role in removing degenerating neuronal elements in the retina after the onset of glaucoma.  相似文献   

Summary This is an electron microscopic study of non-fixed and non-dehydrated normal human stratum corneum from the lumbar region.Non-stained sections have a low contrast. In sections examined 3 days after skin biopsy the cytoplasm of the cells shows a uniform contrast or exhibits dark and light areas. A single layer delimits the cytoplasm from the intercellular space. The latter is partly filled out with substance.In sections stained 2 to 4 days after skin biopsy the fibrils are distinct. On the basis of the variations in their opacity and ultrastructure three types of horny cells are clearly distinguishable. In cells of type 1 intensely stained keratohyalin and less opaque fibrillar substance occur. A distinct keratin pattern is not found. In cells of type 2 the fibrils show areas with distinct kerytohyalin and keratin pattern and transitional phases between these two stages of fibrillar differentiation. The keratin pattern representing the final stage of the fibrillar differentiation process is visualized through a successive discoloration of the filaments, whereas the interfilamentous substance retains the opacity of the keratohyalin. In cells of type 3 the entire fibrillar substance exhibits a keratin pattern. This consists of less opaque filaments with a diameter of 74 Å. The septa representing the interfilamentous substance are estimated as 30 Å at their thinnest points. These observations of the fibrils are completely comparable to the findings in fixed and dehydrated normal human stratum corneum.In sections stained particularly more than 18 days after skin biopsy the fibrils exhibit pronounced changes in their staining properties with concomitant decrease in distinctness or a complete extinction of the keratin pattern.The observations of the modified plasma membrane and the intercellular space in stained sections correspond to the findings in fixed and dehydrated normal human stratum corneum. The modified plasma membrane and the structures in the intercellular space appear with equal distinctness, whether the sections are stained 2 to 4, 6 to 12 or 14 to 21 days after skin biopsy.This investigation was supported by grants from the Edvard Welander Foundation and from the Swedish Medical Research Council (B71-12X-2708-03).  相似文献   

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