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Under native conditions, apocytochrome b(5) exhibits a stable core and a disordered heme-binding region that refolds upon association with the cofactor. The termini of this flexible region are in close proximity, suggesting that loop closure may contribute to the thermodynamic properties of the apocytochrome. A chimeric protein containing 43 residues encompassing the cytochrome loop was constructed using the cyanobacterial photosystem I accessory protein E (PsaE) from Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 as a structured scaffold. PsaE has the topology of an SH3 domain, and the insertion was engineered to replace its 14-residue CD loop. NMR and optical spectroscopies showed that the hybrid protein (named EbE1) was folded under native conditions and that it retained the characteristics of an SH3 domain. NMR spectroscopy revealed that structural and dynamic differences were confined near the site of loop insertion. Variable-temperature 1D NMR spectra of EbE1 confirmed the presence of a kinetic unfolding barrier. Thermal and chemical denaturations of PsaE and EbE1 demonstrated cooperative, two-state transitions; the stability of the PsaE scaffold was found only moderately compromised by the insertion, with a DeltaT(m) of 8.3 degrees C, a DeltaC(m) of 1.5 M urea, and a DeltaDeltaG degrees of 4.2 kJ/mole. The data implied that the penalty for constraining the ends of the inserted region was lower than the approximately 6.4 kJ/mole calculated for a self-avoiding chain. Extrapolation of these results to cytochrome b(5) suggested that the intrinsic stability of the folded portion of the apoprotein reflected only a small detrimental contribution from the large heme-binding domain.  相似文献   

Low catalytic efficiency of basal-state protein kinases often depends on activation loop residues blocking substrate access to the catalytic cleft. Using the recombinant soluble form of the insulin receptor's kinase domain (IRKD) in its unphosphorylated state, activation loop conformation was analyzed by limited proteolysis. The rate of activation loop cleavage by trypsin is slow in the apo-IRKD. Bound Mg-adenine nucleoside di- and triphosphates increased the cleavage rate with half-maximal effects observed at 0.4-0.9 mM nucleotide. Adenosine monophosphate at concentrations up to 10 mM was not bound appreciably by the IRKD and had virtually no impact on activation loop cleavage. Amino-terminal and carboxy-terminal core-flanking regions of the IRKD had no statistically significant impact on the ligand-dependent or -independent activation loop cleavages. Furthermore, the core-flanking regions did not change the inherent conformational stability of the active site or the global stability of the IRKD, as determined by guanidinium chloride-induced denaturation. These measurements indicate that the intrasterically inhibitory conformation encompasses > or =90% of the ligand-free basal state kinase. However, normal intracellular concentrations of Mg-adenine nucleotides, which are in the millimolar range, would favor a basal-state conformation of the activation loop that is more accessible.  相似文献   

CD2 associated protein (CD2AP) is an adaptor protein that plays an important role in cell to cell union needed for the kidney function. CD2AP interacts, as an adaptor protein, with different natural targets, such as CD2, nefrin, c-Cbl and podocin. These proteins are believed to interact to one of the three SH3 domains that are positioned in the N-terminal region of CD2AP. To understand the network of interactions between the natural targets and the three SH3 domains (SH3-A, B and C), we have started to determine the structures of the individual SH3 domains. Here we present the high-resolution structure of the SH3-C domain derived from NMR data. Full backbone and side-chain assignments were obtained from triple-resonance spectra. The structure was determined from distance restraints derived from high-resolution 600 and 800 MHz NOESY spectra, together with phi and psi torsion angle restraints based on the analysis of 1HN, 15N, 1Hα, 13Cα, 13CO and 13Cβ chemical shifts. Structures were calculated using CYANA and refined in water using RECOORD. The three-dimensional structure of CD2AP SH3-C contains all the features that are typically found in other SH3 domains, including the general binding site for the recognition of polyproline sequences.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis has been used to produce local stability changes at two regions of the binding site surface of the alpha-spectrin SH3 domain (Spc-SH3) differing in their intrinsic stability. Mutations were made at residue 56, located at the solvent-exposed side of the short 3(10) helix, and at residue 21 in the tip of the flexible RT-loop. NMR chemical-shift analysis and X-ray crystallography indicated negligible changes produced by the mutations in the native structure limited to subtle rearrangements near the mutated residue and at flexible loops. Additionally, mutations do not alter importantly the SH3 binding site structure, although produce significant changes in its affinity for a proline-rich decapeptide. The changes in global stability measured by differential scanning calorimetry are consistent the local energy changes predicted by theoretical models, with the most significant effects observed for the Ala-Gly mutations. Propagation of the local stability changes throughout the domain structure has been studied at a per-residue level of resolution by NMR-detected amide hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HX). Stability propagation is remarkably efficient in this small domain, apparently due to its intrinsically low stability. Nevertheless, the HX-core of the domain is not fully cooperative, indicating the existence of co-operative subunits within the core, which is markedly polarized. An equilibrium phi-analysis of the changes in the apparent Gibbs energies of HX per residue produced by the mutations has allowed us to characterize structurally the conformational states leading to HX. Some of these states resemble notably the folding transition state of the Spc-SH3 domain, suggesting a great potential of this approach to explore the folding energy landscape of proteins. An energy perturbation propagates more effectively from a flexible region to the core than in the opposite direction, because the former affects a broader region of the energy landscape than the latter. This might be of importance in understanding the special thermodynamic signature of the SH3-peptide interaction and the relevance of the dual character of SH3 binding sites.  相似文献   

The minimal mono-heme ferricytochrome c from Bacillus pasteurii, containing 71 amino acids, has been further investigated through mutagenesis of different positions in the loop containing the iron ligand Met71. These mutations have been designed to sample different aspects of the loop structure, in order to obtain insights into the determinants of the stability of the iron(III) environment. In particular, positions 68, 72 and 75 have been essayed. Gln68 has been mutated to Lys to provide a suitable alternate ligand that can displace Met71 under denaturing conditions. Pro72 has been mutated to Gly and Ala to modify the range of allowed backbone conformations. Ile75, which is in van der Waals contact with Met71 and partly shields a long-lived water molecule in a protein cavity, has been substituted by Val and Ala to affect the network of inter-residue interactions around the metal site. The different contributions of the above amino acids to protein parameters such as structure, redox potential and the overall stability against unfolding with guanidinium hydrochloride are analyzed. While the structure remains essentially the same, the stability decreases with mutations. The comparison with mitochondrial c-type cytochromes is instructive.Abbreviations Bpcytc soluble fragment of cytochrome c553 from Bacillus pasteurii - GdmCl guanidinium chloride - I75A Ile75 to Ala mutant - I75V Ile75 to Val mutant - P72A Pro72 to Ala mutant - P72G Pro72 to Gly mutant - Q68K Gln75 to Lys mutant - WT wild type  相似文献   

The simplified SH3 domain sequence, FP1, obtained in phage display selection experiments has an amino acid composition that is 95% Ile, Lys, Glu, Ala, Gly. Here we use NMR to investigate the tertiary structure of FP1. We find that the overall topology of FP1 resembles that of the src SH3 domain, the hydrogen-deuterium exchange and chemical shift perturbation profiles are similar to those of naturally occurring SH3 domains, and the (15)N relaxation rates are in the range of naturally occurring small proteins. Guided by the structure, we further simplify the FP1 sequence and compare the effects on folding kinetics of point mutations in FP1 and the wild-type src SH3 domain. The results suggest that the folding transition state of FP1 is similar to but somewhat less polarized than that of the wild-type src SH3 domain.  相似文献   

Energetics of conformational changes experienced by an ATP-bound myosin head detached from actin was studied by all-atom explicit water umbrella sampling simulations. The statistics of coupling between large scale domain movements and smaller scale structural features were examined, including the closing of the ATP binding pocket, and a number of key hydrogen bond formations shown to play roles in structural and biochemical studies. The statistics for the ATP binding pocket open/close transition show an evolution of the relative stability from the open state in the early stages of the recovery stroke to the stable closed state after the stroke. The change in solvation environment of the fluorescence probe Trp507 (scallop numbering; 501 in Dictyostelium discoideum) indicates that the probe faithfully reflects the closing of the binding pocket as previously shown in experimental studies, while being directly coupled to roughly the early half of the overall large scale conformational change of the converter domain rotation. The free energy change of this solvation environment change, in particular, is −1.3 kcal/mol, in close agreement with experimental estimates. In addition, our results provide direct molecular level data allowing for interpretations of the fluorescence experiments of myosin conformational change in terms of the de-solvation of Trp side chain.  相似文献   

We have shown that the molecular conformation of a protein at an interface can be probed spatially using time-resolved evanescent wave-induced fluorescence spectroscopic (TREWIFS) techniques. Specifically, by varying the penetration depth of the evanescent field, variable-angle TREWIFS, coupled with variable-angle evanescent wave-induced time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy measurements, allow us to monitor how fluorescence intensity and fluorescence depolarization vary normal to an interface as a function of time after excitation. We have applied this technique to the study of bovine serum albumin (BSA) complexed noncovalently with the fluorophore 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid. The fluorescence decay varies as a function of the penetration depth of the evanescent wave in a manner that indicates a gradient of hydrophobicity through the adsorbed protein, normal to the interface. Restriction of the fluorescent probes motion also occurs as a function of distance normal to the interface. The results are consistent with a model of partial protein denaturation: at the surface, an adsorbed BSA molecule unfolds, thus optimizing protein–silica interactions and the number of points of attachment to the surface. Further away, normal to the surface, the protein molecule maintains its coiled structure.Submitted as a record of the 2002 Australian Biophysical Society meeting  相似文献   

We have used (15)N- and (2)H-NMR spin relaxation experiments to study the response of backbone and side-chain dynamics when a leucine or valine is substituted for a completely buried phenylalanine residue in the SH3 domain from the Fyn tyrosine kinase. Several residues show differences in the time scales and temperature dependences of internal motions when data for the three proteins are compared. Changes were also observed in the magnitude of dynamics, with the valine, and to a lesser extent leucine mutant, showing enhanced flexibility compared to the wild-type (WT) protein. The motions of many of the same amide and methyl groups are affected by both mutations, identifying a set of loci where dynamics are sensitive to interactions involving the targeted side chain. These results show that contacts within the hydrophobic core affect many aspects of internal mobility throughout the Fyn SH3 domain.  相似文献   

Baumketner A 《Proteins》2012,80(6):1569-1581
Myosin motor protein exists in two alternative conformations, prerecovery state M* and postrecovery state M**, on adenosine triphosphate binding. The details of the M*-to-M** transition, known as the recovery stroke to reflect its role as the functional opposite of the force-generating power stroke, remain elusive. The defining feature of the postrecovery state is a kink in the relay helix, a key part of the protein involved in force generation. In this article, we determine the interactions that are responsible for the appearance of the kink. We design a series of computational models that contain three other segments, relay loop, converter domain, and Src homology 1 (SH1) domain helix, with which relay helix interacts and determine their structure in accurate replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent. By conducting an exhaustive combinatorial search among different models, we find that: (1) the converter domain must be attached to the relay helix during the transition, so it does not interfere with other parts of the protein and (2) the structure of the relay helix is controlled by SH1 helix. The kink is strongly coupled to the position of SH1 helix. It arises as a result of direct interactions between SH1 and the relay helix and leads to a rotation of the C-terminal part of the relay helix, which is subsequently transmitted to the converter domain.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis and gene-replacement techniques were used to substitute alanine for the MoFe protein α- and β-subunit phenylalanine-125 residues both separately and in combination. These residues are located on the surface of the MoFe protein near the pseudosymmetric axis of symmetry between the α- and β-subunits. Altered MoFe proteins that contain an alanine substitution at only one of the respective positions exhibit proton reduction activities of about 25–50% when compared to that of the wild-type protein. The lower level of proton reduction also corresponds with decreases in the rates of MgATP hydrolysis. The MoFe protein which contains alanine substitutions in both the α- and β- subunits did not exhibit any proton reduction activity or MgATP hydrolysis. Stopped flow spectrophotometry of the singly substituted MoFe proteins indicate primary electron transfer rate constants approximately an order of magnitude slower than what is observed for wild-type MoFe protein, while no primary electron transfer is observed for the doubly substituted MoFe protein. The doubly substituted MoFe protein is able to interact with the Fe protein as shown by chemical crosslinking experiments. However, this protein does not form a tight complex with the Fe protein when treated with MgADP·AlF4 or when using the altered 127Δ Fe protein. Stopped flow spectrophotometry was also used to quantitate the first-order dissociation rate constants for the two component proteins. These results suggest that the 125Phe residues are involved in an early event(s) that occurs upon component protein docking and could be involved in eliciting MgATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

A number of the chimeric constructs with spectrin SH3 domain were designed for structural and thermodynamic studies of protein self-assembly and protein-ligand interactions. SH3 domains, components of many regulatory proteins, operate through weak interactions with proline-rich regions of polypeptide chains. The recombinant construct (WT-CIIA) studied in this work was constructed by linking the peptide ligand PPPVPPYSAG to the domain C-terminus via a long 12-residue linker to increase the affinity of this ligand for the spectrin domain, thereby ensuring a stable positioning of the polyproline helix to the conserved ligand-binding site in orientation II, which is regarded as untypical of the interaction between this domain and oligopeptides. A comparison of fluorescence spectra of the initial domain and the recombinant protein WT-CIIA suggests that the ligand sticks to the conservative binding site. However, analysis of the equilibrium urea-induced unfolding has demonstrated that this is an unstable contact, which leads to a two-stage unfolding of the chimeric protein. The protein WT-CIIA was crystallized; a set of X-ray diffraction data with a resolution of 1.75 Å was recorded from individual crystals. A preliminary analysis of these diffraction data has demonstrated that the crystals belong to space group P32 with the following unit cell parameters: a = b = 36.39, c = 112.17 Å, a = β = 90.0, and γ = 120.0.  相似文献   

Optimization of surface exposed charge-charge interactions in the native state has emerged as an effective means to enhance protein stability; but the effect of electrostatic interactions on the kinetics of protein folding is not well understood. To investigate the kinetic consequences of surface charge optimization, we characterized the folding kinetics of a Fyn SH3 domain variant containing five amino acid substitutions that was computationally designed to optimize surface charge-charge interactions. Our results demonstrate that this optimized Fyn SH3 domain is stabilized primarily through an eight-fold acceleration in the folding rate. Analyses of the constituent single amino acid substitutions indicate that the effects of optimization of charge-charge interactions on folding rate are additive. This is in contrast to the trend seen in folded state stability, and suggests that electrostatic interactions are less specific in the transition state compared to the folded state. Simulations of the transition state using a coarse-grained chain model show that native electrostatic contacts are weakly formed, thereby making the transition state conducive to nonspecific, or even nonnative, electrostatic interactions. Because folding from the unfolded state to the folding transition state for small proteins is accompanied by an increase in charge density, nonspecific electrostatic interactions, that is, generic charge density effects can have a significant contribution to the kinetics of protein folding. Thus, the interpretation of the effects of amino acid substitutions at surface charged positions may be complicated and consideration of only native-state interactions may fail to provide an adequate picture.  相似文献   

The earliest events in protein folding involve the formation of simple loops. Observing the rates of loop closure under denaturing conditions can provide direct insight into the relative probability and sequence determinants for formation of loops of different sizes. The persistence of these initial contacts is equally important for efficient folding, so measurement of rates of loop breakage under denaturing conditions is also essential. We have used stopped-flow and continuous-flow methods to measure the rates of histidine-heme loop formation and breakage in the denatured state of iso-1-cytochrome c (in the presence of 3 M guanidine HCl). The data indicate that the mechanism for forming loops is a two-step process, the first step being the deprotonation of the histidine, and the second step being the binding of the histidine to the heme. This mechanism makes it possible to extract both the rate constants of formation, k(f), and breakage, k(b), of loops from the pH dependence of the observed rate constant, k(obs). To determine the dependence of k(f) and k(b) on loop size, we have carried out kinetic measurements for seven single surface histidine variants of iso-1-cytochrome c. A scaling factor (the dependence of k(f) on log[loop size]) of approximately -1.8 is observed for loop formation, similar to that observed in other systems. The magnitude of k(b) varies from 30 s(-1) to 300 s(-1), indicating that the stability of different loops varies considerably. The implications of the kinetics of loop formation and breakage in the denatured state for the mechanism of protein folding are discussed.  相似文献   

Loop residues in domain II of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry delta-endotoxins have been demonstrated to be involved in insecticidal specificity. In this study, selected residues in loops beta6-beta7 (S(387)SPS(390)), beta8-beta9 (S(410), N(411), T(413), T(415), E(417) and G(418)) and beta10-beta11 (D(454)YNS(457)) in domain II of the Cry4Ba mosquito-larvicidal protein were changed individually to alanine by PCR-based directed mutagenesis. All mutant toxins were expressed in Escherichia coli JM109 cells as 130-kDa protoxins at levels comparable to the wild type. Only E. coli cells that express the P389A, S410A, E417A, Y455A or N456A mutants exhibited a loss in toxicity against Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae of approximately 30% when compared to the wild type. In addition, E. coli cells expressing double mutants, S410A/E417A or Y455A/N456A, at wild-type levels revealed a significantly higher loss in larvicidal activity of approximately 70%. Similar to the wild-type protoxin, both double mutant toxins were structurally stable upon solubilisation and trypsin activation in carbonate buffer, pH 9.0. These results indicate that S(410) and E(417) in the beta8-beta9 loop, and Y(455) and N(456) in the beta10-beta11 loop are involved in larvicidal activity of the Cry4Ba toxin.  相似文献   

Several tryptophan (Trp) residues are conserved in G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Relatively little is known about the contribution of these residues and especially of those in the fourth transmembrane domain in the function of the CB(2) cannabinoid receptor. Replacing W158 (very highly conserved in GPCRs) and W172 (conserved in CB(1) and CB(2) cannabinoid receptors but not in many other GPCRs) of the human CB(2) receptor with A or L or with F or Y produced different results. We found that the conservative change of W172 to F or Y retained cannabinoid binding and downstream signaling (inhibition of adenylyl cyclase), whereas removal of the aromatic side chain by mutating W172 to A or L eliminated agonist binding. W158 was even more sensitive to being mutated. We found that the conservative W158F mutation retained wild-type binding and signaling activities. However, W158Y and W158A mutants completely lost ligand binding capacity. Thus, the Trp side chains at positions 158 and 172 seem to have a critical, but different, role in cannabinoid binding to the human CB(2) receptor.  相似文献   

Abstract Introduction of positively charged amino acids immediately downstream of the signal sequence in prokaryotic precursor proteins is known to affect the export process. However, it is not clear whether different positively charged amino acids affect the export process similarly. To investigate this, the glutamate at position +2 of outer membrane protein PhoE was substituted by arginine, lysine of histidine. Pulse-chase experiments revealed that the Lys and Arg residues at position +2 caused a reduced processing rate, and that the effect was markedly more severe in the case of the Arg residue. Trypsin accessibility experiments revealed that the accumulated precursors were present in the cytoplasm. Since the degree of the inhibitory effect corresponded to the p K r a of the different positively charged amino acids, this suggests that the positively charged residues must be deprotonated during the secretory process.  相似文献   

Proteins with similar structures are generally assumed to arise from similar sequences. However, there are more cases than not where this is not true. The dogma is that sequence determines structure; how, then, can very different sequences fold to the same structure? Here, we employ high temperature unfolding simulations to probe the pathways and specific interactions that direct the folding and unfolding of the SH3 domain. The SH3 metafold in the Dynameomics Database consists of 753 proteins with the same structure, but varied sequences and functions. To investigate the relationship between sequence and structure, we selected 17 targets from the SH3 metafold with high sequence variability. Six unfolding simulations were performed for each target, transition states were identified, revealing two general folding/unfolding pathways at the transition state. Transition states were also expressed as mathematical graphs of connected chemical nodes, and it was found that three positions within the structure, independent of sequence, were consistently more connected within the graph than any other nearby positions in the sequence. These positions represent a hub connecting different portions of the structure. Multiple sequence alignment and covariation analyses also revealed certain positions that were more conserved due to packing constraints and stabilizing long‐range contacts. This study demonstrates that members of the SH3 domain with different sequences can unfold through two main pathways, but certain characteristics are conserved regardless of the sequence or unfolding pathway. While sequence determines structure, we show that disparate sequences can provide similar interactions that influence folding and lead to similar structures.  相似文献   

Based on mimicking biological olfaction, biosensors have been applied for the detection of various ligands in complex environment, which could represent one of the most promising research fields. In this study, the basic characters of one insect odorant binding protein (OBP) as a biosensor were explored. To explore the molecular recognition process, the tertiary structure of the protein was modeled and the protein-ligand interactions with 1,536,550 chemicals were investigated by the molecular docking. The availability of large amount of recombinant SlitOBP1 overcame the difficulty to obtain biological sensing material. After obtained the purified recombinant protein, the result of fluorescence binding assays proved the candidate protein has good affinities with the majority of the tested chemicals. With the aid of simulation docking, the key conserved amino acids within the binding site were identified and then mutated to alanine. After mutation, the protein-ligand binding characteristics were recorded, and the competitive binding assays were carried out to provide experimental verification. The detailed information on its structure and affinities investigated in this study could allow the design of specific mutants with desired characteristics, which provides a solid base for tailoring OBP for biosensor and provides a role model for screening the other elements in olfactory system for different applications.  相似文献   

SH2 domains are a class of protein–protein interaction modules with the function to recognize and bind sequences characterized by the presence of a phosphorylated tyrosine. SHP2 is a protein phosphatase involved in the Ras‐ERK1/2 signaling pathway that possess two SH2 domains, namely, N‐SH2 and C‐SH2, that mediate the interaction of SHP2 with various partners and determine the regulation of its catalytic activity. One of the main interactors of the SH2 domains of SHP2 is Gab2, a scaffolding protein with critical role in determining cell differentiation. Despite their key biological role and the importance of a correct native fold to ensure it, the mechanism of binding of SH2 domains with their ligands and the determinants of their stability have been poorly characterized. In this article, we present a comprehensive kinetic study of the folding of the C‐SH2 domain and the binding mechanism with a peptide mimicking a region of Gab2. Our data, obtained at different pH and ionic strength conditions and supported by site‐directed mutagenesis, highlight the role of electrostatic interactions in the early events of recognition. Interestingly, our results suggest a key role of a highly conserved histidine residue among SH2 family in the interaction with negative charges carried by the phosphotyrosine of Gab2. Moreover, the analysis of the equilibrium and kinetic folding data of C‐SH2 describes a complex mechanism implying a change in rate‐limiting step at high denaturant concentrations. Our data are discussed under the light of previous works on N‐SH2 domain of SHP2 and other SH2 domains.  相似文献   

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