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The frequency of replication initiation of the ColIb-P9 plasmid depends on the level of repZ expression, which has been shown to be negatively regulated by inc RNA, the approximately 70-base-long product of the inc gene. To further understand the regulatory mechanism of repZ gene expression, we isolated mutants defective in ColIb-P9 replication using a lambda:ColIb-P9 hybrid phage. Among six mutants isolated, one amber mutant, rep57, failed to synthesize the RepZ protein. The mutation occurred in the repZ leader sequence that encodes a 29-amino-acid reading frame, designated as repY. We also isolated mutants that suppressed the rep57 phenotype. These mutations were single base insertions between the repY initiation codon and the rep57 mutation site and resulted not only in a frame shift of repY but also in the formation of repY-repZ fusions without changing the amino acid sequence of RepZ. Thus, repY is not directly involved in the replication reaction but rather functions as a positive regulator for repZ expression. We propose that repZ expression is coupled with repY translation, which acts to disrupt a secondary structure sequestering the repZ translation initiation signal. The positive and negative regulations of repZ expression were discussed. The other mutants were mapped in repZ, confirming that repZ is essential for ColIb-P9 replication.  相似文献   

The ssb gene of plasmid ColIb-P9.   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The IncI1 plasmid ColIb-P9 was found to carry a single-stranded DNA-binding (SSB) protein gene (ssb) that maps about 11 kilobase pairs from the origin of transfer in the region transferred early during bacterial conjugation. The cloned gene was able to suppress the UV and temperature sensitivity of an ssb-1 strain of Escherichia coli K-12. The nucleotide sequence of the ColIb ssb gene was determined, giving a predicted molecular weight of 19,110 for the SSB protein. Sequence data show that ColIb ssb is very similar to the ssb gene on plasmid F, which is also known to map in the leader region. High-level expression of ssb on ColIb required derepression of the transfer (tra) genes and the activity of the positive regulatory system controlling these genes, suggesting that the SSB protein contributes to the conjugative processing of DNA. A mutant of ColIbdrd-1 carrying a Tn903-derived insertion in ssb was constructed, but it was unaffected in the ability to generate plasmid transconjugants and it was maintained apparently stably in donor cells both following mating and during vegetative growth. Hence, no biological role of ColIb SSB protein was detected. However, unlike the parental plasmid, such ColIb ssb mutants conferred a marked Psi+ (plasmid-mediated SOS inhibition) phenotype on recA441 and recA730 strains, implying a functional relationship between SSB and Psi proteins.  相似文献   

Direction of conjugative transfer of IncI1 plasmid ColIb-P9.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The origin-of-transfer region of ColIb-P9 was inserted into a lambda prophage to give a bacterial chromosome mobilizable by the parental conjugative plasmid. The polarity of mobilization of chromosomal genes indicated that ColIb-P9 transfer is unidirectional, such that the transfer genes adjacent to oriT enter the recipient cell last.  相似文献   

We identified a 1,845-base-pair sequence that contains essential information for the autonomous replication and regulation of the 93-kilobase-pair IncI alpha group ColIb-P9 plasmid. Biochemical and genetic analyses revealed that this sequence specifies at least two structural genes, designated repZ and inc. The repZ gene encodes a protein with a molecular weight of 39,000, which probably functions as an initiator for the ColIb-P9 replicon. The inc gene that phenotypically governs the incompatibility encodes an RNA with a size of about 70 bases. This small RNA acts in trans to repress the expression of repZ, thereby functioning to maintain a constant copy number of the ColIb-P9 replicon in host cells.  相似文献   

The IncN plasmid pKM101 (a derivative of R46), like the IncI1 plasmid ColIb-P9, carries a gene (ardA, for alleviation of restriction of DNA) encoding an antirestriction function. ardA was located about 4 kb from the origin of transfer, in the region transferred early during bacterial conjugation. The nucleotide sequence of ardA was determined, and an appropriate polypeptide with the predicted molecular weight of about 19,500 was identified in maxicells of Escherichia coli. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences of the antirestriction proteins of the unrelated plasmids pKM101 and ColIb (ArdA and Ard, respectively) revealed that these proteins have about 60% identity. Like ColIb Ard, pKM101 ArdA specifically inhibits both the restriction and modification activities of five type I systems of E. coli tested and does not influence type III (EcoP1) restriction or the 5-methylcytosine-specific restriction systems McrA and McrB. However, in contrast to ColIb Ard, pKM101 ArdA is effective against the type II enzyme EcoRI. The Ard proteins are believed to overcome the host restriction barrier during bacterial conjugation. We have also identified two other genes of pKM101, ardR and ardK, which seem to control ardA activity and ardA-mediated lethality, respectively. Our findings suggest that ardR may serve as a genetic switch that determines whether the ardA-encoded antirestriction function is induced during mating.  相似文献   

Preferential translation of Drosophila heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) mRNA requires only the 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR). The sequence of this region suggests that it has relatively little secondary structure, which may facilitate efficient protein synthesis initiation. To determine whether minimal 5'-UTR secondary structure is required for preferential translation during heat shock, the effect of introducing stem-loops into the Hsp70 mRNA 5'-UTR was measured. Stem-loops of -11 kcal/mol abolished translation during heat shock, but did not reduce translation in non-heat shocked cells. A -22 kcal/mol stem-loop was required to comparably inhibit translation during growth at normal temperatures. To investigate whether specific sequence elements are also required for efficient preferential translation, deletion and mutation analyses were conducted in a truncated Hsp70 5'-UTR containing only the cap-proximal and AUG-proximal segments. Linker-scanner mutations in the cap-proximal segment (+1 to +37) did not impair translation. Re-ordering the segments reduced mRNA translational efficiency by 50%. Deleting the AUG-proximal segment severely inhibited translation. A 5-extension of the full-length leader specifically impaired heat shock translation. These results indicate that heat shock reduces the capacity to unwind 5-UTR secondary structure, allowing only mRNAs with minimal 5'-UTR secondary structure to be efficiently translated. A function for specific sequences is also suggested.  相似文献   

Formate dehydrogenase N (FDH-N) of Escherichia coli is a membrane-bound enzyme comprising FdnG, FdnH, and FdnI subunits organized in an (alphabetagamma)3 configuration. The FdnG subunit carries a Tat-dependent signal peptide, which localizes the protein complex to the periplasmic side of the membrane. We noted that substitution of the first arginine (R5) in the twin arginine signal sequence of FdnG for a variety of other amino acids resulted in a dramatic (up to 60-fold) increase in the levels of protein synthesized. Bioinformatic analysis suggested that the mRNA specifying the first 17 codons of fdnG forms a stable stem-loop structure. A detailed mutational analysis has demonstrated the importance of this mRNA stem-loop in modulating FDH-N translation.  相似文献   

We have structurally and functionally analyzed the cis-elements essential for ColIb-P9 plasmid DNA replication. The putative oriV region encompassed a region of 172 base pairs (bp) located 152 bp downstream of the repZ gene. A typical dnaA box found in this region proved nonessential for the DNA replication of ColIb-P9. The ssi signal of ColIb-P9 is a homologue of the G-sites of R1 and R100 plasmids. Deletion of the G-site led to 1.5-fold reduction of the copy number, suggesting that although this G-site is not essential, it is important for efficient ColIb-P9 DNA replication. In addition, the ColIb-P9 replicon is highly and extensively homologous with the P307 (RepFIC) replicon, and highly homologous with the R100 (RepFIIA) replicon around the G-site region. These facts imply a common ancestry from which the plasmids have evolved.  相似文献   

The localization of plasmid ColIb-P9 muc genes mediating the plasmids protective and mutagenesis-increasing activity has been determined. The increase of muc genes dose by cloning them within the multicopy vector has been shown to repress the mutator function of the plasmid. No essential homology has been revealed between ColIb-P9 muc gene nucleotide sequences, pKM101 muc genes with a similar function, and umuDC chromosome genes. It has been shown that the synthesis of 38 KD protein is essential for the manifestation of the mutator function of the plasmid.  相似文献   

The structural gene for thermostable neutral protease, nprM, has only one stacking region, whose energy is -16.3 kcal/mol (-68.2 kJ/mol). Mutations for increasing (-30.8 kcal/mol [128.9 kJ/mol] and decreasing (-5.0 kcal/mol [-20.9 kJ/mol]) the energy of the stacking region were introduced in nprM on the recombinant plasmid pMK1 by using site-directed mutagenesis without any amino acid substitutions. The resultant plasmids were designated pMK2 and pMK3, respectively. The enzyme productivity of the pMK2 carrier was about 40% lower than that of pMK1, whereas the productivity of the pMK3 carrier was about 5% higher. The higher the stability of the stacking regions, the lower the enzyme productivity that was observed. mRNA concentrations were almost the same in the cells harboring these three plasmids. These results indicate that the secondary structure of mRNA reduces the translation efficiency.  相似文献   

Summary The plasmid ColIb-P9 introduced into Escherichia coli K12 umuC mutant cells suppresses the deficiencies in mutagenesis and repair of mutants after UV-irradiation. These data suggest that ColIb-P9 encodes a product with a function similar to that of the chromosomal gene umuC. Tn5 insertion mutants of ColIb-P9 were isolated with an altered ability to restore UV-mutagenesis in the umuC mutant. The same plasmid mutations were shown to eliminate the effects of ColIb-P9 on UV-mutagenesis, survival after UV and mitomycin C treatment, reactivation of UV-irradiated in unirradiated cells, Weigle-reactivation, induction of colicin E1 synthesis. The ColIb-P9 genes responsible for the enhancement of UV-mutagenesis were cloned within a 14 Md SalI fragment. Their location was established by restriction analysis of the mutant plasmid ColIb 6-13::Tn5.While the action of the plasmids ColIb-P9 and pKM101 is similar, these plasmids were shown to have opposite effects on cell survival and colicin E1 synthesis after mitomycin C treatment. A study of the mutant plasmids ColIb::Tn5 and pGW12 (muc - mutant of pKM101) has shown the difference in the effects of ColIb-P9 and pKM101 to be associated with the plasmid genes responsible for the protective and mutagenesis-enhancing effects of these plasmids in UV-irradiated cells.Abbreviations MC mitomycin C - ICS induction of colicin synthesis  相似文献   

The sog gene of the conjugative plasmid ColIb-P9 specifies two sequence-related polypeptides with the N-terminal third of the larger product having DNA primase activity. To resolve the function of the C-terminal portion of the polypeptides, we constructed a ColIb mutant containing a Tn5 insertion in the 3' region of sog. The mutation truncated sog gene products without inactivating DNA primase and rendered the plasmid defective in conjugation. Tests for the presence of conjugative pili, for complementation by a sog+ recombinant, and for mobilization of small origin of transfer (oriT) recombinant plasmids indicated that the mutant ColIb allows conjugative aggregation of cells but it is defective in DNA transfer at some stage subsequent to its initiation at oriT. Physical evidence is given that normal sog polypeptides are among a group of proteins transferred selectively from the donor to the recipient cell by a conjugation-specific process. No transfer of the mutant sog proteins was detected. It is proposed that the C-terminal region of sog polypeptides facilitates transfer of single-stranded ColIb DNA between conjugating cells following initiation of transfer at the oriT site, and that in this role the proteins are transmitted to the recipient cell.  相似文献   

Studer SM  Joseph S 《Molecular cell》2006,22(1):105-115
Translation initiation is a key step for regulating the level of numerous proteins within the cell. In bacteria, the 30S initiation complex directly binds to the translation initiation region (TIR) of the mRNA. How the ribosomal 30S subunit assembles on highly structured TIR is not known. Using fluorescence-based experiments, we assayed 12 different mRNAs that form secondary structures with various stabilities and contain Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequences of different strengths. A strong correlation was observed between the stability of the mRNA structure and the association and dissociation rate constants. Interestingly, in the presence of initiation factors and initiator tRNA, the association kinetics of structured mRNAs showed two distinct phases. The second phase was found to be important for unfolding structured mRNAs to form a stable 30S initiation complex. We show that unfolding of structured mRNAs requires a SD sequence, the start codon, fMet-tRNA(fMet), and the GTP bound form of initiation factor 2 bound to the 30S subunit.  相似文献   

La autoantigen enhances translation of BiP mRNA   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Translational initiation of the human BiP mRNA is directed by an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) located in the 5′-untranslated region (5′-UTR). In order to understand the mechanism of the IRES-dependent translation of BiP mRNA, cellular proteins interacting with the BiP IRES were investigated. La autoantigen, which augments the translation of polioviral mRNA and hepatitis C viral mRNA, bound specifically to the second half of the 5′-UTR of the BiP IRES and enhanced translation of BiP mRNA in both in vitro and in vivo assays. This finding suggests that cellular and viral IRESs containing very different RNA sequences may share a common mechanism of translation.  相似文献   

Selective transfer of the two products of the ColIb primase gene, sog, from donor to recipient cell during conjugation was demonstrated by two independent methods. The transfer of these tra proteins was unidirectional and dependent on DNA transfer. The Sog polypeptides were localized to the cytoplasm of the donor cell, but they appeared to interact with other tra gene products located in the inner membrane. After cell mating, the transferred polypeptides were found to be in the cytoplasm of the recipient cell, and it is estimated that as many as 500 Sog polypeptides were transferred per round of conjugation. It is proposed that these proteins are transferred as a result of an interaction with the single-stranded DNA and that the transferred strand may be coated with Sog polypeptides.  相似文献   

Gene expression signals derived from Lactococcus lactis were linked to lacZ-fused genes with different 5'-nucleotide sequences. Computer predictions of mRNA secondary structure were combined with lacZ expression studies to direct base-substitutions that could possibly influence gene expression. Mutations were made such that the DNA sequence upstream of the ATG start codon was not changed. Moreover, care was taken that the substitutions, which were all within the first six codons, neither affected the amino acid sequence of the gene product nor introduced codons rarely used in L. lactis. The results suggest that mRNA secondary structure contributes to the efficiency of translation initiation in L. lactis.  相似文献   

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