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We measured the frequency of side-chain rotamers in 14 alpha-helical and 16 beta-barrel membrane protein structures and found that the membrane environment considerably perturbs the rotamer frequencies compared to soluble proteins. Although there are limited experimental data, we found statistically significant changes in rotamer preferences depending on the residue environment. Rotamer distributions were influenced by whether the residues were lipid or protein facing, and whether the residues were found near the N- or C-terminus. Hydrogen-bonding interactions with the helical backbone perturbs the rotamer populations of Ser and His. Trp and Tyr favor side-chain conformations that allow their side chains to extend their polar atoms out of the membrane core, thereby aligning the side-chain polarity gradient with the polarity gradient of the membrane. Our results demonstrate how the membrane environment influences protein structures, providing information that will be useful in the structure prediction and design of transmembrane proteins.  相似文献   

We analyze packing imperfections in globular proteins as reflected in deviations of torsion angles from the equilibrium values for the isolated side chains. The distribution of conformations of methionine and lysine residues in a database of high-resolution structures is compared with energies of model compounds calculated with high-level quantum-mechanics. The distribution of the C-C and C-S torsion angles (chi(3)) correlates well with the Boltzmann factor of the torsion energy, exp(-betaE) of the model compounds C(2)H(5)-C(2)H(5) and C(2)H(5)-S-CH(3). An exponential relation was again found between the relative occurrence of g+, g- and t conformations for C(alpha)-C(beta) bonds in long side chains and the energy differences of rotamers of alpha-amino n-butyric acid, when dependence on backbone conformation was taken into account. The distribution of all 27 rotamers of methionine was correlated with the energy differences between the model's rotamers, corrected for clashes with nearby residues, the correlation being good for a set with backbone in the beta-conformation, but less clear for backbone alpha-conformation. In all correlations, the value of the coefficient beta corresponds to a temperature of circa 300 K. These results can be interpreted with a model that considers the structure of a folded protein as resulting from packing imperfectly complementary parts, with a requirement of an overall low energy. Compromises are required to optimize the fit of nonbonded contacts with surrounding groups, and side chains assume conformations away from the energy minimum. An exponential distribution is a most probable distribution, and this can be established easily under conditions other than thermal equilibrium.  相似文献   

The role of side-chain entropy (SCE) in protein folding has long been speculated about but is still not fully understood. Utilizing a newly developed Monte Carlo method, we conducted a systematic investigation of how the SCE relates to the size of the protein and how it differs among a protein's X-ray, NMR, and decoy structures. We estimated the SCE for a set of 675 nonhomologous proteins, and observed that there is a significant SCE for both exposed and buried residues for all these proteins—the contribution of buried residues approaches ~40% of the overall SCE. Furthermore, the SCE can be quite different for structures with similar compactness or even similar conformations. As a striking example, we found that proteins' X-ray structures appear to pack more “cleverly” than their NMR or decoy counterparts in the sense of retaining higher SCE while achieving comparable compactness, which suggests that the SCE plays an important role in favouring native protein structures. By including a SCE term in a simple free energy function, we can significantly improve the discrimination of native protein structures from decoys.  相似文献   

The relationship between the preferred side-chain dihedral angles and the secondary structure of a residue was examined. The structures of 61 proteins solved to a resolution of 2.0 A (1 A = 0.1 nm) or better were analysed using a relational database to store the information. The strongest feature observed was that the chi 1 distribution for most side-chains in an alpha-helix showed an absence of the g- conformation and a shift towards the t conformation when compared to the non-alpha/beta structures. The exceptions to this tendency were for short polar side-chains that form hydrogen bonds with the main-chain which prefer g+. Shifts in the chi 1 preferences for residues in the beta-sheet were observed. Other side-chain dihedral angles (chi 2, chi 3, chi 4) were found to be influenced by the main-chain. This paper presents more accurate distributions for the side-chain dihedral angles which were obtained from the increased number of proteins determined to high resolution. The means and standard deviations for chi 1 and chi 2 angles are presented for all residues according to the secondary structure of the main-chain. The means and standard deviations are given for the most popular conformations for side-chains in which chi 3 and chi 4 rotations affect the position of C atoms.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of a number of globular proteins are currently available. An analysis of the distribution of side-chains among different allowed conformations in these proteins has been carried out. The observed conformations of individual residues are discussed on the basis of well-known stereochemical criteria. The population distribution of side-chains in different allowed regions in conformational space can be explained largely on the basis of simple steric considerations. In addition to examining the conformational behaviour of individual residues, some population distributions of conformational angles of general interest involving groups of residues have also been analyzed.  相似文献   

pi-pi, Cation-pi, and hydrophobic packing interactions contribute specificity to protein folding and stability to the native state. As a step towards developing improved models of these interactions in proteins, we compare the side-chain packing arrangements in native proteins to those found in compact decoys produced by the Rosetta de novo structure prediction method. We find enrichments in the native distributions for T-shaped and parallel offset arrangements of aromatic residue pairs, in parallel stacked arrangements of cation-aromatic pairs, in parallel stacked pairs involving proline residues, and in parallel offset arrangements for aliphatic residue pairs. We then investigate the extent to which the distinctive features of native packing can be explained using Lennard-Jones and electrostatics models. Finally, we derive orientation-dependent pi-pi, cation-pi and hydrophobic interaction potentials based on the differences between the native and compact decoy distributions and investigate their efficacy for high-resolution protein structure prediction. Surprisingly, the orientation-dependent potential derived from the packing arrangements of aliphatic side-chain pairs distinguishes the native structure from compact decoys better than the orientation-dependent potentials describing pi-pi and cation-pi interactions.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The Orientations of Proteins in Membranes (OPM) database provides a collection of transmembrane, monotopic and peripheral proteins from the Protein Data Bank whose spatial arrangements in the lipid bilayer have been calculated theoretically and compared with experimental data. The database allows analysis, sorting and searching of membrane proteins based on their structural classification, species, destination membrane, numbers of transmembrane segments and subunits, numbers of secondary structures and the calculated hydrophobic thickness or tilt angle with respect to the bilayer normal. All coordinate files with the calculated membrane boundaries are available for downloading. AVAILABILITY: http://opm.phar.umich.edu.  相似文献   

The accurate determination of a large number of protein structures by X-ray crystallography makes it possible to conduct a reliable statistical analysis of the distribution of the main-chain and side-chain conformational angles, how these are dependent on residue type, adjacent residue in the sequence, secondary structure, residue-residue interactions and location at the polypeptide chain termini. The interrelationship between the main-chain (phi, psi) and side-chain (chi 1) torsion angles leads to a classification of amino acid residues that simplify the folding alphabet considerably and can be a guide to the design of new proteins or mutational studies. Analyses of residues occurring with disallowed main-chain conformation or with multiple conformations shed some light on why some residues are less favoured in thermophiles.  相似文献   

M Goodman  C Toniolo 《Biopolymers》1968,6(12):1673-1689
We present here a brief analysis of ultraviolet isotropic absorption and related circular dichroism of the n–π* and π–π* transitions for the peptide (amide) chromophore in the 185–240 mμ region. Investigations by ultraviolet absorption and circular dichroism techniques on natural amino acids with aromatic chromophores in their side chains are also reported. By taking into account both the peptide and aromatic transitions we discuss the conformational studies of proteins with aromatic side-chain effects. Our attention is largely focused on the optical rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism spectra of these proteins in the near ultraviolet region, where characteristic aromatic side-chain bands occur. The 185–240 mμ region is also discussed when evidence exists of overlapping Cotton effects of aromatic and peptide groups.  相似文献   

Prediction of side-chain conformations is an important component of several biological modeling applications. In this work, we have developed and tested an advanced Monte Carlo sampling strategy for predicting side-chain conformations. Our method is based on a cooperative rearrangement of atoms that belong to a group of neighboring side-chains. This rearrangement is accomplished by deleting groups of atoms from the side-chains in a particular region, and regrowing them with the generation of trial positions that depends on both a rotamer library and a molecular mechanics potential function. This method allows us to incorporate flexibility about the rotamers in the library and explore phase space in a continuous fashion about the primary rotamers. We have tested our algorithm on a set of 76 proteins using the all-atom AMBER99 force field and electrostatics that are governed by a distance-dependent dielectric function. When the tolerance for correct prediction of the dihedral angles is a <20 degrees deviation from the native state, our prediction accuracies for chi1 are 83.3% and for chi1 and chi2 are 65.4%. The accuracies of our predictions are comparable to the best results in the literature that often used Hamiltonians that have been specifically optimized for side-chain packing. We believe that the continuous exploration of phase space enables our method to overcome limitations inherent with using discrete rotamers as trials.  相似文献   

A survey of amino acid side-chain interactions in 21 proteins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Based on the atomic co-ordinate data for 21 representative proteins, the frequencies of long-range interactions between side-chain groups and 15 different types of side-chain atoms have been determined. The observed frequencies are compared to the results expected for random association in order to define a scale of relative affinities. Thirty-five residue-atom pairs exhibit frequencies of interaction that differ by at least 50% from the expected values. The amino acids tend to fall into three classes: non-polar, neutral and polar amino acids. The data are regrouped in a different way to determine the average affinity of each amino acid side-chain group for all other types of side-chain groups. Fourteen side-chain pairs have at least 50% fewer interactions than expected, while 21 side-chain pairs have at least 50% more interactions than expected. Unusual patterns of association are discussed and compared with current ideas about the organization of protein structure.  相似文献   

It is well proved that the probability that a protein interacts with itself is higher than that it interacts with another protein. It has been recently shown that the probability of interaction is also higher for proteins with significant sequence similarity. In this paper we show that proteins sharing identical PFAM domains interact more often than expected by chance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli. We also analyze the variety of domain interfaces used by homologous proteins to interact and show that the overrepresentation of interactions between homological proteins is not caused by small number of pairs of identical "sticky domains" shared between interacting proteins.  相似文献   

Comparison of homologous tertiary structures of proteins   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

A simple and efficient method is described for analyzing quantitatively multiple protein sequence alignments and finding the most conserved blocks as well as the maxima of divergence within the set of aligned sequences. It consists of calculating the mean distance and the root-mean-square distance in each column of the multiple alignment, averaging the values in a window of defined length and plotting the results as a function of the position of the window. Due attention is paid to the presence of gaps in the columns. Several examples are provided, using the sequences of several cytochromes c, serine proteases, lysozymes and globins. Two distance matrices are compared, namely the matrix derived by Gribskov and Burgess from the Dayhoff matrix, and the Risler Structural Superposition Matrix. In each case, the divergence plots effectively point to the specific residues which are known to be essential for the catalytic activity of the proteins. In addition, the regions of maximum divergence are clearly delineated. Interestingly, they are generally observed in positions immediately flanking the most conserved blocks. The method should therefore be useful for delineating the peptide segments which will be good candidates for site-directed mutagenesis and for visualizing the evolutionary constraints along homologous polypeptide chains.  相似文献   

Legume lectins--a large family of homologous proteins   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
N Sharon  H Lis 《FASEB journal》1990,4(14):3198-3208
More than 70 lectins from leguminous plants belonging to different suborders and tribes have been isolated, mostly from seeds, and characterized to varying degrees. Although they differ in their carbohydrate specificities, they resemble each other in their physicochemical properties. They usually consist of two or four subunits (25-30 kDa), each with one carbohydrate binding site. Interaction with carbohydrates requires tightly bound Ca2+ and Mn2+ (or another transition metal). The primary sequences of more than 15 legume lectins have been established by chemical or molecular genetic techniques. They exhibit remarkable homologies, with a significant number of invariant amino acid residues, among them most of those involved in metal binding. The 3-dimensional structures of the legume lectins are similar, too, and are characterized by a high content of beta-sheets and a lack of alpha-helix. The location of the metal and carbohydrate binding sites, established unequivocally in concanavalin A by high resolution X-ray crystallography, appears to be the same in the other legume lectins. Several of the lectin genes have been cloned and expressed in heterologous systems. This opens the way for the application of molecular genetics to the investigation of the atomic structure of the carbohydrate binding sites of the lectins, and of the relationship between their structure and biological activity. The new approaches may also provide information on the mechanisms that control gene expression in plants and on the role of lectins in nature.  相似文献   

Significant similarity and dissimilarity in homologous proteins.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Common practice emphasizes significant sequence similarities between different members of protein families. These similarities presumably reflect on evolutionary conservation of structurally and functionally essential residues. The nonconserved regions, on the other hand, may be either selectively neutral or differentiated. We propose several distributional sequence statistics (e.g., clustering of charged residues, compositional biases, and repetitive patterns) as indicators of differentiation events. These ideas are illustrated with various examples, including comparisons among G protein-coupled receptors, herpesvirus proteins, and GTPase-activating proteins.  相似文献   

In a data set of 593 nonhomologous proteins from the PDB, we have analyzed the pairing of phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan, and histidine residues with their closest aromatic partner. The frequency distribution of the shortest interatomic distance of partners is bimodal with a sharp peak at approximately 3.8 A and a wider one at a longer distance. Only the 3.8 A peak corresponds to direct ring-ring interactions thus aromatic pairs. The aromatic pairs were separated into two classes, near-sequence pairs and far-sequence pairs. Near sequence pairs stabilize local structure, and far-sequence pairs stabilize tertiary structure. Far-sequence pairs (74% of all pairs) mainly bridge two beta-strands, followed by pairs that bridge a beta-strand and a helix, and pairs that bridge a beta-strand and a random coil structure. Pairs that bridge helices are rare. The secondary structure of the near-sequence pairs depends on the partner distance in the sequence. When the partners are 1, 3, or 4 residues apart in the sequence, pairs are mostly found in helical structures. When the partners are two apart, pairs are mostly found in the same beta-strand. Analysis of the frequency of near sequence pairs supports the hypothesis that aromatic pairing occurs after, rather than before, the formation of secondary structures.  相似文献   

Meurisse R  Brasseur R  Thomas A 《Proteins》2004,54(3):478-490
In the present study, an extensive analysis of the aromatic Tyr-X interactions is performed on a data set of 593 PDB structures, X being Phe, His, Tyr, and Trp. The nonredundant Tyr-X pairs (2645) were retained and separated by both the residue distance in the sequence and the secondary structures they bridge. Similar to the Phe-X and His-X pairs, the far-sequence Tyr-X pairs (X partner > five apart in the sequence: 74%) show comparable secondary structures and conformers for either type of X partner, in contrast with the near-sequence Tyr-X pairs (26%). As the Phe-X pairs, the near-sequence Tyr-X pairs stabilize secondary structures, mainly the alpha- helices (positions 1, 3, and 4) and the beta-strands (position 2). Like the Phe-X and His-X pairs, most far-sequence Tyr-X pairs (34%) bridge beta-strands and only 11% bridge helices. As for the Phe-X and the His-X pairs, the X partners of the far-sequence Tyr-X pairs are frequently "above" the tyrosine ring with tilted and normal rings, whereas the X partner of the near-sequence Tyr-X pairs gradually moves from the "aside" to the "above" location, together with a progressive decrease of normal and increase of parallel rings, respectively. Unlike the His-X pairs, the interactions of the hetroatom in Tyr-X pairs are only favored with a sequence position +4 and over, owing to the spatial accessibility of the heteroatom.  相似文献   

Energies required to transfer amino acid side chains from water to less polar environments were calculated from results of several studies and compared with several statistical analyses of residue distributions in soluble proteins. An analysis that divides proteins into layers parallel with their surfaces is more informative than those that simply classify residues as exposed or buried. Most residues appear to be distributed as a function of the distance from the protein-water interface in a manner consistent with partition energies calculated from partitioning of amino acids between water and octanol phases and from solubilities of amino acids in water, ethanol, and methanol. Lys, Arg, Tyr, and Trp residues tend to concentrate near the water-protein interface where their apolar side-chain components are more buried than their polar side-chain components. Residue distributions calculated in this manner do not correlate well with side-chain solvation energies calculated from vapor pressures of side-chain analogs over a water phase. Results of statistical studies that classify residues as exposed to solvent or buried inside the protein interior appear to depend on the method used to classify residues. Data from some of these studies correlate better with solvation energies, but other data correlate better with partition energies. Most other statistical methods that have been used to evaluate effects of water on residue distributions yield results that correlate better with partition energies than with solvation energies.  相似文献   

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