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I. Camarda 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3):849-856
Rubus is poorly represented in Sardinia, mainly by the widespread R. ulmifolius and further by two narrow endemic species. Two new species, R. laconensis and R. pignatti, here described and illustrated, grow in two neighbouring small areas of the Sarcidano country. Both are characterized, in particular, by fruits with a low number of large drupelets. R. laconensis is for the time being attributed to the R. caesius aggregate, and R. pignatti to R. subg. Rubus.  相似文献   

王焕冲  和兆荣  孙航 《广西植物》2012,32(3):315-317
报道了蔷薇科两种悬钩子属植物在中国的重新发现,分别为美叶悬钩子(Rubus calophyllus C.B.Clark)和拟针刺悬钩子(R.parapungens H.Hara),并提供了简要的描述和标本照片。  相似文献   

报道了蔷薇科两种悬钩子属植物在中国的重新发现,分别为美叶悬钩子(Rubus calophyllus C.B.Clark)和拟针刺悬钩子(R.parapungens H.Hara),并提供了简要的描述和标本照片.  相似文献   

We have analysed samples from Sweden, Denmark, and Germany of six facultatively apomictic blackberry species to investigate the accordance between a taxonomy based on morphological characters on the one hand, and distribution of genetic variation estimated by DNA fingerprinting on the other hand. DNA fingerprint variation was found to be quite restricted in all species investigated. The first taxonomic group included three species related toRubus nessensis, two being characterized by one very widespread DNA fingerprint in all three countries and a few rare ones, whereas the third species differed between Sweden and Germany. The second taxonomic group included species related toR. gracilis. Two of these species exhibited very similar DNA fingerprints, whereas the third species deviated clearly. The utilization of DNA fingerprinting as a tool in taxonomy is discussed; most likely this method could become a useful complement to morphology, especially in plant groups with reduced levels of genetic recombination.  相似文献   

The European dewberry (Rubus caesius) is a perennial shrub that is widely distributed in Europe but can also be found in North America. In folk medicine, the European dewberry is used to treat hyperglycaemia, diarrhoea and inflammation. LC-MS analysis of the European dewberry confirmed the presence of 35 compounds, mostly flavonoids, phenolic acids and derivatives of ellagic acid. Phytochemical analysis of R. caesius leaves led to the isolation of nine phenolics, namely: quercetin 3-O-β-D-rutinoside (1), kaempferol 3-O-β-D-glucuronide (2), quercetin 3-O-β-D-glucuronide (3), methyl brevifolincarboxylate (4), kaempferol 3-O-β-D-(6″-O-(E)-p-coumaroyl)-glucoside (5), kaempferol (6), quercetin (7), pedunculagin (8), and ellagic acid (9). Compounds 18 were isolated from this species for the first time. The chemophenetic significance was discussed.  相似文献   

Most blackberry species are apomictic but pseudogamous, i.e. embryo development is dependent on prior pollination. Two different types of stamen arrangement were noted in senescing flowers of 18 Swedish species and 2 common cultivars. The stamens of 'cross-pollinating' species seldom touch the stigmas while those of 'self-pollinating' species instead arch over the pistils and dry up in this position. All species set seed well after artificial self-pollination and are thus self-compatible. Isolation experiments were carried out during 3 years. When inflorescences were bagged, seed set was drastically lowered in 'cross-pollinators' but remained almost unaltered in 'self-pollinators'. The different responses to isolation are probably due to the inherent stamen behaviour.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers are presented for 32 collections of 29 European blackberry species (Rubus subg.Rubus) from Germany. One species is triploid (2n = 21), 27 species are tetraploid, (2n = 28), and one species is pentaploid (2n = 35). Chromosome numbers are reported for the first time ofR. adspersus, R. amisiensis, R. calvus, R. conothyrsoides, R. contractipes, R. demissus, R. elegantispinosus, R. ferocior, R. foliosus, R. hypomalacus, R. leucandrus, R. nemorosus, R. platyacanthus, R. praecox, R. rhombifolius, andR. rhytidophyllus. Chromosome numbers forR. dasyphyllus, R. gelertii, R. glandithyrsos, R. lamprocaulos, R. lindebergii, R. macrophyllus, R. montanus, R. muenteri, R. pedemontanus, R. polyanthemus, R. senticosus, R. silvaticus, andR. vigorosus are confirmed.  相似文献   

A population of putative hybrids between theendemic Rubus hawaiensis and naturalizedR. rosifolius was discovered inKpahulu Valley, on the island of Maui inthe Hawaiian archipelago. The goal of thisstudy was to molecularly characterize thisnatural hybridization event, investigate themode of hybridization, and determine the malefertility of the hybrid individuals. Bothmorphological and RAPD marker data indicatethat the putative hybrid individuals are theprogeny of R. rosifolius and R.hawaiensis. All 39 hybrid individuals sampledhad the chloroplast DNA haplotype of R.rosifolius. Thus hybridization appears to beasymmetric, with R. rosifolius acting asthe maternal parent. All hybrid individualsassessed for pollen stainability were sterile,and there was no evidence of backcrossing toeither parent. This result suggests thathybrids are of the first filial generation andthat variation among hybrids reflectsdifferences within the parental populations.Sympatric populations of R. hawaiensisand R. rosifolius occur on four islandsand six additional alien species of Rubusare naturalized and sympatric with R. hawaiensisin Hawai`i. Further investigationis merited to assess whether hybridization maypose a threat to the long term viability ofR. hawaiensis. This study highlights theincreasing frequency and negative consequencesof native-alien hybridization and theimportance of maintaining active alien speciescontrol programs in the Hawaiian Islands.  相似文献   

Reproduction of polyploid Rubus species is described as facultatively apomictic. Pollination is needed for seed set, but most seedlings are produced asexually by pseudogamy. Although sexual processes may occur, clonal diversity can be extremely low. We performed a pollination experiment to investigate the breeding system and used allozyme and AFLP markers to analyze genetic variation among and within seed families in R. armeniacus and R. bifrons. Pollination either with self or outcross pollen was necessary to trigger seed set. Outbreeding marginally increased the number and quality of seeds compared with selfing. The enzyme PGI revealed some genetic variation within seed families. Seven other enzyme systems were monomorphic. The more detailed AFLP analyses with five primer pairs detected the same rate of genetic variation (14-17% of seedlings were genetically distinct) and confirmed the allozyme results for the same individuals. No genetic variation was found between the seed families from within a species collected in widely separated populations, but clear species-specific differences were observed. The results support the view that polyploid Rubus species are pseudogamous apomicts with low genetic diversity among and within seed families. However, sexual reproduction occasionally occurs and contributes to the maintenance of genetic variation within natural populations.  相似文献   

InRubus L. a connection seems to exist between the degree of meiotic disturbances on the one hand, and the production of unreduced embryo sacs, pollen fertility and relative seed set on the other hand. Severe meiotic disturbances commonly encountered in apomictic taxa decrease pollen fertility and thereby seed set since pollen is necessary for endosperm development. By contrast interspecific hybrids between apomictic taxa appear to be sexual and exhibit high pollen fertilities, probably due to an improved meiosis. Thus, apomixis leads to a decreased fertility inRubus, not the opposite, as often discussed.  相似文献   

钻地风的三萜类成分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从钻地风根的乙醇提取物中分离得到12个三萜及三萜皂苷类化合物,通过波谱分析并与有关对照品比较, 其结构鉴定为熊果酸(1),坡模酸(2),tormentic acid (3),蔷薇酸(4),sericic acid (5),23-hydroxytormentic acid (6), kaji-ichigoside F1 (7),野蔷薇苷 (8), sericoside (9), quadranoside VIII (10), crataegioside (11)和niga-ichigoside F1 (12).初步研究结果表明,这些化合物在体外5?mg/ml浓度下对耐药金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)无抑制作用.  相似文献   

Rubus ambrosius Trávní?ek etOklejewicz, a widely distributed species from the eastern part of Central Europe (Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland), is described.R. ambrosius differs from similar speciesR. sulcatus Vest by more deeply furrowed stems, longer prickles on first-year tems, longer petioles, more prickly petioles, densely hairy leaves beneath and by blunter leaf margin serration with incisions only (2-)1.5–2.5 mm deep. The newly described species is illustrated both by photographs (including the holotype) and a line drawing. A list of localities and a distribution map are presented.  相似文献   

 A change in ploidy level could increase invasiveness of introduced plants in insular plant communities. To examine this question for R. alceifolius, we compared its ploidy level in its Asian native range and in the Indian Ocean islands where it has been introduced. We first counted chromosomes on root tips from a Vietnamese individual, which proved to be tetraploid (2n=4x=28). The nuclear DNA content of other individuals from the native range and areas of introduction was estimated using the flow cytometry method. The Vietnamese individual on which chromosomes were counted was added to the sample, to enable deduction of the ploidy level of all individuals from their nuclear DNA content. All individuals were found to be tetraploid, except 10 individuals from a single clone collected in a Vietnamese population, estimated to be triploid, and morphologically different of other individuals of this study. We showed that while polyploidy of the source population may have predisposed this plant to become a successful invader, its introduction into Indian Ocean islands was not associated with any change in ploidy level. Received January 23, 2001 Accepted May 22, 2001  相似文献   

In facultatively asexual invasive species, an understanding of the origins and diversity of clones can reveal introduction and invasion pathways and inform management efforts. In this study, we use microsatellite and chloroplast DNA markers to infer clonal diversity of the Rubus fruticosus agg. invasion in the Western United States, determine the relationship of these clones to clones found in other exotic ranges, and determine the geographic and genetic origins of the invasive clones. We found two invasive clones in the Western United States, where the invasion had previously been thought to consist of a single asexual lineage. The most common clone was genetically identical to the microspecies R. armeniacus from the native range of Germany, while the second clone was identical to the microspecies R. anglocandicans in the invaded range of Australia and closely related to samples from the native ranges of England and Serbia. A third distinct clone was identified in a collection from the exotic range of Chile. Our results demonstrate that cryptic genetic diversity may be present in asexual invasions that are thought to be homogeneous. However, the asexual relationships between R. fruticosus agg. clones in the native and multiple exotic ranges indicate that preadaptation has played an important role in invasion success in this species aggregate.  相似文献   

甜茶,悬钩子属一新种   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
李树刚   《广西植物》1981,(4):17-19
本文报道蔷薇科悬钩子属的一个新种,Rubus suavissimus。 、  相似文献   

Rubus imperialis, Artemia salina, 3-O-methylellagic-4'-O-alpha-rhamnose Acid Screening of different extracts, fractions and compounds from Rubus imperialis Chum. Schl. (Rosaceae) has been conduced using the brine shrimp microwell cytotoxicity assay. Three parts of the plant (methanolic extract from leaves, roots and stems), three fractions from roots (hexane, ethyl acetate and butanol) and three isolated compounds (niga-ichigoside F1, 23-hydroxytormentic acid, ellagic acid derivative) were tested. The most promising material (LC50 <1000 microg/ml) were the methanolic extract and ethyl acetate fraction from roots. However, there was little correlation observed in the degree of toxicities observed between the isolated compounds. On the other hand, the cytotoxicity and in vivo assays confirmed the hypoglycemic activity of methanolic extract and validated the Brazilian popular use of R. imperialis as an antidiabetic agent.  相似文献   

Rubus canduliger is described as a new regional bramble species belonging to the seriesDiscolores. It has been recognized in the Netherlands as a distinct species for more than 70 years but identified as the central EuropeanR. grabowskii. The latter, however, differs by its tapering prickles, regular leaves with longer petiolule of the terminal leaflet, broader, often pyramidal inflorescence, and white or pink flowers with carpels hairy at the top.R. canduliger has a well-defined range north of the Rhine river around Arnhem where it occurs in urban and other disturbed habitats. Historical events, e.g. transport of young trees in the 16th century may explain most records south of the Rhine river, 25–50 km outside the main range. The ecology and phytosociology of the new bramble are discussed. Its distribution is compared toR. trichanthus, another regional species with a similar range asR. canduliger, but occurring in more natural habitats. In pseudogamous European blackberries (Rubus sectionRubus =R. fruticosus agg.), range size is considered to be related to the age of the species. Several widespread species have disjunct distribution ranges that are suggested to be the result of long-distance dispersal by migratory birds but unintentional anthropogenic transport of seeds may be involved as well. We hypothesize that in northwestern Europe fragmentation of continuous ranges of widespread species was caused by ongoing deforestation and subsequent degradation (acidification) of originally base-rich sandy and loamy soils from the Iron Age onward. Many regional species, however, have originated and spread in the resulting man-made landscapes. A classification of range types of brambles differing in size and internal structure is presented.  相似文献   

Ten stands of Rubus nessensis , an apomictic blackberry, were studied. Perennial stools produce biennial shoots that flower in their second year. The stools tend to produce shoots of similar height for several consecutive years. Flowering, but not relative fruit set, is dependent on shoot height. Shoot height and density appear to be positively related, implying that intraspecific competition is of little importance for plant vigour. Depletion time varies greatly between stands (4–29 years), being comparatively longer in stands with short shoots. New establishment is sparse and takes place mostly by root suckering.  相似文献   

The foliar indumentum of 94 taxa of Rubus has been surveyed by scanning electron microscopy. The analysed species belonged to five subgenera. Rubus subgen. Rubus with its three sections and 21 series was the most numerously represented. In all studied species, indumentum was present, but the species differed more or less from each other with respect to the density of the indumentum on the abaxial leaf surface. Three main hair types were present: simple eglandular (unbranched) trichomes, branched eglandular trichomes, and very short secretory uni‐seriate trichomes; subtypes were distinguished according to trichome size. Apart from investigating separate traits, we described character patterns for the best represented and homogeneous series: Discolores, Subthyrsoidei, Rhamnifolii and Rubus. Other large groups (Sylvatici, Glandulosi and Micantes) were more diverse.  相似文献   

Five stands of an apomictic blackberry, Rubus nessensis , were studied. Biennial shoots flower and fruit in their second year on lateral branches developed from axillary buds. Most premature death of reproductive units occurs by withering of entire laterals, presumably due to damage by frost during the preceeding autumn or winter. Health status of the floricane, assessed as percentage live axillary buds in the spring, was positively correlated with the reproduction parameters. Shoot height as well, is positively correlated with number of flower buds and flowers produced on each lateral but, however, negatively correlated with number of berries, probably because tall shoots tend to suffer more damage by frost which seriously afflicts the vascular tissues of the laterals.
The position of the axillary buds on the shoot affects survival and degree of fertility, those situated medially greatly surpassing apical and basal ones.  相似文献   

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