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Lu  Xiaofei  Qin  Zhangfen  Lambers  Hans  Tang  Songbo  Kaal  Joeri  Hou  Enqing  Kuang  Yuanwen 《Plant and Soil》2022,476(1-2):25-29
Plant and Soil - Silicon (Si) is a beneficial element for plants and plays important roles in the biogeochemical cycle of mineral elements. Yet, few studies have focused on the impact of nitrogen...  相似文献   

Partitioning of water resources among plants of a lowland tropical forest   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Source water used by plants of several species in a semi-evergreen lowland tropical forest on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, was assessed by comparing the relative abundance of deuterium, D, versus hydrogen, H (stable hydrogen isotope composition, D) in xylem sap and in soil water at different depths, during the dry season of 1992. Ecological correlates of source water were examined by comparing xylem water D values with leaf phenology, leaf water status determined with a pressure chamber, and rates of water use determined as mass flow of sap using the stem heat balance method. Soil water D values decreased sharply to 30 cm, then remained relatively constant with increasing depth. Average D values were-13, for 0–30 cm depth and-36.7 for 30–100 cm depth. Soil water D values were negatively associated with soil water content and soil water potential. Concurrent analyses of xylem water revealed a high degree of partitioning of water resources among species of this tropical forest. Xylem water D of deciduous trees (average=-25.3±1.4) was higher than that of evergreen trees (average=-36.3±3.5), indicating that evergreen species had access to the more abundant soil water at greater depth than deciduous species. In evergreen shade-tolerant and high-light requiring shrubs and small trees, D of xylem water was negatively correlated with transpiration rate and leaf water potential indicating that species using deeper, more abundant water resources had both higher rates of water use and more favorable leaf water status.  相似文献   

Xanthophyll-cycle pigments and photosynthetic capacity (PSmax) were analyzed in 25 species from different light environments (canopy, gap, understory) within a Panamanian tropical forest. (1) Sun-exposed leaves of canopy tree species showed the highest photosynthetic capacities and largest xanthophyll-cycle pools (violaxanthin, antheraxanthin, zeaxanthin) of about 87 mmol mol-1 chlorophyll with only small amounts of -carotene [about 7 mmol mol-1 chlorophyll = 8% of total (+) carotene pool]. Under high natural photon flux densities (PFDs) canopy leaves rapidly converted up to 96% of the xanthophyll-cycle pool into zeaxanthin. The back reaction to violaxanthin occurred much faster in low light than in complete darkness. At the end of the night, zeaxanthin still accounted for, on average, 14% of the total xanthophyll-cycle pigments. (2) Leaves of gap plants had intermediate values of PSmax and a 43% lower total carotenoid content than canopy leaves. The average size of the xanthophyll-cycle pool was 35 mmol mol-1 chlorophyll, and -carotene accounted for up to 66% of the total (+) carotene pool. Under high light conditions gap plants converted, on average, 86% of the xanthophyll-cycle pigments into zeaxanthin. The back reaction, following a decrease in ambient PFD, was slower than the forward reaction. At the end of the night, zeaxanthin accounted for, on average, 7% of the xanthophyll-cycle pigments in gap plants. (3) Understory plants showed the lowest values of PSmax and the smallest xanthophyll-cycle pool of about 22 mmol mol-1 chlorophyll. -Carotene accounted for up to 70% of total carotene. The conversion of xanthophyll-cycle pigments into zeaxanthin was negligible during short sunflecks of 1–2 min duration and PFDs up to about 400 mol m-2 s-1. At predawn, leaves of understory plants rarely contained any detectable zeaxanthin. Aechmea magdalenae, an understory CAM plant, showed exceptionally high rates of PSmax per unit leaf area compared to sympatric C3 understory species.  相似文献   

东北天然次生林下木树种的生物量器官分配规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以帽儿山天然次生林主要下木树种为研究对象,探讨了植物生物量器官(叶、新枝、多年枝、细根、粗根)分配特征及其与物种和个体大小的关系。结果表明:1)林下植物器官生物量的相对生长遵循异速生长理论,相对生长关系并不唯一。叶与新枝(0.924~1.055)、多年枝与粗根(0.917~1.024)和地上部分与地下部分(1.064~1.125)近于等速生长,新枝与多年枝(0.585~0.700),叶与总枝(0.742~0.795),叶与总根(0.853~0.918),以及细根与粗根(0.658~0.750)的生物量相对生长表现为异速生长。2)林下植物生物量器官分配遵循异速生长分配理论,叶、新枝、多年枝、细根和粗根等的生物量比例依次是5.83%~20.60%、0.83%~7.42%、36.25%~68.24%、1.32%~6.75%和16.38%~42.88%、根冠比是0.272~0.866。3)器官生物量比例与物种和植物大小等有关,各植物的器官生物量比例有差异,随植物生长,各植物生物量的叶分配、新枝分配、细根分配和根冠比明显减小、多年枝分配明显增加(P0.05),仅少数植物的粗根分配无明显变化(P0.05)。  相似文献   

Question: How do tree seedlings differ in their responses to drought and fire under contrasting light conditions in a tropical seasonal forest? Location: Mae Klong Watershed Research Station, 100–900 m a.s.l, Kanchanaburi Province, western Thailand. Method: Seedlings of six trees, Dipterocarpus alatus, D. turbinatus, Shorea siamensis, Pterocarpus macrocarpus, Xylia xylocarpa var. kerrii and Sterculia macrophylla, were planted in a gap and under the closed canopy. For each light condition, we applied (1) continuous watering during the dry season (W); (2) ground fire during the dry season (F); (3) no watering/no fire (intact, I). Seedling survival and growth were followed. Results: Survival and growth rate were greater in the gap than under the closed canopy for all species, most dramatically for S. siamensis and P. macrocarpus. Dipterocarpus alatus and D. turbinatus had relatively high survival under the closed canopy, and watering during the dry season resulted in significantly higher survival rates for these two species. Watering during the dry season resulted in higher growth rates for five species. All seedlings of D. alatus and D. turbinatus failed to re‐sprout and died after fire. The survival rates during the dry season and after the fire treatment were higher for the seedlings grown in the canopy gap than in the shade for S. siamensis, P. macrocarpus, X. xylocarpa var. kerrii and S. macrophylla. The seedlings of these species in the canopy gap had higher allocation to below‐ground parts than those under the closed canopy, which may support the ability to sprout after fire. Conclusions: The light conditions during the rainy season greatly affect seedling survival and resistance to fire during the subsequent dry season. Our results suggest differentiation among species in terms of seedling adaptations to shade, drought and fire.  相似文献   

In tropical lowland forests, corticolous crustose green algal lichens are abundant and highly diverse. This may be related to adaptation to prevailing microenvironmental conditions including, for example, high precipitation and low light intensities. In the understory of a tropical lowland rain forest in French Guiana, we studied the morphology of crustose green algal lichens and measured gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence. We found that (i) periods of thallus suprasaturation with water were reduced by the presence of water-repelling surface structures of mycobiont hyphae at the thallus surface and the medulla; (ii) photosynthesis was adapted to the low light intensities present in the understory; and (iii) photosynthesis was rapidly activated in fluctuating light. The combination of these three mechanisms enables corticolous lichens to implement specific morphological and physiological strategies, which may favour growth in the limiting understory habitat of tropical lowland rain forests.  相似文献   

Aims Elevated nitrogen (N) deposition in tropical regions may accelerate ecosystem phosphorus (P) limitation. However, it is not explicitly addressed that how changes in soil N and P availability affect foliar nutrients and photosynthesis of plants in tropical forests. In this study, we examined the effects of N and P additions on foliar nutrients and net photosynthesis of two dominant understory species, Randia canthioides (R. canthioides) and Cryptocarya concinna (C. concinna) in an N-saturated old-growth tropical forest (>400-year-old) in southern China.Methods A full factorial NP addition experiment (2×2) was established in 2007 and continued through August 2010. Four treatments, including control, N addition (150kg N ha-1 year-1), P addition (150kg P ha-1 year-1) and NP addition (150kg N ha-1 year-1 plus 150kg P ha-1 year-1) were set up in this experiment. Photosynthetic traits (maximum photosynthetic CO2 assimilation (A max), stomatal conductance (g s), leaf transpiration (E), light saturating point, concentrations of chlorophyll a/b and foliar nutrients (N and P) of the two species were measured with standard methods.Important findings Three years of N addition had no significant effects on any measured photosynthetic parameter of either species. However, N addition significantly elevated foliar N and P concentrations of one species (R. canthioides), resulting in lower photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE). N treatments decreased foliar P concentration of the other (C. concinna), resulting in increased photosynthetic phosphorus use efficiency, which was potentially related to N-induced P shortage. In contrast, positive effects of P treatments on g s of R. canthioides, A max and chlorophyll a+b of C. concinna were observed. P treatments also elevated foliar P and PNUE of both species, implying P induced more efficient use of N. Our results suggested a more important role of P than N on influencing photosynthetic traits of these two understory species. Alleviation of P shortage through P addition may enhance photosynthetic performances of some understory species in N-rich tropical forests.  相似文献   

Root-to-shoot cadmium (Cd) translocation in Solanum torvum is lower than that of the eggplant Solanum melongena; therefore, grafting S. melongena onto S. torvum rootstock can effectively reduce the Cd concentration in eggplant fruits. We hypothesized that Cd transport in S. torvum roots is restricted in the path between the epidermis and xylem vessel; hence, we investigated the Cd distribution in the roots at the micron-scale. Elemental maps of Cd, Zn and Fe accumulation in S. melongena and S. torvum root sections were obtained by synchrotron micro X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The Cd was localized in both the stele and the epidermis of the S. melongena root cross sections regardless of the distance from the root apex. In S. torvum root sections taken at 30 and 40 mm above the root apex, a higher abundance of Cd was found within the cells of the endodermis and pericycle. The results suggested that the symplastic uptake and xylem loading of Cd in S. torvum roots were restricted, and thereby, the Cd that was unable to be loaded into the xylem accumulated in the endodermis and in the pericycle. Because symplastic uptake differs only slightly between the two species, the difference in xylem loading would explain the comparatively lower Cd concentration in S. torvum shoots.  相似文献   

在异质性环境中,植物能够通过将更多的生物量投资到高资源斑块而获利。因此,相对于高资源斑块的初始生长位置可能会对植物的生长和竞争能力产生影响,且这种影响可能与植物的构型有关。然而,以往有关土壤异质性对植物生长和竞争影响的研究都忽略了植 物初始生长位置的潜在效应。在本研究中,我们把密集型克隆植物翼果苔草(Carex neurocarpa)和游击型克隆植物扁秆荆三棱(Bolboschoenus planiculmis)分别单独种植(不存在竞争)或者混合种植(存在竞争)在由高营养斑块和低营养斑块组成的异质性环境中。在不存在竞争处理时,每种植物的一个分株被分别单独种植于高营养或者低营养斑块中;在存在竞争处理时,目标种的一个分株被种植于高营养斑块中,而竞争种被种植在这个高营养斑块中或者邻近的低营养斑块中,或目标种的一个分株被种植于低营养斑块中,而竞争种被种植在这个低营养斑块中或者邻近的高营养斑块中。结果表明,在不存在竞争时,初始生长位置处于高营养斑块的翼果苔草的生物量和分株数均显著高于初始位置处于低营养斑块的翼果苔草,但在存在竞争时,却未发现这种差异。因此,初始位置处于高营养斑块的翼果苔草受到的竞争强度要显著高于初始位置处于低营养斑块的翼果苔草,而且这种效应与其竞争者的初始生长位置无关。相反的,扁秆荆三棱的初始生长位置对其生长和竞争的响应没有影响。因此,在异质性环境中,克隆植物的初始生长位置能够影响其生长和相对竞争能力,并且这些效应可能取决于植物的克隆构型。  相似文献   

Two opposing niche processes have been shown to shape the relationship between ecological traits and species distribution patterns: habitat filtering and competitive exclusion. Habitat filtering is expected to select for similar traits among coexisting species that share similar habitat conditions, whereas competitive exclusion is expected to limit the ecological similarity of coexisting species leading to trait differentiation. Here, we explore how functional traits vary among 19 understory palm species that differ in their distribution across a gradient of soil resource availability in lower montane forest in western Panama. We found evidence that habitat filtering influences species distribution patterns and shifts community-wide and intraspecific trait values. Differences in trait values among sites were more strongly related to soil nutrient availability than to variation in light or rainfall. Soil nutrient availability explained a significant amount of variation in site mean trait values for 4 of 15 functional traits. Site mean values of leaf nitrogen and phosphorus increased 37 and 64%, respectively, leaf carbon:nitrogen decreased 38%, and specific leaf area increased 29% with increasing soil nutrient availability. For Geonoma cuneata, the only species occurring at all sites, leaf phosphorus increased 34% and nitrogen:phosphorus decreased 42% with increasing soil nutrients. In addition to among-site variation, most morphological and leaf nutrient traits differed among coexisting species within sites, suggesting these traits may be important for niche differentiation. Hence, a combination of habitat filtering due to turnover in species composition and intraspecific variation along a soil nutrient gradient and site-specific niche differentiation among co-occurring species influences understory palm community structure in this lower montane forest.  相似文献   

Loiselle  Bette A.  Blake  John G. 《Plant Ecology》1993,107(1):177-189
Spatial distribution of fruit-eating birds and fruiting shrubs of the Melastomataceae and Rubiaceae were examined on a 10 ha plot in tropical lowland wet forest of Costa Rica. Many plant species and most birds exhibited considerable spatial variation in their occurrence on the plot, as indicated by the distribution patterns of shrubs with ripe fruits and captures in mist nets, respectively. In many cases, captures of fruit-eating birds were correlated with abundance of fruiting plants, particularly for species that rely heavily on fruits. In general, fruit-eating birds concentrated their use of the plot to areas rich in fruiting shrubs. This differential use of certain areas likely results in differential visitation to fruiting plants located in these areas and in a heterogeneous dissemination of seeds into the habitat.  相似文献   

Negative interactions between non-indigenous and native species has been an important research topic of invasion biology. However, interactions between two or more invasive species may be as important in understanding biological invasions, but they have rarely been studied. In this paper, we describe three field experiments that investigated interactions between two non-indigenous plant species invasive in the eastern United States, Lonicera japonica (a perennial vine) and Microstegium vimineum (an annual grass). A press removal experiment conducted within a deciduous forest understory community indicated that M. vimineum was a superior competitor to L. japonica. We tested the hypothesis that the competitive success of M. vimineum was because it overgrew, and reduced light available to, L. japonica, by conducting a separate light gradient experiment within the same community. Shade cloth that simulated the M. vimineum canopy reduced the performance of L. japonica. In a third complementary experiment, we added experimental support hosts to test the hypothesis that the competitive ability of L. japonica is limited by support hosts, onto which L. japonica climbs to access light. We found that the abundance of climbing branches increased with the number of support hosts. Results of this experiment indicate that these two invasive species compete asymmetrically for resources, particularly light.  相似文献   

In the Araceae, pollination biology has been extensively evaluated in several genera mainly in lowland tropical areas. However, the influence of physical factors such as elevation or precipitation on plant/flower-visitor interactions at the community level remains challenging for this plant family, specifically in tropical mountain forests. The aim of this study was to analyze how the species diversity and abundance of flowering Araceae and their flower-visitor assemblages change along an elevation gradient and through time, in response to changes in mean monthly precipitation in a tropical mountain forest located in Jardín, Antioquia, Colombia. Eighteen flowering Araceae species and floral visitors belonging to seven orders were recorded. Flower-visitor diversity decreased with elevation. A trend of increasing flowering Araceae and flower-visitor abundance richness at intermediate levels of precipitation was observed. Diptera were dominant in the lower part and Thysanoptera were dominant in the upper part of the gradient. The pattern of plant species distribution along the elevation and the amount of precipitation influenced the availability of flower resources, and, as a consequence, affected the spatial and temporal composition of flower-visitor assemblages. Local strategies for the conservation of the diversity of insect flower-visitors and their interactions should be focused on the implementation of agricultural practices that reduce the use of pesticides within adjacent commercial plantations and the avoidance of illegal clearings, maintaining unbroken elevational gradients of forest, which is the only way to protect the flowering resources for anthophilous insects. At the same time, continuous forest promotes the maintenance of macro and microclimatic conditions, preserving the stability of insect populations and diversity amongst several functional groups.  相似文献   

Leaf soluble sugars and starch are important components of nonstructural carbohydrates (NSCs), which are crucial for plant growth, development, and reproduction. Although there is a large body of research focusing on the regulation of plant NSC (soluble sugars and starch) concentrations, the response of foliar NSC concentrations to continuous nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) addition is still unclear, especially in tropical forests. Here, we used a long‐term manipulative field experiment to investigate the response of leaf NSC concentrations to continuous N and P addition (3‐, 5‐, and 8‐year fertilization) in a tropical forest in southern China. We found significant species‐specific variation in leaf NSC concentrations in this tropical forest. Phosphorus addition dramatically decreased both leaf soluble sugar and starch concentrations, while N addition had no significant effects on leaf soluble sugar and starch concentrations. These results suggest that, in plants growing in P‐limiting tropical soil, leaf NSC concentrations are regulated by soil P availability rather than N availability. Moreover, the negative relationships between NSC concentrations and leaf mass per area (LMA) revealed that NSCs could supply excess carbon (C) for leaf expansion under P addition. This was further supported by the increased structural P fraction after P fertilization in our previous study at the same site. We conclude that soil P availability strongly regulates leaf starch and soluble sugar concentrations in the tropical tree species included in this study. The response of leaf NSC concentrations to long‐term N and P addition can reflect the close relationships between plant C dynamics and soil nutrient availability in tropical forests. Maintaining relatively higher leaf NSC concentrations in tropical plants can be a potential mechanism for adapting to P‐deficient conditions.  相似文献   

The establishment and spread of non‐native, invasive shrubs in forests poses an important obstacle to natural resource conservation and management. This study assesses the impacts of the physical removal of a complex of woody invasive shrub species on deciduous forest understory resources. We compared leaf litter quantity and quality and understory light transmittance in five pairs of invaded and removal plots in an oak‐dominated suburban mature forest. Removal plots were cleared of all non‐native invasive shrubs. The invasive shrubs were abundant (143,456 stems/ha) and diverse, dominated by species in the genera Ligustrum, Viburnum, Lonicera, and Euonymus. Annual leaf litter biomass and carbon inputs of invaded plots were not different from removal plots due to low leaf litter biomass of invasive shrubs. Invasive shrub litter had higher nitrogen (N) concentrations than native species; however, low biomass of invasive litter led to low N inputs by litter of invasive species compared to native. Light transmittance at the forest floor and at 2 m was lower in invaded plots than in removal plots. We conclude that the removal of the abundant invasive shrubs from a native deciduous forest understory did not alter litter quantity or N inputs, one measure of litter quality, and increased forest understory light availability. More light in the forest understory could facilitate the restoration of forest understory dynamics.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between plant hosts, galling insects, and their parasitoids in a tropical dry forest at Chamela-Cuixmala Biosphere Reserve in western Mexico. In 120 transects of 30 by 5 m (60 in deciduous forest and 60 in riparian habitats), 29 galling insects species were found and represented in the following order: Diptera (Cecidomyiidae, which induced the greatest abundance of galls with 22 species; 76%), Homoptera (Psylloidea, 6.9%; Psyllidae, 6.9%; Triozidae, 3.4%), Hymenoptera (Tanaostigmatidae, 3.4%; which were rare), and one unidentified morphospecies (3.4%). In all cases, there was a great specificity between galling insect species and their host plant species; one galling insect species was associated with one specific plant species. In contrast, there was no specificity between parasitoid species and their host galling insect species. Only 11 species of parasitoids were associated with 29 galling insect species represented in the following families: Torymidae (18.2%), Eurytomidae (18.2%), Eulophidae (18.2%), Eupelmidae (9.1%), Pteromalidae (9.1%), family Braconidae (9.1%), Platygastridae (9.1%), and one unidentified (9.1%). Most parasitoid species parasitized several gall species (Torymus sp.: 51.1%, Eurytoma sp.: 49.7%, Torymoides sp.: 46.9%). Therefore, the effects of variation in plant defenses do not extend to the third trophic level, because a few species of parasitoids can determine the community structure and composition of galling insect species in tropical plants, and instead, top-down processes seem to be regulating trophic interactions of galling insect species in tropical gall communities.  相似文献   

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