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The present study examined the neural basis of vivid motor imagery with parametrical functional magnetic resonance imaging. 22 participants performed motor imagery (MI) of six different right-hand movements that differed in terms of pointing accuracy needs and object involvement, i.e., either none, two big or two small squares had to be pointed at in alternation either with or without an object grasped with the fingers. After each imagery trial, they rated the perceived vividness of motor imagery on a 7-point scale. Results showed that increased perceived imagery vividness was parametrically associated with increasing neural activation within the left putamen, the left premotor cortex (PMC), the posterior parietal cortex of the left hemisphere, the left primary motor cortex, the left somatosensory cortex, and the left cerebellum. Within the right hemisphere, activation was found within the right cerebellum, the right putamen, and the right PMC. It is concluded that the perceived vividness of MI is parametrically associated with neural activity within sensorimotor areas. The results corroborate the hypothesis that MI is an outcome of neural computations based on movement representations located within motor areas.  相似文献   

Among the various possible criteria guiding eye movement selection, we investigate the role of position uncertainty in the peripheral visual field. In particular, we suggest that, in everyday life situations of object tracking, eye movement selection probably includes a principle of reduction of uncertainty. To evaluate this hypothesis, we confront the movement predictions of computational models with human results from a psychophysical task. This task is a freely moving eye version of the multiple object tracking task, where the eye movements may be used to compensate for low peripheral resolution. We design several Bayesian models of eye movement selection with increasing complexity, whose layered structures are inspired by the neurobiology of the brain areas implied in this process. Finally, we compare the relative performances of these models with regard to the prediction of the recorded human movements, and show the advantage of taking explicitly into account uncertainty for the prediction of eye movements.  相似文献   


Along with visual feedback, somatosensory feedback provides the nervous system with information regarding movement performance. Somatosensory system damage disrupts the normal feedback process, which can lead to a pins and needles sensation, or paresthaesia, and impaired movement control. The present study assessed the impact of temporarily induced median nerve paresthaesia, in individuals with otherwise intact sensorimotor function, on goal-directed reaching and grasping movements. Healthy, right-handed participants performed reach and grasp movements to five wooden Efron shapes, of which three were selected for analysis. Participants performed the task without online visual feedback and in two somatosensory conditions: 1) normal; and 2) disrupted somatosensory feedback. Disrupted somatosensory feedback was induced temporarily using a Digitimer (DS7AH) constant current stimulator. Participants’ movements to shapes 15 or 30?cm to the right of the hand’s start position were recorded using a 3?D motion analysis system at 300?Hz (Optotrak 3?D Investigator). Analyses revealed no significant differences for reaction time. Main effects for paresthaesia were observed for temporal and spatial aspects of the both the reach and grasp components of the movements. Although participants scaled their grip aperture to shape size under paresthaesia, the movements were smaller and more variable. Overall participants behaved as though they perceived they were performing larger and faster movements than they actually were. We suggest the presence of temporally induced paresthaesia affected online control by disrupting somatosensory feedback of the reach and grasp movements, ultimately leading to smaller forces and fewer corrective movements.  相似文献   

The rat's mystacial vibrissae are active during exploratory and discriminative behaviors, with individual vibrissae serving as elements in a receptive array scanned across object surfaces. To facilitate neurobehavioral analysis of this sensorimotor system, we have developed an experimental paradigm that confines vibrissa movements to a defined physical location, makes possible on-line monitoring of “whisking” activity, and brings such activity under associative control using operant conditioning procedures. Rats were secured, and movements of an identified bilaterally homologous pair of vibrissae (right and left gamma straddlers) were detected by laser-based photodetectors. Subjects were maintained on a water deprivation schedule, and whisker movements were monitored during adaptation to the test situation and after the clipping of other vibrissae on both sides of the snout. Rats were reinforced with water delivery for emitting vibrissa movements in the presence of a conditioned stimulus (tone) whose presentation was made contingent upon a prior period of nonwhisking. The rate and temporal distribution of vibrissa movements were brought under experimental control by means of interval and ratio reinforcement schedules. Although the procedures provide minimal information about the kinematics or topography of conditioned vibrissa movements, they permit the investigator to manipulate response parameters normally under the voluntary control of the animal in a preparation amenable to neurophysiological analysis  相似文献   

Exploration appears to be carried out for its own purpose due to being self-rewarding. Furthermore, it increases environmental certainty with the effect of increased predictability and control of the environment. We, therefore, supposed that exploratory behaviour is associated with positive emotions and could be a valuable tool in the assessment of animal welfare from the positive side. Since assessing the level of exploration in daily life is time consuming, the goal of our study was to develop a feasible on-farm test to estimate the daily exploratory level of beef bulls. This was based on the hypothesis that bulls in barren environments (here: pens with fully slatted floors) will explore an unknown object more than those housed under more enriched conditions (here: littered pens). A novel object test at the feed rack over a 1-h period was carried out in 64 groups of fattening bulls on farms in Germany and Austria. In order to evaluate sensitivity of the test half of the barren pens in Germany were slightly enriched after these tests and bulls tested again after 1 week. During the first three quarters of the test hour, significantly more barren-housed bulls were occupied with the objects than animals in littered pens. This was predominantly due to more licking/chewing of the novel object. However, the differences in exploration levels were only slight. Moreover, the test was not sensitive to the slight short-term change in stimulation of the bulls following the simple enrichment. The motivational basis for increased exploration of the novel object by licking or chewing in bulls kept in barren conditions is not clear-cut. While it might reflect that these bulls gain less positive emotions from intrinsic exploration in their daily life, nutritional aspects may also play a role. While further investigations should aim to identify the motivational basis of occupation with the novel object and relate true daily exploration levels to test results, for the on-farm assessment of good animal welfare the test appears not to be promising in its current form.  相似文献   

Movement and searching behaviors at diverse spatial scales are important for understanding how animals interact with their environment. Although the shapes of branches and the voids in arboreal habitats seem likely to affect searching behaviors, their influence is poorly understood. To gain insights into how both environmental structure and the attributes of an animal may affect movement and searching, we compared the three-dimensional exploratory movements of snakes in the dark on two simulated arboreal surfaces (disc and horizontal cylinder). Most of the exploratory movements of snakes in the dark were a small fraction of the distances they could reach while bridging gaps in the light. The snakes extended farther away from the edge of the supporting surface at the ends of the cylinder than from the sides of the cylinder or from any direction from the surface of the disc. The exploratory movements were not random, and the surface shape and three-dimensional directions had significant interactive effects on how the movements were structured in time. Thus, the physical capacity for reaching did not limit the area that was explored, but the shape of the supporting surface and the orientation relative to gravity did create biased searching patterns.  相似文献   

Studies in pinniped whisker use have shown that their whiskers are extremely sensitive to tactile and hydrodynamic signals. While pinnipeds position their whiskers on to objects and have some control over their whisker protractions, it has always been thought that head movements are more responsible for whisker positioning than the movement of the whiskers themselves. This study uses ball balancing, a dynamic sensorimotor skill that is often used in human and robotic coordination studies, to promote sea lion whisker movements during the task. For the first time, using tracked video footage, we show that sea lion whisker movements respond quickly (26.70 ms) and mirror the movement of the ball, much more so than the head. We show that whisker asymmetry and spread are both altered to help sense and control the ball during balancing. We believe that by designing more dynamic sensorimotor tasks we can start to characterise the active nature of this specialised sensory system in pinnipeds.  相似文献   

Animal movements have been related to optimal foraging strategies where self-similar trajectories are central. Most of the experimental studies done so far have focused mainly on fitting statistical models to data in order to test for movement patterns described by power-laws. Here we show by analyzing over half a million movement displacements that isolated termite workers actually exhibit a range of very interesting dynamical properties –including Lévy flights– in their exploratory behaviour. Going beyond the current trend of statistical model fitting alone, our study analyses anomalous diffusion and structure functions to estimate values of the scaling exponents describing displacement statistics. We evince the fractal nature of the movement patterns and show how the scaling exponents describing termite space exploration intriguingly comply with mathematical relations found in the physics of transport phenomena. By doing this, we rescue a rich variety of physical and biological phenomenology that can be potentially important and meaningful for the study of complex animal behavior and, in particular, for the study of how patterns of exploratory behaviour of individual social insects may impact not only their feeding demands but also nestmate encounter patterns and, hence, their dynamics at the social scale.  相似文献   

The analysis of animal movement within different landscapes may increase our understanding of how landscape features affect the perceptual range of animals. Perceptual range is linked to movement probability of an animal via a dispersal kernel, the latter being generally considered as spatially invariant but could be spatially affected. We hypothesize that spatial plasticity of an animal''s dispersal kernel could greatly modify its distribution in time and space. After radio tracking the movements of walking insects (Cosmopolites sordidus) in banana plantations, we considered the movements of individuals as states of a Markov chain whose transition probabilities depended on the habitat characteristics of current and target locations. Combining a likelihood procedure and pattern-oriented modelling, we tested the hypothesis that dispersal kernel depended on habitat features. Our results were consistent with the concept that animal dispersal kernel depends on habitat features. Recognizing the plasticity of animal movement probabilities will provide insight into landscape-level ecological processes.  相似文献   

Neuroprosthesis research aims to enable communication between the brain and external assistive devices while restoring lost functionality such as occurs from stroke, spinal cord injury or neurodegenerative diseases. In future closed-loop sensorimotor prostheses, one approach is to use neuromodulation as direct stimulus to the brain to compensate for a lost sensory function and help the brain to integrate relevant information for commanding external devices via, e.g. movement intention. Current neuromodulation techniques rely mainly of electrical stimulation. Here we focus specifically on the question of eliciting a biomimetically relevant sense of touch by direct stimulus of the somatosensory cortex by introducing optogenetic techniques as an alternative to electrical stimulation. We demonstrate that light activated opsins can be introduced to target neurons in the somatosensory cortex of non-human primates and be optically activated to create a reliably detected sensation which the animal learns to interpret as a tactile sensation localized within the hand. The accomplishment highlighted here shows how optical stimulation of a relatively small group of mostly excitatory somatosensory neurons in the nonhuman primate brain is sufficient for eliciting a useful sensation from data acquired by simultaneous electrophysiology and from behavioral metrics. In this first report to date on optically neuromodulated behavior in the somatosensory cortex of nonhuman primates we do not yet dissect the details of the sensation the animals exerience or contrast it to those evoked by electrical stimulation, issues of considerable future interest.  相似文献   

Animals in unfamiliar environments may increase exploratory movements, which may result in predation mortalities (the site familiarity hypothesis). Furthermore, increases in resource dispersion may reduce animal foraging time in small patches, and increase movements and home ranges of animals to acquire sufficient resources (the resource dispersion hypothesis). Little is known regarding effects of site familiarity on translocated birds in fragmented landscapes. We translocated 130 eastern wild turkeys (Meleagris gallapovo silvestris) in a sex ratio of one male to 4 females to 2 study sites that differed in forest fragmentation in MS, USA. Turkeys were captured from sites throughout Mississippi during springs 2009 and 2010. We monitored movements of translocated wild turkeys using radio telemetry. Movement distances and home ranges in 2010 did not differ among birds released in different years, inconsistent with the site familiarity hypothesis. However, movement distances and home ranges of translocated turkeys were greater at the more fragmented site than at the less fragmented site, supporting the resource dispersion hypothesis. Moreover, home range sizes were related positively to within-home-range variability in vegetative greenness measured by the normalized difference vegetation index. Effects of resource dispersion may override effects of site familiarity concerning translocated wild turkeys.  相似文献   

The effects of "barrel cortex" ablation upon the biometrics of "exploratory" whisking were examined in three head-fixed rats which had previously sustained unilateral ablation of the left cortical "barrel field" under electrophysiological control. Unconditioned movements of a pair of bilaterally homologous whiskers (C-1, Right, Left) were monitored, optoelectronically, with other whiskers present. Whisking movements on the intact and ablated side were analyzed with respect to kinematics (protraction amplitude and velocity) whisking frequency and phase relationships between whisking movement on the two sides of the face. Histological analysis confirmed complete removal of S-1 "barrel cortex". In normal animals whisking movements have a characteristic rhythm (6-9 Hz), and protractions on the two sides of the face tend to be both synchronous and of very similar amplitudes. In the lesioned animals, whisking frequency was unchanged and whisking movements remained bilaterally synchronous. However, there was a significant difference between the amplitude of Right and Left whisker movements which was evident many months postoperatively. Our results suggest that the deficits in vibrissa-mediated tactile discrimination reported after "barrel" field ablation may reflect an impairment in the animal's ability to modulate whisking parameters on the two sides of the face to meet the functional requirements of a discriminative whisking task. The effects upon whisking amplitude seen after unilateral barrel field ablation are consistent with a model in which the activity of a whisking Central Pattern Generator is modulated by descending inputs to achieve sensorimotor control of whisking movement parameters.  相似文献   

Body movement influences the structure of multiple forms of ambient energy, including optics and gravito-inertial force. Some researchers have argued that egocentric distance is derived from inferential integration of visual and non-visual stimulation. We suggest that accurate information about egocentric distance exists in perceptual stimulation as higher-order patterns that extend across optics and inertia. We formalize a pattern that specifies the egocentric distance of a stationary object across higher-order relations between optics and inertia. This higher-order parameter is created by self-generated movement of the perceiver in inertial space relative to the illuminated environment. For this reason, we placed minimal restrictions on the exploratory movements of our participants. We asked whether humans can detect and use the information available in this higher-order pattern. Participants judged whether a virtual object was within reach. We manipulated relations between body movement and the ambient structure of optics and inertia. Judgments were precise and accurate when the higher-order optical-inertial parameter was available. When only optic flow was available, judgments were poor. Our results reveal that participants perceived egocentric distance from the higher-order, optical-inertial consequences of their own exploratory activity. Analysis of participants’ movement trajectories revealed that self-selected movements were complex, and tended to optimize availability of the optical-inertial pattern that specifies egocentric distance. We argue that accurate information about egocentric distance exists in higher-order patterns of ambient energy, that self-generated movement can generate these higher-order patterns, and that these patterns can be detected and used to support perception of egocentric distance that is precise and accurate.  相似文献   

Lesion studies of the parietal cortex have led to a wide range of conclusions regarding the coordinate reference frame in which hemineglect is expressed. A model of spatial representation in the parietal cortex has recently been developed in which the position of an object is not encoded in a particular frame of reference, but instead involves neurones computing basis functions of sensory inputs. In this type of representation, a nonlinear sensorimotor transformation of an object is represented in a population of units having the response properties of neurones that are observed in the parietal cortex. A simulated lesion in a basis-function representation was found to replicate three of the most important aspects of hemineglect: (i) the model behaved like parietal patients in line-cancellation and line-bisection experiments; (ii) the deficit affected multiple frames of reference; and (iii) the deficit could be object-centred. These results support the basis-function hypothesis for spatial representations and provide a testable computational theory of hemineglect at the level of single cells.  相似文献   

Neurons in posterior parietal cortex of the awake, trained monkey respond to passive visual and/or somatosensory stimuli. In general, the receptive fields of these cells are large and nonspecific. When these neurons are studied during visually guided hand movements and eye movements, most of their activity can be accounted for by passive sensory stimulation. However, for some visual cells, the response to a stimulus is enhanced when it is to be the target for a saccadic eye movement. This enhancement is selective for eye movements into the visual receptive field since it does not occur with eye movements to other parts of the visual field. Cells that discharge in association with a visual fixation task have foveal receptive fields and respond to the spots of light used as fixation targets. Cells discharging selectively in association with different directions of tracking eye movements have directionally selective responses to moving visual stimuli. Every cell in our sample discharging in association with movement could be driven by passive sensory stimuli. We conclude that the activity of neurons in posterior parietal cortex is dependent on and indicative of external stimuli but not predictive of movement.  相似文献   

Representing the UK's cattle herd as static and dynamic networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Network models are increasingly being used to understand the spread of diseases through sparsely connected populations, with particular interest in the impact of animal movements upon the dynamics of infectious diseases. Detailed data collected by the UK government on the movement of cattle may be represented as a network, where animal holdings are nodes, and an edge is drawn between nodes where a movement of animals has occurred. These network representations may vary from a simple static representation, to a more complex, fully dynamic one where daily movements are explicitly captured. Using stochastic disease simulations, a wide range of network representations of the UK cattle herd are compared. We find that the simpler static network representations are often deficient when compared with a fully dynamic representation, and should therefore be used only with caution in epidemiological modelling. In particular, due to temporal structures within the dynamic network, static networks consistently fail to capture the predicted epidemic behaviour associated with dynamic networks even when parameterized to match early growth rates.  相似文献   

The effects of “barrel cortex” ablation upon the biometrics of “exploratory” whisking were examined in three head-fixed rats which had previously sustained unilateral ablation of the left cortical “barrel field” under electrophysiological control. Unconditioned movements of a pair of bilaterally homologous whiskers (C-1, Right, Left) were monitored, optoelectronically, with other whiskers present. Whisking movements on the intact and ablated side were analyzed with respect to kinematics (protraction amplitude and velocity) whisking frequency and phase relationships between whisking movement on the two sides of the face. Histological analysis confirmed complete removal of S-1 “barrel cortex”. In normal animals whisking movements have a characteristic rhythm (6-9 Hz), and protractions on the two sides of the face tend to be both synchronous and of very similar amplitudes. In the lesioned animals, whisking frequency was unchanged and whisking movements remained bilaterally synchronous. However, there was a significant difference between the amplitude of Right and Left whisker movements which was evident many months postoperatively. Our results suggest that the deficits in vibrissa-mediated tactile discrimination reported after “barrel” field ablation may reflect an impairment in the animal's ability to modulate whisking parameters on the two sides of the face to meet the functional requirements of a discriminative whisking task. The effects upon whisking amplitude seen after unilateral barrel field ablation are consistent with a model in which the activity of a whisking Central Pattern Generator is modulated by descending inputs to achieve sensorimotor control of whisking movement parameters.  相似文献   

The representation of arm movements in postcentral and parietal cortex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Considerable experimental evidence supports the hypothesis that the neocortical processes underlying kinesthetic sensation form a hierarchical series of cells signalling increasingly complex patterns of movement of the body. However, this view has been criticized and the data lack quantitative verification under controlled conditions. These studies have also typically used one-dimensional (reciprocal) movements, even of multiple degree-of-freedom joints such as the wrist or shoulder, and have been restricted to passive movements. This latter limitation is particularly critical, since the response of many muscle receptors is affected by fusimotor activity while that of many articular receptors is sensitive to the level of muscle contractile activity. Both factors introduce significant kinesthetic ambiguity to the signals arising from these receptors during active movement. This ambiguity is evident in the discharge of primary somatosensory cortex proprioceptive cells. Studies in area 5 show that single cells signal shoulder joint movements in the form of broad directional tuning curves. The pattern of activity of the entire population encodes movement direction. The cells appear to encode spatial aspects of movement unambiguously, since their discharge is relatively insensitive to the changes in muscle activity required to produce the same movements under different load conditions. It is not yet certain whether the somesthetic activity in area 5 is a kinesthetic representation that is sequential to and hierarchically superior to that in SI, or whether it is a parallel representation with separate and distinct function.  相似文献   

Although beta oscillations (≈ 13–35 Hz) are often considered as a sensorimotor rhythm, their functional role remains debated. In particular, the modulations of beta power during preparation and execution of complex movements in different contexts were barely investigated. Here, we analysed the beta oscillations recorded with electroencephalography (EEG) in a precued grasping task in which we manipulated two critical parameters: the grip type (precision vs. side grip) and the force (high vs. low force) required to pull an object along a horizontal axis. A cue was presented 3 s before a GO signal and provided full, partial or no information about the two movement parameters. We measured beta power over the centro-parietal areas during movement preparation and execution as well as during object hold. We explored the modulations of power in relation to the amount and type of prior information provided by the cue. We also investigated how beta power was affected by the grip and force parameters.We observed an increase in beta power around the cue onset followed by a decrease during movement preparation and execution. These modulations were followed by a transient power increase during object hold. This pattern of modulations did not differ between the 4 movement types (2 grips ×2 forces). However, the amount and type of prior information provided by the cue had a significant effect on the beta power during the preparatory delay. We discuss how these results fit with current hypotheses on the functional role of beta oscillations.  相似文献   

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