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BACKGROUND: Many microorganisms, including myxobacteria, cyanobacteria, and flexibacteria, move by gliding. Although gliding always describes a slow surface-associated translocation in the direction of the cell's long axis, it can result from two very different propulsion mechanisms: social (S) motility and adventurous (A) motility. The force for S motility is generated by retraction of type 4 pili. A motility may be associated with the extrusion of slime, but evidence has been lacking, and how force might be generated has remained an enigma. Recently, nozzle-like structures were discovered in cyanobacteria from which slime emanated at the same rate at which the bacteria moved. This strongly implicates slime extrusion as a propulsion mechanism for gliding. RESULTS: Here we show that similar but smaller nozzle-like structures are found in Myxococcus xanthus and that they are clustered at both cell poles, where one might expect propulsive organelles. Furthermore, light and electron microscopical observations show that slime is secreted in ribbons from the ends of cells. To test whether the slime propulsion hypothesis is physically reasonable, we construct a mathematical model of the slime nozzle to see if it can generate a force sufficient to propel M. xanthus at the observed velocities. The model assumes that the hydration of slime, a cationic polyelectrolyte, is the force-generating mechanism. CONCLUSIONS: The discovery of nozzle-like organelles in various gliding bacteria suggests their role in prokaryotic gliding. Our calculations and our observations of slime trails demonstrate that slime extrusion from such nozzles can account for most of the observed properties of A motile gliding.  相似文献   

Formation of spatial patterns of cells from a mass of initially identical cells is a recurring theme in developmental biology. The dynamics that direct pattern formation in biological systems often involve morphogenetic cell movements. An example is fruiting body formation in the gliding bacterium Myxococcus xanthus in which an unstructured population of identical cells rearranges into an asymmetric, stable pattern of multicellular fruiting bodies in response to starvation. Fruiting body formation depends on changes in organized cell movements from swarming to aggregation. The aggregation process is induced and orchestrated by the cell-surface associated 17 kDa C-signal protein. C-signal transmission depends on direct contact between cells. Evidence suggests that C-signal transmission is geometrically constrained to cell ends and that productive C-signal transmission only occurs when cells engage in end-to-end contacts. Here, we review recent progress in the understanding of the pattern formation process that leads to fruiting body formation. Gliding motility in M. xanthus involves two polarly localized gliding machines, the S-machine depends on type IV pili and the A-machine seems to involve a slime extrusion mechanism. Using time-lapse video microscopy the gliding motility parameters controlled by the C-signal have been identified. The C-signal induces cells to move with increased gliding speeds, in longer gliding intervals and with decreased stop and reversal frequencies. The combined effect of the C-signal dependent changes in gliding motility behaviour is an increase in the net-distance travelled by a cell per minute. The identification of the motility parameters controlled by the C-signal in combination with the contact-dependent C-signal transmission mechanism have allowed the generation of a qualitative model for C-signal induced aggregation. In this model, the directive properties of the C-signal are a direct consequence of the contact-dependent signal-transmission mechanism, which is a local event involving direct contact between cells that results in a global organization of cells. This pattern formation process does not depend on a diffusible substance. Rather it depends on a cell-surface associated signal to direct the cells appropriately.  相似文献   

In very low density situations where a single myxobacterial cell is isolated from direct contact with other cells, the slime capsule interaction with the substrate or slime tracks on the substrate produce a viscous drag that results in a smooth gliding motion. Viscoelastic interactions of myxobacteria cells in a low-density domain close to the edge of a swarm are studied using a combination of a cell-based three-dimensional computational model and cell-tracking experiments. The model takes into account the flexible nature of Myxococcus xanthus as well as the effects of adhesion between cells arising from the interaction of the capsular polysaccharide covering two cells in contact with each other. New image and dynamic cell curvature analysis algorithms are used to track and measure the change in cell shapes that occur as flexible cells undergo significant bending during collisions resulting in direct calibration of the model parameters. Like aspect-ratio and directional reversals, the flexibility of cells and the adhesive cell-cell and cell-substrate interactions of M. xanthus play an important role in smooth gliding and more efficient swarming.  相似文献   

In Myxococcus xanthus morphogenetic cell movements constitute the basis for the formation of spreading vegetative colonies and fruiting bodies in starving cells. M. xanthus cells move by gliding and gliding motility depends on two polarly localized engines, type IV pili pull cells forward, and slime extruding nozzle-like structures appear to push cells forward. The motility behaviour of cells provides evidence that the two engines are localized to opposite poles and that they undergo polarity switching. Several proteins involved in regulating polarity switching have been identified. The cell surface-associated C-signal induces the directed movement of cells into nascent fruiting bodies. Recently, the molecular nature of the C-signal molecule was elucidated and the motility parameters regulated by the C-signal were identified. From the effect of the C-signal on cell behaviour it appears that the C-signal inhibits polarity switching of the two motility engines. This establishes a connection between cell polarity, signalling by an intercellular signal and morphogenetic cell movements during fruiting body formation.  相似文献   

Two models have been proposed to explain the adventurous gliding motility of Myxococcus xanthus: (i) polar secretion of slime and (ii) an unknown motor that uses cell surface adhesion complexes that form periodic attachments along the cell length. Gliding movements of the leading poles of cephalexin-treated filamentous cells were observed but not equivalent movements of the lagging poles. This demonstrates that the adventurous-motility motors are not confined to the rear of the cell.  相似文献   

Gliding motility is observed in a large variety of phylogenetically unrelated bacteria. Gliding provides a means for microbes to travel in environments with a low water content, such as might be found in biofilms, microbial mats, and soil. Gliding is defined as the movement of a cell on a surface in the direction of the long axis of the cell. Because this definition is operational and not mechanistic, the underlying molecular motor(s) may be quite different in diverse microbes. In fact, studies on the gliding bacterium Myxococcus xanthus suggest that two independent gliding machineries, encoded by two multigene systems, operate in this microorganism. One machinery, which allows individual cells to glide on a surface, independent of whether the cells are moving alone or in groups, requires the function of the genes of the A-motility system. More than 37 A-motility genes are known to be required for this form of movement. Depending on an additional phenotype, these genes are divided into two subclasses, the agl and cgl genes. Videomicroscopic studies on gliding movement, as well as ultrastructural observations of two myxobacteria, suggest that the A-system motor may consist of multiple single motor elements that are arrayed along the entire cell body. Each motor element is proposed to be localized to the periplasmic space and to be anchored to the peptidoglycan layer. The force to glide which may be generated here is coupled to adhesion sites that move freely in the outer membrane. These adhesion sites provide a specific contact with the substratum. Based on single-cell observations, similar models have been proposed to operate in the unrelated gliding bacteria Flavobacterium johnsoniae (formerly Cytophaga johnsonae), Cytophaga strain U67, and Flexibacter polymorphus (a filamentous glider). Although this model has not been verified experimentally, M. xanthus seems to be the ideal organism with which to test it, given the genetic tools available. The second gliding motor in M. xanthus controls cell movement in groups (S-motility system). It is dependent on functional type IV pili and is operative only when cells are in close proximity to each other. Type IV pili are known to be involved in another mode of bacterial surface translocation, called twitching motility. S-motility may well represent a variation of twitching motility in M. xanthus. However, twitching differs from gliding since it involves cell movements that are jerky and abrupt and that lack the organization and smoothness observed in gliding. Components of this motor are encoded by genes of the S-system, which appear to be homologs of genes involved in the biosynthesis, assembly, and function of type IV pili in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. How type IV pili generate force in S-motility is currently unknown, but it is to be expected that ongoing physiological, genetic, and biochemical studies in M. xanthus, in conjunction with studies on twitching in P. aeruginosa and N. gonorrhoeae, will provide important insights into this microbial motor. The two motility systems of M. xanthus are affected to different degrees by the MglA protein, which shows similarity to a small GTPase. Bacterial chemotaxis-like sensory transduction systems control gliding motility in M. xanthus. The frz genes appear to regulate gliding movement of individual cells and movement by the S-motility system, suggesting that the two motors found in this bacterium can be regulated to result in coordinated multicellular movements. In contrast, the dif genes affect only S-system-dependent swarming.  相似文献   

Myxobacteria are social bacteria that exhibit a complex life cycle culminating in the development of multicellular fruiting bodies. The alignment of rod-shaped myxobacteria cells within populations is crucial for development to proceed. It has been suggested that myxobacteria align due to mechanical interactions between gliding cells and that cell flexibility facilitates reorientation of cells upon mechanical contact. However, these suggestions have not been based on experimental or theoretical evidence. Here we created a computational mass-spring model of a flexible rod-shaped cell that glides on a substratum periodically reversing direction. The model was formulated in terms of experimentally measurable mechanical parameters, such as engine force, bending stiffness, and drag coefficient. We investigated how cell flexibility and motility engine type affected the pattern of cell gliding and the alignment of a population of 500 mechanically interacting cells. It was found that a flexible cell powered by engine force at the rear of the cell, as suggested by the slime extrusion hypothesis for myxobacteria motility engine, would not be able to glide in the direction of its long axis. A population of rigid reversing cells could indeed align due to mechanical interactions between cells, but cell flexibility impaired the alignment.  相似文献   

A great deal of progress has been made in the studies of fruiting body development and social gliding in Myxocococcus xanthus in the past few years. This includes identification of the bone fide C-signal and a receptor for type IV pili, and development of a model for the mechanism of adventurous gliding motility. It is anticipated that the next few years will see even more progress as the complete genome sequence is available and genomic and proteomic tools are applied to the study of M. xanthus social behaviors.  相似文献   

Myxococcus xanthus social (S) gliding motility has been previously reported by us to require the chemotaxis homologues encoded by the dif genes. In addition, two cell surface structures, type IV pili and extracellular matrix fibrils, are also critical to M. xanthus S motility. We have demonstrated here that M. xanthus dif genes are required for the biogenesis of fibrils but not for that of type IV pili. Furthermore, the developmental defects of dif mutants can be partially rescued by the addition of isolated fibril materials. Along with the chemotaxis genes of various swarming bacteria and the pilGHIJ genes of the twitching bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the M. xanthus dif genes belong to a unique class of bacterial chemotaxis genes or homologues implicated in the biogenesis of structures required for bacterial surface locomotion. Genetic studies indicate that the dif genes are linked to the M. xanthus dsp region, a locus known to be crucial for M. xanthus fibril biogenesis and S gliding.  相似文献   

Bacteria glide across solid surfaces by mechanisms that have remained largely mysterious despite decades of research. In the deltaproteobacterium Myxococcus xanthus, this locomotion allows the formation stress-resistant fruiting bodies where sporulation takes place. However, despite the large number of genes identified as important for gliding, no specific machinery has been identified so far, hampering in-depth investigations. Based on the premise that components of the gliding machinery must have co-evolved and encode both envelope-spanning proteins and a molecular motor, we re-annotated known gliding motility genes and examined their taxonomic distribution, genomic localization, and phylogeny. We successfully delineated three functionally related genetic clusters, which we proved experimentally carry genes encoding the basal gliding machinery in M. xanthus, using genetic and localization techniques. For the first time, this study identifies structural gliding motility genes in the Myxobacteria and opens new perspectives to study the motility mechanism. Furthermore, phylogenomics provide insight into how this machinery emerged from an ancestral conserved core of genes of unknown function that evolved to gliding by the recruitment of functional modules in Myxococcales. Surprisingly, this motility machinery appears to be highly related to a sporulation system, underscoring unsuspected common mechanisms in these apparently distinct morphogenic phenomena.  相似文献   

Gliding motility is defined as translocation in the direction of the long axis of the bacterium while in contact with a surface. This definition leaves unspecified any mechanism and, indeed, it appears that there is more than one physiological system underlying the same type of motion. Currently, two distinct mechanisms have been discovered in myxobacteria. One requires the extension, attachment, and retraction of type IV pili to pull the cell forwards. Recent experimental evidence suggests that a second mechanism for gliding motility involves the extrusion of slime from an organelle called the 'junctional pore complex'. This review discusses the role of slime extrusion and the junctional pore complex in the gliding motility of both cyanobacteria and myxobacteria.  相似文献   

粘细菌是原核生物中的“高等生物”,具有特殊的运动能力以及类似真核生物的复杂的多细胞发育生活史,其多细胞发育过程的调控一直是粘细菌研究的热点。近年来,许多关于粘细菌研究的新理论、新学说不断涌现,给予粘细菌研究极大的启发。本文综述了模式菌株黄色粘球菌的运动类型、运动机制以及运动的调控系统,并对其多细胞发育过程的信号传递调控模式进行初步阐释,为更深一步的研究粘细菌复杂的生命调控过程奠定基础。  相似文献   

The cyanobacterium Mastigocladus laminosus forms hormogonia, which glide slowly away from the parent colony by extruding slime out of nozzles. Using video microscopy, we observed hormogonia embedded in and moving through 1-4% agar solutions with an average velocity of 0.5 microm/s. Agar is non-Newtonian and is subject to shear-thinning so that its viscosity greatly increases at low shear rates. We measured the viscosity of these agar solutions at the very low shear rates appropriate for gliding hormogonia and found it to vary from 1 to 52 million centipoise. Then, by applying a Newtonian drag coefficient for a 100-microm-long, cigar-shaped hormogonium, we found that it produced a force of several million pN. A typical hormogonium has 10-100 thousand 9-nm-wide slime extrusion nozzles. Wolgemuth et al. have proposed hydration-driven swelling of the polyelectrolyte slime ejected from these nozzles as the force production mechanism, and our experiment found a large nozzle force that was consistent with this hypothesis. Average single nozzle force depended on viscosity, being large when the viscosity was high: 71 pN in 3% and 126 pN in 4% agar.  相似文献   

Myxococcus xanthus is a model organism for studying bacterial social behaviors due to its ability to form complex multi-cellular structures. Knowledge of M. xanthus surface gliding motility and the mechanisms that coordinated it are critically important to our understanding of collective cell behaviors. Although the mechanism of gliding motility is still under investigation, recent experiments suggest that there are two possible mechanisms underlying force production for cell motility: the focal adhesion mechanism and the helical rotor mechanism, which differ in the biophysics of the cell–substrate interactions. Whereas the focal adhesion model predicts an elastic coupling, the helical rotor model predicts a viscous coupling. Using a combination of computational modeling, imaging, and force microscopy, we find evidence for elastic coupling in support of the focal adhesion model. Using a biophysical model of the M. xanthus cell, we investigated how the mechanical interactions between cells are affected by interactions with the substrate. Comparison of modeling results with experimental data for cell-cell collision events pointed to a strong, elastic attachment between the cell and substrate. These results are robust to variations in the mechanical and geometrical parameters of the model. We then directly measured the motor-substrate coupling by monitoring the motion of optically trapped beads and find that motor velocity decreases exponentially with opposing load. At high loads, motor velocity approaches zero velocity asymptotically and motors remain bound to beads indicating a strong, elastic attachment.  相似文献   

Swarming, a collective motion of many thousands of cells, produces colonies that rapidly spread over surfaces. In this paper, we introduce a cell-based model to study how interactions between neighboring cells facilitate swarming. We chose to study Myxococcus xanthus, a species of myxobacteria, because it swarms rapidly and has well-defined cell–cell interactions mediated by type IV pili and by slime trails. The aim of this paper is to test whether the cell contact interactions, which are inherent in pili-based S motility and slime-based A motility, are sufficient to explain the observed expansion of wild-type swarms. The simulations yield a constant rate of swarm expansion, which has been observed experimentally. Also, the model is able to quantify the contributions of S motility and A motility to swarming. Some pathogenic bacteria spread over infected tissue by swarming. The model described here may shed some light on their colonization process.  相似文献   

We propose that surface tension is the driving force for the gliding motility of Myxococcus xanthus. Our model requires that the cell be able to excrete surfactant in a polar and reversible fashion. We present calculations that (i) estimate the surface tension difference across a cell necessary to move the cell at the observed rate, which is less than 10(-5) dyn/cm, an extremely small value; (ii) estimate the rate of surfactant excretion necessary to produce the required surface tension difference, a rate that we conclude to be metabolically reasonable; (iii) predict the behavior of cells moving in close apposition to each other, and show that the model is consistent with observed behavior; and (iv) predict the behavior of cells moving in dense swarms. In an accompanying paper we present experimental evidence to support the surface tension model.  相似文献   

Myxococcus xanthus is a gliding bacterium that contains two motility systems: S-motility, powered by polar type IV pili, and A-motility, powered by uncharacterized motors and adhesion complexes. The localization and coordination of the two motility engines is essential for directed motility as cells move forward and reverse. During cell reversals, the polarity and localization of motility proteins are rapidly inverted, rendering this system a fascinating example of dynamic protein localization.  相似文献   

Myxococcus xanthus glides over solid surfaces without the use of flagella, dependent upon two large sets of adventurous (A) and social (S) genes, using two different mechanisms of gliding motility. Myxococcus xanthus A-S- double mutants form non-motile colonies lacking migratory cells at their edges. We have isolated 115 independent mutants of M. xanthus with insertions of transposon magellan-4 in potential A genes by screening for insertions that reduce the motility of a mutant S- parental strain. These insertions are found not only in the three loci known to be required for A motility, mglBA, cglB, and aglU, but also in 30 new genes. Six of these new genes encode different homologues of the TolR, TolB, and TolQ transport proteins, suggesting that adventurous motility is dependent on biopolymer transport. Other insertions which affect both A and S motility suggest that both systems share common energy and cell wall determinants. Because the spectrum of magellan-4 insertions in M. xanthus is extraordinarily broad, transposon mutagenesis with this eukaryotic genetic element permits the rapid genetic analysis of large sets of genes that contribute to a complex microbial behaviors such as A motility.  相似文献   

Sun H  Zusman DR  Shi W 《Current biology : CB》2000,10(18):1143-1146
Although flagella are the best-understood means of locomotion in bacteria [1], other bacterial motility mechanisms must exist as many diverse groups of bacteria move without the aid of flagella [2-4]. One unusual structure that may contribute to motility is the type IV pilus [5,6]. Genetic evidence indicates that type IV pili are required for social gliding motility (S-motility) in Myxococcus, and twitching motility in Pseudomonas and Neisseria [6,7]. It is thought that type IV pili may retract or rotate to bring about cellular motility [6,8], but there is no direct evidence for the role of pili in cell movements. Here, using a tethering assay, we obtained evidence that the type IV pilus of Myxococcus xanthus functions as a motility apparatus. Pili were required for M. xanthus cells to adhere to solid surfaces and to generate cellular movement using S-motility. Tethered cells were released from the surface at intervals corresponding to the reversal frequency of wild-type cells when gliding on a solid surface. Mutants defective in the control of directional movements and cellular reversals (frz mutants) showed altered patterns of adherence that correlate reversal frequencies with tethering. The behavior of the tethered cells was consistent with a model in which the pili are extruded from one cell pole, adhere to a surface, and then retract, pulling the cell in the direction of the adhering pili. Cellular reversals would result from the sites of pili extrusion switching from one cell pole to another and are controlled by the frz chemosensory system.  相似文献   

Many filamentous cyanobacteria are motile by gliding, which requires attachment to a surface. There are two main theories to explain the mechanism of gliding. According to the first, the filament is pushed forward by small waves that pass along the cell surface. In the second, gliding is powered by the extrusion of slime through pores surrounding each cell septum. We have previously shown that the cell walls of several motile cyanobacteria possess an array of parallel fibrils between the peptidoglycan and the outer membrane and have speculated that the function of this array may be to generate surface waves to power gliding. Here, we report on a study of the cell surface topography of two morphologically different filamentous cyanobacteria, using field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). FEGSEM and AFM images of Oscillatoria sp. strain A2 confirmed the presence of an array of fibrils, visible as parallel corrugations on the cell surface. These corrugations were also visualized by AFM scanning of fully hydrated filaments under liquid; this has not been achieved before for filamentous bacteria. FEGSEM images of Nostoc punctiforme revealed a highly convoluted, not parallel, fibrillar array. We conclude that an array of parallel fibrils, beneath the outer membrane of Oscillatoria, may function in the generation of thrust in gliding motility. The array of convoluted fibrils in N. punctiforme may have an alternative function, perhaps connected with the increase in outer membrane surface area resulting from the presence of the fibrils.  相似文献   

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