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Yersinia enterocolitica maintains three different pathways for type III protein secretion. Each pathway requires the activity of a specific multicomponent apparatus or type III secretion system (TTSS). Two of the TTSSs are categorized as contact-dependent systems which have been shown in a number of different symbiotic and pathogenic bacteria to influence interactions with host organisms by targeting effector proteins into the cytosol of eukaryotic cells. The third TTSS is required for the assembly of flagella and the secretion of the phospholipase YplA, which has been implicated in Y. enterocolitica virulence. In this study, YplA was expressed from a constitutive promoter in strains that contained only a single TTSS. It was determined that each of the three TTSSs is individually sufficient for YplA secretion. Environmental factors such as temperature, calcium availability, and sodium chloride concentration affected the contribution of each system to extracellular protein secretion and, under some conditions, more than one TTSS appeared to operate simultaneously. This suggests that some proteins might normally be exported by more than one TTSS in Y. enterocolitca.  相似文献   

Yersinia enterocolitica O:8 has two contact-dependent type III secretion systems (TTSSs). The Ysa TTSS is encoded by a set of genes located on the chromosome and exports Ysp proteins. The Ysc TTSS and the Yop effector proteins it exports are encoded by genes located on plasmid pYVe8081. In this study, secretion of YspG, YspH, and YspJ by the Ysa TTSS was shown to require pYVe8081. Furthermore, mutations that blocked the function of the Ysc TTSS did not affect YspG, YspH, and YspJ production. This indicated that YspG, YspH, and YspJ are encoded by genes located on pYVe8081 and that they may correspond to Yops. A comparison of Ysps with Yop effectors secreted by Y. enterocolitica indicated that YspG, YspH, and YspJ have apparent molecular masses similar to those of YopN, YopP, and YopE, respectively. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that antibodies directed against YopN, YopP, and YopE recognized YspG, YspH, and YspJ. Furthermore, mutations in yopN, yopP, and yopE specifically blocked YopN, YopP, and YopE secretion by the Ysc TTSS and YspG, YspH, and YspJ secretion by the Ysa TTSS. These results indicate YspG, YspH, and YspJ are actually YopN, YopP, and YopE. Additional analysis demonstrated that YopP and YspH secretion was restored to yopP mutants by complementation in trans with a wild-type copy of the yopP gene. Examination of Y. enterocolitica-infected J774A.1 macrophages revealed that both the Ysc and Ysa TTSSs contribute to YopP-dependent suppression of tumor necrosis factor alpha production. This indicates that both the Ysa and Ysc TTSSs are capable of targeting YopP and that they influence Y. enterocolitica interactions with macrophages. Taken together, these results suggest that the Ysa and Ysc TTSSs contribute to Y. enterocolitica virulence by exporting both unique and common subsets of effectors.  相似文献   

Yersinia enterocolitica biovar 1B maintains three distinct type III secretion (TTS) systems, which independently operate to target proteins to extracellular sites. The Ysa and Ysc systems are prototypical contact-dependent TTS systems that translocate toxic effectors to the cytosols of targeted eukaryotic host cells during infection. The flagellar TTS system is utilized during the assembly of the flagellum and is required for secretion of the virulence-associated phospholipase YplA to the bacterial milieu. When ectopically produced, YplA is also a secretion substrate for the Ysa and Ysc TTS systems. In this study, we define elements that allow YplA recognition and export by the Ysa, Ysc, and flagellar TTS systems. Fusion of various amino-terminal regions of YplA to Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase (PhoA) lacking its native secretion signal demonstrated that the first 20 amino acids or corresponding mRNA codons of YplA were sufficient for export of YplA-PhoA chimeras by each TTS system. Export of native YplA by each of the three TTS systems was also found to depend on the integrity of its amino terminus. Introduction of a frameshift mutation or deletion of yplA sequences encoding the amino-terminal 20 residues negatively impacted YplA secretion. Deletion of other yplA regions was tolerated, including that resulting in the removal of amino acid residues 30 through 40 of the polypeptide and removal of the 5' untranslated region of the mRNA. This work supports a model in which independent and distantly related TTS systems of Y. enterocolitica recognize protein substrates by a similar mechanism.  相似文献   

Yersinia enterocolitica has three type three secretion systems, the flagellar, the plasmid Ysc type III secretion system (T3SS), and the chromosomal Ysa T3SS. The Ysc T3SS, through the proteins it secretes (Yops), prevents phagocytosis of Y. enterocolitica and is required for disease processes in the mouse host. Recent data demonstrate a role for the Ysa T3SS during initial colonization of the mouse via secretion of Ysps (Yersinia secreted proteins). This work characterizes the discovery of a newly identified Ysa type III secreted protein, YspM. Expression of yspM is regulated by temperature, NaCl concentration, and other known regulators of the ysa system. In addition, YspM is translocated into host cells via the Ysa T3SS. YspM is homologous to proteins classified as GDSL bacterial lipases, which possess a catalytic triad of amino acids (Ser, Asp, and His) located in three of five blocks of amino acid identity. Sequence analysis of the JB580v strain of Y. enterocolitica shows that, due to a premature stop codon, it no longer encodes the fifth block of amino acid identity containing the predicted catalytic histidine. However, seven other biotype 1B strains sequenced did possess the domain. A functional difference between the forms was revealed when YspM was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast growth was uninhibited when YspM from JB580v was expressed but greatly inhibited when YspM from Y295 (YspM(Y295)) was expressed. Site-directed mutagenesis of the histidine of YspM(Y295) ablated the toxic effects. These results indicate that YspM is secreted by the Ysa T3SS and that, possibly due to lipase activity, it targets eukaryotic cellular component(s).  相似文献   

Pathogenic Yersinia spp. secrete Yop proteins via the type III pathway. yopQ codons 1 to 15 were identified as a signal necessary and sufficient for the secretion of a fused reporter protein. Frameshift mutations that alter codons 2 to 15 with little alteration of yopQ mRNA sequence do not abolish type III transport, suggesting a model in which yopQ mRNA may provide a signal for secretion (D. M. Anderson and O. Schneewind, Mol. Microbiol. 31:1139-1148, 2001). In a recent study, the yopE signal was truncated to codons 1 to 12. All frameshift mutations introduced within the first 12 codons of yopE abolished secretion. Also, multiple synonymous mutations that changed the mRNA sequence of yopE codons 1 to 12 without altering the amino acid sequence did not affect secretion. These results favor a model whereby an N-terminal signal peptide initiates YopE into the type III pathway (S. A. Lloyd et al., Mol. Microbiol. 39:520-531, 2001). It is reported here that codons 1 to 10 of yopQ act as a minimal secretion signal. Further truncation of yopQ, either at codon 10 or at codon 2, abolished secretion. Replacement of yopQ AUG with either of two other start codons, UUG or GUG, did not affect secretion. However, replacement of AUG with CUG or AAA and initiating translation at the fusion site with npt did not permit Npt secretion, suggesting that the translation of yopQ codons 1 to 15 is a prerequisite for secretion. Frameshift mutations of yopQ codons 1 to 10, 1 to 11, and 1 to 12 abolished secretion signaling, whereas frameshift mutations of yopQ codons 1 to 13, 1 to 14, and 1 to 15 did not. Codon changes at yopQ positions 2 and 10 affected secretion signaling when placed within the first 10 codons but had no effect when positioned in the larger fusion of yopQ codons 1 to 15. An mRNA mutant of yopQ codons 1 to 10, generated by a combination of nine synonymous mutations, was defective in secretion signaling, suggesting that the YopQ secretion signal is not proteinaceous. A model is discussed whereby the initiation of YopQ polypeptide into the type III pathway is controlled by properties of yopQ mRNA.  相似文献   

The Ysc type III secretion system allows Yersinia enterocolitica to translocate virulence proteins, called Yop effectors, into the cytosol of eukaryotic cells. Some of the Yop effectors possess an individual chaperone called a Syc protein. The first 15 amino acids of the YopE effector constitute a secretion signal that is sufficient to promote secretion of several reporter proteins. Residues 15-50 of YopE comprise the minimal binding domain for the SycE chaperone. In this study, we investigated the secretion by the Ysc system of several YopE-DHFR hybrid proteins with different folding properties, and evaluated the role of SycE, the cognate chaperone of YopE, in this context. We have analysed the secretion of hybrids containing 16 (YopE16), 52 (YopE52) and 80 (the complete region covered by the chaperone, YopE80) amino acids of YopE or full-length YopE (YopEFL) with wild-type DHFR and two mutants with altered folding properties. The hybrids containing DHFR delta77, the mutant whose folding properties are the most drastically affected, could be secreted in all the conditions tested, even in the absence of the chaperone SycE. In contrast, DHFRwt could only be secreted fused to the first 52 amino acids of YopE, and its secretion was strictly dependent on SycE. The hybrids YopE80-DHFRwt and YopEFL-DHFRwt were not secreted. YopEFL-DHFRwt completely jammed the channel in an SycE-dependent fashion. Our experiments indicate that, in order to be secreted, proteins must be unfolded or only partially folded, and that TSS chaperones could keep their substrates in a secretion-competent conformation, probably by preventing their folding. In addition, they show that the secretion apparatus can reject folded proteins if they are not deeply engaged into the injectisome.  相似文献   

During infection, Yersinia enterocolitica exports Yop proteins via a type III secretion pathway. Secretion is activated when the environmental concentration of calcium ions is below 100 microM (low-calcium response). Yersiniae lacking yopN (lcrE), yscB, sycN, or tyeA do not inactivate the type III pathway even when the concentration of calcium is above 100 microM (calcium-blind phenotype). Purified YscB and SycN proteins form cytoplasmic complexes that bind a region including amino acids 16 to 100 of YopN, whereas TyeA binds YopN residues 101 to 294. Translational fusion of yopN gene sequences to the 5' end of the npt reporter generates hybrid proteins that are transported by the type III pathway. The signal necessary and sufficient for the type III secretion of hybrid proteins is located within the first 15 codons of yopN. Expression of plasmid-borne yopN, but not of yopN(1-294)-npt, complements the calcium-blind phenotype of yopN mutants. Surprisingly, yopN mutants respond to environmental changes in calcium concentration and secrete YopN(1-294)-Npt in the absence but not in the presence of calcium. tyeA is required for the low-calcium regulation of YopN(1-294)-Npt secretion, whereas sycN and yscB mutants fail to secrete YopN(1-294)-Npt in the presence of calcium. Experiments with yopN-npt fusions identified two other signals that regulate the secretion of YopN. yopN codons 16 to 100 prevent the entry of YopN into the type III pathway, a negative regulatory effect that is overcome by expression of yscB and sycN. The portion of YopN encoded by codons 101 to 294 prevents transport of the polypeptide across the bacterial double membrane envelope in the presence of functional tyeA. These data support a model whereby YopN transport may serve as a regulatory mechanism for the activity of the type III pathway. YscB/SycN binding facilitates the initiation of YopN into the type III pathway, whereas TyeA binding prevents transport of the polypeptide across the bacterial envelope. Changes in the environmental calcium concentration relieve the TyeA-mediated regulation, triggering YopN transport and activating the type III pathway.  相似文献   

Several Gram-negative pathogens deploy type III secretion systems (TTSSs) as molecular syringes to inject effector proteins into host cells. Prior to secretion, some of these effectors are accompanied by specific type III secretion chaperones. The Yersinia enterocolitica TTSS chaperone SycT escorts the effector YopT, a cysteine protease that inactivates the small GTPase RhoA of targeted host cells. We solved the crystal structure of SycT at 2.5 angstroms resolution. Despite limited sequence similarity among TTSS chaperones, the SycT structure revealed a global fold similar to that exhibited by other structurally solved TTSS chaperones. The dimerization domain of SycT, however, differed from that of all other known TTSS chaperone structures. Thus, the dimerization domain of TTSS chaperones does not likely serve as a general recognition pattern for downstream processing of effector/chaperone complexes. Yersinia Yop effectors are bound to their specific Syc chaperones close to the Yop N termini, distinct from their catalytic domains. Here, we showed that the catalytically inactive YopT(C139S) is reduced in its ability to bind SycT, suggesting an ancillary interaction between YopT and SycT. This interaction could maintain the protease inactive prior to secretion or could influence the secretion competence and folding of YopT.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Yersinia species use a type III secretion (TTS) system to deliver a number of cytotoxic effector proteins directly into the mammalian host cell. To ensure effective translocation, several such effector proteins transiently bind to specific chaperones in the bacterial cytoplasm. Correspondingly, SycT is the chaperone of YopT, a cysteine protease that cleaves the membrane-anchor of Rho-GTPases in the host. We have analyzed the complex between YopT and SycT and determined the structure of SycT in three crystal forms. Biochemical studies indicate a stoichometric effector/chaperone ratio of 1:2 and the chaperone-binding site contains at least residues 52-103 of YopT. The crystal structures reveal a SycT homodimer with an overall fold similar to that of other TTS effector chaperones. In contrast to the canonical five-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet flanked by three alpha-helices, SycT lacks the dimerization alpha-helix and has an additional beta-strand capable of undergoing a conformational change. The dimer interface consists of two beta-strands and the connecting loops. Two hydrophobic patches involved in effector binding in other TTS effector chaperones are also found in SycT. The structural similarity of SycT to other chaperones and the spatial conservation of effector-binding sites support the idea that TTS effector chaperones form a single functional and structural group.  相似文献   

Many Gram-negative bacteria use a type III secretion (T3S) system to directly inject effector molecules into eucaryotic cells in order to establish a symbiotic or pathogenic relationship with their host. The translocation of many T3S proteins requires specialized chaperones from the bacterial cytosol. SycD belongs to a class of T3S chaperones that assists the secretion of pore-forming translocators and, specifically chaperones the translocators YopB and YopD from enteropathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica. In addition, SycD is involved in the regulation of virulence factor biosynthesis and secretion. In this study, we present two crystal structures of Y. enterocolitica SycD at 1.95 and 2.6 Å resolution, the first experimental structures of a T3S class II chaperone specific for translocators. The fold of SycD is entirely α-helical and reveals three tetratricopeptide repeat-like motifs that had been predicted from amino acid sequence. In both structures, SycD forms dimers utilizing residues from the first tetratricopeptide repeat motif. Using site-directed mutagenesis and size exclusion chromatography, we verified that SycD forms head-to-head homodimers in solution. Although in both structures, dimerization largely depends on the same residues, the two assemblies represent alternative dimers that exhibit different monomer orientations and overall shape. In these two distinct head-to-head dimers, both the concave and the convex surface of each monomer are accessible for interactions with the SycD binding partners YopB and YopD. A SycD variant carrying two point mutations in the dimerization interface is properly folded but defective in dimerization. Expression of this stable SycD monomer in Yersinia does not rescue the phenotype of a sycD null mutant, suggesting a physiological relevance of the dimerization interface.  相似文献   

The inner-membrane protein YscU has an important role during the assembly of the Yersinia enterocolitica type III secretion injectisome. Its cytoplasmic domain (YscUC) recognizes translocators as individual substrates in the export hierarchy. Activation of YscU entails autocleavage at a conserved NPTH motif. Modification of this motif markedly changes the properties of YscU, including translocator export cessation and production of longer injectisome needles. We determined the crystal structures of the uncleaved variants N263A and N263D of YscUC at 2.05 Å and 1.55 Å resolution, respectively. The globular domain is found to consist of a central, mixed β-sheet surrounded by α-helices. The NPTH motif forms a type II β-turn connecting two β-strands. NMR analysis of cleaved and uncleaved YscUC indicates that the global structure of the protein is retained in cleaved YscUC. The structure of YscUC variant N263D reveals that wild type YscUC is poised for cleavage due to an optimal reaction geometry for nucleophilic attack of the scissile bond by the side chain of Asn263. In vivo analysis of N263Q and H266A/R314A YscU variants showed a phenotype that combines the absence of translocator secretion with normal needle-length control. Comparing the structure of YscU to those of related proteins reveals that the linker domain between the N-terminal transmembrane domain and the autocleavage domain can switch from an extended to a largely α-helical conformation, allowing for optimal positioning of the autocleavage domain during injectisome assembly.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Yersinia species escape the infected host's defense mechanisms by targeting cytotoxic Yop proteins into the cytoplasm of macrophages via a type III secretion pathway. Two separate secretion signals contained in YopE were identified, each of which were sufficient but not necessary for the secretion of reporter molecules. One signal is located within the coding sequence of the first 15 amino acids and is sufficient for the secretion of fusion proteins but not required for YopE secretion. The second signal is located downstream at residues 15–100 of YopE and is only recognized by the type III machinery when it is bound to SycE. We propose the existence of two independent mechanisms that allow for the secretion of Yop proteins.  相似文献   

YscC is the integral outer membrane component of the type III protein secretion machinery of Yersinia enterocolitica and belongs to the family of secretins. This group of proteins forms stable ring-like oligomers in the outer membrane, which are thought to function as transport channels for macromolecules. The YscC oligomer was purified after solubilization from the membrane with a nonionic detergent. Sodium dodecyl sulfate did not dissociate the oligomer, but it caused a change in electrophoretic mobility and an increase in protease susceptibility, indicating partial denaturation of the subunits within the oligomer. The mass of the homo-oligomer, as determined by scanning transmission electron microscopy, was approximately 1 MDa. Analysis of the angular power spectrum from averaged top views of negatively stained YscC oligomers revealed a 13-fold angular order, suggesting that the oligomer consists of 13 subunits. Reconstituted in planar lipid bilayers, the YscC oligomer displayed a constant voltage-independent conductance of approximately 3 nS, thus forming a stable pore. However, in vivo, the expression of YscC did not lead to an increased permeability of the outer membrane. Electron microscopy revealed that the YscC oligomer is composed of three domains, two stacked rings attached to a conical domain. This structure is consistent with the notion that the secretin forms the upper part of the basal body of the needle structure of the type III secreton.  相似文献   

Successful establishment of Yersinia infections requires the type III machinery, a protein transporter that injects virulence factors (Yops) into macrophages. It is reported here that the Yersinia type III pathway responds to environmental signals by transporting proteins to distinct locations. Yersinia enterocolitica cells sense an increase in extracellular amino acids (glutamate, glutamine, aspartate, and asparagine) that results in the activation of the type III pathway. Another signal, provided by serum proteins such as albumin, triggers the secretion of YopD into the extracellular medium. The third signal, a decrease in calcium concentration, appears to be provided by host cells and causes Y. enterocolitica to transport YopE and presumably other virulence factors across the eukaryotic plasma membrane. Mutations in several genes encoding regulatory molecules (lcrG, lcrH, tyeA, yopD, yopN, yscM1, and yscM2) bypass the signal requirement of the type III pathway. Together these results suggest that yersiniae may have evolved distinct secretion reactions in response to environmental signals.  相似文献   

'Type III secretion' allows extracellular adherent bacteria to inject bacterial effector proteins into the cytosol of their animal or plant host cells. In the archetypal Yersinia system the secreted proteins are called Yops. Some of them are intracellular effectors, while YopB and YopD have been shown by genetic analyses to be dedicated to the translocation of these effectors. Here, the secretion of Yops by Y.enterocolitica was induced in the presence of liposomes, and some Yops, including YopB and YopD, were found to be inserted into liposomes. The proteoliposomes were fused to a planar lipid membrane to characterize the putative pore-forming properties of the lipid-bound Yops. Electrophysiological experiments revealed the presence of channels with a 105 pS conductance and no ionic selectivity. Channels with those properties were generated by mutants devoid of the effectors and by lcrG mutants, as well as by wild-type bacteria. In contrast, mutants devoid of YopB did not generate channels and mutants devoid of YopD led to current fluctuations that were different from those observed with wild-type bacteria. The observed channel could be responsible for the translocation of Yop effectors.  相似文献   

Yersinia type III machines secrete protein substrates across the bacterial envelope and, following assembly of their secretion needles, transport effector Yops into host cells. According to their destination during type III secretion, early, middle, and late secretion substrates can be distinguished; however, the signals and mechanisms whereby these proteins are recognized and transported by the secretion machine are not understood. Here, we examine several hybrids between secretion substrates and the impassable reporter protein glutathione S-transferase (GST). YscP-GST and YopR-GST blocked type III secretion; however, YscF-, YopD-, YopN-, and LcrV-GST did not. Unlike YopR-GST, which can block type III machines only during their assembly, expression of YscP-GST led to an immediate and complete block of all secretion. The secretion signal of YscP was mapped to its first 10 codons or amino acids; however, YscPΔ2-15-GST, lacking this secretion signal, imposed a partial blockade. YscP-GST copurified with the type III ATPase complex (YscN, YscL, and YscQ) and with YscO, suggesting that the association of specific machine components with the impassable substrate may cause the block in type III secretion.  相似文献   

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