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The geographical distribution of genetic variation within western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) was examined to clarify the population genetic structure and recent evolutionary history of this group. DNA was amplified from shed hair collected from sites across the range of the three traditionally recognized gorilla subspecies: western lowland (G. g. gorilla), eastern lowland (G. g. graueri) and mountain (G. g. beringei) gorillas. Nucleotide sequence variation was examined in the first hypervariable domain of the mitochondrial control region and was much higher in western lowland gorillas than in either of the other two subspecies. In addition to recapitulating the major evolutionary split between eastern and western lowland gorillas, phylogenetic analysis indicates a phylogeographical division within western lowland gorillas, one haplogroup comprising gorilla populations from eastern Nigeria through to southeast Cameroon and a second comprising all other western lowland gorillas. Within this second haplogroup, haplotypes appear to be partitioned geographically into three subgroups: (i) Equatorial Guinea, (ii) Central African Republic, and (iii) Gabon and adjacent Congo. There is also evidence of limited haplotype admixture in northeastern Gabon and southeast Cameroon. The phylogeographical patterns are broadly consistent with those predicted by current Pleistocene refuge hypotheses for the region and suggest that historical events have played an important role in shaping the population structure of this subspecies.  相似文献   

Life-history traits and ecological conditions have an important influence on primate social systems. Most of what we know about the life-history patterns and social structure of gorillas comes from studies of eastern gorillas (Gorilla beringei sp.), which live under dramatically different ecological conditions compared to western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla sp.). In this paper we present new data on western gorilla social structure and life histories from four study sites, and make comparisons with eastern gorilla populations. Data were obtained from two study sites with gorilla groups undergoing the habituation process (Lossi, Democratic Republic of Congo and Bai Hokou, Central African Republic) and two "bai" studies (Maya Nord and Mbeli Bai, Republic of Congo). The size and structure of these groups were similar to those seen in eastern gorillas. However, differences in the occurrence of various group transitions (group formations, changes between one-male and multimale composition, and group disintegrations) exist, and western gorillas notably exhibit much higher rates of male emigration and correspondingly fewer multimale groups compared to mountain gorillas. Certain phenomena have been observed only rarely, including predation by leopards. The preliminary data show no significant differences in birth rates between western gorillas and mountain gorillas. The ecological variability across gorilla habitats likely explains the flexibility in the social system of gorillas, but we need more information on the social relationships and ecology of western gorillas to elucidate the causes for the similarities and differences between western and eastern gorillas on the levels of individuals, social groups, and population dynamics.  相似文献   

Our study extends quantitative analyses of insect-eating by gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) to Cameroon. During a 2-mo period (May–June 2001), we recorded and analyzed feeding traces on plants and insects and in gorilla feces. We found 180 feeding traces, 17% of which involved insectivory. Seventy-eight percent of the fecal samples (n = 36) contained insects. Ants were found in 61% of the samples, termites in 39%, while 56% of the samples contained remains of other insects. We added 14 new species to the known insect diet of western lowland gorillas. Overall, social insects are predominant. The choice of prey by the Ntonga gorillas gives new clues for the existence of cross-cultural differences among gorilla populations. A comparison of the overall frequency of insectivory with those at other sites in Central Africa indicate a possible effect of forest disturbance on the insectivorous behavior of gorillas. The study suggests the existence of temporal variation in ant- and termite-eating by gorillas.  相似文献   

This paper describes the size and structure of western lowland gorilla groups visiting Mbeli Bai, a swampy forest clearing in northern Congo. An observation platform at the edge of the clearing was used over a 3-yr period, with gorillas visible for 1,681 hr. Data are presented on 14 groups and seven solitary males. Mean group size (excluding solitary males) was 8.4 +/- SD 4.3, and did not differ significantly from most other gorilla studies. All groups at Mbeli contained only one fully mature male and did not show evidence of fission-fusion or regular subgrouping. All emigrating males that remained in the population became solitary, and "bachelor" groups were not observed. Methodological issues are raised, including the classification of multi-male groups, and the demographic profiles of other populations are discussed in the light of results from Mbeli.  相似文献   

Until recently it was generally believed that gorillas avoid water. In two recent, independent faunal surveys in the Likouala swamp of north central Congo, we have found that gorillas occur at high densities, extending the known range of Gorilla gorilla gorillavery close to the Oubangui River. The gorillas in this area fed on the abundant ground vegetation of herbaceous monocotyledons in the swamp forest. In adjacent islands of terra firmathere was little evidence of gorilla nesting or feeding, indicating that they spend at least part of the year almost exclusively in the swamp forests. Recent reports from several sites in West Africa indicate that swamp forests may generally provide abundant food resources that are used regularly by gorillas.  相似文献   

In gorillas, the mother takes full responsibility for carrying and feeding offspring, and lactational amenorrhea prevents her from investing in another offspring while suckling. Therefore, mothers should encourage immature gorillas to become gradually more independent until they are physically able to acquire sufficient resources, travel independently, and manage social relationships unaided. We investigated the development of independence in a population of wild western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) at Mbeli Bai, Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park, Republic of Congo. We observed the spatial proximity, the development of travel, patterns of suckling and weaning, and the nature of mother-offspring interactions for 42 immature gorillas to investigate the nature of the relationship between mother and offspring. Though mother-offspring distance and independent travel increased during immaturity, with few active interactions between the dyads, offspring still continued to suckle until a median age of 4.6 yr, longer than in mountain gorillas. The tolerance of the mother toward suckling by older offspring may reflect the importance of continued nutritional investment: the temporal nature of the diet of western gorillas means that succulent fruits—likely to be preferred weaning foods—are not always available. We propose that to buffer against potential fruit shortage, mothers continue to nurse their offspring to decrease the likelihood of death from care-dependent factors and to improve an offspring’s chances of survival.  相似文献   

Western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) were imported from across their geographical range to North American zoos from the late 1800s through 1974. The majority of these gorillas were imported with little or no information regarding their original provenance and no information on their genetic relatedness. Here, we analyze 32 microsatellite loci in 144 individuals using a Bayesian clustering method to delineate clusters of individuals among a sample of founders of the captive North American zoo gorilla collection. We infer that the majority of North American zoo founders sampled are distributed into two distinct clusters, and that some individuals are of admixed ancestry. This new information regarding the existence of ancestral genetic population structure in the North American zoo population lays the groundwork for enhanced efforts to conserve the evolutionary units of the western lowland gorilla gene pool. Our data also show that the genetic diversity estimates in the founder population were comparable to those in wild gorilla populations (Mondika and Cross River), and that pairwise relatedness among the founders is no different from that expected for a random mating population. However, the relatively high level of relatedness (R = 0.54) we discovered in a pair of known breeding pairs reveals the need for incorporating genetic relatedness estimates in the captive management of western lowland gorillas.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of video presentations on the behavior of 4 silverback, western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). On each of 5 occasions, gorillas viewed 6 types of videos (blue screen, humans, an all-male or mixed-sex group engaged in low activity, and an all-male or mixed-sex group engaged in agonistic behavior). The study recorded behavioral responses and watching rates. All gorillas preferred dynamic over static videos; 3 watched videos depicting gorillas significantly more than those depicting humans. Among the gorilla videos, the gorillas clearly preferred watching the mixed-sex group engaged in agonistic behavior; yet, this did not lead to an increase in aggression or behavior indicating agitation. Further, habituation to videos depicting gorillas did not occur. This supports the effectiveness of this form of enrichment, particularly for a nonhuman animal needing to be separated temporarily due to illness, shipment quarantine, social restructuring, or exhibit modification.  相似文献   

I present data on home-range use and types of intergroup encounters for one group (Apollo) of western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) from a new study site in the Republic of Congo. The total home-range size of the focal group, which I calculated by superimposing a 100 m x 100 m grid over the mapped daily path traveled, was 11 km2. The majority (73%) of the group's home range was used exclusively, although at the periphery it overlapped with the ranges of three other groups. Most encounters (86%) with other groups (n = 14) took place in the periphery of the home range, and appeared to involve access to fruit trees. The focal group silverback's encounters with solitary silverbacks occurred throughout the focal group's home range, did not involve access to fruit, and typically resulted in aggressive or avoidance behavior. The focal group silverback's response to other group males was more varied: it included tolerance (64%), avoidance (14%), and aggression (21%), and was dependent upon the identity of the extragroup male. The focal group exhibited an unusual form of tolerant behavior toward some other groups by occasionally forming "nesting supergroups" (two groups nested together overnight at distances of 30-50 m). The western gorillas at Lossi were somewhat fluid in their grouping. Subgrouping and supergrouping occurred, although more infrequently than reported previously, and with a new twist: subgrouping did not necessarily require a silverback's presence. I stress the need for intraspecific comparisons and more complete data sets on western gorilla social organization.  相似文献   

Gorilla patterns of variation have great relevance for studies of human evolution. In this study, molar morphometrics were used to evaluate patterns of geographic variation in gorillas. Dental specimens of 323 adult individuals, drawn from the current distribution of gorillas in equatorial Africa were divided into 14 populations. Discriminant analyses and Mahalanobis distances were used to study population structure.Results reveal that: 1) the West and East African gorillas form distinct clusters, 2) the Cross River gorillas are well separated from the rest of the western populations, 3) gorillas from the Virunga mountains and the Bwindi Forest can be differentiated from the lowland gorillas of Utu and Mwenga-Fizi, 4) the Tshiaberimu gorillas are distinct from other eastern gorillas, and the Kahuzi-Biega gorillas are affiliated with them. These findings provide support for a species distinction between Gorilla gorilla and Gorilla beringei, with subspecies G. g. diehli, G. g. gorilla, G. b. graueri, G. b. beringei, and possibly, G. b. rex-pygmaeorum. Clear correspondence between dental and other patterns of taxonomic diversity demonstrates that dental data reveal underlying genetic patterns of differentiation.Dental distances increased predictably with altitude but not with geographic distances, indicating that altitudinal segregation explains gorilla patterns of population divergence better than isolation-by-distance. The phylogeographic pattern of gorilla dental metric variation supports the idea that Plio-Pleistocene climatic fluctuations and local mountain building activity in Africa affected gorilla phylogeography. I propose that West Africa comprised the historic center of gorilla distribution and experienced drift-gene flow equilibrium, whereas Nigeria and East Africa were at the periphery, where climatic instability and altitudinal variation promoted drift and genetic differentiation. This understanding of gorilla population structure has implications for gorilla conservation, and for understanding the distribution of sympatric chimpanzees and Plio-Pleistocene hominins.  相似文献   

Western gorillas Gorilla gorilla have been exceedingly difficult to habituate to the presence of human observers. Nevertheless, researchers have amassed a wealth of information on population densities and group structure for this ape species by locating and counting the sleeping nests of wild individuals. Such nest-count studies have suggested that western gorilla groups often have multiple silverbacks and these multimale groups occasionally divide into smaller subgroups. However, observational data from forest clearing sites and from a few recently habituated western gorilla groups show no evidence of multimale family groups or of subgrouping. This discrepancy underscores a long-standing question in ape research: How accurately do nesting sites reflect true group compositions? We evaluated these indirect measures of group composition by using DNA from faeces and hair to genetically identify individual gorillas at nesting sites. Samples were collected from unhabituated wild western gorillas ranging near Mondika Research Center in the Central African Republic and Republic of Congo. DNA extracted from these samples was genotyped at up to 10 microsatellite loci and one X–Y homologous locus for sex identification. Individuals were then identified at nesting sites by their unique multilocus genotypes, thus providing a 'molecular census' of individual gorillas. Results confirm that western gorillas often build more than one nest at a nesting site and, thus, nest counts can be highly inaccurate indicators of group size and composition. Indeed, we found that nest counts can overestimate group size by as much as 40%, indicating that true gorilla population numbers are probably lower than those reported from census surveys. This study demonstrates how genetic analysis can be a valuable tool for studying and conserving elusive, endangered animals.  相似文献   

Methods for the identification of the sex and species of individuals from samples non-invasively taken from humans and gorillas were established. Amplification of a segment of amelogenin (AMG), which is an X–Y homologous gene, using two pairs of primers from human AMG, revealed both X- and Y-specific bands. The possibility of sex identification was examined by typing the AMG gene using hair and fecal samples from captive western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in Japan and hair samples from wild eastern lowland gorillas (Gorilla beringei graueri) in the Kahuzi-Biega National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo, which were sexed by direct observation. Species-specific bands of AMG in gorillas and humans were identified by restriction fragment length polymorphisms analysis. These tests could be used for sexing unidentified individuals of wild western and eastern lowland gorillas, and screening contamination of human DNA from non-invasively acquired samples.  相似文献   

We explored two hypotheses related to potential differences between sexes in dispersal behaviour in western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). Direct observations suggest that immature females have more opportunities to move between breeding groups than immature males. The distribution of kin dyadic relationships within and between groups does not, however, support this hypothesis. At larger geographical scales, dispersal is likely to be easier for males than females because of the solitary phase most blackbacks experience before founding their own breeding group. However, previous work indicates that males settle preferentially close to male kin. By specifically tracing female and male lineages with mitochondrial and Y-chromosomal genetic markers, we found that male gorillas in the 6000 km2 area we surveyed form a single population whereas females are restricted to the individual sites we sampled and do not freely move around this area. These differences are more correctly described as differences in dispersal distances, rather than differences in dispersal rates between sexes (both sexes emigrate from their natal group in this species). Differences in resource competition and dispersal costs between female and male gorillas are compatible with the observed pattern, but more work is needed to understand if these ultimate causes are responsible for sex-biased dispersal distances in western lowland gorillas.  相似文献   

The transfer of food items between individuals has been described in primates as serving an informative purpose in addition to supplementing the diet of immature individuals. This behaviour has yet to be described in western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), and results are presented here of observations of food transfers in immature gorillas at Mbeli Bai, Republic of Congo. The frequency of food transfers decreased with increasing immature age, while the frequency of independent feeding and processing of food increased. Transfers between mothers and infants were the most frequent, with infants attempting to take items from the mother. These attempts were not always successful and the item was relinquished on less than 50% of attempts. Mothers also took items from their offspring. The results point to the functional significance of food transfers in western lowland gorillas being informational. In a bai environment, where one species forms the majority of a visiting gorilla’s diet despite other species being available, the initiation of food transfers by immatures is proposed to serve the purpose of familiarising them with which species, and which parts of those species, may be eaten.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of video presentations on the behavior of 4 silverback, western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). On each of 5 occasions, gorillas viewed 6 types of videos (blue screen, humans, an all-male or mixed-sex group engaged in low activity, and an all-male or mixed-sex group engaged in agonistic behavior). The study recorded behavioral responses and watching rates. All gorillas preferred dynamic over static videos; 3 watched videos depicting gorillas significantly more than those depicting humans. Among the gorilla videos, the gorillas clearly preferred watching the mixed-sex group engaged in agonistic behavior; yet, this did not lead to an increase in aggression or behavior indicating agitation. Further, habituation to videos depicting gorillas did not occur. This supports the effectiveness of this form of enrichment, particularly for a nonhuman animal needing to be separated temporarily due to illness, shipment quarantine, social restructuring, or exhibit modification.  相似文献   

Postrelease monitoring is an important aspect of reintroduction projects, one outcome of which is to allow an assessment of the initial success of the reintroduction, often measured by quantifying survival and reproduction rates. In long-lived species, accurate estimations of demographic parameters are difficult to obtain, and therefore assessment of reintroduction success in such species is challenging. To assess the initial success of a reintroduction program for the long-lived, slow-reproducing, and critically endangered western lowland gorilla Gorilla gorilla gorilla, we analyzed postrelease monitoring data from 2 reintroduced populations, in the Batéké Plateau region of the Republics of Congo and Gabon, to quantify several demographic parameters, and compared our results with published data on wild gorilla populations. Annual survival rate of the 51 released gorillas was 97.4%, 9 females gave birth to 11 infants at an annual birth rate of 0.196 births per adult female, and first-year survival of the infants was 81.8%. Annual birth rate within the reintroduced populations is not significantly different from that given for wild western gorilla populations, and other demographic parameters fall within the range of published data for wild gorilla populations. Our analysis illustrates that the reintroduction program has been successful in terms of the initial measures of postrelease survival and reproduction, and our quantitative data should facilitate the development of a population model that can predict the probability of population persistence and therefore provide an indication of longer-term reintroduction success.  相似文献   

Numts are fragments of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that have been translocated to the nucleus, where they can persist while their mitochondrial counterparts continue to rapidly evolve. Thus, numts represent 'molecular fossils' useful for comparison with mitochondrial variation, and are particularly suited for studies of the fast-evolving hypervariable segment of the mitochondrial control region (HV1). Here we used information from numts found in western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) and eastern gorillas (Gorilla beringei) to estimate that these two species diverged about 1.3 million years ago (Ma), an estimate similar to recent calculations for the divergence of chimpanzee and bonobo. We also describe the sequence of a gorilla numt still possessing a segment lost from all contemporary gorilla mtDNAs. In contrast to that sequence, many numts of the HV1 are highly similar to authentic mitochondrial organellar sequences, making it difficult to determine whether purported mitochondrial sequences truly derive from that genome. We used all available organellar HV1 and corresponding numt sequences from gorillas in a phylogenetic analysis aimed at distinguishing these two types of sequences. Numts were found in several clades in the tree. This, in combination with the fact that only a limited amount of the extant variation in gorillas has been sampled, suggests that categorization of new sequences by the indirect means of phylogenetic comparison would be prone to uncertainty. We conclude that for taxa such as gorillas that contain numerous numts, direct approaches to the authentication of HV1 sequences, such as amplification strategies relying upon the circularity of the mtDNA molecule, remain necessary.  相似文献   

We censused gorilla populations in northern Congo from February to April 1989 and June 1990. The objective was to provide the first quantitative data from a variety of sites on gorilla populations from a country that had unknown but potentially high populations. The method used was a census of nests along strip transects. A total of 401.0 km of transects was sampled in four different study areas. The overall density calculated for all transects was 0.4 nesting gorillas/km2. The highest density, 1.2 nesting gorillas/km2, was found in the vast Likouala swamp area of north central Congo. The two northern sites showed low densities of 0.1 and 0.2 nesting gorillas/km2, respectively. The northwestern site showed an intermediate density of 0.6 nesting gorillas/km2. The vegetation type with the highest density was swamp forest with 2.4 nesting gorillas/km2. The limited sample presented shows that gorillas are widespread and common in northern Congo, even in the swamp forests previously considered unsuitable as gorilla habitat. It is probable that Congo holds the largest population of gorillas in Africa after Gabon. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Investigating the recovery capacity of wildlife populations following demographic crashes is of great interest to ecologists and conservationists. Opportunities to study these aspects are rare due to the difficulty of monitoring populations both before and after a demographic crash. Ebola outbreaks in central Africa have killed up to 95% of the individuals in affected western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) populations. Assessing whether and how fast affected populations recover is essential for the conservation of this critically endangered taxon. The gorilla population visiting Lokoué forest clearing, Odzala-Kokoua National Park, Republic of the Congo, has been monitored before, two years after and six years after Ebola affected it in 2004. This allowed us to describe Ebola's short-term and long-term impacts on the structure of the population. The size of the population, which included around 380 gorillas before the Ebola outbreak, dropped to less than 40 individuals after the outbreak. It then remained stable for six years after the outbreak. However, the demographic structure of this small population has significantly changed. Although several solitary males have disappeared, the immigration of adult females, the formation of new breeding groups, and several birth events suggest that the population is showing potential to recover. During the outbreak, surviving adult and subadult females joined old solitary silverbacks. Those females were subsequently observed joining young silverbacks, forming new breeding groups where they later gave birth. Interestingly, some females were observed joining silverbacks that were unlikely to have sired their infant, but no infanticide was observed. The consequences of the Ebola outbreak on the population structure were different two years and six years after the outbreak. Therefore, our results could be used as demographic indicators to detect and date outbreaks that have happened in other, non-monitored gorilla populations.  相似文献   

Although the level of handedness in humans varies cross-culturally, humans are generally described as right-handed, which has been considered a uniquely human trait. Recently, captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) have been shown to exhibit right-hand preference when performing bimanual but not unimanual tasks. Less clear is whether this pattern also occurs in wild chimpanzees and other African apes. Using videos (N = 49) of six wild western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) feeding on termites at the Mondika Research Center (Republic of Congo), we tested whether they exhibit hand preference when performing unimanual, i.e., reaching for termite mound pieces; bimanual, i.e., “termite tapping”: rhythmically shaking a piece of termite mound with the dominant hand and collecting the termites in the other hand tasks; or hand transfer prior to bimanual tasks, i.e., transferring a piece of termite mound from one hand to the other. All individuals exhibited exclusive hand preference when performing the bimanual tasks, with five of six gorillas preferring the right hand. Conversely, most individuals did not show any manual preference during the unimanual task. In addition, hand preference during hand transfer revealed clear hand dominance of similar strength and direction of those shown for the bimanual task, suggesting that this measure is as sensitive as the bimanual task itself. Thus, we propose “termite feeding” as a novel task to be considered in future hand-preference studies in wild western gorillas. Our results are in concordance with those for chimpanzees and captive gorillas showing hemispheric specialization for bimanual actions in apes.  相似文献   

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