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在扫描电镜和解剖镜下研究鼠李科(Rhamnaceae)勾儿茶属(Berchemia)和小勾儿茶属(Berchemiella)共17种植物的果实和种子形态.结果表明:小勾儿茶属的核果1室,具1枚种子,勾儿茶属大多数种的核果2室,每室具1枚种子,但多叶勾儿茶(B.polyphylla)的核果1室较大,具1枚种子,另一室较小而没有种子,该种可能是连接勾儿茶属和小勾儿茶属的中间类群.这两个属的种子形状通常为不规则长椭圆形,种皮纹饰可划分为光滑或几乎光滑、具不明显或稀疏的条纹以及具明显的条纹或沟这三种类型.种皮纹饰的差异对这两个属属下种类的划分具有一定的意义.讨论了与前人研究结果不同之处和可能的原因.  相似文献   

濒危植物小勾儿茶伴生群落特征研究   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
从植物生活型、群落垂直结构、物种多样性以及群落稳定性4个方面研究小勾儿茶伴生群落特征,分析小勾儿茶在该生境幸存的原因。生活型谱反映出生境温热高湿且四季分明的亚热带气候特点;小勾儿茶处于群落顶层,能够获得充足的阳光;群落结构稳定、物种丰富。小勾儿茶的数量已极为稀少,应采取调查、保护和扩繁3种主要措施扩大其种群数量,即:(1)加大力度在相似的生境中寻找小勾儿茶;(2)对其生境加大保护力度;(3)开展种子生理方面的研究,探索有效的发芽途径,同时用组培的方法繁殖幼苗。  相似文献   

极小种群野生植物是亟需保护、最为濒危的植物, 研究极小种群野生植物物种重要值和竞争格局对保护与恢复具有重要实践意义。本文通过野外群落调查, 研究了湖北省分布的7种极小种群野生植物大别山五针松(Pinus fenzeliana var. dabeshanensis)、水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides)、峨眉含笑(Michelia wilsonii)、小勾儿茶(Berchemiella wilsonii)、长果秤锤树(Sinojackia dolichocarpa)、黄梅秤锤树(S. huangmeiensis)和庙台槭(Acer miaotaiense)的重要值及改进后的Hegyi竞争指数。结果表明: 从重要值来看, 水杉、长果秤锤树在各自所属的群落中具有较高的重要值及较低的变异系数, 为群落中的优势种; 庙台槭和黄梅秤锤树重要值较高, 为群落中的亚优势种; 大别山五针松、峨眉含笑、小勾儿茶重要值较低, 为群落伴生种。从改进后的Hegyi竞争指数来看, 湖北省7种极小种群野生植物受到的竞争压力的来源和强度存在较大差异, 大别山五针松、峨眉含笑、小勾儿茶、黄梅秤锤树主要受到种间竞争, 而水杉、长果秤锤树、庙台槭主要受到种内竞争, 因此在制定保护措施前要充分考虑物种间的竞争情况, 才能采取更有针对性的保护措施。  相似文献   

2005年9月4日,在湖北省宜昌市五峰县后河国家级自然保护区后河村一农家庭院中发现一条蛇,经鉴定为白头蝰(Azemiops feae)(图1),为湖北省新纪录。白头蝰在分类上隶属爬行纲、有鳞目、蛇亚目、蝰科、白头蝰亚科、白头蝰属。该标本现保存在中国科学院动物研究所。其主要特征记述如  相似文献   

在ArcGIS软件中,以中国鼠李科植物物种分布数据为基础,以县为基本单元,制作属的空间分布数据,从空间分布图中提取各属的斑块面积、周长、数目,计算属的Simpson均匀度指数、形状指数及最大斑块指数,分析中国鼠李科植物属的空间分布特点,为确定其空间分布最小范围、定量研究及植物的保护、利用、资源的开发和恢复提供依据。结果表明:①麦珠子属、对刺藤属、苞叶木属、小勾儿茶属、蛇藤属、咀签属和翼核果属为狭域属,马甲子属、猫乳属、雀梅藤属、枳椇属、勾儿茶属、枣属和鼠李属为广域属,狭域属和广域属均占中国鼠李科植物总属数的50%。狭域属的总面积小于30×104km2,其中小勾儿茶属主要分布在我国亚热带中部,其他狭域属主要分布在北回归线附近及其以南地区;广域属的总面积大于40×104km2,分布在我国大部分地区,西北地区呈零星分布。②中国鼠李科植物中,鼠李属的分布范围和总面积最大,几乎涵盖所有属的分布范围,它能体现出鼠李科植物在中国的空间分布及其特点。③麦珠子属是中国鼠李科植物中唯一呈连续分布且分布最狭窄的属,其他属均为间断分布。苞叶木属、咀签属、勾儿茶属和鼠李属呈现只有主分布区,对刺藤属、雀梅藤属和枳椇属呈主次分布区,小勾儿茶属、蛇藤属、翼核果属、马甲子属、猫乳属和枣属均呈星散分布。  相似文献   

在整理1982年从湖北省宜都市和1984年从湖北省黄岗市团风镇采集的长江鱼类粘孢子虫标本的过程中,作者发现寄生于鳜Siniperca chuats(Basilewsky)和蛇(Saurogobio dabrui Bleeker)的两种粘孢子虫,经鉴定是文献中没有报道的新物种1。模式标本保存在中国科学院水生生物研究所鱼病病原标本室。    相似文献   

2013年9月在湖北省建始县采集到的2只务川臭蛙 (Odorrana wuchuanensis)标本,为湖北省新纪录。该记录使务川臭蛙的分布区由大娄山脉东段,沿武陵山脉延展至湖北建始县。因此,建议将其濒危等级调低至濒危(Endangered, 缩写为EN)。与模式标本比较,建始县雌蛙标本头体长99.6 mm,远大于模式标本雌蛙的最大记录;成年雄蛙62.8 mm,亦小于模式标本的最小记录;建始雌蛙体侧背皮肤亦有淡色小刺粒,因此,该特征不属于第二性征。  相似文献   

以2000~2004年间海南省实蝇监测和野外采集的标本为材料,对海南果实蝇属Bactrocera Macquart进行了分类研究.除记述下列2新种:二条果实蝇B.(Bactrocera)bivittata Lin et Wang,sp.nov,黄盾短条果实蝇Bactrocera (B.)flavoscutellata Lin et Wang,sp.nov.并附特征图外,还提供海南果实蝇属分种检索表.新种模式标本保存于海南出入境检验检疫局,海口.  相似文献   

宁南方竹和香竹两个竹种果实形态特征迄今未见正式报道;云南龙竹果实虽有报道,但形态描述与本文采集的种子标本差异较大,可能为竹种鉴定有误。本文根据在云南采集到的三个竹种的果实标本,对其特征进行了描述。研究结果将增进对竹子果实性状的认识,为今后竹亚科研究专著的修订工作提供更翔实的资料。  相似文献   

湖北省发现灰腹绿蛇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年和2017年,在湖北省宜昌市兴山县采集到3条蛇类标本(2♀,1♂),经鉴定为灰腹绿蛇(Rhadinophis frenatus),为湖北省蛇类分布新记录种。标本均保存在湖北神农架森林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站动物标本室。  相似文献   

肖云学  刘光裕 《广西植物》2021,41(5):843-852
龙脑香科植物广泛分布于热带亚洲,被认为是亚洲热带雨林的标志性物种.中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园从建园开始就注重龙脑香科植物的研究、收集与保护,并建立了龙脑香科植物专类园.经过几十年收集,现已成为我国龙脑香科植物重要的保育基地.该文结合历年的引种保育、物候及生长量观测等资料,系统整理了版纳植物园在龙脑香科植物引种保育和研...  相似文献   

极度濒危植物云南蓝果树的形态修订   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
极度濒危植物云南蓝果树(Nyssa yunnanensis)是雄性两性异株植物,其发表时仅根据雄花模式和果模式。作者通过野外观察和标本研究,发现目前对其雄花描述不全或不准确且缺乏两性花的描述,故本文修订了其雄花形态的原始描述,并且补充描述了其两性花和果实的形态特征。  相似文献   

Decaspermum parviflorum is a common shrub or treelet in clearings in eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is widely distributed in SE Asia. It produces numerous white flowers and small blue-black fruits. Individual shrubs were of two types in 1:1 ratio, one bearing staminate flowers, the other bearing flowers with both stamens and carpels. The 'hermaphrodite' flowers were shown to have sterile pollen so the species is functionally dioecious. The flowers and floral sprays of the two sexes differed in several measurements: the male flowers had more anthers and were larger and more numerous, making the corporate visual image of male sprays more than twice as large as that for sprays of female flowers. Flowers, individuals of which last only one day, opened only every second day, when all bushes flower synchronously. When the anthers burst in the morning, pollen and sterile pollen was collected vigorously by a variety of bees, mostly Apis dorsata and Nomia spp. Most of the pollen was collected within 1 h of anthesis. Anthesis in males takes place about 20 min earlier than in females; insect visitation follows this pattern. The minute quantity of nectar was collected by only few insects and mostly after the pollen had gone, if at all. Fruits were eaten by birds. The species displays many features typical of dioecious tropical plants with the unusual feature of pollen being the main food reward for pollinators. It was pollinated effectively in Sulawesi.  相似文献   

Armine Asatryan  Noemi Tel-Zur 《Flora》2013,208(5-6):390-399
Self-incompatibility and synchronous protandrous dichogamy have previously been reported in Ziziphus species. In this work, we conducted a comparative analysis of fluorescence microscopy observations of pollen tube growth following controlled cross pollinations of emasculated flowers and self-pollinations of non-emasculated flowers in three Ziziphus species, Z. jujuba, Z. mauritiana and Z. spina-christi, with the aim to determine the type of the self-incompatibility system of each species. In addition, to test whether autonomous self-pollination, parthenocarpy or agamospermy occurs, flowers were emasculated (or not) and covered. Fruit set and seed viability were monitored. The presence of binucleate pollen grains and the cessation of pollen tube growth in the style suggest that the self-incompatibility system operating in the studied Ziziphus species is gametophytically controlled. Controlled self-pollination in Z. mauritiana resulted in fruits that dropped off before maturation, whereas in Z. spina-christi the flowers dropped off one or two days after pollination. Following controlled self-pollination, small fruits lacking viable seeds were obtained in Z. jujuba, probably due to the stimulus provided by pollination (stimulative parthenocarpy). In the cultivar Tamar of Z. jujuba, the relatively high percentage of seedless fruits obtained in emasculated bagged flowers without hand pollination suggests that this cultivar can set seedless fruits without any pollination stimulus.  相似文献   

We confirmed functional dioecy of Withania aristata via field and greenhouse studies. Male flowers are significantly larger. Female flowers bear stamens with no pollen; males bear 220?000 grains. Stigmata of male flowers senesce in buds. Anatomical observations confirm more ovules in females and an ovarian nectary in both sexes. We detected nectar in female flowers in the greenhouse but found no nectar in males. Thus, males offer pollen and females nectar. Females bear large numbers of fruits and, infrequently, male plants bear few significantly smaller fruits with few seeds. Outcrosses of females (self crosses impossible without pollen) yielded fruits in young buds, older buds, and open flowers. Self crosses of male flowers succeeded only with very young buds. Although functionally dioecious, this species manifests self-compatibility; however, no fruits are produced autonomously. Bee species (Lassioglossum, Amegilla, Apis) visit flowers and mature buds. Bud visits in which bees force petal tips apart, coupled with self-compatibility, may explain infrequent fruit on males. Thus, dioecy in W. aristata seems to have evolved from self-compatible ancestors, that leaky dioecy may have been favored during colonization, and, that despite autogamy and a low floral visition rate, this endemic enjoys a high rate of reproductive success.  相似文献   

Expectations of increases in human population growth and accelerated habitat loss, along with the realization that efforts to provide protection for ecosystems that sustain primates have met with limited success, make it critical that conservation plans are grounded firmly in scientific observation. Studies of the diet breadth and feeding behavior of endangered species, therefore, are critical for understanding ecological adaptations and developing a conservation strategy. The diet and feeding ecology of gray snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus brelichi) were studied in the Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve, Guizhou, China. The monkeys were found to consume 107 different species of trees, shrubs, and ground plants from 58 genera and 28 families. Food items included young leaves, mature leaves, flowers, fruits/seeds, buds, and insects. Among these food items, there were at least 13 evergreen species of tree and liana, 3 species of grasses, and at least 2 kinds of invertebrates collected from decayed wood. Diet varied markedly throughout different seasons. Overall, diet composition (based on feeding records) was 15.3% buds, 25.5% young leaves, 21.8% mature leaves, 9.4% flowers, 21.6% fruits/seeds, and 6.3% other items. The monkeys feed mainly on young leaves and flowers in spring, unripe fruits/seeds and young leaves in summer, ripe fruits/seeds in autumn, and mature leaves and buds in winter. We propose that when inhabiting forests of lower elevation and greater vegetation complexity, R. brelichi is characterized by expanded diet breadth and includes a greater diversity of food types and plant species in its diet. One food type that appears critical to the diet of this species, especially during the winter, are the buds of Magnolia sprengeri. To protect this resource we advocate working with local communities to limit the collection of M. sprengeri, which is used in traditional Chinese medicine and has high economic value for people in the reserve.  相似文献   

一种新的棕榈科贝叶棕亚科的属的检索方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过常规方法,即以花、果、种子来鉴定棕榈科,因单朵花的花期很短以及很多果实发育成熟期较长而受到一定限制。尤其是在鉴定棕榈科贝叶棕亚科时因某些种类需数十年才开花或是一次性开花结实而遇到了很大障碍。有时,在引种地点无法获得花、果或种子。由于棕榈植物具有重要经济观赏价值,且其引种迅猛发展,故有必要尽早地鉴定它们。通过茎和叶,可对棕榈科贝叶棕亚科进行鉴定,本文列出了属的检索表。  相似文献   

The pollination biology and breeding system of Couepia uiti was studied. In this species, flowers opened at 06:00 AM anthesis, and nectar production began at around 0800 h, reached a maximum volume from 09:30 AM to 10:30 AM, and decreased thereafter. The nectar sugar concentration increased continuously, but showed an abrupt increase from 10:00 AM to 12:00 AM. Pollen release occurred at about 09:30 AM and was quickly collected. The stigmas became receptive at around 12:00 AM. The pollinators of C. uiti included the bees Apis mellifera, Xylocopa sp. and Bombus sp., and three species of wasps. This conclusion was based on the observation that these hymenopterans had C. uiti pollen on their bodies, visited the receptive flowers, and touched the anthers and stigmas, thereby promoting pollination. Of these floral visitors, A. mellifera was considered to be the most efficient pollinator. However, mixed pollination also occurred. The number of C. uiti flowers visited in the morning (n = 52) was three times smaller than in the afternoon (n = 62), and the species richness of floral visitors was also bigger in the afternoon (eight in the afternoon versus five in the morning). This finding indicated that these floral visitors preferred to exploit nectar rather than pollen. Controlled pollination experiments showed that C. uiti was a self-incompatible species that produced fruits only by cross-pollination. Treatments such as agamospermy and spontaneous and self-pollinations did not produce fruits.  相似文献   

The genus Arachis encompasses 80 validly described species and the most striking characteristics is the geocarpic fruit, which occurs in every species of the genus. Taking into consideration that much of the current knowledge about this subject is based on the anatomy and morphology of A. hypogaea, a cultivated species with fruits that were modified during domestication, the objective of this study was to learn more about the development of the geocarpic fruits of wild species of Arachis (A. paraguariensis, A. pintoi, A. stenosperma, and A. tuberosa), and to provide characters that can be used in future phylogenetic works about this group. Buds, flowers and fruits at different stages of development were collected and processed according to standard methods used for light field, interferential contrast, and scanning electron microscopy. Although the geocarpic fruits of the wild species share many adaptations, this study identified potentially diagnostic infrageneric characters, such as the type of trichomes on the pericarp, the presence of sclerenchyma caps in the bundles of the pericarp of the seed chamber of the fruit and isthmus, the presence of tracheoid cells in the pith of the isthmus, the location of crystalliferous cells, the presence of tannins in the cells of mesocarp outer layers, and the presence of projections in the sclerenchyma tissue. In addition, this article brings some inferences about functional characteristics of this peculiar geocarpic fruit.  相似文献   

The immature fruits of domesticated Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb. are a common vegetable in Asia and India. To learn more about traditional cultivars, accessions were collected from southern Yunnan Province of China, northern Laos, and southeastern Nepal, and assessed for various parameters of genetic diversity. The size and shape of the fruits and seeds varied considerably. A form that we found cultivated only in Nepal bore clusters of small fruits that are produced by hermaphrodite flowers. Plants produced male flowers first, and the first node to bear flowers varied from the second to the twenty-seventh. Twenty-nine allozyme loci were assayed. Within L. acutangula one allozyme locus was polymorphic. Luffa acutangula andL. aegyptiaca are fixed for different alleles at nine loci, indicating that they are completely reproductively isolated from each other.  相似文献   

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