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Nucleic acid metabolism in oocytes and embryos of Urechis caupo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The poly(A) content of RNA extracted from four stages of immature oocytes, mature oocytes, and cleavage embryos through the eight-cell stage was determined by hybridization with [3H]-poly(U). During oogenesis the poly(A) content per cell gradually increases from 0.007 pg of poly(A)/cell in the 10- to 39-μm oocytes to 0.20 pg of poly(A)/cell in the 125-μm mature oocytes. After fertilization there is an additional increase to approximately 1.1 pg of poly(A)/embryo at the two-cell stage which is followed by a slight decline between the two- and eight-cell stages. Most of the increase in poly(A) after fertilization occurs in a 45-min interval coincident with the appearance of the polar bodies. The size distribution of the poly(A) in RNA from the different stages of development was determined based on the length of RNase-resistant poly(U) obtained from poly(U)-poly(A) hybrids. The size distribution of the poly(A) sequences is constant through each stage of development which indicates that the increase in the poly(A) content of the cells is the result of polyadenylation of new RNA sequences.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation was studied during fertilization of Urechis caupo oocytes both in vivo, by measuring [32P]phosphate incorporation into 32P preloaded oocytes and in vitro, by measuring endogenous protein kinase and phosphatase activities in homogenates. During fertilization (and maturation) the rate of protein phosphorylation is dramatically increased. No change in the [32P]phosphate uptake, or the nucleotide levels was observed at fertilization, so the increase cannot be attributed to changes in substrate availability. In vitro enzyme assays showed changes in protein kinase activity which approximately mirrored the changes in the in vivo phosphorylation pattern. As there were no changes in protein phosphatase activity, these results suggest the phosphorylation change results from an increase in protein kinase activity. The pattern of change, investigated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, shows that proteins that were phosphorylated in the unfertilized egg become phosphorylated to a greater degree after fertilization. One protein (48 kd) undergoes an increase followed by a decrease of its phosphorylation level.  相似文献   

The immature oocytes of the echiuroid worm Urechis caupo develop while suspended as single cells in the coelomic fluid, free of any associated nurse or follicle cells. In any one female, size classes can be found ranging from 8 to 130 μm in diameter. A method is described for obtaining four to five relatively uniform size fractions by centrifuging the mixed oocyte population through a discontinuous Ficoll gradient and collecting the different size oocytes which accumulate at each step of the gradient. Phagocytosis of oocytes in vivo is also discussed.  相似文献   

Measurements of 45Ca flux into and out of Urechis eggs indicate that, during the first 10 min after insemination, the eggs take up 0.24 pmole of Ca/egg. Total egg Ca measured by atomic absorption (AA) spectroscopy increased by 0.23 pmole of Ca/egg (0.56, 0.79, and 0.76 pmole of Ca/egg for unfertilized, 10-min fertilized, and 60-min fertilized eggs, respectively). Thus, the total change in egg Ca is accounted for by the influx even though the rate of efflux, measured as a release of 45Ca from preloaded eggs, increases to twice the unfertilized rate by 15 min. The fertilization influx follows saturation kinetics (Ka = 1.3 mM). It is competitively inhibited by procaine, but is not inhibited by dinitrophenol, mersalyl acid, or ruthenium red. Ten percent of the total Ca influx has occurred by 10 sec, and it is, therefore, the most rapid response to fertilization yet known in these eggs. The influx is also observed in eggs partially activated by insemination in pH 7 seawater (SW); the other fertilization responses, except sperm penetration, do not occur in pH 7 SW. Although Ca influx alone is insufficient to activate the eggs, it may be a prerequisite for cytoplasmic activation and development, inducing other secondary responses which are prevented by low external pH.  相似文献   

Rna and protein synthesis in the unfertilized eggs of Urechis caupo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Fertilization of Urechis coupo oocytes stimulates dramatic changes in the pattern of protein synthesis. This shift is brought about entirely through selective translation of the large pool of maternal mRNAs synthesized and stored during oogenesis. My laboratory has identified cDNA clones to more than 20 different Urechis maternal mRNAs. These have been used to determine whether the complementary mRNAs are translated in oocytes or embryos, and to analyze the polyad-enylation status of the mRNAs at different stages. For 14 of the mRNAs, multiple, overlapping cDNA clones were isolated, and the complete sequence of the mRNA molecule was determined. Of these 14 mRNAs, half are from the subset that is translated in growing and full-grown oocytes, but not in embryos. These 7 mRNAs have poly(A) tails before fertilization. The other 7 are from the subset that is not translated at any time before fertilization, and has very short poly(A) tails in oocytes. After fertilization these mRNAs are recruited onto polysomes and extensively polyadenylated. The sequence data from the two classes of maternal mRNAs was compared in an attempt to identify consensus sequences that could regulate translation directly, or indirectly, by controlling polyadenylation or secondary structure formation. Two features of the sequences correlate very well with the translation and polyadenylation of the different mRNAs-the identity of the base immediately preceding the AUG start codon, and the presence of the sequences UUUUA and UUUUUA in the 3′ untranslated region. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of Urechis eggs revealed no changes in the egg cortex or investing layers until 4 min after insemination at 172C. From 4 min to about 30 min after insemination the surface coat gradually elevates, widening the perivitelline space. During this period, microvilli separate from the tightly woven layer of the surface coat, fibrogranular aggregates resembling surface coat material appear in the perivitelline space, and some cortical granules are extruded from the egg cortex into cytoplasmic processes. There is no statistically significant decrease in the number of cortical granules remaining in the egg surface during the first 95 min after insemination; many cortical granules persist in postgastrulae. Most of the cortical granules remain in fertilized eggs after removal of the surface coat with glucose-EGTA. We found no morphological correlates of the polyspermy block which is established within 1 min of insemination (Paul, 1975).  相似文献   

Although MAP kinase is an important regulatory enzyme in many somatic cells, almost nothing is known about its functions during meiosis, except in frog and mouse oocytes. We investigated MAPK activation and function in oocytes of the marine worm Urechis caupo that are fertilized at meiotic prophase. Activity was first detected at 4-6 min after fertilization in immunoblots with anti-active MAPK, prior to germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). MAPK activation did not require new protein synthesis and was dependent on the increases in both intracellular pH and intracellular Ca(2+) that normally occur during activation. When MAPK activation was inhibited with PD98059 or U0126, GVBD still occurred, but meiosis was abnormal and there was a dramatic premature enlargement of sperm asters, which normally do not appear until second polar body formation. Failure of polar body formation and premature sperm aster enlargement also occurred when MAPK activation was inhibited by an entirely different treatment which involved lowering the pH of external seawater to interrupt the normal cytoplasmic pH increase. Thus, in Urechis, active MAPK appears to be required for (1) normal meiotic divisions and (2) suppressing the paternal centrosome until after the egg completes meiosis, a general phenomenon whose mechanism has been unknown.  相似文献   

The histones present in mature oocytes and embryos of Urechis caupo and their pattern of synthesis during early development have been characterized. Acid-soluble proteins extracted from mature oocyte germinal vesicles and from embryonic nuclei were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Histones are accumulated in the mature oocytes in amounts sufficient to provide for the assembly of chromatin through the 32- to 64-cell stage of embryogenesis. Two H1 histones, which appear to be variants, were found. Germinal vesicles and cleavage-stage nuclei are enriched in H1M (maternal). During late cleavage a faster-migrating H1, H1E (embryonic), appears among the nuclear histones and, as embryogenesis continues, replaces H1M as the predominant H1. No new core histone variants are detected during early development. Examination of [3H]lysine-labeled histones from germinal vesicles and embryonic nuclei reveals stage-specific patterns of histone synthesis. H1M is the major H1 species synthesized in mature oocytes. After fertilization, a switch to the predominant synthesis of H1E occurs. Comparison of the [3H]lysine incorporated into H1E and core histones indicates that H1E synthesis is disproportionately high from midcleavage through the midblastula stage. By the gastrula stage, a balanced synthesis of H1E and each core histone is established. The results indicate that there is noncoordinate regulation of H1 and core histone synthesis during Urechis development.  相似文献   

We have investigated the accumulation and adenylation of the maternal mRNA during oogenesis in the oocytes of the marine worm Urechis caupo. The analysis, using in vitro translation and cDNA probes to assay for specific mRNAs, demonstrates that different maternal mRNAs accumulate with different patterns during oogenesis. One class of maternal mRNAs accumulates throughout oogenesis and remains at a steady level in the full-grown oocyte. These mRNAs do not have a poly(A) tail long enough to mediate binding to oligo(dT)-cellulose in oocytes, but are rapidly adenylated immediately following fertilization. The other maternal mRNAs accumulate in growing oocytes as poly(A)+ RNA and undergo some deadenylation in full-grown oocytes and embryos. Some of these mRNAs attain their highest concentration fairly early in oogenesis, while others continue to accumulate during later stages. Many of the mRNAs that accumulate as poly(A)+ RNA in growing oocytes diminish dramatically in concentration in full-grown oocytes.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The oxygen affinity of Urechis caupo coelomic cells is the same in normoxic and in hypoxic animals. There is no Bohr effect between pH 6.8 and 8.0.
  • 2.2. The oxygen affinity of intact coelomic cells is the same as that of extracted, stripped hemoglobin. The oxygen binding properties of stripped hemoglobin are not affected by 1 mM ATP, IMP, or hydrogen ions between pH 6.8 and 8.0, nor do they clearly show cooperativity. The heat of oxygenation. ΔH, = −13.1 kcal/mol between 10 and 25 C.
  • 3.3. Although U. caupo coelomic cell hemoglobin is tetrameric and intracellular, it apparently exhibits neither heterotropic nor homotropic interactions.

The ribosomal RNA genes of Drosophila mitochondrial DNA.   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The nucleotide sequence of a segment of the mtDNA molecule of Drosophila yakuba which contains the A+T-rich region and the small and large rRNA genes separated by the tRNAval gene has been determined. The 5' end of the small rRNA gene was located by S1 protection analysis. In contrast to mammalian mtDNA, a tRNA gene was not found at the 5' end of the D. yakuba small rRNA gene. The small and large rRNA genes are 20.7% and 16.7% G+C and contain only 789 and 1326 nucleotides. The 5' regions of the small rRNA gene (371 nucleotides) and of the large rRNA gene (643 nucleotides) are extremely low in G+C (14.6% and 9.5%, respectively) and convincing sequence homologies between these regions and the corresponding regions of mouse mt-rRNA genes were found only for a few short segments. Nevertheless, the entire lengths of both of the D. yakuba mt-rRNA genes can be folded into secondary structures which are remarkably similar to secondary structures proposed for the rRNAs of mouse mtDNA. The replication origin-containing, A+T-rich region (1077 nucleotides; 92.8% A+T), which lies between the tRNAile gene and the small rRNA gene, lacks open reading frames greater than 123 nucleotides.  相似文献   

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