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Hydrodynamic conditions have a significant impact on the biofilm lifecycle. Not well understood is the fact that biofilms, in return, also affect the flow pattern. A decade ago, it was already shown experimentally that under fast flows, biofilm streamers form and oscillate with large amplitudes. This work is a first attempt to answer the questions on the mechanisms behind the oscillatory movement of the streamers, and whether this movement together with the special streamlined form of the streamers, have both a physical and biological benefit for biofilms. In this study, a state of the art two‐dimensional fluid–structure interaction model of biofilm streamers is developed, which implements a transient coupling between the fluid and biofilm mechanics. Hereby, it is clearly shown that formation of a Kármán vortex street behind the streamer body is the main source of the periodic oscillation of the streamers. Additionally it is shown that the formation of streamers reduces the fluid forces which biofilm surface experiences. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010; 105: 600–610. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In most environments, such as natural aquatic systems, bacteria are found predominantly in self-organized sessile communities known as biofilms. In the presence of a significant flow, mature multispecies biofilms often develop into long filamentous structures called streamers, which can greatly influence ecosystem processes by increasing transient storage and cycling of nutrients. However, the interplay between hydrodynamic stresses and streamer formation is still unclear. Here, we show that suspended thread-like biofilms steadily develop in zigzag microchannels with different radii of curvature. Numerical simulations of a low-Reynolds-number flow around these corners indicate the presence of a secondary vortical motion whose intensity is related to the bending angle of the turn. We demonstrate that the formation of streamers is directly proportional to the intensity of the secondary flow around the corners. In addition, we show that a model of an elastic filament in a two-dimensional corner flow is able to explain how the streamers can cross fluid streamlines and connect corners located at the opposite sides of the channel.  相似文献   

An apparatus is described for precise observation of the kinetics of the initial fast reaction of bromine with reovirus in turbulent flowing water. When quantitative electron microscopy shows that virus suspensions are essentially all single particles, the loss of infectivity follows first-order kinetics, the plaque titer falling at the rate of 3 log10 units/s at pH 7, 2 C, and at a 3-muM bromine concentration. Virus suspensions containing small aggregates (2 to 10/clump) exhibit a constantly decreasing disinfection rate with bromine. At a survival level of 10(-3) for single virions, the aggregated preparations have lost only 99% of their plaque titer and 10(-4) is reached only after 4 s of exposure. The disinfection rate does not appear to be a simple function of the size and frequency of aggregates in the virus suspension even when the aggregates contain no foreign material. Unpurified virus preparations (crude freeze-thaw lysates of infected cells) are shown, by zonal centrifugation, to contain 50% to over 90% of the infectivity in large, fast sedimenting aggregates. Such aggregates would strongly influence the bromine resistance of virus in polluted water.  相似文献   

An apparatus is described for precise observation of the kinetics of the initial fast reaction of bromine with reovirus in turbulent flowing water. When quantitative electron microscopy shows that virus suspensions are essentially all single particles, the loss of infectivity follows first-order kinetics, the plaque titer falling at the rate of 3 log10 units/s at pH 7, 2 C, and at a 3-muM bromine concentration. Virus suspensions containing small aggregates (2 to 10/clump) exhibit a constantly decreasing disinfection rate with bromine. At a survival level of 10(-3) for single virions, the aggregated preparations have lost only 99% of their plaque titer and 10(-4) is reached only after 4 s of exposure. The disinfection rate does not appear to be a simple function of the size and frequency of aggregates in the virus suspension even when the aggregates contain no foreign material. Unpurified virus preparations (crude freeze-thaw lysates of infected cells) are shown, by zonal centrifugation, to contain 50% to over 90% of the infectivity in large, fast sedimenting aggregates. Such aggregates would strongly influence the bromine resistance of virus in polluted water.  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in both Europe and the USA in the effects of microbiological fouling on stainless steels in potable water. However, little is known about the formation and effects of biofilms, on stainless steel in potable water environments, particularly in turbulent flow regimes. Results are presented on the development of biofilms on stainless steel grades 304 and 316 after exposure to potable water at velocities of 0.32, 0.96 and 1.75 m s−1. Cell counts on slides of stainless steel grades 304 and 316 with both 2B (smooth) and 2D (rough) finishes showed viable and total cell counts were higher at the higher flow rates of 0.96 and 1.75 m s−1, compared to a flow rate of 0.32 m s−1. Extracellular polysaccharide levels were not significantly different (P< 0.05) between each flow rate on all stainless steel surfaces studied. higher levels were found at the higher water velocities. the biofilm attached to stainless steel was comprised of a mixed bacterial flora including Acinetobacter sp, Pseudomonas spp, Methylobacterium sp, and Corynebacterium/Arthrobacter spp. Epifluorescence microscopy provided evidence of rod-shaped bacteria and the formation of stands, possibly of extracellular material attached to stainless steel at high flow rates but not at low flow rates. Received 04 February 1998/ Accepted in revised form 12 February 1999  相似文献   

Active drag related to velocity in male and female swimmers   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Propulsive arm forces of 32 male and 9 female swimmers were measured during front crawl swimming using arms only, in a velocity range between 1.0 m s-1 and 1.8 m s-1. At constant velocity, the measured mean propulsive force Fp equals the mean active drag force (Fd). It was found that Fd is related to the swimming velocity v raised to the power 2.12 +/- 0.20 (males) or 2.28 +/- 0.35 (females). Although many subjects showed rather constant values of Fd/v2, 12 subjects gave significantly (p less than 0.01) stronger or weaker quadratic relationships. Differences in drag force and coefficient of drag between males and females (drag: 28.9 +/- 5.1 N, 20.4 +/- 1.9 N, drag coefficient: 0.64 +/- 0.09, 0.54 +/- 0.07 respectively) are especially apparent at the lowest swimming velocity (1 m s-1), which become less at higher swimming velocities. Possible explanations for the deviation of the power of the velocity from the ideal quadratic dependency are discussed.  相似文献   

The hourly production of postpollination drops in the ovules of three hybrid larch trees (Larix x. marschlinsii Coaz) was examined and compared with the measured diurnal pattern of xylem water potential of the same trees under non-stressed conditions during two reproductive seasons. There was no consistent relationship between xylem water potential and ovular drop production in hybrid larch. Individual trees that showed a diurnal drop production in one year did not follow a similar pattern the other year. One tree produced drops in over half of its ovules hourly, regardless of the measured xylem water potential. Variation in number of drops produced per ovule and drop mass was observed between the three trees both years, and between years for two of the trees. This variation was not in response to xylem water potential or environmental conditions. Here we report the first simultaneous measurements of branch water status and the production of ovular secretions for any conifer. We conclude that the postpollination drop production of hybrid larch is not regulated by a tree's overall water status, but is under the control of localized structures such as the cone or the ovule.  相似文献   

Unusual diel pHs in water as related to aquatic vegetation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
High diel pHs (% MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGabmiwayaara% aaaa!36E2!\[\bar X\] > 9.0) showing little or no fluctuation were observed in several impoundments. This phenomenon was experimentally produced in water that contained only Myriophyllum spicatum or species of filamentous algae. Diel pHs ⩾ 9.0 were produced in the laboratory with as little as 0.2 g/1 of algae or vascular plants. The ability of these plants to cause high diel pHs in water may have evolved in response to competition with phytoplankton for carbon.  相似文献   

A mathematical analysis of split drop experiments indicates that the isosmotic flow assumption is naturally embedded in the system equations. The analysis is applied to the experimental data reported by Maude (1970), who used a polyethylene glycol (PEG 1000) and sodium chloride perfusate in rat proximal tubule. In addition to a value of the permeability coefficient of the slowly permeating species (PEG 1000) which is in accord with Maude's findings, upper limits for the values of sodium and water permeability coefficients are calculated. In particular, it was found that the sodium permeability coefficient is, at most, three times larger than that of PEG 1000. A good fit to the data is provided by a passive transport model.  相似文献   

The seed coat of Pisum elatius is normally impermeable to water. When seeds are dried in the absence of oxygen their coats are totally permeable to water. Structural differences are observed between permeable and impermeable seed coats. In the genus Pisum, species with normally impermeable seed coats have a high content of phenolics and of catechol oxidase, while seed coats of P. sativum contain very little catechol oxidase and have a very low content of phenolics. Such differences are not noted in the cotyledons. We hypothesized that during dehydration of seeds, oxidation of phenolic compounds in seed coats through catalysis of catechol oxidase in presence of O2 might render the seed coats impermeable to water.  相似文献   

Current-year shoots of Sitka spruce ( Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) were removed from the forest canopy. After steady-state rates of net photosynthesis were obtained in a leaf chamber, the shoots were excised in air and removed at different times to establish a relationship between net photosynthesis and xylem water potential. The experiment was repeated at five ambient carbon dioxide concentrations.
Net photosynthesis remained constant over a wide range of xylem water potential and increased linearly with ambient carbon dioxide concentration between 20 and 300 cm3 m−3. At low water potential net photosynthesis declined at each ambient carbon dioxide concentration and there was little difference in the potential (±0.05 MPa) at which zero photosynthesis was observed.
There was a small increase in the CO2 compensation concentration at low xylem water potentials, but calculated mesophyll conductance still declined at low water potential after correction for this change in compensation concentration. Mesophyll conductance reached zero within the same range of water potential as net photosynthesis. The results suggested that the non-stomatal contribution to the decline of photosynthesis was approximately 30% until almost complete stomatal closure occurred.  相似文献   

Optimal density of spring rape (Brassica napus L.) crop stand was determined by plant photosynthetic characteristics at the beginning of flowering. As crop density increased from 100 to 350 plants/m2, leaf surface index (LSI) of the crop was found to increase by 18.2–80.2%, and LSI decreased by 38.8–67.3% as compared with the sparsest crop (50–100 plants/m2). LSI depended on the rate of incident PAR reaching 0.5 and 0.25 heights of the crop stand and to the soil surface. When crop density increased from 100 to 350 plants/m2, the photosynthetic potential (PP) of the crop increased 1.8 times as compared with the sparsest crop. PP of the densest rape crop stand was 3 times lower than in the sparsest crop. When the crop density increased from 100 to 250 plants/m2, the daily increment in biomass calculated per leaf surface unit increased by 27.0% as compared with the sparsest crop and depended on LSI. When leaf area decreased, the daily increment in biomass calculated per leaf surface unit declined; in the densest stand, this characteristic was by 58.3% lower than in the sparsest crop. Rape productivity at the flowering stage depended on the crop density, LSI of plants, rate of PAR reaching 0.5 and 0.25 heights of the crop stand and to the soil surface, PP, and the daily increment in biomass calculated per leaf surface unit. Crop productivity at the flowering stage and the rape seed yield were associated by a significant parabolic relationship. When crop density increased from 100 to 350 plants/m2, seed yield per plant considerably decreased (by 33.1–78.5%) as compared with the sparsest crop. The greatest influence on seed yield per plant was exerted by LSI and the daily increment in biomass calculated per leaf surface unit. When crop density increased to 250–300 plants/m2, the seed yield considerably rose (by 28.6–58.8%) as compared with the sparsest crop; when this index reached 300–350 plants/m2, the seed yield decreased because plant growth was suppressed, with the productivity reduced. The results thus obtained suggest that the photometric characteristics of spring rape were at optimum at crop density of 100–250 plants/m2. The agroclimatic conditions of Lithuania ensure potential for rapid accumulation of total biomass and high seed yield.  相似文献   

Gene flow is widely thought to homogenize spatially separate populations, eroding effects of divergent selection. The resulting theory of ‘migration–selection balance’ is predicated on a common assumption that all genotypes are equally prone to dispersal. If instead certain genotypes are disproportionately likely to disperse, then migration can actually promote population divergence. For example, previous work has shown that threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) differ in their propensity to move up‐ or downstream (‘rheotactic response’), which may facilitate genetic divergence between adjoining lake and stream populations of stickleback. Here, we demonstrate that intraspecific variation in a sensory system (superficial neuromast lines) contributes to this variation in swimming behaviour in stickleback. First, we show that intact neuromasts are necessary for a typical rheotactic response. Next, we showed that there is heritable variation in the number of neuromasts and that stickleback with more neuromasts are more likely to move downstream. Variation in pectoral fin shape contributes to additional variation in rheotactic response. These results illustrate how within‐population quantitative variation in sensory and locomotor traits can influence dispersal behaviour, thereby biasing dispersal between habitats and favouring population divergence.  相似文献   

Response of epidermal diffusive conductance to simultaneous changes in leaf water potential and photon flux density was studied in primary bean leaves. Values of epidermal conductance corresponding to every photon flux density decreased with decreasing leaf water potential below - 6.9 x 105Pa; slight deorease was followed by a rapid one at water potential ranging from - 8.0 to -10.5 x 105 Pa. In the leaves with water potential lower than -10.5 x 105 Pa neither the saturated photon flux density (1200 [xeinstein m-2s-1) induced photoactive stomatal opening. Negative influence of one factor could be partially compensated by positive influence of the other. These results were in good agreement with the considered mechanism of action of leaf water potential and photon flux density on epidermal conductance.  相似文献   

We tested the role of hydrodynamics in the use of chemical signals by the red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). We conditioned the crayfish in either a still water or flowing water habitat for 2 weeks. We then observed the crayfish in control (no stimulus) and experimental (food stimulus) trials in one of two flowing water habitats-laminar or turbulent. Habitat use was significantly different between control and experimental observations, but there was no effect of conditioning habitat or experimental habitat on the responses to the food stimulus. This study adds to a growing body of literature consistent with the idea that gross responses to chemical stimuli in crayfish are not affected by the hydrodynamic context in which they are encountered.  相似文献   

The ventral pelvic integument of anurans in hypervascular as compared to other skin regions. Recent studies indicate that this area is primarily responsible for water uptake and rehydration. Nine species representing four genera of terrestrial and aquatic Anura were dissected for comparison of vascularity in the pelvic area. Major differences in the ventral pelvic integumental vessels were found between aquatic and terrestrial genera. These variations are described, and names are suggested for previously unnamed vessels. Changes in vascularity are discussed and related to the literature on Anura pertinent to rehydration rates, tolerance of desiccation, resistance to desiccation, and habitat. Data from this study and previous studies suggest a correlation among the parameters discussed and habitat. The suggestion is made that when species are classified as xeric, mesic, or aquatic on the basis of the habitat in which they live, their responses to rehydration, tolerance to desiccation, and vasculatity should be considered, as these characteristics more accurately represent the micro-habitat.  相似文献   

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