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The femoral organ of Zodarion spiders has not been investigated in detail yet. In this study we describe the external and internal structure of this organ. The organ is situated at the distal tip of the femora of all the legs during all developmental stages. The size of the organ (expressed as the number of hairs) increased with the ontogenetic development of Zodarion species. The organ was confirmed to occur in both sexes of all 47 Zodarion species examined. It is possibly present in all species of this genus. The size of the organ increased with the size of the species. A comparative anatomical study was performed in juveniles and adults of both sexes of Zodarion rubidum, and females of both Z. cyrenaicum and Z. jozefienae. The femoral organ represents an exocrine gland composed of a group of secretory cells located below the epidermis. Each gland cell is connected with the leg surface by a single duct. The ducts run in intercellular spaces and specialised canal cells are lacking. The structure of the secretory cells, namely the abundance of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, suggests that the gland produces a volatile compound(s). The composition and the role of the secretion, however, remains unknown.  相似文献   

The family Theridiidae is one of the most diverse assemblages of spiders, from both a morphological and ecological point of view. The family includes some of the very few cases of sociality reported in spiders, in addition to bizarre foraging behaviors such as kleptoparasitism and araneophagy, and highly diverse web architecture. Theridiids are one of the seven largest families in the Araneae, with about 2200 species described. However, this species diversity is currently grouped in half the number of genera described for other spider families of similar species richness. Recent cladistic analyses of morphological data have provided an undeniable advance in identifying the closest relatives of the theridiids as well as establishing the family's monophyly. Nevertheless, the comb-footed spiders remain an assemblage of poorly defined genera, among which hypothesized relationships have yet to be examined thoroughly. Providing a robust cladistic structure for the Theridiidae is an essential step towards the clarification of the taxonomy of the group and the interpretation of the evolution of the diverse traits found in the family. Here we present results of a molecular phylogenetic analysis of a broad taxonomic sample of the family (40 taxa in 33 of the 79 currently recognized genera) and representatives of nine additional araneoid families, using approximately 2.5kb corresponding to fragments of three nuclear genes (Histone 3, 18SrDNA, and 28SrDNA) and two mitochondrial genes (16SrDNA and CoI). Several methods for incorporating indel information into the phylogenetic analysis are explored, and partition support for the different clades and sensitivity of the results to different assumptions of the analysis are examined as well. Our results marginally support theridiid monophyly, although the phylogenetic structure of the outgroup is unstable and largely contradicts current phylogenetic hypotheses based on morphological data. Several groups of theridiids receive strong support in most of the analyses: latrodectines, argyrodines, hadrotarsines, a revised version of spintharines and two clades including all theridiids without trace of a colulus and those without colular setae. However, the interrelationships of these clades are sensitive to data perturbations and changes in the analysis assumptions.  相似文献   

Until recently only 33 species of spiders had been known from Iraq. New material collected in northern Iraq reveals 20 species, 13 genera and six families new to the country. One species, Pterotricha arzhantsevi sp. n. is described as new to science. Comparative figures are provided for seven species; the 54 species currently known from Iraq are listed and their occurrence in neighbouring Iran and Turkey is shown.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:4812F8A8-7A95-4D66-8E2D-CE42F73E7E91  相似文献   

The European sheet-web spider Linyphia triangularis (Araneae: Linyphiidae) has become established in Maine, where it often reaches very high densities. Two lines of evidence from previous work suggest that L. triangularis affects populations of the native linyphiid spider Frontinella communis. First, F. communis individuals are relatively scarce in both forest and coastal habitat where L. triangularis is common, but more common where L. triangularis is at low density. Second, in field experiments, F. communis species are less likely to settle in experimental plots when L. triangularis is present, and F. communis disappears from study plots when L. triangularis is introduced. Here we test two mechanisms that may underlie these patterns. First, we tested whether L. triangularis invades and usurps the webs of F. communis. When spiders were released onto webs of heterospecifics, L. triangularis was more likely to take over or share webs of F. communis than the reverse. We also observed natural takeovers of F. communis webs. Second, we explored the hypothesis that L. triangularis reduces prey availability for native species. We sampled flying prey in areas with L. triangularis and those where it had been removed, and found no effect of spider presence on measured prey density. We also found no effect of prey supplementation on web tenacity in F. communis, suggesting that F. communis movements are not highly dependent on prey availability. We conclude that web takeover is likely more important than prey reduction in driving negative effects of L. triangularis on F. communis.  相似文献   

The microstructural organization of the silk‐spinning apparatus of the comb‐footed spider, Achaearanea tepidariorum, was observed by using a field emission scanning electron microscope. The silk glands of the spider were classified into six groups: ampullate, tubuliform, flagelliform, aggregate, aciniform and pyriform glands. Among these, three types of silk glands, the ampullate, pyriform and aciniform glands, occur only in female spiders. One (adult) or two (subadult) pairs of major ampullate glands send secretory ductules to the anterior spinnerets, and another pair of minor ampullate glands supply the median spinnerets. Three pairs of tubuliform glands in female spiders send secretory ductules to the median (one pair) and posterior (two pairs) spinnerets. Furthermore, one pair of flagelliform glands and two pairs of aggregate glands together supply the posterior spinnerets, and form a characteristic spinning structure known as a “triad” spigot. In male spiders, this combined apparatus of the flagelliform and the aggregate spigots for capture thread production is not apparent, instead only a non‐functional remnant of this triad spigot is present. In addition, the aciniform glands send ductules to the median (two pairs) and the posterior spinnerets (12–16 pairs), and the pyriform glands feed silk into the anterior spinnerets (90–100 pairs in females and 45–50 pairs in males).  相似文献   

Aim To analyse observed and predicted distributional patterns of selected salticid genera in Australia and to examine these distributions in the light of the origins and attributes of the fauna. To detect and compare the locations of regional hotspots when measured using different scales. Location Australia. Methods A total of 4104 locality records for specimens of 51 genera were stored in BioLink. Maps of observed and predicted (using bioclim ) distributions were prepared for each genus. The predicted distributions were combined to provide estimates of the number of genera likely to be found at each locality in the raster and for each of a set of landscape regions across Australia. The predictions were tested by comparing them with independent data sets. Results The Australian salticid fauna consists of radiations based on Oriental, Papuan and possibly Gondwanan forms, plus pantropical and peridomestic species. The predicted distributions of genera fall into a limited number of categories and these reflect the traditional biogeographical regions of Australia. Maximum regional diversity is predicted for central eastern Queensland, though diversity at single locations is highest further south in the New South Wales/Queensland border region. The locations of hotspots are therefore scale dependent. Patterns of distribution are not simply related to particular lifestyles. Fewer genera were predicted from inland Australia; however, recent work has shown that there are a large number of undescribed genera in the drier parts of Australia. The prediction maps allowed lists of genera potentially present in unstudied areas to be developed. Main conclusions (1) The current distribution of genera is predicted by their bioclimatic profiles rather than by their origins or ecology. Some Oriental genera, however, have not reached south‐western Western Australia, though bioclimatic conditions there are predicted to be suitable for them; (2) the highest diversity of genera is predicted to be in south‐eastern Queensland; (3) the results highlight the shortcomings of past fieldwork in Australia, which has concentrated on the areas with higher rainfall; (4) it seems likely that inland Australia will support a large, highly endemic, fauna adapted to the region, and ultimately perhaps 40 or more genera could be found in each region; (5) the results show the possibility of using the maps of predicted distribution of genera not only for biogeographical analyses but also for conservation management and survey purposes.  相似文献   

The social organization of Scytodes sp., a spitting spider from Singapore, was investigated in the field and in the laboratory. The characteristics considered were colony structure, maternal care, prey capture, prey sharing, adults provisioning with prey and how feeding regime influences the level of tolerance expressed by juveniles that were living together. The characteristics of this species were compared with those of other Scytodes species that have been studied previously. Based on our findings, we conclude that in this species, social organization is 'periodic-social', with extended maternal care, this being a type of 'subsociality'. The females of Scytodes sp. wrapped their eggs in a silk egg sac and used their chelicerae to hold the eggs until they hatched. Spiderlings tended to remain in their mother's web until the fourth instar (i.e. after the third moult) but they were also highly aggressive and cannibalistic towards conspecifics after the third instar. Females carried prey to their spiderlings and either fed alongside the brood or left them to feed alone. Spiderlings also captured large prey cooperatively by spitting onto, biting and feeding on it together. The occurrence of cannibalism among her juveniles did not appear to be influenced by whether the adult female was present or not, nor did it appear to be influenced by prey abundance.  相似文献   

The first quantitative phylogenetic analysis of three sequenced genes (16S rRNA, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, histone 3) of 25 genera of crab spiders and 11 outgroups supports the monophyly of Thomisidae. Four lineages within Thomisidae are recovered. They are informally named here as the Borboropactus clade, Epidius clade, Stephanopis clade and the Thomisus clade, pending detailed morphology based cladistic work. The Thomisus clade is recovered as a strongly supported monophyletic group with a minimal genetic divergence. Philodromidae previously widely considered a subfamily of Thomisidae do not group within thomisids and is excluded from Thomisidae. However, Aphantochilinae previously generally considered as a separate family falls within the Thomisus clade and is included in Thomisidae. The recently proposed new family Borboropactidae is rejected, as it is paraphyletic. © The Willi Hennig Society 2008.  相似文献   

This study describes the female genitalia of the tetrablemmid spiders Brignoliella acuminata, Monoblemma muchmorei, Caraimatta sbordonii, Tetrablemma magister, and Ablemma unicornis by means of serial semi‐thin sections and scanning electron microscopy and compares the results with previous findings on Indicoblemma lannaianum. Furthermore, the male palps and chelicerae are briefly described. The general vulval organization of females is complex and shows similarities in all of the investigated species. The copulatory orifice is situated near the posterior margin of the pulmonary plate. The opening of the uterus externus lies between the pulmonary and the postgenital plate. Paired copulatory ducts lead to sac‐like receptacula. Except for A. unicornis, the male emboli of all investigated species are elongated and thread‐like. However, they are too short to reach the receptacula. Hence, the spermatozoa have to be deposited inside the copulatory ducts. The same situation was also found in I. lannaianum. Females of this species store sperm encapsulated in secretory balls in their receptacula. The secretion is produced by glands adjoining the receptacula. The presence of paired fertilization ducts and spermatozoa in the uterus internus suggested that fertilization takes place internally in I. lannaianum. Secretory balls in the receptacula are found in all of the investigated species in this study, showing that sperm are stored in the same way. The place of fertilization may also be identical since dark particles, presumably spermatozoa, are located in the uterus internus of all investigated species except for T. magister. However, fertilization ducts are only found in B. acuminata and M. muchmorei. A sclerotized central process with attached muscles is present in A. unicornis, M. muchmorei, C. sbordonii and T. magister. Only in A. unicornis does the central process show an internal lumen and hold spermatozoa. In the other species, it could be used to lock the uterus during copulation in order to prevent sperm from getting into it as suggested for certain oonopid species. The uterus externus of all investigated species shows a sclerotized dorsal fold with attached muscles, previously described as “inner vulval plate.” Contractions of the muscles lead to a widening of the dorsal fold, thus creating enough space for the large oocytes to pass the narrow uterus externus. The males of all investigated species have apophyses on their chelicerae. At least in B. acuminata and A. unicornis, where females have paired grooves on the preanal plate, these apophyses allow males to grasp the female during copulation as described for I. lannaianum. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Jumping spiders (Salticidae) have acute vision with some cells in the retina that are sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) spectra (< 400 nm). However, no study has documented the use of UV signals in salticids. To appreciate the function of UV vision, it is necessary to characterize the UV colours of salticids. In the present study, the UV and human-visible wavelengths of a tropical ornate salticid spider, Cosmophasis umbratica , were analysed using reflectance spectrometry to obtain evidence of sex-specific UV colours. An absolute sexual dimorphism in the UV colours of this salticid species was found. All of the body parts of adult males that are displayed to conspecifics during intra-specific interactions reflected UV (300–400 nm) light, whereas the adult females and juveniles did not reflect UV light from any body part. A great deal of variation was also found in the UV wavebands among males. This is the first full UV characterization of a salticid spider and the first study to demonstrate an extreme sexual UV dimorphism in jumping spiders. The findings obtained provide evidence that UV reflectance may comprise important sexual signals in jumping spiders.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 397–406.  相似文献   

Spectral sensitivity in jumping spiders (Araneae,Salticidae)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
1. We report here a psychophysical technique for studying the spectral sensitivity of jumping spiders (family Salticidae), based on a newly discovered oculomotor reflex. 2. Our results, obtained from Maevia inclemens (Salticidae), are compatible with electrophysiological findings of retinal cells maximally sensitive in the green and ultraviolet regions of the spectrum. 3. Sensitivity to longer wavelengths (greater than 650 nm) has been controversial. In our study jumping spiders are shown to have a broad spectral sensitivity function extending from the ultraviolet (330 nm) to the deep red (700 nm).  相似文献   

This paper reports seven species found in Shirabad Cave located in the western part of Golestan Province and two species found nearby. Three families: Anyphaenidae, Segestriidae and Theridiosomatidae, and one species, Metellina merianae (Scopoli, 1763) are recorded from Iran for the first time. Two species are described as new: Tegenaria zamanii Marusik & Omelko, sp.n. (♀) and Segestria mirshamsii Marusik & Omelko, sp.n. (♀). Four species: Lepthyphantes iranicus Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 1996, Metellina merianae, Octonoba yesoensis (Saito, 1934) and Pholcus sp. are illustrated. Uloborus georgicus Mcheidze, 1997 from Eastern Georgia is synonymized with Octonoba yesoensis. The distribution of all species treated in the paper is briefly discussed, with emphasis on the easternmost records.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:614A0FF0-40B0-4A7E-B2B8-C6B117A80AFE  相似文献   

Anyphaena accentuata and Philodromus spp. are cold adapted and winter-active spider species. Their predation activity was investigated at constant temperatures between –4 and 30 °C. The lower temperature threshold for Anyphaena was –3.7 °C, while that of Philodromus was –1.2 °C. At 1 °C the latency to capture and prey consumption was significantly shorter in Anyphaena than in Philodromus. The capture rate increased with temperature and was maximal at 15 °C in Anyphaena and at 30 °C in Philodromus. At 30 °C, the latency to the capture was significantly shorter in Philodromus than in Anyphaena whose mortality significantly increased.  相似文献   

Nine species and four genera of Philodromidae are identified and recorded from various parts of Iran including Pulchellodromus medius (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (genus and species new to Iran) and Thanatus setiger (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (new to Iran). The male of Rhysodromus hierosolymitanus (Levy, 1977), which was previously known only from females, is described and diagnosed here.  相似文献   

Jumping spiders are known to possess ultraviolet (UV) receptors in the retinas of their large-principal eyes. The existence of UV visual cells, however, does not prove that jumping spiders can see into the UV part of spectrum (300–400 nm) or whether such an ability plays any role in salticid intra-specific interactions. In the study reported herein, we performed behavioural experiments to test whether a UV−reflecting jumping spider, Cosmophasis umbratica, is sensitive to UV wavelengths and whether UV cues are important in intra-specific communication. The absence of UV cues not only affected intra-specific behaviour by significantly reducing the frequency of agonistic displays, but also elicited unprecedented courtship displays in males towards their own mirror images and conspecific opponents. Furthermore, C. umbratica males were able to respond rapidly to changes in UV cues of conspecific mirror images by switching between agonistic and courtship displays. These findings clearly demonstrate that C. umbratica males are capable of seeing UV wavelengths and that UV cues are necessary and sufficient for this species to enable the agonistic displays. Hence, UV light may have an important role to play in intra-specific communication in jumping spiders.  相似文献   

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