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We have shown that, in the ovaries of hemipteran insects, microtubule reorganisation and depolymerisation in the oocytes, and in the nutritive tubes supplying them, correlate with the activation of M-phase promoting factor (MPF) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase) as the oocytes proceed to arrest at the first meiotic metaphase. The application, however, of Xenopus egg extracts with high MPF activities to isolated nutritive tube microtubules failed to result in their depolymerisation, suggesting that a novel factor may be required for the breakdown of these highly stable microtubule arrays in vivo.  相似文献   

Telotrophic ovariole of Raphidia spp. is composed of the anteriorly located terminal filament, tube-shaped tropharium, the vitellarium and the ovariole stalk. The tropharium consists of a central syncytial core surrounded by one cell thick layer of tapetum cells. Early previtellogenic oocytes differentiate at the base of tropharium. Both the oocytes and the tapetum cells are connected with the central syncytium by delicate intercellular bridges. At the onset of previtellogenic growth, the anterior parts of the oocytes become extended and form long cytoplasmic projections--nutritive cords. Each nutritive cord contains numerous microtubules that show no preferential orientation within the cord but diminishing anterior-posterior gradient of distribution. Irregular arrangement of microtubules indicates that this cytoskeletal scaffold does not play any role in directed transport within the ovariole but instead constitutes one of the elements of the structural framework of the nutritive cord. Besides microtubules, the stability of the nutritive cords in Raphidia ovarioles is maintained by the rim-shaped membrane foldings lined with microfilaments.  相似文献   

The developing oocytes in the ovarioles of hemipteran insects receive materials from nutritive cells by way of channels known as nutritive tubes. The tubes contain an extensive system of microtubules which are thought to be involved in the transport between the two cell types. At the onset of vitellogenesis the connection is discontinued. Redundant nutritive tubes have been identified, compared with functional tubes, and their fate discussed.  相似文献   

The paired, spindle-shaped ovaries of the second instar of the Polish cochineal, Porphyrophora polonica (L.) (Hemiptera: Coccinea) are filled with cystocytes that are arranged into rosettes. In the centre of each rosette, there is a polyfusome. During the third instar, cystocytes differentiate into oocytes and trophocytes (nurse cells) and ovarioles are formed. Ovaries of adult females are composed of about 300 ovarioles of the telotrophic type. Each of them is subdivided into a tropharium (trophic chamber) and vitellarium. The tropharium consists of trophocytes and arrested oocytes that may develop. The number of germ cells in the trophic chambers varies from 11 to 18 even between the ovarioles of the same ovary. The obtained results seem to confirm the concept of a monophyletic origin of the primitive scale insects (Archaeococcoidea).  相似文献   

The density and distribution of microtubules in the nutritive tubes of three hemipteran insects, Corixa punctata, Notonecta glauca and Dysdercus cingulatus, were analysed from electron micrographs by computer. Both parameters varied amongst all three species, the density of microtubules in Corixa being approximately three times that seen in Dysdercus. The density and distribution of microtubules within the nutritive tubes correlated directly with the size of particle transported by them, suggesting that the microtubules may act as a sieve to preclude certain cellular components from entering the tubes. If microtubules are further involved in the generation of motive force for cytoplasmic transport along the nutritive tubes, this function is not dependent upon the number of microtubules, or upon their arrangement with respect either to each other or to the particle being transported.  相似文献   

The tropharia of the dipsocoromorphan bugs, Cryptostemma alienum and Cryptostemma carpaticum (Heteroptera : Dipsocoridae) are composed of 30–50 mononucleate nurse cells that are connected with centrally located trophic cores by means of broad cytoplasmic strands. The anteriormost nurse cells are markedly smaller and often reveal signs of degeneration. The trophic core is surrounded and penetrated by elaborate F-actin meshwork. Arrested oocytes and prefollicular cells are localized at the base of the tropharium. Anagenesis of heteropteran ovarioles is discussed in relation to the findings presented.  相似文献   

Developing ovaries of scale insects (Hemiptera : Coccinea) Nipaecoccus nipae (Pseudococcidae) and Cryptococcus fagisuga (Cryptococcidae) contain clusters of interconnected cells (cystocytes) that are arranged into rosettes; polyfusomes occur in the centres of the rosettes. Ovaries of the investigated adult scale insects are composed of numerous short telotrophic ovarioles. Tropharia (trophic chambers) of Dysmicoccus newsteadi (Pseudococcidae), Eriococcus buxi (Eriococcidae), Cryptococcus fagisuga and Pseudochermes fraxini (Cryptococcidae) comprise only trophocytes (nurse cells), whereas those of Kermes quercus (Kermesidae) and Gossyparia spuria (Eriococcidae) also contain arrested oocytes. The latter probably degenerate. It is suggested that during evolution of scale insects a gradual reduction of germ cells to 4 per cluster (3 trophocytes and 1 oocyte) took place. In light of the obtained results, anagenesis of scale insects ovarioles is discussed.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(6):112653
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  • 1.1. Under denaturing conditions (SDS-PAGE) the two natural vitellins of Bacillus taxa released five different polypeptides (A1, A2, A3, B1, B2).
  • 2.2. A2 and B2 bands from the two bisexual species (B. rossius and B. grandii) were found to differ; furthermore a non-vitellin yolk protein characterizes the subsepecies B.g. benazzii.
  • 3.3. From gels and their densitometric scanning profiles it is clear that parental polypeptides are expressed in the thelytokous parthenogenetic hybrids (B. whitei, B. lynceorum) and in the hybridogenetic B. rossius-grandii benazzii.
  • 4.4. A comparative approach of vitellin patterns appears fully adequate for tracing phylogenetic relationships and recognizing cladogenetic events.

The generalist predator, Orius insidiosus (Say), is an important natural enemy of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura. Soybean thrips, Neohydatothrips variabilis (Beach), serve as an important prey resource for O. insidiosus in soybeans, sustaining the predator's population before the arrival of the soybean aphid. Although generalist predators can forage on a broad range of prey, they may show distinct preferences for particular prey, attacking prey at levels disproportionate to their relative numbers. To assess the preference of O. insidiosus for soybean aphid and soybean thrips, attack rates of nymphal and adult O. insidiosus were measured in the laboratory. For both adults and nymphs, the number of prey attacked increased as more prey were provided. For nymphs, the total number of prey attacked increased as the predator matured. In general, the number of prey attacked by adult predators was relatively constant as the predator aged. Both O. insidiosus nymphs and adults displayed a preference for soybean thrips, by disproportionately attacking soybean thrips over soybean aphid regardless of the relative densities of the two prey. We discuss implications of this preference on O. insidiosus life history characteristics and the potential impact on O. insidiosus-prey dynamics in the field.  相似文献   

We have recently reported a neural variant of microtubule-associated protein 4 with a short pro-rich region (MAP4-SP). Here, we show that the neural MAP4 has reduced microtubule-stabilizing activity, compared to the ubiquitous MAP4 with a long pro-rich region (MAP4-LP), both in vitro and in vivo. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analyses revealed that the interaction of MAP4-SP with the microtubules is very rapid, with a half-time of fluorescence recovery of 7 +/- 2.36 s, compared to 19.5 +/- 3.03 s in case of MAP4-LP. The dynamic interaction of MAP4-SP with microtubules in neural cells may contribute to the dynamic behaviors of extending neurites.  相似文献   

Feeding and defecation behavior of Rhodnius prolixus Stal, 1859, R. robustus Larrousse, 1927, R. neivai Lent, 1953 and R. pictipes Stal, 1872, artificially fed on human blood, were studied under laboratory conditions. In all species, first instar nymphs did not defecate in the first 30 minutes after feeding. R. pictipes did not accept artificial feeding but fed directly on humans. Nymph and adult R. prolixus had a higher defecation index (DI) than other species; third instar nymphs had the highest DI = 1.62. In all instars, most individuals accepted the food in 3 Pounds minutes and finished feeding in less than 15 minutes.  相似文献   

Twelve of the 13 bushcricket species of the Saga genus are bisexuals and diploids, except the parthenogenetic and tetraploid bush cricket, Saga pedo. Despite a continuous research effort stretching through the 1900s, the taxonomic relationships of the Saga species are still disputed. In this study, our primary aim was to reveal natural relationships of the European Saga species and three of their Asian relatives, with special attention to the problematic taxonomy of two subspecies: S. campbelli campbelli and S. c. gracilis. Following a phylogenetic analysis of eight species, a comprehensive study was carried out on the above three taxa by using acoustic and morphometric approaches in parallel. Our phylogenetic data showed that European Saga species evolved from a monophyletic lineage. The geographical transitional species S. cappadocica was positioned between European and Asian lineages supporting the idea that the European Saga lineage originated phylogeographically from the Asian clade. The above results showed better agreement with the morphological data than with earlier ones based either on karyology or acoustic information only. After reviewing our data, we concluded that Saga pedo has most likely evolved from S. c. gracilis and not from S. rammei or S. ephippigera, as proposed by earlier studies. S. c. gracilis shares the same ITS2 haplotype with S. pedo, indicating that the latter could have evolved from populations of the former, probably through whole genome duplication. Based on acoustic and morphometric differences, we propose to elevate the two subspecies, S. campbelli campbelli and S. c. gracilis, to species level status, as Saga gracilis Kis 1962, and Saga campbelli Uvarov 1921. The present work sets the stage for future genetic and experimental investigations of Saginae and highlights the need for additional comprehensive analysis involving more Asian Saga species.  相似文献   

The structures of antennal segments and ultrastructures of antennal sensilla were studied in representatives of 28 families of caddisflies from both extant suborders by the methods of light and scanning electron microscopy. Sixteen types of the sensilla have been found to occur on the antenna in Trichoptera; some of them were found for the first time. Morphological characters of the cuticular structures on the antennal surface demonstrate the significant structural differences both in various families and in the lower taxonomy levels. Specialized sensory fields differing structurally from the rest of the flagellomer surface have been found on the antennas in the suborder Phryganeina. A modified classification of sensilla based on the cuticular structures is proposed.  相似文献   

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