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In PC12 cells, retinoic acid (RA) stimulates the expression of p75NGFR, a component of the nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor, as indicated by a rapid increase in p75NGFR mRNA, an increase in the binding of 125I-labeled NGF to p75NGFR, and an increase in the binding of NGF to low affinity sites. RA-treated cells are more sensitive to NGF, but not to either fibroblast growth factor or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, showing that RA has a specific effect on the responsiveness of PC12 cells to NGF. Exposure to RA leads neither to an increase in the expression of mRNA for trk, another component of the NGF receptor, nor to an increase in binding to high affinity receptors, suggesting that an increase in the expression of p75NGFR is sufficient to make cells more sensitive to NGF. This work suggests that, in addition to having direct effects on gene expression, RA can indirectly modulate differentiation of neurons by modifying their expression of cell surface receptors to peptide growth factors.  相似文献   

Impairment in nerve growth factor (NGF)-mediated support to basal forebrain cholinergic neurons may represent an initial insult to certain neural cells in Alzheimer's disease (AD). High affinity NGF receptor (TrkA) levels are decreased in AD brains as compared to age-matched control brains. One of the approaches suggested for the treatment of AD exploits the ability of small molecular substances to enhance the expression of endogenous growth factors and/or their receptors. The purpose of this study was to determine whether treatment with nicotine in both in vitro and in vivo settings would increase the neural expression of TrkA receptors. Using a differentiated PC12 neuronal-like system, chronic nicotine treatment increased cell surface TrkA receptor expression. Nicotine's action was blocked by co-treatment with either the non-competitive nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) antagonist mecamylamine or with the alpha7 nAChR-selective antagonist methyllycaconitine. Surprisingly, certain low doses of mecamylamine alone also increased TrkA receptor levels. Rats prepared with chronic indwelling intravenous catheters were continuously infused with nicotine to deliver a total dose of 12 mg/kg over 24 hr. This treatment resulted in a significant 44% increase in TrkA receptor expression in the hippocampus. As in the cell experiments, mecamylamine also increased hippocampal TrkA receptor expression. In fact, the ratio of the maximal mecamylamine response to the maximal nicotine response that was measured in vitro, i.e., 0.43 was remarkably similar to that for the in vivo experiment, i.e., 0.47. Since in our previous studies the increase in TrkA expression produced by nicotine was shown to be related to its cytoprotective actions, these results suggest that nicotine's neuroprotective actions might also be mediated through the drug's interaction with central alpha7 nAChRs and subsequent increase in TrkA receptor expression.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF) is a polypeptide important for normal development of the nervous system and promotion of survival and differentiation of sensory and sympathetic neurons in culture. The cellular effects of NGF are mediated by a specific cell surface molecule, nerve growth factor receptor (NGF-R). In the present study we have used a monoclonal antibody against human NGF-R to examine, by the avidin-biotin-immunoperoxidase method, the receptor distribution in a wide range of normal tissues and in more than 200 malignant tumors. Our results show that (a) human NGF-R is expressed in the peripheral nervous system but not in any of the central nervous system areas tested; (b) NGF-R expression is not restricted to neural tissues but is also found in a number of normal epithelial, mesenchymal, and lymphoid tissues; (c) NGF-R expression changes during normal development; and (d) NGF-R expression in malignant tumors generally parallels its normal tissue distribution. Thus, NGF-R is detected in a proportion of neuroectoderm-derived tumors, carcinomas, and lymphomas, and also in a characteristic group of small round-cell tumors (Ewing's sarcomas and embryonal rhabdomyosarcomas). These findings suggest a normal regulatory role for NGF in both neuronal and non-neuronal cells and identify a range of human tumors in which the NGF/NGF-R system may contribute to the malignant phenotype.  相似文献   

The expression of NGF receptors on human Schwann cells during development and myelination and in culture was analyzed using a murine monoclonal antibody to human NGF receptor. Nonmyelinated femoral nerves from 13- to 14-week fetuses stained strongly for NGF receptor, whereas tissues from later stages of development showed a decrease in the staining intensity. These changes correlated with the initiation of myelination (17-19 weeks), as observed by phase-contrast and electron microscopy, and the reactivity with monoclonal antibody 4C5, a marker of mature Schwann cells. In adult nerves, only the perineurium and few endoneurial cells were stained with anti-NGF receptor antibody. Cultured human fetal Schwann cells were positive for NGF receptor by immunofluorescence irregardless of donor age or length of time in culture. The decreased staining of NGF receptor with nerve maturation may reflect a dependence of antigen expression on Schwann cell differentiation and/or neuron-Schwann cell interaction.  相似文献   

Adrenergic stimulation of hepatocyte growth factor expression.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), a potent mitogen, is released into plasma at increased levels following injury to certain tissues, including the liver. Early increases in plasma HGF are not due to a release from the injured liver, but rather from distal organs, particularly the lung. We have investigated the ability of norepinephrine (NE), which rises rapidly in plasma after liver resection, to trigger elevated production of HGF in MRC-5 human embryonic lung fibroblasts. Levels of HGF released to culture media and of HGF mRNA increased when cultures were exposed to NE, or to other adrenergic agonists. While stimulation of either beta- or alpha(1)-adrenergic receptors increased HGF expression, responses to NE appear to be mediated primarily via beta receptors. Since NE has already been shown to act as a comitogen with HGF, our findings suggest that adrenergic hormones may act both to induce production of HGF at distal sites, and to enhance the response to HGF at target tissues.  相似文献   

The neurotrophic proteins BDNF and NGF are related in their primary structures, and both have high- and low-affinity receptors on their responsive neurons. In this study, we investigate the extent to which these receptors can discriminate between BDNF and NGF. We found that a 1000-fold excess of the heterologous ligand is needed to reduce binding to the high-affinity receptor by 50%, but that the same concentrations of BDNF and NGF similarly reduce the binding of either ligand to the low-affinity receptor. Results obtained with cells transfected with the low-affinity NGF receptor gene indicate that these cells bind BDNF, in addition to NGF, whereas cells before transfection do not. These data indicate that the low-affinity NGF receptor is also a low-affinity BDNF receptor and that whatever is conferring high-affinity binding and biological response also considerably reinforces the ability of the low-affinity receptor to discriminate between NGF and BDNF.  相似文献   

Characterization of the human melanoma nerve growth factor receptor   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Monoclonal antibodies to the human nerve growth factor receptor have been used to biochemically characterize the receptor in the human melanoma cell line A875. Labeling of A875 cell proteins by culture with [35S]cysteine or labeling of cell surface proteins with 125I followed by immunoprecipitation with anti-nerve growth factor receptor antibody reveals a receptor protein with an apparent Mr of 70,000-75,000 and an isoelectric point of 4.9-5.2. Incorporation of [3H]glucosamine into this species indicates it is a glycoprotein. The receptor becomes phosphorylated on serine residues in intact cells and in isolated membranes incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP. The receptor appears to exist, at least partially, in the form of a disulfide-linked oligomer (probably a dimer) of Mr = 75,000 subunits. Kinetic [35S]cysteine labeling studies reveal an Mr = 59,000 core protein which is glycosylated via N-linked and probably also O-linked sugar moieties to produce the mature (Mr = 70,000-75,000) receptor.  相似文献   

Rat pheochromocytoma cells (clone PC12) possess functional surface receptors for both nerve growth factor (NGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF). PC12 cells respond to NGF as well as to dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcAMP) by arrest of cell proliferation and initiation of morphological differentiation, while EGF acts as a mitogen. Exposure of PC12 cells to NGF for several days resulted in a complete loss of rapid EGF responses, such as membrane ruffling and activation of active K+ transport. EGF binding studies revealed that this loss of EGF responses was due to an almost complete reduction of the number of EGF binding sites. In contrast, exposure of PC12 cells to dbcAMP for 2 days did not affect the rapid EGF responses, despite the morphological differentiation. Moreover, EGF binding studies demonstrated a twofold increase in the number of high-affinity binding sites and a small increase in the number of low-affinity sites. In addition, exposure of the cells to dbcAMP caused a twofold increase of EGF-receptor phosphotyrosine kinase activity. These results indicate that neither EGF-binding or the presence of EGF receptors nor the rapid EGF responses are sufficient for persistent proliferation, on one hand, or sufficient to avoid morphological differentiation, on the other.  相似文献   

Aldosterone stimulates epidermal growth factor receptor expression   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The steroid hormone aldosterone plays an important role during pathological tissue modifications, similar to cardiovascular or renal fibrosis. The underlying mechanisms for the pathological actions are not understood. Interaction of aldosterone with the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor is an attractive hypothesis to explain pathological tissue remodeling elicited by aldosterone, because (i) mineralocorticoids can sensitize cells for EGF, (ii) mineralocorticoid receptor (MR)-antagonists reduce EGFR-mRNA expression, (iii) EGFR itself supports the development of cardiovascular or renal fibrosis, and (iv) signaling elements involved in the pathological action of aldosterone (similar to ERK1/2 or NFkB) are typical downstream modules during EGF signaling. In addition, an interaction of aldosterone and EGF with respect to ERK1/2 activation has been described. Here we show that aldosterone stimulates EGFR expression in renal tissue of adrenalectomized rats and in human renal primary cell cultures. Furthermore, Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells normally devoid of EGFR or MR express EGFR after transfection with human MR (CHO-MR cells) but not after transfection with human glucocorticoid receptor (CHO-GR cells). In CHO-MR cells, EGFR-expression is up-regulated by aldosterone and inhibited by spironolactone. CHO-MR cells but not CHO-GR cells respond with ERK1/2 phosphorylation to EGF exposure. The responsiveness to other peptide hormones was virtually not affected. These data suggest that EGFR is an aldosterone-induced protein and is involved in the manifold (patho)biological actions of aldosterone.  相似文献   

The neurotrophin receptor homolog (NRH2) is closely related to the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR); however, its function and role in neurotrophin signaling are unclear. NRH2 does not bind to nerve growth factor (NGF), however, is able to form a receptor complex with tropomyosin-related kinase receptor A (TrkA) and to generate high-affinity NGF binding sites. Despite this, the mechanisms underpinning the interaction between NRH2 and TrkA remain unknown. Here, we identify that the intracellular domain of NRH2 is required to form an association with TrkA. Our data suggest extensive intracellular interaction between NRH2 and TrkA, as either the juxtamembrane or death domain regions of NRH2 are sufficient for interaction with TrkA. In addition, we demonstrate that TrkA signaling is dramatically influenced by the co-expression of NRH2. Importantly, NRH2 did not influence all downstream TrkA signaling pathways, but rather exerted a specific effect, enhancing src homology 2 domain-containing transforming protein (Shc) activation. Moreover, downstream of Shc, the co-expression of NRH2 resulted in TrkA specifically modulating mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway activation, but not the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway. These results indicate that NRH2 utilizes intracellular mechanisms to not only regulate NGF binding to TrkA, but also specifically modulate TrkA receptor signaling, thus adding further layers of complexity and specificity to neurotrophin signaling.  相似文献   

Regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor gene expression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Synthesis and metabolism of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor are extensively regulated to modulate cellular responses to ligand. To study regulation of EGF receptor gene expression, the 5' region of the gene was isolated from a human placental genomic library. A 5' proximal 1.1-kilobase fragment (-1100 to -19 relative to the ATG translation start site) and subfragments of this were subcloned in both forward and reverse orientations into the luciferase expression vector pSVOAL delta 5' and transfected into human cell lines. Luciferase activity was stimulated by treatment of transfected HeLa cells with EGF, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA), (Bu)2 cAMP, retinoic acid, and dexamethasone. Deletion analysis indicated full retention of activity after removal of the -1100 to -485 region (-485 to -19 fragment), but a 5-fold reduction in activity on removal of the -485 to -153 region (-153 to -19 fragment). Despite a reduction in basal activity, the proximal 134-basepair fragment retained responses to all inducers. Additivity was observed in response to maximal concentrations of TPA plus retinoic acid and of TPA plus (Bu)2 cAMP; the response to a combination of four inducers exceeded that to the RSV-LTR strong promoter. Differences in stimulated responses were observed in various recipients, with hepatoma HepG2 cells lacking responses to (Bu)2 cAMP and glioblastoma T98G cells lacking responses to EGF and TPA. These results indicate that a 134-basepair DNA fragment closely adjacent to the translation start site contains elements responsible for directing basal and stimulated expression of the EGF receptor gene.  相似文献   

Chicken nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor cDNAs have been isolated and sequenced in an effort to identify functionally important receptor domains and as an initial step in determining the functions of the NGF receptor in early embryogenesis. Comparisons of the primary amino acid sequences of the avian and mammalian NGF receptors have identified several discrete domains that differ in their degree of conservation. The highly conserved regions include an extracellular domain, likely to be involved in ligand binding, in which the positions of 24 cysteine residues and virtually all negatively charged residues are conserved; a transmembrane region, including flanking stretches of extracellular and cytoplasmic amino acids, which has properties suggesting it interacts with other proteins; and a cytoplasmic PEST sequence, which may regulate receptor turnover. Transient expression of NGF receptor mRNA has been seen in many regions of the developing CNS. Experiments suggest that both NGF and its receptor help regulate development of the retina.  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence indicates a close relationship between tyrosine kinase receptor trafficking and signaling. Biochemical and molecular analyses of the expression, fate, and kinetics of membrane trafficking of the nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor TrkA were performed in PC12 cells. Pulse-chase experiments indicate that TrkA is synthesized as a 110-kDa N-glycosylated precursor that leads to the mature 140-kDa form of the receptor with a half-life of conversion of approximately 24 +/- 0.5 min. Neuraminidase digestion shows that modification of the carbohydrate moiety of the receptor by sialylation occurs during maturation. The 140-kDa form is rapidly translocated to the cell surface as assessed by cell surface biotinylation performed on intact PC12 cells. Mature receptor half-life is approximately 138 +/- 4 min and is shortened to 86 +/- 8 min by NGF treatment. Flow cytometric analysis indicates that NGF induces clearing of this receptor from the cell surface within minutes of treatment. The addition of NGF decreases the half-life of cell surface gp140(TrkA) from 100 to 35 min and leads to enhanced lysosomal degradation of the receptor. The process of NGF-induced TrkA internalization is clearly affected by interfering with ligand binding to p75(NTR). An analysis of receptor activation kinetics also shows that receptor signaling primarily takes place from an intracellular location. Together, these data show that the primary effect of NGF treatment is a p75(NTR)-modulated decrease in TrkA transit time at the cell surface.  相似文献   

To investigate the efficacy of sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) on nerve growth factor (NGF) mediated visceral sensitivity in normal rat and visceral hypersensitivity model rats. 120 male newborn rats were randomly divided into 6 groups: group A was normal model group; group B ~ F were all sensitized with acetic acid enema and grouped again. Group c2 was given NGF antagonist, d2 group was given NGF agonist, e2 group was given PI3K inhibitor, and f2 group was given PLC‐γ inhibitor. After treatment, the expression of NGF, TrKA, PI3K, AKT, PLC‐γ, NF‐κB, TRPV1, pTRPV1 and intracellular Ca2+ content were detected. The expression of protein TRPV1 and pTRPV1 was increased, and Ca2+ was increased in the visceral hypersensitive group. NGF, TrKA in NGF antagonist group, PI3K, AKT, NF‐κB in PI3K inhibitor group, PLC‐γ in PLC‐γ inhibitor group were all almost not expressed. The relative expression of NGF, TrKA, PI3K, AKT, PLC‐γ and NF‐κB in NGF antagonist group was lower than that in visceral hypersensitivity group and NGF activator group (P < .01). The relative expression of NGF, TrKA, PI3K and AKT mRNA in NGF antagonist group was lower than that in the normal model group (P < .01). There was no significant difference in the relative expression of PLC‐γ and NF‐κB mRNA (P > .05). The expression level of MAPK, ERK1 and ERK2 in visceral hypersensitivity group was higher than that in PI3K inhibitor group and PLC‐γ inhibitor group. The normal group Ca2+ curve was flat, and the NGF agonist group had the highest Ca2+ curve peak. Calcium concentration in visceral hypersensitivity group was higher than that in PI3K inhibitor group and that in PLC‐γ inhibitor group was higher than that in NGF antagonist group. The binding of TrkA receptor to NGF activates the MAPK/ERK pathway, the PI3K/Akt pathway and the PLC‐γ pathway, causing changes in the fluidity of intracellular and extracellular Ca2+, resulting in increased sensitivity of visceral tissues and organs.  相似文献   

A coordinated reciprocal interaction between epithelium and mesenchyme is involved in salivary gland morphogenesis. The submandibular glands (SMGs) of Wnt1-Cre/R26R mice have been shown positive for mesenchyme, whereas the epithelium is beta-galactosidase-negative, indicating that most mesenchymal cells are derived from cranial neural crest cells. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor alpha is one of the markers of neural crest-derived cells. In this study, we analyzed the roles of PDGFs and their receptors in the morphogenesis of mouse SMGs. PDGF-A was shown to be expressed in SMG epithelium, whereas PDGF-B, PDGFRalpha, and PDGFRbeta were expressed in mesenchyme. Exogenous PDGF-AA and -BB in SMG organ cultures demonstrated increased levels of branching and epithelial proliferation, although their receptors were found to be expressed in mesenchyme. In contrast, short interfering RNA for Pdgfa and -b as well as neutralizing antibodies for PDGF-AB and -BB showed decreased branching. PDGF-AA induced the expression of the fibroblast growth factor genes Fgf3 and -7, and PDGF-BB induced the expression of Fgf1, -3, -7, and -10, whereas short interfering RNA for Pdgfa and Pdgfb inhibited the expression of Fgf3, -7, and -10, indicating that PDGFs regulate Fgf gene expression in SMG mesenchyme. The PDGF receptor inhibitor AG-17 inhibited PDGF-induced branching, whereas exogenous FGF7 and -10 fully recovered. Together, these results indicate that fibroblast growth factors function downstream of PDGF signaling, which regulates Fgf expression in neural crest-derived mesenchymal cells and SMG branching morphogenesis. Thus, PDGF signaling is a possible mechanism involved in the interaction between epithelial and neural crest-derived mesenchyme.  相似文献   

The developmental expression of nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor was quantitated in either homogenates or plasma membrane-enriched preparations from whole rat embryos or from isolated tissues. The assay involved crosslinking 125I-NGF to receptors followed by immunoprecipitation with a monoclonal antibody to rat NGF receptor. In some cases, the pellet was resuspended and subjected to a sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) autoradiographic analysis. The NGF receptor was found in whole embryo homogenates as early as embryonic Day 10 (E10) (earliest age examined). The NGF receptor content in whole embryos per milligram protein increased about 3-fold from E11 to E18 and decreased slightly at E20. SDS-PAGE autoradiography showed that the molecular weights of 125I-NGF-bound receptors did not vary with age. The NGF receptor content in sciatic nerve homogenates decreased 23-fold from newborn to adulthood. The change of NGF receptor level in hindleg muscle had a profile similar to that seen in sciatic nerve. The NGF receptor content in superior cervical ganglion (SCG) or dorsal root ganglion (DRG) homogenate preparations was expressed in two ways. On a per milligram protein basis, in SCG, the receptor density was decreased slightly from E20 to adulthood; in DRG, it was relatively constant from E15 through postnatal Day 0 (PND-0) and then dropped 6.7-fold in adults. On a per ganglion basis, in SCG, it increased 4.4-fold from E20 to adult; in DRG, it increased 9-fold from E15 to PND-0 and then stayed constant through adulthood. In brain membrane preparations, the NGF receptor level decreased 11-fold from E15 to adulthood. In spinal cord membrane preparations, it decreased 7-fold from E18 to adulthood. Levels of receptor in cord were always greater than in brain. These data suggest that alterations in the NGF receptor density may have a role in changes in tissue responsiveness to NGF during development.  相似文献   

Summary The expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) was determined in cryosections of 42 human gliomas using biotinylated epidermal growth factor (B-EGF) and two monoclonal antibodies (mAb) against EGFR. All gliomas were found to express EGFR when examined with B-EGF, whereas 33 expressed EGFR when examined with the two mAbs. The highly malignant gliomas (glioblastomas and anaplastic astrocytomas) had a more heterogeneous staining pattern and a larger proportion of tumour cells staining strongly with B-EGF than did the low-grade gliomas (astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, mixed gliomas, and ependymomas). This indicates that high-grade gliomas contain more tumour cells rich in EGFR than do the low-grade gliomas. Reactive astrocytes, ependymal cells, and many types of nerve cells (cerebral cortical pyramidal cells, pyramidal and granular hippocampal cells, Purkinje cells, cerebellar granular cells and neurons in the molecular layer of the cerebellum) expressed EGFR, whereas small neurons and normal glial cells were not found to express EGFR.  相似文献   

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