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A stimulation method was employed by which chemosensory evoked potentials were recorded without tactile somatosensory contamination. The purpose of the study was to determine whether potential components evoked by stimulation of the chemoreceptors of the trigeminal nerve can be distinguished from those of the olfactory nerve. The stimulants (vanillin, phenylethyl alcohol, limonene, menthol, anethol, benzaldehyde, carbon dioxide and a mixture of vanilin and carbon dioxide) were presented in a randomized order to 13 volunteers. Chemosensory evoked potentials to substances which anosmics are unable to perceive (vanillin, phenylethyl alcohol) were termed olfactory evoked potentials; potentials to CO2, which effected no olfactory sensations were termed chemo-somatosensory potentials. Analysis of variance revealed that the different substances resulted in statistically significant changes in the amplitudes and latencies of the evoked potentials, and also in the subjective estimates of intensity. An increased excitation of the somatosensory system resulted in reduced latencies and enhanced amplitudes of the evoked potentials. Responses to the mixture of carbon dioxide and vanillin appeared significantly earlier (50–150 msec) than responses to either substance alone.  相似文献   

In order to create a P300-based brain-computer interface (BCI) (the so-called Farwell-Donchin paradigm, FD) with a symbol matrix used as a stimulus, we compared characteristics of event-related potentials (ERPs) in response to stimulation by 6 × 6 matrices composed of either pictogram symbols or Cyrillic alphabet characters. Nine healthy adults were examined in 18 experiments, during which 28-channel EEGs were recorded in the course of stimulation with matrices of these two types. The obtained ERP data, i.e., amplitudes and peak latencies of the ERP components N1, P3 (with the P3a and P3b sub-components), and N4 were compared and analyzed for different types of stimulation matrices. In at least seven out of nine subjects, P3a, P3b, and N4 ERP amplitudes were larger in response to the symbol matrix than to the character matrix, while N1 amplitudes were larger for the character matrix. For N1 and P3a, the ERP latencies were shorter for the symbol matrix, while for P3b and N4, they were longer for the character matrix. The topography of differential ERP responses to the two types of stimuli was analyzed using a series of paired t-tests. Differences of ERP component amplitudes were determined individually for each of the 28 channels; next, for each site, absolute t-test values were summed for all nine subjects. For all ERP components studied, the t-test for peak amplitudes in response to target and non-target letters identified two separate areas with distinct lateralization. ERP responses to target and non-target symbols differed most in transversely extended areas. Finally, the yield surface of differential response to target letters and target symbols had a complex topography.  相似文献   

Repeated nocigenic stimuli applied to the skin evoked a hyperalgesia in healthy subjects while in patients with neurasthenia which is a natural model of a chronic psychoemotional stress, they evoked a hyperalgesia accompanied by sensitization. The differences in the nociceptive system responses show particularities in reactivity (plasticity) of a wide dynamic range of the spinal neurons under chronic psychoemotional stress that is due to disorders in supraspinal descending modulation system of plasticity in the spinal nociceptive neurons.  相似文献   

Summary Repetitive stimulation of human peripheral nerves in situ produces an amplitude oscillation of the evoked action potentials. The purpose of this experiment was to describe the dynamics of the response as a function of the characteristics of the electrical stimuli. Two attempts to define precisely the origin of the response have proved ineffective.These studies were supported in part by Grant MH 8786-01 from the National Institute of Health and in part by Grant GR 2000 from the National Science Foundation. The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Mrs. Madelon Krissoff in the analysis of the data.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological, multi-unit responses from the ethmoidbranch of the trigeminal nerve to chemical stimuli (amyl acetate,d-carvone, l-carvone, l-menthol and toluene) were examined,using self- and cross-adaptation paradigms, to address the questionof whether different chemical stimuli may stimulate trigeminalnerve fibers using different ‘receptive pathways’and thus to suggest whether qualitative distinctions betweendifferent compounds may be made by trigeminal chemoreceptors.No adaptation occurred between l-menthol and toluene, suggestingthat these two compounds activate different receptive pathwaysin the trigeminal nerve which may be capable of making qualitativediscriminations between these two compounds. Symmetrical adaptationoccurred between amyl acetate and d-carvone, amyl acetate andl-carvone, amyl acetate and toluene, and l-carvone and d-carvonesuggesting that these compounds may activate the same receptivepathways in the trigeminal nerve which may not be capable ofmaking qualitative discriminations between these compounds.Asymmetrical adaptation occurred between amyl acetate and l-menthol,d-carvone and l-menthol, l-carvone and l-menthol, d-carvoneand toluene, and l-carvone and toluene. This implies that theprocessing of these stimuli by trigeminal nerve fibers may bemore complex than anticipated previously.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) phototherapy is a promising new treatment for inflammatory airway diseases. However, the potential carcinogenic risks associated with this treatment are not well understood. UV-specific DNA photoproducts were used as biomarkers to address this issue. Radioimmunoassay was used to quantify cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and (6–4) photoproducts in DNA purified from two milieus: nasal mucosa samples from subjects exposed to intranasal phototherapy and human airway (EpiAirway™) and human skin (EpiDerm™) tissue models. Immunohistochemistry was used to detect CPD formation and persistence in human nasal biopsies and human tissue models. In subjects exposed to broadband ultraviolet radiation, DNA damage frequencies were determined prior to as well as immediately after treatment and at increasing times post-treatment. We observed significant levels of DNA damage immediately after treatment and efficient removal of the damage within a few days. No residual damage was observed in human subjects exposed to multiple UVB treatments several weeks after the last treatment. To better understand the molecular response of the nasal epithelium to DNA damage, parallel experiments were conducted in EpiAirway and EpiDerm model systems. Repair rates in these two tissues were very similar and comparable to that observed in human skin. The data suggest that the UV-induced DNA damage response of respiratory epithelia is very similar to that of the human epidermis and that nasal mucosa is able to efficiently repair UVB induced DNA damage.  相似文献   

Human evoked potentials to somatosensory stimuli of non-painful and painful intensity recorded from the vertex have been studied. The indices of variability of N150 and P250 components registered in the same subject as well as indices of interrelationship between spontaneous changes of these components decreased when stimulus intensity increased. A supposition is advanced that the role of general source responsible for generations N150 and P250 components diminished when stimulus intensity increased, accordingly participation of autonomic sources became more prominent.  相似文献   

The work investigated event-related potentials, mismatch negativity (MMN), and P3a component under dichotic stimulation with deviant stimuli simulating abrupt or smooth displacement of auditory images to the left or to the right from the head midline by means of interaural time delay introduced into the deviant stimuli. Repetitive standard stimuli were localized near the head midline. All deviant stimuli elicited mismatch negativity and P3a component. It was shown the MMN for smooth deviant motion was lower than that for the abrupt deviant displacement. MMN amplitude for both deviant types obviously depended on interaural time delay, which confirms that MMN might be considered as a measure of the auditory system spatial discriminative ability. The P3a component demonstrated the same amplitude dependences as the MMN. The results obtained are discussed in respect to manifestation of the processes underlying the auditory motion detection in the event-related potentials.  相似文献   

Auditory event-related potentials (ERP) were registered to the dichotically presented white noise stimuli (duration 1500 ms, band 150-1200 Hz). Abrupt or gradual change ofinteraural time difference in the middle of stimuli (750 ms after sound offset) was perceived as an apparent auditory image (AI) instant relocation or motion from the midline to one of the ears. In responses these stimuli two ERPs were observed: one to the sound onset, and second--to the onset of motion or AI relocation. ERPs to AI relocation differed from those to sound onset in longer components latencies (123 ms versus 105 ms for N 1,227 ms versus 190 ms for P2). In responses to AI motion component latencies were even longer (N1: 137 ms, P2: 240 ms); N1 amplitude was greater at sites contralateral to the AI motion direction.  相似文献   

Painful stimulation of tooth pulp and of the maxillary gingiva was undertaken in 16 volunteers. Short-latency evoked potentials (15–20 msec) were recorded over 800 trials in each case at F3-P3 of F4-P4, and the resultant averaged wave forms were compared. The gingival wave was distinct in all subjects and could be averaged across subjects while the dental waves were either noise or very inconsistent over subjects. Averaging of the dental wave forms across subjects yielded an uninterpretable result. It was clear that dental evoked potentials could not be recorded at these sites. These findings could be explained by either or both of two hypotheses: (1) dental afferents are predominantly small fiber, nociceptive end organs that conduct more slowly than soft tissue afferents whereas gingival stimulation activates both large and small fiber populations; and (2) dental representation in somatosensory cortex is different and phylogenetically more primitive than that of neighboring soft tissue. Therefore, the location of the generator sites in cortex and the orientation of the dipole may be different for dental than for gingival wave forms.  相似文献   

Sanico, Alvin M., Satsuki Atsuta, David Proud, and AlkisTogias. Plasma extravasation through neuronal stimulation in humannasal mucosa in the setting of allergic rhinitis. J. Appl. Physiol. 84(2): 537-543, 1998.We havepreviously shown that capsaicin nasal challenge in subjects withallergic rhinitis produces a dose-dependent increase in the albumincontent of nasal lavage fluids. In the present set of studies, wedetermined whether this observation represents plasma extravasationthat is neuronally mediated. To evaluate whether glandular secretionscontribute to the albumin increase in nasal lavage fluids, volunteerswith allergic rhinitis were pretreated with atropine or placebo before capsaicin challenge. Atropine significantly reduced the volume ofreturned lavage fluids and their lysozyme content but increased theiralbumin and fibrinogen content. To assess the contribution of sensorynerve stimulation, subjects with allergic rhinitis were pretreated in asecond study with lidocaine or placebo before capsaicin challenge.Lidocaine significantly attenuated the capsaicin-induced increases inthe volume of nasal lavage fluids, as well as their lysozyme andalbumin content. To rule out the possibility of a direct effect oflidocaine on blood vessels rather than on nerves, healthy subjects werepretreated in a third study with lidocaine or placebo before bradykininnasal challenge. Lidocaine did not affect the bradykinin-inducedincrease in the albumin content of nasal fluids. We conclude that, inallergic rhinitis, high-dose capsaicin induces plasma extravasation inthe human nose and that this effect is neuronally mediated. Thisprovides more definitive evidence that neurogenic inflammation canoccur in vivo in the human upper airway.


Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of odorant concentration on the olfactory event-related potential (OERP).Design and Methods: OERP were evaluated in 8 men and 8 women (17–34 years of age) in response to 4 concentrations of vanillin (7, 28, 56 and 84% v/v). Sixteen presentations of each concentration (stimulus duration 200 ms, interval 40 s, flow 8 l/min) were applied in a randomized order. EEG recordings were made at 3 midline sites (pos. Fz, Cz, Pz). Amplitudes and latencies of four peaks were measured (latencies in ms at Pz after stimulation with 84% v/v vanillin): P1 (277), N1 (348), P2 (412) and P3 (496). Statistical analysis was performed with MANOVAs (`concentration', `recording site'=within-subject-factors; `age' as covariate).Results: With increasing stimulus concentration amplitudes became significantly larger; this was most pronounced for P3 (P1N1: F=2.90, P<0.05; N1P2: F=5.15, P<0.01; N1P3: F=35.7, P<0.001; P3: F=38.6; P<0.001). Correspondingly, latencies shortened with increasing concentrations (P1: F=25.2; N1: 17.51; P2: 14.8; P3: 13.4; all P<0.001). While there was no correlation between OERP amplitudes and butanol odor detection thresholds, latencies were the shorter the lower the subjects' thresholds (coefficients of correlations for peak latencies at Cz for 84% v/v: P1 r15=minus0.59; N1 r15=minus0.58; P2 r15=minus0.55; P3 r15=minus0.45).Conclusions: The results indicated that both OERP amplitudes and latencies are related to the concentration of olfactory stimuli. They also suggested that latencies exhibit a stronger relation to changes in stimulus intensity compared to OERP amplitudes.  相似文献   

The present study uses the N400 component of event-related potentials (ERPs) as a processing marker of single spoken words presented during sleep. Thirteen healthy volunteers participated in the study. The auditory ERPs were registered in response to a semantic priming paradigm made up of pairs of words (50% related, 50% unrelated) presented in the waking state and during sleep stages II, III–IV and REM. The amplitude, latency and scalp distribution parameters of the negativity observed during stage II and the REM stage were contrasted with the results obtained in the waking state. The `N400-like' effect elicited in these stages of sleep showed a mean amplitude for pairs of unrelated words significantly greater than for related pairs and an increment of latency. These results suggest that during these sleep stages a semantic priming effect is maintained actively although the lexical processing time increases.  相似文献   

Lipoic acid is an essential coenzyme in the oxidation of pyruvate and -ketoglutarate. It is easily converted to its reduced form, dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA), in vivo thereby forming a redox pair. DHLA is important in the maintenance and integrity of specific neuronal and subcellular membranes. In the present study we investigated the effect of DHLA on the response of isolated rat bladder strips to repetitive field stimulation (FS), a method used to exhaust synaptic stores of acetylcholine resulting in nerve and synaptic damage.Isolated strips of rat urinary bladders were separated into 4 groups. Group 1 strips were incubated with choline + acetyl-CoA; Group 2 strips with choline, acetyl-CoA + DHLA; and Group 3 with DHLA. Group 4 strips were controls. All strips in Groups 1–3 were subjected to 2 h of repetitive FS followed by 2 h of recovery.DHLA had no effect on the progressive decrease in contractile response observed during repetitive stimulation. However, strips incubated in the presence of DHLA showed a significantly greater degree of recovery than strips incubated in the absence of DHLA. We believe that the protection of the contractile response is related to DHLA's ability to protect nerve and/or muscle membranes from oxidative damage.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded in 47 patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) syndrome prior to and after 6 weeks of treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Compared with a control group, the OSA patients showed ERP abnormalities: lengthened P3 latencies and decreased N2-P3 amplitudes. After 6 weeks of CPAP treatment, there was a highly significant improvement in the abnormal ERPs: the P3 and N2 latencies were shortened, but remained longer than in controls, and the N2-P3 and N1-P2 amplitudes were increased. No correlations could be established with various sleep variables. ERPs may be used as an electrophysiological marker of brain dysfunction; treatment of OSA with CPAP is probably responsible for functional brain modifications. On the other hand, possible relationships between the ERP abnormalities and the neuropsychological disorders observed in OSA remain to be established.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the bioelectrical reactions of structures of the medulla oblongata connected with lateral line electro- and mechanoreceptor were investigated in acute experiments on skates under urethane anesthesia. The parameters of the evoked potentials (EP) are characteristic of each of the lateral line nerves studied. A comparison of the characteristics of the fast and slow components of the EP obtained by stimulation of nerves of the medulla oblongata makes it possible to state a hypothesis concerning the presynaptic origin of the fast and the postsynaptic origin of the slow components of the EP. A dependence of the magnitude of the EP on the amplitude of the stimulus and on the location of the active electrode was found. The location of the focus of maximum activity was determined for each of the nerves investigated. A correlation was established between some parameters of the bioelectrical reactions of the medulla oblongata and the morphophysiological properties of the fibers which make up the nerves studied. The results obtained make it possible to assume the presence in the medulla oblongata of spatially arranged structures responsible for the development of the bioelectrical effects in response to stimulation of the lateral line nerves of fish.I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 284–292, May–June, 1971.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate how information carried by a cue stimulus modulate event-related potentials (ERPs) to a subsequent target stimulus which either calls for an overt response (Go stimulus) or no response (Nogo stimulus). One of the cues predicted the likely appearance of the Go stimulus (Go cue) whereas the other cue predicted the likely appearance of the Nogo stimulus (Nogo cue). Our results showed that unpredicted Nogo stimuli elicited enlarged N200 component. This finding supports the notion that Nogo N200 reflects response inhibition processes, i.e., the amplitude of the N200 is a function of the difficulty of response inhibition. In other words, increased N200 to Nogo stimuli following Go cues might be related to increased efforts in activating the response inhibition system thereby interrupting preparations to respond.  相似文献   

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