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A study was undertaken to determine (1) the effects of endogenous Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) on the developing human fetal genital tract; (2) the time in fetal life when MIS is first capable of inhibiting the growth of the embryonic Müllerian ducts; and (3) the reversibility of the effects of MIS on the developing male Müllerian ducts. Human fetal reproductive tracts were transplanted and grown for sustained periods in vivo in athymic nude mice. The genital tracts from 12 male human fetuses, ages 51 to 68 days postovulation, were grafted without their associated gonads into castrated murine hosts and grown for 30 to 70 days. Controls consisted of genital tracts from 8 female human fetuses, ages day 53 to 70 that were grown under identical conditions. Male specimens grew to approximately one-half the size of female specimens and disclosed varying degrees of inhibition of the Müllerian duct system from absence of the Müllerian ducts in older specimens (after Day 63) to poorly segregated segments of stroma as the mildest defect (less than Day 61). It is concluded that (1) MIS secretion by the embryonic testes probably begins before Day 51 of gestation; (2) the effects of MIS are progressive during the so-called critical window; (3) the effects of MIS are permanent; and (4) the mesenchyme is an important target of MIS.  相似文献   

We demonstrated that interferon delays the maturation of human monocytes to macrophages in vitro as assessed by morphologic, histochemical, and biochemical parameters. After exposure to interferon, monocytes were slightly smaller, less stretched out, and had a delayed loss of granules with peroxidase positive reactivity, as compared with control, noninterferon-treated cells. Also, interferon prevented the increase of the specific activity of three lysosomal enzymes (β-galactosidase, β-glucuronidase, and β-N-acetylglucosaminidase) in the monocytes, and enzyme activities were 30–40% of that observed in untreated cells. Both human leukocyte and human fibroblast interferons were effective in delaying the maturation process. The effects of the interferon were species specific and reversible and were neutralized by antiinterferon serum. These studies describe a new nonantiviral effect of interferon, unique in that it involves the delay of maturation of cells in a system which is not associated with cell proliferation. Thus interferon could potentially effect host defense mechanisms and aspects of the immune response which are dependent on the maturation of monocytes to macrophages.  相似文献   

Nuclear multiplication stage embryos were punctured in either the anterior, midlateral, or posterior regions. Both embryos and adults were examined for defects, and the defects were correlated with whether there had been any leakage of cytoplasmic material from the egg at the time of puncturing. Embryonic defects were found, correlated to the site of damage, in all three regions. A number of embryos was followed through development and it was found that 15.1% of the embryos which leaked cytoplasm hatched into larvae, compared to 82.3% of those which did not leak any cytoplasm. Morphological defects arising as a result of lateral puncture only were observed in adults. Many sterile adults were obtained from eggs in which the posterior region had been punctured. The results show that nuclear multiplication embryos are well able to tolerate the disturbance of the cortical cytoplasm created by puncture, but only rarely are they able to compensate for the actual loss of material by regulation. The results were similar to those observed after puncturing Drosophila embryos at the cellular blastoderm stage.  相似文献   

J C Butte  J A Moore  R Kakihana 《Life sciences》1979,24(25):2343-2349
Current evidence indicates that the secretion of testosterone during perinatal life is essential in organizing the male brain which subsequently directs the male pattern of gonadotrophin (GTH) secretion and adult male sexual behavior in the rat. It has been hypothesized that testosterone is converted into estradiol enzymatically in the brain prior to its action. In the absence of testosterone and with the resultant low levels of estradiol, female patterns of gonadotrophin secretion and behavior result. In order to investigate this hypothesis further, the endogenous levels of gonadal steroids in the plasmas and brains of 24–48 hr old male and female rats were determined. Pooled samples were analyzed for testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and estradiol by radioimmunoassay. Testosterone levels in male brain and plasma samples were significantly (10-fold) higher than those in the female brain and plasma samples. Brain levels of estradiol were significantly higher in the male than in the female neonate, while plasma levels were identical. Whether the higher level of estradiol in the male brain is due to enzymatic conversion from testosterone within the brain differences in permeability or some other mechanism cannot be stated at this point. The significantly higher brain levels of both testosterone and estradiol in male neonates do fit the pattern predicted by the present concept of sexual differentiation. Dihydrotestosterone levels in brain and plasma of male rats were about 25% of those of testosterone. However in females the brain levels of dihydrotestosterone were significantly higher than testosterone even though the plasma levels of these hormones were identical. This may reflect a protective mechanism through which permeability of testosterone is lowered in the neonatal female brain during the critical period or simply a functional conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone in the female during this period.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that, as amoebae of the cellular slime mold Polysphondylium pallidum become aggregation competent, they accumulate on their cell surface a carbohydrate-binding protein (lectin) named pallidin. These amoebae also possess cell surface receptors, presumed to contain complex oligosaccharides with a high affinity for the endogenous lectin. If lectin-receptor interactions mediate cell-cell contact, then appropriate concentrations of pallidin inhibitors should block cell cohesion. Two potent macromolecular antagonists of the lectin were employed: the desialylated form of the glycoprotein fetuin and the univalent antibody (Fab) prepared against pallidin. We studied the effects of these inhibitors on rotation-mediated aggregation of P. pallidum amoebae under a variety of assay conditions. Amoebae exposed to hypertonic conditions or to antimetabolites (“Permissive conditions”) were selectively blocked from associating by microgram quantities of the lectin inhibitors, whereas cells in isotonic buffer (“nonpermissive condition”) were only slightly affected. A comparison of the morphology of agglutinates formed under the various conditions allows several explanations for the different susceptibilities to inhibition by antipallidin reagents. Although not conclusive, the work supports a model of cell adhesion in this simple eukaryotic system based at least in part on specific interactions between carbohydrate-binding proteins and receptors on adjoining cells.  相似文献   

The plasma aldosterone radioimmunoassay developed by Ito et al. was found to be non-specific for aldosterone following administration of the spirolactones, spironolactone and canrenoate-K, in rabbits, dogs and humans. The assay interfering principle was identified as a hydroxylated derivative (M-B) of canrenone, which itself is a metabolite common to both spironolactone and canrenoate-K. The metabolite M-B possessed a high cross-reactivity to the 21-hemisuccinate aldosterone antibody relative to other spirolactones. A modified procedure was developed specific for plasma aldosterone in the presence of M-B. Following single doses of spironolactone and canrenoate-K, aldosterone plasma levels were unchanged in humans and in dogs and decreased in rabbits.  相似文献   

Quiescent confluent monolayers of WI38 human diploid fibroblasts were stimulated to proliferate by replacement of the exhausted medium with fresh medium containing 10% fetal calf serum. The cellular content of the polyamines, putrescine, spermidine, and spermine was studied at various intervals after the nutritional change. The putrescine content increased during the pre-replicative phase of the cell cycle, whereas the content of spermidine and spermine did not increase until after the initiation of DNA synthesis. By varying the composition of the stimulating medium it was possible to alter the percentage of cells that were stimulated to proliferate. Measurement of the cellular polyamine content and 3H-thymidine (3H-TdR) incorporation into DNA at the time of the maximal rate of DNA synthesis showed that the magnitude of putrescine accumulation depended on the percentage of cells that were stimulated to proliferate. These results indicate that there may be a connection between polyamine synthesis and subsequent DNA replication.  相似文献   

Type II B arylsulfatases are known to inactivate slow reacting substance (SRS), but the mechanism is unclear. In the present study, ordinary commercial preparations of Sigma limpet arylsulfatase largely inactivated the glutathionyl and cysteinyl-glycyl forms of SRS, but the cysteinyl form of SRS was largely resistant to the enzyme. Evidence is presented which established that a major mechanism for the inactivation of the glutathionyl and cysteinyl-glycyl SRS types, at least by the particular enzyme preparations we have studied, involves cleavage of the glycine moiety from the sulfur containing side chain. This was confirmed by digestion studies with glutathione itself. In addition, there is ome evidence to indicate that the enzyme may destabilize the double bond structure of the SRS molecule, contributing to the overall inactivation.  相似文献   

The activation of lymphocytes has been used to study the regulation of mammalian gene expression. Concanavalin A (Con A) added to mouse spleen lymphocytes in serum-free medium leads to an increase in the rate of DNA synthesis as great as 1000 fold, commencing 20 hr after its addition. Prior to 20 hr, the rate of purine synthesis increases 10–100 fold as measured by accumulation of the purine intermediate, formyl glycineamide ribonucleotide (FGAR). Addition of dibutyryl cyclic GMP to the lymphocyte suspensions results in a 10 fold increase in the rate of DNA synthesis in the absence of Con A and enhances both purine synthesis and DNA synthesis in its presence. The activity of phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase (PRPP synthetase), an enzyme central to purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis, is increased 2–10 fold during the activation. The increase begins to appear 8 hr after Con A addition and requires concomitant protein synthesis. The induced PRPP synthetase activity is stimulated by the presence of cyclic GMP in the enzyme assay. Addition of dibutyryl cyclic AMP to Con A-stimulated lymphocytes inhibits FGAR production, the stimulation of DNA synthesis, and the appearance of cyclic GMP-sensitive PRPP synthetase. These studies suggest that cyclic nucleotides play a significant role in the molecular mechanism of lymphocyte activation, the regulation of purine biosynthesis, and of eucaryotic genetic expression.  相似文献   

A study was made of the in vitro proliferative activity of thymus-derived lymphoid cells from cyclophosphamide-treated mice (Cy-mice) and the relationship between this and some in vivo immunological responses. The proliferative response to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) and allogeneic cells was depressed for up to 3 weeks after drug treatment in spleen and lymph node cells, responsiveness recovering more rapidly in lymph node cells. Cell concentration in culture was shown to be important in such measurements as cells from some Cy-mice were able to inhibit their own proliferation and that of normal lymph node cells. No stable soluble factor responsible for this effect could be isolated. It was shown that in vitro proliferative activity is not a good indicator of in vivo T-cell capability as indicated by the very rapid recovery of ability to reject skin grafts and the fairly rapid recovery of ability to produce cytotoxic cells compared to the slower recovery of in vitro T-cell activities.  相似文献   

The lipid composition of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant (GL 1–38) lacking δ-aminolevulinic acid synthase (EC was investigated. This mutant is unable to synthesize heme compounds and, as a consequence, cannot make unsaturated fatty acids or ergosterol. The mutant cells were grown (i) in medium supplemented with δ-aminolevulinic acid or (ii) in medium supplemented with Tween 80 (as a source of oleate) and ergosterol. After growth in the presence of δ-aminolevulinic acid, the fatty acid composition of total lipids and mitochondrial lipids was the same as that of the corresponding wild-type strain. After growth in the presence of Tween 80 and ergosterol, the mutant cells contained increased levels of oleate and greatly decreased levels of palmitoleate. The ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids in these cells was still close to that of the wild type but much lower than that of the medium. The sphingolipids accounted for 5.2% of the lipid phosphate in the wild type and, after growth in Tween 80 and ergosterol, for 12.7% in the mutant. Changes in other phospholipids were too small to be considered significant.  相似文献   

Cultured human fetal aortic smooth muscle cells derived from the abdominal aorta converted benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) and 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) via cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygenation to metabolites detectable by both a highly sensitive radiometric assay and high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Cells incubated with 3H-BaP transformed this substrate primarily to phenols. 14C-DMBA was converted to metabolites that cochromatographed with 12-hydroxymethyl-7-methylbenz[a]anthracene, 7-hydroxymethyl-12-methylbenz-[a]anthracene, 7,12-dihydroxymethylbenz[a]anthracene, and trans-8,9-dihydrodiol-7,12-DMBA. Exposure of cells in culture to 13 μM 1,2-benz[a]anthracene resulted in increased oxidative metabolism of both BaP and DMBA. In the case of BaP, total phenol formation was increased, while with DMBA all metabilities detected by HPLC were increased. Support for the potential role of metabolism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by aortic smooth muscle cells in the etiology of atherosclerosis was obtained.  相似文献   

The plasma aldosterone radioimmunoassay developed by Ito et al. was found to be non-specific for aldosterone following administration of the spirolactones, spironolactone and canrenoate-K, in rabbits, dogs and humans. The assay interfering principle was identified as a hydroxylated derivative (MB) of canrenone, which itself is a metabolite common to both spironolactone and canrenoate-K. The metabolite MB possessed a high cross-reactivity to the 21-hemisuccinate aldosterone antibody relative to other spirolactones. A modified procedure was developed specific for plasma aldosterone in the presence of MB. Following single doses of spironolactone and canrenoate-K, aldosterone plasma levels were unchanged in humans and in dogs and decreased in rabbits.  相似文献   

The proliferation of Molt-4 lymphoblasts and phytohemagglutinin-stimulated human T lymphocytes in vitro was inhibited significantly by 10(-12) to 10(-10) M to 10(-13) to 10(-9) M somatostatin, as assessed by the uptake of [3H]thymidine and [3H]leucine, respectively. The inhibitory effect of somatostatin was not attributable to cytotoxicity and was associated with a mean degradation of 52 and over 95% of immunoreactive somatostatin, respectively, after 3 and 24 hr of incubation at 37 degrees C. The specific suppression of Molt-4 lymphoblasts and T lymphocytes by somatostatin represents a distinct mechanism for the specific regulation of immunological responses by neuropeptides of the peripheral nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Collagen in the egg shell membranes of the hen   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Collagen-like proteins have been found in the egg shell membranes of the hen. Materials similar to types I and V collagens were detected in each of the two layers of this membrane, the thick outer membrane and the thin inner membrane. Collagen was extracted by acid-pepsin digestion and isolated by differential salt precipitation. Identification of type-specific collagen-like material was established by coelectrophoresis on SDS-polyacrylamide gels using known collagen standards. These bands were susceptible to digestion by bacterial collagenase. From differential staining of the gels it was estimated that the ratio of collagen types I:V was approximately 100:1. Further confirmation of these biochemical results was obtained with immunofluorescence microscopy using type-specific antisera against chicken types I and V collagen with the indirect sandwich technique. Both the inner and outer shell membranes contained the two types of collagen. Within each membrane, the large, coarse 2.5-micron fibers contained predominantly type I collagen-like material, while type V collagen was mainly associated with the delicate narrower fibers of approximately 0.6-micron diameter. These tended to be concentrated in the inner membrane. At the electron microscopic level, both types of fibers were coated with glycoproteins that stained positively with ruthenium red. The deposition of these collagen-like substances by the hen oviduct on to the surface of the developing egg is an additional example of interstitial-type collagen synthesis and secretion by epithelial rather than by mesenchymal cells.  相似文献   

CH3Hg(II)OH forms complexes at pH 8 with tyrosine and with tyrosine ethyl ester (TEE) that are detected by ultraviolet difference absorption spectra. With Kf defined by CH3HgOH + HB
CH3HgB + H2O, we find log Kf = 3.61 (tyrosine) and 3.36 (TEE). A heavy-atom effect is observed in frozen glasses of the complexes; this indicates a close interaction between Hg and the chromophore. No UV difference spectrum or heavy-atom effect is observed with N-acetyl tyrosine ethyl ester, indicating that complexing at the phenol O does not occur, and suggesting that binding occurs at the amine N. Zero field optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) measurements of the CH3Hg(II)-tyrosine triplet state give (D, E) = (0.129, 0.047) or (0.134, 0.041) cm?1 depending upon assignment of transitions. D of tyrosine is relatively unaffected, but E is reduced by CH3Hg(II) complexing. Low-temperature kinetic measurements show that the shortest lived sublevel of the complex is Tz, where z lies along the phenol long axis in tyrosine. A dominant 11.6-msec component in the 77 K decay of the phosphorescence is consistent with the individual sublevel lifetimes obtained by ODMR.  相似文献   

The effect of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and isoenzyme pattern of detergents, incubation time, and sonication in the preparation of rat liver samples was investigated. The activity of the manganese form of the enzyme (Mn-SOD) was found to decrease significantly after 4 hr of incubation at room temperature, and activity of the copper, zinc form of the enzyme (Cu, Zn-SOD) was not changed significantly even after 24 hr, although levels were somewhat decreased. Sonication of the sample did not affect Cu, Zn-SOD activity, but total Mn-SOD activity was increased. Addition of detergents did not increase Mn-SOD activity when homogenates were sonicated, indicating that Mn-SOD is not membrane bound. Detergents also had no effect on Cu, Zn-SOD activity. None of the treatments investigated altered the isoenzyme patterns, providing evidence that these isoenzymes are not degradation products.  相似文献   

We have developed a rapid and simple technique for the simultaneous isolation of all the major viral proteins from RNA tumor viruses. The basis for this procedure is analytical sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Using dansylated virus as internal marker it is possible to follow the migration of unlabeled viral proteins since dansylation does not change the mobility of labeled proteins (8). The method results in approximately 80% recovery of starting protein and is very reproducible. Using radioimmunoassay no alteration of the purified proteins is detectable.  相似文献   

The induction kinetics of human suppressor cells in mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC) and the influence of prednisolone on the genesis of these suppressor cells is reported. We induced over 1 to 6 days suppressor cells in one-way MLC (MLC-1), the inhibitory activity of which was tested on a secondary MLC (MLC-2), and on responder cells alone, where lymphocytes were obtained from the same lymphocyte donors as for the MLC-1. In four experiments the degree of inhibition (x? ± SE) when suppressor cells were induced for 2, 4, or 6 days was 38.5 ± 11.8, 79.5 ± 7, and 85 ± 6%, respectively, compared to 50.5 ± 9.4, 83.3 ± 7.8, and 85.3 ± 9.8% when 500 ng/ml prednisolone was added to the MLC-1. A similar inhibition pattern was observed when the generated suppressor cells were incubated with responder cells only. The inhibitory activity of these MLC-induced suppressor cells was abrogated by irradiation with 3000 R. Suppressor cells apparently are generated in MLCs between Days 1 and 4; furthermore, their genesis is not affected by usual therapeutic concentrations of prednisolone.  相似文献   

We have shown the dependence of the deamidation half-times of the peptides, GlyLeuGlnAlaGly and GlyArgGlnAlaGly upon pH, temperature, and ionic strength. Increase in temperature or ionic strength, variation of pH to pH′s higher or lower than pH 6, and the use of phosphate buffer rather than Tris buffer at high pH all decrease the half-time of dcamidation. Temperature increase of 20°C or pH change of 2 pH units decreases the half-time about fivefold, while increase of one ionic strength unit decreases the half-time about twofold. In pH 7.4, I = 0.2, 37.0°C phosphate buffer, the deamidation half-times are 663 ± 74 and 389 ± 56 days respectively for the two peptides, GlyLeuGlnAlaGly and GlyArgGlnAlaGly.These experiments should serve as a warning to peptide and protein experimenters that even the more stable glutaminyl residues are unstable with respect to deamidation in certain solvent conditions. These experiments also provide, along with previously reported experiments on asparaginyl peptides (7), some quantitative data to help with the extrapolation of in vitro deamidation experiments to in vivo deamidation conditions.  相似文献   

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