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Macrophage apoptosis is an important component of the innate immune defense machinery (against pathogenic mycobacteria) responsible for limiting bacillary viability. However, little is known about the mechanism of how apoptosis is executed in mycobacteria-infected macrophages. Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) was activated in Mycobacterium avium-treated macrophages and in turn activated p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase. M. avium-induced macrophage cell death could be blocked in cells transfected with a catalytically inactive mutant of ASK1 or with dominant negative p38 MAP kinase arguing in favor of a central role of ASK1/p38 MAP kinase signaling in apoptosis of macrophages challenged with M. avium. ASK1/p38 MAP kinase signaling was linked to the activation of caspase 8. At the same time, M. avium triggered caspase 8 activation, and cell death occurred in a Fas-associated death domain (FADD)-dependent manner. The death signal induced upon caspase 8 activation linked to mitochondrial death signaling through the formation of truncated Bid (t-Bid), its translocation to the mitochondria and release of cytochrome c. Caspase 8 inhibitor (z-IETD-FMK) could block the release of cytochrome c as well as the activation of caspases 9 and 3. The final steps of apoptosis probably involved caspases 9 and 3, since inhibitors of both caspases could block cell death. Of foremost interest in the present study was the finding that ASK1/p38 signaling was essential for caspase 8 activation linked to M. avium-induced death signaling. This work provides the first elucidation of a signaling pathway in which ASK1 plays a central role in innate immunity.  相似文献   

We compared the kinetics of activation and antimicrobial activities of MAPK-p38 and MAPK-ERK in bovine monocytes infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) and Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium (Maa). Monocytes were incubated with MAP or Maa organisms with or without a specific inhibitor of the MAPK-p38 pathway (SB203580), and MAPK phosphorylation and antimicrobial functions of monocytes were evaluated. At early time points MAPK-p38 phosphorylation was greater in MAP-infected bovine monocytes than in Maa-infected monocytes. At later time points MAPK-p38 phosphorylation by both organisms was similar. MAPKp38 phosphorylation in MAP-infected monocytes was similar to negative control cells, whereas in Maa-infected this activation remained greater than negative control cells. Increase phosphorylation MAPK-ERK was similar at all time points for both organisms. Bovine monocytes had minimal capacity to kill MAP organisms, to acidify MAP-containing phagosomes, or to form phagolysosome. Alternatively, bovine monocytes were able to kill Maa organisms. Addition of SB203580 to monocyte cultures increased phagosome acidification, phagolysosome formation, and killing of MAP and Maa organisms. Taken together these data indicate that early transient activation of MAPK-p38 in bovine mononuclear phagocytes by MAP organisms may be a key mechanism involved in the capacity of MAP to survive in bovine monocytes.  相似文献   

Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) activate many downstream signaling pathways, some of which can lead to mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) phosphorylation and activation. MAPKs play roles in regulating cell growth, differentiation, and synaptic plasticity. Here, the activation of MAPK was examined in PC12 cells endogenously expressing mAChRs. Western blot analysis using a phosphospecific MAPK antibody revealed a dose-dependent and atropine-sensitive increase in MAPK phosphorylation in cells stimulated with carbachol (CCh). The maximal response occurred after 5 min and was rapidly reduced to baseline. To investigate the receptors responsible for CCh activation of MAPK in PC12 cells, the mAChR subtypes present were determined using RT-PCR and immunoprecipitation. RT-PCR was used to amplify fragments of the appropriate sizes for m1, m4, and m5, and the identities of the bands were confirmed with restriction digests. Immunoprecipitation using subtype-specific antibodies showed that approximately 95% of the expressed receptors were m4, whereas the remaining approximately 5% were m1 and m5. A highly specific m1 toxin completely blocked MAPK phosphorylation in response to CCh stimulation. The mAChR-induced MAPK activation was abolished by protein kinase C down-regulation and partially inhibited by pertussis toxin. Although m1 represents a small proportion of the total mAChR population, pharmacological evidence suggests that m1 is responsible for MAPK activation in PC12 cells.  相似文献   

We have investigated possible factors that underlie changes in the production of eicosanoids after prolonged exposure of mast cells to Ag. Ag stimulation of cultured RBL-2H3 mast cells resulted in increased expression of cyclooxygenase (COX-2) protein and message. Other eicosanoid-related enzymes, namely COX-1, 5-lipoxygenase, and cytosolic phospholipase A(2) were not induced. Activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase, c-Jun N-terminal kinase, and p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase preceded the induction of COX-2, whereas phosphatidylinositol 3' kinase and its substrate, Akt, were constitutively activated in RBL-2H3 cells. Studies with pharmacologic inhibitors indicated that of these kinases, only p38 MAP kinase regulated expression of COX-2. The induction of COX-2 was blocked by the p38 MAP kinase inhibitor SB202190, even when added 12-16 h after stimulation with Ag when p38 MAP kinase activity had returned to near basal, but still minimally elevated, levels. Interestingly, expression of COX-2 as well as cytosolic phospholipase A(2) and 5-lipoxygenase were markedly reduced by SB202190 in unstimulated cells. Collectively, the results imply that p38 MAP kinase regulates expression of eicosanoid-related enzymes, passively or actively, at very low levels of activity in RBL-2H3 cells. Also, comparison with published data suggest that different MAP kinases regulate induction of COX-2 in inflammatory cells of different and even similar phenotype and suggest caution in extrapolating results from one type of cell to another.  相似文献   

Carbachol (Cch), a muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChR) agonist, produces time- and dose-dependent increases in mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MAPK/ERK) phosphorylation in nondifferentiated Fischer rat thyroid (FRT) epithelial cells. Cells pretreatment with the selective phospholipase C inhibitor U73122 resulted in a decrease of Cch-stimulated ERK1/2 phosphorylation. These data indicated that the effect of mAChR on ERK activation could be mediated through agonist-induced Ca(2+) mobilization or PKC activation. Phosphorylation of ERK1/2 was mimicked by the protein kinase C (PKC) activator phorbol 12-myristate acetate (PMA), but was not altered either by PKC inhibitor GF109203X or by down-regulation of PKC. Phosphorylation of ERK1/2 was elevated by a direct [Ca(2+)](i) increase caused by thapsigargin or ionophore. Additionally, Cch-induced ERK1/2 phosphorylation was reduced after either inhibition of Ca(2+) influx or intracellular Ca(2+) release. Nevertheless, Cch-mediated ERK1/2 activation was genistein sensitive, indicating the involvement of protein tyrosine kinases on the downstream signalling of mAChR. Pretreatment of the cells with PP2 markedly decreased Cch-induced ERK1/2 phosphorylation, suggesting a role of Src family of tyrosine kinases in the signal transduction pathway involved in ERK1/2 activation by mAChR. To test the biological consequences of ERK activation, we examined the effect of mAChR on cell functions. Cch stimulation of FRT cells did not affect cell proliferation, but increased protein synthesis. This effect was significantly attenuated by PD98059, a selective inhibitor of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MAPKK/MEK). This study demonstrated that muscarinic receptor-mediated increase in the ERK1/2 phosphorylation was dependent on [Ca(2+)](i) but independent of PKC and was mediated by the Src family of tyrosine kinases. Our results also supported the idea that the protein synthesis stimulated by mAChR in polarized FRT epithelial cells was regulated by the ERK1/2 phosphorylation pathway.  相似文献   

The magnitude and duration of signalling through mitogen- and stress-activated kinases are critical determinants of biological effect. This reflects a balance between the activities of upstream activators and a complex regulatory network of protein phosphatases. These mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatases include both dual-specificity (threonine/tyrosine) and tyrosine-specific enzymes, and recent evidence suggests that a single mitogen-activated protein kinase isoform may be acted upon by both classes of protein phosphatase. In both cases, substrate selectivity is determined by specific protein-protein interactions mediated through noncatalytic amino-terminal mitogen-activated protein kinase binding domains. Future challenges include the determination of exactly how this network of protein phosphatases interacts selectively with mitogen-activated protein kinase signalling complexes to achieve precise regulation of these key pathways in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase mediates cell proliferation, cell differentiation, and cell survival by regulating signaling pathways activated by receptor protein tyrosine kinases (RPTKs), including the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-IR). We analyzed the upstream signaling components of the MAP kinase pathway, including RPTKs, in human breast cancer cell lines and found that some of those components were overexpressed. Importantly, signaling molecules such as IGF-IR, insulin receptor, and insulin receptor substrate 1, leading to the MAP kinase pathway, were found to be concomitantly overexpressed within certain tumor lines, i.e., MCF-7 and T-47D. When compared with the nonmalignant and other breast tumor lines examined, MCF-7 and T-47D cells displayed a more rapid, robust, and sustained MAP kinase activation in response to insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) stimulation. By contrast, IGF-I treatment led to a sustained down-regulation of MAP kinase in those lines overexpressing ErbB2-related RPTKs. Interestingly, blocking the MAP kinase pathway with PD098059 had the greatest antiproliferative effect on MCF-7 and T-47D among the normal and tumor lines tested. Furthermore, addition of an IGF-IR blocking antibody to growth medium attenuated the ability of PD098059 to suppress the growth of MCF-7 and T-47D cells. Thus, our study suggests that concomitant overexpression of multiple signaling components of the IGF-IR pathway leads to the amplification of IGF-I-mediated MAP kinase signaling and resultant sensitization to PD098059. The enhanced sensitivity to PD098059 implies an increased requirement for the MAP kinase pathway in those breast cancer cells, making this pathway a potential target in the treatment of selected breast malignancies.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis causes Johne's disease in ruminants, whereas the antigenically and genetically similar subspecies Mycobacterium avium ssp. avium is less virulent. In this study, we compared one strain of each subspecies for its ability to survive, induce cytokines, suppress MHC class I and II expression and induce apoptosis or necrosis in ovine monocyte-derived macrophages. Both subspecies survived intracellularly and induced the secretion of IL-10. Low levels of TNF-alpha were detected after infection with both subspecies at 4 h. IL-12 was not upregulated after infection. Downregulation of MHC class I and II was evident in response to infection with both M. avium ssp. avium and M. avium ssp. paratuberculosis. No significant cytotoxicity was detectable in ovine macrophages after the addition of bacteria. M. avium ssp. paratuberculosis induced slightly more apoptosis than M. avium ssp. avium. Still the overall rate of apoptosis was very low and both subspecies suppressed LPS-induced macrophage apoptosis.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades are ubiquitous signal transduction modules in eukaryotes that are of great interest and importance. Here, we summarize some useful methods for the analysis of MAPK signaling, including methods to (1) detect MAPK activation in cells, with an emphasis on using phosphorylation-state-specific antibodies raised against mammalian phosphopeptide sequences to detect the activation of MAPKs in other species; (2) estimate the cellular concentrations of MAPKs and other proteins of interest; (3) detect and quantify the stable physical association of MAPKs with their substrates and regulators, and estimate the relevant dissociation constants; (4) delineate the MAPK-binding regions or domains of MAPK-interacting proteins, with particular emphasis on the identification and verification of MAPK-docking sites. These procedures are broadly applicable to many organisms, including both yeast and mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Li XY 《生理学报》2001,53(6):414-418
实验旨在研究糖皮质激素快速、非基因组作用的细胞内信号传导机制。Western分析研究结果表明,皮质酮可快速激活PC12细胞中p38丝列原激活的蛋白激酶(mitogen-activated protein kinase,MAPK),时间、浓度曲线均为钟形,最大激活为10^-9mol/L和15min。糖皮质激素受体阻断剂RU38486不能阻断此作用,而小牛血清白蛋白耦联的皮质酮也能快速激活p38。受体酪氨酸激酶阻断剂genistein对此作用无影响,表明此快速作用不涉及受体酪氨酸激酶活性。此作用能被蛋白激酶C(protein kinase C,PKC)激动剂PMA模拟,而被PKC阻断剂Goe6976所阻断。结果表明,皮质酮可能通过推测的膜受体以PKC依赖的方式快速激活p38 MAPK。  相似文献   

In this study, we provide evidence that the double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) is not required for virus-induced expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) or the activation of specific signaling pathways in macrophages. The infection of RAW264.7 cells with encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) induces iNOS expression and nitric oxide production, which are unaffected by a dominant-negative mutant of PKR. EMCV infection also activates the mitogen-activated protein kinase, cyclic AMP response element binding protein, and nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) signaling cascades at 15 to 30 min postinfection in PKR+/+ and PKR-/- macrophages. Activation of these signaling cascades does not temporally correlate with PKR activity or the accumulation of EMCV RNA, suggesting that an interaction between a structural component of the virion and the cell surface may activate macrophages. Consistent with this hypothesis, empty EMCV capsids induced comparable levels of iNOS expression, nitrite production, and activation of these signaling cascades to those induced by intact virions. These findings support the hypothesis that virion-host cell interactions are primary mediators of the PKR-independent activation of signaling pathways that participate in the macrophage antiviral response of inflammatory gene expression.  相似文献   

Arterial smooth muscle stretch is an important physiologicalmodulator of vascular function. To identify intracellular processes altered during muscle stretch, we found previously that extracellular signal-regulated kinase-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activity increased in response to the application of mechanical loads.In the present study, stretch-dependent activation of MAPK in porcinecarotid arteries was investigated as was the phosphorylation of thethin filament-binding protein caldesmon, which is known to be asubstrate for the kinase in fully differentiated smooth muscle. MAPKactivity was 67 pmol · min1 · mgprotein1 in unloaded musclestrips immediately after attachment to force transducers and 139 pmol · min1 · mgprotein1 within 30 s ofmuscle stretch. When muscle strips were continually stretched, MAPKactivity remained elevated for ~2 h and then decreased over 16 h to16 pmol · min1 · mgprotein1. When musclestrips were stretched and then unloaded, MAPK activity decreased within1 h to the level present in the muscle before the stretch. Theseeffects of muscle stretch on MAPK activity were additive to the effectsof KCl or phorbol ester stimulation and were partially inhibited byreducing extracellular Ca2+.Eliminating extracellular Ca2+ hadno effect on phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu)-dependent contractions orMAPK activity; however, KCl-dependent contractions and MAPK activitywere completely abolished by this procedure. An antibody specific fordetecting caldesmon phosphorylated by MAPK, vs. protein kinase C (PKC),was developed and used to assess relative caldesmon phosphorylation inunstimulated and PDBu-stimulated muscle strips. In all casesinvestigated, the level of MAPK activity correlated withphosphocaldesmon immunoreactivity. Because arterial MAPK activity isregulated by PKC- and stretch-dependent mechanisms, these data areconsistent with a role for MAPK and the subsequent phosphorylation ofcaldesmon as mediators in the stretch activation of vascular smoothmuscle.


Li L  Li Y  Zhang L  Xu C  Su T  Ren D  Yang H 《Plant, cell & environment》2012,35(8):1428-1439
Sucrose was recently demonstrated to function as a molecular signal. However, sucrose-specific sensing and signalling pathways remain largely undefined. Here, we show that Cephalostachyum fuchsianum sucrose-activated protein kinase (CfSAPK) is transiently and specifically activated by sucrose in C. fuchsianum Gamble suspension cells. The result suggested that CfSAPK participates in a sucrose-signalling pathway. CfSAPK was partially purified from sucrose-treated cells and further analysed. Kinase activity assays revealed that CfSAPK preferentially used myelin basic protein (MBP) as substrate in vitro and strongly phosphorylate MBP threonine residue(s) and weakly phosphorylated MBP serine residue(s). Of the divalent cations tested, Mg(2+) was required for CfSAPK activation. Phosphatase treatment of CfSAPK abolished its kinase activity, indicating that phosphorylation is required for CfSAPK activation. Seven internal tryptic peptides identified from CfSAPK matched mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in plants. CfSAPK cDNA was cloned using RT-PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). CfSAPK cDNA encodes a 382-amino acid protein with a calculated molecular mass of 43,466.9 Da. The CfSAPK protein contains all 11 conserved kinase subdomains found in other Ser/Thr kinases. The amino acids sequence of CfSAPK is highly homologous to group A MAPKs in monocotyledon plants.  相似文献   

Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP), an enterobacterium, usually causes urinary tract infection or pneumonia; however, it has caused severe liver abscess in diabetic patients in recent years. How this emerging virulent KP strain causes liver abscess is not known. This study investigates signalling pathways in HepG2 cells infected by virulent KP. Cells were infected with bacteria for various durations and harvested to screen for signalling molecules by Western blotting. Our results showed that phosphorylated mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase (MEK) 1/2, p44/p42 MAPK and p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (p90RSK) were observed and this pathway was inhibited by MEK1/2 inhibitors U0126 and PD98059. Phosphorylation of MEK3/6, p38 kinase and ATF-2 was also observed and this pathway was inhibited by p38 kinase inhibitors SB203850 and SB202190. Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and 4 expressions were increased and maximized 2-4 h post infection. The JNK pathway, Elk, MAPKAPK-2 and HSP27 were not activated. These results suggest that KP infections induce signal transduction through TLR2 and TLR4 and activate two downstream MAP kinase pathways, MEK1/2-p44/p42 MAPK-p90RSK and MEK3/6-p38 kinase-ATF-2, but not the JNK pathway in HepG2 cells. The infected HepG2 eventually showed apoptosis and died.  相似文献   

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