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Natural levels of infertility in many taxa are often remarkably high, amounting to a considerable fitness cost which one expects to be minimized by natural selection. Several mechanisms have been proposed as potential causes of infertility, including inbreeding depression, genetic incompatibilities and selfish genetic elements. Infertility may also be an inherent result of conflict over fertilization between the sexes in polyandrous species, either because too many sperm enter the egg or because of over‐efficient barriers to such polyspermic fertilizations. We generated phylogenetic independent contrasts to examine the variation in hatching success for a maximum of 58 species of birds in relation to two measures of female polyandry. Hatching success varied enormously across species (range: 61–100%), with a mean of 12% of eggs failing to hatch, but was not related to either the rate of extrapair paternity or to relative testes size. Thus, the causes of this significant fitness cost remains unclear and merits further examination by evolutionary biologists.  相似文献   

Sol D  Bartomeus I  Griffin AS 《Oecologia》2012,169(2):553-564
Why can alien species succeed in environments to which they have had no opportunity to adapt and even become more abundant than many native species? Ecological theory suggests two main possible answers for this paradox: competitive superiority of exotic species over native species and opportunistic use of ecological opportunities derived from human activities. We tested these hypotheses in birds combining field observations and experiments along gradients of urbanization in New South Wales (Australia). Five exotic species attained densities in the study area comparable to those of the most abundant native species, and hence provided a case for the invasion paradox. The success of these alien birds was not primarily associated with a competitive superiority over native species: the most successful invaders were smaller and less aggressive than their main native competitors, and were generally excluded from artificially created food patches where competition was high. More importantly, exotic birds were primarily restricted to urban environments, where the diversity and abundance of native species were low. This finding agrees with previous studies and indicates that exotic and native species rarely interact in nature. Observations and experiments in the field revealed that the few native species that exploit the most urbanized environments tended to be opportunistic foragers, adaptations that should facilitate survival in places where disturbances by humans are frequent and natural vegetation has been replaced by man-made structures. Successful invaders also shared these features, suggesting that their success is not a paradox but can be explained by their capacity to exploit ecological opportunities that most native species rarely use.  相似文献   

Floods accompanied by high flow and high water turbidity are usually believed to cause problems to fish-eating birds and mammals searching visually for their prey. In the present study the diets of breeding kingfishers were studied during the normal river situation and during a long-lasting flood event with respect to diet composition, size of fish prey and food diversity index. During the normal situation (flow 1.75 m3 s?1, Secchi disc depth 0.5–1 m), the diet of a kingfisher was dominated by benthic fish species (52.9% by numbers, 63.9% by weight), the average size of fish taken was 6.5 cm L T and 3.0 g and the food diversity index reached its lowest value (1.57). In contrast, during the long-lasting flood event (flow 5–28 m3 s?1, Secchi disc depth 0.03–0.4 m) the diet of the kingfisher was dominated by sub-surface fish species (72.4% by numbers, 76.1% by weight) and both the average size of fish taken (7.4 cm L T and 3.7 g) and the food diversity index (1.83) increased significantly. The birds provided their nestlings with lower numbers of fish of larger sizes, which resulted in very similar weights of the young birds prior to fledging when the flood and normal situations were compared. This study provides evidence that in different foraging conditions the kingfishers adopt different foraging strategies to maintain their high breeding success.  相似文献   

A century has passed since the discovery of the paratympanic organ (PTO), a mechanoreceptive sense organ in the middle ear of birds and other tetrapods. This luminal organ contains a sensory epithelium with typical mechanosensory hair cells and may function as a barometer and altimeter. The organ is arguably the most neglected sense organ in living tetrapods. The PTO is believed to be homologous to a lateral line sense organ, the spiracular sense organ of nonteleostean fishes. Our review summarizes the current state of knowledge of the PTO and draws attention to the astounding lack of information about the unique and largely unexplored sensory modality of barometric perception.  相似文献   

Is sociality associated with high longevity in North American birds?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sociality, as a life-history trait, should be associated with high longevity because complex sociality is characterized by reproductive suppression, delayed breeding, increased care and survival, and some of these traits select for high longevity. We studied the relationship between cooperative parental care (a proxy of complex sociality) and relative maximum lifespan in 257 North American bird species. After controlling for variation in maximum lifespan explained by body mass, sampling effort, latitude, mortality rate, migration distance and age at first reproduction, we found no significant effect of cooperative care on longevity in analyses of species-specific data or phylogenetically independent standardized linear contrasts. Thus, sociality itself is not associated with high longevity. Rather, longevity is correlated with increased body size, survival rate and age of first reproduction.  相似文献   

The role of oxidative stress in anxiety disorder: cause or consequence?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the USA affecting 18% of the population. The cause(s) of anxiety disorders is/are not completely clear, and research in the neurobiology of anxiety at the molecular level is still rather limited. Although mounting clinical and preclinical evidence now indicates that oxidative stress may be a major component of anxiety pathology, whether oxidative stress is the cause or consequence remains elusive. Studies conducted over the past few years suggest that anxiety disorders may be characterised by lowered antioxidant defences and increased oxidative damage to proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. In particular, oxidative modifications to proteins have actually been proposed as a potential factor in the onset and progression of several psychiatric disorders, including anxiety and depressive disorders. Oxidised proteins are normally degraded by the proteasome proteolytic complex in the cell cytoplasm, nucleus, and endoplasmic reticulum. The Lon protease performs a similar protective function inside mitochondria. Impairment of the proteasome and/or the Lon protease results in the accumulation of toxic oxidised proteins in the brain, which can cause severe neuronal trauma. Recent evidence points to possible proteolytic dysfunction and accumulation of damaged, oxidised proteins as factors that may determine the appearance and severity of psychotic symptoms in mood disorders. Thus, critical interactions between oxidative stress, proteasome, and the Lon protease may provide keys to the molecular mechanisms involved in emotional regulation, and may also be of great help in designing and screening novel anxiolytics and antidepressants.  相似文献   



Physiological adaptations that allow air-breathing vertebrates to remain underwater for long periods mainly involve modifications of the respiratory system, essentially through increased oxygen reserves. Physiological constraints on dive duration tend to be less critical for ectotherms than for endotherms because the former have lower mass-specific metabolic rates. Moreover, comparative studies between marine and terrestrial ectotherms have yet to show overall distinct physiological differences specifically associated with oxygen reserves.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used phylogenetically informed statistical models to test if habitat affects hematocrit (an indicator of blood oxygen stores) in snakes, a lineage that varies widely in habitat use. Our results indicate that both phylogenetic position (clade) and especially habitat are significant predictors of hematocrit. Our analysis also confirms the peculiar respiratory physiology of the marine Acrochordus granulatus.


Contrary to previous findings, marine snakes have significantly–albeit slightly–elevated hematocrit, which should facilitate increased aerobic dive times. Longer dives could have consequences for foraging, mate searching, and predation risks. Alternatively, but not exclusively, increased Hct in marine species might also help to fuel other oxygen-demanding physiological adaptations, such as those involved in osmoregulation.  相似文献   

We studied the within-brood distribution of a haematophagous mite Pellonyssus reedi living on nestling house sparrows (Passer domesticus) near the time of fledging. We measured the natural level of infestation of individual nestlings, and determined the feeding efficiency of mites, by scoring their feeding status. Within-brood distribution of mite loads was unrelated to nestling body mass, tarsus length, or immunocompetence. These results did not support parasite preference for large or susceptible hosts. Mite feeding-efficiency was also unrelated to these nestling characteristics, confirming that large nestlings or nestlings with less-developed immunocompetence did not provide superior feeding conditions for mites. Therefore, our results do not support the hypothesis that within-brood distribution of avian ectoparasites is explained by the parasites' preferences for characteristics, such as large body size or low immunocompetence, that make nestlings suitable hosts. On the other hand, we found that mite loads were negatively correlated with nestling age and feather length, suggesting that nestlings closer to fledging harbored fewer mites then their less-developed nestmates. Furthermore, feather length had a stronger relationship with parasite distribution than did nestling age. We presume, therefore, that feather characteristics, i.e., length, may serve as a signal for mites to perceive the ready-to-fledge state of nestlings, inducing abandonment behavior. These results support another, largely neglected hypothesis, i.e., that the avoidance or abandonment of those nestlings that are close to fledging may also explain the parasites' distribution in a brood. This hypothesis is based on the argument that many nest-dwelling ectoparasites breed in the nest material and emerge only periodically to feed on nestlings. In such parasites, the ability to recognize and avoid mature fledglings can be adaptive because this may help the parasites to avoid their removal from the nest so they can continue to reproduce by feeding on unfledged chicks of the current or later broods. Our results suggest that adaptive host-abandonment by nest-dwelling ectoparasites can influence within-brood parasite distributions around the time of fledging.  相似文献   

Mechanically-induced stress (MIS) occurs naturally in plants as the aerial parts are moved, usually by wind, but also by such agents as rain and animals. It can be induced indoors by various actions such as rubbing or bending the stem or shaking or brushing the entire shoot. The most noticeable effect of MIS is a reduction in stem, leaf or petiole length invariably resulting in plants which are smaller and more compact than unstressed controls. However, the response of other variables can often differ between species and there may be either increases or decreases in stem or petiole diameter, root: shoot weight ratio, chlorophyll content or drought resistance. Why species should differ in this way, and what is the endogenous control mechanism for MIS responses, are inanswered questions. Ethylene, which increases as a result of MIS in several species may cause some MIS responses such as increased stem diameter, epinasty or a change in sex expression. However, evidence suggests that MIS retardation of extension growth may equally be due to lower or supraoptimal auxin levels or lower gibberellin levels.The uses in the field of the growth promoter gibberellin or the growth retardant chlormequat chloride (CCC) appear to be examples of respectively reversing or stimulating MIS growth response. MIS may be applied indoors if short compact plants are needed, either for aesthetic purposes as with floral crops, or if hardier and more manageable plants are needed, such as seedlings for transplanting in the field. Much more research is needed to estimate the importance of MIS in the field and to assess how such knowledge may be used to improve crop yield.  相似文献   

Using electron paramagnetic resonance, the dose-dependence effect of dopamine on methemoglobin formation in erythrocytes of patients with Parkinson’s disease under the activation of oxidative stress induced by acrolein and the possibilities for the correction of this pathological process using carnosine in vitro experiments have been examined. It was shown that incubation of erythrocytes with 1.5 mM dopamine did not change the methemoglobin content, while incubation with 15 mM dopamine caused a two fold increase in the methemoglobin content compared to its initial level; 10 μM acrolein increased methemoglobin formation threefold. Administration of 15 mM dopamine and, after 1 h, 10 μM acrolein to the incubation system increased methemoglobin formation tenfold compared to its initial level. Preincubation of erythrocytes with 5 mM carnosine followed by acrolein addition prevented the increase in the methemoglobin content, while carnosine had no effect on methemoglobin formation induced by dopamine.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyse levels of the proinflammatory cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) in patients with primary Sj?gren's syndrome (pSS) and to examine associations of MIF with clinical, serological and immunological variables. MIF was determined by ELISA in the sera of 76 patients with pSS. Further relevant cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-γ and TNF-α) secreted by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were determined by ELISPOT assay. Lymphocytes and monocytes were examined flow-cytometrically for the expression of activation markers. Results were correlated with clinical and laboratory findings as well as with the HLA-DR genotype. Healthy age- and sex-matched volunteers served as controls. We found that MIF was increased in patients with pSS compared with healthy controls (p < 0.01). In particular, increased levels of MIF were associated with hypergammaglobulinemia. Further, we found a negative correlation of MIF levels with the number of IL-10-secreting PBMC in pSS patients (r = -0.389, p < 0.01). Our data indicate that MIF might participate in the pathogenesis of primary Sj?gren's syndrome. MIF may contribute to B-cell hyperactivity indicated by hypergammaglobulinemia. The inverse relationship of IL-10 and MIF suggests that IL-10 works as an antagonist of MIF in pSS.  相似文献   

Incubation temperature influences a suite of traits in avian offspring. However, the mechanisms underlying expression of these phenotypes are unknown. Given the importance of thyroid hormones in orchestrating developmental processes, we hypothesized that they may act as an upstream mechanism mediating the effects of temperature on hatchling phenotypic traits such as growth and thermoregulation. We found that plasma T3, but not T4 concentrations, differed among newly hatched wood ducks (Aix sponsa) from different embryonic incubation temperatures. T4 at hatching correlated with time spent hatching, and T3 correlated with hatchling body condition, tarsus length, time spent hatching and incubation period. In addition, the T3 : T4 ratio differed among incubation temperatures at hatch. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that incubation temperature modulates plasma thyroid hormones which in turn influences multiple aspects of duckling phenotype.  相似文献   



We conducted a study using a case-crossover design to clarify the risk of acute effects of zolpidem and benzodiazepine on all-sites of fractures in the elderly.

Design of study

Case-crossover design.

Methods and Materials

Elderly enrollees (n = 6010) in Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Research Database with zolpidem or benzodiazepine use were analyzed for the risk of developing fractures.


After adjusting for medications such as antipsychotics, antidepressants, and diuretics, or comorbidities such as hypertension, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis and depression, neither zolpidem nor benzodiazepine was found to be associated with increased risk in all-sites fractures. Subjects without depression were found to have an increased risk of fractures. Diazepam is the only benzodiazepine with increased risk of fractures after adjusting for medications and comorbidities. Hip and spine were particular sites for increased fracture risk, but following adjustment for comorbidities, the associations were found to be insignificant.


Neither zolpidem nor benzodiazepine was associated with increased risk of all-site fractures in this case cross-over study after adjusting for medications or comorbidities in elderly individuals with insomnia. Clinicians should balance the benefits and risks for prescribing zolpidem or benzodiazepine in the elderly accordingly.  相似文献   

To explore the significance of the ascorbate–glutathione cycle under drought stress, the leaves of 2-year-old potted apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) plants were used to investigate the changes of each component of the ascorbate–glutathione cycle as well as the gene expression of dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR, EC, ascorbate peroxidase (APX, EC and glutathione reductase (GR, EC under drought stress. The results showed that the malondialdehyde (MDA) and H2O2 concentrations in apple leaves increased during drought stress and began to decrease after re-watering. The contents of total ascorbate, reduced ascorbic acid (AsA), total glutathione and glutathione (GSH) were obviously upregulated in apple leaves when the soil water content was 40–45%. With further increase of the drought level, the contents of the antioxidants and especially redox state of AsA and GSH declined. However, levels of them increased again after re-watering. Moreover, drought stress induced significant increase of the activities of enzymes such as APX, scavenging H2O2, and also of monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR, EC, DHAR and GR used to regenerate AsA and GSH, especially when the soil water content was above 40–45%. During severe drought stress, activities of the enzymes were decreased and after re-watering increased again. Gene expression of cytoplasmic DHAR, cytoplasmic APX and cytoplasmic GR showed similar changes as the enzyme activities, respectively. The results suggest that the ascorbate–glutathione cycle is up-regulated in response to drought stress, but cannot be regulated at severe drought stress conditions.  相似文献   



Questions regarding the distribution of stress in the proximal human femur have never been adequately resolved. Traditionally, by considering the femur in isolation, it has been believed that the effect of body weight on the projecting neck and head places the superior aspect of the neck in tension. A minority view has proposed that this region is in compression because of muscular forces pulling the femur into the pelvis. Little has been done to study stress distributions in the proximal femur. We hypothesise that under physiological loading the majority of the proximal femur is in compression and that the internal trabecular structure functions as an arch, transferring compressive stresses to the femoral shaft.  相似文献   

Do local abundances of British birds change with proximity to range edge?   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Aim Species generally vary in the density they attain at different sites, prompting the question of whether this variation is systematic across their range. We investigate this question using data on the abundance and distribution of thirty-two species of passerine birds across Britain derived from censuses organized by the British Trust for Ornithology. Methods Analysis is complicated by the issue of quantifying the distance of any particular census location from the edge of the range of a species when the study area encompasses only part of its entire distribution. No measure of this quantity is a priori the correct one, and so we use a variety of different measures which make differing assumptions about how abundances might be structured across species ranges. Results None of the measures used reveal any consistent relationships between the density attained by species at census sites and the spatial positions of those sites. Only thirteen species show significant relationships with any of the measures, and no more than seven species with any single measure. Main conclusion In summary, there is no convincing evidence that passerine bird densities are usually lower towards range edges in Britain. We discuss possible reasons for these findings.  相似文献   

Boyle WA 《Oecologia》2008,155(2):397-403
Migration is among the best studied of animal behaviors, yet few empirical studies have tested hypotheses explaining the ultimate causes of these cyclical annual movements. Fretwell’s (1980) hypothesis predicts that if nest predation explains why many tropical birds migrate uphill to breed, then predation risk must be negatively associated with elevation. Data from 385 artificial nests spanning 2,740 m of elevation on the Atlantic slope of Costa Rica show an overall decline in predation with increasing elevation. However, nest predation risk was highest at intermediate elevations (500–650 m), not at lowest elevations. The proportion of nests depredated by different types of predators differed among elevations. These results imply that over half of the altitudinal migrant bird species in this region migrate to safer breeding areas than their non-breeding areas, suggesting that variation in nest predation risk could be an important benefit of uphill migrations of many species. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

An often-cited reason for studying the process of invasion by alien species is that the understanding sought can be used to mitigate the impacts of the invaders. Here, we present an analysis of the correlates of local impacts of established alien bird and mammal species in Europe, using a recently described metric to quantify impact. Large-bodied, habitat generalist bird and mammal species that are widespread in their native range, have the greatest impacts in their alien European ranges, supporting our hypothesis that surrogates for the breadth and the amount of resources a species uses are good indicators of its impact. However, not all surrogates are equally suitable. Impacts are generally greater for mammal species giving birth to larger litters, but in contrast are greater for bird species laying smaller clutches. There is no effect of diet breadth on impacts in birds or mammals. On average, mammals have higher impacts than birds. However, the relationships between impact and several traits show common slopes for birds and mammals, and relationships between impact and body mass and latitude do not differ between birds and mammals. These results may help to anticipate which species would have large impacts if introduced, and so direct efforts to prevent such introductions.  相似文献   

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