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Soil nematode species diversity is often high, both at ecosystem and single soil-core scales. First, how can so many species coexist? There is evidence of niche partitioning, notably of physical space, but vast interspecific overlaps and trait plasticity seem equally common. It appears that coexistence of species with similar resource needs is made possible by small-scale disturbance and predation, which likely reduce local population sizes and interspecific competition. Regional processes such as dispersal, large-scale disturbance, and aggregation, which govern ecosystem level diversity, may also affect local species interactions and soil-core scale diversity. Second, what is the significance of having so many species, with so few trophic functions, for ecosystem processes? Focusing on bacterivore diversity, it is clear that species contributions to decomposition, likely to differ as a function of individual biologies, are concealed by the trophic group approach. However, considerable functional redundancy probably exists, which may explain why decomposition processes are maintained in highly disturbed soils despite the extinction of many species. Thus, soil nematode diversity is important for the long-term stability of soil functioning, and merits protection and further study.  相似文献   

玉米秸秆还田对土壤线虫数量动态与群落结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过大田玉米秸秆还田试验研究了其对农田土壤线虫数量动态、属的种类及群落结构等的影响。结果表明:2013—2014连续两年试验期间,蠡玉35玉米秸秆还田(CR)与不还田对照处理(CK)共鉴定到土壤线虫36个属(CR 36个属,CK 30个属);其中,植食性线虫12个属(CR 12属,CK 10属),食细菌线虫15个属(CR 15属,CK 14属),食真菌线虫5个属(CR 5属,CK4属),捕/杂食线虫4个属(CR 4属,CK 2属)。秸秆还田处理与不还田处理相比,植食线虫和食真菌线虫的相对丰度降低,而食细菌线虫和杂/捕食线虫的相对丰度提高,且食细菌线虫的相对丰度显著提高达42.95%。此外,秸秆还田处理土壤线虫总数高于不还田对照处理,但差异不显著;而秸秆还田处理可显著增加食细菌线虫数量,增幅高达16.3%—125.6%。与不还田处理对照相比,秸秆还田处理可显著提高土壤线虫群落多样性指数(H')、属类丰富度(S)和线虫通路指数(NCR),但对群落均匀度(J)、瓦斯乐斯卡指数(WI)和总成熟指数(∑MI)的影响不显著。可见,玉米秸秆还田具有重要的生态学意义,可在一定程度上增加土壤线虫数量和种类多样性,进而使土壤生态系统向稳定健康的方向发展。  相似文献   

Nematode-resistant tropical legumes are effective in reducing populations of plant-parasitic nematodes when used in rotation systems. Mixed cropping is a common practice of many small farmers in Central America, but little is known about the effects of tropical legumes on nematode communities under these systems. To examine the effects of intercropping on the nematode fauna associated with squash (Cucurbita pepo) and cucumber (Cucumis sativa) in Honduras, two field experiments were conducted to compare nematode density and diversity in soil under cucurbits grown as a monocrop with that in soil under cucurbits intercropped with alfalfa (Medicago sativa) or hairy indigo (Indigofera hirsuta). A parallel series of field tests compared soil nematode communities associated with a cucurbit monocrop and a cucurbit intercropped with marigold (Tagetes patula), which may decrease nematode populations through the production of toxic root exudates. Among all four tests, over a period of 90 days, there were no consistent differences in densities of various nematode genera or trophic groups in intercropped versus monocropped plants, nor were there consistent differences in community diversities among treatments.  相似文献   

The nematode community structures of various soybean-wheat regimes and of a single-cropped, conventionally tilled soybean regime were studied at two sites in Tennessee. Each of the 100 nematode species identified in the study was placed in one of five trophic groups, the most diverse being plant parasites (31 species), followed by Dorylaimida (26 species), bacterivores (23 species), fungivores (15 species), and predators (5 species). No significant differences in overall diversity and dominance among treatments and trophic groups were found. Densities of Heterodera glycines Ichinohe infective juveniles were significantly higher in single-cropped, conventionally tilled soybeans in July. When data were subjected to ordination analysis, it was shown that plant-parasitic nematode communities produced an aggregation of conventionally tilled, single-cropped soybean plots when compared to all double-cropped treatments. Ordination of overall nematode communities yielded similar results.  相似文献   

紫色土区不同秸秆还田量对土壤线虫群落的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究不同秸秆还田量对紫色土区土壤线虫群落的影响, 作者于2011年5月和9月对川中丘陵区的100% (RMW1)、50%(RMW2)、30%(RMW3)和空白对照(CK)4种秸秆还田量的农田土壤线虫进行了调查。结果发现, 随着秸秆还田量的下降, 土壤线虫的群落结构有一定变化。总体上, 群落密度、食真菌类群和捕食-杂食类群的密度呈波动增加; 食细菌类群的密度持续增加; 植物寄生类群密度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')、植物寄生成熟指数(PPI)和瓦斯乐斯卡指数(WI)呈先增加后下降的变化趋势, 且多样性指数在秸秆还田量为30-50%之间最高; 类群数、自由生活成熟指数(MI)、线虫通路比值(CR)则先下降后增加; 所有变化均不显著(P > 0.05)。土壤速效钾含量随秸秆还田量的增加显著提高(P < 0.05), 且与线虫群落多样性指数呈显著负相关(P < 0.05)。研究结果表明, 在紫色土区秸秆还田主要是通过改变土壤钾含量对土壤线虫群落产生影响, 且秸秆还田量在30-50%之间时有利于维持线虫群落多样性。  相似文献   

Regional assessment of nematode communities to monitor the condition or ecological health of agricultural soils requires sampling programs with measures of known reliability and the ability to detect differences over time. Numbers of fields sampled in a region, samples taken per field, and subsamples assayed per sample must be balanced with cost to provide the best sampling scheme. We used components of variance from statewide surveys in North Carolina (1992) and Nebraska (1993) to estimate number of (i) fields to be sampled; (ii) 20-core, composite soil samples to be obtained for each field; and (iii) subsamples to be assayed for each composite sample to detect a specified amount of change in index values within a geographic region. Variances for these three components were used to estimate the degree of reliability for five ecologically based indices (four measures of maturity and one of diversity) of nematode communities. Total variance for maturity and diversity indices, based upon communities of free-living nematodes, was greater in North Carolina than in Nebraska; the opposite was true for indices based strictly upon maturity of communities of plant-parasitic nematodes or of all nematodes in soil. Variability within samples was greater in North Carolina than in Nebraska, especially for maturity indices based only upon free-living nematodes. We identified two possible sampling strategies for a regional survey: Option 1, with two independent samples per field and a single subsample assayed per sample, which would provide a reliability ratio value ≥0.6 for most indices; and Option 2, with three independent samples per field and two subsamples assayed per sample, which would provide a reliability ratio value ≥0.7 for several indices. When cost was considered, Option 1 was the better strategy. Number of fields to be sampled within a region or state varied with the index chosen; with specific indices, however, a 10% change in mean index value could be detected with a sample of 50 to 100 fields.  相似文献   

Nematode communities of Lake Tana and other inland water bodies of Ethiopia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Free-living nematodes from littoral benthic sediments of four lakes, two rivers and a hot spring in Ethiopia are studied. Populations of nematodes encountered are identified to the species level. The general nematode (generic and species) composition of the lakes, rivers and hot spring are appraised by giving special emphasis to the nematodes from L. Tana, i.e. three sites where different environmental factors come into play were considered. Gelda is a site close to a river inlet (River Gelda), Gedero is a site exposed to strong wind action while Zegie is a secluded site protected by a land mass from any strong wind action. Nematode communities were identified using classification and ordination techniques. The identified communities are then characterised with respect to species composition, biomass, density, diversity, size structure, feeding type and maturity index. Also, the vertical distribution of nematodes is examined at the community and species level. An attempt has been made to associate these variations with the considered environmental factors viz. site, water depth, sediment depth, median grain size and percentage of mud in the sediment.  相似文献   

In an outside pot experiment, dry pig manure processed on pine sawdust litter and fermented for seven days by house fly larvae (fermented manure), and pine sawdust applied alone, and in combination with a spring application of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer were used to determine their effects on plant parasitic and free-living soil nematodes on sugar beets (cv. Antek). Non amended soil was used as a control. All treatments with fermented pig manure and sawdust with nitrogen fertilizer decreased number of plant parasitic nematodes and also root-fungal feeding nematodes compared to the untreated control. Sawdust applied alone had no effect on plant parasitic and root-fungal feeding nematode suppression. Free-living nematodes which were mainly bacteriovores and fungivores were significantly more abundant in soil amended with fermented pig manure, while the sawdust had no effect on these nematodes. The effect of all tested treatments on omnivores-predators was rather random, and in general, the number of these nematodes decreased after soil amendment applications compared to the untreated control.  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高对稻田土壤线虫群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验利用无锡稻 麦轮作FACE系统研究平台 ,开展了稻田土壤线虫群落对大气CO2 浓度升高响应的研究。实验中共观测到线虫 2 7科 4 0属 ,其中短腔属 (Brevibucca)、茎属(Ditylenchus)和垫刃属 (Tylenchus)为优势属。拔节期稻田土壤线虫总数、食细菌线虫和捕食 /杂食线虫对大气CO2 浓度升高表现出正响应。食真菌线虫在拔节期和抽穗期对CO2 浓度升高表现出负响应 ,成熟期捕食 /杂食线虫对CO2 浓度升高表现出负响应。在FACE条件下 ,植物寄生线虫的潜根属 (Hirschmanniella)和散香属 (Boleodorus)线虫数量显著增加 ,对CO2 浓度升高敏感  相似文献   

为了解青藏高原东缘亚高山/高山森林土壤线虫多样性,于2015年7月以该地区岷江冷杉原始林、混交林和次生林为研究对象,采用淘洗-过筛-蔗糖离心的方法分离土壤线虫,研究了3个海拔森林土壤线虫群落的组成与结构特征.结果表明: 共捕获线虫37950条,隶属于20科27属,平均为4217 条·100 g-1干土,原始林以丝尾垫刃属为优势属,混交林和次生林以丝尾垫刃属和拟盘旋属为优势属,且优势属个体数量受林型的影响显著.原始林和次生林的优势营养类群为食真菌线虫,混交林则为食细菌线虫.土壤线虫c-p (colonizer-persister)类群c-p 1、c-p 2、 c-p 3和c-p 4数量分别占总数的6.1%、51.1%、30.0%和12.7%.3个海拔森林土壤线虫的自由生活线虫成熟度指数(MI)、总成熟度指数(∑MI)和植物寄生线虫成熟度指数(PPI)随海拔增加而逐渐降低.土壤线虫通路指数(NCR)在混交林高于0.5,在原始林和次生林低于0.5.林型显著影响了土壤线虫成熟度和NCR指数,但林型、土层及二者的交互作用对多样性指数影响不显著.川西亚高山/高山不同森林土壤线虫的组成、营养结构和能流通道存在明显差异,为深入理解土壤线虫在该区森林土壤生态过程中的作用提供了参考.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in 1989 and 1990 to examine the population fluctuation patterns of Tylenchorhynchus nudus, Criconemella curvata, and Helicotylenchus cornurus in mixed bentgrass and annual bluegrass putting greens on two golf courses near Chicago, Illinois, to determine if fluctuation patterns could be extrapolated to unsampled greens. Fenamiphos-treated and untreated plots were established on seven putting greens on two golf courses. Greens were sampled intensively five times during the growing season, and statistical comparisons of population levels per gram of root were made among dates for each green. Population levels per gram of root changed significantly on all greens in both years for each of the three nematode populations. Within a putting green in either year, population fluctuation patterns in fenamiphos-treated and untreated plots were similar. Population fluctuation patterns were different between years, however. Within a year, population fluctuation patterns among greens showed similarities indicating that carefully monitoring a few locations may allow extrapolation of population fluctuation data to other locations within that year.  相似文献   

The effects of soil disturbance on the nematode community were assessed at 30 sites on the outer coastal plain of Mississippi, representing four ages since soil disturbance plus a control group of six undisturbed sites. Thirty-five taxa were encountered, dominated in abundance and taxonomic richness by plant and bacterial feeders. Nematodes were more abundant and more taxonomically rich in sites with a low slope and deep litter cover, distant from trees. Plant feeders were more numerous at sites with a dense herb cover, suggesting limitation by food availability. When sites were arranged as a chronosequence, herb cover, litter depth, soil organic matter, soil moisture, and tree canopy cover increased through time consistent with succession to forest. The abundance of most trophic groups decreased in the 10 to 20 years following disturbance and increased thereafter, a pattern repeated in taxonomic richness of plant and bacterial feeders. Fifty years after disturbance, nematode abundance had not returned to levels observed in control sites. These results suggest that nematode succession following soil disturbance is a gradual process regulated by establishment of aboveground vegetation. There was no evidence of dispersal limitation or facilitation by colonist nematode species.  相似文献   

The effects of the application of poultry litter at 0.0, 6.7, 13.4, and 20.1 tons/ha on population changes during the growing season on nematode communities were evaluated in two cotton production fields in North Carolina. Numbers of bactivorous nematodes increased at midseason in response to the rate at which litter was applied but decreased with increasing litter application rates at cotton harvest. Numbers of fungivores at cotton harvest were related positively to the rate of litter applied, and this affected a positive increase in the fungivore-to-bacterivore ratio at this sampling date. The rate at which poultry litter was applied resulted in an increase in the bacterivore to plant-parasite ratio, and this corresponded with increased cotton lint yield. Trophic diversity was increased by litter application rate at cotton harvest at one location but not at another. The plant-parasite maturity index was greater consistently at one site than at a second site where the Hoplolaimus columbus population density was above the damage threshold for cotton. The population density of H. columbus was suppressed with increasing rates of poultry litter application, but other plant-parasitic nematodes were affected marginally.  相似文献   

Communities of plant-parasitic nematodes collected from five different vegetation types (canopy woodland, savannah, gallery forest, cultivated perennial, and annual plants) and soils (yellowish red latosols, dark red latosols, arenosols, acrisols, and gleysols) were studied. Ninety percent of the soil samples collected from savannah contained at least four genera of plant-parasitic nematodes. The highest population densities were recovered from perennial plants and from acrisols. Nematodes from perennial and annual plants formed one cluster, which had a similar flexible-beta distance to that from the gallery forest. The distance in the native savannah and in canopy woodland was very different. Distance values for the soil aspect were similar for arenosols, yellowish, and dark red latosols. The value for acrisols was much larger than for the other soils.  相似文献   

天然高寒草地转变为燕麦人工草地对土壤线虫群落的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨锐  吴鹏飞  魏雪 《生态学报》2020,40(14):4903-4920
为查明高寒草地上种植燕麦(Avena sativa)对土壤线虫群落的影响,于2014年7、9月用土钻法和湿漏斗法(Baermann法)对西南民族大学青藏高原畜牧业高科技研发示范基地内燕麦地(Oat grassland,OG)和天然草地(Natural grassland,NG)的土壤线虫群落进行调查。共分离土壤线虫10179条,隶属于2纲8目50科143属,平均密度477条/100g干土。燕麦地与天然草地土壤线虫群落结构具有明显差异,影响群落结构的主要类群为拟丽突属(Acrobeloides)、原杆属(Protorhabditis)、丝尾垫刃属(Filenchus)和盘旋属(Rotylenchus),但不同月份间存在差异。燕麦地的土壤线虫群落密度、食细菌线虫密度、食真菌线虫密度和自由生活线虫成熟度指数(MI)均显著高于天然草地(P<0.01;P<0.05;P<0.001;P<0.01),植物寄生线虫成熟度指数(PPI)则显著低于天然草地(P<0.05)。两种草地7月份的土壤线虫群落类群数和香农多样性指数(H′)均显著低于9月(P<0.05),仅燕麦地...  相似文献   

下辽河平原农田生态系统在管理过程中频繁的耕作、施肥以及农用化学品施用等引发了一系列问题, 如土壤退化、耕地数量减少以及生产力下降等, 不可避免地对土壤生物健康产生影响。为探究农田土壤人工管理对土壤生物群落动态的影响, 本研究在辽宁沈阳农田生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站开展了农田土壤线虫群落组成的季节变化研究, 对4个季节农田和废弃农田(对照)的土壤线虫群落组成、多度以及多样性等进行了比较分析。研究结果表明, 土壤线虫总多度在废弃农田中显著高于农田, 但季节间差异不显著。季节变化主要显著影响了自由生活线虫的多度, 其在9月达到最高; 季节变化也显著影响了属的数量, 其在非生长季的11月最低。与废弃农田相比, 农田管理显著降低了杂食捕食线虫和食真菌线虫的多度, 土壤食物网结构相对稳定; 而废弃的农田更易受到季节波动的影响, 土壤食物网也受到一定的干扰。  相似文献   

Role of Nematodes in Soil Health and Their Use as Indicators   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The composition of nematode communities (plant-parasitic and free-living) may be used as bioindicators of soil health or condition because composition correlates well with nitrogen cycling and decomposition, two critical ecological processes in soil. Maturity and trophic diversity indices withstand statistical rigor better than do abundances, proportions, or ratios of trophic groups. Maturity indices respond to a variety of land-management practices, based largely on inferred life history characteristics of families. Similarity indices may be more useful than diversity indices because they reflect taxon composition. Improving existing indices or developing alternative indices refined by a greater understanding of the biology of key taxa may enhance the utility of nematodes as bioindicators.  相似文献   

The influence of resistant and susceptible potato cultivars on Globodera rostochiensis population density changes was studied at different nematode inoculum levels (Pi) in the greenhouse and field. Soil in which one susceptible and two resistant cultivars were grown and fallow soil in pots was infested with cysts to result in densities of 0.04-75 eggs/cm³ soil. A resistant cultivar was grown in an infested field with Pi of 0.7-16.7 eggs/cm³ soil. Pi was positively correlated with decline of soil population densities due to hatch where resistant potatoes were grown in the greenhouse and in the field but not in fallow soil. However, Pi was not correlated with in vitro hatch of G. rostochiensis cysts in water or potato root diffusate. Under continuous culture o f a resistant cultivar, viable eggs per cyst declined 60-90% per plant growth cycle (4 weeks) and the number of cysts containing viable eggs had decreased by 77% after five cycles. The rate of G. rostochiensis reproduction on both resistant and susceptible cultivars was negatively correlated with Pi. These data were used to predict the effect of resistant and susceptible potato cultivars on G. rostochiensis soil population dynamics.  相似文献   

Microplot and greenhouse experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of soil incorporation of the nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys conoides and green alfalfa mulch on the population dynamics of Meloidogyne incognita on corn. Reproduction of M. incognita and the incidence of root galling were reduced by the addition of A. conoides and/or green alfalfa in all tests. Numbers of juveniles were reduced by as much as 84%, and eggs were fewest in early to mid-season soil samples from microplots. Yields increased in treatments with A. conoides and/or green alfalfa in greenhouse tests and in the microplot tests in 1979. No interaction was found between the fungus and green alfalfa in the reduction of the nematode population.  相似文献   

Chitin, wheat mash, or brewery compost were incorporated into unfumigated and methyl bromide-fumigated organic soils placed in microplots formed from cylindrical drainage tiles (0.25 m-diam. clay tile). After 3 weeks, Meloidogyne hapla and cell or spore suspensions of Bacillus thuringiensis, Paecilomyces marquandii, and Streptomyces costaricanus were individually added to the soils of designated microplots. A B. thuringiensis + S. costaricanus combination was also tested. Lettuce seedlings, cv. Montello, were transplanted into the soils 3 to 4 days later. All the bacterial and fungal antagonists applied without a soil amendment, except the B. thuringiensis + S. costaricanus treatment, reduced root galling and increased lettuce head weight in the unfumigated organic soil, but not in the fumigated soil. All three amendments were also effective against M. hapla and reduced root galling in fumigated and unfumigated soils. Wheat mash amendment increased lettuce head weight in the unfumigated soil. In general, no antagonist × amendment interaction was detected. Soil populations of B. thuringiensis were maintained at ≥4.0 log10 colony-forming units/g organic soil during the first 14 days after planting. However, viable cells of B. thuringiensis were not detected after 49 days.  相似文献   

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