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九龙江流域大气氮干沉降 总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19
对九龙江流域10个站位的大气氮干沉降量进行为期1a的连续观测。利用专用降尘缸湿法收集大气沉降氮,在获取各月氮组分浓度和相应水样体积后,求得各月氮沉降速率,再将各月数值相加得到全年的大气氮干沉降量。结果表明,九龙江流域大气氮干沉降表现出一定的时空差异性,总氮沉降量为3·41~7·63kgN/(hm2·a),铵氮为1·02~3·00kgN/(hm2·a),硝氮为0·76~1·76kgN/(hm2·a)。干沉降中氮的3种主要形态铵氮、硝氮与有机氮分别占总沉降量的31%、24%和45%。中游漳州地区的大气氮干沉降总量较大。上游龙岩地区与中游漳州地区具有较高的铵氮沉降量,硝态氮在上下游间无明显变化,而有机氮沉降量在中下游地区较高。在时间尺度上,大气氮干沉降呈现出夏秋两季比春冬两季略高的总体趋势,季节性差异显著(p<0·05)。大气氮干沉降时空差异主要与氮排放量和气象条件有关。 相似文献
密云水库白河流域基流演变特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基流是水文过程的一个重要组成部分,选择科学合理的基流分割方法,研究明确影响基流变化的驱动因素,对于保证河湖的生态水量至关重要。以北京密云水库的白河流域为例,根据白河流域张家坟水文站1967—2012年的实测径流数据和相关气象数据,对比分析了局部最小值法、单参数数字滤波法和递归数字滤波法三种方法的基流分割结果,并从气候变化和人类活动两方面分析影响基流变化的驱动因素。结果表明,相比局部最小值法和单参数数字滤波法,递归数字滤波法在白河流域有着更好的应用稳定性;在密云水库白河流域,基流对河川径流有着相当高的贡献比例(BFI>0.65);1967—2012年白河流域年基流量存在极显著的减少趋势(P<0.01),而年基流指数值基本保持不变。白河流域基流序列分别在1980年和1999年发生了突变,其中1999年的突变主要受到降雨过程(气候变化)的影响,而1980年的突变点主要受到其他因素(如人类活动)的影响。 相似文献
基于海河流域1980-2022年126个观测站点数据计算的饱和水汽压差(Vapor Pressure Deficit,VPD),评估了CRU TS 4.07、ERA5-Land和MERRA2 3套全球网格数据计算的VPD在海河流域的适用性,并采用趋势分析和相关分析等方法分析了年和季节VPD 时空演变特征和影响因素。结果表明:①ERA5-Land数据集计算的海河流域VPD相较于其他2套网格数据的偏差(BIAS)和均方根误差(Root Mean Squared Error,RMSE)更小,拟合优度更好(R2=0.9851),表明ERA5-Land数据集更适用于海河流域VPD长期变化研究;②1980-2022年海河流域年VPD值呈显著增加趋势(Trend=0.027kPa/10a,P < 0.01),VPD在春季的增加速率最快,秋季和冬季的增速较慢;③海河流域86.28%的区域年VPD呈显著增加的趋势(P < 0.05),春季、夏季、秋季和冬季VPD呈显著上升的面积占比分别为87.59%、63.57%、30.76%和77.48%;④海河流域年和季节VPD与饱和水汽压(Saturation Vapor Pressure,SVP)的相关性高于实际水汽压(Actual Vapor Pressure,AVP),VPD与相对湿度的相关系数绝对值高于气温,表明相对湿度对海河流域VPD的贡献高于气温。 相似文献
艾比湖流域生态环境演变与人类活动关系初探 总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29
艾比湖流域生态环境演变与人类活动关系初探杨云良阎顺贾宝全陈利军(中国科学院新疆地理研究所,乌鲁木齐830011)APreliminaryStudyontheRelationshipBetweentheEnvironmentalEvolutionand... 相似文献
海南岛三大流域是全岛重要的水源涵养和生态屏障区,近年来流域土地利用变化剧烈、生态系统脆弱,开展流域景观生态风险评估研究,对于加强区域生态安全保障和可持续发展利用至关重要。以海南岛南渡江、昌化江和万泉河三大流域为研究区域,综合采用景观生态学和地理探测器等方法,探究了1980-2020年海南岛三大流域景观生态风险的时空变化特征及其驱动因素。结果表明:(1)三大流域土地利用类型以林地和耕地为主,40年间土地利用变化主要表现为建设用地和水域面积的持续增加,以及耕地和草地面积的持续减少;流域景观格局变化呈现景观破碎度和多样性加剧,景观连通性减弱。(2)40年间三大流域景观生态风险较为稳定,景观生态风险指数等级以低等级和较低等级为主,占流域总面积的70%以上。(3)三大流域景观生态风险的空间分布聚集性呈减弱趋势,主要呈现\"高-高\"和\"低-低\"聚类模式,低风险区域集中在三大流域上游的热带雨林国家公园,高风险区域集中在三大流域东北部区域。(4)土地利用强度是影响三大流域景观生态风险空间差异的主导驱动因子,且土地利用强度和坡度的交互作用是造成流域景观生态风险空间分异的主要原因,解释力为64.7%。研究结果可为海南岛流域生态治理和景观生态优化提供重要参考。 相似文献
近几十年来,嫩江流域湿地大面积萎缩、土地盐碱化严重,干旱频发,严重威胁生态安全、水环境安全和社会经济可持续发展。为量化嫩江流域干旱对生态系统的影响,利用标准化生态缺水指数(SEWDI),结合旋转经验正交函数、累积和曲线和Pearson相关性分析法分析嫩江流域1980-2017年生态干旱的时空演变规律,并利用游程理论提取生态干旱特征。结果表明:(1)生态干旱与影响因子间的相关系数排序为相对湿度 > 归一化植被指数 > 径流 > 降水 > 气温,其中生态干旱和相对湿度相关系数最大且大于0.5,呈现显著相关性,其余因子的相关系数均小于0.5,呈现低度相关性;(2)从SEWDI变化曲线上看,1980-1999年干湿交替呈现出一定的周期性,生态干旱以轻旱和中旱为主,总体呈加剧趋势;2000-2017年极端干旱和极端湿润事件频发,生态干旱总体呈缓解趋势。从累积和曲线上看,1980-1995年为嫩江流域生态干湿状态的正常波动时期,1996-2009年为嫩江流域生态干旱期,2012-2017年为生态湿润期;(3)生态干旱的干旱历时和烈度显示流域西南部严重程度较大,长期干旱风险较高,而流域北部干旱强度较大,较易发生单次较为严重的短期干旱。 相似文献
汾河流域生态敏感性综合评价及时空演变特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于格网尺度,在定量构建景观生态风险敏感性、水土流失敏感性、生物多样性敏感性的基础上,对汾河流域综合生态敏感性进行评价,采用空间自相关分析与圈层分析方法,揭示其时空演变特征。结果表明:2000-2018年研究区重度、极度敏感区面积减少,生态环境得到改善,生态敏感性空间分异与流域地形分布具有一致性;生态敏感性具有显著的空间正相关关系,在空间上呈连片连带式分布,具有明显的聚集性特征,随着高高、低低聚集网格数量的减少,生态敏感性空间结构逐渐趋于离散化;结合圈层分布,可将西南象限9-13圈层的吕梁山区与东南象限9-13圈层的太岳山区识别为流域生态环境治理的重点区域,此类区域地形以山地丘陵为主,体现了地形因素对流域生态敏感性空间分布的影响;研究区生态敏感性变化是生态本底与人类胁迫共同作用的结果。 相似文献
近40年来洞庭湖流域土地利用及生态风险时空演变分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以洞庭湖流域为研究对象,利用1980年、1990年、2000年、2010年和2018年5个时期的土地利用数据,在定量分析近40年流域土地利用动态特征的基础上,从景观生态学视角构建生态风险评价模型,对1980-2018年洞庭湖流域生态风险进行评价,并进一步揭示其时空格局演变特征。结果表明:(1)1980年以来,洞庭湖流域土地利用类型以林地和耕地为主。洞庭湖流域土地利用格局发生较大变化,其显著特征为建设用地不断扩张、林地基本稳定、耕地日益萎缩和水域呈扩大趋势。(2)近40年来,洞庭湖流域生态环境较为良好,以较低和中等生态风险区为主导类型。在1980-1990年、1990-2010年和2010-2018年3个时段内,生态风险呈现增长、缓和、加剧的变化过程,高风险区以洞庭湖湖盆向环洞庭湖平原扩张,洞庭湖区、湘江流域和资水流域生态风险等级明显高于其他地区,而沅水流域、澧水流域和湘江流域的东南部生态风险相对较小。 相似文献
Nitrogen Fluxes and Retention in Urban Watershed Ecosystems 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
Although the watershed approach has long been used to study whole-ecosystem function, it has seldom been applied to study human-dominated systems, especially those dominated by urban and suburban land uses. Here we present 3 years of data on nitrogen (N) losses from one completely forested, one agricultural, and six urban/suburban watersheds, and input–output N budgets for suburban, forested, and agricultural watersheds. The work is a product of the Baltimore Ecosystem Study, a long-term study of urban and suburban ecosystems, and a component of the US National Science Foundations long-term ecological research (LTER)
network. As expected, urban and suburban watersheds had much higher N losses than did the completely forested watershed, with N yields ranging from 2.9 to 7.9 kg N ha–1 y–1 in the urban and suburban watersheds compared with less than 1 kg N ha–1 y–1 in the completely forested watershed. Yields from urban and suburban watersheds were lower than those from an agricultural watershed (13–19.8 kg N ha–1 y–1). Retention of N in the suburban watershed was surprisingly high, 75% of inputs, which were dominated by home lawn fertilizer (14.4 kg N ha–1 y–1) and atmospheric deposition (11.2 kg N ha–1 y–1). Detailed analysis of mechanisms of N retention, which must occur in the significant amounts of pervious surface present in urban and suburban watersheds, and which include storage in soils and vegetation and gaseous loss, is clearly warranted. 相似文献
Colin M Beale 《Ostrich》2018,89(2):99-108
Ornithology in Africa has a long history. I review trends in the ornithological literature since 1990 within the context of the 14th Pan-African Ornithological Congress. Using full text searches of papers on PubMed® and abstracts from main ornithological journals I found that most papers referencing African bird species are focused on medical-related research questions. Restricting the literature search to journals African ornithologists are most likely to publish in, I found 2 279 relevant papers. These describe work on 29% of African bird species from 82% of African bird families, in all but two African countries. Overall output has increased slightly over time, with more papers tackling more research topics. Most popular research topics were demography, conservation and climate, with disease ecology, physiology and ecological processes the least researched topics. I found that while many authors with African affiliations publish papers, outside of South Africa very few African-based authors reliably publish in the international research literature, perhaps indicating difficulties in establishing a productive research career in much of Africa. I conclude with a call to overseas ornithologists working in Africa and to organisations funding research in Africa to work together to build capacity outside of the few established research centres. 相似文献
由于人类活动、气候变化等影响,全球湿地退化不断加剧,关于湿地恢复的相关研究也越来越多,但缺乏系统的文献梳理,对研究领域的热点演变特征及发展趋势认识不足。基于文献计量学软件CiteSpace.5.5R2及中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science核心数据库检索的文献数据,对湿地恢复领域的发文量、作者群、发文机构、文献共被引、高频关键词及突现等进行可视化分析。结果表明:(1)国内外关于湿地恢复研究的发文量总体上均呈现增长趋势,2008年之后发文量均显著提升,国内研究较国外晚了近10年,但发展迅速,国际影响力提升较快;(2)国外主要研究机构包括United States Geological Survey、Louisiana State University、University Florida、University Wisconsin等,均为美国机构,形成了以William JM-John WD、Zedler JB、Jos TA Verhoeven-Leon P M Lamers、Jeffrey WM等核心研究团队;国内以中国科学院、北京师范大学、中国林业科学研究院为主,形成了崔保... 相似文献
Anna-Maria Hubert 《Ocean Development & International Law》2013,44(4):329-355
Concerns about the negative effects of marine scientific research are in clear juxtaposition to the beneficial role that scientific knowledge plays in enhancing the understanding of the oceans and protecting the marine environment. This presents a regulatory paradox that is examined in this article in light of the legal framework in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The article traces how these general principles in the Convention are elaborated in soft law instruments for the promotion of environmentally sustainable research practices. It also looks at an example of state practice in this area by examining regulatory measures instituted in the Canadian Endeavour Hydrothermal Vent Marine Protected Area. 相似文献
Nitrogen solutes in an Adirondack forested watershed: Importance of dissolved organic nitrogen 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6
Michael R. McHale Myron J. Mitchell Jeffrey J. McDonnell Christopher P. Cirmo 《Biogeochemistry》2000,48(2):165-184
Nitrogen (N) dynamics were evaluated from 1 June 1995 through 31 May 1996 within the Arbutus Lake watershed in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State, USA. At the Arbutus Lake outlet dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), NO3
- and NH4
+ contributed 61%, 33%, and 6% respectively, to the total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) flux (259 mol ha-1 yr-1). At the lake inlet DON, NO3
-, and NH4
- constituted 36%, 61%, and 3% respectively, of TDN flux (349 mol ha-1 yr-1). Differences between the factors that control DON, NO3
+, and NH4
+ stream water concentrations were evaluated using two methods for estimating annual N flux at the lake inlet. Using biweekly sampling NO3
- and NH4
+ flux was 10 and 4 mol ha-1 yr-1 respectively, less than flux estimates using biweekly plus storm and snowmelt sampling. DON flux was 18 mol ha-1 yr-1 greater using only biweekly sampling. These differences are probably not of ecological significance relative to the total flux of N from the watershed (349 mol ha-1 yr-1). Dissolved organic N concentrations were positively related to discharge during both the dormant (R2 = 0.31; P < 0.01) and growing season (R2 = 0.09; P < 0.01). There was no significant relationship between NO3
- concentration and discharge during the dormant season, but a significant negative relationship was found during the growing season (R2 = 0.29; P < 0.01). Biotic controls in the growing season appeared to have had a larger impact on stream water NO3
- concentrations than on DON concentrations. Arbutus Lake had a major impact on stream water N concentrations of the four landscape positions sampled, suggesting the need to quantify within lake processes to interpret N solute losses and patterns in watershed-lake systems. 相似文献
Change is a fundamental component of contemporary restoration ecology. The environment, the research, and the ideas in this discipline are rapidly evolving and changing. The California Society for Ecological Restoration annual meeting was an inclusive, diverse meeting that significantly advanced new thinking in the field and provided an exemplar of the value of scientific discourse at meetings. The restoration work in this region also amplified and identified trends in the scientific community at large. A total of three future‐oriented strategic issues emerged from the discourse at this meeting. (1) Restoration ecologists need to consider alternative definitions of local for interventions within a region. (2) Restoration is never complete and must always incorporate people. (3) Indirect outcomes and the process of restoration have merit despite challenges of immediate identification of benefits. The science presented served as a platform for these advanced strategic issue examinations, and the grandest of challenges for restoration ecology necessarily includes people in every equation and embraces values and perceptions over longer time frames. 相似文献
浑河上游不同类型农户氮负荷特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
选取浑河上游大伙房水库上游的小流域为研究区域,对农户氮素非点源污染特征进行了分析.根据氮素流动的特点,将农户分为养殖型农户、蔬菜种植户、传统种植户3种类型.氮素污染负荷顺序为:养殖型农户(348 ±76 kg·hm-2·a-1)>蔬菜种植户(307±127kg·hm-2·a-1)>传统种植户(213±126 kg·hm-2·a-1).不同农户农田氮损失量的大小顺序为:蔬菜种植户(256±21 kg hm-2·a-1)>养殖型农户( 188±52 kg·hm-2·a-1)>传统种植户(168±65 kg·hm-2·a-1).表明,该地区的蔬菜种植户、养殖型农户对水体质量影响较大,是氮素非点源污染重点防治对象.在农户氮排放中,居民生活排放的氮素占28%,农田氮损失占72%,说明农田是主要的氮污染源,但居民生活的氮素污染也不可忽视.该研究范围内最佳氮循环的临界值为395.5 kg hm-2·a-1,此时的总流动量是1883.3 kg·hm-2·a-1,氮素输出是376.7 kg·hm-2·a-1. 相似文献
Dissolved and particulate nutrient flux from three adjacent agricultural watersheds: A five-year study 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
Michael J. Vanni William H. Renwick Jenifer L. Headworth Jeffery D. Auch Maynard H. Schaus 《Biogeochemistry》2001,54(1):85-114
Fluxes of dissolved and particulate nitrogen (N) and phosphorus(P) from three adjacent watersheds were quantified with ahigh-resolution sampling program over a five-year period. The watershedsvary by an order of magnitude in area (12,875, 7968 and 1206 ha), and inall three watersheds intensive agriculture comprises > 90% ofland. Annual fluxes of dissolved N and P per unit watershed area (exportcoefficients) varied 2X among watersheds, and patterns were notdirectly related to watershed size. Over the five-year period, meanannual flux of soluble reactive P (SRP) was 0.583 kg P ·ha–1 · yr–1 from the smallestwatershed and 0.295 kg P · ha–1 ·yr–1 from the intermediate-sized watershed, which hadthe lowest SRP flux. Mean annual flux of nitrate was 20.53 kg N ·ha–1 · yr–1 in the smallestwatershed and 44.77 kg N · ha–1 ·yr–1 in the intermediate-sized watershed, which had thehighest nitrate flux. As a consequence, the export ratio of dissolvedinorganic N to SRP varied from 80 (molar) in the smallest watershed to335 in the intermediate-sized watershed. Because most N was exported asnitrate, differences among watersheds in total N flux were similar tothose for nitrate. Hence, the total N:P export ratio was 42(molar) for the smallest watershed and 109 for the intermediate-sizedwatershed. In contrast, there were no clear differences among watershedsin the export coefficients of particulate N, P, or carbon, even though> 50% of total P was exported as particulate P in allwatersheds. All nutrient fractions were exported at higher rates in wetyears than in dry years, but precipitation-driven variability in exportcoefficients was greater for particulate fractions than for dissolvedfractions.Examination of hydrological regimes showed that, for all nutrientfractions, most export occurred during stormflow. However, theproportion of nitrate flux exported as baseflow was much greater thanthe proportion of SRP flux exported as baseflow, for all threewatersheds (25–37% of nitrate exported as baseflow vs.3–13% of SRP exported as baseflow). In addition, baseflowcomprised a greater proportion of total discharge in theintermediate-sized watershed (43.7% of total discharge) than theother two watersheds (29.3 and 30.1%). Thus, higher nitrateexport coefficients in the intermediate-sized watershed may haveresulted from the greater contribution of baseflow in this watershed.Other factors potentially contributing to higher nitrate exportcoefficients in this watershed may be a thicker layer of loess soils anda lower proportion of riparian forest than the other watersheds. Theamong-watershed variability in SRP concentrations and exportcoefficients remains largely unexplained, and might represent theminimum expected variation among similar agriculturalwatersheds. 相似文献
VINCENT ROUSSET LAETITIA PLAISANCE CHRISTER ERSÉUS MARK E. SIDDALL GREG W. ROUSE 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2008,95(3):447-464
Clitellata (earthworms, leeches, and allies) is a clade of segmented annelid worms that comprise more than 5000 species found worldwide in many aquatic and terrestrial habitats. According to current views, the first clitellates were either aquatic (marine or freshwater) or terrestrial. To address this question further, we assessed the phylogenetic relationships among clitellates using parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of 175 annelid 18S ribosomal DNA sequences. We then defined two ecological characters (Habitat and Aquatic‐environment preferences) and mapped those characters on the trees from the three analyses, using parsimony character‐state reconstruction (i.e. Fitch optimization). We accommodated phylogenetic uncertainty in the character mapping by reconstructing character evolution on all the trees resulting from parsimony and maximum likelihood bootstrap analyses and, in the Bayesian inference, on the trees sampled using the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. Our analyses revealed that an ‘aquatic’ ancestral state for clitellates is a robust result. By using alterations of coding characters and constrained analyses, we also demonstrated that the hypothesis for a terrestrial origin of clitellates is not supported. Our analyses also suggest that the most recent ancestor of clitellates originated from a freshwater environment. However, we stress the importance of adding sequences of some rare marine taxa to more rigorously assess the freshwater origin of Clitellata. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 447–464. 相似文献