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Summary Effects of errors in estimates of the genetic correlation on the accuracy of unrestricted, optimum, and desired gains selection indices were examined experimentally in Tribolium castaneum. Three lines were selected for three generations for pupal weight at 21 days and adult weight at 31 days, using unrestricted (I9), optimum (O9), and desired gains (G9) index selection methods. The genetic correlation between pupal and adult weights in the base population was 0.95. The optimum index was designed to set the response of pupal weight by a fixed amount, while in the desired gains index the responses of pupal and adult weights were specified as being equal to 31. Three other indices were constructed using a deliberately incorrect genetic correlation (0.25), i.e., unrestricted (I2), optimum (O2), and desired gains (G2). Responses observed in unrestricted index lines (I9 versus I2) and optimum index lines (O9 versus O2) did not differ significantly, even though lines I9 and I2 differed in a practical sense. Responses in desired gains index lines (G9 versus G2) differed significantly. Responses obtained for aggregate genotype (pupal weight + adult weight) and for the component traits were greater in line I9 than those obtained in line I2. Responses obtained in the O9 and O2 lines for pupal and adult weights were similar, while those obtained in the G9 and G2 lines were similar for pupal weight but not (P<0.05) for adult weight. Therefore, underestimation of the genetic correlation seems to affect the efficiency of a desired gains index more than that of unrestricted or optimum indices.  相似文献   

Summary Three generations of upward selection for the egg mass/adult weight ratio were carried out in Tribolium castaneum. The experiment involved five lines: E — selected for increased egg mass; W — selected for decreased adult weight; R — selected for egg mass/adult weight directly; L — linear index selected with economic weights of m 2: -m 1 egg mass to adult weight (m 1 and m 2 are the means for adult weight and egg mass, respectively); NL — nonlinear index selected. Adult weight (7 days after adult emergence) and egg mass (between 7 and 11 days) were measured. The NL, E, and L lines had the greatest observed responses for the ratio; the R and W lines were not effective in improving the egg mass/adult weight ratio. It was expected that the NL line would be superior to the E, L, and R lines, and that the W line would respond the least. Observed response was significant for egg mass in the NL line, and for adult weight in the E, W, and R lines. Strong selection to increase egg mass seems to represent the optimal criterion for the ratio to be improved. The usefulness of nonlinear indices as selection criteria to improve a nonlinear trait, previously found to be optimal for a trait defined as the product of two component traits, appears to hold also for the selective improvement of the ratio of two traits. Serious limitations expected for direct selection of the ratio have been confirmed in this experiment.  相似文献   

Summary A single generation of upward truncation selection on families with 20% selected was carried out in each of five replicates using Tribolium castaneum as the test organism. The experiment involved eight lines: N — selected for offspring number; W — selected for pupal weight; B — selected for biomass; Q — quadratic index selected; L21 — linear index selected with relative economic weights of 21 offspring number to pupal weight; L11 — linear index selected with relative economic weights of 11 offspring number to pupal weight; L12 — linear index selected with relative economic weights of 12 offspring number to pupal weight; C — an unselected control.Biomass (weight of offspring per family), offspring number, and pupal weight were measured. No differences in response to selection were found among the linear index lines and the pupal weight line with regard to any trait analysed. Generally, response to selection in the linear index lines and pupal weight line was small for offspring number and high for pupal weight. Selection pressure on offspring number in these lines seemed to be dependent on the correlation between offspring number and pupal weight. As a result, response to selection for biomass was poor in the linear index and pupal weight selected lines. In the case of the linear indices, poor response to selection for biomass appeared to be due to the violation of the assumption of additivity of the traits included in the definition of aggregate genotype.The responses in the quadratic index, biomass, and offspring number selected lines were equal with respect to selection for biomass. The response of the quadratic index selected line was less than the responses of the biomass and offspring number selected lines for offspring number, but the response in the quadratic index line was as large as that of any other line included in the experiment and greater than the biomass and offspring number selected lines where pupal weight was the criterion.Highly significant amounts of variation were found for all traits indicating that more replicates are needed for precise evaluation of selection systems.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to estimate heritabilities as well as genetic and phenotypic correlations for egg weight, specific gravity, shape index, shell ratio, egg shell strength, egg length, egg width and shell weight in Japanese quail eggs. External egg quality traits were measured on 5864 eggs of 934 female quails from a dam line selected for two generations. Within the Bayesian framework, using Gibbs Sampling algorithm, a multivariate animal model was applied to estimate heritabilities and genetic correlations for external egg quality traits. The heritability estimates for external egg quality traits were moderate to high and ranged from 0.29 to 0.81. The heritability estimates for egg and shell weight of 0.81 and 0.76 were fairly high. The genetic and phenotypic correlations between egg shell strength with specific gravity, shell ratio and shell weight ranging from 0.55 to 0.79 were relatively high. It can be concluded that it is possible to determine egg shell quality using the egg specific gravity values utilizing its high heritability and fairly high positive correlation with most of the egg shell quality traits. As a result, egg specific gravity may be the choice of selection criterion rather than other external egg traits for genetic improvement of egg shell quality in Japanese quails.  相似文献   

We report our studies of the effect of inbreeding on the response to selection for increased pupal weight in the flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum. We also report the effects of inbreeding and selection for pupal weight on the heritable variation in fitness and fitness components. We created replicate and independent inbred lines with F-values of 0.00, 0.375, and 0.672, by 0, 2, and 5 generations, respectively, of brother-sister mating of adult beetles from an outbred stock population. Subsequently, we imposed artificial within-family selection for increased pupal weight in each of 15 inbred lines for eight generations; each line had its own paired, unselected control. We compared the response to selection across the three levels of inbreeding with theoretical expectation, and investigated the effects of inbreeding and selection on fitness variation among families within all 30 selected and control lines. Among-line variation in pupal weight increased with increased inbreeding prior to selection but diminished with directional selection. Inbreeding reduced the realized heritability of pupal weight concordant with quantitative predictions of additive theory. Mean fitness, measured in several ways, declined with inbreeding and declined further with selection. In contrast, the genetic variation for fitness in the inbred and selected lines lines equalled or exceeded that of the outbred controls. Our results suggest that inbreeding and selection may affect traits in different ways depending on the relative amounts of additive and nonadditive genetic variation.  相似文献   

This study compares laying performances between two environments of dwarf laying hen lines segregating for the naked neck mutation (NA locus), a selected dwarf line of brown-egg layers and its control line. Layers with one of the three genotypes at the NA locus were produced from 11 sires from the control line and 12 sires from the selected line. Two hatches produced 216 adult hens in Taiwan and 297 hens in France. Genetic parameters for laying traits were estimated in each environment and the ranking of sire breeding values was compared between environments. Laying performance was lower, and mortality was higher in Taiwan than in France. The line by environment interaction was highly significant for body weight at 16 weeks, clutch length and egg number, with or without Box-Cox transformation. The selected line was more sensitive to environmental change but in Taiwan it could maintain a higher egg number than the control line. Estimated heritability values in the selected line were higher in France than in Taiwan, but not for all the traits in the control line. The rank correlations between sire breeding values were low within the selected line and slightly higher in the control line. A few sire families showed a good ranking in both environments, suggesting that some families may adapt better to environmental change.  相似文献   

A selection of the 10% lightest and 10% heaviest males and females of a population of individually weighed Rhipicephalus appendiculatus Neumann adults was made in two experiments. The offspring of homologous pairs were followed until the next adult stage (light x light, control x control and heavy x heavy). The engorged nymphal weights, unfed adult weights, engorged female weights of the parents, egg mass weights, egg weights, larval scutal lengths, engorged larval weights, unfed nymphal weights, engorged nymphal weights and adult weights of the progeny were determined. No significant differences could be demonstrated between the two lines for egg weight, larval scutal length, engorged larval weight and unfed nymphal weight. Significant differences were found between the egg masses, engorged nymphal weights and adult weights of the two lines. The heritability coefficients of body weight determined from adult to adult were 0.14 and 0.10, respectively, during the first and second experiments. Considering females and males separately, the coefficients were 0.10 and 0.18 during the frist experiment and 0.12 and 0.09 during the repeat experiment respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Five lines of Tribolium castaneum (flour beetle) were selected in each of three, replicates for biomass, using quadratic (Q) and linear (L) selection indices, direct selection for biomass (B) and indirect selection for each component trait, i.e. pupal weight (P) and family size (F), respectively, for five generations. The highest response in biomass was obtained in the Q line using an exact quadratic index in which the genetic value for each trait was based on information from both traits. The expected results were that Q selection would not exceed L selection while the L method would be superior with respect to direct selection for biomass (B line); P selection would be better and F selection worse than B selection. Selection was effective for pupal weight in the Q, L, B and P lines, but was not effective for family size, although the Q line increased slightly. The lines had no linear response for family size. Selection for biomass was influenced more by family size than by pupal weight. It is advantageous to include terms such as squares and products in the selection index, even though the response to selection may have been non-linear because of the low heritability of family size and an intermediate optimum for this component trait.  相似文献   

Rapidly changing environments may weaken sexual selection and lead to indiscriminate mating by interfering with the reception of mating signals or by increasing the costs associated with mate choice. If temperature alters sexual selection, it may impact population response and adaptation to climate change. Here, we examine how differences in temperature of the mating environment influence reproductive investment in the European corn borer moth (Ostrinia nubilalis). Mate preference in this species is known to be related to pheromone usage, with assortative mating occurring between genetically distinct E and Z strains that differ in the composition of female and male pheromones. We compared egg production within and between corn borer lines derived from four different populations that vary in pheromone composition and other traits. Pairs of adults were placed in a mating environment that matched the pupal environment (ambient temperature) or at elevated temperature (5°C above the pupal environment). At ambient temperature, we found that within‐line pairs produced eggs sooner and produced more egg clusters than between‐line pairs. However, at elevated temperature, between‐line pairs produced the same number of egg clusters as within‐line pairs. These results suggest that elevated temperature increased investment in matings with typically less preferred, between‐line mates. This increased investment could result in changes in gene flow among corn borer populations in warming environments.  相似文献   

Abstract The timing of life‐history events in insects can have important consequences for both survival and reproduction. For insect herbivores with complex life histories, selection is predicted to favor those combinations of traits that increase the size at metamorphosis while minimizing the risk of mortality from natural enemies. Studies quantifying selection on life‐history traits in natural insect herbivore populations, however, have been rare. The purpose of this study was to measure phenotypic selection imposed by elements of the first and third trophic levels on variation in two life‐history traits, the timing of egg hatch and pupal mass, in a population of oak‐feeding caterpillars, Psilocorsis quercicella (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae). Larvae were collected from the field throughout each of two generations per year for three years and reared to determine the effects of the date of egg hatch on both the risk of attack from parasitoids and the pupal mass of the survivors. The direction and strength of phenotypic selection attributed to aspects of the first and third trophic levels, as well as their combined effects, on the date of egg hatch was measured for each of the six generations. Heritabilities of and genetic correlations between pupal mass and the date of adult emergence from diapause (the life‐history trait expected to have the largest influence on the timing of egg hatch, and thus larval development) were estimated from laboratory matings. In four of the six generations examined, significant directional selection attributed to the first trophic level was detected, always favoring early‐hatching cohorts predicted to experience higher leaf quality than late‐hatching cohorts. Directional phenotypic selection by the third trophic level was detected in only one of three years, and in that year the direction of selection was in opposite directions during the two successive generations. The combined effect of selection by both trophic levels indicated that the third trophic level acted to either reduce or enhance the more predictable pattern of selection attributed to the first trophic level. In addition, I found evidence of truncation selection acting to increase the mean and decrease the variance of pupal mass during the pupa‐adult transition in the laboratory. Pupal mass and diapause duration were found to vary significantly among full‐sibling families; upper bounds for heritability estimates were 0.57 and 0.30, respectively. Furthermore, these two traits were found to be positively genetically correlated (families with larger pupae had longer diapause durations), resulting in a fitness trade‐off, because larger pupae enjoy higher survival through metamorphosis and female fecundity but emerge later, when average leaf quality for offspring is generally poorer.  相似文献   

Summary Two sublines from each of four flocks of White Leghorn were subjected to two cycles of selection for part year egg number and part year egg mass. A family index (combined selection) was the selection criterion for each of the two traits. The generation means of an unselected pedigreed randombred control, bred and maintained along with the selected sub-lines, were used for correcting short term environmental trends. The sublines selected for a common selection criterion were considered as replicates. The control corrected generation means, when averaged over replicates, gave the mean direct and correlated responses for the selected and different unselected traits. The average genetic change per generation was 2.16 eggs in egg number selected sublines and 146 g of egg mass in egg mass selected sublines. The direct response marginally exceeded the correlated response for both part period egg number and egg mass seen in the corresponding sublines. Except for egg weight the correlated responses for different unselected traits were in the same direction in both egg number and egg mass selected sublines. While the egg weight in egg number lines did not change, its response was positive in egg mass selected lines. A comparison between the lines revealed that the egg mass selected lines matured later and laid heavier but slightly less numerous eggs than the egg number selected sub-lines.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the possibility of using the dwarf gene for egg production, two dwarf brown-egg laying lines were selected for 16 generations on average clutch length; one line (L1) was normally feathered and the other (L2) was homozygous for the naked neck gene NA. A control line from the same base population, dwarf and segregating for the NA gene, was maintained during the selection experiment under random mating. The average clutch length was normalized using a Box-Cox transformation. Genetic variability and selection response were estimated either with the mixed model methodology, or with the classical methods for calculating genetic gain, as the deviation from the control line, and the realized heritability, as the ratio of the selection response on cumulative selection differentials. Heritability of average clutch length was estimated to be 0.42 ± 0.02, with a multiple trait animal model, whereas the estimates of the realized heritability were lower, being 0.28 and 0.22 in lines L1 and L2, respectively. REML estimates of heritability were found to decline with generations of selection, suggesting a departure from the infinitesimal model, either because a limited number of genes was involved, or their frequencies were changed. The yearly genetic gains in average clutch length, after normalization, were estimated to be 0.37 ± 0.02 and 0.33 ± 0.04 with the classical methods, 0.46 ± 0.02 and 0.43 ± 0.01 with animal model methodology, for lines L1 and L2 respectively, which represented about 30% of the genetic standard deviation on the transformed scale. Selection response appeared to be faster in line L2, homozygous for the NA gene, but the final cumulated selection response for clutch length was not different between the L1 and L2 lines at generation 16.  相似文献   

Summary Two lines of Tribolium castaneum were selected in each of three replicates for egg laying between 7 and 11 days after adult emergency and for adult weight at 12 days, using theoretical (IT) and empirical (IP) index selection methods. Index coefficients were given empirically in the IP line and they were adjusted in the successive generations of selection according to the results obtained in the previous ones. Highly repeatable selection responses in all replicates occurred in both lines for the aggregate genotype (egg laying plus adult weight) and for each individual trait. The IP line tended to increase slightly more than the IT line for aggregate genotype and egg laying, while the highest response in adult weight was obtained with the IT method. The two methods gave consistently different responses in each replicate. The expected results were that IT selection should not exceed IP selection for the aggregate genotype and egg laying while theoretically the IT method should have been superior for increase adult weight. Theoretical expectations for adult weight have been fulfilled in practice. The IP method would be preferred in a practical sense because of its simplicity and freedom from need of parameter estimation.  相似文献   

A selection experiment for large adult weight based on individual performance was conducted for three generations in Helix aspersa aspersa. A second line was kept as an unselected control line. Direct response measured as deviation from the control line was 3.55 g after three generations of artificial selection, which averaged 13%. Realized heritability was 0.38 +/- 0.04. Correlated responses to selection showed a significant increase in weight after hibernation, mean egg weight and mean weight of newly-hatched snails with selection. For adult age, egg number, and hatching rate, no significant change correlated to selection was found, but this is to be confirmed.  相似文献   

In this article we investigate the direct and correlated responses to selection for developmental time in order to discern differences between lines in several preadult and adult life history traits of Acanthoscelides obtectus (Coleoptera, Bruchidae). Selection for fast development was about five times as effective as selection for slow development, as judged by realized heritabilities. The correlated responses on the following life‐history traits were studied: egg size, hatching success, embryonic developmental time, egg‐to‐adult viability, body weight, first day of egg laying, total fecundity, and longevity. Analyses of the terminal generation of selection showed that all life history traits examined, except for hatching success, were affected by selection. The findings suggest that body weight, total fecundity, and longevity traded off to preadult developmental time. Unlike the adult traits, none of the preadult traits showed negative correlations with developmental time. We also present data concerning the underlying genetic basis that produces changes in preadult developmental time, body weight, and egg‐to‐adult viability in the lines selected for fast and slow preadult developmental time. Additive‐dominance genetic architecture for both preadult developmental time and body weight was found. In addition, it appears that the responses to selection for preadult developmental time involved between 10 and 28 loci, which were correlated with at least one to four genes for body weight. Epistasis makes a significant contribution to genetic divergence between fast and slow selected lines only with respect to preadult viability. The observed levels of dominance and epistasis underscore the important role of nonadditive genetic effects to the adaptive diversifications of bean weevil populations.  相似文献   

We use artificial selection experiments targeted on egg size, development time or pupal mass within a single butterfly population followed by a common-garden experiment to explore the interactions among these life-history traits. Relationships were predicted to be negative between egg size and development time, but to be positive between development time and body size and between egg size and body size. Correlated responses to selection were in part inconsistent with these predictions. Although there was evidence for a positive genetic correlation between egg and body size, there was no support for genetic correlations between larval development time and either egg size or pupal mass. Phenotypic correlations among the three target traits of selection gave comparable results for the relationships between egg mass and development time (no association) as well as between egg mass and pupal mass (positive association), but not for the relation between development time and pupal mass (negative phenotypic correlation). In summary, correlated responses to selection as well as phenotypic correlations were rather unpredictable. The impact of variation in acquisition and allocation of energy as well as of the benign conditions used deserve further investigation.  相似文献   

The underlying genetic basis of life-history traits in free-ranging animals is critical to the effects of selection on such traits, but logistical constraints mean that such data are rarely available. Our long-term ecological studies on free-ranging oviparous snakes (keelbacks, Tropidonophis mairii (Gray, 1841), Colubridae) on an Australian floodplain provide the first such data for any tropical reptile. All size-corrected reproductive traits (egg mass, clutch size, clutch mass and post-partum maternal mass) were moderately repeatable between pairs of clutches produced by 69 female snakes after intervals of 49-1152 days, perhaps because maternal body condition was similar between clutches. Parent-offspring regression of reproductive traits of 59 pairs of mothers and daughters revealed high heritability for egg mass (h2= 0.73, SE=0.24), whereas heritability for the other three traits was low (< 0.37). The estimated heritability of egg mass may be inflated by maternal effects such as differential allocation of yolk steroids to different-sized eggs. High heritability of egg size may be maintained (rather than eroded by stabilizing selection) because selection acts on a trait (hatchling size) that is determined by the interaction between egg size and incubation substrate rather than by egg size alone. Variation in clutch size was mainly because of environmental factors (h2=0.04), indicating that one component of the trade-off between egg size and clutch size is under much tighter genetic control than the other. Thus, the phenotypic trade-off between egg size and egg number in keelback snakes occurs because each female snake must allocate a finite amount of energy into eggs of a genetically determined size.  相似文献   

Resistance of insects to insecticides is often associated with reduced fitness in the absence of selection. We examined fitness trade-offs associated with resistance to the microbial insecticide, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), across full-sib families in a resistant population of Trichoplusia ni. Significant genetic variation in and heritability of susceptibility to Bt occurred among the full-sib families. Male pupal weight was positively correlated with Bt susceptibility, indicating a potential fitness cost, but no such correlation occurred for females. Significant heritability for pupal weight was present for males but not females. A significant negative genetic correlation existed between development time and Bt susceptibility, indicating that resistant larvae developed more slowly than susceptible larvae. Selection for Bt resistance in T. ni resulted in changes in life-history traits that affected males more than females.  相似文献   

Ten isofemale lines of two natural populations of Drosophila ananassae were compared at four different temperatures for body size, W/T ratio, ovariole number and different life history traits. Three-factor nested ANOVA for thorax length and W/T ratio shows significant differences for temperature and sex, while for wing length it shows significant sex difference only. Two-factor nested ANOVA for ovariole number shows a significant difference between populations only, and not for different temperatures. Tests of correlations among different life history traits show novel trade-offs between LDT and pupal period and between pupal period and egg–pupa DT at different temperatures.  相似文献   

Replicated bidirectional selection (with control lines) for nest-building behavior in Mus musculus, where nesting scores consisted of the total weight of cotton pulled through the cage lid during four days of testing, yielded an eight-fold difference between high and low lines after 15 generations of selection. The overall realized heritability pooled across lines and replicates was 0.18 ± 0.02 (0.15 ± 0.03 for high nesting scores and 0.23 ± 0.04 for low nesting scores), or 0.28 ± 0.05 when adjusted for within-family selection. Across the 15 generations and the entire experiment, average body weight and number of infertile matings increased, while average litter size decreased, although these changes were not consistent across lines. Inbreeding could account for average decreases in the fertility traits, but there was also a correlated response to selection, since both high lines showed increased litter size and decreased infertile matings.  相似文献   

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