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Selected morphometrics of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and seven species of Steinernema from in vivo culture were compared in relation to time of harvest. In addition, five Steinernema species were reared in vitro and their morphometrics were compared with those from in vivo culture. With in vivo culture, there was generally a negative linear relationship between body length of infective juveniles (IJ) and time of harvest. The distance from the anterior end to the excretory pore (EP) and the tail length (T) of IJ also varied with time of harvest. The E percentage (= EP/T x 100) was the least variable. Body lengths of IJ reared in vitro were much less than those of IJ reared in vivo. The study suggests that IJ harvested from in vivo culture within 1 week of emergence from cadavers are best for species identification. Infective juveniles from in vitro culture should not be used for species identification.  相似文献   

Cuticle ultrastructure of Criconemella curvata and C. sphaerocephala females is presented; males were available only in the second species. Ultrathin sections revealed three major zones: cortical, median, and basal. The cortical zone in the females consists of an external and internal layer. In C. curvata the external layer is trilaminate and at each annule it is covered by a multilayered cap. In C. sphaerocephala the trilaminate layer is lacking and the external cortical layer includes an osmophilic coating. In both species the internal layer consists of alternate striated and unstriated sublayers. The median zone is fibrous with a central lacuna and the zone is interrupted between the annules. The basal zone of the cuticle is striated and narrower between each annule. The cuticle of the C. sphaerocephala male is typical of Tylenchida, except under both lateral fields; the striated layer becomes forked at the first incisure and the innermost two prongs of the fork overlap each other, resulting in a continuous striated band.  相似文献   

This paper contains taxonomic keys for the identification of species of the genera Steinernema and Heterorhabditis. Morphometrics of certain life stages are presented in data tables so that the morphometrics of species identified using the keys can be checked in the tables. Additionally, SEM photographs and diagnoses of the families and genera of Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae are presented.  相似文献   

Material antigenically related to the neuromodulatory peptide FMRFamide was detected and examined in preparations of the soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines, and in the free-living nematodes Caenorhabditis elegans and Panagrellus redivivus. FMRFamide-related peptides were quantified by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Specific activities were remarkably similar among all of the vermiform members of the three species. FMRFamide-related peptide immunoactivity was present in both sexes and all stages of H. glycines examined. The highest specific activity was present in second-stage juveniles and in males, and the lowest in white and yellow females. Total FMRFamide-related peptide level per individual was highest in brown females, with 90% of the activity associated with the eggs. Peptide levels in these eggs and in second-stage juveniles were comparable and increased in adults, especially in females. Chromatographic analysis of FMRFamide-related peptide preparations from H. glycines juveniles, C. elegans, and P. redivivus revealed distinct qualitative differences between the infective plant parasite and the free-living nematodes.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of spermatozoa in the free-living marine nematode Halalaimus dimorphus was studied with transmission electron microscopy. Spermatozoa in the posterior testis of the male had a large cavity filled with cellular processes, which contained a variable number of small tubules. Mitochondria and small tubules were the only cell structures observed in the cytoplasm. The spermatozoa had a bipolar structure. The anteriorly situated nucleus, which was electron-dense and homogeneous, was surrounded by a single membrane. The size of the small tubules in the cytoplasm (diam. 12-13 nm) and their relatively thick wall structure suggested that they were not normal microtubules (diam. 25 nm). The material of the small tubules was assumed to be major sperm protein (MSP). The cavity appeared to open on the surface of the spermatozoon at the posterior extremity of the cell, and also medially, at the level of the anterior end of the cavity. The pores apparently were closed by a special plug-like structure, which was an evagination of the cell. The wall of the cavity was characterized by longitudinal folds, which were mushroom-shaped in transverse section. Spermatids in the anterior testis of H. dimorphuswere characterized by fibrous bodies packed with small tubules and by cellular processes also containing small tubules. H. dimorphus sperm seem to perform swimming movements based on liquid currents commonly present in turbin-like systems. Spermatogenesis resembled that found in ticks.  相似文献   

Four species of Trichodoridae, two of them new and belonging to the T. aequalis complex, are reported from Alaska. Trichodorus carlingi n. sp. differs from all other species of the genus in having conspicuously hamate spicules. Vaginal sclerotizations are trapezoidal to rectangular. Trichodorus paucisetosus n. sp., which resembles T. sparsus Szczygiel, 1968 and T. nanjingensis Liu & Cheng, 1990, has sparsely setose, noncephalated spicules partially striated in one or two zones, oval to round vaginal sclerotizations, sperm in discrete spermathecae, and onchiostyle 57-72 μm long. Trichodorus californicus Alien, 1957 is reported from many sites in Alaska, and T. aequalis Allen, 1957 is reported from one site. Trichodorus californicus was collected almost exclusively from glacial refugial regions north of the Alaska Range.  相似文献   

In this study an attempt was made to determine the position of the outlets and nuclei of the pharyngeal glands in four monhysterid genera. Five Eumonhystera spp., seven Monhystera spp., and eight Monhystrella spp. were studied under the light microscope. Longitudinal sections of an undescribed Monhystera sp. and cross sections of Geomonhystera disjuncta were also studied under the scanning and transmission electron microscope, respectively. The results of the light microscopic studies were inconclusive about the position of the outlets but showed a number of nuclei in the basal part of the pharynx. The scanning and transmission electron microscopic studies revealed five pharyngeal glands and their outlets; their position was as follows: dorsal gland outlet at the base of buccal tooth, first pair of ventrosublateral gland outlets halfway along the pharynx, and second pair of ventrosublateral gland outlets close to the base of the pharynx. It is concluded that at least three, and possibly five, nuclei are in the basal part of the pharynx. This pattern, in the position of the outlets and nuclei, is similar to that in Caenorhabditis elegans (Maupas, 1900) Dougherty, 1953 and may well be the basic plan in the Class Chromadorea (including Secernentia as a subclass).  相似文献   

The object of this research was to investigate the effects of ambient temperature on the transmission of the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, by its vector, Monochamus alternatus. Ninety M. alternatus were reared individually at one of three constant temperatures (16, 20, and 25 °C). As the ambient temperature decreased from 25 to 16 °C, longevity of vectors decreased, nematode transmission efficiency decreased, and the peak period of nematode transmission was delayed and its peak height decreased. Low temperature may inhibit the transmission process, and this inhibition could be partially responsible for preventing pine wilt disease from devastating pine forests in cool regions.  相似文献   

Hemicycliophora biosphaera n. sp. (Nemata: Criconematidae) was found in soil from a fallow field plot within the Biosphere 2 Center, Oracle, Arizona. The nematode species is characterized by continuous and irregular breaks in transverse striae in the lateral field, smooth annules, a rounded-truncate lip region with rounded anterior margins, three lip annules, first labial annule elevated and widened laterally, dome-shaped and elevated labial disc, stylet length (76-97 (μm), VA%T value (30-59), 234-273 body annules, and tail with a terminus offset, cylindrical to slightly conoid digit. Hemicycliophora biosphaera n. sp. most closely resembles H. armandae but differs from it in body width (30-39 vs. 38-54 μm), stylet length (76-97 vs. 95-119 μm), greater number of annules between the excretory pore and esophagus base (4-16 vs. 2), length of the tail terminal spike (16-28 vs. 32 μm), lower Rvan value (9-15 vs. 16), and indistinct spetanatheca vs. distinct spermatheca.  相似文献   

Pasteuria sp., strain S-1, is a gram-positive, obligate endoparasitic bacterium that uses the phytoparasitic sting nematode, Belonolaimus longicaudatus, as its host in Florida. The host attachment of S-1 appears to be specific to the genus Belonolaimus with development occurring only in juveniles and adults of B. longicaudatus. This bacterium is characterized from other described species of Pasteuria using ultrastructure of the mature endospore. Penetration, development, and sporogenesis were elucidated with TEM, LTSEM, and SEM and are similar to other nematode-specific Pasteuria. Recent analysis of 16S rDNA sequence homology confirms its congeneric ranking with other Pasteuria species and strains from nematodes and cladocerans, and corroborates ultrastructural, morphological, morphometric, and host-range evidence suggesting separate species status.  相似文献   

A new Parasitorhabditis species with males and females was discovered from the southern pine beetle Dendroctonus frontalis and its galleries in loblolly pine, Pinus taeda, growing in Mississippi. Females of the new species have a cupola-shaped tail with a small spike; males possess a 2 + (3+2) + 3 ray pattern on the tail fan with ray 10 reaching the margin, and a distinctive stomatal tooth. Parasitorhabditis frontali n. sp. has some similarities to P. hylurgi Massey, 1974 from Hylurgops pinifex in New York, USA, P. terebranus Massey, 1974 from D. terebrans (Olivier, 1795) in Texas USA, P. ligniperdae Fuchs, 1915 from Hylergops ligniperda (Fabricius, 1787) and P. dendroctoni Rühm, 1956 from D. micans (Kugelann, 1794) in Europe, P. ateri Fuchs, 1915 isolated from the beetle Hylastes ater (Paykull, 1800) in Germany, and P. malii Devdariani and Kakulia,1970 from Scolytus mali (Bechstein, 1805) within the republic of Georgia. Morphometrics for 44 species of Parasitorhabditis are provided to update older keys. Parasitorhabditis frontali n. sp. was initially grown on Malt Extract (ME) agar with its own microbial contaminants that included a bacterium and fungus. The nematode also grew and reproduced after slices of ME agar with nematodes and microbial contaminants were transferred to water agar. It was killed by E. coli on NGM agar plates commonly used to raise other Rhabditida. Drawings of diagnostic anatomy and low-temperature SEM images of bodies, heads, and tails are provided for cultured specimens from pine beetle frass.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne trifoliophila n. sp. is described from white clover collected at Ames Plantation, Fayette County, Tennessee. The perineal pattern is rounded, with long, smooth striae and rounded arch, and without distinct lateral lines or perivulval striae. The female stylet is 12.6-15.5 μm long, the excretory pore is level with or up to one stylet length posterior to the stylet knobs, and the vulva is subterminal. The posterior terminus is weakly protuberant. The male lateral field is composed of approximately eight repeatedly broken or forked incisures. The male stylet is 17.0-18.9 μm long, the stylet knobs are rounded and sloping, gradually merging with the shaft, and the head region consists of one large annule. Second-stage juveniles are 357-400 μm long, with a stylet length of 11.9-13.6 μm and one head annule. The tail tapers to a slender tip. This new species is similar to M. graminicola and M. triticoryzae but differs from them in perineal pattern and lateral field morphology, and numerous morphometric characters.  相似文献   

Syconia (enclosed infructescences) infested with host-specific species of Schistonchus (Aphelenchoididae) were collected from six species of Ficus (Moraceae) native to Florida or Panama. They were sectioned and histologically examined to assess the effects of parasitism. Parasitism by Schistonchus spp. was associated with hypertrophied cells, tissue necrosis, and the presence of an exudate in all species. Occasional hypertrophy of the outer epidermal cells occurred on seed florets, wasp florets, and on the endothecial cells of male florets in F. aurea (subgenus Urostigma) from Florida. Aberrations of the inner mesocarp occurred under the hypertrophied cells on seed florets. In F. laevigata (subgenus Urostigma) from Florida, Schistonchus sp. infested immature male florets and was associated with hypertrophy of endothecial cells, epidermal cells of the anther filaments, and anthers. Schistonchus sp. also caused aberrations of the anther filament, anthers, and pollen. Ficus poponoei (subgenus Urostigma) and F. glabrata (subgenus Pharmacosycea), both from Panama, had hypertrophied outer epidermal cells on seed florets. Ficus poponoei also had Schistonchus sp. within the pedicel of an aborted floret, with hypertrophy of the cortical parenchyma. Ficus trigonata (subgenus Urostigma) from Panama had hypertrophy of the outer epidermis of seed florets. When the outer epidermis on these florets was missing, the inner mesocarp was hypertrophied. Ficus maxima (subgenus Pharmacosycea) from Panama had hypertrophy on the outer epidermis of seed and aborted florets. Schistonchus spp. were not found in wasp larvae or pupae in any of the Ficus spp. examined. Hypertrophy was never observed in the absence of Schistonchus spp.  相似文献   

Aphelenchoides resinosi n. sp. and Ektaphelenchus joyceae n. sp. are described and illustrated from red pines of the Allegheny plateau of Maryland, USA. The new species were found in trees infested with Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Primary diagnostic characters of A. resinosi females are constriction of the head, basal stylet knobs, tong postuterine sac, two incisures in the lateral field, and conical tail four to five anal body widths long with a simple terminal mucro. Diagnostic characters of the males are two pairs of subventral caudal papillae and spicule shape: Primary diagnostic characters of E. joyceae females are a slight constriction of the head, six similar lips, conical tail, and short postuterine sac. Diagnostic characters of the males are spicule size and shape, a single row of spermatocytes, and one pair of caudal papillae. Within-tree distributions of A. resinosi and E. joyceae are presented. A total of 70% of both red-needled and chlorotic-needled trees in the study were positive for A. resinosi and E. joyceae. Branch hierarchy was related to the percentage of samples positive for A. resinosi.  相似文献   

Fine structure of developing sperm of the monospecific genus, Ekphymatodera, was compared with other Heteroderinae as part of a study to recognize diversity and phylogenetically informative characters within the subfamily. Sperm of Ekphymatodera originate from germ cells connected to a central rachis, a character which is shared with Globodera, but not with other Heteoderinae. In Ekphymatodera, and cyst-forming genera, a layer of cortical microtubules lies just beneath the surface of the plasma membrane. Sperm of Ekphymatodera are unique among Heteroderinae examined by the presence of spiral surface elevations on the filopodia, a character that may prove to be a synapomorphy for Sarisoderini. Fibrous bodies are abundant in spermatids; however, they do not persist in sperm of Ekphymatodera as they do in Meloidodera and Verutus. The male gonad of Ekphymatodera is lined by epithelial cells, which are greatly enlarged near the ejaculatory canal. These enlarged cells contain vesicles with concentric lamellar inclusions, not observed in other genera of the subfamily. Sperm of Heteroderinae are rich in diversity, and examination of additional representative species may indicate new phylogenetically informative characters.  相似文献   

Subterranean termites are major global pests of wood structures and wood products. Among the most economically important subterranean termite species in the US are Heterotermes aureus, Reticulitermes flavipes, and Coptotermes formosanus. In prior studies, the entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema riobrave strain 355, exhibited a high level of virulence to H. aureus compared with other nematode species. However, S. riobrave 355 was reported to be poorly or only moderately virulent to R. flavipes and C. formosanus, respectively. We hypothesized that other strains of S. riobrave may possess a high level of virulence to all three termite species. Under laboratory conditions we compared three novel strains of S. riobrave (3-8b, 7-12, and TP) with the 355 strain for virulence to H. aureus, R. flavipes, and C. formosanus workers. H. aureus was very susceptible to all the S. riobrave strains, and termites in all nematode treatments were dead after 4 d. The TP strain of S. riobrave caused greater mortality in R. flavipes and C. formosanus compared to the other nematode strains. Specifically, the TP strain caused 75% and 91% mortality in R. flavipes and C. formosanus, respectively, which was more than 300% and 70% higher than the mortality caused by other strains. Additional studies are warranted to determine the ability of S. riobrave (TP) to control the targeted termite species under field conditions.  相似文献   

Rhabditis (Oscheius) pheropsophi n. sp., associated with cadavers of the bombardier beetle, Pheropsophus aequinoctialis, is described from material collected in Brazil. Mean body length of the female is 1,217 μm, of the male 872 μm, and of the dauer juvenile 568 μm. The female has six lips with one papilla on each lateral lip and two on each sublateral lip; stoma wall thickened dorsally, metarhabdions with warts, excretory pore near base of esophagus, tail long (c = 8), and phasmids prominent, protruding on scanning electron microscope preparations. The male has 10 pairs of bursal ribs, with the terminal pair considerably smaller than the others; spicules fused distally two-thirds of their length. The new species can be distinguished from other members of the Dolichura-group by its fused spicules.  相似文献   

Electron and light microscopy were used to study the dorsal gland (DG) and the two subventral glands (SvG) of seven developmental phases of Nacobbus aberrans: pre-parasitic second-stage juveniles (J2), parasitic J2, third- (J3) and fourth- (J4) stages, migratory females, young sedentary females, and mature sedentary females. In each developmental phase the level of esophageal gland activity, was estimated by the abundance of organelles associated with secretory pathways, including endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, Golgi, multivesicular bodies, and secretory granules. All esophageal glands were metabolically active in all J2 examined, although only in parasitic J2 were there numerous secretory granules in the esophageal gland extensions and ampullae. No evidence of secretory activity was observed in the esophageal glands of the coiled and relatively inactive J3 and J4, nor in migratory females; these stages apparently do not feed. Observations suggest that reserves stored by J2 sustain three ecdyses and the migratory female''s search for a feeding site and induction of a syncytium. Feeding activity is resumed in young and mature sedentary females, in which the DG is highly active and enlarged. The SvG are metabolically active, but with little synthesis of secretory granules, suggesting that in sedentary females the SvG may have physiological roles other than digestion.  相似文献   

Two new species of Actinolaimidae are described from China. Trachactinolaimus brevicaudatus n. sp. is 3.4-4.4 mm long; a = 40-60, b = 3.5-5.2, c = 20-21 in female and 34-39 in male; odontostyle length is 29-33 µm; spicules are 67-77 µm long; and the stoma has four onchia with numerous mural denticles. The female has a longitudinal vulva, and the male has 20 to 23 contiguous ventromedian supplements. Egtitus sinensis n. sp. is 1.7-2.2 mm long; a = 24-33, b = 3.1-3.9, c = 16-19 in female and 0.7-0.9 in male; odontostyle length is 25-29 µm; spicules are 55-56 µm long; and the prerectum 53-77 µm long. The cardia is short and blunt conoid, 13-19 µm long. The male has 12 to 13 ventromedian supplements at intervals of 2-3 µm.  相似文献   

During a survey of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey in 2009–2012, a steinernematid species was recorded and isolated using the Galleria-baiting method. The isolate was identified as Steinernema kraussei based on its morphological and molecular properties. The analysis of the ITS rDNA sequence placed the Turkish population of S. kraussei in the “feltiae-kraussei” group in the clade that contains different isolates of the species. This is the first record of S. kraussei from Turkey. The efficacy of S. kraussei was tested on Agrotis segetum (Lepidoptera: Noctuidea) larvae at different densities (100, 300, and 500 infective juveniles (IJs) g−1 dry sand ) in laboratory conditions at 25 °C. The highest mortality (98%) was obtained with 500 IJs g−1 dry sand within 7 d after inoculation. Our results indicate that the new isolate is a highly promising biological control agent against A. segetum, one of the most serious soil pests of agricultural area and fruits worldwide.  相似文献   

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