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日本七鳃鳗(Lampetra japonica)口腔腺表达序列标签(EST)分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
高琪  逄越  吴毓  马飞  李庆伟 《遗传学报》2005,32(10):1045-1052
以日本七鳃鳗口腔腺为材料,构建库容量为2.1×106pfu/mL的cDNA文库。通过对文库中克隆子的序列测定和生物信息学初步分析,得到1323条有效EST序列。经BlastX及BlastN软件进行同源对比分析,653条(49.36%)EST可在蛋白质或核苷酸水平上找到同源序列,其中328条与七鳃鳗科物种同源。同源序列功能分类大致分为11类,与蛋白质合成有关的蛋白所占比例最大。1323条EST进行片段重叠群分析(contig analysis)获得包括547条序列在内的162组片段重叠群并确定了8条全长cDNA。日本七鳃鳗口腔腺cDNA文库以及EST文库的成功构建,为研究日本七鳃鳗口腔腺的功能基因和蛋白质组学奠定了基础。  相似文献   

奶山羊乳腺上皮细胞的分离、培养及鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用组织块培养法高密度培养、连续传代法建立西农萨能奶山羊乳腺上皮细胞体外培养体系,通过生长曲线绘制、核型分析、免疫荧光染色 (角蛋白、上皮膜抗原、波形蛋白、β-酪蛋白)、油红染色及β-酪蛋白基因的RT-PCR分析进行培养细胞鉴定。实验结果表明细胞生长曲线为典型的S型,染色体数目众数为60,细胞角蛋白、上皮膜抗原、波形蛋白、β-酪蛋白表达均呈阳性,油红染色后可见细胞质内的脂滴,且细胞表达酪蛋白mRNA。说明运用本方法培养的细胞为正常的乳腺上皮细胞,并具有一定的泌乳功能。  相似文献   

黄管秦艽(Gentiana officinalis)是一种重要的藏药高山植物,本研究构建了该物种开花期的eDNA文库。经检测达到中等cDNA文库水平,文库滴度为1.2×10^7pfu/ml,重组率95.9%,插入片段平均长度大于500bp。对343个随机挑选的重组克隆进行部分测序,获得的ESTs经编辑后共有181条有效序列。经生物信息学方法分析181条表达序列标签(EST)代表144个单克隆序列,其中55个与已鉴定的基因同源,35个序列与未鉴定的EST匹配,54个未找到同源序列;后两者共有89个EST序列未发现功能相似的蛋白。对已鉴定的EST进行功能分析发现,相关基因主要编码以下蛋白:与蛋白表达相关的占35%;光合作用相关的占笠%;新陈代谢相关的占18%;抗性相关的占11%;质膜运输和细胞分裂相关的分别占5%;染色体变化和细胞信号转导的分别占2%。根据有效EST序列设计引物,通过RT-PCR进一验证了所得EST的准确性。这些研究结果为将来研究黄管秦艽的功能基因以及该物种与相关物种的群体遗传学、进化生物学等方面提供了基础。  相似文献   

A comparative study of the gene expression profile in differentdevelopmental stages of Schistosoma mansoni has been initiatedbased on the expressed sequence tag(EST) approach. A total of1401 ESTs were generated from seven different cDNA librariesconstructed from four distinct stages of the parasite life cycle.The libraries were first evaluated for their quality for a large-scalecDNA sequencing program. Most of them were shown to have lessthan 20% useless clones and more than 50% new genes. The redundancyof each library was also analyzed, showing that one adult wormcDNA library was composed of a small number of highly frequentgenes. When comparing ESTs from distinct libraries, we coulddetect that most genes were present only in a single library,but others were expressed in more than one developmental stageand may represent housekeeping genes in the parasite. When consideringonly once the genes present in more than one library, a totalof 466 unique genes were obtained, corresponding to 427 newS. mansoni genes. From the total of unique genes, 20.2% wereidentified based on homology with genes from other organisms,8.3% matched S. mansoni characterized genes and 71.5% representunknown genes.  相似文献   

猪脂肪组织表达序列标签(ESTs)大规模测序及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓亚军  童维  陈雁炯  胡松年  李生斌 《遗传学报》2004,31(11):1211-1217
利用大规模DNA序列测定的方法,对猪脂肪组织进行了表达序列标签(Expressed Sequence Tag,EST)序列测定,获得高质量EST共7790个,并对此进行了初步分析。使用STACK-PACK软件进行聚类分析,得到4354个基因聚类,包括3609个单拷贝基因和745个多拷贝基因;将候选基因序列用BlastN与nr库进行比较(e=1e-10),从4354个候选基因中得到2712个已知基因,其中单基因为1987个,多拷贝基因为725(3694克隆)个;未知功能基因和新EST有2109个克隆。根据BlastN结果,利用基因组文库添加序号(GenBank Accession No.)为索引,构建了猪脂肪组织已知功能基因表达谱。从基因表达谱可以看出,在猪脂肪组织中参与代谢的基因所占比例最高,在某些方面也显示了脂肪组织旺盛的代谢活性。同时发现在猪脂肪组织中主组织相容性抗原(Major Histocompatibility Complex,MHC)或与MHC相关的基因表达丰度很高。其中单拷贝基因181个,多拷贝基因44个,共计257个克隆,占细胞机体防御(cell and organism defense)总数的44.9%。占总已知基因数的5.4%。提取出全部与MHC相关的EST序列(257个克隆),发现所有EST的部分序列(长约200个碱基),几乎分布在每一个已知猪BAC的所有编码序列上。据此推测,构成MHC的这些EST序列中,有一段长约200个碱基(200bp)的碱基序列高度保守,MHC基因中每一段编码序列都包含有这一段序列。这些MHC序列虽然在不同的BAC上其蛋白的域不同,但均为高度保守区域,并且都与免疫功能密切相关。猪脂肪中如此大量表达的MHC部分保守序列,由于与免疫功能高度相关,在MHC基因的传递过程中,可以反复复制,并能够稳定遗传。  相似文献   

Long-term organ culture of mouse mammary gland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary A method for maintaining mouse mammary gland in organ culture for periods of at least 30 days is described. Strips of the number four mammary glands were cultured in individual tubes while fully submerged in Medium 199 supplemented with insulin, aldosterone, ovine prolactin and bovine growth hormone. Exchange processes were aided by slowly rotating the tubes during culture. Mammary tissue from midpregnant BALB/c and virgin GR/A mice was induced to undergo lobulo-alveolar development, secrete and remain differentiated and metabolically active for the period of culture. Cells of both the ductal and alveolar epithelium continued to synthesize DNA and divide. The submerged roller-tube culture allows the use of larger pieces of tissue than can be accommodated in static culture, and the technique may prove applicable to the culture of a variety of tissues.  相似文献   

绍鸭卵巢卵泡发育相关新EST的分离与表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
束刚  陈杰  倪迎冬  周玉传  赵茹茜 《遗传学报》2004,31(10):1095-1102
采用银染mRNA差异显示方法从绍鸭卵巢等级卵泡中分离并筛选到 3个差异表达序列标签 (ExpressedSequenceTags ,ESTs)SXDF0 2 0 1(2 71bp)、SXDF0 2 0 2 (2 0 0bp)和SXDF0 2 0 3(173bp) ,通过测序和BLAST检索 ,发现SXDF0 2 0 1与GenBank中登录的所有物种的所有序列均无同源性 ,是在绍鸭卵巢卵泡发现的新EST ,现已登录GenBank(GenBank登录号 :CB0 72 6 2 9) ,而SXDF0 2 0 2和SXDF0 2 0 3则分别与GenBank公布的鸡的EST和肌胃肌球蛋白重链高度同源。用 5′ RACE将SXDF0 2 0 1延伸至 5 4 4bp ,经过BLAST再次检索 ,仍然未发现中度同源序列采用相对定量RT PCR方法进一步研究SXDF0 2 0 1和SXDF0 2 0 2在绍鸭组织中的时空特异性表达 ,发现这两个EST在产蛋高峰期绍兴鸭的下丘脑、垂体、肌肉、肝脏、脂肪等组织都有表达 ;SXDF0 2 0 1在 30日龄卵巢的表达水平显著高于 6 0 (P <0 0 5 )和 90 (P =0 0 15 )日龄 ;而SXDF0 2 0 2在卵巢发育的不同阶段的表达水平没有变化 ;SXDF0 2 0 1在卵巢卵泡颗粒层中的表达总体高于膜层 ,SXDF0 2 0 2在颗粒层中的表达F3 >F5>Fw(P <0 0 1) ,而在F1卵泡降至最低 (P <0 0 1) ,膜层中以Fw 卵泡表达水平最高 (P <0 0 1)。  相似文献   

以经过转染的乳腺上皮细胞生产克隆羊   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究转基因乳腺上皮细胞发育的全能性,利用电转染方法将人乳铁蛋白(hLF)乳腺特异性表达载体电转染山羊乳腺上皮细胞,经G418和PCR筛选获得阳性克隆细胞株,经催乳素诱导的细胞株上清液用Western blotting方法检测hLF的表达。以转基因与上清液中表达hLF均为阳性的细胞为核供体细胞,进行山羊体细胞核移植。结果为:16株细胞表达重组hLF,分子质量为75 kD;将144枚重构胚移入16只同步发情的山羊输卵管中,在移植后的30 d、60 d和90 d的妊娠率分别为87.5%、81.3%和62.5%;最终3只受体妊娠足月,产下3只克隆羊,克隆效率为2.1%,PCR-RFLP分析表明克隆羊均来自供体羊细胞,但没有整合外源基因。结果表明,hLF转基因乳腺上皮细胞能分泌hLF;乳腺上皮细胞经转染、筛选和长期培养的条件下,能保持发育的全能性。  相似文献   

黄管秦艽( Gentiana officinalis) 是一种重要的藏药高山植物, 本研究构建了该物种开花期的cDNA 文库。经检测达到中等cDNA 文库水平, 文库滴度为1 . 2×107 pfu&#1089839;ml , 重组率95.9% , 插入片段平均长度大于500 bp。对343 个随机挑选的重组克隆进行部分测序, 获得的ESTs 经编辑后共有181 条有效序列。经生物信息学方法分析181 条表达序列标签(EST) 代表144 个单克隆序列, 其中55 个与已鉴定的基因同源, 35 个序列与未鉴定的EST 匹配, 54 个未找到同源序列; 后两者共有89 个EST 序列未发现功能相似的蛋白。对已鉴定的EST进行功能分析发现, 相关基因主要编码以下蛋白: 与蛋白表达相关的占35%; 光合作用相关的占22%; 新陈代谢相关的占18%; 抗性相关的占11%; 质膜运输和细胞分裂相关的分别占5% ; 染色体变化和细胞信号转导的分别占2%。根据有效EST 序列设计引物, 通过RT-PCR 进一验证了所得EST 的准确性。这些研究结果为将来研究黄管秦艽的功能基因以及该物种与相关物种的群体遗传学、进化生物学等方面提供了基础。  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN/basigin/CD147) is a cell surface protein, which has been associated with the induction of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) genes during cancer metastasis. EMMPRIN plays a role in a variety of physiological processes as is evident by the diverse deficiencies detectable in EMMPRIN knockout mice. We have analysed the role of EMMPRIN in the induction of MMP genes during mammary gland differentiation and involution. Co‐transfection studies showed that EMMPRIN has diverse effects on MMP promoter activity in different mammary and non‐mammary cell lines. Expression of EMMPRIN mRNA is enhanced markedly by insulin in a mammary gland cell line but appears to have no direct effect on MMP gene expression in these cells. Microarray analysis and quantitative PCR show that EMMPRIN is expressed throughout mammary gland differentiation in the mouse. Its expression decreases during early pregnancy and briefly after induction of mammary gland involution by litter removal. Immunohistochemical analysis shows that EMMPRIN expression is limited to the stromal compartment during pregnancy, whereas it is strongly expressed in the epithelium during lactation. In summary the data argue against a causal role for EMMPRIN for the induction of MMP gene expression during adult mammary gland development. These data therefore support a physiological role for EMMPRIN other than MMP induction in mammary gland biology. J. Cell. Biochem. 106: 52–62, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

新生儿生长发育所需的微量元素主要从母乳中获得,微量元素参与了机体的许多生命活动,如酶的活性、细胞增殖及分化等。乳腺上皮细胞含有多种微量元素转运体系,如锌离子转运体系(Zip/ZnT)、铁离子转运体系(DMTl/FPN)和铜离子转运体系(Ctrl/ATP7)。在分泌乳汁的同时,这些转运蛋白对锌、铁、铜等微量元素的吸收、转运和分泌起着重要的作用。同时这些微量元素的转运及代谢受到多种因素的调控,使母乳中微量元素含量达到动态稳定,以满足新生儿生长发育各阶段对微量元素的需求。对近年来锌、铁、铜三种微量元素在乳腺上皮细胞内转运机制的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

Expression of human lysozyme mRNA in the mammary gland of transgenic mice   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Owing to its inherent antimicrobial effect and positive charge, the expression of human lysozyme in bovine milk could be beneficial by altering the overal microbial level and the functional and physical properties of the milk. We have used transgenic mice as model systems to evaluate the expression of human lysozyme containing fusion gene constructs in the mammary gland. Expression of human lysozyme was targeted to the mammary gland by using the 5 promoter elements of either the bovine (line B mice) or s1 (line H mice) casein genes coupled to the cDNA for human lysozyme. Expression of human lysozyme mRNA was not found in mammary tissue from any of line B mice. Tissues were analysed from six lines of H mice and two, H6 and H5, were found to express human lysozyme mRNA in the mammary gland at 42% and 116%, respectively, of the levels of the endogenous mouse whey acidic protein gene. At peak lactation, female mice homozygous for the H5 and H6 transgene have approximately twice the amount of mRNA encoding human lysozyme as hemizygous animals. Expression levels of human lysozyme mRNA in the mammary gland at time points representing late pregnancy, early, peak and late lactation corresponded to the profile of casein gene expression. Human lysozyme mRNA expression was not observed in transgenic males, virgin females or in the kidney, liver, spleen or brain of lactating females. A very low level of expression of human lysozyme mRNA was observed in the salivary gland of line H5.  相似文献   

The mammary gland is a dynamic organ that undergoes cyclic developmental and regressive changes during the lifetime of a female mammal. Mammogenesis begins during embryonic life with the development of the first mammary gland rudiments and ductal system. After birth, during the pre-pubertal period, the ductal growth of the mammary parenchyma occurs through the fat pad. In most of the ruminant species allometric mammary parenchyma development begins with the onset of cyclic ovarian secretions activity. The two main hormones secreted during an ovarian cycle are estradiol and progesterone. These steroid hormones are derived from cholesterol and are synthesized by theca and granulosa cells in ovaries. During puberty, the mammary parenchyma develops in a compact, highly arborescent parenchymal mass surrounded by a dense connective matrix. Ductal elongation and lobulo-alveolar development are accomplished during growth and pregnancy to prepare for future milk production. At the end of lactation, the mammary gland undergoes involution, which corresponds to a regression of the secretory tissue, a reduction in the alveolar size and a loss of mammary epithelial cells (MECs). Ovarian steroids (estradiol and progesterone) appear to be key regulators of the different stages of mammogenesis and mammary function. Through this review, the role and the importance of ovarian steroids on mammary gland and on MECs is described.  相似文献   

植物基因组表达序列标签(EST)计划研究进展   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
植物表达序列标签(EST)计划是随机挑选cDNA克隆,并对其3′或5′端进行大规模一次性测序,将得到的150~500 bp长度的DNA片段与数据库中的序列进行比较,获得对基因组结构、组织、表达等认识的基因组研究策略.就近年来国际植物EST计划的实施情况、植物EST计划的研究范围、生物信息学在EST研究中的应用、EST数据库及查询、植物EST研究中遇到的问题等方面内容进行了综述.  相似文献   

Inefficient processing of human protein C in the mouse mammary gland   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Vitamin K-dependent plasma protein, human Protein C (HPC) has been expressed in transgenic mice, using a 4.2kb mouse whey acidic protein (WAP) promoter, 9.0 kb HPC gene and 0.4 kb 3flanking sequences. Expression was mammary gland-specific and the recombinant human Protein C (rHPC) was detected in milk at concentrations of 0.1 to 0.7mg ml–1. SDS-PAGE revealed that the single, heavy and light chains of rHPC migrated with increased electrophoretic mobility, as compared to HPC. Enzymatic deglycosylation showed that these molecular weight disparities are in part due to differential glycosylation. The substantial increase observed in the amount of single chain protein, as well as the presence of the propeptide attached to 20–30% of rHPC, suggest that mouse mammary epithelial cells are not capable of efficient proteolytic processing of rHPC. TheK m of purified rHPC for the S-2366 synthetic substrate was similar to that of plasma-derived HPC, while the specific activity was about 42–77%. Amino acid sequence analyses and low anticoagulant activity of purified rHPC suggest that -carboxylation of rHPC is insufficient. These results show that proteolytic processing and -carboxylation can be limiting events in the overexpression of fully biologically active rHPC in the mouse mammary gland.  相似文献   

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