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The University of Coimbra holds a large repository of palaeontological collections bought from European mineral dealers, during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Among these specimens currently available at the Science Museum stand out three collections acquired from the Krantz house, between 1890 and 1913, for the Section of Mineralogy and Geology of the Natural History Museum. Their taxonomic diversity is high, as well as their geographic and stratigraphic wide-range origins, representing many classical locations and sedimentary formations of the European geology, and overseas countries. These collections have been used since long for teaching in practical classes of Natural Sciences at the University, using hands-on procedures. Together with other contemporary Krantz collections, known by several Iberian institutions, reveal an important heritage with both scientific and historical relevance that should be preserved, studied and reviewed from a scientific point of view.  相似文献   

Located in the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province, Kaletepe Deresi 3 was discovered in the summer of 2000 and has been under investigation since that time. Volcanic activity in the region generated a number of obsidian intrusions that have attracted humans to the area throughout prehistory. The stratigraphic sequence at Kaletepe Deresi 3, more than 7 m in depth, presents a series of archaeological horizons representing the Lower and Middle Paleolithic. The site contains the longest open-air Paleolithic sequence excavated in Turkey, as well as the first in situ Acheulean industry documented in Anatolia. Tephras in the upper Middle Paleolithic horizons and the rhyolithic bedrock bracket the timespan represented at Kaletepe Deresi 3. The lithic industry at the site illustrates a wide range of technological behaviors and documents changes in raw-material exploitation and artifact manufacture through the Lower and Middle Paleolithic.  相似文献   

Body mass data were collected for 5 species of tundra waders during 6 breeding seasons to study variation in nutrient reserves relative to high arctic climatic conditions and the stage of reproduction. Structural size was accounted for by the 1st Principal Component of external linear measurements: wing length, bill length and tarsus length. SandpipersCalidris spp. were on average lighter in phenologically late seasons, while mass of Turnstones (Arenaria interpres) was similar in all years. Mass of waders was lower during brood-rearing than during incubation. Body mass during pre-nesting was most variable between years, reflecting the unpredictable weather conditions in this period. Monogamous species (KnotsCalidris canutus and Turnstones) began to breed earlier, and were on average, as heavy during the pre-nesting period as during incubation. In contrast, species with a proven or suspected rapid double-clutch breeding system (Little StintsC. minuta and SanderlingsC. alba) began to breed later and had during the laying period masses close to those of adults attending broods, and lower than during incubation. Body mass of the two latter species and Curlew Sandpipers (Calidris ferruginea) varied during incubation, reaching peak at 7 to 13 days after clutch completion.
Zusammenfassung Von fünf Tundra-Watvogelarten wurden in sechs Brutperioden Daten zur Körpermasse gewonnen, um die Dynamik der Energiereserven in Abhängigkeit von den klimatischen Bedingungen der Hocharktis und vom Fortpflanzungsstadium zu analysieren. Der Einfluß der Körpermaße auf die Masse wurde bei der statistischen Auswertung durch die Einbeziehung der 1. Hauptkomponente von Flügel-, Schnabel- und Tarsuslänge berücksichtigt. StrandläuferCalidris spec. erwiesen sich in späten Jahren als leichter, während in der Körpermasse von Steinwälzern (Arenaria interpres) keine Unterschiede festgestellt werden konnten. Die Körpermasse aller untersuchter Arten war während der Betreuung der Jungvögel geringer als während Brütezeit. Die Masse in der Zeit vor der Brut variierte in Übereinstimmung mit den wechselnden Wetterbedingungen in den einzelnen Jahren am stärksten. Monogame Arten (KnutCalidris canutus und Steinwälzer) begannen früher mit der Fortpflanzung; ihre Körpermasse in der Phase von der Brut und während der Brütezeit war im Mittel etwa gleich. Im Gegensatz dazu begannen Arten, bei denen ein Doppelbrutsystem nachgewiesen wurde oder vermutet wird (ZwergstrandläuferC. minuta und SanderlingC. alba), später mit dem Nestbau, wobei die Körpermasse auf ein Niveau absinkt, das dem während der Betreuung der Jungvögel nahekommt und geringer ist, als das während der Brütezeit. Bei den beiden letzten Arten sowie beim Sichelstrandläufer (Calidris ferrugunea) veränderte sich die Körpermasse während des Brütens und erreichte ein Maximum zwischen dem 7. und dem 13. Tag nach Beendigung der Eiablage.

Enzymatic browning of the peach fruit mesocarp is a major component of the postharvest physiological disorder commonly called chilling injury or internal breakdown (IB). Previously, we detected a major quantitative trait locus (QTL; qP-Brn5.1m) affecting browning in peach using two related progeny populations (Pop-DG and Pop-G). In this report, a gene encoding the leucoanthocanidin dioxygenase (PpLDOX) enzyme was identified as the gene potentially responsible for this QTL. PpLDOX has a high similarity with the LDOX gene of the anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway of Arabidopsis thaliana. It was co-located with qP-Brn5.1m via the bin mapping technique with the Prunus reference T×E map. A silent SNP within the PpLDOX coding sequence was used to locate the gene more precisely on the Pop-DG map and confirm its bin assignment. These results demonstrate both the utility of comparative mapping within Prunus using the T×E reference map and the power of the bin mapping approach for easily mapping genes in the Prunus genome. An SSR polymorphism was observed in the intron of PpLDOX gene sequence. The SSR co-segregated with the SNP and was used to assess association of PpLDOX with browning in 27 peach and nectarine cultivars. Cumulative evidence obtained indicates that PpLDOX partially explains genetic variation for cold storage browning susceptibility in peach and nectarine. This functional gene has potential use in marker-assisted breeding of new cultivars with lower IB susceptibility and for genotyping current cultivars for possible differential handling during storage to reduce symptom incidence.  相似文献   

Here we report on a stable isotope palaeodietary study of a Imperial Roman population interred near the port of Velia in Southern Italy during the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses were performed on collagen extracted from 117 adult humans as well as a range of fauna to reconstruct individual dietary histories. For the majority of individuals, we found that stable isotope data were consistent with a diet high in cereals, with relatively modest contributions of meat and only minor contributions of marine fish. However, substantial isotopic variation was found within the population, indicating that diets were not uniform. We suggest that a number of individuals, mainly but not exclusively males, had greater access to marine resources, especially high trophic level fish. However, the observed dietary variation did not correlate with burial type, number of grave goods, nor age at death. Also, individuals buried at the necropolis at Velia ate much less fish overall compared with the contemporaneous population from the necropolis of Portus at Isola Sacra, located on the coast close to Rome. Marine and riverine transport and commerce dominated the economy of Portus, and its people were in a position to supplement their own stocks of fish with imported goods in transit to Rome, whereas at Velia marine exploitation existed side‐by‐side with land‐based economic activities. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Alcidae is a group of marine, wing-propelled diving birds known as auks that are distributed along the coasts of the northern oceans. It has been suggested that auks originated in the Pacific coastal shores as early as the Miocene, and dispersed to the Atlantic either through the Arctic coasts of Eurasia and North America (northern dispersal route), or through upwelling zones in the coastal areas of California to Florida (southern dispersal route), before the closure of the Isthmus of Panama in the Pliocene. These hypotheses have not been tested formally because proposed phylogenies failed to recover fully bifurcating, well-supported phylogenetic relationships among and within genera. We therefore constructed a large data set of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences for 21 of the 23 species of extant auks. We also included sequences from two other extant and one extinct species retrieved from GenBank. Our analyses recovered a well-supported phylogenetic hypothesis among and within genera. Aethia is the only genus for which we could not obtain strong support for species relationships, probably due to incomplete lineage sorting. By applying a Bayesian method of molecular dating that allows for rate variation across lineages and genes, we showed that auks became an independent lineage in the Early Paleocene and radiated gradually from the Early Eocene to the Quaternary. Reconstruction of ancestral areas strongly suggests that auks originated in the Pacific during the Paleocene. The southern dispersal route seems to have favored the subsequent colonization of the northern Atlantic Ocean during the Eocene and Oligocene. The northern route across the Arctic Ocean was probably only used more recently after the opening of the Norwegian Sea in the Middle Miocene and the opening of the Bering Strait in the Late Miocene. We postulate that the ancestors of auks lived in a warmer world than that currently occupied by auks, and became gradually adapted to feeding in cool marine currents with high biomass productivity. Hence, warmer tropical waters are now a barrier for the dispersal of auks into the Southern Hemisphere, as it is for penguins in the opposite direction.  相似文献   

The shipworm Teredo navalis L. is a xylophagous bivalve mollusc (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) with a long record of being very destructive to wooden ships and harbour buildings. It has been reported from numerous sites at the coasts of both the North and Baltic Seas since the eighteenth century. Here, we document for the first time the occurrence of live adult T. navalis in the harbours of Bremerhaven (Weser estuary, northern Germany). From August to December 1998, various wooden structures (fir floating fenders and pier posts, oak piles) from seven stations in different docks of two harbours (überseehafen, Fischereihafen) were investigated for the presence and density of live specimens and burrows of T. navalis. The settlement of larval shipworms was studied by exposing experimental fir panels 0.06 m2 in size at 20 stations at water depths between 1 and 2 m for periods of 4 months between July and November. In addition, hydrographic profiles (0–8 m water depth) were obtained at 17 stations in five docks once every month from August to December. Live adult shipworms were found in both fir floating fenders and oak piles at four stations. The largest specimen found was 250 mm long. Shipworm burrows were detected at five stations in almost every wooden structure investigated but their abundances differed significantly: Maximum values were >10,000 m–2 in fir floating fenders, 4,600 m–2 in oak piles and 200 m–2 in fir pier posts. Actual shipworm infestation was detected at three of 16 stations in the exposed fir panels (1–3 burrow holes per panel). Water temperatures and salinities varied considerably during the 4-month investigation period. Temperatures decreased from 19.9°C in August to 0.7°C in December. Salinities ranged from 17.6 in August to 1.1 in November, but only at two lock stations during November and December did value drop below 5, which is regarded as the lethal limit for the larvae of this euryhaline teredinid species. We conclude that T. navalis encounters favourable conditions for growth and reproduction in the harbours of Bremerhaven, at least during summer and autumn, and is a common element of the harbour ecosystem. Therefore, a persistent infestation of all wooden structures after a relatively short period of time seems to be highly probable. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH) plays an important role in relaying information to neural pathways mediating neuroendocrine, autonomic, and behavioral responses to stress. Evidence suggests that the DMH is a structurally and functionally diverse integrative structure that contributes to both facilitation and inhibition of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis, depending on the nature of the stimulus and the specific neural circuits involved. Previous studies have determined that stress or stress-related stimuli elevate tissue concentrations of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT), 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), dopamine, and noradrenaline selectively within the DMH. In order to determine the specific region of the rat DMH involved, we used high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection to measure tissue concentrations of 5-HT, 5-HIAA, dopamine, and noradrenaline within five different subregions of the DMH in adult female Lewis and Fischer rats immediately or 4 h following a 30-min period of restraint stress. Compared to unrestrained control rats, restrained rats had elevated concentrations of 5-HT, 5-HIAA, dopamine, and noradrenaline immediately after a 30-min period of restraint and had elevated concentrations of 5-HT 4 h following the onset of a 30-min period of restraint stress. These effects were confined to a specific region that included medial portions of the dorsal hypothalamic area and dorsal ependymal, subependymal, and neuronal components of the periventricular nucleus. Furthermore, these effects were observed in Lewis rats, but not Fischer rats, two closely related rat strains with well-documented differences in neurochemical, neuroendocrine, autonomic, and behavioral responses to stress. These data provide support for the existence of a stress-responsive, amine-accumulating area in the DMH that may play an important role in the differential stress responsiveness of Lewis and Fischer rats.  相似文献   

Newly hatched young of the benthic, coastal-living octopod, Octopus vulgaris , enter the plankton and remain there for perhaps eight weeks. At hatching the arms are short and bear a few, large, primary suckers. The buccal mass is relatively large in proportion to the size of the animal. The eyes are large. The central nervous system has fairly well-defined lobes, some of which develop earlier than others. We shall follow the development of several features of O. vulgaris from hatching, through its life in the plankton until settlement and correlate them with changes in the brain and behaviour.  相似文献   

An environmental reconstruction of the last 10,000 14C years of a frequently flooded wetland ecosystem in the lower Magdalena valley in northern Colombia is presented, on the basis of a multi-disciplinary study of the sediments of the upper 15 m of the core from Boquillas (74°33'E, 9°7'N; 20 m a. s. l.). We used the following studies: pollen, lithology, organic structures, clay mineralogy, soil and sediment geochemistry, and δ13C values. The chronology is based on 13 AMS radiocarbon dates; the humic acid fractions were used in the case of seven samples. Pollen from local origin (swamps, open grass-rich vegetation, and gallery forest) show the development of the wetland area. River-transported pollen from a greater distance (dry forest, montane forest, Alnus) show changes in river activity and reflect large-scale changes of climatic conditions in the Momposina basin. From c. 10,010 to 9370 uncal B. P. (zone BQS-Ia) the river system was of high energy, as inferred by the lithological changes. The landscape was dominated by open grass-rich vegetation with gallery forest along the streams. A marked representation of Alnus and montane forest taxa indicate significant water transport and river dynamics. Climatic conditions were dry. From c. 9370-8430 uncal B. P. (zone BQS-Ib) wetlands were isolated from the main river system, and clayey sediments with kaolinite, smectite and illite as the main minerals accumulated in a lower-energy environment. Climatic conditions were dry and changes in the seasonal precipitation favoured the expansion of the gallery forest. From c. 8430 to 8040 uncal B. P. (zone BQS-Ic) low values of river-transported pollen indicate dry climatic conditions and open vegetation became more abundant. The flooding frequency of the Boquillas site diminished. From 8040 to 4900 uncal B. P. (zone BQS-Id) the Boquillas site was dominated by open vegetation with patches of gallery forest along the streams. Supply of river-transported allochthonous pollen (from many sources) was minimal. Clay minerals from the sediments suggest variable temperature and precipitation. From c. 4900 to 1550 uncal B. P. )zone BQS-II) the site was within the reach of the main river system as is the case today. Frequent flooding, coinciding with peaks of river-transported grains of Alnus and high sediment supply, point to high precipitation in the composite catchment area of the Magdalena, Cauca, San Jorge, and Cesár rivers. High values of phosphorous in the upper part of the core point to the presence of a pre-Hispanic civilization, approximately from 2000 uncal B. P. onward. Construction of an extensive drainage system allowed irrigation as well as drainage depending the annual cycle of precipitation. The landscape was significantly modified and allowed an extensive crop production on a system of raised fields. Received May 18, 2001 / Accepted June 15, 2001  相似文献   

Extensive research has demonstrated that several specialized cortical regions respond preferentially to faces. One such region, located in the inferior occipital gyrus, has been dubbed the occipital face area (OFA). The OFA is the first stage in two influential face-processing models, both of which suggest that it constructs an initial representation of a face, but how and when it does so remains unclear. The present study revealed that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) targeted at the right OFA (rOFA) disrupted accurate discrimination of face parts but had no effect on the discrimination of spacing between these parts. rTMS to left OFA had no effect. A matched part and spacing discrimination task that used house stimuli showed no impairment. In a second experiment, rTMS to rOFA replicated the face-part impairment but did not produce the same effect in an adjacent area, the lateral occipital cortex. A third experiment delivered double pulses of TMS separated by 40 ms at six periods after stimulus presentation during face-part discrimination. Accuracy dropped when pulses were delivered at 60 and 100 ms only. These findings indicate that the rOFA processes face-part information at an early stage in the face-processing stream.  相似文献   

In the late 19th Century, the choanae (or internal nares) of the Plesiosauria were identified as a pair of palatal openings located rostral to the external nares, implying a rostrally directed respiratory duct and air path inside the rostrum. Despite obvious functional shortcomings, this idea was firmly established in the scientific literature by the first decade of the 20th Century. The functional consequences of this morphology were only re-examined by the end of the 20th Century, leading to the conclusion that the choanae were not involved in respiration but instead in underwater olfaction, the animals supposedly breathing with the mouth agape. Re-evaluation of the palatal and internal cranial anatomy of the Plesiosauria reveals that the traditional identification of the choanae as a pair of fenestrae situated rostral to the external nares appears erroneous. These openings more likely represent the bony apertures of ducts that lead to internal salt glands situated inside the maxillary rostrum. The 'real' functional choanae (or caudal interpterygoid vacuities), are situated at the caudal end of the bony palate between the sub-temporal fossae, as was suggested in the mid-19th Century. The existence of a functional secondary palate in the Plesiosauria is therefore strongly supported, and the anatomical, physiological, and evolutionary implications of such a structure are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Since 1982 we have been monitoring allergological pollen, by means of a Lanzoni pollen trap VPPS 2000. In 1988 we detected the ragweed pollen for the first time, and subsequently in 1989 and in 1990.In 1988 it had been monitored from 16/8 to 26/9 (highest concentration 66.5 gr/m3/24 h on 3/9), in 1989 from 7/8 to 23/9 (highest concentration 30.0 gr/m3/24 h on 10/9) and in 1990 from 3/8 to 23/9 (highest concentration 80.9 gr/m3/24 h on 2/9). During the same years the prick test for ragweed pollen turned out to be positive in 27 patients out of 1526 (1.76%) in 1988, in 25 patients out of 1517 (1.64%) in 1989 and in 56 patients out of 1614 (3.41%) in 1990.The presence of specific IgE turned out to be positive in 12 patients out of 189 (6.35%) in 1988, in 17 patients out of 195 (8.71%) in 1989 and in 22 patients out of 230 (9.56%) in 1990.During out 3-years investigation, on the basis of the severity of symptoms and of the possible multi-sensitization, only 2 patients have undergone a specific immunotherapy to ragweed pollen.Our data confirm the presence of ragweed pollen in Lombardy, even if the sensitization is low in our population and the clinical significance of ragweed pollinosis is even lower.Nevertheless the high sensitizing power of this pollen makes a higher incidence of ragweed pollinosis possible in coming years.  相似文献   

A fucose-containing glycoprotein fraction which stimulates spleen cell proliferation and cytokine expression has been identified from the water-soluble extract of Ganoderma lucidum. Proteomic analysis of mouse spleen cells treated with this glycoprotein fraction showed approximately 50% change of the proteome. Further studies on the activities of this glycoprotein fraction through selective proteolysis and glycosidic cleavage indicate that a fucose containing polysaccharide fraction is responsible for stimulating the expression of cytokines, especially IL-1, IL-2 and INF-gamma.  相似文献   

The genetic variation of orosomucoid (ORM1 and ORM2) in three south-western European populations (Galicia, Spanish Basque Country and northern Portugal) was investigated using hybrid isoelectric focusing. Three common ORM1 alleles were observed in these populations, the frequencies of ORM1 *S observed in Galicia and northern Portugal being the highest found among populations of European origin. Rare variants were observed for both the ORM1 and ORM2 loci.  相似文献   

The role of migratory birds in the movement of the highly pathogenic (HP) avian influenza H5N1 remains a subject of debate. Testing hypotheses regarding intercontinental movement of low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) viruses will help evaluate the potential that wild birds could carry Asian-origin strains of HP avian influenza to North America during migration. Previous North American assessments of LPAI genetic variation have found few Asian reassortment events. Here, we present results from whole-genome analyses of LPAI isolates collected in Alaska from the northern pintail (Anas acuta), a species that migrates between North America and Asia. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed the genetic divergence between Asian and North American strains of LPAI, but also suggested inter-continental virus exchange and at a higher frequency than previously documented. In 38 isolates from Alaska, nearly half (44.7%) had at least one gene segment more closely related to Asian than to North American strains of LPAI. Additionally, sequences of several Asian LPAI isolates from GenBank clustered more closely with North American northern pintail isolates than with other Asian origin viruses. Our data support the role of wild birds in the intercontinental transfer of influenza viruses, and reveal a higher degree of transfer in Alaska than elsewhere in North America.  相似文献   

A theropod assigned to Ceratosaurus was previously reported from the Portuguese Lusitanian Basin based on a limited number of elements of a single individual. Here, we describe newly discovered elements that likely pertain to same, earlier described, specimen. The new elements provide additional evidence that the range of Ceratosaurus spanned from what is now North America into Europe. Previously, some differences were noted between the Portuguese specimens and the North American Ceratosaurus. We consider these differences to be trivial and attribute them to individual variation and/or ontogeny. The following set of features (lesser trochanter positioned low on the femur; crista tibiofibularis obliquely oriented with respect to the axis of the femoral shaft; infrapopliteal ridge present posteriorly on the femur; large cnemial crest; and medial condyle of the tibia continuous with proximal end) indicate that the Portuguese specimen is assignable to Ceratosaurus. This record constitutes one of the scarce evidence of basal ceratosaurian theropods in the Late Jurassic of Europe. Despite the abundance, diversity and wide geographical distribution of ceratosaurs during the Late Cretaceous, its early evolutionary history remains poorly understood. The Portuguese specimens constitute an important evidence for the knowledge of the paleobiogeographic evolution of the clade during the Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

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