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We present a theoretical study of excitation dynamics in the chlorosome antenna complex of green photosynthetic bacteria based on a recently proposed model for the molecular assembly. Our model for the excitation energy transfer (EET) throughout the antenna combines a stochastic time propagation of the excitonic wave function with molecular dynamics simulations of the supramolecular structure and electronic structure calculations of the excited states. We characterized the optical properties of the chlorosome with absorption, circular dichroism and fluorescence polarization anisotropy decay spectra. The simulation results for the excitation dynamics reveal a detailed picture of the EET in the chlorosome. Coherent energy transfer is significant only for the first 50 fs after the initial excitation, and the wavelike motion of the exciton is completely damped at 100 fs. Characteristic time constants of incoherent energy transfer, subsequently, vary from 1 ps to several tens of ps. We assign the time scales of the EET to specific physical processes by comparing our results with the data obtained from time-resolved spectroscopy experiments.  相似文献   

A series of spectroscopic measurements were performed on membrane fractions and detergent-solubilized complexes from the green sulfur bacterium (GSB) Chlorobaculum (Cba.) tepidum. The excitation migration through the entire GSB photosynthetic apparatus cannot be observed upon excitation of membranes in the chlorosome region at 77?K. In order to observe energy transfer from the Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) protein to the reaction center (RC), FMO was directly excited at ~800?nm in transient absorption experiments. However, interpretation of the results is complicated by the spectral overlap between FMO and the RC. The availability of the Y16F FMO mutant, whose absorption spectrum is drastically different from that of the WT, has enabled the selection of spectral regions where either only FMO or the RC contributes. The application of a directed kinetic modeling approach, or target analysis, revealed the various decay and energy transfer pathways within the pigment-protein complexes. The calculated FMO-to-RC excitation energy transfer efficiencies are approximately 25% and 48% for the Y16F and WT samples, respectively.  相似文献   

The pigment composition and energy transfer pathways in isolated chlorosomes ofChlorobium phaeovibrioides andChlorobium vibrioforme were studied by means of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and picosecond absorbance difference spectroscopy. Analysis of pigment extracts of the chlorosomes revealed that they contain small amounts of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl)a esterified with phytol, whereas the BChlsc, d ande are predominantly esterified with farnesol. The chlorosomal BChla content inC. phaeovibrioides andC. vibrioforme was found to be 1.5% and 0.9%, respectively. The time resolved absorbance difference spectra showed a bleaching shifted to longer wavelengths as compared to the Qy absorption maxima and in chlorosomes ofC. vibrioforme also an absorbance increase at shorter wavelengths was observed. These spectral features were ascribed to excitation of oligomers of BChle and BChlc/d, respectively. One-color and two-color pump-probe kinetics ofC. phaeovibrioides showed rapid energy transfer to long-wavelength absorbing BChle oligomers, followed by trapping of excitations by BChla with a time constant of about 60 ps. Time resolved anisotropy measurements inC. vibrioforme showed randomization of excitations among BChla molecules with a time constant of about 20 ps, indicating that BChla in the baseplate is organized in clusters. One-color and two-color pump-probe measurements inC. vibrioforme showed rapid energy transfer from short-wavelength to long-wavelength absorbing oligomers with a time constant of about 11 ps. Trapping of excitations by BChla in this species could not be resolved unambiguously due to annihilation processes in the BChla clusters, but may occur with time constants of 15, 70 and 200 ps.  相似文献   

The Fenna–Matthews–Olson protein is a water-soluble protein found only in green sulfur bacteria. Each subunit contains seven bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) a molecules wrapped in a string bag of protein consisting of mostly β sheet. Most other chlorophyll-binding proteins are water-insoluble proteins containing membrane-spanning α helices. We compared an FMO consensus sequence to well-characterized, membrane-bound chlorophyll-binding proteins: L & M (reaction center proteins of proteobacteria), D1 & D2 (reaction center proteins of PS II), CP43 & CP47 (core proteins of PS II), PsaA & PsaB (reaction center proteins of PS I), PscA (reaction center protein of green sulfur bacteria), and PshA (reaction center protein of heliobacteria). We aligned the FMO sequence with the other sequences using the PAM250 matrix modified for His binding-site identities and found a signature sequence (LxHHxxxGxFxxF) common to FMO and PscA. (The two His residues are BChl a. binding sites in FMO.) This signature sequence is part of a 220-residue C-terminal segment with an identity score of 13%. PRSS (Probability of Random Shuffle) analysis showed that the 220-residue alignment is better than 96% of randomized alignments. This evidence supports the hypothesis that FMO protein is related to PscA. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The pump-probe kinetics of the slowest spectral equilibrations between inequivalent BChl a Qy states in FMO trimers from Chlorobium tepidum are decelerated by nearly two orders of magnitude when the temperature is lowered from 300 K to 19 K. The pump-probe anisotropy decays are also markedly slower at 19 K than at 300 K. Singlet-singlet annihilation in FMO trimers is negligible at the laser powers used here. However, reduced temperatures greatly accentuate the probability of singlet-triplet annihilation, due to accumulation of metastable BChl a states under high laser repetition rates.Abbreviations BChl bacteriochlorophyll - FMO Fenna-Matthews-Olson - fwhm full width at half maximum - PB photobleaching - SE stimulated emission  相似文献   

The absorbance spectrum of the Fenna-Matthews-Olson protein—a component of the antenna system of Green Sulfur Bacteria—is always one of two types, depending on the species of the source organism. The FMO from Prosthecochloris aestuarii 2K has a spectrum of type 1 while that from Chlorobaculum tepidum is of type 2. The previously reported crystal structures for these two proteins did not disclose any rationale that would explain their spectral differences. We have collected a 1.3 Å X-ray diffraction dataset of the FMO from Prosthecochloris aestuarii 2K, which has allowed us to identify an additional Bacteriochlorophyll-a molecule with chemical attachments to both sides of the central magnesium atom. A new analysis of the previously published X-ray data for the Chlorobaculum tepidum FMO shows the presence of a Bacteriochlorophyll-a molecule in an equivalent location but with a chemical attachment from only one side. This difference in binding is shown to be predictive of the spectral type of the FMO.  相似文献   

Inorganic sulfur oxidizing system in green sulfur bacteria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Green sulfur bacteria use various reduced sulfur compounds such as sulfide, elemental sulfur, and thiosulfate as electron donors for photoautotrophic growth. This article briefly summarizes what is known about the inorganic sulfur oxidizing systems of these bacteria with emphasis on the biochemical aspects. Enzymes that oxidize sulfide in green sulfur bacteria are membrane-bound sulfide-quinone oxidoreductase, periplasmic (sometimes membrane-bound) flavocytochrome c sulfide dehydrogenase, and monomeric flavocytochrome c (SoxF). Some green sulfur bacteria oxidize thiosulfate by the multienzyme system called either the TOMES (thiosulfate oxidizing multi-enzyme system) or Sox (sulfur oxidizing system) composed of the three periplasmic proteins: SoxB, SoxYZ, and SoxAXK with a soluble small molecule cytochrome c as the electron acceptor. The oxidation of sulfide and thiosulfate by these enzymes in vitro is assumed to yield two electrons and result in the transfer of a sulfur atom to persulfides, which are subsequently transformed to elemental sulfur. The elemental sulfur is temporarily stored in the form of globules attached to the extracellular surface of the outer membranes. The oxidation pathway of elemental sulfur to sulfate is currently unclear, although the participation of several proteins including those of the dissimilatory sulfite reductase system etc. is suggested from comparative genomic analyses.  相似文献   

Green sulfur bacteria and heliobacteria are strictly anaerobic phototrophs that have homodimeric type 1 reaction center complexes. Within these complexes, highly reducing substances are produced through an initial charge separation followed by electron transfer reactions driven by light energy absorption. In order to attain efficient energy conversion, it is important for the photooxidized reaction center to be rapidly rereduced. Green sulfur bacteria utilize reduced inorganic sulfur compounds (sulfide, thiosulfate, and/or sulfur) as electron sources for their anoxygenic photosynthetic growth. Membrane-bound and soluble cytochromes c play essential roles in the supply of electrons from sulfur oxidation pathways to the P840 reaction center. In the case of gram-positive heliobacteria, the photooxidized P800 reaction center is rereduced by cytochrome c-553 (PetJ) whose N-terminal cysteine residue is modified with fatty acid chains anchored to the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

The ultrafast caroteonid to chlorophyll a energy transfer dynamics of the isolated fucoxanthin-chlorophyll proteins FCPa and FCPb from the diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana was investigated in a comprehensive study using transient absorption in the visible and near infrared spectral region as well as static fluorescence spectroscopy. The altered oligomerization state of both antenna systems results in a more efficient energy transfer for FCPa, which is also reflected in the different chlorophyll a fluorescence quantum yields. We therefore assume an increased quenching in the higher oligomers of FCPb. The influence of the carotenoid composition was investigated using FCPa and FCPb samples grown under different light conditions and excitation wavelengths at the blue (500 nm) and red (550 nm) wings of the carotenoid absorption. The different light conditions yield in altered amounts of the xanthophyll cycle pigments diadinoxanthin and diatoxanthin. Since no significant dynamic changes are observed for high light and low light samples, the contribution of the xanthophyll cycle pigments to the energy transfer is most likely negligible. On the contrary, the observed dynamics change drastically for the different excitation wavelengths. The analyses of the decay associated spectra of FCPb suggest an altered energy transfer pathway. For FCPa even an additional time constant was found after excitation at 500 nm. It is assigned to the intrinsic lifetime of either the xanthophyll cycle carotenoids or more probable the blue absorbing fucoxanthins. Based on our studies we propose a detailed model explaining the different excitation energy transfer pathways in FCPa.  相似文献   

Green sulfur bacteria possess a complex photosynthetic machinery. The dominant light harvesting systems are chlorosomes, which consist of bacteriochlorophyll c, d or e oligomers with small amounts of protein. The chlorosomes are energetically coupled to the membrane-embedded iron sulfur-type reaction center via a bacteriochlorophyll a-containing baseplate protein and the Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) antenna protein. The fluorescence yield and spectral properties of these photosynthetic complexes were investigated in intact cells of several species of green sulfur bacteria under physiological, anaerobic conditions. Surprisingly, green sulfur bacteria show a complex modulation of fluorescence yield upon illumination that is very similar to that observed in oxygenic phototrophs. Within a few seconds of illumination, the fluorescence reaches a maximum, which decreases within a minute of illumination to a lower steady state. Fluorescence spectroscopy reveals that the fluorescence yield during both processes is primarily modulated on the FMO-protein level, while the emission from chlorosomes remains mostly unchanged. The two most likely candidates that modulate bacteriochlorophyll fluorescence are (1) direct excitation quenching at the FMO-protein level and (2) indirect modulation of FMO-protein fluorescence by the reduction state of electron carriers that are part of the reaction center.  相似文献   

Green sulfur bacteria possess a complex photosynthetic machinery. The dominant light harvesting systems are chlorosomes, which consist of bacteriochlorophyll c, d or e oligomers with small amounts of protein. The chlorosomes are energetically coupled to the membrane-embedded iron sulfur-type reaction center via a bacteriochlorophyll a-containing baseplate protein and the Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) antenna protein. The fluorescence yield and spectral properties of these photosynthetic complexes were investigated in intact cells of several species of green sulfur bacteria under physiological, anaerobic conditions. Surprisingly, green sulfur bacteria show a complex modulation of fluorescence yield upon illumination that is very similar to that observed in oxygenic phototrophs. Within a few seconds of illumination, the fluorescence reaches a maximum, which decreases within a minute of illumination to a lower steady state. Fluorescence spectroscopy reveals that the fluorescence yield during both processes is primarily modulated on the FMO-protein level, while the emission from chlorosomes remains mostly unchanged. The two most likely candidates that modulate bacteriochlorophyll fluorescence are (1) direct excitation quenching at the FMO-protein level and (2) indirect modulation of FMO-protein fluorescence by the reduction state of electron carriers that are part of the reaction center.  相似文献   

Chlorosomes were prepared from Chlorobium limicola f. thiosulfatophilum by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Cells broken in the presence of 2 M NaSCN yielded three chlorosome fractions in the gradient: low density (no sucrose), medium density (approx. 18% sucrose), and high density (approx. 26% sucrose). All fractions were stable at any chlorosome concentration. Cells broken in the absence of 2 M NaSCN also yielded three fractions, but only the high-density fraction contained stable chlorosomes. The medium-density chlorosomes were stable only when highly concentrated. Upon dilution, bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) c was degraded to bacteriopheophytin c and concomitantly a band at 794 nm (BChl a) was revealed. Two 794-nm fractions were observed with the same densities as low- and medium-density chlorosomes. The protein composition of the 794-nm fractions was similar to that of the stable chlorosome fractions. All showed a 4-5 kDa (Mr) protein as a major component, but no trace of the 40-kDa protein characteristic of the water-soluble BChl a-protein of green sulfur bacteria. BChl a was present in all types of chlorosomes, in stable chlorosomes the BChl c/BChl a ratio was approx. 90. A special BChl a-protein (794 nm) inside the chlorosome is postulated to mediate energy transfer from BChl c to the water-soluble BChl a-protein in the baseplate.  相似文献   

The efficiency of energy transfer in chlorosome antennas in the green sulfur bacteria Chlorobium vibrioforme and Chlorobium limicola was found to be highly sensitive to the redox potential of the suspension. Energy transfer efficiencies were measured by comparing the absorption spectrum of the bacteriochlorophyll c or d pigments in the chlorosome to the excitation spectrum for fluorescence arising from the chlorosome baseplate and membrane-bound antenna complexes. The efficiency of energy transfer approaches 100% at low redox potentials induced by addition of sodium dithionite or other strong reductants, and is lowered to 10-20% under aerobic conditions or after addition of a variety of membrane-permeable oxidizing agents. The redox effect on energy transfer is observed in whole cells, isolated membranes and purified chlorosomes, indicating that the modulation of energy transfer efficiency arises within the antenna complexes and is not directly mediated by the redox state of the reaction center. It is proposed that chlorosomes contain a component that acts as a highly quenching center in its oxidized state, but is an inefficient quencher when reduced by endogenous or exogenous reductants. This effect may be a control mechanism that prevents cellular damage resulting from reaction of oxygen with reduced low-potential electron acceptors found in the green sulfur bacteria. The redox modulation effect is not observed in the green gliding bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus, which contains chlorosomes but does not contain low-potential electron acceptors.  相似文献   

Eleven completely sequenced Chlorobi genomes were compared in oligonucleotide usage, gene contents, and synteny. The green sulfur bacteria (GSB) are equipped with a core genome that sustains their anoxygenic phototrophic lifestyle by photosynthesis, sulfur oxidation, and CO2 fixation. Whole-genome gene family and single gene sequence comparisons yielded similar phylogenetic trees of the sequenced chromosomes indicating a concerted vertical evolution of large gene sets. Chromosomal synteny of genes is not preserved in the phylum Chlorobi. The accessory genome is characterized by anomalous oligonucleotide usage and endows the strains with individual features for transport, secretion, cell wall, extracellular constituents, and a few elements of the biosynthetic apparatus. Giant genes are a peculiar feature of the genera Chlorobium and Prosthecochloris. The predicted proteins have a huge molecular weight of 106, and are probably instrumental for the bacteria to generate their own intimate (micro)environment.  相似文献   

We found that polyclonal antibodies raised against chlorosome polypeptides from green sulfur bacteria reacted to Chlorobium tepidum, Chlorobium limicola, and Chlorobium phaeobacteroides but not to Chloroflexus aurantiacus. These antibodies successfully labeled only green sulfur species in marine microbial mat samples. Our results suggest that these antibodies may be useful as immunohistochemical probes.  相似文献   

The chlorosomal bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) composition of the green sulfur bacteria Chlorobium vibrioforme and Chlorobium phaeovibrioides was investigated by means of normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. From both species a number of homologues was isolated, which were identified by absorption and 252Cf-plasma desorption mass spectroscopy. Besides BChl d, C. vibrioforme contained a significant amount of BChl c, which may provide an explanation for the previous observation of at least two spectrally different pools of BChl in the chlorosomes of green sulfur bacteria (Otte et al. 1991). C. phaeovibrioides contained various homologues of BChl e only. Absorption spectra in acetone of BChl c, d and e, as well as bacteriopheophytin e are presented. No systematic differences were found for the various homologues of each pigment. In addition to farnesol, the mass spectra revealed the presence of various minor esterifying alcohols in both species, including phytol, oleol, cetol and 4-undecyl-2-furanmethanol, as well as an alcohol of low molecular mass, which is tentatively assumed to be decenol.Abbreviations BChl bacteriochlorophyll - BPh bacteriopheophytin (used as a general name for the Mg-free compound, irrespective of the esterifying alcohol) - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography  相似文献   

The quantum efficiency of photosynthesis by the green sulfur bacterium, Chlorobium thiosulfatophilum, has been determined in systems in which thiosulfate, tetrathionate, and molecular hydrogen served as electron donors. It was found that about 10 ± 1 quanta are used for the assimilation of 1 molecule of CO2, and that the quantum number is independent of the nature of the electron donor. These results are considered as support for the view that also in the bacterial photosyntheses the primary photochemical reaction consists in the photolysis of H2O, and that the chemical energy released during the oxidation of the electron donor is not utilized for CO2 assimilation. Hence the photosynthetic processes of the green sulfur bacteria are thermodynamically less efficient than is green plant photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The utilization of sulfide by phototrophic sulfur bacteria temporarily results in the accumulation of elemental sulfur. In the green sulfur bacteria (Chlorobiaceae), the sulfur is deposited outside the cells, whereas in the purple sulfur bacteria (Chromatiaceae) sulfur is found intracellularly. Consequently, in the latter case, sulfur is unattainable for other individuals. Attempts were made to analyze the impact of the formation of extracellular elemental sulfur compared to the deposition of intracellular sulfur.According to the theory of the continuous cultivation of microorganisms, the steady-state concentration of the limiting substrate is unaffected by the reservoir concentration (S R).It was observed in sulfide-limited continuous cultures ofChlorobium limicola f.thiosulfatophilum that higherS R values not only resulted in higher steady-state population densities, but also in increased steady-state concentrations of elemental sulfur. Similar phenomena were observed in sulfide-limited cultures ofChromatium vinosum.It was concluded that the elemental sulfur produced byChlorobium, althouth being deposited extracellularly, is not easily available for other individuals, and apparently remains (in part) attached to the cells. The ecological significance of the data is discussed.Non-standard abbreviations RP reducing power - BChl bacteriochlorophyll - Ncell cell material - specific growth rate - {ie52-1} maximal specific growth rate - D dilution rate - K s saturation constant - s concentration of limiting substrate - S R same ass but in reservoir bottle - Y yield factor - iSo intracellular elemental sulfur - eSo extracellular elemental sulfur - PHB poly-beta-hydroxybutyric acid  相似文献   

1. Dry weight yields from mixed cultures ofProsthecochloris aestuarii orChlorobium limicola with the sulfur reducingDesulfuromonas acetoxidans were determined on different growth limiting amounts of acetate, ethanol or propanol. The obtained yields agreed well with values predicted from stoichiometric calculations. 2. From mixed cultures of twoChlorobium limicola strains withDesulfovibrio desulfuricans orD. gigas on ethanol as the growth limiting substrate, dry weight yields were obtained as calculated for the complete utilization of the ethanol by the mixed cultures. 3. Dry weight yield determinations for two pure cultures ofChlorobium limicola with different growth limiting amounts of sulfide in the absence and presence of excess acetate confirmed that acetate is incorporated byChlorobium in a fixed proportion to sulfide; compared to the yield in the absence of acetate the yield is increased two to threefold in the presence of acetate. 4. The lowest possible sulfide concentrations necessary for optimal growth of mixed cultures of eitherProsthecochloris orChlorobium withDesulfuromonas on acetate were 7–8 mg H2S per liter of medium. 5. Doubling times at the growth rate limiting light intensities of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 lux were determined under optimal growth conditions for the following phototrophic bacteria:Prosthecochloris aestuarii, Chlorobium phaeovibriodes, Chromatium vinosum andRhodopseudomonas capsulata. Reasonably good growth was still obtained withProsthecochloris at 10 and 5 lux light intensity at which no growth of the purple bacteria could be observed.  相似文献   

Excitation energy transfer in the light-harvesting complex II of higher plants is modeled using excitonic couplings and local transition energies determined from structure-based calculations recently (Müh et al., 2010). A theory is introduced that implicitly takes into account protein induced dynamic localization effects of the exciton wavefunction between weakly coupled optical and vibronic transitions of different pigments. Linear and non-linear optical spectra are calculated and compared with experimental data reaching qualitative agreement. High-frequency intramolecular vibrational degrees of freedom are found important for ultrafast subpicosecond excitation energy transfer between chlorophyll (Chl) b and Chla, since they allow for fast dissipation of the excess energy. The slower ps component of this transfer is due to the monomeric excited state of Chlb 605. The majority of exciton relaxation in the Chla spectral region is characterized by slow ps exciton equilibration between the Chla domains within one layer and between the lumenal and stromal layers in the 10-20 ps time range. Subpicosecond exciton relaxation in the Chla region is only found within the terminal emitter domain (Chls a 610/611/612) and within the Chla 613/614 dimer. Deviations between measured and calculated exciton state life times are obtained for the intermediate spectral region between the main absorbance bands of Chla and Chlb that indicate that besides Chlb 608 another pigment should absorb there. Possible candidates, so far not identified by structure-based calculations, but by fitting of optical spectra and mutagenesis studies, are discussed. Additional mutagenesis studies are suggested to resolve this issue.  相似文献   

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