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Abstract. The population dynamics and reproductive strategies of two rare wet heathland species, Gentiana pneumonanthe and Rhynchospora, were studied in experimental permanent plots in a wet heathland near Bremen, NW Germany, to assess how effective sod cutting and mowing are in promoting these species. In one experiment, small plots (0.25 m2 - 4 m2) were sod-cut or mown; in the second, one large plot 30 mx 50m) was sod-cut. The development of the vegetation and the number of shoots of the two target species were recorded annually. Sod cutting lead to the highest shoot numbers of Gentiana in the long run, whilst mowing was more effective at the beginning of the experiment. Seedlings and adult shoots slowly became more and more abundant after sod cutting. In contrast, Rhynchospora soon formed closed stands after sod-cutting, first through seed germination and then through fast clonal growth of the established individuals. Moist soil or short inundations promoted the germination and seedling establishment of Gentiana, whereas drought negatively affected seedling recruitment. Long periods of inundation severely reduced the population at first, but high numbers of seedlings were found in the following growing season. For the disturbance-dependent Gentiana and Rhynchospora, the availability of gaps within the vegetation is of crucial importance. To promote existing populations, we suggest small-scale sod cuttings which create gaps without disturbing existing flowering individuals too much. For degenerated stands of wet heathland we recommend large-scale sod cutting to activate the seed bank. Additionally, seed introduction may be helpful to encourage the development of a wet heathland with characteristic floristic composition.  相似文献   

Temperate heaths have an unfavorable conservation status in most European biogeographical regions. Increasing nitrogen levels promote competitive grass species such as Molinia caerulea, which is a main threat to heathland conservation in Europe. This article investigates the long‐term influence of sod cutting and the resulting changes in soil properties on the heath composition, integrity, and structure. In 15 nature reserves across the northern half of Belgium, we used (1) a large number of plots (203); (2) a broad range of sod cut depths (2–40 cm), and (3) a temporal dimension that describes how long the effects of sod cutting persist (census up to 19 years after sod cutting). Multivariate analyses were used in order to explore the influence of sod cut depth and time after sod cutting on the soil and vegetation properties. There was a positive relationship between sod cut depth and soil pH and water level, and a negative relationship with Al3+, NH4+, and total organic matter (TOM). However, only a limited number of typical (target) species appeared after sod cutting, and then only weakly. Most of the time they remained a minor component of the restored vegetation. Moreover, M. caerulea reappeared and its cover significantly increased during the years following sod cutting. Although we were able to show that sod cut depth has a differential effect on soil properties and vegetation recovery, it also appeared that sod cutting does not restore wet heaths in the long term when applied in regions with high nitrogen deposition.  相似文献   

Jeschke M., Kiehl K., Pfadenhauer J. and Gigon A. 2008. Long-term effects of former management on the diversity of vascular plants, mosses and lichens in a calcareous grassland. Bot. Helv. 118: 95 – 109. Long-term effects of grassland management on the species richness of vascular plants, mosses and lichens were studied in a calcareous grassland near Schaffhausen (Switzerland). Experimental plots were treated for 22 years (1977 – 1999) with different mowing regimes, annual burning in late winter, or abandonment. From 2000 onwards, all plots were mown annually in autumn. Five years later (2004), we studied the after-effects of the previous treatments by recording the cover of vascular plants, mosses and lichens in nested plots with sizes from 0.01 m2 to 16 m2. Vascular plant species richness as well as the number of species characteristic for calcareous grasslands were significantly lower in formerly abandoned or burnt plots than in regularly mown plots, with larger differences on small subplots. There was no significant effect of the previous mowing time (July vs. October) or mowing frequency (annual or every two years) on vascular plants. Mosses and lichens had been eliminated by annual burning between 1977 and 1999, and only few moss species re-colonized the formerly burnt plots until 2004. The species richness of mosses did not differ between formerly abandoned and mown plots, but there were more mesophytic and fewer xerophytic species in the formerly abandoned plots. Mesophytic mosses were also more abundant in plots that used to be mown every second year than in those mown annually. Our data indicate that even after five years of similar management, i.e. annual mowing in autumn, the previous long-term management had strong after-effects on species richness and species composition of calcareous grasslands. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Eingereicht am 19. M?rz 2008, Angenommen am 30. August 2008, Redaktion: Sabine Güsewell  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of prescribed fire, herbicide treatment, and sod removal on the eradication of exotic grasses and the establishment of native plant species in 24 experimental restoration plots in three razed residential sites within the boundary of Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. During 1992–1995, herbicide treatment and sod removal decreased the combined cover of Poa pratensis (Kentucky blue grass) and Agropyron repens (quackgrass) significantly (from 82% to 13%, and 85% to 8%, respectively), whereas fire did not suppress such exotic lawn grasses. In 1993, several opportunistic species, represented by Cyperus spp. (umbrella sedges), Digitaria sanguinalis (crab grass), and Ambrosia artemisiifolia (common ragweed), filled the gaps left by the removal of lawn grasses. For the same period, Detrended Correspondence Analysis revealed a clear vegetation divergence between the control-fire plots and the herbicide-sod removal plots. While Poa pratensis and Agropyron repens continued to dominate the control and fire plots, the planted native species, represented by Schizachyrium scoparium (little blue-stem), Sorghastrum nutans (Indian grass), Rudbeckia hirta (black-eyed Susan), and Monarda punctata (horsemint), began to dominate in the herbicide and sod removal plots from 1994. In both herbicide and sod removal plots, the ground cover of grasses (68%) was much higher than the forbs (10%). The herbicide plots, where exotic species were removed but nitrogen-rich top soils were not removed, showed a higher diversity of planted native species than the sod removal plots (where both exotic species and top soils were removed) and the control-fire plots (where neither was removed). This finding suggests that an optimum but not excessive concentration of soil nitrogen is needed to support a maximum species diversity in such infertile substrate as sandy soil. In addition, the decrease in potassium in all plots, regardless of treatment, suggests that potassium may become a limiting factor for our restored native vegetation.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the prospects for restoration of the Cirsio-Molinietum orchietosum by sod cutting of an eutrophicated Cirsio-Molinietum stand and of a former agricultural grassland and an alder cart, respectively. Sod cutting of the former agricultural grassland and of the alder cart sufficed to restore this plant community, whereas sod cutting of the eutrophicated Cirsio-Molinietum was not successful. The unsuccessful restoration of the eutrophicated Cirsio-Molinietum might be due to prolonged inundation resulting from the sod cutting, causing anaerobic conditions under which no nitrification takes place. The chemical composition of the deep groundwater supplying the site changed from base-rich and SO42−-poor to base-rich and SO42−-rich. This change in chemical composition of the deep groundwater, discharging in the study area, might cause a higher nutrient availability in the root zone, and therefore, negatively influence the prospects for the restoration of the Cirsio-Molinietum. Furthermore, successful restoration of the Cirsio-Molinietum requires (1) water tables close to the soil surface during at least six months and (2) discharging base-rich groundwater in the root zone.  相似文献   

Abstract. The aim of this study was to evaluate the critical phases of the life cycle of Gentiana pneumonanthe, the marsh gentian, a threatened species of the Bohemian flora. The effect of various conditions on germination and seedling establishment and the possible effect of competition on the performance of the species were tested. Seeds were sown in plots which were subjected to four treatments in a randomized complete blocks experiment: unmanaged meadow, mown meadow, burned meadow, and meadow with cut sod. The significantly highest recruitment was found in plots with cut sod, the lowest in the unmanaged control plots. Seedling survival also differed among the treatments. In the following year surviving individuals were only found in plots with cut sod. The influence of neighbouring vegetation on target gentian individuals was evaluated by removing the surrounding vegetation and comparing the performance of these individuals with controls. The initial height of each individual was measured and used as a covariable. No significant effect of neighbouring vegetation on performance was detected. Thus, the establishment phase appears to be critical for population persistence and is also more influenced by the management regime than other stages of the life cycle.  相似文献   

Abstract. For the regeneration niche to contribute to the maintenance of species diversity interspecific differences in sensitivity of seedling recruitment to environmental conditions is assumed. We experimentally tested differences between meadow species for the response of seed germination to chilling, and sensitivity of seedling recruitment to microscale heterogeneity. We also compared the dynamics of seedling recruitment in gaps. Seed germination was tested in standard laboratory germination tests, comparing control seeds with seeds chilled at +4 °C, and at –14°C for one month. Species responses varied from significant increases in germinability after chilling (e.g. Cirsium palustre, Betonica officinalis, Angelica sylvestris) to significant decreases (e.g. Hieracium umbellatum, Succisa pratensis, Selinum carvifolia). In some species, chilling at + 4 °C has a similar effect to chilling at –14 °C, in others the effect of chilling at + 4°C was intermediate, and in some, there was no effect of chilling at + 4°C, but an effect of chilling at –14°C. Different chilling temperatures also affect timing and speed of seed germination under greenhouse conditions. The dynamics of seed germination under field conditions was studied by sowing seeds into artificially created gaps and following their germination, both where the seedlings were removed after emergence and where they were not removed. Species differ in their germination dynamics: they all start late April, but then differentiate from an abrupt maximum and early finish of germination (in the second half of May), to prolonged germination without a marked maximum. Seedling removal increased the total number of germinated seeds, with a marked density dependence at this stage. Seeds were also sown into plots with treatments (1) gaps, sod stripped, above-ground vegetation removed; (2) mown, moss layer removed; (3) mown; (4) untouched control. Seedling emergence was monitored for 3 yr. Seedling recruitment decreased from treatments (1) to (4), but sensitivity differed between species. With increasing seed weight, the difference between gaps and other treatments decreased. The results show that there are considerable differences in seedling recruitment sensitivity between species.  相似文献   

The effects of sod cutting were studied in a dune area on the Dutch Wadden Sea Island of Texel. Sod cutting was carried out in a range of different dune slacks in order to restore dune slack vegetation with many endangered Red List species. Sod cutting removed approximately 96% of the soil seed bank. Species abundant in the seed bank, notably Juncacea, also had a high frequency in the vegetation that established during the first year after the restoration measures. Many other species not registered in the seed bank or in the former vegetation also appeared. Species richness in the monitored plots exceeded that of uncut reference plots after a few years. Colonization rates were higher than extinction rates in most plots, indicating that a stable state has not been reached after 5 years. Differences in species richness between slacks appeared to be related to the occurrence of source areas nearby and availability of dispersal agents, such as flooding and animals.  相似文献   

1. An important means of conserving beneficial insects in resource‐limited habitats is to meet their ecological requirements, which may be achieved by providing areas containing flowering plants that bloom throughout the season, but little is known about the importance of wildflower plot size for supporting natural enemies or the biological control they provide. 2. Wildflowers were established in plots of sizes ranging from 1 to 100 m2, and found that natural enemy density, group richness, and diversity of natural enemy groups increased with plot size. 3. The density of insect herbivores was lower in all flower plots than in the control samples, whereas the diversity of herbivore groups was significantly higher in flower plots. 4. Comparing population growth of sentinel soybean aphids (Aphis glycines Matsumura) among plot sizes, aphid colonies were smaller as plot size increased. 5. Providing beneficial insects with flowering resources resulted in significantly more natural enemies and greater pest control than in smaller flower plots or mown grass areas. 6. These results indicate that the density, diversity, and function of natural enemies are sensitive to the size of wildflower plantings, even at relatively small scales. Therefore, larger wildflower plots are more suitable for the conservation of beneficial insects and their provision of natural pest control.  相似文献   

Dynamics of common reed (Phragmites australisTrin.) in Central Europe have so far mostly beeninvestigated in connection with studies on reed`die-back' along lake shores. However, there hasrecently been increasing concern about reed expansionat terrestrial sites, such as fens and wet grasslands.In this paper we report on the results of fourseparate studies which monitored reed dynamics inSwiss fens with various mowing regimes over a periodof 4 to 15 years. The first study compared unmownplots with plots mown in winter in a triennialrotation; the second one included unmown plots, plotsmown in summer, and plots mown in winter; the thirdone compared plots mown in June and September withplots only mown in September; the fourth studyinvestigated only plots mown in September. Shootnumber and shoot size were recorded in permanentquadrats. In all studies the performance of P.australisfluctuated without trend or tended todecrease during the period investigated. Thedecreasing tendency concerned shoot size rather thanshoot number, and within a given study it was strongerfor plots with initially taller shoots. The variousmowing regimes did hardly influence these changes.Mowing in winter every three years reduced shoot sizein the year after mowing, but not on the long term.Mowing every year in late summer reduced the shootsize compared with unmown plots on the short term, butthis effect almost disappeared on the long term, aftermowing had become biennial. Mowing in June (inaddition to in September) caused no noticeableeffects. We conclude that other factors (e.g. weatherconditions, competition, or population processes) aremore important than management in determining theabundance of P. australisin the fen communitiesinvestigated here, although long-term effects ofmowing in summer still need more investigation. As apractical consequence it is suggested that at siteswhich are not strongly dominated by P.australis, as most of those investigated here,reducing the performance of this species should notconstitute a major target of nature conservationmanagement, nor can its dynamics be used as anindicator for management success before underlyingcauses are better understood.  相似文献   

Abstract. Effects of milling, mowing and sod cutting on productivity in a Deschampsia grass heath and a Molinia-Deschampsia grass heath were studied from 1977 to 1986. The sum of above-ground biomass, litter and accumulated humified matter (TOM) in both types was ca. 70 ton/ha and the primary productivity 3–5 ton ha-1yr-1. Mulching did not affect the annual production. Sod cutting reduced the productivity to 1–2 ton ha-1yr-1; on the Molinia-Deschampsia site this reduction lasted for at least a decade, while the Deschampsia heath started to recover from sod cutting soon and increased in productivity again. Annual mowing both with and without removal of hay reduced the production as well, particularly on the Molinia-Deschampsia heath. Lower production was either the result of phosphorus depletion - Molinia-Deschampsia site - or nitrogen depletion - Deschampsia site. In the mowing treatments there was also a depletion of carbohydrate reserves.  相似文献   

1. In natural ecosystems, plants containing hosts for parasitoids are often embedded within heterogeneous plant communities. These plant communities surrounding host‐infested plants may influence the host‐finding ability of parasitoids. 2. A release‐recapture‐approach was used to examine whether the diversity and structural complexity of the community surrounding a host‐infested plant influences the aggregation behaviour of the leaf‐miner parasitoid Dacnusa sibirica Telenga and naturally occurring local leaf‐miner parasitoids. Released and locally present parasitoids were collected on potted Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.plants infested with the generalist leaf‐miner Chromatomyia syngenesiae Hardy. The plants were placed in experimentally established plant communities differing in plant diversity (1–9 species) and habitat complexity (bare ground, mown vegetation, and tall vegetation). Additionally, parasitoids were reared out from host mines on the trap plants. 3. Plant diversity did not influence the mean number of recaptured D. sibirica or captures of other locally present parasitoids but the number of recaptured parasitoids was influenced by habitat complexity. No D. sibirica parasitoids were recaptured in the bare ground plots or plots with mown vegetation. The mean number of recaptured D. sibirica generally increased with increasing complexity of the plant community, whereas locally present parasitoids were captured more frequently in communities with more bare ground. There was a unimodal relationship between the number of reared out parasitoids and diversity of the surrounding vegetation with the highest density of emerged parasitoids at intermediate diversity levels. 4. The present study adds to the thus far limited body of literature examining the aggregation behaviour of parasitoids in the field and suggests that the preference of parasitoids to aggregate in complex versus simple vegetation is association specific and thus depends on the parasitoid species as well as the identity of the plant community.  相似文献   

Species richness and sporocarp density of ectomycorrhizal fungi in stands of Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) in The Netherlands have decreased during the last decades. The lowest species diversity was found in P. sylvestris stands situated in areas with high atmospheric deposition of nitrogen originating from intensive livestock industry. In these stands, litter and humus have accumulated into thick layers, and the herbaceous understory vegetation is dominated by the grass Deschampsia flexuosa (wavy hair grass). Earlier investigations showed negative correlations between the number of species of ectomycorrhizal fungi above ground and the depth of humus layers. Our aim was to investigate whether removal of litter, humus layers, and herbaceous vegetation (sods)—so-called "sod cutting"—increased species diversity above ground and sporocarp density of ectomycorrhizal fungi in P. sylvestris stands of different age. Therefore, three P. sylvestris stands of different ages (planted in 1987, 1963, and 1924) on Haplic Arenosol were selected. In 1990, litter, humus layers, and herbaceous vegetation were removed to create nutrient-poor sandy soils without overlying litter and humus layers. Untreated plots served as controls. Surveys conducted in 1991, 1992, and 1993 indicated that sod cutting enhanced the species diversity and sporocarp density of ectomycorrhizal fungi. These results suggest that sod cutting is a way to restore ectomycorrhizal flora in medium-aged and old stands of P. sylvestris where litter and humus have accumulated.  相似文献   

Floating fens are species‐rich succession stages in fen areas in the Netherlands. Many of these fens are deteriorating due to acidification; Sphagnum species and Polytrichum commune build 10–25 cm thick moss carpets, and the species diversity decreases. Earlier experiments in wet ecosystems indicate that successful restoration of circum‐neutral and mesotrophic conditions requires a combination of hydrological measures and sod removal. In an acidified fen recharged by rainwater in the nature reserve Ilperveld (The Netherlands), a ditch/trench system was dug for the purpose of creating a run‐off channel for acid rainwater in wet periods and to enable circum‐neutral surface water to enter the fen in dry periods. Moreover, the sod was removed in part of the fen. Ditch/trench creation or sod cutting had no effect individually, but a combination of the two measures led to a change in the abiotic conditions (higher pH and Ca), and in turn to an increase of species‐richness and the reestablishment of a number of characteristic species. Reestablishment of rare vascular plant species and characteristic bryophytes might be a long‐term process because of incomplete recovery of site conditions and constraints in seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Question: Is there any effect of cutting frequency and liming on P and K availability in the soil, biomass production and plant species composition after cessation of fertilizer application? Location: Eifel Mountains, SW Germany. Methods: The long‐term Grassland Extensification and Nutrient Depletion Experiment was established on a fertilized and mown pasture (Lolio‐Cynosuretum) in 1993. Treatments were: (1) two cuts per year without liming, (2) two cuts with liming, (3) four cuts without liming, (4) four cuts with liming and (5) continued intensive mowing as the control. Results: From 1993 to 2006, the plant available P concentration in the soil decreased substantially, whereas K concentration decreased only slightly. Biomass production decreased from 7 to 5 t DM ha?1. These trends were affected by cessation of NPK fertilizer application but not by cutting frequency or liming. In 2007, substantial differences in species composition between the control and the two‐cut and four‐cut treatments were recorded, whereas liming had no effect. Higher species richness was recorded in cut treatments compared to the control, but no effects of cutting frequency or liming were observed. Ellenberg indicator values indicated that soil nutrients influenced changes in species composition only marginally. Conclusions: The decrease in productivity and available soil P and K in favor of species richness was not achieved to any greater extent by four cuts than by two cuts, or by lime application. Although species richness slightly increased, we conclude that the restoration of low productive grasslands cannot be achieved by cutting management.  相似文献   

Summary Observations from a soil management trial conducted on a previously grassed down orchard showed that after 3 years the pH of the surface soil (0–10 cm) whether measured in distilled water or 1N KCl was significantly lowered in herbicided and cultivated treatments in comparison with plots under continued grass sod. The drop in pH was accompanied by a decrease in base saturation and a consequent increase in exchange acidity. This was attributed to the leaching of Ca and also Mg from the surface soil of the non-grassed plots.In a subsequent laboratory leaching study, cubic soil blocks (16 cm3) were leached with distilled water at two weekly intervals for 24 weeks. It was found that over the experimental period, the cumulative quantity of cations leached (in milli-equivalents) per soil block from the herbicided and cultivated treatments was approximately 3.5 times that leached from the grassed treatment.  相似文献   

采伐干扰对长白山核桃楸林生物多样性的影响研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
马万里  罗菊春  荆涛 《植物研究》2007,27(1):119-124
运用Gleason丰富度指数、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Cody指数和重要值,对长白山核桃楸林不同采伐方式下的生物多样性及变化进行了研究。结果表明,采伐干扰下群落中草本层的植物多样性和重要值变化最大,α多样性和β多样性指数均在皆伐地表现最高,择伐地次之,未采伐地最低;在重要值上,择伐和皆伐后,草本层植物的种类组成和重要值排序明显不同于对照地。从形式上来讲是采伐方式不同引起了多样性的变化,但其实质是光照条件改变所致;从时间尺度上考虑,是时间边缘效应的结果。同时,核桃楸更新苗数量的调查表明,皆伐地内高的多样性指数和核桃楸幼苗的充分发育均是受光因子作用的结果,它们二者之间并无必然的因果关系。  相似文献   

1. Two field experiments were carried out to examine the role of patch size, host density, and complexity of the surrounding habitat, on the foraging behaviour of the parasitoid wasp Cotesia glomerata in the field. 2. First, released parasitoids were recaptured on patches of one or four Brassica nigra plants, each containing 10 hosts that were placed in a mown grassland area. Recaptures of females were higher than males, and males and females aggregated at patches with four plants. 3. In experiment 2, plants containing 0, 5 or 10 hosts were placed in unmown grassland plots that differed in plant species composition, on bare soil, and on mown grassland. Very low numbers of parasitoids were recaptured in the vegetated plots, while high numbers of parasitoids were recaptured on plants placed on bare soil or in mown grassland. Recaptures were higher on plants on bare soil than on mown grassland, and highest on plants containing 10 hosts. The host density effect was significantly more apparent in mown grassland than on bare soil. 4. Cotesia glomerata responds in an aggregative way to host density in the field. However, host location success is determined mostly by habitat characteristics, and stronger host or host‐plant cues are required when habitat complexity increases.  相似文献   

Questions: Does the diversity of heathland vegetation change when subjected to experimental disturbances such as cutting and nitrogen fertilization? Do changes in the vegetation structure negatively affect the regeneration of the dominant species Calluna vulgaris? Is cutting an alternative method of conserving the diversity and maintaining the structure of heathlands in the Cantabrian Mountains? Location: Calluna vulgaris heathlands on the southern slopes of the Cantabrian Mountain range, NW Spain. Methods: A total of 60 plots were treated with different combinations of cutting and twice the estimated atmospheric deposition of nitrogen (56 kg‐N.ha?1.yr?1). The changes in the cover values of the species present were monitored over a five year study period. The cover values were used to calculate abundance and species richness. Results: Fertilizing with nitrogen allows biodiversity to increase over time. However, the greatest biodiversity is associated with the cutting plus fertilization treatment, since cutting allows gaps to be opened that are easily colonized by pioneer annual species, while fertilization mainly favours an increase in the mean number of perennial herbs (graminoids and forbs). Increased perennial herb richness also corresponds to a rise in their cover values. The recovery of the dominant woody species in these communities, Calluna vulgaris, is not impeded by the increase in perennial herbs species' cover values. Conclusions: In the Calluna vulgaris heathlands studied, cutting plus fertilization allowed an increase in biodiversity over time. No displacement of the dominant woody species, Calluna vulgaris, is observed due to the presence of the perennial herbs. Cutting patches of heathland is recommended as a mechanism for maintaining high vegetation diversity, when grazing is not possible.  相似文献   

The effects on growth, quality and N uptake by turfgrass (Cynodon dactylon L.) during sod production of four fertiliser types applied at three application rates (100, 200 or 300 kg N ha−1 per ‘crop’) under two irrigation treatments (70% and 140% daily replacement of pan evaporation) were investigated. The fertiliser types were: water-soluble (predominately NH4NO3), control-release, pelletised poultry manure, and pelletised biosolids; and the experiment was conducted on a sandy soil in a Mediterranean-type climate. Plots were established from rhizomes, with the turfgrass harvested as sod every 16–28 weeks depending upon the time of the year. Four crops were produced during the study. Applying water-soluble and control-release fertilisers doubled shoot growth and improved turfgrass greenness by up to 10% in comparison with plots receiving pelletised poultry manure and pelletised biosolids. Nitrogen uptake into the shoots after four crops (averaged across irrigation treatments and N rates) was 497 kg N ha−1 for the water-soluble fertiliser, 402 kg N ha−1 for the control-release, 188 kg N ha−1 for the pelletised poultry manure and 237 kg N ha−1 for the pelletised biosolids. Consequently, the agronomic nitrogen-use efficiency (NAE, kg DM kg−1 N applied) of the inorganic fertilisers was approximately twice that of the organic fertilisers. Increasing irrigation from 70% to 140% replacement of pan evaporation was detrimental to turfgrass growth and N uptake for the first crop when supplied with the water-soluble fertiliser. Under the low irrigation treatment, inorganic N fertilisers applied at 200–300 kg N ha−1 were adequate for production of turfgrass sod. Section Editor: P. J. Randall  相似文献   

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