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Bacterial 16S rDNA from fecal samples of two calves were amplified by PCR and analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis; selected bands were sequenced. Escherichia coli and Bifidobacterium animalis were the initial colonizers, followed by species closely related to the genera Bacteroides, Clostridium and Faecalibacterium. Change of diet was connected with shifts of bacterial population and with the occurrence of many bacterial species that have not been cultured up to now. The diet change corresponded with an alteration in a volatile-fatty-acid concentration in fecal samples.  相似文献   

The changes occurring in several components of the rat renin-angiotensin system (RAS) were studied for the brief postnatal period, between the fourth and tenth week of life. The parameters were: plasma renin activity (PRA), plasma renin concentration (PRC), plasma renin substrate (PRS) and the plasma angiotensin II concentration (AII). A gradual decrease in PRA with age was noticed. Between the fourth and the eighth weeks of life, this was attributed to a corresponding decline in both PRC and PRS. However, between the eighth and tenth weeks, no changes in PRA could be detected, but PRC and PRS increased, perhaps as a consequence of the changes in renal function and the AII increase observed. In this second period, simultaneously with the RAS changes described, there was reduced sodium chloride excretion as the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) stabilized. The data presented suggest that this postnatal period is critical, in rats, for the maturation of the RAS component control mechanisms; they appear to be closely related to the development of the renal function.  相似文献   

The development of the glycine cleavage system was studied in liver mitochondrial extracts from neonatal and adult rats. The enzyme activity in 2-day-old pups was 29.3% of that measured in the adult and was found to increase in an age-dependent manner. Measurement of hepatic free amino acid concentrations at the neonatal ages showed that glycine levels were highest at 2 days and at 14 days were about 48% of those in the 2-day-old pups. Serine levels did not change between the age of 2 and 14 days. A developmental delay in the glycine cleavage system is responsible for the high levels of glycine in the neonatal rat liver.  相似文献   

Large numbers of cells with unique neuronal specificity are generated during development of the central nervous system of animals. Here we discuss the events that generate cell diversity during early development of the ventral nerve cord of different arthropod groups. Neural precursors are generated in a spatial array in the epithelium of each hemisegment over a period of time. Spatial cues within the epithelium are thought to evolve as embryogenesis proceeds. This spatiotemporal information might generate diversity among the neural precursors in all arthropod groups, although the mechanisms regulating the positioning of individual precursors have diverged. However, distinct strategies for the generation of neuronal diversity have evolved in the different arthropod lineages that appear to correlate with specific modes of ontogenesis. We hypothesize that an evolutionary trend towards reduced cell numbers and possibly rapid embryogenesis in insects has culminated in the appearance of stereotyped neuroblast lineages.  相似文献   

We have studied the postnatal development of the intrinsic nervous system in the circumvallate papilla–vonEbner gland complex using NADPH-diaphorase cytochemistry, immunocytochemistry (for nitric oxide synthase-1 and -internexin) and electron microscopy. In rats sacrificed in their first day post partum (1p.p.), only isolated NADPH-diaphorase positive neurons were visible in the organ. At 2p.p., a small group of neurons was visible at the base of the papillae and positive neurons formed short chains close to the developing glandular tubules. In the following days, the NADPH-diapharase positive cells increased in number and nerve fibres were associated to small ganglia located at the base of the papilla or in the gland. After the first week of extrauterine life, the intrinsic nervous system was similar to the intrinsic system of adult animals. An immunocytochemical positivity for nitric oxide synthase-1 appeared at 4p.p. in neurons located in the gland and at 7p.p. in cells located at the base of the papilla. Immunocytochemical staining for -internexin showed that at 1p.p. developing nerve fibres were present in the connective tissue of the tongue's muscle layer. At 2–3p.p., developing nerve fibres were also present at the bases and in the core of the papilla. In the following days, the positivity for -internexin was reduced and one week after birth was virtually absent. Ultrastructural examination revealed that since 1p.p. isolated neurons can be found at the base of the papilla. In conclusion, the intrinsic nervous system originates from neurons present in the organ at the birth which, in the first days, undergo a biochemical and morphological maturation while the nerve fibres rapidly grow. These findings support the hypothesis that the intrinsic nervous system of the circumvallate papilla has a role in the maturation of the vonEbner gland.  相似文献   

We used confocal laser scanning microscopy and fluorescent immunohistochemistry to study the developmental pattern and distribution of specific neuronal phenotypes within the intrinsic cardiac nervous system in whole-mount atrial preparations from newborn to 5 week old rats. Individual ganglia and neuronal cell bodies were localized by means of two general neuronal markers: protein gene product 9.5 (PGP) and microtubule-associated protein two (MAP). In rats < or =2 weeks old there were two main subpopulations of intrinsic neurons located in the intraatrial septum and around the origin of the superior vena cava. The more abundant was a population of strongly tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunoreactive (IR) neurons (10-40 microm in diameter) most of which were also PGP-IR. The second, less numerous (approximately 60-70% than the TH-IR group) type of neurons exhibited ChAT-IR which colocalized with MAP-IR. Towards the end of the second postnatal week and during the third, the ganglia containing these neurons became more numerous and their localization also included tissues around the origins of the inferior vena cava and the pulmonary veins, as well as both atrial walls close to the AV junction. During the second and third postnatal weeks, when the extrinsic innervation of the adrenergic and cholinergic phenotypes largely increases, the intrinsic innervation also changed greatly, and around the 21st postnatal day it appeared to acquire mature characteristics. The TH-IR neurons changed their characteristics and formed two types of ganglia. The larger ganglia containing large cells (20-40 microm in diameter) expressed TH-IR mostly close to their inner body surface (approximately 80-90% of identified neurons). Most of these neurons also expressed neuropeptide Y (NPY)-IR, specifically around their nuclei. The second type of small strongly TH-IR neurons (approximately 10% of all identified neurons) were contained in smaller groups (20-50 cells) which were usually embedded into much larger ganglia (100-400 cells), containing large (20-50 microm) neurons. Unlike all other intrinsic neurons, these small TH-IR cells did not exhibit any PGP-IR or MAP-IR. The number of ChAT-IR neurons increased at this stage, reaching approximately 90% of the neurons identified by the general neuronal markers. These neurons were surrounded by a rich network of cholinergic varicose nerve fibers, some of which were likely of an extrinsic origin. We have also identified relatively small ganglia expressing immunoreactivity to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), and to substance P (SP). The presented data indicate that the phenotypes of intrinsic neurons in the rat heart change greatly during the first month of postnatal development. This may be at least partially related to the development and maturation of functional extrinsic nervous control of the heart.  相似文献   

We have analysed the postnatal development of the nuclear sizes of the granular cells of the dentate gyrus in 5- to 190-day-old male mice. The study was performed in three topographic levels: rostral, intermediate and caudal. Three subdivisions were analysed in each level: suprapyramidal blade, infrapyramidal blade and the transition between them, the angular zone. Additionally, each of these subdivisions was measured in its external and internal layer, separately. Three gradients of postnatal karyometric development can be described: external-to-internal, suprapyramidal-to-infrapyramidal, and caudal-to-rostral, indicating that the external, suprapyramidal and caudal cells show higher karyometric sizes than the other subdivisions. These gradients are related to the ontogenetic gradients of these neurons.  相似文献   

Barley, maize, pea, soybean, and wheat exhibited differences in chlorophyll a/b ratio and chlorophyll-protein (CP) complex composition during the initial stages of chloroplast development. During the first hours of greening, the chlorophyll a/b ratios of barley, pea, and wheat were high (a/b8) and these species contained only the CP complex of photosystem I as measured by mild sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A decrease in chlorophyll a/b ratio and the observation of the CP complexes associated with photosystem II and the light-harvesting apparatus occurred at later times in barley, pea, and wheat. In contrast, maize and soybean exhibited low chlorophyll a/b ratios (a/b<8) and contained the CP complexes of both photosytem I and the light-harvesting apparatus at early times during chloroplast development. The species differences were not apparent after 8 h of greening. In all species, the CP complexes were stabilized during the later stages of chloroplast development as indicated by a decrease in the percentage of chlorophyll released from the CP complexes during detergent extraction. The results demonstrate that CP complex synthesis and accumulation during chloroplast development may not be regulated in the same way in all higher plant species.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - CP chlorophyll-protein - CPI P700 chlorophyll-a protein complex of photosystem I - CPa electrophoretic band that contains the photosystem II reaction center complexes and a variable amount of the photosystem I light-harvesting complex - LHC the major light-harvesting complex associated with photosystem II - PSI photosystem I - PSII photosystem II - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Cooperative investigations of the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, and the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC 27695-7601. Paper No. 10335 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC 27695-7601.  相似文献   

Previous studies of alveolarization have used rats or lambs; however, neither closely reflects human alveolar development. We characterized alveolar development in rabbits (n = 3-7 /group) at 28 days gestation (dg) to 9 mo to determine whether they followed the human pattern more closely. The right lung was made up of 30% alveolar and 50% duct space at 28 dg to 3 days and of 50 and 30%, respectively, at 14 days to 9 mo. Tissue fraction and alveolar wall thickness decreased by 40% 28 dg to birth. At birth, approximately 4.5% of the number of alveoli seen at 9 mo were present, with alveolar number increasing progressively well into adulthood. The rate of alveolar formation was high around birth, decreasing progressively with age. Alveolar volume increased more than twofold (28 dg to birth) and continued to increase postnatally to 16 wk. Surface fraction decreased by 17% (28 dg to 3 days), after which it remained uniform. Our findings suggest that the timing of onset of alveolarization in humans and rabbits is similar and that rabbits may be used to model postnatal influences on alveolar development.  相似文献   

Postnatal development of the Mongolian gerbil uterus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Kress  L Mardi 《Acta anatomica》1990,137(3):234-240
The postnatal development of the gerbil uterus has been investigated. Special attention has been paid to the luminal surface epithelium. In the newborn gerbil, the uterus contains already some fluid and the uterine luminal epithelium seems to possess mechanisms for the regulation of the fluid contents. Among them are apical protrusions and microvilli, endo- and exocytotic vesicles of different nature, highly active Golgi complexes and dilated rER vesicles and also very distinct junctional complexes between the cells in the apical areas.  相似文献   

Submicroscopic examination of rat oviducts in the early postnatal period showed that the character of the epithelium remained relatively indifferent up to the 6th day. Typical findings in this phase include an apical migration of the centrioles, with subsequent formation of solitary cilia; ciliated cells were an isolated occurrence. Ciliogenesis in the rat oviductal epithelium starts between the 8th and the 10th day. A continuous kinociliary apparatus is formed on the basis of centriole replication. The first secretory and peg cells appear towards the end of the second week.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution and relative density of peptide-containing nerves was studied in the rat in order to assess the progression of neuronal changes during the postnatal development of the male genital system from the prepubertal age to adulthood. Testis, caput and cauda epididymis, ductus deferens, seminal vescicles, prostate and penis from 8-, 20-, 38-, and 70-day-old rats were sectioned and were immunostained with antisera to the neuropeptides calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and neuropeptide Y (NPY), and to a general neuronal marker, protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5). The testicular parenchyma and caput epididymis did not show any immunoreactivity. Very scattered CGRP-containing nerves were present in 8-day-old rats; numerous VIP-, CGRP-, and NPY-peptide-containing nerves were observed in the cauda epididymis, ductus deferens, accessory glands and penis of 20-day-old rats. The number of nerves increased in 35-day-old rats while no changes were observed in more adult rats. A parallel increase was seen for the immunostain for PGP 9.5. These data suggest that peptide-containing nerves appear in the genital system after birth and reach a full development before the completion of puberty. Peptide-containing nerves were visible first in the interstitial area and then spread in the muscular coat of the ducts, glands and of the blood vessels. While CGRP- and NPY-containing nerves were distributed in the vicinity of the muscle cells, VIP-containing nerves were also observed in the subepithelial regions, suggesting a possible role of this neuropeptide in the control of epithelial functions.  相似文献   

A substantial number of epidemiological studies have shown that small size at birth is associated with an increased risk of developing hypertension and metabolic dysfunction later in life; however these associations have not been found in all studies. In animals, several models have been used to investigate the effects of perturbations to the fetal environment on later arterial pressure, with differing effects on size at birth and arterial pressure. Ovine models include maternal dietary manipulations, antenatal glucocorticoid exposure, and restriction of placental size and function. In our laboratory, we have induced late gestational placental insufficiency and growth restriction in sheep by umbilico-placental embolisation; during the early postnatal period the growth restricted lambs remained small and were hypotensive relative to controls. More recent long-term studies indicate that these growth restricted animals were able to catch up in body weight within the first postnatal year; however, their arterial pressure remained lower than that of controls throughout the first 2 postnatal years (deltaMAP, -4.2 +/- 1.4 mmHg). This relative hypotension may be due to altered vascular or cardiac development resulting from increased vascular resistance or nutrient restriction during fetal life. As late gestational placental insufficiency led to a persistent reduction in arterial pressure from birth to adulthood, our findings do not support the hypothesis that restricted fetal growth per se leads to hypertension after birth. It is likely that the effects of a prenatal compromise on postnatal arterial pressure will vary depending on the nature of the associated developmental perturbations and their gestational timing.  相似文献   

1. In this report the postnatal differentiation of the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus (VMN) was studied. The main maturational changes detected at the fine structural level occurred between 10 and 20 days of postnatal life. 2. In 5-day-old rats the majority of neurons was undifferentiated, with rudimentary cytoplasmic organelles. Dendritic profiles presented an empty appearance due to an electron-lucent matrix and scarce content of organelles. 3. At 10 days there was a significant proliferation of cytoplasmic organelles in the perikaryon, mainly of those involved in protein biosynthesis as the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and the Golgi complex. 4. After 20 days of age the VMN neurons acquired the cytological appearance of adult neurons, with well-organized RER, Golgi complexes, and pleomorphic mitochondria. Concurrent with these changes, there was a marked development of other organelles in the neuropil, which was accompanied by an increase in synaptic density and differentiation of their subsynaptic structures.  相似文献   

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