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Acute oral administration of ethanol (3.2g/kg) to normal rats increased DOPAC levels and DOPA formation in the caudate nucleus but had no effect in the substantia nigra and frontal cortex and failed to modify dopamine (DA) levels in any of the above brain areas. Complete tolerance to the stimulant effect on DOPA formation developed after chronic ethanol administration (3.2g daily for 60 days). In chronically treated rats, 24 hrs after ethanol withdrawal, DA levels in the frontal cortex were 60% higher than in controls and were unchanged in the substantia nigra and caudate nucleus as were DOPAC levels in all areas studied. At this time, the administration of ethanol caused a long-lasting depletion of DA and a parallel increase of DOPAC levels in all areas analyzed. The results indicate that acute and chronic ethanol release DA stores but, in the acute condition, DA depletion is prevented by increased synthesis.  相似文献   

The effect of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) agonist (+/-)epibatidine on the modulation of dopamine (DA) release was investigated by microdialysis in vivo in the frontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens of naive and chronic nicotine-treated awake rats. (+/-)Epibatidine (2.5 microg/kg, s.c.), contrary to (-)nicotine (0.5 mg/kg, s.c.), decreased the extracellular concentrations of DA in the brain of naive rats. Subchronic nicotine treatment (0.45 mg/kg, s.c., twice daily for 7 days) attenuated the (+/-)epibatidine induced decrease in the DA level. The extracellular concentrations of the DA metabolites 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanillic acid (HVA) were elevated by (+/-)epibatidine administration in both na?ve and subchronic treated rats. The findings suggest that the decrease in DA extracellular concentrations induced by the high affinity nAChRs agonist (+/-)epibatidine might be due to inactivation of nAChRs, which can be overcome by subchronic treatment with nicotine. Different mechanisms in modulation of DA release appears to be involved in the rat brain by (+/-)epibatidine compare to (-)nicotine.  相似文献   

The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is thought to provide an excitatory influence on the output of mesoaccumbens dopamine neurons. The evidence for this influence primarily arises from findings in the rat that chemical or high-intensity and high-frequency (60-200 Hz) electrical stimulations of PFC increase burst activity of midbrain dopamine neurons, and augment terminal release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens. However, PFC neurons in animals that are engaged in PFC-dependent cognitive tasks increase their firing frequency from a baseline of 1-3 Hz to 7-10 Hz, suggesting that the commonly used high-frequency stimulation parameters of the PFC may not be relevant to the behavioral states that are associated with PFC activation. We investigated the influence of PFC activation at lower physiologically relevant frequencies on the release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens. Using rapid (5-min) microdialysis measures of extracellular dopamine in the nucleus accumbens, we found that although PFC stimulation at 60 Hz produces the expected increases in accumbal dopamine release, the same amplitude of PFC stimulation at 10 Hz significantly decreased these levels. These results indicate that activation of PFC, at frequencies that are associated with increased cognitive demand on this region, inhibits the mesoaccumbens dopamine system.  相似文献   

We investigated, by microdialysis in various brain areas, the possibility that dopamine could be captured by the norepinephrine transporter when the dopamine transporter is pharmacologically blocked. Administration of reboxetine, a selective blocker of the norepinephrine transporter, 20 min after the administration of GBR 12909, a selective blocker of the dopamine transporter, produced an increase of dopamine output in the nucleus accumbes shell (+408% above basal) greater than that obtained by GBR 12909 alone (+308% above basal). On the contrary, reboxetine did not increase further the dopamine output produced by GBR 12909 in the nucleus accumbens core or in the dorsal caudate, areas lacking a consistent noradrenergic innervations. A cumulative effect of dopamine and norepinephrine transporter blockade on the output of dopamine in dialysates was also observed in the bed nucleus of stria terminalis and in the prefrontal cortex. This study shows that dopamine extracellular concentration can be elevated by norepinephrine transporter blockade, even in areas where the dopamine transporter is predominant, when the latter is pharmacologically blocked. This phenomenon may have relevance in psychostimulant dependence as well as in antidepressant pharmacology.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previously, we demonstrated decreased expression of somatostatin mRNA in aged macaque brain, particularly in the prefrontal cortex. To investigate whether or not this age-dependent decrease in mRNA is related to morphological changes, we analyzed somatostatin cells in the cerebra of aged Japanese macaques and compared them with those in rats and tree shrews, the latter of which are closely related to primates. Methods: Brains of aged macaques, tree shrews, and rats were investigated by immunohistochemistry with special emphasis on somatostatin. Results: We observed degenerating somatostatin-immunoreactive cells in the cortices of aged macaques and tree shrews. Somatostatin-immunoreactive senile plaque-like structures were found in areas 6 and 8 and in the nucleus accumbens of macaques, as well as in the nucleus accumbens and the cortex of aged tree shrews, where amyloid accumulations were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Somatostatin degenerations may be related to amyloid accumulations and may play roles in impairments of cognitive functions during aging.  相似文献   

Stressful events are accompanied by modifications in dopaminergic transmission in distinct brain regions. As the activity of the neuronal dopamine (DA) transporter (DAT) is considered to be a critical mechanism for determining the extent of DA receptor activation, we investigated whether a 3-week exposure to unavoidable stress, which produces a reduction in DA output in the nucleus accumbens shell (NAcS) and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), would affect DAT density and DA D1 receptor complex activity in the NAcS, mPFC and caudate-putamen (CPu). Rats exposed to unavoidable stress showed a decreased DA output in the NAcS accompanied by a decrease in the number of DAT binding sites, and an increase in the number of DA D1 binding sites and Vmax of SKF 38393-stimulated adenylyl cyclase. In the mPFC, stress exposure produced a decrease in DA output with no modification in DAT binding or in DA D1 receptor complex activity. Moreover, in the CPu stress exposure induced no changes in DA output or in the other neurochemical variables examined. This study shows that exposure to a chronic unavoidable stress that produces a decrease in DA output in frontomesolimbic areas induced several adaptive neurochemical modifications selectively in the nucleus accumbens.  相似文献   

The role of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens in analgesia   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Altier N  Stewart J 《Life sciences》1999,65(22):2269-2287
Opioid and psychostimulant drugs have long been used for the relief of chronic pain in the clinical situation. Animal studies confirm that these drugs alleviate persistent or tonic pain. Little is known, however, about the neural systems underlying the suppression of tonic pain except that they are different from those mediating the suppression of phasic (i.e., sharp and short-lasting) pain. Although spinal and brainstem-descending pain suppression mechanisms play a role in mediating the inhibition of tonic pain, it appears that this response is additionally mediated by the activation of mechanisms lying rostral to the brainstem. Recent studies suggest that the activation of mesolimbic dopamine (DA) neurons, arising from the cell bodies of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and projecting to the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), plays an important role in mediating the suppression of tonic pain. Other studies suggest that this pain-suppression system involving the activation of mesolimbic DA neurons is naturally triggered by exposure to stress, through the endogenous release of opioids and substance P (SP) in the midbrain.  相似文献   

The effects of microinfusingl-glutamate, serotonin (5-HT), (±)-8-hydroxy-2-(di-N-propylamino) tetralin (8-OH DPAT; a 5-HT1A agonist), and muscimol (a GABAA agonist) into the dorsal raphe nucleus on the extracellular levels of 5-HT, dopamine (DA) and their metabolites in the nucleus accumbens were studied in unanesthetized, freely moving, adult male Wistar rats, using the technique of microdialysis coupled with small-bore HPLC. Administration of 0.75 gl-glutamate produced a 25–50% increase (P<0.05) in the extracellular levels of both 5-HT and DA. On the other hand, infusion of 8-OH DPAT and, to a lesser extent, 5-HT produced a significant (P<0.05) decrease in the extracellular levels of both 5-HT and DA. Muscimol (0.25 or 0.50 g) had little effect on the extracellular concentrations of 5-HT or DA following its administration. In general, the extracellular levels of the major metabolites of 5-HT and DA in the nucleus accumbens were not altered by microinfusion of any of the agents. The data indicate that (a) the 5-HT neurons projecting to the nucleus accumbens from the dorsal raphe nucleus can be activated by excitatory amino acid receptors and inhibited by stimulation of 5-HT1A autoreceptors, and (b) the dorsal raphe nucleus 5-HT neuronal system may regulate the ventral tegmental area DA projection to the nucleus accumbens.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Morris H. Aprison  相似文献   

A considerable amount experimental studies have shown that maternal separation (MS) is associated with adult offspring abnormal behavior and cognition disorder. Accordingly, this experimental procedure has been proposed as a predictor for alcohol and drug dependence based on the neurodevelopmental soon after birth. Endocannabinoid system (eCBs) has been implicated in reward processes, including drug abuse and dependence. MS and associated stress causes changes in the eCBs that seem to facilitate alcohol consumption. In this study, we seek to evaluate potential morphological changes in neurons of the frontal cortex (FCx) and nucleus accumbens (NAcc), in the expression of receptors and enzymes of the endocannabinoid and dopamine systems and in second messengers, such as Akt, in adult rats subjected to MS and early stress (MS + ES; 2 × 180 min daily) vs. nonseparated rats (NMS). Results showed that MS + ES induces higher D2R expression and lower D3R, FAAH, and MAGL expression compared with NMS rats. Alterations in total dendritic length were also detected and were characterized by increases in the NAcc while there were decreases in the FCx. We believe MS + ES‐induced changes in the dopaminergic and endocannabinergic systems and in the neuronal microstructure might be contributing to alcohol seeking behavior and, potential vulnerability to other drugs in rats. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 819–831, 2016  相似文献   

Methylphenidate (MP) is widely used to treat attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children. However, basic research has been mainly focused on MP treatment in adult, behaviorally normal rodents. Here we analyzed MP-evoked changes of dopamine (DA) release in the limbic system of juvenile rodents with hyperactive and attention deficit-like symptoms. Using dual probe in vivo microdialysis, DA levels were quantified in the medial prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens of juvenile and adolescent degus ( Octodon degus ). Acute stress- and acute MP-evoked dopaminergic responses in normal juvenile and adolescent animals were compared with (i) animals showing symptoms of hyperactivity and attention deficits induced by early life stress, i.e. repeated parental separation during the first 3 weeks of life, and (ii) animals chronically treated with MP during pre-adolescence. Our main results revealed that (i) early life stress and (ii) chronic MP treatment during pre-adolescence cross-sensitize limbic dopaminergic functions in adolescent animals. Furthermore, we demonstrated a unique pattern of acute MP-evoked DA release in the juvenile compared with the adolescent medial prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens. Our findings that the functional maturation of dopaminergic limbic function is significantly altered by early life experience, i.e. repeated parental separation and chronic MP treatment, allow novel insights into the etiology of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and into the long-term consequences of MP treatment on brain development.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the effects of chronic administration of (−)nicotine on the function of the NMDA-mediated modulation of [3H]dopamine (DA) release in rat prefrontal cortex (PFC) and nucleus accumbens (NAc). In the PFC synaptosomes NMDA in a concentration-dependent manner evoked [3H]DA release in rats chronically treated with vehicle (14 days) with an EC50 of 13.1 ± 2.0 μM. The NMDA-evoked overflow of the [3H]DA in PFC nerve endings of rats treated with (−)nicotine was significantly lower (−43%) than in vehicle treated rats. The EC50 was 9.0 ± 1.4 μM. Exposure of NAc synaptosomes of rats treated with vehicle to NMDA produced an increase in [3H]DA overflow with an EC50 of 14.5 ± 5.5 μM. This effect was significantly enhanced in chronically treated animals. The EC50 was 10.5 ± 0.5 μM. The K+-evoked release of [3H]DA was not modified by the (−)nicotine administration. Both the changes of the NMDA-evoked [3H]DA overflow in the NAc and PFC disappeared after 14 days withdrawal. The results show that chronic (−)nicotine differentially affects the NMDA-mediated [3H]DA release in the PFC and NAc of the rat.  相似文献   

Di Giannuario A  Pieretti S 《Peptides》2000,21(7):1125-1130
The effects induced by nociceptin on morphine-induced release of dopamine (DA), 3,4-dihydroxyphenilacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanillic acid (HVA) in the nucleus accumbens and nucleus caudate were studied in rats by microdialysis with electrochemical detection. Nociceptin administered intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) at doses of 2, 5 and 10 nmol/rat changed neither DA nor metabolites release in the shell of the nucleus accumbens or in the nucleus caudate. Morphine administered intraperitoneally (i.p.) (2, 5, and 10 mg/kg) increased DA and metabolites release more in the shell of the nucleus accumbens than in the nucleus caudate. When nociceptin (5 or 10 nmol) was administered 15 min before morphine (5 or 10 mg/kg), it significantly reduced morphine-induced DA and metabolites release in the shell of the nucleus accumbens, whereas only a slight, nonsignificant reduction was observed in the nucleus caudate. Our data indicate that nociceptin may regulate the stimulating action associated with morphine-induced DA release more in the nucleus accumbens than in the nucleus caudate, and are consistent with recent observations that nociceptin reversed ethanol- and morphine-induced conditioned place preference. Therefore, the nociceptin-induced reduction of DA release stimulated by morphine in the nucleus accumbens, and the results obtained with nociceptin in the conditioned place preference procedure suggest a role for nociceptin in the modulation of the behavioral and neurochemical effects of abuse drugs.  相似文献   

The influence of the sulfated cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8S) on the synaptosomal high-affinity [3H]dopamine (DA) uptake was investigated in the medial and lateral part of nucleus accumbens in rats. CCK-8S induced a concentration-dependent biphasic inhibition of [3H]-DA uptake in both subregions. After preincubation of CCK-8S with the synaptosomes the inhibitory effect was completely abolished. Kinetic analysis of the uptake influence suggests an uncompetitive inhibition by CCK-8S; this means that CCK-8S attacks only the DA-uptake carrier complex by inhibitory manner. The possible regulatory relevance of this mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

D-2 dopamine receptors in the frontal cortex of rat and human   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D R Liskowsky  L T Potter 《Life sciences》1985,36(16):1551-1559
D-2 dopamine receptors and serotonin receptors in the frontal cortex of rat and human were labelled with 3H-spiroperidol. The D-2 receptors were then distinguished in 4 ways. Dissociation of spiroperidol was biphasic, indicating two populations of sites. Cinanserin in competition with 3H-spiroperidol exhibited high (75%) and low (25%) affinity sites. Dopamine and LY 141865 in competition with 1.25 nM 3H-spiroperidol exhibited high (20-25%) and low (80-75%) affinity sites in the absence of cinanserin, while in the presence of 300 nM cinanserin only the high affinity sites remained. Lesioning of the dopaminergic meso-cortical pathway increased the number of cinanserin-resistant sites by 26%. Thus 3H-spiroperidol binding in the presence of cinanserin can be used to selectively label D-2 receptors in the frontal cortex.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Orexins-A (OrxA) and -B (OrxB) neuropeptides are synthesized by a group of neurons located in the lateral hypothalamus and adjacent perifornical area, which send their...  相似文献   

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