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Codon usage bias has been widely reported to correlate with GC composition. However, the quantitative relationship between codon usage bias and GC composition across species has not been reported.  相似文献   

Wang B  Liu J  Jin L  Feng XY  Chen JQ 《植物学报(英文版)》2010,52(12):1100-1108
Mutation and selection are two major forces causing codon usage biases. How these two forces influence the codon usages in green plant mitochondrial genomes has not been well investigated. In the present study, we surveyed five bryophyte mitochondrial genomes to reveal their codon usage patterns as well as the determining forces. Three interesting findings were made. First, comparing to Chara vulgaris, an algal species sister to all extant land plants, bryophytes have more G, C-ending codon usages in their mitochondrial genes. This is consistent with the generally higher genomic GC content in bryophyte mitochondria, suggesting an increased mutational pressure toward GC. Second, as indicated by Wright's Nc-GC3s plot, mutation, not selection, is the major force affecting codon usages of bryophyte mitochondrial genes. However, the real mutational dynamics seem very complex. Context-dependent analysis indicated that nucleotide at the 2nd codon position would slightly affect synonymous codon choices. Finally, in bryophyte mitochondria, tRNA genes would apply a weak selection force to fine-tune the synonymous codon frequencies, as revealed by data of Ser4-Pro-Thr-Val families. In summary, complex mutation and weak selection together determined the codon usages in bryophyte mitochondrial genomes.  相似文献   



Natural selection has traditionally been understood as a force responsible for pushing genes to states of higher translational efficiency, whereas lower translational efficiency has been explained by neutral mutation and genetic drift. We looked for evidence of directional selection resulting in increased unpreferred codon usage (and presumably reduced translational efficiency) in three divergent clusters of eukaryotic genomes using a simple optimal-codon-based metric (Kp/Ku).  相似文献   

Insects, the most biodiverse taxonomic group, have high AT content in their mitochondrial genomes. Although codon usage tends to be AT-rich, base composition and codon usage of mitochondrial genomes may vary among taxa. Thus, we compare base composition and codon usage patterns of 49 insect mitochondrial genomes. For protein coding genes, AT content is as high as 80% in the Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera and as low as 72% in the Orthopotera. The AT content is high at positions 1 and 3, but A content is low at position 2. A close correlation occurs between codon usage and tRNA abundance in nuclear genomes. Optimal codons can pair well with the antr codons of the most abundant tRNAs. One tRNA gene translates a synonymous codon family in vertebrate mitochondrial genomes and these tRNA anticodons can pair with optimal codons. However, optimal codons cannot pair with anticodons in mtDNA ofCochiiomyia hominivorax (Dipteral: CaLliphoridae). Ten optimal codons cannot pair with tRNA anticodons in all 49 insect mitochondrial genomes; non-optimal codon-anticodon usage is common and codon usage is not influenced by tRNA abundance.  相似文献   

Starting from two datasets of codon usage in coding sequences from mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria, we used internal correspondence analysis to study the variability of codon usage within and between species, and within and between amino acids. The first dataset included 18,958,458 codons from 58,482 coding sequences from completely sequenced genomes of 25 species, along with 6,793,581 dinucleotides from 21,876 intergenic spaces. The second dataset, with partially sequenced genomes, included 97,095,873 codons from 293 bacterial species. Results were consistent between the two datasets. The trend for the amino-acid composition of thermophilic proteins was found to be under the control of a pressure at the nucleic acid level, not a selection at the protein level. This effect was not present in intergenic spaces, ruling out a pressure at the DNA level. The pattern at the mRNA level was more complex than a simple purine enrichment of the sense strand of coding sequences. Outliers in the partial genome dataset introduced a note of caution about the interpretation of temperature as the direct determinant of the trend observed in thermophiles. The surprising lack of selection on the amino-acid content of thermophilic proteins suggests that the amino-acid repertoire was set up in a hot environment.  相似文献   

We analyze the frequencies of synonymous codons in animal mitochondrial genomes, focusing particularly on mammals and fish. The frequencies of bases at 4-fold degenerate sites are found to be strongly influenced by context-dependent mutation, which causes correlations between pairs of neighboring bases. There is a pattern of excess of certain dinucleotides and deficit of others that is consistent across large numbers of species, despite the wide variation of single-nucleotide frequencies among species. In many bacteria, translational selection is an important influence on codon usage. In order to test whether translational selection also plays a role in mitochondria, we need to control for context-dependent mutation. Selection for translational accuracy can be detected by comparison of codon usage in conserved and variable sites in the same genes. We give a test of this type that works in the presence of context-dependent mutation. There is very little evidence for translational accuracy selection in the mitochondrial genes considered here. Selection for translational efficiency might lead to preference for codons that match the limited repertoire of anticodons on the mitochondrial tRNAs. This is difficult to detect because the effect would usually be in the same direction in comparable to codon families and so would not cause an observable difference in codon usage between families. Several lines of evidence suggest that this type of selection is weak in most cases. However, we found several cases where unusual bases occur at the wobble position of the tRNA, and in these cases, some evidence for selection on codon usage was found. We discuss the way that these unusual cases are associated with codon reassignments in the mitochondrial genetic code.  相似文献   

It has been reported earlier that the relative di-nucleotide frequency (RDF) in different parts of a genome is similar while the frequency is variable among different genomes. So RDF is termed as genome signature in bacteria. It is not known if the constancy in RDF is governed by genome wide mutational bias or by selection. Here we did comparative analysis of RDF between the inter-genic and the coding sequences in seventeen bacterial genomes, whose gene expression data was available. The constraint on di-nucleotides was found to be higher in the coding sequences than that in the inter-genic regions and the constraint at the 2nd codon position was more than that in the 3rd position within a genome. Further analysis revealed that the constraint on di-nucleotides at the 2nd codon position is greater in the high expression genes (HEG) than that in the whole genomes as well as in the low expression genes (LEG). We analyzed RDF at the 2nd and the 3rd codon positions in simulated coding sequences that were computationally generated by keeping the codon usage bias (CUB) according to genome G+C composition and the sequence of amino acids unaltered. In the simulated coding sequences, the constraint observed was significantly low and no significant difference was observed between the HEG and the LEG in terms of di-nucleotide constraint. This indicated that the greater constraint on di-nucleotides in the HEG was due to the stronger selection on CUB in these genes in comparison to the LEG within a genome. Further, we did comparative analyses of the RDF in the HEG rpoB and rpoC of 199 bacteria, which revealed a common pattern of constraints on di-nucleotides at the 2nd codon position across these bacteria. To validate the role of CUB on di-nucleotide constraint, we analyzed RDF at the 2nd and the 3rd codon positions in simulated rpoB/rpoC sequences. The analysis revealed that selection on CUB is an important attribute for the constraint on di-nucleotides at these positions in bacterial genomes. We believe that this study has come with major findings of the role of CUB on di-nucleotide constraint in bacterial genomes.  相似文献   

Translational selection on codon usage in Xenopus laevis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A correspondence analysis of codon usage in Xenopus laevis revealed that the first axis is strongly correlated with the base composition at third codon positions. The second axis discriminates between putatively highly expressed genes and the other coding sequences, with expression levels being confirmed by the analysis of Expressed sequence tag frequencies. The comparison of codon usage of the sequences displaying the extreme values on the second axis indicates that several codons are statistically more frequent among the highly expressed (mainly housekeeping) genes. Translational selection appears, therefore, to influence synonymous codon usage in Xenopus.  相似文献   

Bartolomé C  Charlesworth B 《Genetics》2006,174(4):2033-2044
We have studied patterns of DNA sequence variation and evolution for 22 genes located on the neo-X and neo-Y chromosomes of Drosophila miranda. As found previously, nucleotide site diversity is greatly reduced on the neo-Y chromosome, with a severely distorted frequency spectrum. There is also an accelerated rate of amino-acid sequence evolution on the neo-Y chromosome. Comparisons of nonsynonymous and silent variation and divergence suggest that amino-acid sequences on the neo-X chromosome are subject to purifying selection, whereas this is much weaker on the neo-Y. The same applies to synonymous variants affecting codon usage. There is also an indication of a recent relaxation of selection on synonymous mutations for genes on other chromosomes. Genes that are weakly expressed on the neo-Y chromosome appear to have a faster rate of accumulation of both nonsynonymous and unpreferred synonymous mutations than genes with high levels of expression, although the rate of accumulation when both types of mutation are pooled is higher for the neo-Y chromosome than for the neo-X chromosome even for highly expressed genes.  相似文献   

A backtranslation method based on codon usage strategy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
This study describes a method for the backtranslation of an aminoacidic sequence, an extremely useful tool for various experimental approaches. It involves two computer programs CLUSTER and BACKTR written in Fortran 77 running on a VAX/VMS computer. CLUSTER generates a reliable codon usage table through a cluster analysis, based on a chi 2-like distance between the sequences. BACKTR produces backtranslated sequences according to different options when use is made of the codon usage table obtained in addition to selecting the least ambiguous potential oligonucleotide probes within an aminoacidic sequence. The method was tested by applying it to 158 yeast genes.  相似文献   

Aspergillus is a genus of mold fungi that includes more than 200 described species. Many members of the group are relevant pathogens and other species are economically important. Only one species has been analyzed for codon usage, and this was performed with a small number of genes. In this paper, we report the codon usage patterns of eight completely sequenced genomes which belong to this genus. The results suggest that selection for translational efficiency and accuracy are the major factors shaping codon usage in all of the species studied so far, and therefore they were active in the last common ancestor of the group. Composition and molecular distances analyses show that highly expressed genes evolve slower at synonymous sites. We identified a conserved core of translationally optimal codons and study the tRNA gene pool in each genome. We found that the great majority of preferred triplets match the respective cognate tRNA with more copies in the respective genome. We discuss the possible scenarios that can explain the observed differences among the species analyzed. Finally we highlight the biotechnological application of this research regarding heterologous protein expression.  相似文献   

Multiple synonymous codons code for the same amino acid, resulting in the degeneracy of the genetic code and in the preferred used of some codons called codon bias usage (CBU). We performed a large-scale analysis of codon usage bias analysing the distribution of the codon adaptation index (CAI) and the codon relative adaptiveness index (RA) in 4868 bacterial genomes. We found that CAI values differ significantly between protein functional domains and part of the protein outside domains and show how CAI, GC content and preferred usage of polymerase III alpha subunits are related. Additionally, we give evidence of the association between CAI and bacterial phenotypes.  相似文献   

We have used a polymorphism dataset on introns and coding sequences of X-linked loci in Drosophila americana to estimate the strength of selection on codon usage and/or biased gene conversion (BGC), taking into account a recent population expansion detected by a maximum-likelihood method. Drosophila americana was previously thought to have a stable demographic history, so that this evidence for a recent population expansion means that previous estimates of selection need revision. There was evidence for natural selection or BGC favouring GC over AT variants in introns, which is stronger for GC-rich than GC-poor introns. By comparing introns and coding sequences, we found evidence for selection on codon usage bias, which is much stronger than the forces acting on GC versus AT basepairs in introns.  相似文献   

Despite the degeneracy of the genetic code, whereby different codons encode the same amino acid, alternative codons and amino acids are utilized nonrandomly within and between genomes. Such biases in codon and amino acid usage have been demonstrated extensively in prokaryote genomes and likely reflect a balance between the action of mutation, selection, and genetic drift. Here, we quantify the effects of selection and mutation drift as causes of codon and amino acid-usage bias in a large collection of nematode partial genomes from 37 species spanning approximately 700 Myr of evolution, as inferred from expressed sequence tag (EST) measures of gene expression and from base composition variation. Average G + C content at silent sites among these taxa ranges from 10% to 63%, and EST counts range more than 100-fold, underlying marked differences between the identities of major codons and optimal codons for a given species as well as influencing patterns of amino acid abundance among taxa. Few species in our sample demonstrate a dominant role of selection in shaping intragenomic codon-usage biases, and these are principally free living rather than parasitic nematodes. This suggests that deviations in effective population size among species, with small effective sizes among parasites, are partly responsible for species differences in the extent to which selection shapes patterns of codon usage. Nevertheless, a consensus set of optimal codons emerges that is common to most taxa, indicating that, with some notable exceptions, selection for translational efficiency and accuracy favors similar sets of codons regardless of the major codon-usage trends defined by base compositional properties of individual nematode genomes.  相似文献   

Kamatani T  Yamamoto T 《Bio Systems》2007,90(2):362-370
To gain insight into the nature of the mitochondrial genomes (mtDNA) of different Candida species, the synonymous codon usage bias of mitochondrial protein coding genes and the tRNAs in C. albicans, C. parapsilosis, C. stellata, C. glabrata and the closely related yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were analyzed. Common features of the mtDNA in Candida species are a strong A+T pressure on protein coding genes, and insufficient mitochondrial tRNA species are encoded to perform protein synthesis. The wobble site of the anticodon is always U for the NNR (NNA and NNG) codon families, which are dominated by A-ending codons, and always G for the NNY (NNC and NNU) codon families, which is dominated by U-ending codons, and always U for the NNN (NNA, NNU, NNC and NNG) codon families, which are dominated by A-ending codons and U-ending codons. Patterns of synonymous codon usage of Candida species can be classified into three groups: (1) optimal codon-anticodon usage, Glu, Lys, Leu (translated by anti-codon UAA), Gln, Arg (translated by anti-codon UCU) and Trp are containing NNR codons. NNA, whose corresponding tRNA is encoded in the mtDNA, is used preferentially. (2) Non-optimal codon-anticodon usage, Cys, Asp, Phe, His, Asn, Ser (translated by anti-codon GCU) and Tyr are containing NNY codons. The NNU codon, whose corresponding tRNA is not encoded in the mtDNA, is used preferentially. (3) Combined codon-anticodon usage, Ala, Gly, Leu (translated by anti-codon UAG), Pro, Ser (translated by anti-codon UGA), Thr and Val are containing NNN codons. NNA (tRNA encoded in the mtDNA) and NNU (tRNA not encoded in the mtDNA) are used preferentially. In conclusion, we propose that in Candida species, codons containing A or U at third position are used preferentially, regardless of whether corresponding tRNAs are encoded in the mtDNA. These results might be useful in understanding the common features of the mtDNA in Candida species and patterns of synonymous codon usage.  相似文献   

Subramanian S 《Genetics》2008,178(4):2429-2432
Here I show that the mean codon usage bias of a genome, and of the lowly expressed genes in a genome, is largely similar across eukaryotes ranging from unicellular protists to vertebrates. Conversely, this bias in housekeeping genes and in highly expressed genes has a remarkable inverse relationship with species generation time that varies by more than four orders of magnitude. The relevance of these results to the nearly neutral theory of molecular evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Qin H  Wu WB  Comeron JM  Kreitman M  Li WH 《Genetics》2004,168(4):2245-2260
To study the roles of translational accuracy, translational efficiency, and the Hill-Robertson effect in codon usage bias, we studied the intragenic spatial distribution of synonymous codon usage bias in four prokaryotic (Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Sulfolobus tokodaii, and Thermotoga maritima) and two eukaryotic (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Drosophila melanogaster) genomes. We generated supersequences at each codon position across genes in a genome and computed the overall bias at each codon position. By quantitatively evaluating the trend of spatial patterns using isotonic regression, we show that in yeast and prokaryotic genomes, codon usage bias increases along translational direction, which is consistent with purifying selection against nonsense errors. Fruit fly genes show a nearly symmetric M-shaped spatial pattern of codon usage bias, with less bias in the middle and both ends. The low codon usage bias in the middle region is best explained by interference (the Hill-Robertson effect) between selections at different codon positions. In both yeast and fruit fly, spatial patterns of codon usage bias are characteristically different from patterns of GC-content variations. Effect of expression level on the strength of codon usage bias is more conspicuous than its effect on the shape of the spatial distribution.  相似文献   

Many organisms exhibit biased codon usage in their genome, including the fungal model organism Neurospora crassa. The preferential use of subset of synonymous codons (optimal codons) at the macroevolutionary level is believed to result from a history of selection to promote translational efficiency. At present, few data are available about selection on optimal codons at the microevolutionary scale, that is, at the population level. Herein, we conducted a large-scale assessment of codon mutations at biallelic sites, spanning more than 5,100 genes, in 2 distinct populations of N. crassa: the Caribbean and Louisiana populations. Based on analysis of the frequency spectra of synonymous codon mutations at biallelic sites, we found that derived (nonancestral) optimal codon mutations segregate at a higher frequency than derived nonoptimal codon mutations in each population; this is consistent with natural selection favoring optimal codons. We also report that optimal codon variants were less frequent in longer genes and that the fixation of optimal codons was reduced in rapidly evolving long genes/proteins, trends suggestive of genetic hitchhiking (Hill-Robertson) altering codon usage variation. Notably, nonsynonymous codon mutations segregated at a lower frequency than synonymous nonoptimal codon mutations (which impair translational efficiency) in each N. crassa population, suggesting that changes in protein composition are more detrimental to fitness than mutations altering translation. Overall, the present data demonstrate that selection, and partly genetic interference, shapes codon variation across the genome in N. crassa populations.  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis of codon and amino acid usage was performed for three Leishmania species, including L. donovani, L. infantum and L. major. It was revealed that all three species are under mutational bias and translational selection. Lower GC 12 and higher GC 3S in all three parasites suggests that the ancestral highly expressed genes (HEGs), compared to lowly expressed genes (LEGs), might have been rich in AT-content. This also suggests that there must have been a faster rate of evolution under GC-bias in LEGs. It was observed from the estimation of synonymous/non-synonymous substitutions in HEGs that the HEG dataset of L. donovani is much closer to L. major evolutionarily. This is also supported by the higher d N value as compared to d S between L. donovani and L. major, suggesting the conservation of synonymous codon positions between these two species and the role of translational selection in shaping the composition of protein-coding genes.  相似文献   

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