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Aims A better understanding of wood litter decomposition is essential for predicting responses of forest ecosystems to global climate change. Recent studies suggest that chemical properties of wood litters, rather than physical ones such as wood density, are more important for interspecific differences in wood decomposition rates. However, empirical data are still limited, especially for tropical trees. In addition, decomposition rate of wood litter often varies with time, which makes interspecific comparison difficult. We studied the wood decomposition of 32 rainforest trees to elucidate (i) the degree of interspecific variation in wood decomposition rate of a given size and configuration and (ii) if initial wood density and water permeability are consistent predictors of the overall decomposition rate and its pattern over time.Methods A common garden decomposition experiment was conducted in a tropical rainforest in Malaysian Borneo for 32 native tree species. Small wood sticks were set on the forest floor and the weight loss was monitored monthly for 2.7 years.Important findings We found large variation in the wood decomposition rate (a 49-fold range), suggesting that we need to consider this variation when calculating community-level carbon dynamics of tropical rain forests. The physical traits of wood, i.e. wood density and water permeability, were related to wood decomposition rate and its pattern over time. Decomposition half-time related positively and negatively to initial wood density and water permeability, respectively. The time-dependent-rate model fitted better for 18 species (56% of the study species) that had higher water permeabilities than the others, suggesting that micelle porosity in wood relates to temporal changes in decomposition rate.  相似文献   

Aim Tropical forests have been recognized as important global carbon sinks and sources. However, many uncertainties about the spatial distribution of live tree above‐ground biomass (AGB) remain, mostly due to limited availability of AGB field data. Recent studies in the Amazon have already shown the importance of large sample size for accurate AGB gradient analysis. Here we use a large stem density, basal area, community wood density and AGB dataset to study and explain their spatial patterns in an Asian tropical forest. Location Borneo, Southeast Asia. Methods We combined stem density, basal area, community wood density and AGB data from 83 locations in Borneo with an environmental database containing elevation, climate and soil variables. The Akaike information criterion was used to select models and environmental variables that best explained the observed values of stem density, basal area, community wood density and AGB. These models were used to extrapolate these parameters across Borneo. Results We found that wood density, stem density, basal area and AGB respond significantly, but differentially, to the environment. AGB was only correlated with basal area, but not with stem density and community wood specific gravity. Main conclusions Unlike results from Amazonian forests, soil fertility was an important positive correlate for AGB in Borneo while community wood density, which is a main driver of AGB in the Neotropics, did not correlate with AGB in Borneo. Also, Borneo's average AGB of 457.1 Mg ha?1 was c. 60% higher than the Amazonian average of 288.6 Mg ha?1. We find evidence that this difference might be partly explained by the high density of large wind‐dispersed Dipterocarpaceae in Borneo, which need to be tall and emergent to disperse their seeds. Our results emphasize the importance of Bornean forests as carbon sinks and sources due to their high carbon storage capacity.  相似文献   

1. Growth of seedlings of 15 rain-forest tree species was compared under controlled conditions, at six different light levels (3, 6, 12, 25, 50 and 100% daylight).
2. Most plant variables showed strong ontogenetic changes; they were highly dependent on the biomass of the plant.
3. Growth rate was highest at intermediate light levels (25–50%) above which it declined. Most plant variables showed a curvilinear response to irradiance, with the largest changes at the lowest light levels.
4. There was a consistent ranking in growth between species; species that were fast growing in a low-light environment were also fast growing in a high-light environment.
5. At low light, interspecific variation in relative growth rate was determined mainly by differences in a morphological trait, the leaf area ratio (LAR), whereas at high light it was determined mainly by differences in a physiological trait, the net assimilation rate (NAR).
6. NAR became a stronger determinant of growth than LAR in more than 10–15% daylight. As light availability in the forest is generally much lower than this threshold level, it follows that interspecific variation in growth in a forest environment is mainly owing to variation in morphology.  相似文献   

We evaluated leaf characteristics and herbivory intensities for saplings of fifteen tropical tree species differing in their successional position. Eight leaf traits were selected, related to the costs of leaf display (specific leaf area [SLA], water content), photosynthesis (N and P concentration per unit mass), and herbivory defence (lignin concentration, C:N ratio). We hypothesised that species traits are shaped by variation in abiotic and biotic (herbivory) selection pressures along the successional gradient. All leaf traits varied with the successional position of the species. The SLA, water content and nutrient concentration decreased, and lignin concentration increased with the successional position. Herbivory damage (defined as the percentage of damage found at one moment in time) varied from 0.9-8.5% among the species, but was not related to their successional position. Herbivory damage appeared to be a poor estimator of the herbivory rate experienced by species, due to the confounding effect of leaf lifespan. Herbivory rate (defined as percentage leaf area removal per unit time) declined with the successional position of the species. Herbivory rate was only positively correlated to water content, and negatively correlated to lignin concentration, suggesting that herbivores select leaves based upon their digestibility rather than upon their nutritive value. Surprisingly, most species traits change linearly with succession, while resource availability (light, nutrients) declines exponentially with succession.  相似文献   

Abstract Severe Tropical Cyclone ‘Larry’ caused damage to 10 long‐term 0.5 ha monitoring plots in the rain forests of Queensland's Wet Tropics on 20 March 2006. We assessed the community‐level damage and the impact of the cyclone on the most abundant tree species in each plot. Damage was positively correlated with distance from the cyclone eye, though some plots received less damage than predicted owing to topographic shielding. Damage was patchy within plots, which is reflected in the range of damage‐classes recorded for each species, but there are broad trends in the type of response shown by different species. At the plot level, some species were either more susceptible or less susceptible to damage than the rest of the community. Species tended to show similar patterns of damage between plots with different community damage ratings. We discuss these response types in terms of adaptive tolerance to particular wind speeds and the trade‐off between frequently losing canopy volume in light winds, or rarely suffering substantial damage. We suggest that increased frequency of intense cyclones may affect the distribution of some species in the future, with those species most susceptible to high levels of damage at lower wind speeds becoming restricted to leeward‐facing slopes and upland areas away from the coast, and an increased abundance of resilient species in lowland coastal areas.  相似文献   

We describe liana diversity and variation in morphology of flowers and diaspores in two tropical forests in Mexico: a seasonally deciduous forest at Chamela, Jalisco and a lowland rain forest at Chajul, Chiapas. Flowers were classified as inconspicuous (1 cm in length and white or pale green flowers) or conspicuous (> 1 cm and brightly colored flowers). Dispersal syndrome was classified as anemochory, barochory, and zoochory. We recorded a higher number of lianas species in Chajul (128 spp.) than in Chamela (71 spp.). In both sites, families with the highest number of species were Bignoniaceae, Leguminosae, Sapindaceae, and Malphigiaceae, and almost half of the liana species had inconspicuous flowers. Most of the species had an abiotic syndrome of dispersal with 40 (56.3%) and 71 (55.5%) wind-dispersed species in Chamela and Chajul, respectively. Zoochory was significantly associated with inconspicuous flowers and anemochory with conspicuous flowers. Our results suggest that (1) flower morphology and dispersal type are not related with the amount of rainfall and (2) lianas are more prone to be wind-dispersed.  相似文献   

The intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) predicts local species diversity to be maximal at an intermediate level of disturbance. Developed to explain species maintenance and diversity patterns in species-rich ecosystems such as tropical forests, tests of IDH in tropical forest remain scarce, small-scale and contentious. We use an unprecedented large-scale dataset (2504 one-hectare plots and 331 567 trees) to examine whether IDH explains tree diversity variation within wet, moist and dry tropical forests, and we analyse the underlying mechanism by determining responses within functional species groups. We find that disturbance explains more variation in diversity of dry than wet tropical forests. Pioneer species numbers increase with disturbance, shade-tolerant species decrease and intermediate species are indifferent. While diversity indeed peaks at intermediate disturbance levels little variation is explained outside dry forests, and disturbance is less important for species richness patterns in wet tropical rain forests than previously thought.  相似文献   

1.  Many hypotheses about species coexistence involve differential resource use and trade-offs in species' life-history traits. Quantifying resource use across most species in diverse communities, although, has seldom been attempted.
2.  We use a hierarchical Bayesian approach to quantify the light dependence of recruitment in 263 woody species in a 50-ha long-term forest census plot in Panama. Data on sapling recruitment were obtained using the 1985–1990 and 1990–1995 census intervals. Available light was estimated for each recruit from yearly censuses of canopy density.
3.  We use a power function (linear log–log relationship) to model the light effect on recruitment. Different responses of recruitment to light are expressed by the light effect parameter b . The distribution of b had a central mode at 0.8, suggesting that recruitment of many species responds nearly linearly to increasing light.
4.  Nearly every species showed increases in recruitment with increasing light. Just nine species (3%) had recruitment declining with light, while 198 species (75%) showed increasing recruitment in both census intervals. Most of the increases in recruitment were decelerating, i.e. the increase was less at higher light ( b  < 1). In the remaining species, the response to light varied between census intervals (24 species) or species did not have recruits in both intervals (41 species).
5.   Synthesis. Nearly all species regenerate better in higher light, and recruitment responses to light are spread along a continuum ranging from modest increase with light to a rather strict requirement for high light. These results support the hypothesis that spatio-temporal variation in light availability may contribute to the diversity of tropical tree species by providing opportunities for niche differentiation with respect to light requirements for regeneration.  相似文献   

Aim  It is increasingly accepted that the mean wood density of trees within a forest is tightly coupled to above-ground forest biomass. It is unknown, however, if a positive relationship between forest biomass and mean community wood density is a general phenomenon across forests. Understanding spatial variation in biomass as a function of wood density both within and among forests is important for predicting changes in stored carbon in response to global change, and here we evaluated the generality of a positive biomass–wood density relationship within and among six tropical forests.
Location  Costa Rica, Panama, Puerto Rico and Ecuador.
Methods  Individual stem data, including diameter at breast height and spatial position, for six forest dynamics plots were merged with an extensive wood density database. Individual stem biomass values were calculated from these data using published statistical models. Total above ground biomass, total basal area and mean community wood density were also quantified across a range of subcommunity plot sizes within each forest.
Results  Among forests, biomass did not vary with mean community wood density. The relationship between subcommunity biomass and mean wood density within a forest varied from negative to null to positive depending on the size of subcommunities and forest identity. The direction of correlation was determined by the associated total basal area–mean wood density correlation, the slope of which increased strongly with whole forest mean wood density.
Main conclusions  There is no general relationship between forest biomass and wood density, and in some forests, stored carbon is highest where wood density is lowest. Our results suggest that declining wood density, due to global change, will result in decreased or increased stored carbon in forests with high or low mean wood density, respectively.  相似文献   

Aims Due to fast-growing and high drought stress tolerance, Leucaena leucocephala has been widely used for afforestation in degraded tropical forests worldwide, but it is also a global invasive exotic species. Studies have shown that fast-growing can help L. leucocephala successfully invade subtropical forests. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether fast-growing and high drought stress tolerance can help L. leucocephala invade tropical rain forests.Methods The pioneer community of tropical rain forest which had been invaded by L. leucocephala in the Baopoling Mountain, Sanya, China was the research object. Through the t-test, we compared the differences in key functional traits that were related to growth rate (photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate) and drought stress tolerance (leaf turgor loss point) in both wet and dry seasons between L. leucocephala and eight dominant native species of pioneer community of tropical rain forest. And the principal component analysis (PCA) was used to investigate whether these functional traits can best discriminate between Leucaena leucocephala and the eight dominant native species.Important findings Leucaena leucocephala could be invariably growing fast (photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate much higher than native species) from wet to dry seasons and had higher drought stress tolerance (leaf turgor loss point much lower than native species) in the dry season. The results of PCA showed that these functional traits could significantly discriminate between L. leucocephala and the eight dominant native species. Therefore, invariable fast-growing from wet to dry season and high drought stress tolerance in the dry season make L. leucocephala successfully invade pioneer communities of tropical rain forests. In the future, these functional traits can be used to select many native species to perform biological control of L. leucocephala in other tropical forests.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the Hemiptera fauna of a moderately large and topographically diverse area of tropical rain forest in Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia. Insects were sampled using several methods at several sites over a 1-year period. The numbers of described and undescribed species captured is used to predict the number of extant species of both Hemiptera and total insects in the world. The global estimates of 1.84–2.57 million species of insect are much lower than the 10–80 million predicted by Erwin and Stork from a study of tropical Coleoptera. The reasons for believing that the lower estimates are more reliable are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Inevitable trade-offs in structure may be a basis for differentiation in plant strategies. Juvenile trees in different functional groups are characterized by specific suites of structural traits such as crown architecture and biomass distribution. The relationship between juvenile tree structure and function was tested to find out if it is robust among functionally and taxonomically similar species of the genus Shorea that coexist sympatrically in a tropical rain forest in Borneo. METHODS: The sapling structures of 18 species were compared for standardized dry masses of 5 and 30 g. Pairwise simple correlation and multiple correlation patterns among structural traits of juveniles (0.1-1.5 m in height) of 18 Shorea species were examined using Pearson's correlation and principal component analysis (PCA), respectively. The correlation was then tested between the PCA results and three indices of shade tolerance: the net photosynthetic rate, the wood density of mature trees and seed size. KEY RESULTS: The structural variation in saplings of the genus Shorea was as large as that found in sets of species with much more diverse origins. The PCA showed that both crown architecture and allocation to leaves are major sources of variation in the structures of the 18 species investigated. Of these two axes, allocation to leaves was significantly correlated with wood density and showed a limited correlation with photosynthetic rate, whereas crown architecture was significantly correlated to seed size. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the results suggest that an allocation trade-off between leaves and other organs, which co-varied with wood density and to a certain extent with photosynthetic capacity, accounts for the difference in shade tolerance among congeneric, functionally similar species. In contrast, the relationship between the architecture and regeneration strategy differed from the pattern found between functional groups, and the function of crown architecture was ambiguous.  相似文献   

Fire in the tropical gallery forests of Belize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT. Historical records of burning, field observations, and a manipulation experiment were used to evaluate the extent and impact of fire in a system of gallery forests in the Mountain Pine Ridge savanna, Belize. The outer boundaries of gallery forests are fire-prone zones, but fires rarely intrude into these forests. This is attributed to the existence of fire-tolerant trees in the outer zone, which preserve a forest interior of low flammability. Occasional fire incursions are patchily distributed and partially inhibited by slope convexities. Intrusions consume litter and root mats and destroy seedlings and saplings, but create a wide variety of subsequent light regimes depending upon the degree of canopy destruction. At most sites, partial canopy cover persists and seedlings of a subset of forest tree species establish preferentially. Early survivorship of these seedlings is comparable to those established in undamaged forest. Where canopy opening is severe, a secondary succession is initiated, with large numbers of herbaceous plants deriving from the seed bank. Gallery forests contain core zones into which fire very rarely intrudes, and peripheral zones that experience fire incursions that are patchily distributed in space and time. In the latter zones fire incursions play a role comparable to that of canopy gaps in continuous forests, but also create a unique class of micro-habitats to which a subset of tree species is specialized. The fire regime over the recent past in this gallery forest system appears to have had an enriching, rather than a depauperizing, effect on the forest communities, and such systems represent plausible refugia for forest species in fire-prone landscapes.  相似文献   

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