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Characterization of porcine polymorphic microsatellite loci   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Twenty-seven (CA)n and two (GA)n microsatellite clones were isolated out of a size-selected genomic pig library. These were sequenced and the number of uninterrupted dinucleotides was found to range from 12 to 26. Flanking primers were chosen for 11 dinucleotide repeats and optimal conditions for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplifications were established. Different microsatellite loci were amplified simultaneously by combining primer sets. Related and unrelated pigs were screened for length polymorphisms of the different microsatellite loci. The polymorphic information content (PIC) of these loci ranged between 0.62 and 0.83. Segregation studies in pig reference families established Mendelian inheritance. Locus S0022 was found to be X-linked.  相似文献   

The National Agricultural Biotechnology Information Center (NABIC) in South Korea reconstructed a RiceQTLPro database for gene positional analysis and structure prediction of the chromosomes. This database is an integrated web-based system providing information about quantitative trait loci (QTL) markers in rice plant. The RiceQTLPro has the three main features namely, (1) QTL markers list, (2) searching of markers using keyword, and (3) searching of marker position on the rice chromosomes. This updated database provides 112 QTL markers information with 817 polymorphic markers on each of the 12 chromosomes in rice.


The database is available for free at http://nabic.rda.go.kr/gere/rice/geneticMap/  相似文献   

Comparative mapping studies facilitate the identification of genes located in quantitative trait locus (QTL) regions in domestic animals by utilizing information from the human genome. Radiation hybrid (RH) mapping is effective for this purpose because of its high resolution in ordered gene mapping on chromosomes. We constructed an RH map of pig chromosome 7, by adding 23 markers associated with genes. This RH map clearly demonstrated the mosaic of homology between pig chromosome 7 (SSC7) and human chromosomes 6, 14 and 15 at a 'gene' level, and was confirmed by linkage analysis. Clarification of the homology of SSC7 to human chromosomes will contribute to the elucidation of the gene(s) responsible for QTL detected on this chromosome.  相似文献   

Development and mapping of ten porcine microsatellite markers   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Thirty (TG)n microsatellite clones were isolated from a pig genomic library, sequenced, and tested for their suitability to detect polymorphism on a panel of animals by means of the polymerase chain reaction. Ten of these clones were developed into suitable markers and subsequently segregation of these markers was determined in the five PiGMaP reference pedigrees. A linkage analysis was performed on these 10 microsatellites together with 365 other loci that have been typed on these reference families. Eight of the microsatellites have been mapped to eight different linkage groups that have been previously assigned to different chromosomes (chromosomes 1, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17 and 18). Of the remaining two markers, one is X-linked and the other shows no linkage. The number of alleles detected by these microsatellites, in the reference pedigrees, varied from six to sixteen and the heterozygosity varied from 42 to 85% in the 26 unrelated founder animals of these reference pedigrees.  相似文献   

猪2号染色体遗传连锁图谱的构建与QTL定位分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
构建了猪2号染色体的遗传连锁图谱,并进一步进行了重要生产性状数量性状位点的定位,结果表明,7个微卫星位点均为中高度多态性位点,多态信息含量为0.40182-0.58477,可以满足遗传连锁图谱构建的要求,构建的资源家系遗传连锁图谱总长152.9cM,位点的排列顺序与USDA结果一致,但除了Sw2516与Sw1201标记区间外,所有标记区间距离均大于USDA图谱,将连锁图谱与性状记忆结合起来,进一步进行了猪数量性状位点定位的研究,在2号染色体发现了显著影响活体估测瘦肉率等活体估测性状的QTLs,此外还发现眼肌高度和背最长肌大理石纹的QTLs,其中影响活体估测瘦肉率的QTL达到了染色体显著的水平(P<0.01),且解释性状的表型变异达21.55%,影响眼肌高度和背最长肌大理石纹的QTLs分别可以解释10.12%和10.97%的表型变异,影响活体估测性状的QTLs加性效应与显性效应作用方向相反,影响眼肌高度的QTL加性效应与显性效应相同,在大白猪中具有增效等位基因,定位的QTLs效应较大,为在群体中开展分子标记辅助育种奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

数量性状基因座位及其在家禽中的定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来随着现代分子生物学的发展 ,一些高效的分子遗传标记将各种畜禽的遗传图谱研究推向深入。为高密度、覆盖面广的连锁图谱的构建及QTL的定位奠定了基础。有关QTL的基本理论、QTL定位的步骤、QTL的检测方法以及家禽中定位的QTL已经展开了深入的研究 ,但目前QTL定位中存在诸多问题的问题  相似文献   

用商品群作为参考系构建猪的微卫星连锁图谱   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
由 19头杂种公猪 [皮特兰× (皮特兰×汉普夏 ) ]、5 2头杂种母猪 [Leicoma× (大约克×长白 ) ]及其 332头后代组成的商品群作为参考系 ,选择 172个微卫星标记和 3个Ⅰ类标记 (RYR1、PIT1、PRKAG3)对参考系的个体进行遗传标记分型 ,应用CRIMAP(2 4 )构建猪的整个基因组微卫星连锁图谱。采用多重PCR方法对微卫星标记进行扩增 ,用ABI 377测序仪进行电泳分离 ,应用Genescan 3 0和Genotyper 2 0软件进行基因型检测。 3个Ⅰ类标记用PCR RFLP技术进行分型。CRIMAP程序分析表明 :所构建的猪常染色体性平均连锁图谱的总长度为 2 36 8 7cM ,X染色体的长度为 14 3 10cM ,遗传标记的平均间距为 16 3cM ,亲本的微卫星标记座位的杂合度平均为 0 70。此连锁图谱的构建将为商品猪群的生长、胴体、肉质以及繁殖性状的QTL扫描打下基础。  相似文献   

A porcine genome linkage map composed of 194 microsatellite markers was constructed with a large-scale White Duroc × Erhualian resource population. The marker order on this linkage map was consistent with the USDA-MARC reference map except for two markers on SSC3, two markers on SSC13 and two markers on SSCX. The length of the sex-averaged map (2344.9 cM) was nearly the same as that of the USDA-MARC and NIAI map. Highly significant heterogeneity in recombination rates between sexes was observed. Except for SSC1 and SSC13, the female autosomes had higher average recombination rates than the male autosomes. Moreover, recombination rates in the pseudoautosomal region were greater in males than in females. These observations are consistent with those of previous reports. The recombination rates on each paternal and maternal chromosome of F2 animals were calculated. Recombination rates were not significantly affected by the age (in days) or parity of the F1 animals. However, recombination rates on paternal chromosomes were affected by the mating season of the F1 animals. This could represent an effect of environmental temperature on spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

A chicken embryonic cDNA library was screened with a (TG)13 probe in order to develop polymorphic microsatellite markers. The redundancy of the embryonic cDNA library with a chicken brain cDNA library, which was used for microsatellite development in a previous study, was extremely high. Of the 300 (TG)13 positive clones, only 80 were unique for the embryonic cDNA library. Still, nine expressed sequences derived from the embryonic cDNA library were mapped in the Wageningen (WAU) resource population. In addition seven microsatellite markers from the chicken brain cDNA library, which were monomorphic or unlinked in the two international reference families in the previous study, were also mapped in the WAU population. Three of the 16 mapped chicken expressed sequence tags (ESTs) showed relatively high percentages of sequence similarity to sequences found in other species. As two of these genes, RAB6 and ZFX/ZFY, have been mapped in humans, they contribute to the comparative map of the chicken.  相似文献   

Huang Y  Haley CS  Wu F  Hu S  Hao J  Wu C  Li N 《Animal genetics》2007,38(2):114-119
Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for carcass and meat quality traits were detected in a sample of 224 progeny from four males in line VI and 12 females in line V of Beijing ducks. These lines were selected for high body weight at 42 days of age (line VI) or high egg production at 360 days of age (line V). Traits were weights of the carcass, head, neck, shanks, wings, legs, thighs, breast, heart, liver, crop, gizzard, abdominal fat (AFW) and skin fat, as well as fat thickness in the tail, and pH value, shear force, drip loss (DL) (%) and cooking loss (CL) (%) of the breast. Using a half-sib analysis with a multiple QTL model, linkage between the carcass and meat quality traits and 95 microsatellite markers was investigated. Eight genome-wide significant QTL for weight of crop, skin fat, liver, neck, shanks, wings, DL were detected on linkage groups CAU4 and CAU6. One genome-wide suggestive QTL and one chromosome-wide significant QTL for weight of breast were found on CAU1 and CAU4 respectively. Fifteen chromosome-wide suggestive QTL influencing weight of AFW, breast, crop, heart, carcass, thighs, liver, shanks, gizzard, fat thickness in tail, DL (%) and CL (%) were mapped on CAU2, CAU4, CAU5, CAU6, CAU7, CAU10 and CAU13. In addition, two linked QTL for weight of liver and DL (%) were located on CAU2 and CAU7 respectively. The detection of QTL in ducks is a step towards identification of genes influencing these traits and their use for genetic improvement in this species.  相似文献   

本研究以已经完成基因组测序的单核菌株“6-3”与“6-21”为出发菌株,配对后获得有锁状联合的异核菌株并进行出菇,收集担孢子,单孢分离获得90个菌株构成作图群体,对作图群体的每个菌株进行二代测序并测定菌丝在PDA培养基的生长速度。分析“6-3”与“6-21”两单核菌株的SNP,获得68 914个高质量SNP标记用于遗传连锁群分析,构建了14个遗传连锁群,总长度744.32cM,平均长度为53.17cM,标记间平均遗传距离为1.88cM。QTL分析获得一个控制菌丝生长速度的基因座qMGRP1-LG7,该基因座包含134个基因,富集了与物质代谢有关的通路和基因。  相似文献   

Mapping of quantitative trait loci on porcine chromosome 4   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A F2 population derived from a cross between European Large White and Chinese Meishan pigs was established in order to study the genetic basis of breed differences for growth and fat traits. Chromosome 4 was chosen for initial study as previous work had revealed quantitative trait loci (QTLs) on this chromosome affected growth and fat traits in a Wild Boar × Large White cross. Individuals in the F2 population were typed for nine markers spanning a region of approximately 124 c m . We found evidence for QTLs affecting growth between weaning and the end of test (additive effect: 43·4 g/day) and fat depth measured in the mid-back position (additive effect: 1·82 mm). There was no evidence of interactions between the QTLs and sex, grandparents or F1 sires, suggesting that the detected QTLs were fixed for alternative alleles in the Meishan and Large White breeds. Comparison of locations suggests that these QTLs could be the same as those found in the Wild Boar × Large White cross.  相似文献   

在猪数量性状位点的定位研究中,标记的使用和图谱的构建是很重要的。本研究从猪的第4、6、7、8和13染色体上选取39个微卫星标记,在来源于约克夏和梅山214头猪组成的资源群中,分析了遗传特征并构建了图谱。研究表明,平均等位基因数、平均观察杂合度(Ho)和平均多态信息含量(PIC)在F1和F2代中分别为:3.2,0.528,0.463和3.2,0.496,0.447。结果表明大多数微卫星标记位点表现为中高度杂合性。在资源群体中,平均有信息减数分裂数是217.4(44-316),而各染色体上两性平均图谱的长度分别是:172.3cM(SSC4),168.7cM(SSC6),191.7cM(SSC7),197.3cM(SSC8),178.3cM(SSC13)。与USDA-MARC的参考图谱相比,标记位点的顺序相同,但长度均较长。雌雄两性图谱相比,第4和第6染色体上雌性图谱长于雄性图谱;而在另外3条染色体上,则雄性图谱长于雌性图谱。结果显示了标记位点在资源猪群的遗传特征和遗传关系,其连锁图谱可用于今后的QTL定位。  相似文献   

微卫星DNA在分子遗传标记研究中的应用   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
随着种群遗传学的发展 ,分子遗传标记特别是微卫星标记已经成为研究种群遗传的有力工具。本文就微卫星遗传标记的研究背景、技术应用以及优势与不足等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

Meta-analysis of results from multiple studies could lead to more precise quantitative trait loci (QTL) position estimates compared to the individual experiments. As the raw data from many different studies are not readily available, the use of results from published articles may be helpful. In this study, we performed a meta-analysis of QTL on chromosome 4 in pig, using data from 25 separate experiments. First, a meta-analysis was performed for individual traits: average daily gain and backfat thickness. Second, a meta-analysis was performed for the QTL of three traits affecting loin yield: loin eye area, carcass length and loin meat weight. Third, 78 QTL were selected from 20 traits that could be assigned to one of three broad categories: carcass, fatness or growth traits. For each analysis, the number of identified meta-QTL was smaller than the number of initial QTL. The reduction in the number of QTL ranged from 71% to 86% compared to the total number before the meta-analysis. In addition, the meta-analysis reduced the QTL confidence intervals by as much as 85% compared to individual QTL estimates. The reduction in the confidence interval was greater when a large number of independent QTL was included in the meta-analysis. Meta-QTL related to growth and fatness were found in the same region as the FAT1 region. Results indicate that the meta-analysis is an efficient strategy to estimate the number and refine the positions of QTL when QTL estimates are available from multiple populations and experiments. This strategy can be used to better target further studies such as the selection of candidate genes related to trait variation.  相似文献   

Development and mapping of SSR markers for maize   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
Microsatellite or simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers have wide applicability for genetic analysis in crop plant improvement strategies. The objectives of this project were to isolate, characterize, and map a comprehensive set of SSR markers for maize (Zea mays L.). We developed 1051 novel SSR markers for maize from microsatellite-enriched libraries and by identification of microsatellite-containing sequences in public and private databases. Three mapping populations were used to derive map positions for 978 of these markers. The main mapping population was the intermated B73 × Mo17 (IBM) population. In mapping this intermated recombinant inbred line population, we have contributed to development of a new high-resolution map resource for maize. The primer sequences, original sequence sources, data on polymorphisms across 11 inbred lines, and map positions have been integrated with information on other public SSR markers and released through MaizeDB at URL:www.agron.missouri.edu. The maize research community now has the most detailed and comprehensive SSR marker set of any plant species.  相似文献   

We have previously identified and mapped porcine expressed sequence tags (ESTs) derived from genes that are preferentially expressed in liver. The aim of the present study was to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in porcine genes encoding enzymes in hepatic metabolic pathways and use the SNPs for mapping. Furthermore, these genes, which are involved in utilization and partitioning of nutrients, were examined for their effects on carcass and meat quality traits by linkage analyses. In total, 100 ESTs were screened for SNPs by single strand conformation polymorphism analyses across a diverse panel of animals with a 36% success rate. Twelve of 36 polymorphic loci segregated in a three-generation Duroc x Berlin Miniature Pig (F2) resource population, the DUMI resource population, and were genetically mapped. Interval mapping of the corresponding chromosomes was performed to verify mapping of the genes within quantitative trait loci (QTL) regions detected in this resource population. QTL with genome-wide significance were detected in the vicinity of GNMT, ESTL147 and HGD. These loci therefore are positional candidate genes.  相似文献   

大白×梅山杂交组合肉质性状的数量性状位点定位分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为寻找影响猪肉质数量性状基因位点的染色体区域 ,以 3头英系大白公猪和 7头梅山母猪建立F2 资源家系。随机选留 14 7头F2 代个体 (1998年 81头 ,2 0 0 0年 66头 ) ,经检测均获得肉质性状表型数据。对资源家系内的所有个体位于染色体 1、2、3、4、6和 7上的 48个微卫星位点进行扩增。利用线性模型最小二乘法分别对各年度及两年综合后的肉质性状进行数量性状位点 (QTL)区间定位 ,利用置换法确定显著性阈值。研究结果表明 :在 2 0 0 0年群体中 ,猪 4号染色体 (SSC4)上定位了肌内脂肪QTL ,达到染色体极显著水平 (P <0 0 1)和基因组显著水平 (P <0 0 5) ,解释表型变异为 5 2 4% ,梅山猪具有增加肌内脂肪QTL ;两年度群体综合后 ,在上述 4号染色体同一区间 ,肌内脂肪QTL接近染色体显著水平 ;股二头肌pH值和半棘肌pH值QTL分别定位在SSC1和 3上 ;在 1998年和 2 0 0 0年群体中分别发现 1个和 3个达染色体显著水平 (P <0 0 5)的系水力QTL ;在 1998年群体中 ,肌肉含水量QTL位于SSC6;两年综合群体中 ,SSC2、6和 7上定位了肌肉含水量QTL ,达到染色体显著水平 ,含水量QTL均有印迹效应 ,梅山和大白猪各有增效基因  相似文献   

We examined the genetic variation of leaf morphology and development in the 2-yr-old replicated plantation of an interspecific hybrid pedigree of Populus trichocarpa T. & G. and P. deltoides Marsh. via both molecular and quantitative genetic methods. Leaf traits chosen were those that show pronounced differences between the original parents, including leaf size, shape, orientation, color, structure, petiole size, and petiole cross section. Leaves were sampled from the current terminal, proleptic, and sylleptic branches. In the F2 generation, leaf traits were all significantly different among genotypes, but with significant effects due to genotype X crown-position interaction. Variation in leaf pigmentation, petiole length. And petiole length proportion appeared to be under the control of few quantitative trait loci (QTLs). More QTLs were associated with single leaf area, leaf shape, lamina angle, abaxial color, and petiole flatness, and in these traits the number of QTLs varied among crown positions. In general, the estimates of QTL numbers from Wright's biometric method were close to those derived from molecular markers. For those traits with few underlying QTLs, a single marker interval could explain from 30 to 60% of the observed phenotypic variance. For multigenic traits, certain markers contributed more substantially to the observed variation than others. Genetic cluster analysis showed developmentally related traits to be more strongly associated with each other than with unrelated traits. This finding was also supported by the QTL mapping. For example, the same chromosomal segment of linkage group L seemed to account for 20% of the phenotypic variation of all dimension-related traits, leaf size, petiole length. and midrib angle. In both traits. the P. deltoides alleles had positive effects and were dominant to the P. trichocarpa alleles. Similar relationships were also found for lamina angle. abaxial greenness, and petiole.  相似文献   

Differences in domestication and selection processes have contributed to considerable phenotypic and genotypic differences between Bos taurus and Bos indicus cattle breeds. Of particular interest in tropical and subtropical production environments are those genetic differences between subspecies that underlie the phenotypic extremes in tolerance and susceptibility to parasite infection. In general, B. taurus cattle are more susceptible to ectoparasites than B. indicus cattle in tropical environments, and much of this difference is under genetic control. To identify genomic regions involved in tick resistance, we developed a B. taurus x B. indicus F(2) experimental population to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to the Riphicephalus (Boophilus) microplus tick. About 300 individuals were measured for parasite load in two seasons (rainy and dry) and genotyped for 23 microsatellite markers covering chromosomes 5, 7 and 14. We mapped a suggestive chromosome-wide QTL for tick load in the rainy season (P < 0.05) on chromosome 5. For the dry season, suggestive (P < 0.10) chromosome-wide QTL were mapped on chromosomes 7 and 14. The additive effect of the QTL on chromosome 14 corresponds to 3.18% of the total observed phenotypic variance. Our QTL-mapping study has identified different genomic regions controlling tick resistance; these QTL were dependent upon the season in which the ticks were counted, suggesting that the QTL in question may depend on environmental factors.  相似文献   

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