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As outlined in the trade-off hypothesis of testosterone (T) secretion, fluctuations in T during the breeding season might reflect how males allocate their time and energy to competitive behaviors for mates and territories, associated with high T levels, and parental activities, associated with low T levels. In the present study, great tit, Parus major, males were implanted with T-filled or empty silastic capsules at the start of the breeding season and the behavior of these two male categories was compared during the entire breeding season. As a measure of competitive behavior we looked at song behavior and territorial responsiveness to a male decoy, during the three main stages of the breeding period (the egg-laying, incubation, and nestling stages). As a measure of parental care we looked at feeding behavior during the nestling stage. Our results only partly supported the trade-off hypothesis. T implants increased plasma androgen levels and enhanced spontaneous song activity and the production of aggressive vocalizations in response to a decoy. However, our results suggest that the degree of physical aggression might be less than fully coupled with T. First, approach to the decoy was not affected by the treatment. Second, although T levels are known to vary from high during egg laying to low while feeding young, control and T-treated males spent similar amounts of time close to the decoy in the three breeding stages. Our results thus suggest that vocal and physical aggression might be regulated differently in the great tit. Furthermore, in contrast with most other studies on temperate bird species but in agreement with a previous study on the great tit, T treatment did not affect male feeding rates. As the dose of T we used was lower than that typically used in other studies, we cannot at present completely exclude the possibility that the latter result reflects this lower dose of T rather than the species used.  相似文献   

During the dawn chorus, territorial male songbirds vocalise intensively within signalling range of several conspecific males and can therefore be considered members of a busy communication network. The more or less continuous singing over a long period of time under standardised stimulus conditions makes the dawn song a potentially important information source both for simple receivers and for eavesdroppers. Male blue tits (Parus caeruleus) vary in features of their dawn song, e.g. older males sing longer strophes, and females choose males that sing longer strophes as extra-pair partners. However, so far, dawn song in the blue tit has been investigated separately from other singing behaviour of the same males. In this study, we investigate aspects of blue tit male quality, reflected in dawn song characteristics, and their predictive value for how males behave during singing interactions later in the morning. We acted as simple receivers by recording the singing activity of one male at a time at dawn and compared features of its dawn song, such as onset before sunrise, repertoire size, mean bout length, strophe length and percentage performance time to responses of the same male to a territory intrusion simulated by playback of synthesised songs later during the same morning. We assume that an aggressive response towards an intruder will involve a fast approach to the loudspeaker broadcasting strophes of blue tit song, searching for the intruder (flying around), and a high amount of counter singing and overlapping of the intruders songs. Aspects of vigour of response to the simulated intrusion could be predicted from all five investigated dawn song parameters as well as male age. This is, to our knowledge, the first indication that a simple receiver could extract reliable information from a males dawn singing behaviour about its competitiveness later in the day.Communicated by P.K. McGregor  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory of parent-offspring conflict explains beggingdisplays of nestling birds as selfish attempts to influenceparental food allocation. Models predict that this conflictmay be resolved by honest signaling of offspring need to parents,or by competition among nestmates, leading to escalated beggingscrambles. Although the former type of models has been qualitativelysupported by experimental studies, the potential for a beggingcomponent driven by scramble competition cannot be excludedby the evidence. In a brood-size manipulation experiment withgreat tits, Parus major, we explored the scramble componentin the begging activity of great tit nestlings by investigatingthe mechanisms of sibling competition in relation to brood size.While under full parental compensation, the feeding rate pernestling will remain constant over all brood sizes for bothtypes of models; the scramble begging models alone predict anincrease in begging intensity with brood size, if begging costsdo not arise exclusively through predation. Great tit parentsadjusted feeding rates to brood size and fed nestlings at similarrates and with similar prey sizes in all three brood-size categories.Despite full parental compensation, the begging and food solicitationactivities increased with experimental brood size, whereas nestlingbody condition deteriorated. These findings support a scramblecomponent in begging and suggest that the competition-inducedcosts of food solicitation behavior play an important role inthe evolution of parent-offspring communication.  相似文献   

Tinne S  Rianne P  Marcel E 《Oecologia》2005,145(1):165-173
Given the available empirical evidence on the benefits and costs associated with immune defence, a role for the immune system in the trade-off between current and future reproduction has been predicted. This hypothesis was studied in a free-living population of great tits (Parus major) by examining the effects of male removal on the immunocompetence, body condition, and recapture probability in the widowed females and their nestlings. Furthermore, we investigated whether growth and its relation to immunocompetence were affected in the nestlings. For a short-lived species such as the great tit, one could predict that widowed females will compensate for the lack of any male assistance in feeding of their chicks and that they consequently might jeopardize their own health. However, we did not find any negative effects of male removal on body mass or condition, nor on humoral immunocompetence against sheep red blood cells in the widowed females by the end of the feeding period. In contrast, we observed significantly reduced body mass and size as well as a reduced T-lymphocyte cell-mediated immune response (expressed as the thickness of the swelling to a subcutaneous injection with phytohemagglutinin) in the experimental nestlings compared to the control nestlings. In addition, the experimental nestlings showed a tendency for a reduced chance to be found breeding the following year. Furthermore, our results showed that in the experimental nestlings, which suffered from unfavourable growth conditions, tarsus length was inversely related to cell-mediated immunocompetence, whereas in control nestlings this relationship was significantly positive. The relationship between cell-mediated immunity and body condition was found to be significantly positive in the experimental nestlings while in control nestlings there was no relationship between both variables. The latter finding suggests different priorities of investment in body condition between different growth conditions.  相似文献   

Genetic variation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in 18 great tits (Parus major) from three neighboring localities in Sweden was investigated with eight tetranucleotide restriction endonucleases. The 18 individuals could be separated into 13 different maternal lineages. The high number of female lineages present in this regional population contrasts with a low level of sequence divergence between the different mtDNA clones, with a mean of 0.19% sequence divergence between all individuals. There was no obvious spatial structuring of mtDNA clones among the three localities. The presence of a high number of different clones with a low degree of sequence divergence could be explained by the effects of a large long-term effective population size, with the mtDNA clones having diverged about 25,000–200,000 years ago.This study was supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council, the Erik Philip-Sörensen Foundation, and the Nilsson-Ehle Foundation.  相似文献   

Animals display remarkable individual variation in their capacity to mount immune responses against novel antigens. According to the life-history theory, this variation is caused by the costs of immune responses to the hosts. We studied one of such potential costs, depletion of somatic resources in wintering wild-caught captive passerines, the great tits (Parus major) by immune challenging the birds with a novel antigen, killed Brucella abortus (BA) suspension. We found that despite mild temperature conditions in captivity and ad libitum availability of food, immune challenge depleted somatic resources (as indicated by a body mass loss) and elevated relative proportion of heterophils to lymphocytes (H/L ratio) in the peripheral blood of birds. However, body mass loss did not covary with an increase in H/L ratios between two sampling events, which indicates that these two markers of health state describe different aspects of individual physiological condition. Antibody titres were not associated with the extent of body mass loss during the development of immune response, which shows that the somatic cost of immune response was not proportional to the amount of antibody produced. Birds with high pre-immunisation H/L ratios mounted weaker antibody response, which is indicative of stress-induced suppression of humoral immune response and is consistent with the concept of an antagonistic cross-regulation between different components of the immune system. The latter finding suggests a novel diagnostic value of H/L ratios, which reinforces the utility of this simple haematological index for prediction of the outcomes of complicated immune processes.  相似文献   

Organisms have evolved under natural daily light/dark cycles for millions of years. These cycles have been disturbed as night-time darkness is increasingly replaced by artificial illumination. Investigating the physiological consequences of free-living organisms in artificially lit environments is crucial to determine whether nocturnal lighting disrupts circadian rhythms, changes behaviour, reduces fitness and ultimately affects population numbers. We make use of a unique, large-scale network of replicated field sites which were experimentally illuminated at night using lampposts emanating either red, green, white or no light to test effect on stress hormone concentrations (corticosterone) in a songbird, the great tit (Parus major). Adults nesting in white-light transects had higher corticosterone concentrations than in the other treatments. We also found a significant interaction between distance to the closest lamppost and treatment type: individuals in red light had higher corticosterone levels when they nested closer to the lamppost than individuals nesting farther away, a decline not observed in the green or dark treatment. Individuals with high corticosterone levels had fewer fledglings, irrespective of treatment. These results show that artificial light can induce changes in individual hormonal phenotype. As these effects vary considerably with light spectrum, it opens the possibility to mitigate these effects by selecting street lighting of specific spectra.  相似文献   

The blue tit (Parus caeruleus teneriffae group) is proposed to have colonised the Canary Islands from North Africa according to an east-to-west stepping stone model, and today, the species group is divided into four subspecies, differing in morphological, acoustic, and ecological characters. This colonisation hypothesis was tested and the population structure between and within the islands studied using mitochondrial DNA sequences of the non-coding and relatively fast evolving control region. Our results suggest that one of the central islands, Tenerife, was colonised first and the other islands from there. Three of the presently recognised four subspecies are monophyletic, exception being the subspecies teneriffae, which consists of two monophyletic groups, the one including birds of Tenerife and La Gomera and the other birds of Gran Canaria. The Gran Canarian birds are well differentiated from birds of the other islands and should be given a subspecies status. In addition, the teneriffae subspecies group is clearly distinct from the European caeruleus group, and therefore the blue tit assemblage should be divided into two species.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to try to determine the possible anti-leishmanial activity of S2-Complex, an organic complex of copper chloride, ascorbic acid, and nicotinamide. The promastigotes, axenic amastigotes, and intracellular amastigotes of both Leishmania major and Leishmania tropica were incubated with different concentrations of S2-Complex. The EC50 for each form was calculated. Results show that all forms of the parasites were dose dependently inhibited by S2-Complex. The promastigotes of both parasites were the most resistant with highest EC50 followed by axenic amastigotes. While intracellular amastigotes were the most sensitive with the lowest EC50.These results indicate that S2-Complex has a direct anti-leishmanial effect. When mice were treated with S2-Complex or BCG for four days before harvesting the macrophages, and the macrophages infected with both L. major and L. tropica, they showed increased phagocytosis and increased parasite killing. The results of S2-Complex were not statistically different from the immunomodulating agent BCG. These results indicate that S2-Complex has an immunomodulating effect in addition to the direct anti-leishmanial effect.  相似文献   

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