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Two species of Hepatozoon, i.e., H. sauritus and H. horridus n. sp., were present in 1 of 8 timber rattlesnakes, Crotalus horridus. The narrow gamonts of H. sauritus are 15.0-19.0 x 3.5-5.0 microm, with LW 58-86 microm2 and L/W 3.2-4.7, with a narrow, rounded anterior end. The spherical to slightly ovoid oocysts produce ovoid to elongate sporocysts, 21-43 x 12-24 microm, L/W 1.20-2.7, containing on average 22.1 (10-34) sporozoites. This is the first report of a natural cross-familial transfer of a Hepatozoon species. Gamonts of H. horridus n. sp. are 13.0-17.0 x 4.0-6.0 microm, with LW 63-102 microm2 and L/W 2.6-4.0, and have broadly rounded ends. The gamont cytoplasm is vacuolated. The spherical to ovoid oocysts form spherical to elongate sporocysts 14-45 x 11-25 microm, L/W 1.0-2.3, producing an average of 13.0 (8-21) sporozoites. The salivary gland in 1 of 5 mosquitoes dissected contained 1 mature oocyst.  相似文献   

Hepatozoon polytopis, described from Coluber constrictor priapus from Palm Beach County, Florida, has short, usually broad gamonts 12.8 x 4.6 microm (10.0-15.0 x 3.5-6.0), with LW 58.5 microm2 (42-84) and L/W 2.84 (1.8-3.7). Nuclei commonly extend into first quarter of gamont (45%), are always present in second quarter, and seldom in third quarter (11%), with dimensions 4.5 x 3.4 (3.0-6.0 x 2.5-4.5) and LW 15.1 (10.0-24.0). Spherical to ovoid oocysts, 122.1 x 104.9 (62-240 x 57-190), with L/W 1.17 (1.0-1.9), contain 31.3 (3-103) sporocysts. Spherical to ovoid sporocysts, 38.0 x 33.9 (28-73 x 25-58), with LW 1,325.1 (756-4,168) and L/W 1.12 (1.0-1.4), contain 42.9 (22-64) sporozoites. Thamnophis sauritus sackenii from Palm Beach County is infected also by H. polytopis, as indicated from similar gamont dimensions and verified by isolation of an identical haplotype of the 18S ribosomal RNA gene from both host species.  相似文献   

Ticks are obligate blood-feeding parasites that secrete anti-hemostatic components during feeding to enable control of the hemostatic system of the host. Complex interactions at the tick-host interface are an indication of the important role that the host played during tick evolution. The question is to what extent interaction with the host and the environment influences tick evolution. Previously, two isoforms (97% sequence identity) of savignygrin, an alphaIIbbeta3 antagonist, have been described. The presence of both isoforms within 20 random individuals confirmed that these isoforms must be recent gene duplicates. Analysis of the sequence differences between the isoforms shows a Kn/Ks ratio of 1, which indicates neutral selection for the isoforms. However, the biased localization of differences within the 3' end of the genes suggests that concerted evolution acts on the isoforms. Calculation of the divergence date between the isoforms (1.6-5.2 MYA) also indicates purifying selection, as ample time had passed after duplication, for inactivation of one gene copy. We conclude that concerted evolution has functioned to maintain a high copy number of the savignygrins in order for Ornithodoros savignyi to parasitize a wide host range. This contrasts with O. moubata that expresses the savignygrin homolog, disagregin, as a single copy at lower concentration levels and correlates with the confined habitat and consequently narrow host range of O. moubata. Recent "domestication" of O. savignyi due to animal husbandry practices could however, have reduced the selection constraints acting to maintain the gene copies as evidenced by the structural instability of one of the isoforms. Our results suggest that environmental factors and host associations do play an important role in the evolution of anti-hemostatic components in ticks.  相似文献   

R. J. Milner 《BioControl》1973,18(4):383-390
A dose-mortality technique was used to compare the pathogenicity ofNosema whitei for 4 stored products pests.Tribolium castaneum, T. confusum andOryzaephilus surinamensis were similar in susceptibility, whileT. anaphe was at least 100 times more susceptible. A possible explanation for this difference is thatT. anaphe has a much longer developmental time (28 days at 25°C) than the other 3 species (20 days at 25°C). The host range was studied in another 8 species from 2 orders.T. brevicornis, T. destructor, andT. madens were all susceptible while the other species tested (includingTenebrio molitor, Palorus ratzburgi andPlodia interpunctella) were refractile to infection.  相似文献   

In searching for an invertebrate host for Hepatozoon sp. infecting the montane vole (Microtus montanus), we collected fleas, ticks, and mites from live-trapped voles and searched squash preparations for Hepatozoon oocysts. From 1989 through 1996, we identified six species of fleas in Grand Teton National Park: Megabothris abantis, Megabothris asio megacolpus, Aetheca wagneri, Peromyscopsylla selenis, Peromyscopsylla. hesperomys, and Hystrichopsylla dippiei dippiei. We found Hepatozoon oocysts only in M. abantis; we found no oocysts in mites or ticks. We conclude that M. abantis is an invertebrate host of Hepatozoon sp. and is likely to be the definitive host for theHepatozoon spp. of M. montanus.  相似文献   

Tick-borne viruses in tropical and temperate parts of the world have a significant impact on human, livestock and wildlife hosts both directly, through mortality/morbidity, and economically. Since the ticks have multiple life stages and can utilize a large range of host species our understanding of the dynamics of these infections is often not clear. In this paper we consider the impact of a population which is a tick host but non-viraemic on one which is both a tick host and viraemic. We present two simple deterministic models and use joint threshold density curves to illustrate the basic reproductive ratios of both the ticks and the virus. We find that the non-viraemic hosts can have considerable impact on the viraemic host. Either they amplify the tick population and cause the virus to persist, or they dilute the infection and cause it to die out. A general model framework is presented here but a special case of this model describes the red grouse-hare-Louping-ill system.  相似文献   

Hemogregarines from Thamnophis s. sirtalis, Coluber constrictor priapus, Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata, and E. g. guttara in northern Florida appeared to be conspecific on the basis of similar gamonts from all the hosts and sporogonic stages obtained from 3 hosts. The resemblance of gamonts to those of Hepatozoon sauritus, described from T. sauritus sackenii in southern Florida, justified comparison of DNA isolates from the type infection of H. sauritus with samples from each of the northern Florida hosts and with a morphologically distinct species, H. sirtalis, from northern Florida. A nucleotide sequence (530 bp) alignment of the 18S ribosomal RNA gene revealed 2 hemogregarine haplotypes that varied at 15 sites (p distance = 2.8%), which included 10 transitions and 5 transversions. Two well-supported clusters (100% bootstrap support) were revealed by a neighbor-joining tree topology. One cluster included the type infection of H. sauritus and all 4 of the other samples from the northern Florida hosts, with samples of H. sirtalis comprising a second cluster. Hepatozoon sauritus, therefore, is a polytopic species in contrast to the 8 other Hepatozoon species thus far described from snakes in Florida, each of which appears to parasitize a single host species.  相似文献   

The abundance of cyanophages infecting marine Synechococcus spp. increased with increasing salinity in three Georgia coastal rivers. About 80% of the cyanophage isolates were cyanomyoviruses. High cross-infectivity was found among the cyanophages infecting phycoerythrin-containing Synechococcus strains. Cyanophages in the river estuaries were diverse in terms of their morphotypes and genotypes.  相似文献   

To follow the fate of alloreactive T cell effectors in graft-vs-host disease, Ld-specific CD8+ T cells from C57BL/6 2C TCR-transgenic donors were transplanted into sublethally irradiated (750 cGy) Ld+ or Ld- recipients. In Ld- C57BL/6 or (BALB/c-dm2 x C57BL/6)F1 recipients, naive 2C T cells engrafted and survived long term, but did not acquire effector function. In Ld+ (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 recipients, 2C T cells engrafted, expanded, became cytolytic, destroyed host B cells and double-positive thymocytes, and later disappeared. Despite marked damage to lymphoid and hemopoietic cells by 2C T cells, no significant pathology was detected in other organs, and recipients survived. Ld+ (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 recipients died when LPS/endotoxin was administered on day 7 after cell transfer, while Ld- (BALB/c-dm2 x C57BL/6)F1 recipients survived. Our findings show that under certain conditions, a CD8+ T cell population recognizing an extremely limited repertoire of Ags can initiate graft-vs-host disease.  相似文献   

The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, is an invasive pest that vectors citrus greening disease, which recently was detected in Florida. Mycosed adult D. citri were collected at four sites in central Florida between September 2005 and February 2006. Observation of the cadavers using scanning electron microscopy revealed that the pathogen had branched synnemata supporting monophiladic conidiogenous cells. A high-fidelity polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was used to amplify the 18S rRNA, 28S rRNA and beta-tubulin genes of the pathogen for phylogenetic analysis. The morphological and genetic data indicated that the pathogen was a novel isolate related to Hirsutella citriformis Speare. PCR assays using isolate-specific primers designed from the unique putative intron region of the beta-tubulin sequence distinguished the psyllid pathogen from five related Hirsutella species. The pathogen was maintained in vivo by exposing healthy D. citri to the synnemata borne on field-collected cadavers. Infected psyllids had an abundance of septate hyphal bodies in their hemolymph and exhibited behavioral symptoms of disease. In vitro cultures of the pathogen were slow-growing and produced synnemata similar to those found on mycosed D. citri. In laboratory bioassays, high levels of mortality were observed in D. citri that were exposed to the conidia-bearing synnemata produced in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

Five species of snakes in Florida, from Palm Beach County in the south and Alachua County 450 km to the north, occur in similar habitat but have distinctive Hepatozoon species characteristic of each host species. In Palm Beach County, Diadophis punctatus is host to Hepatozoon punctatus n. sp., Thamnophis sauritus sackenii to Hepatozoon sauritus n. sp., and Nerodia fasciata pictiventris to Hepatozoon pictiventris n. sp. In Alachua County, N. fasciata pictiventris is parasitized by Hepatozoon fasciatae n. sp., Seminatrix p. pygaea by Hepatozoon seminatrici n. sp., and Thamnophis s. sirtalis by Hepatozoon sirtalis n. sp. Each Hepatozoon sp. has distinctive gamonts and sporogonic characters and, in the 4 species where known, meronts. Nerodia floridana is host to Haemogregarina floridana n. sp. in both localities, with generic identification tentative, based upon presence of erythrocytic meronts. The presence of sporocysts in the proboscis of 31% of Aedes aegypti infected by H. pictiventris is the first report of infective stages of a reptilian Hepatozoon species within the mouthparts of a dipteran vector. This study suggests that in Florida, at least, the diversity of the Hepatozoon community not only equals but probably exceeds the diversity of the snake communities present, and that host specificity in nature may be much greater than that postulated from previous studies.  相似文献   

SDS extracts of whole bacteria, representing five species and 15 serovars of Listeria, were analysed by SDS-PAGE and by immunoblotting with serum directed against whole formalin-treated L. monocytogenes. Profiles of L. monocytogenes were very different from those of other species of Listeria (i.e. L. innocua,L.welshimeri, L. seeligeri and L. ivanovii). This low degree of similarity between species was found even in the case of common serovars. Within the species L. monocytogenes, protein patterns were characterized, on the one hand, by a high degree of homogeneity between all strains of the same serovar and, on the other hand, by large differences between serovars, especially between sv. 1/2 and 4b. Thus we have identified major, surface-located protein antigens, specific for L. monocytogenes, either common to all serovars (64 and 68 kDa) or characteristic of certain serovars: 98 kDa for sv. 1/2 and 3; 76 and 78 kDa for sv. 4b, 4d and 4e; and 80 and 100 kDa for sv. 4a and 4c. Moreover, some of these bands (68 and 98 kDa) might be related to virulence, since differences were noticed between the profiles of haemolytic L. monocytogenes vs. 1/2a differing only in their virulence for immunocompromised mice. All these results confirmed, for the first time, the classification of Listeria obtained previously by genomic studies. They should help in the identification of new virulence factors and the development of easier and more specific methods of detection and identification.  相似文献   

A mechanically transmissible virus was isolated from Bedford Giant blackberry plants showing chlorotic mottling and ringspot symptoms growing in Scotland. It infected several herbaceous test plants, many of them symptomlessly. This virus was also transmitted to several Rubus species and cultivars by graft inoculation with scions from the field‐infected Bedford Giant plant. Most grafted plants were infected symptomlessly, but Himalaya Giant blackberry and the hybrid berry Tayberry developed symptoms similar to those in the infected Bedford Giant plant. In the sap of infected Chenopodium quinoa, the virus lost infectivity when diluted 10?4 but not 10?3, after 6 h and 48 h when kept at 20°C and 4°C, respectively, but was infective for more than 8 days when kept at ?15°C. Preparations of purified virus from infected C. quinoa or spinach sedimented as three major nucleoprotein components and consisted of quasi‐isometric particles that varied in size from 24 to 32 nm in diameter and that were not penetrated by negative stain. Such virus particle preparations contained a major polypeptide of ca 28 kDa and three single‐stranded RNA species of estimated size 3.2, 2.8 and 2.1 kb. The complete sequence of the largest RNA (RNA 1, 3478 nt) and the partial sequence of the other RNAs (1863 and 2102 nt long, respectively) were determined and compared with sequences in databases. These findings, together with the biological and biochemical properties of this virus, indicate that it should be regarded as a distinct species in subgroup 1 of the genus Ilarvirus even though it was serologically unrelated to existing members of this subgroup. The virus showed a very distant serological relationship with prune dwarf virus (PDV) but differed significantly from it in the amino acid sequence of its coat protein, experimental host range and symptomatology and was unrelated to PDV at the molecular level. The virus, tentatively named blackberry chlorotic ringspot virus, is therefore a newly described virus and the first ilarvirus found naturally infecting Rubus in the UK.  相似文献   

An extended area of northern Italy has experienced several West Nile virus (WNV) outbreaks and the emergence of Usutu virus (USUV) during previous years. Our aim was to study some of the factors that could explain disease patterns in the Trentino region, where circulation was detected in human sera and sentinel chickens, but no human or equine cases were reported. We collected Culex species (Diptera: Culicidae) in peridomestic environments. The collected specimens were analyzed for feeding behavior, the influence of temperature and rainfall on the abundance of mosquitoes, and the occurrence of flaviviruses. Analysis of blood meals showed that Culex pipiens fed mainly on blackbirds (Turdus merula) and house sparrows (Passer domesticus), while Culex hortensis fed strictly on lizards. The abundance of Cx. pipiens females correlated positively with mean temperature and negatively with rainfall (one to four weeks before capture). This negative relationship could be due to the direct effect of the flushing of habitats together with an indirect effect of oviposition repellency. The mean weekly temperature influenced the abundance of Cx. hortensis. No flaviviruses were detected in the analyzed Culex mosquitoes. These data suggest a silent cycle at low enzootic transmission levels in the area. Furthermore, we present the first contribution to understanding the transmission role of Cx. pipiens mosquitoes in Italy by identifying vertebrate hosts to species level.  相似文献   

Secretion and luminal formation of the peritrophic membrane (PM) were induced in female Anopheles stephensi and Aedes aegypti by feeding the mosquitoes on a warmed suspension of latex particles in Ringer's solution. The PM in A. stephensi was produced from apical secretion vesicles stored in the midgut epithelial cells and secreted into the lumen during feeding. In A. aegypti, the PM was formed de novo. When the latex feeding was followed 24 hr later by a meal of lyophilized pig blood, the 2 mosquito species exhibited very different modifications to their PM structure; in A. stephensi no PM was formed around the blood meal, whereas de novo synthesis of the PM in A. aegypti continued during the blood meal, with the resulting PM greatly thickened compared to the normal feeding. This artificial induction of PM formation was used as the basis to study the role of the PM in blood meal digestion and in infectivity of mosquitoes by the appropriate species of Plasmodium. The feeding of a latex suspension alone had no stimulatory effect on the 2 major midgut proteases, trypsin and aminopeptidase, in either species. After a blood meal alone, proteases rose to maximum activity at 30 hr and 24 hr after feeding in A. stephensi and A. aegypti, respectively. After double feeding, protease activities in both species were almost identical to those in blood-fed mosquitoes. Neither the absence of a PM (in A. stephensi) nor the presence of a thickened PM (in A. aegypti), therefore, has any effect on the ability of mosquitoes to digest a blood meal. Malaria infectivity, measured by oocyst counts, also was compared after normal and double feeding using infective blood meals. Infectivity of A. stephensi by Plasmodium berghei was unaffected by the presence or absence of the PM. The thickened PM produced by double feeding in A. aegypti caused a reduction of midgut infectivity by Plasmodium gallinaceum. These results suggest that the PM may act as a partial, but not an absolute, barrier to invasion of the midgut by the ookinete.  相似文献   

There is very little information available about Culicoides species (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in the western Brazilian Amazon. However, studies of the fauna of this region are essential to knowledge of the species and potential vectors within it. Thus, the present study aims to evaluate the abundance, richness and composition of Culicoides species in rural areas in the state of Rondônia, Brazil. Culicoides specimens were collected in forest and pasture environments in the municipality of Porto Velho, using light traps. A total of 1708 individuals (1136 females and 572 males) belonging to 33 species were collected; 28 of these samples represent new records for the state of Rondônia and include the first record of Culicoides contubernalis in Brazil. Culicoides insignis was the most abundant species (86.1%). Species richness was greater in forest areas (32 species, 96.96%), whereas pastures presented the greatest number of Culicoides captured (n = 1540, 90.1%). This study shows that Culicoides populations differ between forest and pasture environments and indicates that the abundance of C. insignis is an important factor in epidemiological vigilance studies in the region.  相似文献   

Partial sequences of the mitochondrial COI gene of forty eight European and two Turkish population samples of Myzus cerasi from different winter hosts (Prunus spp.) were subjected to phylogenetic analyses. The analysed M. cerasi samples emerged as paraphyletic relative to a Myzus borealis sample used as an out-group, and formed two major clades in neighbor joining, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference trees, corresponding to subspecies living specifically on Prunus avium and P. cerasus. Multivariate discriminant analysis (method of canonical variates) was applied to find out if morphological variation of samples correlated with mitochondrial COI and host plant information. Mean scores on the first two canonical variables clustered samples fully in accordance with their COI haplotypes and host plants confirming the existence of two morphologically similar winter host - specific subspecies of M. cerasi in Europe. No single morphological character enabled satisfactory discrimination between apterous viviparous females of the two subspecies. A three-character linear discriminant function enabled 92.37% correct identification of apterous viviparous females of M. cerasi cerasi (n = 118) and 93.64% of M. cerasi pruniavium (n = 110). A key for the morphological identification of the two subspecies is presented and their taxonomic status is discussed.  相似文献   

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