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Five new microsatellite markers were isolated from Northern pike (Esox lucius), a freshwater fish widely distributed in both Northern Europe and Northern America. Characterization in 30 individuals from a population from France revealed four to seven alleles and an expected heterozygosity of 0.243–0.642. No departure from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium nor linkage disequilibrium were found. The level of polymorphism was higher than previously reported in the literature for pike populations from Northern America and Northern Europe, but with different microsatellite loci.  相似文献   

1. Mitochondrial MAO specific activity was measured in eggs and early embryos of the teleostean fish Esox lucius using tryptamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and phenylethylamine (PEA) as substrates. 2. Tryptamine is the most readily deaminated substrate in mitochondria isolated from unfertilized eggs and embryos at the stages of cleavage, blastula and gastrula. 3. Monoamine oxidase activity gradually decreases during development and at the gastrula stage it is respectively 80% (tryptamine), 70% (5-HT) and 50% (PEA) of that found in the egg using the corresponding substrate. 4. The inhibition of egg MAO activity by clorgyline and deprenyl measured in E. lucius eggs using tryptamine as substrate, indicates the presence of a single form of MAO not corresponding to the MAO A and MAO B described in terrestrial vertebrates.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the pike (Esox lucius) parvalbumin 3   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Laboratory observations of 20 similar-size sib fry of pike Esox lucius have been carried out. The fishes were kept from June to September in a single aquarium with abundant food. During their life in a limited space, a temporal community formed with a size structure taking the form typical of a hierarchy: five leaders, two outsiders, and eight individuals in an intermediate position. The growth leaders were five cannibal pikes, each having eaten a sib with slower growth—the capture of large prey contributed to a considerable increase in the eater’s growth rate. The effect of hierarchy manifested itself in the mutual influence of pikes onto one another: the presence of large predators hampered the growth of small individuals, while the presence of slowly growing fishes stimulated the growth of leaders.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. A choriolytic enzyme was isolated from the hatching medium of the pike, Esox lucius.
  • 2.2. The enzyme is defined as hatching enzyme.
  • 3.3. The molecular weight of the enzyme is 24,000.
  • 4.4. The enzyme is a glycoprotein containing 2% carbohydrate.
  • 5.5. Its isoelectric point is 6.5.
  • 6.6. The pH optimum is around pH 8.
  • 7.7. The enzyme molecule contains two disulfide bonds but no free cysteine.
  • 8.8. Inhibitor studies and metal analysis show that the enzyme is a zinc-metalloprotease.

The ranges and mean values of haematocrit, red cell, white cell and differential cell counts, red/white cell ratio, red cell fragilities, haemoglobin levels and serum protein concentrations of adult pike Esox lucius L. have been measured, and the serum electrophoretic patterns on cellulose acetate and polyacrylamide gel described and discussed. It is hoped that these blood values will provide normal standards for the pike since normal ranges are wide, and isolated measurements therefore of limited value.  相似文献   

The first comprehensive investigation of pike Esox lucius trophic ecology in a region (Ireland) where they have long been thought to be a non‐native species is presented. Diet was investigated across habitat types (lake, river and canal) through the combined methods of stable‐isotope and stomach content analyses. Variations in niche size, specialization and the timing of the ontogenetic dietary switch were examined, revealing pronounced opportunism and feeding plasticity in E. lucius, along with a high occurrence of invertivory (up to 60 cm fork length, LF) and a concomitant delayed switch to piscivory. Furthermore, E. lucius were found to primarily prey upon the highly available non‐native roach Rutilus rutilus, which may alleviate predation pressure on brown trout Salmo trutta, highlighting the complexity of dynamic systems and the essential role of research in informing effective management.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the growth rate and growth parameters of pike Esox lucius L. in the mesotrophic Lake Rubikiai and to evaluate species growth in light of environmental conditions in Lithuanian lakes of different limnologic types. A total of 204 pike specimens were caught in two subsequent years, April 2005 and April 2006, in Lake Rubikiai. Six age classes (2–7 years of age) for males and 10 age classes (3–12 years of age) for females were identified by scale readings; 2‐ to 4‐year‐old males and 4‐ to 7‐year‐old females prevailed. Total length of pike ranged from 26.5 to 107 cm and weight from 106 to 7600 g. There were no statistically significant differences (Student’s t‐test, P > 0.1) between mean lengths and weights of males and females of the same age. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters for the entire population were: L = 131.7 cm, k = 0.1530 year?1, to = ?0.0398 year. Calculated overall growth performance index ?′ was 3.42. The length‐weight relationship was described by the equation . The growth rate of pike in Lake Rubikiai was higher than in most other investigated Lithuanian lakes. Pike from Lake Rubikiai are characterized by average growth, compared to other populations from various geographical locations. No significant differences were established between the growth of pike in mesotrophic and eutrophic lakes. Pike growth rate did not correlate with lake surface area, maximum or mean depth, and negatively correlated with bogginess in mesotrophic lakes and limpidity and bogginess in eutrophic lakes (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the effect of diet on the fatty acids composition of cultured northern pike (Esox lucius) fillet (mean body weight, 620 g; age, 2.5 years; commercial feed) profiles when compared with wild pike caught in Lake Dga? Wielki in northern Poland (mean body weight, 570 g; age 3.5 years). Cultured pike fillets contained several times more fat (2.40%) compared with wild fish (0.19%, P < 0.01). The total relative quantity of saturated fatty acids (SFA; % of total fatty acids) and unsaturated fatty acids (USFA) in cultured and wild pike were similar. Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) content differed in wild and cultured fish. Cultured pike contained nearly two times more MUFA (30.90% compared with 15.97%; P < 0.01) but less PUFA (42.04% compared with 58.33%; P < 0.01), n‐3 PUFA (32.42% compared with 41.26%; P < 0.01), and n‐6 PUFA (6.47% compared with 15.79%; P < 0.01). The largest differences were noted with regard to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (AA), the levels of which in cultured and wild pike were 18.93% vs 27.96% and 0.73% vs 8.60%, respectively (P < 0.01). Quality compositions of the commercial feed and the cultured pike fillets were identical.  相似文献   

The genetic relationships among 337 northern pike (Esox lucius) collected from the coastal zone of the central Baltic region and the Finnish islands of Aland were analysed using five microsatellite loci. Spatial structure was delineated using both traditional F-statistics and individually based approaches including spatial autocorrelation analysis. Our results indicate that the observed genotypic distribution is incompatible with that of a single, panmictic population. Isolation by distance appears important for shaping the genetic structure of pike in this region resulting in a largely continuous genetic change over the study area. Spatial autocorrelation analysis (Moran's I) of individual pairwise genotypic data show significant positive genetic correlation among pike collected within geographical distances of less than c. 100-150 km (genetic patch size). We suggest that the genetic patch size may be used as a preliminary basis for identifying management units for pike in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Pike fry weighing 0.2 g were infected with five pathogenic viruses via the water and then fed to one-year-old, 60 g pike. A transer of the viruses from the prey to the predator was demonstrated. The VHS virus produced typical hermorrhages in the muscle of the second nost. Zusammenfassung Zyklische Virusinfektion beim Hecht (Esox lucius L.) Auf dem Wasserweg mit fünf fischpathogenen Viren infizierte Hechtbrut (0,2 g) diente einjährigen Hechten (60 g) als Nahrungsquelle und gewährleistete hierdurch den Virustransfer. Das VHS-Virus induzierte im 2. Wirt typische Hämorrhagien in der Muskulatur. Résumé Cycles d'infection viraie chez le brocket (Esox lucius L.) Des embryons du brochet (0,2 g) inficés par l'eau servaient comme nourriture pour des brochets agés un an (60 g). Par cela le transfer du virus était verifié. Le virus VHS causait dans l'hôte seconde des hemorrhages typiques dans les muscles.  相似文献   

Primary structure of protamine from the Northern pike Esox lucius   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The basic nuclear protein in the sperm of the Northern pike is a protamine, 32-residues long, which behaved as a single component during ion-exchange chromatography and gel electrophoresis. Amino acid analysis gave close to molar ratios for the eight different residues with no evidence of microheterogeneity. However, the presence of sequence variants was revealed following a combination of automated protein sequencing and cleavage of the protamine by CNBr, endoproteinase Lys-C and thermolysin. At position 28 there is an equal probability of having serine or glycine. At position 9 glycine is found more frequently than serine. The reciprocal nature of the substitutions results in glycine and serine contents which are close to a 4:2 ratio. Pike protamines are homologous to those of the trout but show less sequence variation between components.  相似文献   

In pike E. lucius L., evidence on maternal effect on reproductive output is mixed. We studied whether older and larger pike females produce eggs and larvae of higher quality (weight, starvation resistance) in three forest lakes in southern Finland. Later, the study lakes were subjected to intensive experimental pike fishing, which we assumed would increase resource availability and lead to higher maternal investment (larger egg size). Length of female pike was positively correlated with the dry weight of eggs and larvae but this relation was dependent on female age. In old females, the effect of female length on egg weight was lower or even negative. Survival analysis showed a positive effect of female length on larval survival time indicating that larvae from larger females are less vulnerable to starvation during the early stage of life. After the intensive pike fishing, the positive effect of female length on egg weight was stronger in all age classes probably due to the released resources. Based on the high quality and amount of reproductive products in large (but not very old) females, they are important for the reproduction of pike populations. This should be considered in fisheries management.  相似文献   

Summary The spinal cords of newly hatched pike (Esox lucius) fry were divided into two pieces by transverse cuts. After periods of different lengths, the appearances of the brokenReissner's fibres were investigated anatomically. The fibre normally terminates in the caudal end as a secretory accumulation, a caudal mass. After the operation this mass gradually disappears, apparently through the spinal cord wall cells. The new termination of the broken fibre, in front of the scar, forms a new caudal mass. This fact indicates thatReissner's fibre is a secretory transport mechanism.Supported by a grant from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council.  相似文献   

Pike Esox lucius larvae captured fewer calanoid and cyclopoid copepods in turbid than in clear water, whereas no differences were detected in feeding rates on Daphnia longispina. Decreased capture of copepods may lead to lower growth and survival of E. lucius larvae in turbid areas, in particular, if cladocerans are scarce.  相似文献   

Two diseases of pike fry have been investigated, both causing serious losses in Dutch pike culture. In one of these diseases the lump developing on the head of the fry was associated with an internal hydrocephalus.
The other one, 'red disease' after the haemorrhagic areas in the trunk, may be identical with red-sore disease of pike.
The etiologies of both diseases are unknown.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate abnormal larvae produced in the experimental induction of gynogenetic northern pike ( Esox lucius L.), using a flow cytometry method. We reported for the first time the mosaic individuals found in genetically manipulated northern pike. Two types of abnormal larvae were obtained after eggs were fertilized with UV-irradiated sperm and then exposed to heat shock treatment. One type had malformations frequently associated with haploid syndrome and were proven to be haploids. The other type had a similar body size and appearance as diploids but with curved body and a swirling swimming pattern. Individuals of the second type were proven to be mosaics containing both 1n (59.5 ± 14.7% mean ± SD) and 2n (29.7 ± 13.3%) cell populations. The ratio of 1n:2n cell populations ranged from 80.6:10.6 to 38.5:44.7. There was no significant difference in the relative nuclear DNA content and cell size between 1n and 2n cell populations of the mosaic individuals as compared to haploid cells and diploid cells, respectively. The nuclear DNA content of the northern pike was estimated to be 2.07 ± 0.06 pg ( n  = 10) given that rainbow trout has a red blood cell nucleus DNA content of 4.66 pg.  相似文献   

This study investigated the movement patterns of Baltic Sea pike Esox lucius in Matsalu Bay, Estonia, using otolith microchemistry. Migration patterns of E. lucius were remarkably diverse, but distinct groups were evident. Of the E. lucius analysed (n = 28), 82% hatched in fresh water and 74% of them left this biotope during the first growth season.  相似文献   

K al-Sabti 《Cytobios》1992,70(280):27-32
Micronuclei frequency in fish from Swedish lakes with high concentrations of radiocaesium was investigated. The frequency of micronucleus induction in fish varied in different lakes but was not correlated with caesium concentrations.  相似文献   

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