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Résumé Les fibres nerveuses renfermant des vésicules granuleuses et des vésicules de type synaptique apparaissent dans l'éminence médiane de foetus de 14 jours. Dés le 18è jour foetal, de véritables terminaisons nerveuses sont au contact des capillaires du plexus intercalaire, constituant une charnière neurohémale. Les anses intrainfundibulaires commencent à pénétrer dans l'éminence médiane à la naissance mais ce n'est que chez des souris de 5 jours qu'elles deviennent très nombreuses. — Nous discuterons sur des critères morphologiques, de la possibilité d'un contrôle hypothalamique sur l'adénohypophyse avant la naissance.
Fine structure of the mouse median eminence during early stages of its ontogenesis
Summary Nerve fibers containing granular vesicles and vesicles closely resembling synaptic vesicles appear in the median eminence of 14 days old mouse fetuses. At 18th fetal day true nerve endings have been observed which are located close to the capillaries of the superficial plexus forming a neurovascular link. The capillary loops penetrate into the median eminence at the time of parturition but only in 5 days old mice they can be observed more frequently. — On the basis of the morphological observations presented the question is discussed whether the hypothalamus can influence pituitary hormone secretion before birth.

Pricking one of the cotyledons of aBidens pilosus L. (var.radiatus) seedling decapitated just above the cotyledons four times in succession induces after one minute the dominance of buds on the unaffected side.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2020,44(1):65-71
PurposeThe advent of immunotherapy by checkpoint inhibitor has profoundly changed the prognosis of patients with metastatic melanoma. The objective of our study was to evaluate the prognostic and predictive performance of 18F-FDG PET/CT of the initial extension assessment of stage IIIB-C-D and IV melanomas.MethodsWe retrospectively included 57 patients who had 18F-FDG PET/CT prior to the introduction of anti-PD-1 immunotherapy. The parameters extracted were SUVmax, SUV peak, MTV and TLG of the lesion with highest uptake (MTV LM, TLG LM), as well as MTV total and TLG total, obtained by adaptive segmentation. The18F-FDG PET/CT were dichotomized using the optimal threshold measured according to the area under the curve in the ROC (Receiver Operation Characteristic) curves. These parameters were evaluated using a Cox model. Overall survival and progression-free survival analyses were performed using the Kaplan Meier model.ResultsThe median follow-up was 25.4 months, 38 patients had progressed or recurred, and 20 patients had died. TLG LM > 132.59 (P = 0.0011), MTV total > 12 cm3 (P = 0.0139), and TLG > 94.17 (P = 0.0084) were significantly associated with a shorter progression-free survival. TLG LM > 145.92 (P = 0.0062), MTV total > 10.16 cm3 (P = 0.0051), and a metastatic spread > 2 organs (P = 0.0001) were associated with a shorter overall survival.ConclusionWe confirm the potential prognostic interest of PET-TDM at 18FDG before immunotherapy of stage IIIB-C-D and IV melanomas on progression-free survival and overall survival. The combination of these metabolic markers reflecting tumor burden with clinical and biological prognostic factors could allow early identification of patients at high risk of anti-PD-1 failure.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2019,43(5-6):381-385
AimProduction of 68Ga-radiopharmaceuticals is a rapidly growing field in France. However, operators may already be involved in other radiopharmaceutical activities. It is thus necessary to know the exposure of this new activity.Material and methodsFor passive dosimetry, a radiophotoluminescent (RPL) dosimeter, a thermoluminescent (TLD) chip, 2 TLD rings and a passive dosimeter for crystalline were used. For active dosimetry, an extremity dosimeter and a whole body dosimeter were used. This study was performed during semi-automatized production of 68Ga-investigational medicinal products. Values were normalized to 500MBq manipulated (median activity using a 1850MBq 68Ga-generator), 60 radiosynthesis (maximum enrollment ability of our center) and 2 operators. A LB123 proportional counter was used for quantification of external exposition to 10MBq 68Ge and internal exposition by inhalation was theoretically assessed. 68Ga emission attenuation by collective protection equipments was also discussed.ResultsConsidering passive dosimetry, the equivalent dose to extremities was 21.75 ± 0.34 mSv, the whole-body effective dose was 0.189 ± 0.011 mSv and the dose to crystalline was 0.925 ± 0.009 mSv. Considering active dosimetry, the equivalent dose to extremities was 8,75 ± 0.12 mSv and the whole-body effective dose was 0,088 ± 0.009 mSv. Total exposure to 68Ge was 1.75 μSv.ConclusionIn our hands, 68Ga is a directly transposable activity in radiopharmacies already equipped for 18F because of a dosimetry complying with regulatory limits and suitable radiation protection of collective equipments.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2014,38(2):100-110
IntroductionThere are many automated segmentation softwares in PET-CT, but none of them is used as gold standard. The aim of this study is to compare two segmentation softwares, one based on maximum intensity projection (MIP-based) and the second: PETVCAR®, to measure TLG in patients with metastatic melanoma treated by vemurafenib.Materials and methodsSixteen patients were assessed by PET using 18-fluorodesoxyglucose (18-FDG) before and during the treatment with vemurafenib. TLG were measured by MIP-based and PETVCAR® and then analysed in initial PET, all PET, by organ and added for each PET.ResultsThere is a good correlation between TLG in each method (r = 0.96 with P = 0 on 439 lesions on all PET). The mean difference between TLG PETVCAR® and TLG MIP-based is negative. Segmentations are larger with MIP-based than with PETVCAR® with discrepancies observed for larger and heterogeneous lesions. SUVmax doesn’t seem to be the factor causing these discrepancies. Correlation between the difference of TLG and their mean is also strong especially in bones, nodes and subcutaneous lesions.ConclusionBoth methods have a good correlation in spite of discrepancies observed for large or heterogeneous lesions. These lesions segmentations are larger with the method based on MIP than with PETVCAR®.  相似文献   

Résumé Les recherches histochimiques sur l'ATPase-Na+-K+ en microscopie optique ont permis de mettre en évidence une forte activité au niveau de l'épithélium pseudobranchial des Téléostéens.Cette activité est localisée sur la membrane interne des cellules pseudobranchiales, qui fait face aux larges espaces extracellulaires de la région interlamellaire. Cette région interlamellaire contient de nombreuses terminaisons nerveuses afférentes. La spécificité de ces localisations est discutée.
Attempt at histochemical localization of the Na+-K+ activated ATPase of teleostean pseudobranchia epithelial cells
Summary The histochemical studies of the ATPase-Na+-K+, at light microscopic level, showed a strong activity in the pseudobranchial epithelium of a teleost fish. This activity is located on the inward membrane of the pseudobranchial cells facing the large extracellular spaces of the intralamellar areas. These intralamellar areas contain numerous afferent nerve endings. The reality of these localizations is discussed.

Sans résuméReçu par la rédaction le 30.X.1953.  相似文献   

Résumé Au cours du développement embryonnaire du Poulet, les cellules endothéliales des bourgeons vasculaires et des capillaires néo-formés du télencéphale sont unies par des jonctions transitoires au niveau desquelles les feuillets externes des membranes plasmiques n'ont pas fusionné et sont séparés par un espace intercellulaire mesurable. Des points de fusion de ces feuillets externes apparaissent peu à peu et au hasard dans la zone du contact intercellulaire. Entre ces points persistent des espaces intercellulaires qui assurent encore la communication entre la lumière du capillaire et l'espace extracellulaire du tissu nerveux. L'adjonction de nouveaux points de fusion, entre ceux existant déjà, conduit à la disparition progressive de l'espace intercellulaire et à la formation de véritables zonulae occludentes.
Ultrastructural differentiation of intercellular junctions in the endothelium of capillaries in the embryonic telencephalon of the chicken
Summary During the embryonic development of the chick, the endothelial cells of the vascular sprouts and of the newly-formed capillaries in the telencephalon are linked by transitory junctions at the level of which the external leaflets of the plasma membrane are not fused and are separated by a measurable intercellular space. Some points of fusion of these external leaflets gradually appear at random in the area of the intercellular contact. Between these points of fusion, some intercellular spaces persist which still allow the communication between the capillary lumen and the extracellular space in the nervous tissue. The adjunction of new points of fusion between the preexisting ones, leads progressively to the disappearance of these intercellular spaces and to the formation of true zonulae occludentes.
L'auteur remercie les Professeurs J. Gayet et G. Grignon de leurs conseils lors de la préparation du manuscrit. Ces recherches ont bénéficié de subventions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (E.R.A. n° 331) et de la Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale Française.  相似文献   

Missing values, non-regular sampling, censored data and departure from normality are common problems in the analysis of ecological or environmental time series. For over 20 years, in the scope of the National Basin Network in France, numerous water quality time series have been collected. A method is proposed for the regularization of the series, the detection of trend changes and short-term forecasting, on the basis of the last detected trend, using a non-parametric regression. The method is applied to phosphates and nitrogen concentrations measured on the Sambre river (northern France).  相似文献   

The advantages and feasibility of human testicular spermatozoa cryoconservation for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) have now been clearly demonstrated. However, the freezing protocol is based on empirical knowledge obtained from freezing of ejaculated spermatozoa. Testicular spermatozoa may not be fully mature gametes and may also be retrieved in only limited quantities. Little research has been conducted to determine whether they have the same cryobiological requirements as ejaculated spermatozoa. A better understanding of their cryobiological features and assessment of possible subcellular changes after thawing would help to optimize testicular preparations for cryopreservation (whole biopsies, seminiferous tubules, shredded suspension, single spermatozoa, etc.), freezing-thawing procedure, freezing media, and storage. Finally, there is a growing need for welldefined criteria (nuclear quality, etc.) to evaluate the tolerance of testicular spermatozoa to freezing-thawing procedure for ICSI  相似文献   

V. Delucchi 《BioControl》1961,6(2):109-113
Summary The author proposes to standardize the preparation technique for microhymenoptera. The insects have to be presented for identification in a dry state, mounted on a minute pin or glued on a heavy paper point (double-mounting). Preference is given to the mounting on minute pin, as this method has the advantage that a specimen pinned with a minuten may be removed from its support and each morphological detail easily observed. The minuten is fixed to a short strip of soft material such as polyporus (bracket fungus); if this is not available, stiff paper may be used. The support with the pinned specimen is then attached to a pin no. 3 (fig. 1–3). The absence of glue is advantageous, especially in subtropical countries, where the glue is generally destroyed by bacteria and fungi. When the pins are unavailable for this double-mounting technique, the author proposes to glue the thoracic pleurae of the insect to the previously folded tip of a heavy paper point (fig. 6). The material for identification may be preserved in a liquid medium (as alcohol with some drops of glycerine) after a series of individuals have been prepared according to the double-mounting technique. Also, specimens in excess may be sent dry in a plastic or glass tube between two cellucotton masses.   相似文献   

Summary 4-day cyclic adult female Wistar rats were injected subcutaneously with testosterone propionate on diestrus 1 at 16:00 and on diestrus 2 at 10:00 respectively. Non-injected females served as controls. Autopsy was performed on diestrus 2 at 23:00, and on proestrus at 14:00 and 17:00 respectively. The blue Alcian-PAS staining was used to evidence FSH () and LH () pituitary cells.In control animals and in diestrus 2 injected females only a small number of FSH cells could be detected on diestrus 2 at 23:00. This number increased markedly on proestrus at 14:00 and decreased on proestrus at 17:00. A similar evolution was observed in diestrus 1 testosterone injected females, but the number of FSH cells appeared higher at any stage of autopsy in these females than in diestrus 2 injected females and in control rats.In control females, numerous LH cells were observed on diestrus 2 at 23:00. The number of these cells was diminished on proestrus at 14:00 and still more at 17:00. On the contrary few LH cells were detected in testosterone injected females on the evening of diestrus 2. An increase of these cells occurred on proestrus at 14:00, followed at 17:00 by only a weak diminution as established by comparison with control animals.An inhibition of FSH release and a suppression of the proestrus surge of LH were therefore supposed to cause, on one hand, the slowing up of follicular growth observed in diestrus 1 injected females and, on the other hand, the blockage of ovulation noted in both diestrus 1 and diestrus 2 treated animals.
Travail effectué avec l'aide de la D.G.R.S.T. Contrat no 72.7.0030.  相似文献   

Résumé Les variations d'abondance des 2 cochenillesPhenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero etFerrisia virgata Cockerell et des 2 prédateurs CoccinellidaeHyperaspis senegalensis hottentotta Mulsant etExochomus flaviventris Mader sont étudiées dans une parcelle de manioc. La colonisation de cette dernière parE. flaviventris est précoce, en présence de faibles niveaux numériques des 2 proies, mais avec une dominance deF. virgata; celle d'H. s. hottentotta intervient un mois plus tard en relation semble-t-il avec la présence d'une population deP. manihoti abondante et jeune. Nos observations font ressortir une dynamique des populations propre à chaque espèce de coccinelle, conditionnée par l'abondance de l'une ou l'autre des proies, la structure des colonies de chaque cochenille et les conditions climatiques (température) qui interviennent en synergie. Ainsi, la réponse numérique deH. s. hottentotta, plus forte que celle d'E. flaviventris, semble en relation plus étroite avecP. manihoti. PourE. flaviventris il appara?t difficile de séparer ce qui revient à chaque espèce de cochenille:F. virgata joue sans doute un r?le important pour son implantation dans les champs, puis sa raréfaction, mais c'est probablementP. manihoti qui permet l'augmentation de ses effectifs.   相似文献   

Résumé Au cours de recherches relatives aux effets d'une incubation des ufs de Mammifères en présence d'ATP, la méthode argentique de v.Kossa-Barger, appliquée à des ufs de Souris fixés et traitésin toto, a fait apparaître dans de nombreux cas des précipités argentiques d'aspect astéroïde qui ont attiré l'attention.Pour en dégager la signification, des expériences ont été instituées de manière à faire varier: (1) la quantité de phosphate calcique hydraté qui précipite lorsque l'enzyme a libéré les groupes phosphate de l'ATP ajouté comme substrat; (2) la concentration du nitrate d'argent utilisé pour transformer ce sel en phosphate d'argent; (3) la durée de l'irradiation par rayons ultra-violets employés pour dissocier ce composé et obtenir le précipité final d'argent métallique. La structure microscopique des précipités de phosphate calcique hydraté puis de phosphate argentique a également été examinée.Il a été reconnu que les images astéroïdes sont simplement la modalité la plus structurée que peut prendre le précipité argentique. Les aspects de celui-ci dépendent: beaucoup de l'abondance des groupes phosphate libérés; en quelque mesure, de la concentration du NO3Ag utilisé; davantage, de la durée de l'irradiation appliquée.La discontinuité observée à l'état final de la réaction résulte de l'hétérogénéité du précipité primaire, qui est cependant continu. Sa transformation en grumeaux séparés ou en groupes astéroïdes se produit lors de sa conversion en sel d'argent. L'irradiation peut développer les structures astéroïdes par un phénomène de reerutement et d'association.Pour des valeurs optimales des trois facteurs en jeu (ATP, NO3Ag et U.V.), les précipités astéroïdes révèlent les régions de l'uf où la libération des phosphates
Zusammenfassung Wenn Säugetiereier (Maus, Ratte) mit Formaldehyd fixiert, gewaschen und mit ATP und Ca++ (ph 8,6) inkubiert werden, entsteht ein Niederschlag von Ca9H2(PO4)6(OH)2 (=TCPH), den man mit der v. Kossa-Barger-Silbermethode darzustellen versuchen kann. Hierzu werden die Eier in eine 0,5%ige AnNO3-Lösung übertragen und dort UV-Strahlen ausgesetzt. Unter bestimmten Umständen nimmt der entstandene Silberniederschlag eine komplexe, oft sternförmige (asteroide) Struktur an.Experimentell werden die aufeinanderfolgenden Stufen dieser Technik analysiert. Auf diese Weise konnten die verschiedenartigen Silberniederschläge erklärt werden. Es wurde gezeigt, daß die asteroiden Niederschläge, die man gelegentlich im Cytoplasma der Eizellen findet, nicht einer Enzymlokalisation entsprechen. Jedoch bedeutet es, daß in dem betroffenen Ei oder einem Eiteil eine bedeutende Menge von Phosphat-Gruppen freigesetzt wurden.Diese Untersuchung ergab, daß es besser ist, statt der gewöhnlichen wäßrigen Silbernitratlösung (pH 5,3) eine durch NH3-Zusatz alkalisierte Lösung (pH 8,3) zu verwenden, nachdem der AgOH-Niederschlag abfiltriert wurde. Diese leichte Abänderung in der Zusammensetzung der Silbernitratlösung verbessert das Resultat der Reaktion erheblich. Die komplexen Niederschläge erscheinen nicht und die Zuverlässigkeit der Reaktion wird deutlich gesteigert.

Avec 14 Figures dans le Texte

Travail réalisé avec l'appui du Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique et du Centre National pour l'étude de la Croissance normale et pathologique.  相似文献   

Philippe Fossati 《PSN》2005,3(4):178-183
Functional brain imaging studies in healthy subjects suggest that several regions (prefrontal cortex, amygdala, thalamus, hippocampus, anterior cingulate) have specialized functions for emotional operations. Within these regions, the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) is considered to have a general role in emotional processing. Using a memory paradigm with verbal material, we recently demonstrated that the MPFC is specifically involved in self-related processing of emotional stimuli. Study with mood induction also suggest that personality traits may modulate the reactivity of the MPFC to emotional Stressors. Taken together these findings support the hypothesis that the MPFC subserve processes involved in emotion regulation. Dysfunction of the MPFC and related structures (i.e. amygdala) may increase the vulnerability to emotional disorders.  相似文献   

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