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East Coast fever: quantitative studies of Theileria parva in cattle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A series of experiments is described in which infective material obtained by grinding adult Rhipicephalus appendiculatus ticks containing mature Theileria parva parasites was titrated in East Coast fever-susceptible cattle. The reactions of the cattle to the various inocula, and the rate of multiplication of macroschizonts in their lymph nodes, were studied. In the final experiment, conclusive evidence was produced to support the observations of previous workers that the prepatent period, time to onset of febrile response, and time to death of the animals was dose-dependent, whereas the production of intraerythrocytic piroplasms was totally time-dependent. Furthermore, the effective rate of multiplication of macroschizonts was shown for the first time to be dose-dependent. It was not possible to detect macroschizonts before the fifth day after inoculation, and an occult phase of the parasite's life cycle, between the infective particle and the uninuclear macroschizont, is postulated. The discrepancies between the results of the present work and those of previous workers are discussed.  相似文献   

A rapid method is described for preparing and staining salivary glands of Rhipicephalus appendiculatus ticks infected with Theileria parva. The technique, involving the use of a modified methyl green pyronin stained minimizes the risk of losing material and allows examination of stained glands within minutes of preparation. The technique was applied in a series of studies in which ticks were either infected with T. parva under different conditions, or maturation of parasites in adult ticks was stimulated by different means. When nymphal ticks were fed on the ears of cattle the subsequent infection rate of the adult ticks showed no correlation with the parasitaemia of the cattle at the time of nymphal engorgement. There was no difference in infection rates between adult ticks in which parasite maturation had been stimulated either by incubation at 37 degree C or by feeding on rabbits. However, parasite maturation took about 1 day longer in incubated ticks than in rabbit-fed ticks. Female ticks were consistently more highly infected than males, both in terms of the percentage of ticks infected and the mean number of infected acini/tick. Ticks were infected with T. parva by injection of nymphs with parasitaemic bovine blood, but the resultant adult infection was lower than that in ticks which had been infected naturally by feeding on cattle.  相似文献   

Cunningham M.P., Brown C.G.D., Burridge M.J., Joyner L.P. and Purnell R.E. 1973. East Coast fever : the infectivity for cattle of infective particles of theileria parva harvested in various substrates. International Journal for Parasitology3: 335–338. Female Rhipicephalus appendiculatus ticks infected with Theileria parva were pre-fed on rabbits for 4 days before being removed and restrained on ‘plasticine’. They were then fed for 2-h periods on capillary tubes containing various substrates, the contents of which were subsequently inoculated into East Coast fever-susceptible cattle. Using this technique, precolostral calf serum and Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium, with the addition of Bovine Albumin Powder, were selected as substrates suitable for further laboratory investigation on East Coast fever as they were acceptable to the ticks and supported the viability of the parasites.  相似文献   

A method for purifying macroschizonts of Theileria parva from bovine lymphoblastoid cells, propagated in vitro, was developed. This method involved three steps. First, the macroschizonts were liberated by disrupting host cells suspended in growth medium at 4 × 106 cells/ml at 300–400 psi, using the Stansted cell disrupter. This yielded 80–90% disrupted cells while causing minimum damage to the macroschizonts. Second, the host cell nuclei were separated by (a) centrifuging the lysate at 300g for 60 min, (b) resuspending the pellet in 0.02 times the volume of initial host cell suspension in Leibovitz's L15 growth medium, and (c) lysing the host cell nuclei by adding nucleus-lysing buffer (NLB, containing 0.14 M Tris, 0.1 M HCl, 0.12 M glucose, and 0.5 M NaCl adjusted with NaOH to pH 7) to 0.2 times the volume of initial host cell suspension. The resulting chromatin precipitate was removed by adding DE-52 cellulose equilibrated with NLB and allowing the precipitate to sediment. Lastly, the final suspension obtained in the second step was applied on a DE-52 cellulose column which was equilibrated with the elution buffer (NLB with 10% fetal, or newborn, bovine serum, pH 7). Macroschizonts free of intact host cells and naked host cell nuclei were collected in the eluate. The protein yield was 2.7 mg per 109 starting undisrupted host cells, which was 1.7% of the total starting protein.  相似文献   

Using an artificial feeding technique, infective particles of Theileria parva were harvested in bovine blood in capillary tubes from prefed female Rhipicephalus appendiculatus over a 2-hr period. Inoculations of this blood feed pool invariably resulted in the establishment of patent East Coast fever in autogeneic or syngeneic cattle, i.e., the blood donors or their monozygotic twins, but not in unrelated animals. Mechanical passage of 4 × 106 macroschizont-infected lymphoid cells, harvested from a heifer with East Coast fever, successfully induced patent theileriosis in the donor's monozygotic twin but not in a susceptible allogeneic bovid. The significance of parasite-cell association and histocompatibility of infected cells is discussed in relation to natural and mechanical transmission of Theileria parva.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood leucocytes (PBL) of cattle were infected in vitro with the sporozoites of Theileria parva spp. The transformed cell lines were adapted to grow in sera from the PBL donors. The cattle were then infected with T. p. parva stabilate and either treated with parvaquone or the disease allowed to run its course. Sera harvested during severe disease reaction or early recovery were substituted for pre infection sera and caused the intracellular degeneration of the Theileria macroschizonts. Cell lines passaged in these sera died out as the parasites were eliminated. The antiparasitic effects of sera were short lived and were neither host nor parasite isolate restricted.  相似文献   

We describe the generation of an auto-annotated index of genes that are expressed in the salivary glands of four-day fed female adult Rhipicephalus appendiculatus ticks. A total of 9162 EST sequences were derived from an uninfected tick cDNA library and 9844 ESTs were from a cDNA library from ticks infected with Theileria parva, which develop in type III salivary gland acini. There were no major differences between abundantly expressed ESTs from the two cDNA libraries, although there was evidence for an up-regulation in the expression of some glycine-rich proteins in infected salivary glands. Gene ontology terms were also assigned to sequences in the index and those with potential enzyme function were linked to the Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes database, allowing reconstruction of metabolic pathways. Several genes code for previously characterized tick proteins such as receptors for myokinin or ecdysteroid and an immunosuppressive protein. cDNAs coding for homologs of heme-lipoproteins which are major components of tick hemolymph were identified by searching the database with published N-terminal peptide sequence data derived from biochemically purified Boophilus microplus proteins. The EST data will be a useful resource for construction of microarrays to probe vector biology, vector-host and vector-pathogen interactions and to underpin gene identification via proteomics approaches.  相似文献   

Theileriaparva is an intracellular protozoan parasite that causes a fatal lymphoproliferative disease of cattle known as East Coast Fever. The parasite infects host lymphocytes causing their transformation and uncontrolled proliferation. Infiltration of major organs with parasitized lymphoblasts results in most cases in death within 3 weeks. Although both T and B lymphocytes are susceptible to infection, the majority of cell lines arising from infection of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro are of T cell lineage. To explore the basis of this phenotypic bias we have followed the very early stages of parasite development in vitro at the single cell level. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were infected and stained for both surface phenotype and intracellular parasite antigen and analysed by flow cytometry. Although the parasite antigen was detected intracellularly as early as 6h p.i., our data indicate that parasite infection does not lead to cell transformation in all instances. Rather, specific cell types appear to undergo selection very early after infection and expansion of particular cell subsets results in survival and growth of only a small proportion of the cells originally parasitized.  相似文献   

The proteins of purified macroschizonts from Theileria parva, T. lawrencei, and T. taurotragi were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The major proteins of all species had molecular weights of 120,000, 70,000, 65,000, 62,000, 55,000, 44,000, and 35,000. All further experiments were carried out with T. parva. Using 125I surface labelling it was established that proteins with molecular weights of 70,000, 50,000, and 44,000 were membrane constituents. Staphylococcus aureus protein A-mediated immune precipitation studies with 125I-labelled lysates of macroschizonts and a rabbit anti-macroschizont serum specifically recognized proteins with molecular weights of 120,000, 91,000, 70,000, 62,000, and 35,000. A small proportion of sera recovered from Theileria immune cattle specifically recognized proteins with molecular weights of 180,000 and 70,000 in macroschizont-lysates.  相似文献   

Sero-epidemiological surveys involving 27,526 cattle over a period of 8 years show that Theileria parva, the parasite causing East Coast fever (ECF) is found throughout southern Zambia. Higher values of T. parva sero-prevalence were observed in the plateau districts of Monze, Choma and Mazabuka than in the valley districts of Siavonga and Sinazongwe. Our results reveal a strong association between high T. parva sero-prevalence and the presence of the periodic climatic phenomenon known as the El Nino Southern Oscillation. More T. parva sero-positive samples were recorded during El Nino years (1997/98) (P<0.001) than other years in the study period. From this association, we conclude that Multiple El Nino Southern Oscillation Indices can be used to predict years with high or low ECF infection prevalence thereby contributing to the improved control of ECF in the area.  相似文献   

Long-term studies on the economic impact of ticks on Sanga cattle in Zambia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three different tick control policies were tested in groups of traditionally managed Sanga cattle in the Central Province of Zambia over a period of 3 years. One group was given strategic tick control using 12 pyrethroid acaricide spray applications between the onset and the end of the wet season (October to March). The productivity of this herd was compared with that of a group with no tick control and a group under an intensive tick control regimen of spraying every week in the wet season and every 2 weeks in the dry season (36 applications per year). The highest output was associated with intensive tick control, followed by strategic control and then no tick control policies. However, when the costs of tick control were taken into account, the strategic tick control policy produced the best economic result, followed by the intensive and then the no tick control policies. Neither the strategic nor the intensive tick control policy was sufficient to prevent the transmission of East Coast fever (ECF) infection when this disease was introduced to the area.  相似文献   

Transstadial transmission of Theileria annulata with Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum, H. dromedarii and H. marginatum isaaci, and Haemaphysalis bispinosa, Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides haemaphysaloides and Boophilus microplus was determined. It was found that the infection was successfully transmitted by H. a. anatolicum from larva to nymph and nymph to adult in all attempts. When larvae were fed on an infected calf the succeeding adults transmitted the infection when the intervening nymphs fed on a rabbit (non-susceptible host) but not when fed on a calf (susceptible host). Infective adult ticks transmitted the parasite during the first 24 h of feeding on a calf. When the feeding was interrupted after 24 h, and the tick transferred to another calf, the infection was transmitted to the latter as well. H. dromedarii successfully transmitted the infection from larva to nymph and from nymph to adult. Larvae of H. marginatum isaaci did not feed on calves but the infection was successfully transmitted from nymph to adult. Haemaphysalis bispinosa, Rhipicephalus h. haemaphysaloides and Boophilus microplus did not transmit Th. annulata from larva to nymph to adult.  相似文献   

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