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We analysed by analytical ultracentrifugation and fluorescence anisotropy the binding of p53 truncation mutants to sequence-specific DNA. The synthetic 30 base-pair DNA oligomers contained the 20 base-pair recognition elements for p53, consisting of four sites of five base-pairs per p53 monomer. We found that the binding at low ionic strengths was obscured by artifacts of non-specific binding and so made measurements at higher ionic strengths. Analytical ultracentrifugation of the construct p53CT (residues 94-360, containing the DNA-binding core and tetramerization domains) gave a dissociation constant of approximately 3 microM for its dimer-tetramer equilibrium, similar to that of full-length protein. Analytical ultracentrifugation and fluorescence anisotropy showed that p53CT formed a complex with the DNA constructs with 2:1 stoichiometry (dimer:DNA). The binding of p53CT (1-100 nm range) to DNA was highly cooperative, with a Hill coefficient of 1.8 (dimer:DNA). The dimeric L344A mutant of p53CT has impaired tetramerization. It bound to full-length DNA p53 recognition sequence, but with sixfold less affinity than wild-type protein. It did not form a detectable complex with a 30-mer DNA construct containing two specific five base-pair sites and two random sites, emphasizing the high co-operativity of the binding. The fundamental active unit of p53 appears to be the tetramer, which is induced by DNA binding, although it is a dimer at low concentrations.  相似文献   

Cooperative effects on binding of proteins to DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

DNA minicircles, where the length of DNA is below the persistence length, are highly effective, preferred, ligands for HMG-box proteins. The proteins bind to them "structure-specifically" with affinities in the nanomolar range, presumably to an exposed widened minor groove. To understand better the basis of this preference, we have studied the binding of HMG1 (which has two tandem HMG boxes linked by a basic extension to a long acidic tail) and Drosophila HMG-D (one HMG box linked by a basic region to a short and less acidic tail), and their HMG-box domains, to 88 bp and 75 bp DNA minicircles. In some cases we see cooperative binding of two molecules to the circles. The requirements for strong cooperativity are two HMG boxes and the basic extension; the latter also appears to stabilize and constrain the complex, preventing binding of further protein molecules. HMG-D, with a single HMG box, does not bind cooperatively. In the case of HMG1, the acidic tail is not required for cooperativity and does not affect binding significantly, in contrast to a much greater effect with linear DNA, or even four-way junctions (another distorted DNA substrate). Such effects could be relevant in the hierarchy of binding of HMG-box proteins to DNA distortions in vivo, where both single-box and two-box proteins might co-exist, with or without basic extensions and acidic tails.  相似文献   

GFI is an abundant DNA binding protein in the yeast S. cerevisiae. The protein binds to specific sequences in both ARS elements and the upstream regions of a large number of genes and is likely to play an important role in yeast cell growth. To get insight into the relative strength of the various GFI-DNA binding sites within the yeast genome, we have determined dissociation rates for several GFI-DNA complexes and found them to vary over a 70-fold range. Strong binding sites for GFI are present in the upstream activating sequences of the gene encoding the 40 kDa subunit II of the QH2:cytochrome c reductase, the gene encoding ribosomal protein S33 and in the intron of the actin gene. The binding site in the ARS1-TRP1 region is of intermediate strength. All strong binding sites conform to the sequence 5' RTCRYYYNNNACG-3'. Modification interference experiments and studies with mutant binding sites indicate that critical bases for GFI recognition are within the two elements of the consensus DNA recognition sequence. Proteins with the DNA binding specificities of GFI and GFII can also be detected in the yeast K. lactis, suggesting evolutionary conservation of at least the respective DNA-binding domains in both yeasts.  相似文献   

Cooperative binding of fluorescein-labeled clupeine by DNA.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The alpha-amino group of clupeine fraction Z from herring sperm was coupled with fluorescein. Binding of the labeled protamine by DNA is accompanied by significant fluorescence quenching up to 80%. This allowed the convenient determination of the binding behavior of protamine and DNA. Binding was found to be strongly cooperative and not be significantly affected by the size of DNA. The ionic strength dependence in the range up to 0.3 M NaCl was rather small. Binding parameters were derived according to classical unique-site treatment and to a concept which includes vagrant multi-site binding.  相似文献   

S A Saxe  A Revzin 《Biochemistry》1979,18(2):255-263

P Sen  G J Pazour  D Anderson    A Das 《Journal of bacteriology》1989,171(5):2573-2580
The VirE2 protein of Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid pTiA6 is a single-stranded-DNA-binding protein. Density gradient centrifugation studies showed that it exists as a tetramer in solution. Monomeric VirE2 active in DNA binding could also be obtained by using a different protein isolation procedure. VirE2 was found to be thermolabile; brief incubation at 37 degrees C abolished its DNA-binding activity. It was insensitive to the sulfhydryl-specific reagent N-ethylmaleimide. Removal of the carboxy-terminal 37 residues of the 533-residue VirE2 polypeptide led to complete loss of DNA-binding activity; however, chimeric fusion proteins containing up to 125 residues of the VirE2 C terminus were inactive in DNA binding. In nuclease protection studies, VirE2 protected single-stranded DNA against degradation by DNase I. Analysis of the DNA-VirE2 complex by electron microscopy demonstrated that VirE2 coats a single-stranded DNA molecule and that the binding of VirE2 to its substrate is cooperative.  相似文献   

The DNA binding and structural properties of Xfin-31 (Lee, M.S., Gippert, G.P., Soman, K.V., Case, D.A. and Wright, P.E., 1989, Science 245, 635-637), a twenty five amino acid zinc finger peptide, in the reduced, oxidized and zinc complex forms, as well as the fourteen residue helical segment of the zinc finger (residues 12-25) have been compared using affinity coelectrophoresis (ACE) and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. The zinc complex and oxidized peptides bind cooperatively to DNA although the cooperativity factor, omega, is more than 15-fold greater for the zinc complex. The reduced peptide in the absence of zinc and the helical segment do not bind cooperatively (omega = 1). Hence, the binding constant for singly contiguous sites (K omega) ranges over 100-fold for the various peptides even though the intrinsic binding constants (K) are similar. An increase in binding order and affinity for the other forms of Xfin-31 is correlated with an increasing similarity of the CD spectrum to that of the Xfin-31 zinc complex. The surprising DNA binding activity of the oxidized peptide may result from hydrophobic interactions between the amino-terminal loop formed by the Cys3-Cys6 disulfide bond and conserved hydrophobic residues in the carboxyl-terminal segment. Xfin-31 may be a particularly useful model for studying several poorly understood aspects of cooperative, non-specific DNA binding since it is small, has a stable, well-defined structure, and structures of zinc fingers bound to DNA have been determined.  相似文献   

The leucine-responsive regulatory protein (Lrp) of Escherichia coli activates expression of a number of operons and represses expression of others. For some members of the Lrp regulon, exogenous leucine mitigates the effect of Lrp, for some it potentiates the effect of Lrp, and for others it has no effect on Lrp action. For the ilvIH operon that we study, Lrp activates expression in vivo and mediates the repression of the operon by exogenous leucine. We studied Lrp-1, a leucine-insensitive variant, to investigate mechanisms by which leucine alters Lrp action as an activator of ilvIH expression. The Asp114Glu change did not have much effect on the amount of total Lrp-1 in cells but decreased the amount of free Lrp-1 two- to threefold. Lrp monomers associate to form octamers and hexadecamers (hexadecamer form predominates at micromolar concentrations; Kd=5.27x10(-8) M), and leucine promotes the dissociation of Lrp hexadecamer to a leucine-bound octamer. By contrast, Lrp-1 exists primarily as an octamer in solution (equilibrium dissociation constant 6.5x10(-5) M) and leucine had little effect on the equilibrium. Thus, the hexadecameric form that Lrp assumes in the absence of DNA is not required for activation of the ilvIH operon. Both leucine and the lrp-1 mutation reduced the apparent affinity of Lrp binding to ilvIH DNA (contains two groups of binding sites separated by 136 bp) but they have different effects on intrinsic binding affinity and binding cooperativity. Whereas leucine reduced intrinsic binding affinities and interactions of Lrps bound at upstream and downstream regions of ilvIH DNA, it increased cooperative dimer-dimer interactions of Lrps bound to two adjacent sites. By contrast, the lrp-1 mutation did not have much effect on intrinsic binding affinities but it decreased cooperative adjacent dimer-dimer interactions and enhanced interactions of Lrps bound at upstream and downstream regions of ilvIH DNA. Our analysis is consistent with the idea that leucine enhances dimer-dimer interactions that contribute to octamer formation, concomitantly reducing dimer-dimer interactions that contribute to the longer range interactions of Lrps that are required for activation of the ilvIH promoter.  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide reductases (RNRs) are required for the synthesis of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) from ribonucleotides. In Escherichia coli, regulation of RNR expression is co‐ordinated with the cell cycle, and involves several regulatory proteins. One of these, NrdR, has recently been shown to regulate all three nrd operons that encode RNR isoenzymes. Repression by NrdR is believed to be stimulated by elevated dNTPs, although there is no direct evidence for this model. Here, we sought to elucidate the mechanism by which NrdR regulates nrd expression according to the abundance of (d)NTPs. We determined that ATP and dATP bind to NrdR in a negatively cooperative fashion, such that neither can fully occupy the protein. Both nucleotides also appear to act as positive heterotropic effectors, since the binding of one stimulates binding of the other. Nucleotide binding stimulates self‐association of NrdR, with tri‐ and diphosphates stimulating oligomerization more effectively than monophosphates. As‐prepared NrdR contains (deoxy)nucleoside monophosphates, diphosphates and triphosphates, and its DNA binding activity is inhibited by triphosphates and diphosphates but not by monophosphates. We propose a model in which NrdR selectively binds (deoxy)nucleoside triphosphates, which are hydrolysed to their monophosphate counterparts in order to regulate DNA binding.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation and O-GlcNAc modification often induce conformational changes and allow the protein to specifically interact with other proteins. Interplay of phosphorylation and O-GlcNAc modification at the same conserved site may result in the protein undergoing functional switches. We describe that at conserved Ser/Thr residues of human Oct-2, alternative phosphorylation and O-GlcNAc modification (Yin Yang sites) can be predicted by the YinOYang1.2 method. We propose here that alternative phosphorylation and O-GlcNAc modification at Ser191 in the N-terminal region, Ser271 and 274 in the linker region of two POU sub-domains and Thr301 and Ser323 in the POUh subdomain are involved in the differential binding behavior of Oct-2 to the octamer DNA motif. This implies that phosphorylation or O-GlcNAc modification of the same amino acid may result in a different binding capacity of the modified protein. In the C-terminal domain, Ser371, 389 and 394 are additional Yin Yang sites that could be involved in the modulation of Oct-2 binding properties.  相似文献   

Kinetic consequences of covalent linkage of DNA binding polyamides   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Polyamides composed of N-methylpyrrole (Py) and N-methylimidazole (Im) subunits can bind in the minor groove of DNA at predetermined sequences with subnanomolar affinity and high specificity. Covalent linkage of polymer subunits using a gamma-aminobutyric acid linker has been shown to increase both the affinity and specificity of polyamides. Using a fluorescence detected stopped-flow assay, we have studied the differences in association and dissociation kinetics of a series of polyamides representing unlinked, hairpin and cyclic analogues of the four ring polyamide ImPyPyPy-beta-Dp. Whereas the large differences seen in the equilibrium association constants between the unlinked and covalently linked polyamides are primarily due to higher association rate constants, discrimination between matched and mismatched sites by each polyamide can be ascribed in large part to differences in their dissociation rate constants. The consequences of this kinetic behavior for future design are discussed.  相似文献   

Structural requirements for DNA binding of GCM proteins.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

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