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The ancestors of plastids and mitochondria were once free-living bacteria that became organelles as a result of endosymbiosis. According to this theory, a key bacterial division protein, FtsZ, plays a role in plastid division in algae and plants as well as in mitochondrial division in lower eukaryotes. Recent studies have shown that organelle division is a process that combines features derived from the bacterial division system with features contributed by host eukaryotic cells. Two nonredundant versions of FtsZ, FtsZ1 and FtsZ2, have been identified in green-lineage plastids, whereas most bacteria have a single ftsZ gene. To examine whether there is also more than one type of FtsZ in red-lineage chloroplasts (red algal chloroplasts and chloroplasts that originated from the secondary endosymbiosis of red algae) and in mitochondria, we obtained FtsZ sequences from the complete sequence of the primitive red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae and the draft sequence of the stramenopile (heterokont) Thalassiosira pseudonana. Phylogenetic analyses that included known FtsZ proteins identified two types of chloroplast FtsZ in red algae (FtsZA and FtsZB) and stramenopiles (FtsZA and FtsZC). These analyses also showed that FtsZB emerged after the red and green lineages diverged, while FtsZC arose by the duplication of an ftsZA gene that in turn descended from a red alga engulfed by the ancestor of stramenopiles. A comparison of the predicted proteins showed that like bacterial FtsZ and green-lineage FtsZ2, FtsZA has a short conserved C-termmal sequence (the C-terminal core domain), whereas FtsZB and FtsZC, like the green-lineage FtsZ1, lack this sequence. In addition, the Cyanidioschyzon and Dictyostelium genomes encode two types of mitochondrial FtsZ proteins, one of which lacks the C-terminal variable domain. These results suggest that the acquisition of an additional FtsZ protein with a modified C terminus was common to the primary and secondary endosymbioses that produced plastids and that this also occurred during the establishment of mitochondria, presumably to regulate the multiplication of these organelles.  相似文献   

Plastids and mitochondria each arose from a single endosymbiotic event and share many similarities in how they were reduced and integrated with their host. However, the subsequent evolution of the two organelles could hardly be more different: mitochondria are a stable fixture of eukaryotic cells that are neither lost nor shuffled between lineages, whereas plastid evolution has been a complex mix of movement, loss and replacement. Molecular data from the past decade have substantially untangled this complex history, and we now know that plastids are derived from a single endosymbiotic event in the ancestor of glaucophytes, red algae and green algae (including plants). The plastids of both red algae and green algae were subsequently transferred to other lineages by secondary endosymbiosis. Green algal plastids were taken up by euglenids and chlorarachniophytes, as well as one small group of dinoflagellates. Red algae appear to have been taken up only once, giving rise to a diverse group called chromalveolates. Additional layers of complexity come from plastid loss, which has happened at least once and probably many times, and replacement. Plastid loss is difficult to prove, and cryptic, non-photosynthetic plastids are being found in many non-photosynthetic lineages. In other cases, photosynthetic lineages are now understood to have evolved from ancestors with a plastid of different origin, so an ancestral plastid has been replaced with a new one. Such replacement has taken place in several dinoflagellates (by tertiary endosymbiosis with other chromalveolates or serial secondary endosymbiosis with a green alga), and apparently also in two rhizarian lineages: chlorarachniophytes and Paulinella (which appear to have evolved from chromalveolate ancestors). The many twists and turns of plastid evolution each represent major evolutionary transitions, and each offers a glimpse into how genomes evolve and how cells integrate through gene transfers and protein trafficking.  相似文献   

Plastids (photosynthetic organelles of plants and algae) are known to have spread between eukaryotic lineages by secondary endosymbiosis, that is, by the uptake of a eukaryotic alga by another eukaryote. But the number of times this has taken place is controversial. This is particularly so in the case of eukaryotes with plastids derived from red algae, which are numerous and diverse. Despite their diversity, it has been suggested that all these eukaryotes share a recent common ancestor and that their plastids originated in a single endosymbiosis, the so-called "chromalveolate hypothesis." Here we describe a novel molecular character that supports the chromalveolate hypothesis. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (FBA) is a glycolytic and Calvin cycle enzyme that exists as two nonhomologous types, class I and class II. Red algal plastid-targeted FBA is a class I enzyme related to homologues from plants and green algae, and it would be predicted that the plastid-targeted FBA from algae with red algal secondary endosymbionts should be related to this class I enzyme. However, we show that plastid-targeted FBA of heterokonts, cryptomonads, haptophytes, and dinoflagellates (all photosynthetic chromalveolates) are class II plastid-targeted enzymes, completely unlike those of red algal plastids. The chromalveolate enzymes form a strongly supported group in FBA phylogeny, and their common possession of this unexpected plastid characteristic provides new evidence for their close relationship and a common origin for their plastids.  相似文献   

Organelle origins and ribosomal RNA   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
As the detailed molecular biology of organelle genomes has unfolded, there has been a general acceptance of the view that plastids and mitochondria are of endosymbiotic, eubacterial origin. Plastid genes are strikingly similar to their eubacterial (particularly cyanobacterial) counterparts in sequence, organization, and mode of expression, and such features strongly support the hypothesis that the plastid and its genome were derived in evolution from a blue-green alga-like endosymbiont. Mitochondria, on the other hand, are problematic: mitochondrial genes are organized and expressed in remarkably diverse ways in the different major groups of eukaryotes, and in no case are these features particularly characteristic of either bacterial or nuclear genomes. There is, however, clear evidence derived from gene sequence supporting the eubacterial ancestry of mitochondria, and some of the most compelling data have come from analyses of mitochondrial ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Plant mitochondrial rRNA genes diverge in sequence at a particularly slow rate, and these genes have proven to be especially supportive of the endosymbiont hypothesis, pointing to an origin of mitochondria from within the alpha subdivision of the purple bacteria. Ribosomal RNA sequences provide a basis for the construction of global phylogenetic trees that probe the evolutionary history of organelles, and that address the question of whether mitochondria and plastids are monophyletic or polyphyletic in origin. Such studies raise the possibility that the rRNA genes of plant mitochondria originated separately from the mitochondrial rRNA genes of other eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Plastids (the photosynthetic organelles of plants and algae) originated through endosymbiosis between a cyanobacterium and a eukaryote and subsequently spread to other eukaryotes by secondary endosymbioses between two eukaryotes. Mounting evidence favors a single origin for plastids of apicomplexans, cryptophytes, dinoflagellates, haptophytes, and heterokonts (together with their nonphotosynthetic relatives, termed chromalveolates), but so far, no single molecular marker has been described that supports this common origin. One piece of evidence comes from plastid-targeted glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), which originated by a gene duplication of the cytosolic form. However, no plastid GAPDH has been characterized from haptophytes, leaving an important piece of the puzzle missing. We have sequenced genes encoding cytosolic, mitochondrion-targeted, and plastid-targeted GAPDH proteins from a number of haptophytes and heterokonts and found haptophyte homologs that branch within a strongly supported clade of chromalveolate plastid-targeted genes, being more closely related to an apicomplexan homolog than was expected. The evolution of plastid-targeted GAPDH supports red algal ancestry of apicomplexan plastids and raises a number of questions about the importance of plastid loss and the possibility of cryptic plastids in nonphotosynthetic lineages such as ciliates.  相似文献   

The data on the structure and functions of the mitochondrial genomes of protists (Protozoa and unicellular red and green algae) are reviewed. It is emphasized that mitochondrial gene structure and composition, as well as organization of mitochondrial genomes in protists are more diverse than in multicellular eukaryotes. The gene content of mitochondrial genomes of protists are closer to those of plants than animals or fungi. In the protist mitochondrial DNA, both the universal (as in higher plants) and modified (as in animals and fungi) genetic codes are used. In the overwhelming majority of cases, protist mitochondrial genomes code for the major and minor rRNA components, some tRNAs, and about 30 proteins of the respiratory chain and ribosomes. Based on comparison of the mitochondrial genomes of various protists, the origin and evolution of mitochondria are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Odintsova MS  Iurina NP 《Genetika》2002,38(6):773-788
The data on the structure and functions of the mitochondrial genomes of protists (Protozoa and unicellular red and green algae) are reviewed. It is emphasized that mitochondrial gene structure and composition, as well as organization of mitochondrial genomes in protists are more diverse than in multicellular eukaryotes. The gene content of mitochondrial genomes of protists are closer to those of plants than animals or fungi. In the protist mitochondrial DNA, both the universal (as in higher plants) and modified (as in animals and fungi) genetic codes are used. In the overwhelming majority of cases, protist mitochondrial genomes code for the major and minor rRNA components, some tRNAs, and about 30 proteins of the respiratory chain and ribosomes. Based on comparison of the mitochondrial genomes of various protists, the origin and evolution of mitochondria are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

By synthesizing data from individual gene phylogenies, large concatenated gene trees, and other kinds of molecular, morphological, and biochemical markers, we begin to see the broad outlines of a global phylogenetic tree of eukaryotes. This tree is apparently composed of five large assemblages, or "supergroups." Plants and algae, or more generally eukaryotes with plastids (the photosynthetic organelle of plants and algae and their nonphotosynthetic derivatives) are scattered among four of the five supergroups. This is because plastids have had a complex evolutionary history involving several endosymbiotic events that have led to their transmission from one group to another. Here, the history of the plastid and of its various hosts is reviewed with particular attention to the number and nature of the endosymbiotic events that led to the current distribution of plastids. There is accumulating evidence to support a single primary origin of plastids from a cyanobacterium (with one intriguing possible exception in the little-studied amoeba Paulinella), followed by the diversification of glaucophytes, red and green algae, with plants evolving from green algae. Following this, some of these algae were themselves involved in secondary endosymbiotic events. The best current evidence indicates that two independent secondary endosymbioses involving green algae gave rise to euglenids and chlorarachniophytes, whereas a single endosymbiosis with a red algae gave rise to the chromalveolates, a diverse group including cryptomonads, haptophytes, heterokonts, and alveolates. Dinoflagellates (alveolates) have since taken up other algae in serial secondary and tertiary endosymbioses, raising a number of controversies over the origin of their plastids, and by extension, the recently discovered cryptic plastid of the closely related apicomplexan parasites.  相似文献   

Genomes at the interface between bacteria and organelles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The topic of the transition of the genome of a free-living bacterial organism to that of an organelle is addressed by considering three cases. Two of these are relatively clear-cut as involving respectively organisms (cyanobacteria) and organelles (plastids). Cyanobacteria are usually free-living but some are involved in symbioses with a range of eukaryotes in which the cyanobacterial partner contributes photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, or both of these. In several of these symbioses the cyanobacterium is vertically transmitted, and in a few instances, sufficient unsuccessful attempts have been made to culture the cyanobiont independently for the association to be considered obligate for the cyanobacterium. Plastids clearly had a cyanobacterial ancestor but cannot grow independently of the host eukaryote. Plastid genomes have at most 15% of the number of genes encoded by the cyanobacterium with the smallest number of genes; more genes than are retained in the plastid genome have been transferred to the eukaryote nuclear genome, while the rest of the cyanobacterial genes have been lost. Even the most cyanobacteria-like plastids, for example the "cyanelles" of glaucocystophyte algae, are functionally and genetically very similar to other plastids and give little help in indicating intermediates in the evolution of plastids. The third case considered is the vertically transmitted intracellular bacterial symbionts of insects where the symbiosis is usually obligate for both partners. The number of genes encoded by the genomes of these obligate symbionts is intermediate between that of organelles and that of free-living bacteria, and the genomes of the insect symbionts also show rapid rates of sequence evolution and AT (adenine, thymine) bias. Genetically and functionally, these insect symbionts show considerable similarity to organelles.  相似文献   

Plastids (the photosynthetic organelles of plants and algae) ultimately originated through an endosymbiosis between a cyanobacterium and a eukaryote. Subsequently, plastids spread to other eukaryotes by secondary endosymbioses that took place between a eukaryotic alga and a second eukaryote. Recently, evidence has mounted in favour of a single origin for plastids of apicomplexans, cryptophytes, dinoflagellates, haptophytes, and heterokonts (together with their non-photosynthetic relatives, collectively termed chromalveolates). As of yet, however, no single molecular marker has been described which supports a common origin for all of these plastids. One piece of the evidence for a single origin of chromalveolate plastids came from plastid-targeted glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), which originated by a gene duplication of the cytosolic form. However, no plastid GAPDH has been characterized from haptophytes, leaving an important piece of the puzzle missing. We have sequenced genes encoding cytosolic, mitochondrial-targeted, and plastid-targeted GAPDH proteins from a number of haptophytes and heterokonts, and found the haptophyte homologues to branch within the strongly supported clade of chromalveolate plastid-targeted GAPDH genes. Interestingly, plastid-targeted GAPDH genes from the haptophytes were more closely related to apicomplexan genes than was expected. Overall, the evolution of plastid-targeted GAPDH reinforces other data for a red algal ancestry of apicomplexan plastids, and raises a number of questions about the importance of plastid loss and the possibility of cryptic plastids in non-photosynthetic lineages such as ciliates.  相似文献   

Plastids evolved from free‐living cyanobacteria through a process of primary endosymbiosis. The most widely accepted hypothesis derives three ancient lineages of primary plastids, i.e. those of glaucophytes, red algae and green plants, from a single cyanobacterial endosymbiosis. This hypothesis was originally predicated on the assumption that transformations of endosymbionts into organelles must be exceptionally rare because of the difficulty in establishing efficient protein trafficking between a host cell and incipient organelle. It turns out, however, that highly integrated endosymbiotic associations are more common than once thought. Among them is the amoeba Paulinella chromatophora, which harbours independently acquired cyanobacterial endosymbionts functioning as plastids. Sequencing of the Paulinella endosymbiont genome revealed an absence of essential genes for protein trafficking, suggesting their residence in the host nucleus and import of protein products back into the endosymbiont. To investigate this hypothesis, we searched the Paulinella endosymbiont genome for homologues of higher plant translocon proteins that form the import apparatus in two‐membrane envelopes of primary plastids. We found homologues of Toc12, Tic21 and Tic32, but genes for other key translocon proteins (e.g. Omp85/Toc75 and Tic20) were missing. We propose that these missing genes were transferred to the Paulinella nucleus and their products are imported and integrated into the endosymbiont envelope membranes, thereby creating an effective protein import apparatus. We further suggest that other bacterial/cyanobacterial endosymbionts found in protists, plants and animals could have evolved efficient protein import systems independently and, therefore, reached the status of true cellular organelles.  相似文献   

We analyzed nuclear-localized plastid-like DNA (nupDNA) fragments in protozoa, metazoa and fungi. Most eukaryotes that do not have plastids contain 40-5000 bp nupDNAs in their nuclear genomes. These nupDNA fragments are mainly derived from repeated regions of plastids and distribute through the whole genomes. A majority of nupDNA fragments is located on coding regions with very important functions. Similar to plastids, these nupDNAs most possibly originate from cyanobacteria. Analysis of them suggests that through millions of years of universal endosymbiosis and gene transfer they may have occurred in ancient protists before divergence of plants and animals/fungi, and some transferred fragments have been reserved till now even in modern mammals.  相似文献   

Plastids, similar to mitochondria, are organelles of endosymbiotic origin, which retained their vestigial genomes (ptDNA). Their unique architecture, commonly referred to as the quadripartite (four-part) structure, is considered to be strictly conserved; however, the bulk of our knowledge on their variability and evolutionary transformations comes from studies of the primary plastids of green algae and land plants. To broaden our perspective, we obtained seven new ptDNA sequences from freshwater species of photosynthetic euglenids—a group that obtained secondary plastids, known to have dynamically evolving genome structure, via endosymbiosis with a green alga. Our analyses have demonstrated that the evolutionary history of euglenid plastid genome structure is exceptionally convoluted, with a patchy distribution of inverted ribosomal operon (rDNA) repeats, as well as several independent acquisitions of tandemly repeated rDNA copies. Moreover, we have shown that inverted repeats in euglenid ptDNA do not share their genome-stabilizing property documented in chlorophytes. We hypothesize that the degeneration of the quadripartite structure of euglenid plastid genomes is connected to the group II intron expansion. These findings challenge the current global paradigms of plastid genome architecture evolution and underscore the often-underestimated divergence between the functionality of shared traits in primary and complex plastid organelles.  相似文献   

Chlorarachniophytes are amoeboflagellate cercozoans that acquired a plastid by secondary endosymbiosis. Chlorarachniophytes are the last major group of algae for which there is no completely sequenced plastid genome. Here we describe the 69.2-kbp chloroplast genome of the model chlorarachniophyte Bigelowiella natans. The genome is highly reduced in size compared with plastids of other photosynthetic algae and is closer in size to genomes of several nonphotosynthetic plastids. Unlike nonphotosynthetic plastids, however, the B. natans chloroplast genome has not sustained a massive loss of genes, and it retains nearly all of the functional photosynthesis-related genes represented in the genomes of other green algae. Instead, the genome is highly compacted and gene dense. The genes are organized with a strong strand bias, and several unusual rearrangements and inversions also characterize the genome; notably, an inversion in the small-subunit rRNA gene, a translocation of 3 genes in the major ribosomal protein operon, and the fragmentation of the cluster encoding the large photosystem proteins PsaA and PsaB. The chloroplast endosymbiont is known to be a green alga, but its evolutionary origin and relationship to other primary and secondary green plastids has been much debated. A recent hypothesis proposes that the endosymbionts of chlorarachniophytes and euglenids share a common origin (the Cabozoa hypothesis). We inferred phylogenies using individual and concatenated gene sequences for all genes in the genome. Concatenated gene phylogenies show a relationship between the B. natans plastid and the ulvophyte-trebouxiophyte-chlorophyte clade of green algae to the exclusion of Euglena. The B. natans plastid is thus not closely related to that of Euglena, which suggests that plastids originated independently in these 2 groups and the Cabozoa hypothesis is false.  相似文献   

Plastids of diatoms and other chromophytic algae have four surrounding membranes. In contrast to plastids of green algae, higher plants and red algae chromophytic cells are thought to have evolved by secondary endocytobiosis, i.e. by uptake of a eukaryotic photosynthetic organism by a eukaryotic host cell. This review gives a brief summary of the current views about the origin of diatom plastids and discusses possible mechanisms the cells might employ to transport nucleus-encoded plastid proteins into these organelles.  相似文献   

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