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The human apo-E gene has been isolated from a lambda phage library using as a probe the previously reported apo-E cDNA clone pE-301. Lambda apo-E was mapped and subcloned, and the apo-E gene was completely sequenced. The DNA sequence was compared with that of a near full length cDNA clone pE-368 and revealed three introns. The first intron was in the region that corresponds to the 5' untranslated region of apo-E mRNA. The second intron interrupted the codon specifying amino acid -4 of the apo-E signal peptide. The third intron interrupted the codon specifying amino acid 61 of the mature protein. Analysis of the DNA sequence revealed four Alu sequences. Two were in opposite orientations in the second intron, and one each occurred in the regions 5' and 3' to the apo-E gene. There were two base differences between the apo-E gene sequence and the sequence derived from the cDNA clones. At the codon for amino acid residue 112, the apo-E gene contained CGC, specifying Arg, whereas the cDNA contained TGC, specifying Cys. The other base difference was in the area corresponding to the 5' untranslated region of apo-E mRNA. Apo-E is commonly polymorphic in the population and the data suggest that the genomic clone was derived from the epsilon 4 apo-E allele, whereas the cDNA clones were derived from the epsilon 3 apo-E allele. S1 nuclease protection and primer extension experiments allowed the tentative assignment of the cap site of apo-E mRNA to the A approximately 44 base pairs upstream of the GT that begins the first intron. The sequence TATAATT was identified beginning 33 base pairs upstream of the proposed cap site and is presumably one element of the apo-E promoter. Finally, the apo-E gene was mapped in the human genome to chromosome 19 through the use of DNA probes and human-rodent somatic cell hybrids.  相似文献   

Stromal membrane associated protein (smap-1) is a new murine cell surface molecule on the stromal cells. The murine smap-1 protein is induced in stromal cells by the contact with erythroid cells, which suggests that this protein may be involved in the haematopoietic progenitor cells to stromal cells interactions.Here we report the structure, map location and expression analysis of the human SMAP1 gene, which cover approximately 100 kb on chromosome 6 between D6S455 and D6S1673 markers. This gene is composed of 11 exons and encodes a 468-amino-acid protein, which shows an 86% of homology with the murine smap-1 protein. The expression of smap-1 in erythropoietic organs as well as the correlation with the erythropoietic activity of the haematopoietic organs suggest that smap-1 is induced in stromal cells by the contact with erythroid cells, defining smap-1 as a key molecule that induced an erythropoietic microenvironment in haematopoietic organs. The high sequence conservation between murine and human SMAP1, as well as its expression in bone marrow, strongly suggest conserved functions of this protein in both organisms. Recently, a constitutional translocation t(6;10)(q13;q22) has been described in a patient with severe aplastic anaemia. SMAP1 gene localizes to 6q13 and is probably implicated in erythropoiesis, therefore it remains as an interesting candidate gene.  相似文献   

Murine Gtse-1 (G(2) and S phase expressed protein), previously named B99, is a wt-p53 inducible gene that encodes a microtubule-localized protein which is able to induce G(2)/M phase accumulation when ectopically expressed. Here we report the cloning and characterization of a new cDNA (GTSE-1) encoding a human homologue of the mouse Gtse-1 protein. Chromosome mapping of mouse and human genes assigned Gtse-1 to chromosome 15 and GTSE-1 to chromosome 22q13.2-q13.3 in a region with conserved synteny to that where Gtse-1 mapped. Analysis of the genomic structure revealed that GTSE-1 contains at least 11 exons and 10 introns, spanning approximately 33kb of genomic DNA. Similar to murine Gtse-1, the product of GTSE-1 localized to the microtubules, was able to delay G(2)/M progression when ectopically expressed and was cell cycle regulated. Taken together, these results indicate GTSE-1 as the human functional homologue of murine Gtse-1.  相似文献   

Thirty-four unique-sequence microclones were isolated from a previously described microdissection library of human chromosome 21 and were regionally mapped using a cell hybrid mapping panel which consists of six cell hybrids and divides chromosome 21 into eight regions. The mapping results showed that the microclones were unevenly distributed along chromosome 21, with the majority of microclones located in the distal half portion of the long arm, between 21q21.3 and 21qter. The number of unique-sequence clones began to decrease significantly from 21q21.2 to centromere and extending to the short arm. This finding is consistent with those reported in other chromosome 21 libraries. Thus, it may be inferred that the proximal portion of the long arm of chromosome 21 contains higher proportions of repetitive sequences, rather than unique sequences or genes. The microclones were also characterized for insert size and were used to identify the corresponding genomic fragments generated by HindIII. In addition, we demonstrated that the microclones with short inserts can be efficiently used to identify YAC (yeast artificial chromosome) clones with large inserts, for increased genomic coverage for high-resolution physical mapping. We also used 200 unique-sequence microclones to screen a human liver cDNA library and identified two cDNA clones which were regionally assigned to the 21q21.3-q22.1 region. Thus, generation of unique-sequence microclones from chromosome 21 appears to be useful to isolate and regionally map many cDNA clones, among which will be candidate genes for important diseases on chromosome 21, including Down syndrome, Alzheimer disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and one form of epilepsy.  相似文献   

We have recently isolated and characterized cDNA clones coding for a novel developmentally regulated avian and mouse embryo protein, CASP for Cartilage Associated Protein. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of the gene coding for the human CASP. The comparison of the putative human and mouse protein sequences with the chick sequence revealed an overall high identity (89% and 51%, respectively). Homology search with known DNA and protein sequences showed that CASPs are related to two mammalian nuclear proteins. Here we demonstrate definitively that CASPs are distinct from these nuclear proteins. However, sequence comparison analyses suggest that all of these proteins belong to a new family. In all human tissues examined two CASP mRNA species were detected, whereas a single mRNA and three mRNAs were found in chick and mouse, respectively. The human CASP gene (CRTAP) was assigned to chromosome 3p22 by fluorescence in situ hybridization.  相似文献   

The region surrounding the steroid sulfatase (STS) locus on Xp22.3 is of particular interest since it represents a deletion hot spot, shares homology with the proximal long arm of the Y chromosome (Yq11.2), and contains genes for several well-described X-linked disorders. Here we describe yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) covering 450 kb around the STS gene. Eight YAC clones were isolated from a human YAC library. Their STS exon content was determined and the overlap of the clones characterized. Two of the YAC clones were found to contain the entire STS gene. The most proximal and the most distal ends of the YAC contig were cloned but neither of them crossed the breakpoints in any of the previously described patients with entire STS gene deletions. This is consistent with deletions larger than 500 kb in all these patients. One of the YAC clones was found to contain sequences from the STS pseudogene on Yq11.2. Two anonymous DNA sequences, GMGXY19 and GMGXY3, previously mapped in the vicinity of the STS locus, were found within the YAC contig and their assignment with respect to the STS locus was thus possible. This contig is useful for the overlap cloning of the Xp22.3 region and for reverse genetic strategies for the isolation of disease genes in the region. Furthermore, it may provide insight into the molecular mechanisms of deletion and translocation events on Xp22.3 and in the evolution of sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

A lambda gt11 human testicular cDNA library was screened with degenerate oligonucleotide probe mixtures based on amino acid sequence data generated from cyanogen bromide fragments and tryptic fragments of purified human beta-galactosidase. Six positive clones were identified after screening 2 x 10(6) plaques. The sequences of these six clones were determined and found to be derived from two different cDNAs. The sequence of the longest of these cDNAs is nearly identical to that recently determined by Oshima et al. (1988). It codes for a 76-kD protein and all 11 peptides that were generated from the purified enzyme. The second clone is shorter by 393 bp in the central portion of the coding region. Analysis by Northern blotting revealed the presence of a single mRNA species of 2.45 kb in lymphoblasts and testicular tissue. It is deduced from the amino acid sequence data that proteolytic processing of the precursor form of beta-galactosidase must occur by cleavage in the carboxy-terminal portion of the polypeptide perhaps around amino acid 530 at a uniquely hydrophilic sequence. Using a probe generated from the 3' region of the cDNA, we have mapped the locus coding for human beta-galactosidase to chromosome 3p21-3pter.  相似文献   

Cloning and functional characterization of the HRASLS2 gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Shyu RY  Hsieh YC  Tsai FM  Wu CC  Jiang SY 《Amino acids》2008,35(1):129-137
The HRAS-like suppressor 2 (HRASLS2) gene belongs to the H-REV107 gene family involved in the regulation of cell growth and differentiation. HRASLS2 is expressed at high levels in normal tissues of the small intestine, kidney, and trachea. We cloned HRASLS2 cDNA from human SW480 colon cancer cells. Most wild-type, and some N- and C-terminal truncated HRASLS2 (HRASLS2DeltaNDeltaC) were expressed as a granular pattern located at perinuclear region in HtTA cervical cancer cells, while truncation at the C-terminus only (HRASLS2DeltaC) resulted in a diffuse pattern. Wild-type HRASLS2 significantly suppressed colony formation of HeLa and HCT116 cells. HRASLS2DeltaNDeltaC significantly inhibited colony formation of HCT116 cells, but HRASLS2DeltaC did not affect cell growth. HRASLS2 suppressed the RAS-GTP levels and total RAS protein by 44% and 25%, respectively in HtTA cells; however, the suppression was not observed in truncated HRASLS2 variants. In conclusion, the HRASLS2 protein suppressed growth and RAS activities of cancer cells, and the C-terminal hydrophobic domain appeared to be indispensable for both activities.  相似文献   

PALML, a novel paralemmin-related gene mapping on human chromosome 1p21.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe PALML, a novel gene encoding a 551 amino acid protein with similarity to paralemmin and the paralemmin-like amino terminal domain of AKAP2, a protein kinase A anchor protein. PALML mRNA is expressed in many tissues and is most abundant in cardiac and skeletal muscle, while absent from brain and blood. Exogenously expressed PALML fusion protein has a widespread cytoplasmic localization, and it is excluded from the nucleus. Human PALML maps on human chromosome 1p21 (between D1S2767 and D1S223). SSCP-HD analysis of exonic sequences in patients with VUR (familial non-syndromic vesicoureteral reflux syndrome) excluded mutations in the PALML gene from causing this disease. PALML, paralemmin and AKAP2 share the presence of a conserved coiled coil region that may mediate protein interactions with shared partners. Based on its resemblance to paralemmin and AKAP2, PALML is hypothesized to be involved in regulating intracellular signaling and membrane-cytoskeletal interactions.  相似文献   

Summary Mapping of human aldolase A (ALDOA) gene was performed by molecular hybridization techniques using a panel of human-mouse cell hybrids and sorted fractions of human metaphase chromosomes besides in situ hybridization. For the purpose, three kinds of DNA probes derived from the coding region (probe-1), the 3 noncoding region (probe-2), and the coding and 3 noncoding regions (probe-3) of human aldolase A cDNA clone, pHAAL116-3, were selectively employed. The results of RNA and DNA blot analyses indicated that the human ALDOA gene is located on chromosome 16. The in situ hybridization experiment also indicated that the ALDOA gene was localized to 16q22–q24.  相似文献   

We have isolated a human collagen alpha 1(I)-like gene from a cosmid library. The clone which contains 37kb of human DNA has been shown to contain this gene by DNA sequencing, hybrid arrest and hybrid selection assays and Northern blot hybridizations. The collagen gene sequence extends through most of the cloned DNA and must, therefore, be at least 35kb in length.  相似文献   

Summary A collection of 2,000 lambda phage-carrying human single-copy inserts (> 700 bp) were isolated from two chromosome-3 flow-sorted libraries. The single-copy DNA fragments were first sorted into 3p and 3q locations and about 700 3p fragments were regionally mapped using a deletion mapping panel comprised of two humanhamster and two-human-mouse cell hybrids, each containing a chromosome 3 with different deletions in the short arm. The hybrids were extensively mapped with a set of standard 3p markers physically localized or ordered by linkage. The deletion mapping panel divided the short arm into five distinct subregions (A-E). The 3p fragments were distributed on 3p regions as follows: region A, 26%; B, 31%; C, 4%; D, 4% and E, 35%. We screened 300 single-copy DNA fragments from the distal part of 3p (regions A and B) with ten restriction endonucleases for their ability to detect restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Of these fragments 110 (36%) were found to detect useful RFLPs: 35% detected polymorphisms with frequency of heterozygosity of 40% or higher, and 25% with frequency of 30% or higher. All polymorphisms originated from single loci and most of them were of the base pair substitution type. These RFLP markers make it possible to construct a fine linkage map that will span the distal part of chromosome 3p and encompasses the von Hippel-Lindau disease locus. The large number of single-copy fragments (2,000) spaced every 100–150 kb on chromosome 3 will make a significant contribution to mapping and sequencing the entire chromosome 3. The 300 conserved chromosome 3 probes will increase the existing knowledge of man-mouse homologies.  相似文献   

A novel human KRAB (Krüppel associated box) type zinc finger protein encoding gene, ZNF463, was obtained by mRNA differential display and RACE. It consists of 1904 nucleotides and encodes a protein of 463 amino acids with an amino-terminal KRAB domain and 12 carboxy-terminal C2H2 zinc finger units. The gene is mapped to chromosome 19q13.3 approximately 4 by FISH. As from Northern blot analysis ZNF463 is only expressed in testis, RT-PCR indicates that ZNF463 is expressed more highly in normal fertile adults than in fetus and azoospermic patients suggesting that it may play a role in human spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Rab proteins are small-molecular-weight GTPases that control vesicular trafficking in eukaryotic cells. During the large-scale sequencing analysis of a human fetal brain cDNA library, we isolated a cDNA clone encoding a novel Rab protein, which showed 74.2% identity with previously isolated Rab39A at the amino acid level. RAB39B was expressed in a variety of human tissues and located in human chromosome Xq28. It consisted of two exons spanning 3764 bp of human genomic DNA.  相似文献   

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