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Septation in Escherichia coli requires several gene products. One of these, FtsQ, is a simple bitopic membrane protein with a short cytoplasmic N terminus, a membrane-spanning segment, and a periplasmic domain. We have constructed a merodiploid strain that expresses both FtsQ and the fusion protein green fluorescent protein (GFP)-FtsQ from single-copy chromosomal genes. The gfp-ftsQ gene complements a null mutation in ftsQ. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that GFP-FtsQ localizes to the division site. Replacing the cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains of FtsQ with alternative membrane anchors did not prevent the localization of the GFP fusion protein, while replacing the periplasmic domain did, suggesting that the periplasmic domain is necessary and sufficient for septal targeting. GFP-FtsQ localization to the septum depended on the cell division proteins FtsZ and FtsA, which are cytoplasmic, but not on FtsL and FtsI, which are bitopic membrane proteins with comparatively large periplasmic domains. In addition, the septal localization of ZipA apparently did not require functional FtsQ. Our results indicate that FtsQ is an intermediate recruit to the division site.  相似文献   

Envelope preparations obtained by passing Escherichia coli cells through a French pressure cell were separated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation into two distinct particulate fractions. The fraction with the higher density was enriched in fragments derived from the cell wall, as indicated by the high content of lipopolysaccharide, the low content of cytochromes, and the similar morphology of the fragments and intact cell walls. The less-dense fraction was enriched in vesicles derived from the cytoplasmic membrane, as indicated by the enrichment of cytochromes, the enzymes lactic and succinic dehydrogenase and nitrate reductase, and the morphological similarity of the vesicles to intact cytoplasmic membrane. Both fractions were rich in phospholipid. The protein composition was compared by mixing the cytoplasmic membrane-enriched fraction from a (3)H-labeled culture with the cell wall-enriched fraction from a (14)C-labeled culture and examining the resulting mixture by gel electrophoresis. Thirty-four bands of radioactive protein were resolved; of these, 27 were increased two- to fourfold in the cytoplasmic membrane-enriched fraction, whereas 6 were similarly increased in the cell wall-enriched fraction. One of the proteins which is clearly localized in the cell wall is the protein with a molecular weight of 44,000, which is the major component of the envelope. This protein accounted for 70% of the total protein of the cell wall, and its occurrence in the envelope from spheroplasts suggests that it is a structural protein of the outer membranous component of the cell wall.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cell division is effected by a large assembly of proteins called the divisome, of which a subcomplex consisting of three bitopic inner membrane proteins, FtsQ, FtsB, and FtsL, is an essential part. These three proteins, hypothesized to link cytoplasmic to periplasmic events during cell division, contain large periplasmic domains that are of major importance for function and complex formation. The essential nature of this subcomplex, its low abundance, and its multiple interactions with key divisome components in the relatively accessible periplasm make it an attractive target for the development of protein-protein interaction inhibitors. Although the crystal structure of the periplasmic domain of FtsQ has been solved, the structure of the FtsQBL complex is unknown, with only very crude indications of the interactions in this complex. In this study, we used in vivo site-specific photo cross-linking to probe the surface of the FtsQ periplasmic domain for its interaction interfaces with FtsB and FtsL. An interaction hot spot for FtsB was identified around residue Ser-250 in the C-terminal region of FtsQ and a membrane-proximal interaction region for both proteins around residue Lys-59. Sequence alignment revealed a consensus motif overlapping with the C-terminal interaction hot spot, underlining the importance of this region in FtsQ. The identification of contact sites in the FtsQBL complex will guide future development of interaction inhibitors that block cell division.  相似文献   

Cell Division of Escherichia coli: Control by Membrane Organization   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Cells of certain strains of Escherichia coli, after transfer from 37 to 45 C and incubation for 16 min, were observed to swell and subsequently divide synchronously. This swelling and the resulting stretching of the membrane are proposed to be the basis for the synchronous division. Four lines of evidence support this hypothesis. First, osmotic protection by the addition of either sodium chloride or sucrose at the time of heat shock prevents both swelling and synchrony. Second, a mutant neither swelled nor divided synchronously after heat shock. Third, cells grown for several generations with 10% sucrose in the medium swelled and divided synchronously upon transfer to medium without sucrose. Fourth, the mutant not synchronized by heat shock also swelled and underwent synchronous division after the osmotic shift. A tentative model is suggested for the normal control of division, based on membrane configuration at the septation site.  相似文献   

Regulation of Cell Division in Escherichia coli   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The rate of cell division was measured in cultures of Escherichia coli B/r strain after periods of partial or complete inhibition of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis. The rate of DNA synthesis was temporarily decreased by removing thymidine from the growth medium or replacing it with 5-bromouracil. After restoration of DNA synthesis, a temporary period of accelerated cell division was observed. The results were consistent with the idea that chromosome replication begins when an initiator complement of fixed size accumulated in the cell. The increase in the potential for the initiation of new replication points during inhibition of DNA synthesis results in an increase in the rate of cell division after an interval which encompasses the time for the arrival of these replication points to the termini of the chromosomes and the time from this event to division.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, cell division is performed by a multimolecular machinery called the divisome, made of 10 essential proteins and more than 20 accessory proteins. Through a bacterial two-hybrid library screen, we identified the E. coli β-lactam resistance protein Blr, a short membrane polypeptide of 41 residues, as an interacting partner of the essential cell division protein FtsL. In addition to FtsL, Blr was found to associate with several other divisomal proteins, including FtsI, FtsK, FtsN, FtsQ, FtsW, and YmgF. Using fluorescently tagged Blr, we showed that this peptide localizes to the division septum and that its colocalization requires the presence of the late division protein FtsN. Although Blr is not essential, previous studies have shown that the inactivation of the blr gene increased the sensitivity of bacteria to β-lactam antibiotics or their resistance to cell envelope stress. Here, we found that Blr, when overproduced, restores the viability of E. coli ftsQ1(Ts) cells, carrying a thermosensitive allele of the ftsQ gene, during growth under low-osmotic-strength conditions (e.g., in synthetic media or in Luria-Bertani broth without NaCl). In contrast, the inactivation of blr increases the osmosensitivity of ftsQ1(Ts) cells, and blr ftsQ1 double mutants exhibit filamentous growth in LB broth even at a moderate salt concentration (0.5% NaCl) compared to parental ftsQ1(Ts) cells. Altogether, our results suggest that the small membrane polypeptide Blr is a novel component of the E. coli cell division apparatus involved in the stabilization of the divisome under certain stress conditions.  相似文献   

A. I. Doseff  K. T. Arndt 《Genetics》1995,141(3):857-871
Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutations that cause a requirement for SSD1-v for viability were isolated, yielding one new gene, LAS1, and three previously identified genes, SIT4, BCK1/SLK1, and SMP3. Three of these genes, LAS1, SIT4, and BCK1/SLK1, encode proteins that have roles in bud formation or morphogenesis. LAS1 is essential and loss of LAS1 function causes the cells to arrest as 80% unbudded cells and 20% large budded cells that accumulate many vesicles at the mother-daughter neck. Overexpression of LAS1 results in extra cell surface projections in the mother cell, alterations in actin and SPA2 localization, and the accumulation of electron-dense structures along the periphery of both the mother cell and the bud. The nuclear localization of LAS1 suggests a role of LAS1 for regulating bud formation and morphogenesis via the expression of components that function directly in these processes.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the murein precursor lipid I is performed by MraY. We have shown that mraY is an essential gene for cell growth. Cells depleted of MraY first swell and then lyse. The expression of mraY DNA in vitro produces a 40-kDa polypeptide detectable by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Laurie acid (1 mg/ml) sharply suppressed the cell division ofan acrA mutant strain of Escherichia coli K12. However, thewild type acrA$ strain was resistant to the fatty acid. Capricacid and myristic acid were not so toxic. Laurie acid inhibitedboth DNA and protein synthesis of the acrA mutant strain, withthe former being more sensitive than the latter. On the otherhand, DNA polymerase activity of toluene-treated cells was stimulatedrather than inhibited by the presence of 1 mg/ml of lauric acid.Fatty acid composition of phospholipids in the inner membranewas largely altered by the addition of lauric acid. These resultssuggest that addition of lauric acid to the medium causes adisorganization of the membrane lipids in the acrA mutant celland activities of DNA polymerase and other intramembranous enzymesare consequently inhibited. 1Present address: Osaka City Institute of Public Health andEnvironmental Sciences. Osaka 543, Japan. (Received January 28, 1983; Accepted November 15, 1983)  相似文献   

We examined the effect of various agents on the cell division of E. coli B(Smr) irradiated with ultraviolet (UV) light. It was found that the impaired cell division was reversed by one of various agents such as higher fatty acids, lower alcohols, terpineol, phenethyl alcohol, streptomycin, ribonuclease and EDTA. These agents, except RNase, showed the maximum activity of recovery just below a concentration causing a complete suppression of cell growth.  相似文献   

The correlation between 5-fluorouracil-induced resistance to ultraviolet (UV) light and the ability of bacterial cells to repair irradiation damage was investigated in various strains of Escherichia coli. Preincubation with 5-fluorouracil did not influence the dark-repair mechanism. It affected, however, the UV light-induced damage of cell division in filament-forming strains. It is suggested that the delay in postirradiation macromolecular synthesis of 5-fluorouracil-pretreated bacteria plays a decisive role in the recovery process leading to cross cell wall-forming ability in the damaged strains.  相似文献   

A bioinformatic analysis of nearly 400 genomes indicates that the overwhelming majority of bacteria possess homologs of the Escherichia coli proteins FtsL, FtsB, and FtsQ, three proteins essential for cell division in that bacterium. These three bitopic membrane proteins form a subcomplex in vivo, independent of the other cell division proteins. Here we analyze the domains of E. coli FtsL that are involved in the interaction with other cell division proteins and important for the assembly of the divisome. We show that FtsL, as we have found previously with FtsB, packs an enormous amount of information in its sequence for interactions with proteins upstream and downstream in the assembly pathway. Given their size, it is likely that the sole function of the complex of these two proteins is to act as a scaffold for divisome assembly.The division of an Escherichia coli cell into two daughter cells requires a complex of proteins, the divisome, to coordinate the constriction of the three layers of the Gram-negative cell envelope. In E. coli, there are 10 proteins known to be essential for cell division; in the absence of any one of these proteins, cells continue to elongate and to replicate and segregate their chromosomes but fail to divide (29). Numerous additional nonessential proteins have been identified that localize to midcell and assist in cell division (7-9, 20, 25, 34, 56, 59).A localization dependency pathway has been determined for the 10 essential division proteins (FtsZ→FtsA/ZipA→FtsK→FtsQ→FtsL/FtsB→FtsW→FtsI→FtsN), suggesting that the divisome assembles in a hierarchical manner (29). Based on this pathway, a given protein depends on the presence of all upstream proteins (to the left) for its localization and that protein is then required for the localization of the downstream division proteins (to the right). While the localization dependency pathway of cell division proteins suggests that a sequence of interactions is necessary for divisome formation, recent work using a variety of techniques reveals that a more complex web of interactions among these proteins is necessary for a functionally stable complex (6, 10, 19, 23, 24, 30-32, 40). While numerous interactions have been identified between division proteins, further work is needed to define which domains are involved and which interactions are necessary for assembly of the divisome.One subcomplex of the divisome, composed of the bitopic membrane proteins FtsB, FtsL, and FtsQ, appears to be the bridge between the predominantly cytoplasmic cell division proteins and the predominantly periplasmic cell division proteins (10). FtsB, FtsL, and FtsQ share a similar topology: short amino-terminal cytoplasmic domains and larger carboxy-terminal periplasmic domains. This tripartite complex can be divided further into a subcomplex of FtsB and FtsL, which forms in the absence of FtsQ and interacts with the downstream division proteins FtsW and FtsI in the absence of FtsQ (30). The presence of an FtsB/FtsL/FtsQ subcomplex appears to be evolutionarily conserved, as there is evidence that the homologs of FtsB, FtsL, and FtsQ in the Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Streptococcus pneumoniae also assemble into complexes (18, 52, 55).The assembly of the FtsB/FtsL/FtsQ complex is important for the stabilization and localization of one or more of its component proteins in both E. coli and B. subtilis (11, 16, 18, 33). In E. coli, FtsB and FtsL are codependent for their stabilization and for localization to midcell, while FtsQ does not require either FtsB or FtsL for its stabilization or localization to midcell (11, 33). Both FtsL and FtsB require FtsQ for localization to midcell, and in the absence of FtsQ the levels of full-length FtsB are significantly reduced (11, 33). The observed reduction in full-length FtsB levels that occurs in the absence of FtsQ or FtsL results from the degradation of the FtsB C terminus (33). However, the C-terminally degraded FtsB generated upon depletion of FtsQ can still interact with and stabilize FtsL (33).While a portion of the FtsB C terminus is dispensable for interaction with FtsL and for the recruitment of the downstream division proteins FtsW and FtsI, it is required for interaction with FtsQ (33). Correspondingly, the FtsQ C terminus also appears to be important for interaction with FtsB and FtsL (32, 61). The interaction between FtsB and FtsL appears to be mediated by the predicted coiled-coil motifs within the periplasmic domains of the two proteins, although only the membrane-proximal half of the FtsB coiled coil is necessary for interaction with FtsL (10, 32, 33). Additionally, the transmembrane domains of FtsB and FtsL are important for their interaction with each other, while the cytoplasmic domain of FtsL is not necessary for interaction with FtsB, which has only a short 3-amino-acid cytoplasmic domain (10, 33).In this study, we focused on the interaction domains of FtsL. We find that, as with FtsB, the C terminus of FtsL is required for the interaction of FtsQ with the FtsB/FtsL subcomplex while the cytoplasmic domain of FtsL is involved in recruitment of the downstream division proteins. Finally, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the presence of FtsB, FtsL, and FtsQ homologs among bacteria and find that the proteins of this complex are likely more widely distributed among bacteria than was previously thought.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, nine essential cell division proteins are known to localize to the division septum. FtsL is a 13-kDa bitopic membrane protein with a short cytoplasmic N-terminal domain, a membrane-spanning segment, and a periplasmic domain that has a repeated heptad motif characteristic of leucine zippers. Here, we identify the requirements for FtsL septal localization and function. We used green fluorescent protein fusions to FtsL proteins where domains of FtsL had been exchanged with analogous domains from either its Haemophilus influenzae homologue or the unrelated MalF protein to show that both the membrane-spanning segment and the periplasmic domain of FtsL are required for localization to the division site. Mutagenesis of the periplasmic heptad repeat motif severely impaired both localization and function as well as the ability of FtsL to drive the formation of sodium dodecyl sulfate-resistant multimers in vitro. These results are consistent with the predicted propensity of the FtsL periplasmic domain to adopt a coiled-coiled structure. This coiled-coil motif is conserved in all gram-negative and gram-positive FtsL homologues identified so far. Our data suggest that most of the FtsL molecule is a helical coiled coil involved in FtsL multimerization.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, FtsK is a large integral membrane protein that coordinates chromosome segregation and cell division. The N-terminal domain of FtsK (FtsKN) is essential for division, and the C terminus (FtsKC) is a well characterized DNA translocase. Although the function of FtsKN is unknown, it is suggested that FtsK acts as a checkpoint to ensure DNA is properly segregated before septation. This may occur through modulation of protein interactions between FtsKN and other division proteins in both the periplasm and cytoplasm; thus, a clear understanding of how FtsKN is positioned in the membrane is required to characterize these interactions. The membrane topology of FtsKN was initially determined using site-directed reporter fusions; however, questions regarding this topology persist. Here, we report a revised membrane topology generated by site-directed fluorescence labeling. The revised topology confirms the presence of four transmembrane segments and reveals a newly identified periplasmic loop between the third and fourth transmembrane domains. Within this loop, four residues were identified that, when mutated, resulted in the appearance of cellular voids. High resolution transmission electron microscopy of these voids showed asymmetric division of the cytoplasm in the absence of outer membrane invagination or visible cell wall ingrowth. This uncoupling reveals a novel role for FtsK in linking cell envelope septation events and yields further evidence for FtsK as a critical checkpoint of cell division. The revised topology of FtsKN also provides an important platform for future studies on essential interactions required for this process.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) produces the bundle-forming pilus (BFP), a type IV fimbria that has been implicated in virulence, autoaggregation, and localized adherence to epithelial cells. The bfpE gene is one of a cluster of bfp genes previously shown to encode functions that direct BFP biosynthesis. Here, we show that an EPEC strain carrying a nonpolar mutation in bfpE fails to autoaggregate, adhere to HEp-2 cells, or form BFP, thereby demonstrating that BfpE is required for BFP biogenesis. BfpE is a cytoplasmic membrane protein of the GspF family. To determine the membrane topology of BfpE, we fused bfpE derivatives containing 3' truncations and/or internal deletions to alkaline phosphatase and/or beta-galactosidase reporter genes, whose products are active only when localized to the periplasm or cytoplasm, respectively. In addition, we constructed BfpE sandwich fusions using a dual alkaline phosphatase/beta-galactosidase reporter cassette and analyzed BfpE deletion derivatives by sucrose density flotation gradient fractionation. The data from these analyses support a topology in which BfpE contains four hydrophobic transmembrane (TM) segments, a large cytoplasmic segment at its N terminus, and a large periplasmic segment near its C terminus. This topology is dramatically different from that of OutF, another member of the GspF family, which has three TM segments and is predominantly cytoplasmic. These findings provide a structural basis for predicting protein-protein interactions required for assembly of the BFP biogenesis machinery.  相似文献   

Inhibition of Escherichia coli Division by Protein X   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We propose that protein X provides the connection between damage to Escherichia coli DNA and inhibition of septation and cell division. This connection is needed to guarantee that each new bacterium receives a complete DNA copy. We present several new experiments here which demonstrate that the degree to which septation is inhibited following damage to DNA is correlated with the amount of protein X that is produced. Rifampin selectively blocks protein X production. This drug was shown to allow cells whose DNA had been damaged by nalidixic acid to resume septation. Several mutants formed septa-less filaments and also produced protein X at 42 degrees C; rifampin both inhibited their production of protein X and permitted them to form septa and divide. Essentially complementary results were obtained with a dnaA mutant which at 42 degrees C stopped making DNA, did not produce protein X, and continued to divide; added bleomycin degraded DNA, induced protein X, and inhibited septation. These results, as well as previous observations, are all consistent with the proposal that protein X is produced as a consequence of DNA damage and is an inhibitor of septation. We suggest that septation could require binding of a single-stranded region of DNA to a septum site in the membrane. Protein X could block this binding by combining with the DNA. This control could provide an emergency mechanism in addition to the usually proposed coordination in which completion of DNA synthesis creates a positive effector for a terminal step of septation. Or it could be the sole coordinating mechanism, even under unperturbed growth conditions.  相似文献   

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