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东北二代粘虫大发生机制:1978年个例分析   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
【目的】迁入我国东北地区的粘虫繁殖一代后,新羽化的成虫将外迁他地,但某些年份因某种特殊的天气过程而滞留当地,形成当地的2代种群并造成严重危害,如1978年。阐明种群滞留的关键因子和大发生种群的形成机制,是实现东北2代粘虫准确预测和及时防治的前提。【方法】根据东北三省的虫情资料,利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和WRF模式输出的大气背景场,对1978年东北地区粘虫蛾盛期的种群动态和迁飞过程进行逐日分析。【结果】(1)因副热带高压稳定偏北导致发蛾峰期东北地区盛行西南风,东北2代粘虫蛾无法向南回迁至关内华北地区,而是向北迁飞;(2)当年黑龙江2代粘虫大发生,其虫源是由当地1代羽化后在当地的存留或迁出成虫蛾又折返黑龙江以及辽宁与吉林两省2代成虫的迁入造成;(3)蛾峰期黑龙江上空气旋的频繁活动、强对流天气的持续出现以及丰富的降水是造成当地虫源滞留和迁入虫源降落与滞留的原因。【结论】东北1代粘虫蛾迁出期的西南大风和大范围强降水使大量迁出种群和过境种群集中滞留在三江平原而形成大发生种群,造成东北2代粘虫1978年在黑龙江的暴发。  相似文献   

【目的】考察粘虫Mythimna separata (Walker)秋季回迁过程,阐释粘虫在我国东部地区迁飞的周年循环,分析粘虫大发生的原因,提取粘虫暴发的预警参数。【方法】利用欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)的气象数据,分析9月份我国925hPa高度的迁飞场,用NOAAHYSPLIT平台模拟长岛2010-2013年间过境3代粘虫的回迁过程。【结果】9月份华北低空通常存在一个中心位于鲁西的冷高压,高压西侧的南向风和北侧的西向风导致秋季迁飞场环境不利于北方粘虫的秋季回迁而形成明显的Pied Piper效应。但在2011和2012年9月,冷高压中心明显偏西,我国东部北向风频次大大增加;轨迹分析表明,过境长岛的秋季回迁粘虫分别有20%(2011年)和5%(2012年)的迁飞日能回到30°N以南;北方粘虫成功回迁到越冬区的比率提高,为2012-2013年粘虫的暴发提供了相应的虫源基数。【结论】华北秋季的迁飞场以北向风和西向风为主而不利于粘虫的秋季回迁,只在9月冷高压偏西的年份,大陆东部盛行偏北风,粘虫成功回迁到南方越冬区的成功率较高,为翌年粘虫大发生种群的形成奠定虫源基础。因此,秋季高压中心的位置可作为翌年粘虫大发生的早期预警指标。  相似文献   

2002年我国华北三代粘虫大发生的虫源分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
潘蕾  翟保平 《生态学报》2009,29(11):6248-6256
华北平原地区三代粘虫的大发生是一小概率事件,对其虫源问题尚无确切回答.应用HYSPLIT 4.8轨迹分析平台对2002年华北平原地区三代粘虫主要迁入峰期进行轨迹回推以确定此次迁入的虫源区,同时对东北地区虫源在迁出期的去向进行了模拟;并运用GrADS气象图形软件对华北地区和东北地区迁飞期天气学背景和风场的时空分布进行了分析.结果表明:2002年华北平原地区大发生的三代粘虫主要虫源来自陕西、山西二省;东北地区虫源对本次华北平原地区的迁入无影响.  相似文献   

【目的】一代粘虫Mythimna separate(Walker)蛾大多在5月中旬至6月中旬集群外迁,而此时我国温带气旋活动较为频繁,由气旋活动引起的风场条件的变化会对一代粘虫的迁入区分布造成极大影响,因此阐明温带气旋对一代粘虫迁飞过程的影响是预测2代粘虫发生的重要前提。【方法】通过在江苏姜堰、安徽金安和山东宁津设立高空灯监测点,获取三地粘虫空中种群过境动态,结合WRF(Weather Research and Forecast)模式输出的精细风温场资料分析2015年温带气旋对一代粘虫迁飞的影响。【结果】2015年5月东亚反气旋频繁过境,一代粘虫在反气旋影响下多往西南和西北方向迁飞。6月上旬在东北低涡和蒙古气旋的影响下,一代粘虫可迁入东北地区为害。【结论】春夏之交频发的温带气旋是导致我国二代粘虫大范围为害的重要原因。  相似文献   

【目的】我国3代粘虫的种群构成还少有研究,华北3代粘虫的虫源问题也不清楚。为此,需厘清3代粘虫发生区的风场动态和迁出种群的去向,为明确各地的虫源关系提供依据。【方法】根据国家气象局的高空气象记录,分析高空风场;利用HYSPLIT平台模拟华北粘虫夏季迁出种群的迁飞轨迹和落点分布。【结果】在夏季风盛行的背景下,3代粘虫主要来自于与其发生区相邻的偏南地区(约占45%),如鲁东、苏皖鄂、浙北、赣北、湘北等;另一个主要来源是西北区(包括晋陕甘宁,约占10%)和华北北部(内蒙古及以北区域,约占7%);在某些年份,西南地区也会提供约6%的虫源。另外,还有约30%的虫源来自于发生区域内的相邻地方,属于当地前代滞留虫源的近距离迁飞;而东北区对华北3代粘虫的虫源构成则只有极微的贡献(约0.2%)。从山西和陕西起飞的1代成虫则主要是北迁,有将近30%的个体迁入了华北3代粘虫发生区,约23%迁入内蒙古及以北地区,还有约4%迁入西北的甘肃宁夏、约5%迁入东北区,另有27.5%的个体近距离迁飞落在本省境内。晋陕种群南向迁飞的比率不大,只有大约10%的个体迁入3代粘虫发生区的南邻区域。【结论】华北3代粘虫的暴发属于小概率事件,如此大范围的潜在虫源和如此局部的发生区,以及复杂的天气系统给我国华北地区3代粘虫的预测预警工作造成了极大的困难,需要研究部门与推广部门通力合作,做更多的实证研究和个例分析,逐渐深化对3代粘虫暴发机制的认识。  相似文献   

东北迁飞场对粘虫的Pied piper效应   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
【目的】我国2代粘虫的回迁过程和3代粘虫的种群构成还少有研究,东北与华北3代粘虫的虫源问题也不清楚。为此,需厘清2代粘虫发生区的风场动态和迁出种群的去向,明确东北粘虫夏季迁出种群与华北3代粘虫的虫源关系。【方法】根据国家气象信息中心的高空气象记录,统计东北和华北地区夏季各方位风向的频次和平均出现频率,利用HYSPLIT平台模拟东北粘虫夏季迁出种群的迁飞轨迹和落点分布。【结果】东北和华北地区7、8月的风向均以西南、南风为主且因气旋频繁过境而风向多变,不利于东北粘虫夏季种群回迁进入华北农作区;而对其迁出种群的轨迹模拟结果也表明,东北粘虫夏季种群能够进入华北的可能性极低:它们或迁入更北的无法生存的山区,或未能成功跨海而死亡,抑或迁入朝鲜半岛成为当地的虫源(同样无法越冬),还有一部分滞留东北地区继续为害一代后因气候原因死亡,而只有在极少数风向风速条件适宜的情况下才有可能进入河北。【结论】东北地区的夏季风场不利于东北粘虫的回迁,华北3代粘虫的种群构成与东北夏季种群几无关系,东北迁飞场表现出显著的Pied piper效应。  相似文献   

【目的】武陵山区白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera(Horváth)的频繁暴发,给当地的水稻生产造成了极其严重的损失,明确其大发生的机制,对于实现精细化异地预测和综合治理至关重要。【方法】用WRF模拟风温场,用HYSPLIT模拟迁飞轨迹,对武陵山区2007年白背飞虱多个灯诱高峰的虫源分布和降落机制进行不同尺度的模拟分析。【结果】(1)西南低空急流是武陵山区白背飞虱早期种群形成的首要条件,降水、低温屏障、下沉气流和地形阻隔是造成此次洪江早期种群大发生的主要原因。(2)2007年主害期,我国南方的大面积高温干旱天气刺激了白背飞虱的大量外迁,为武陵山区提供了更加充足的虫源;连续多日的降水致使迁入种群大量聚集降落,同时也使得本地外迁种群迁出受阻,从而造成了武陵山区白背飞虱种群的大发生。(3)地形引起的垂直涡旋等小气候变化是造成不同站点间迁入虫量差异的主要原因。【结论】西太平洋副热带高压所带来的西南暖湿气流与北方冷涡南下的冷气团常在武陵山区上空交汇,形成大范围长时间的强对流天气,加之该地区西南低涡的强辐合作用,从而造成了2007年武陵山区白背飞虱种群的大发生。  相似文献   

我国粘虫发生概况:60年回顾   总被引:13,自引:11,他引:13  
本文总结了我国1950—2013年粘虫Mythimna separata(Walker)发生、防治和损失概况,揭示了60余年中我国粘虫种群数量动态的演化规律。(1)南方地区越冬代种群发生年代间有波动,江淮1代发生区为害减轻,东北、华北、黄淮、西北和西南等2、3代发生区发生加重。(2)2代粘虫为发生最为广泛的1代,1995年以来粘虫主要危害作物已由小麦变为玉米。(3)寄主作物种植面积对种群数量总体变动起重要作用,气候条件影响年度间和区域间的种群波动和变化,农田生境影响小区域的发生危害程度。  相似文献   

皖西南的潜山地处白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera(Horváth)南北往返迁飞的转折点,既是北迁种群的迁入区,又是后期回迁种群形成的重要虫源区。解析此地白背飞虱种群发生的全过程,可为白背飞虱的异地预测和源头治理提供理论依据和技术支撑。本研究利用HYSPLIT轨迹分析平台和MICAPS天气分析系统模拟分析了潜山白背飞虱2009年6个迁入峰次的虫源地和迁入代种群的形成,又通过田间系统调查与雌虫卵巢系统解剖研究了2009年潜山白背飞虱田间发生动态和世代种群性质及回迁种群的形成。结果表明:(1)2009年潜山白背飞虱的迁入虫源6月上旬来自赣西及湘赣交界地区(27.2°N~28.7°N),6月中下旬来自湘南和湘东南地区(25.1°N~26.7°N),7月上旬和下旬来自湘东和赣西地区(27.1°N~28.5°N),7月中旬来自湘东南和赣南地区(25.5°N~26.8°N),7月底8月初来自赣北和赣西北(28.1°N~29.4°N)。(2)2009年潜山白背飞虱在中稻田和晚稻田滞留危害,发生危害期延长,为后期回迁提供了大量的虫源。(3)确定了潜山稻区的中稻田和双季晚稻田各发生世代的虫源性质。2009年,白背飞虱迁入种群在中稻上繁殖一个世代后,新羽化的成虫(第3代,7月下旬至8月中旬)因连续降雨而大量滞留本地继续为害中稻田,其后再迁入晚稻田危害并大量增殖,形成第4代(8月下旬至9月中旬)回迁种群大量南迁。此期仍有部分个体滞留,所形成的第5代为无效虫源。  相似文献   

东北地区草地螟1999年大发生的虫源分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
草地螟是我国北方重要的迁飞性害虫,对其虫源地及迁飞路线尚缺乏全面的认识。本文分析了1999年各地草地螟主要迁入峰期的天气学背景,并对风场的时空分布及草地螟迁飞轨迹进行了模拟。结果表明:1999年东北地区大发生的草地螟只有少部分来自以往认为的“主要发生基地”,其主要虫源来自蒙古共和国东部及中蒙边境地区;草地螟盛发期东北地区气旋性天气系统对草地螟的迁入和扩散有密切的关系,据此提出可将“东北低压”、“东北低涡”的发生、发展趋势与虫源地的情况结合起来作为监测草地螟迁入的预警指标。  相似文献   

谢国    李元明 《昆虫知识》1997,34(4):203-207
首先设定常年有一代粘虫发生的印度北部、云南省和我国江淮地区为云南省粘虫主害代(二代)的可能虫源地。然后,讨论各个可能虫源地一代粘虫发生量及迁出时期空中走廊气流方向和强度对云南省二代粘虫发生量的影响;分析云南二代粘虫迁入期与各个一代区成虫迁出期的对应关系。结果表明:云南二代粘虫虫源主要来自于江淮地区一代粘虫发生区;小部分来自于云南一代粘虫发生区,但其基数甚小,仅此成分不致造成对作物的危害;没有包含印度一代粘虫的成分。此结论在1994~1995年的异地测报应用中得到验证。  相似文献   

付玉娟  金泉  张志斌  张旭东  白伟桦 《生态学报》2021,41(22):9029-9038
为破解东北经济社会发展受水资源承载力刚性约束的迷局,以典型老工业基地辽宁本溪市为例,通过产业结构区位熵明确本溪市各产业在全国的发展水平,采用灰色关联度、结构协调度分析产业结构和用水结构的相关程度和协调程度,并通过结构偏差系数对各产业间和行业间的协调程度进行对比分析。结果表明:从2008-2017年,本溪市一产发展稳定,二产在经历过大幅下跌之后缓慢增长,三产在2016年之后成为本溪市的支柱产业;三大产业比例由2008年的0.06 ∶ 0.60 ∶ 0.34调整为2017年的0.06 ∶ 0.44 ∶ 0.50,曾经占主导优势的重工业及化工业都呈现下降趋势,产业结构发生转变。三大产业平均用水量比例由2008年的0.39 ∶ 0.59 ∶ 0.02 调整为2017年的0.41 ∶ 0.51 ∶ 0.07,总用水量减少了1/4以上;规模以上行业中,大部分行业的用水量随着产值的增加而增加,需要进一步转换生产工艺;产值最高的黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业从水资源高效利用角度可作为大力扶持发展的产业。行业生产规模比较大的黑色金属矿采选业、医药制造业、非金属矿物制品业和黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业等产业与用水的结构逐渐朝着均衡的状态发展,仍需要一定时间才能达到协调。  相似文献   

The last 10 years (1998–2007) were very productive and important in the study of early angiosperms in northeastern China. The new discoveries of the earliest well-documented records of angiosperms such as Archaefructus, as well as Hyrcantha decussata (= Sinocarpus decussatus), provided fresh knowledge for better understanding the primitive characters of the ancient angiosperms and also their aquatic (or wet) habitat and their herbaceous nature. Some new approaches such as the combination of molecular and morphological characters joined together to place Archaefructus in the angiosperm phylogenetic framework. These fossils demonstrate that we should expect more ancient angiosperms to be found in the pre-Cretaceous which will continue to add important new understanding to the nature of the origin and evolution of the angiosperms.  相似文献   

After a brief account of the findings of the project Longitudinal Study of the Second Generation in Spain (ILSEG), an eight-year-long project which constitutes the first representative study of the outcomes of children of immigrant during their adaptation process in Spain, some reflections concerning the results are shown. Firstly, implications for second generation of significant variations at the subnational level are discussed. Secondly, in spite of the partially optimistic results based on the project ILSEG, the paper considers whether certain groups of youth who become “racialized” or “ethnified” may find their pathways to economic mobility and assimilation blocked due to discrimination  相似文献   

Kadenbach B  Arnold S 《FEBS letters》1999,447(2-3):131-134
According to the chemosmotic hypothesis, ATP is synthesized in mitochondria, bacteria and chloroplasts via the proton motive force delta p, the energy-rich intermediate of electron transport and photosynthetic phosphorylation. The general applicability of the chemosmotic hypothesis, however, was disputed until present. In particular the relationship between the rate of respiration and delta p in mitochondria was found variable, depending on the experimental conditions. Recently, a new mechanism of respiratory control was found, based on binding of ATP or ADP to subunit IV of cytochrome c oxidase, which is independent of delta p and could explain many previous results contradicting the chemosmotic hypothesis.  相似文献   

The application of optical second harmonic generation (SHG) to the study of non-centrosymmetry in 71α-amino acids, 22 dipeptides, 6 tripeptides, 16 proteins, and 5 viruses is reported. Allα-amino acids exceptα-glycine, all peptides containing at least one enantiomericα-amino acid residue, and all proteins and viruses are found to be non-centrosymmetric. Of the 22 racemicα-amino acids investigated, 19 form centrosymmetric crystalline racemates. DL-alanine and DL-norleucine form non-centrosymmetric racemates whereas DL-glutamic acid does not form racemic crystals except when hydrated. These results lead us to suggest that non-centrosymmetry and its consequences (i.e., allowable piezoelectricity and possible pyroelectricity) is an essential and universal property of all biological systems. Furthermore, the concept of polarization homeostasis (i.e., biomolecules in vivo have a macroscopic equilibrium polarization in which the polarization ≠0) is proposed as a basic biological phenomenon and shown to be consistent with the dominance of one enantiomeric configuration ofα-amino acids in nature, natural selection and mutationally induced molecular diseases.  相似文献   

Remote acquisition of information on ecosystem dynamics is essential for conservation management, especially for the deep ocean. Soundscape offers unique opportunities to study the behavior of soniferous marine animals and their interactions with various noise-generating activities at a fine temporal resolution. However, the retrieval of soundscape information remains challenging owing to limitations in audio analysis techniques that are effective in the face of highly variable interfering sources. This study investigated the application of a seafloor acoustic observatory as a long-term platform for observing marine ecosystem dynamics through audio source separation. A source separation model based on the assumption of source-specific periodicity was used to factorize time-frequency representations of long-duration underwater recordings. With minimal supervision, the model learned to discriminate source-specific spectral features and prove to be effective in the separation of sounds made by cetaceans, soniferous fish, and abiotic sources from the deep-water soundscapes off northeastern Taiwan. Results revealed phenological differences among the sound sources and identified diurnal and seasonal interactions between cetaceans and soniferous fish. The application of clustering to source separation results generated a database featuring the diversity of soundscapes and revealed a compositional shift in clusters of cetacean vocalizations and fish choruses during diurnal and seasonal cycles. The source separation model enables the transformation of single-channel audio into multiple channels encoding the dynamics of biophony, geophony, and anthropophony, which are essential for characterizing the community of soniferous animals, quality of acoustic habitat, and their interactions. Our results demonstrated the application of source separation could facilitate acoustic diversity assessment, which is a crucial task in soundscape-based ecosystem monitoring. Future implementation of soundscape information retrieval in long-term marine observation networks will lead to the use of soundscapes as a new tool for conservation management in an increasingly noisy ocean.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To examine the mortality of second generation Irish living in England and Wales. DESIGN--Longitudinal study of 1% of the population of England and Wales (longitudinal study by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys (now the Office for National Statistics)) followed up from 1971 to 1989. SUBJECTS--3075 men and 3233 women aged 15 and over in 1971. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Age and sex specific standardised mortality ratios for all causes, cancers, coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, and injuries and poisonings. Deaths were also analysed by socioeconomic indicators. RESULTS--786 deaths were traced to men and 762 to women. At working ages (men, aged 15-64; women, 15-59) the mortality of men (standardised mortality ratio 126) and women (129) was significantly higher than that of all men and all women. At ages 15-44, relative disadvantages were even greater both for men (145) and for women (164). Mortality was raised for most major causes of death. Significant excess mortality from cancers was seen for men of working age (132) and for women aged 60 and over (122). At working ages mortality of the second generation Irish in every social class and in the categories of car access and housing tenure was higher than that of all men and all women in the corresponding categories. Adjusting for these socioeconomic indicators did not explain the excess mortality. CONCLUSION--Mortality of second generation Irish men and women was higher than that of all men and all women and for most major causes of death. While socioeconomic factors remain important, cultural and lifestyle factors are likely to contribute to this adverse mortality.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin: A mechanism for the generation of hydroxyl radicals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) reduces Fe(III) NTA aerobically to become methemoglobin (metHb) and Fe(II)NTA. These conditions are favorable for the generation via Fenton chemistry of the hydroxyl radical that was measured by HPLC using salicylate as a probe. The levels of hydroxyl radicals generated are a function of both the percent metHb formed and the chemical nature of the buffer. The rates of formation of both metHb and hydroxyl radicals were dependent upon the concentration of Fe(III)NTA. Of the buffers tested, HEPES was the most effective scavenger of hydroxyl radicals while the other buffers scavenged in the order: HEPES > Tris > MOPS > NaCl ≈ unbuffered. The addition of catalase to remove H202 or bathophenanthroline to chelate Fe(II) inhibited virtually all hydroxyl radical formation. Carbonyl formation from free radical oxidation of amino acids was found to be 0.1 mol/mol of hemoglobin. These experiments demonstrate the ability of hemoglobin to participate directly in the generation of hydroxyl radicals mediated by redox metals, and provide insight into potential oxidative damage from metals released into the blood during some pathologic disorders including iron overload.  相似文献   

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