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The maximal force and median frequency (MF) of the electromyogram (EMG) power density spectrum (PDS) have been compared in disused (6 weeks' immobilization) and control (contralateral) human adductor pollicis muscles during fatigue induced by voluntary or electrically-triggered (30 Hz) contractions. The results indicated that after 6 weeks' immobilization, MF was not significantly different in disused and control muscles although the force and integrated EMG were drastically reduced during a maximal voluntary contraction (MVC; by 55% and 45%, respectively, n = 8). During sustained 60 s MVC, the force decreased at the same rate in immobilized and control muscles, but the shift of MF towards lower frequency values was smaller (P less than 0.05) in disused muscle as compared to control by (14% vs 28%, respectively). In electrically-induced fatigue, the force decrease and the MF shift were larger after inactivity (41% and 43% in one subject, and 50% and 54% in the other subject, respectively) as compared to control (29% and 34% in one subject, and 37% and 38% in the other subject, respectively). These results emphasize the caution that should be exercised when EMG signals are quantified by computing the power density spectrum. The different effects of fatigue during voluntary and electrically-imposed contractions in disused and control muscles indicated that immobilization induced changes in the neural command for the contraction which compensated, at least in part, for its decreased contractile efficiency and resistance to fatigue.  相似文献   

An automatic procedure for detecting artifacts in the electromyogram (EMG) has been developed and applied to a study of respiratory muscle fatigue. Signal segments are characterized by a set of features, the normal variations of which have been estimated in a training session. From the features are calculated a classification variable, which expresses the degree of deviation from normal conditions. A deviation larger than a certain threshold value designates a segment as disturbed. The study deals with the choice of features, the selection of a suitable segment length, and the determination of an optimal classification threshold. The four features chosen include measures of amplitude symmetry, extreme excursions in the signal tracing, the signal-to-noise ratio, and the shape of the EMG power spectrum. Recordings from three subjects were used for the evaluation of the method. The results indicate that a segment length of 250 ms is appropriate. Accepting a 10% rate of false detections, the average rate of missed detections was 2.2%.  相似文献   

Diaphragmatic fatigue has been correlated with a change in the electromyogram recorded from the diaphragm (EMGdi), which suggests that the electromyogram is a potential clinical tool to detect respiratory muscle fatigue. Changes in the EMGdi have previously been quantified by using the power spectral parameters high-low ratio or mean frequency. In this study, we developed an autoregressive model of the EMG in an attempt to improve the analysis of the EMGdi. This model was tested on recordings of the EMGdi that were obtained from an esophageal electrode in five normal subjects breathing to fatigue through an inspiratory resistor. The data obtained from the autoregressive model were directly compared with data from the high-low ratio and mean frequency techniques. The autoregressive model showed an excellent correlation with mean frequency. Both techniques were superior to the high-low ratio measurement. Because the autoregressive model requires much less computation than mean frequency and can be easily implemented in real time on a minicomputer, we propose this as a preferable approach.  相似文献   

Endurance and changes in electromyogram (EMG) power spectra were investigated during a fatiguing static contraction at 50% of the maximum EMG amplitude in two jaw-elevator muscles (masseter and temporalis) and five facial muscles (frontalis, corrugator supercilii, zygomaticus major, orbicularis oris, and buccinator). Relatively high endurance was found in orbicularis oris, frontalis, and corrugator supercilii muscles; intermediate endurance was found in zygomaticus major, buccinator, and temporalis muscles; and low endurance was found in the masseter muscle. The last muscle showed a relatively fast linear decrease of the median frequency of the power spectrum. The other muscles showed a much slower, exponential decrease. The median frequency appeared to reflect reliably the changes in the shape of the power spectra during fatigue. Large differences between the shape of power spectra of different muscles in the unfatigued state were found. These, however, were unrelated to endurance and degree of spectral shift during fatigue.  相似文献   

The relationship between the surface electromyogram (SEMG) and force was examined during maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Isometric MVC of elbow flexors were studied in 18 subjects who performed 27 trials, each consisting of six MVCs lasting 45 s at intervals of 30 s. There was a decrease in the median frequency (Fm) of the SEMG and of the compound action potentials (CAP) during MVC. The CAPs demonstrated that the fall in Fm was associated with a proportional increase in signal power, whereas CAP amplitude did not decrease, indicating intact neuromuscular transmission. The SEMG root-mean-square amplitude remained fairly constant, progressively deviating from force with time of contraction (r = 0.40). When SEMG amplitude was corrected for the Fm change, it tracked force more closely (r = 0.68), indicating a fall in motoneuron drive during MVC. The corrected SEMG was used to calculate the change in the generalized firing rate of motoneurons. The firing rate decreased 60% in the first and sixth contractions, tracked force closely, and corresponded to the firing rate fall seen in late adaptation of motoneurons (r = 0.90, P less than 0.001).  相似文献   

Intramuscular pressure (IMP) reflects forces produced by a muscle. Age is one of the determinants of skeletal muscle performance. The present study aimed to test whether IMP mirrors known age-related muscular changes. We simultaneously measured the tibialis anterior (TA) IMP, compound muscle action potential (CMAP), and ankle torque in thirteen older adults (60–80 years old) in vivo by applying different stimulation intensities and frequencies. We found significant positive correlations between the stimulation intensity and IMP and CMAP. Increasing stimulation frequency caused ankle torque and IMP to increase. The electromechanical delay (EMD) (36 ms) was longer than the onset of IMP (IMPD) (29 ms). Compared to the previously published data collected from young adults (21–40 years old) in identical conditions, the TA CMAP and IMP of older adults at maximum intensity of stimulation were 23.8% and 39.6% lower, respectively. For different stimulation frequencies, CMAP, IMP, as well as ankle torque of older adults were 20.5%, 24.2%, and 13.2% lower, respectively. Surprisingly, the EMD did not exhibit any difference between young and older adults and the IMPD was consistent with the EMD. Data supporting the hypotheses suggest that IMP measurement is an indicator of muscle performance in older adults.  相似文献   

Respiratory muscle fatigue during cardiogenic shock   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Intramuscular fluid pressures were recorded in the vastus medialis of seven healthy male volunteers. Pressures were measured simultaneously at three different sites in the muscle by a catheter-tip transducer with extremely low volume-displacement characteristics and by two extracorporeal transducers connected to slit catheters. All three recording systems gave qualitatively similar results provided the catheters had inner diameters exceeding 0.53 mm and allowed measurement of pressures lasting as short as 1 s. Wick catheters yielded slower responses than slit catheters. At any position intramuscular fluid pressure increased linearly with force up to maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). However, slopes of these curves varied greatly mainly because the pressure was also a linear function of the distance from the fascia. The highest recorded pressure was 570 Torr. At prolonged submaximal contractions intramuscular fluid pressure oscillated independent of contraction force. The linearity of both the pressure-force relationship and the pressure-depth relationship is compatible with a simple model based on the law of Laplace because the muscle fibers are curved during contraction in this muscle. It is hypothesized that blood flow is first compromised deep in the muscle where pressure is highest and in general at lower stress or tension in short bulging muscles with great curvature of the fibers compared with long slender ones.  相似文献   

When using electromyographic techniques in the evaluation of muscular load it is necessary to determine the mathematical relationship between the torque and the amplitude of the electromyographic signal. Isometric gradually increasing contractions up to 100% MVC can then be used. Often more than linear increases for the amplitude (RMS)--force regression have been reported. The present study was designed to test whether changes in power spectral density function take place during a gradually increasing isometric contraction (duration 10 s). Twenty-two clinically healthy females performed an increasing isometric shoulder forward flexion for 10 s using an isokinetic dynamometer. Electromyographic activity was measured in trapezius, deltoid, infraspinatus and biceps brachii using surface electrodes. Mean torque values were determined together with mean power frequency (MPF) and root mean square values (RMS) from the EMG signals for each 256 ms period. The RMS-torque regressions showed higher regression coefficients during the 6th to 9th sec than during the first 5 s. No significant correlation existed between MPF for the four muscles and the torque. A gradual decrease in MPF was generally found from the 6th s. It is concluded that this decrease in power spectral density function might have contributed to the significantly higher regression coefficient for the RMS torque regression at the high output part of the gradually increasing isometric contraction.  相似文献   

Repetitive motion-induced fatigue not only alters local motion characteristics but also provokes global reorganization of movement. However, the three-dimensional (3D) characteristics of these reorganization patterns have never been documented in detail. The goal of this study was to assess the effects of repetitive reaching-induced arm fatigue on the whole-body, 3D biomechanical task characteristics. Healthy subjects (N = 14) stood and performed a continuous reaching task (RRT) between two targets placed at shoulder height to fatigue. Whole-body kinematic (Vicon©), kinetic (AMTI© force platforms) and electromyographic (EMG, Noraxon©) characteristics were recorded. Maximal voluntary isometric efforts (MVIE) of the shoulder and elbow were measured pre- and post-RRT. Post-RRT shoulder elevation MVIE was reduced by 4.9 ± 8.3% and trapezius EMG amplitude recorded during the RRT increased by 46.9 ± 49.9% from the first to last minute of the RRT, indicating that arm fatigue was effectively induced. During fatigued reaching, subjects elevated their shoulder (11.7 ± 10.5 mm) and decreased their average shoulder abduction angle by 8.3 ± 4.4°. These changes were accompanied by a lateral shift of the body’s center of mass towards the non-reaching arm. These findings suggest a compensatory strategy to decrease the load on the fatigued shoulder musculature.  相似文献   

Handgrip force (HF), maximal pinch force (MF), muscle endurance (ME), and the median power frequency (MdPF) of the activity shown in the electromyogram (EMG) were studied at various altitudes in eight normal healthy subjects. MF and ME were measured between the index finger and thumb, and all measurements were obtained at altitudes ranging from 610 to 4860 m during an expedition in the Qinghai Plateau in China. With the change in altitude HF, ME, and MF showed no significant change. Compared to the MdPF at 2260 m on ascent, the MdPF at other altitudes showed a significant decrease (P<0.01). Thus, we conclude that muscle performance (HF, MF, and ME) was not affected by the environment at high altitude. However, MdPF was affected and the mean MdPF at 610 m after the expedition did not recover to initial values of MdPF. We suggest these results may have been affected by fatigue and chronic exposure to the hypobaric hypoxic environment, since the members of the expedition party expressed feelings of sluggishness and fatigue after the expedition.  相似文献   

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